#🔥 Ride to Live - Live to Ride. { AESTHETIC }
CFWC FotW - April 9 - 15, 2023
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18+ = Adult/Mature Content 🔥 = Explicit Material/NSFW
What if She Survived | Stacy Green x M!MC - @korgbelmont
Hoppy Easter | Thomas Hunt x F!OC - @theartoflovingthomashunt
Knowing | Teppei Kaneko x OC - @lolablackwrites
Best Kept Secrets (Series) | Liam Rys x F!OC - @ao719 Chapter 12: What I Chose to Do 18+
Black Silk (Series) | Liam Rys x F!OC - @aussiegurl124 Chapter 1: Delilah 18+ Chapter 2: Dinner Chapter 3: Shopping
The Cordonian Arangment (Series) | Liam Rys, F!MC - @bebepac Where Do We Go From Here?
Costume Party | Maxwell Beaumont x MC - @harleybeaumont
Never Have I Ever (Series) | Bertrand Beaumont x MC - @harleybeaumont Chapter 7: Third Base Chapter 8: Can I Say?
The Notebook (Series) | Maxwell Beaumont x MC - @aesthetic-aag Chapter 4: Flashes
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sitp-recs · 2 years
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A Case of You by @epitomereally
Harry/Draco (2022, Explicit, 97k)
Draco was doing just fine working as an Unspeakable in Paris, hanging out with his living and ghostly pals, inventing new spells, and definitely not thinking about Potter. Then, Lucius just had to break out of prison and turn his world upside down. Now, Draco has to return to England, where he is forced to confront how family ties bind us—and one infuriatingly fit Harry Potter.
Potter grinned up at him, a flash of quicksilver. This wasn’t at all like Draco ever thought this would be like: Potter thinking he was good, Potter smiling at him, Potter laying his hand gently on him, Potter wanting him. It made him feel frantic and out of control. He didn’t know how to act at all; with Smith, it had been awful and desperate and mean. He suddenly felt, after Potter’s breakdown, that he couldn’t be awful or mean, not right now.
All hail the long fic king!!!! This 100k fic caught me completely off guard by how invested I felt in something this long (sadly not my usual these days) as Wireless got closed to wrapping up. It deserves a spotlight in my single recs for that feat alone but I also really really wanted to celebrate epitome’s first fic back in the fandom after 15 years (starting with a bang!!!) especially because I’ve seen her reccing many wonderful fics lately and it’s a thrill to have someone this talented around again! Before getting into it I also wanna link the amazing rec @romaine2424 did for this fic earlier this week, check it here!
Now, how could I resist this fic looking at those tags - case fic, break up/make up, Unspeakable Draco? Non-linear narrative? Blood magic? Joni Mitchell? Sign me up, please! I’m so so happy that I jumped right in because oh my goodness, what a delightful and thrilling ride this was! The way the author combines excellent plot with the slow unravel of Draco and Harry’s relationship is addictive and will keep you hooked from start to end, which is why I gotta say 97k felt shorter as I was devouring this. The tension building in both main plot and UST (hello casual sparring, this is every Drarry reader’s wet dream 🔥) is superb and a masterclass in anticipation while filling out the blanks about their complicated past with a dual narrative strategy.
I couldn’t decide which timeline I was more invested in, I just wanted to learn everything about this competent, bossy and mysterious Harry, so edgy 🤤 and this lovely redeemed Draco, fierce, stubborn, earnest, a great friend who’s learned how to own his life and decisions. Their voices are excellent, the chemistry is off the charts and absolutely scorching, I love how they work together on the case while dancing around their feelings, trying not to let it affect the investigation and team dynamics. Beyond the side relationships - in my opinion one of the major highlights in this fic, kudos to all those charming, nuanced and flawed characters - the Paris landscape and general descriptions make the fic so much more immersive! Draco’s life abroad jumps to life in the tiniest aesthetic details and I immediately fell in love with the OCs, not to mention Lucius’ plot line and house elves supremacy as a bonus! They’re so creative and charming, I had a lot of fun with these side stories.
On a separate note, I really really loved this take on break up/make up Drarry. Not only we got to see their Auror training and how their tentative friendship started fresh out of school, I think the author gave their relationship a very much appreciated depth and nuance throughout the years, showing why being pulled apart helped them grow more confident and allowed them to establish healthier relationships, and to learn how to trust each other in order to be properly together. No one’s at fault here, it just wasn’t the right time as both characters had to mature and become the men they are right now. It was an engaging and really refreshing approach to the whole enemies to lovers dynamic while keeping the tension very much alive and firing sparks, and I loved every minute of it!
Exciting plot, ultimate UST, masterful character building, delicious smut, and a heartwarming and earned happy ending. This is everything Drarry fans are looking for and some, a really well-crafted long fic that deserves all the love and appreciation for all it has accomplished. What are you waiting for? Happy readings!
Read on AO3
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burningexeter · 1 year
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Princess Mononoke, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood (along with The Sacred Star Of Milos), Baccano!, Black Lagoon, Monster, Wolf Children, Death Note, Summer Wars, Durarara!!/Durarara!! x2, Attack On Titan and Gangsta. are all set in the same shared universe as each other.
First off, to be most specific I'm referring to the animes. The english dubbed animes to be exact are the canon ones because they're just full-on 🔥 that it would be a huge disservice.
Second, the genesis for this theory is none other than Isaac and Miria's cameo appearance in Durarara!! and it got me thinking for fun could there be more. I know full well about the Naritaverse but that's the manga, I'm talking the anime.
As it turns out that there's surprisingly much more to this than you may think at just first glance —
Not only do all ten of these share very similar visual aesthetics but they also have incredibly brutal and visceral brutality, dark senses of humor that are used at the most appropriate times, storylines that keep on progressively building on each other more and more, they focus on unique and distinctive ensemble cast of characters with their own stand-out personalities and to top it all of, all ten of them are visceral thrill rides with plenty of no-holds-barred twist and turns that absolutely no one can see coming from a mile away. Each one are obviously set at different times but the most interesting one here is easily Attack On Titan.
How I see it is that AOT takes place in modern day post-Durarara!! x2, it just focuses on the Marley and Eldia conflict that the rest of the modern world have completely ostracized in absolute horror and disgust. It's then that the events of the series culminating in the Rumbling are what finally set things off with the U.S. government and others now taking full notice on both Marley and Eldia.
The universe that consists of these six is a world that's similar to ours except it's much more fantastical and violent. Other interesting details that I managed to come up with would be the following —
1). The entire cast of Baccano! are still alive to this day as they're all now immortals alongside Isaac and Miria and are now a street gang with government ties to them.
2). Since this is essentially an insane alternate history, I decided that it would make sense for this to be a world where every bad person gets their comeuppance or what they deserve. So real-life people like O.J., Trump, Cosby and even Jussie all got their brutal ends.
3). Even though he's dead, Kira's legacy still lives on as an underground following has developed with them looking to continue off where he left off.
4). There could potentially be more to this world, others that could in fact share the same universe but it's to show that there's way more going on in this 'Verse than just what's happening with these six. I would gladly include Where Eagles Dare, Overlord (2018), Breaking Bad and Sons Of Anarchy in here since they each would be able to fit perfectly.
5). Revy and Rock are currently now a married couple with three kids, the oldest is now heading off to college.
And that's just a mere few.
So give it a read and share your thoughts.
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nightswithkookmin · 2 years
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Never in a million years could I have imagined this day. I mean lets face it i was kinda hovering on that edge for a while now and some of you noticed 😕
No i didn't break up with my girl.
I'm going Solo for Jungkook 😭😭😭
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It's the pink for me. He kicked toxic masculinity right in the ass with this one and took Harry styles' spot in my cold gay heart🤧
Men wear pink and Jungkook looks so good in it. The aesthetics is mwah. Chefs kiss.
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Fuck. This whole sequence was sexy.
Never felt giddy excited in my hooha for a man before and here i I thought Jimin was the only one who had me in that chokehold.
Y'all saw the way he walked in right?? Whew the swag!!!!! Jeikei!!!!! He's so coooolll!
He's so main character i forgot Charlie was in the video for a sec💀
And his voice.... he really beat charlie puth?? He beat charlie and English is not his first language I'm sorry but that's talent right there I'm stanning. He killed his part and made it the whole song.
And Hobi😳😳😳😳
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What is he doing???
Am I the only one who thinks, damn you were hiding all this in BTS???
I have more on repeat and I'm not doing it for the numbers. I genuinely enjoy this song. He set the bar way high for whoever comes after him😭😭😭😭😭
Y'all know where I bought into his Solo right? When it dropped and he did his thang. Yiu know that thang he does that i like when he's on stage delivering- guys! I'M A HOBI SOLO TOO😭😭😭😭😭😭
He put out the most queerest MV I've ever seen and I've seen industry baby by lil nas x💀
When he held his neck like he's choking it triggered the bdsm hoe in me- I SAY MORE
THESE MEN ARE REALLY COOL. Love their swag and though i wasn't sure how I'd feel bout their Solo careers I'm kinda vibing with it.
Hobi's MV is well produced and they did him right with the budget. I'm used to the aggressive rap styles of Suga and on OT7 songs hearing Hobi's gentle almost musical singing style of rap after Suga or Namjoon's rough riding soothes me. I was waiting for him to hit me hard but it never came. I felt made love to not fucked. But the beat oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh chileeee okruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. I'm scared for the live performance of this. He's gon rock us wild incite violence in us🔥🔥
Hobi is a gentle lover musically speaking. You don't expect that kind of gentlelity when you look at him and his packaging. He raises his hand and you wimp in fear but he comes down to caress your cheeks and whisper in your ears.
He's the contrast between Suga and Namjoon. You don't expect any roughness and manhandling from Namjoon and Suga when you look at them but that's when they throw you and slam you hard into the ground when you least expect.
I want more of Hobi. I want this. This Hobi i mean. Solo Hobi. I'm excited butt quivering pussy throbbing excited for his entire Album.
Visuals. Check. Stage presence. Immaculate. What a performer. He understands the assignment. Not sure if his non aggressive rap style is his weakness or strength but it is what makes him unique. More is dope. Fire. If yall don't stream this song I'll hunt you down and tickle yall till you pee.
Stream the shit out of the music. You'd want to. It's good. Jungkook ate left right. These men are doing great and I'm kinda super excited to see this journey to the end too.
And here I thought I'd never be a Solo
Congrats Hobi and Jungkook. Y'all are amazing 😭😭😭😭🔥
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taechnological · 2 years
Ok this is a lot to write for what happened the past few days.
Taehyung's Veautiful photofolio is so dreamy! His horse riding really came in handy when he learnt it for his first act as an actor for hwarang. I remembered what I said to my friends, "I wonder if Tae will share a pics of him riding the horse?"... Forward 6 years later, BOOM HIS VEAUTIFUL PHOTOFOLIO?!
👁️👄👁️ He's so dreamy ajkekdhfdhjrh
Now Jimin collad with TAEYANG?! WHAT IS THIS?!? I PLAYED AND SANG EYES, NOSE & EYES WITH MY SIBLING AND 2 DAYS LATER... BOOM THE NEWS OF THEM COLLAD?!?! 👁️👄👁️ Jimin being Taeyang's biggest fanboy to sing along with his idol?! This is the best news as VIP and Army.
Watched a video where the Military sunbaes are really down for Jin. Now that's a big DILF Jin energy I/we live for. That guy said if he run into Jin, he would really be so damn proud of himself 🤣
Yoongi, Yoongi, Yoongi beethoven 👁️👄👁️ he's GORGEOUS?!? 🔥 I'm so curious what the pics he shared with us is for?
- 🌻 anon
hey! a lot happened indeed.... just like every other day in this fandom 😩
taehyung's photo folio! i guessed it was gonna be horse rider tae but he pulled out the whole 19th century aesthetics for it damn 🤩 OH AND THE JIMIN COLLAB NEWS the source is not reliable so we can't be sure BUT me and my army friend we were literally talking about superstar by taeyang the other day and the collab news dropped next morning we were both like SHDJSJSK??? crazy lmao
and oh the military men are already down bad for seokjin?? expected this lmao. i just hope he has a comfortable time there 🥺
and i'm not even gonna start on yoongi. i'm not. not no. he has done enough already 😩
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austennerdita2533 · 2 years
Hi! So if Jane Austen's heroines were alive today (and not fictional, lol), which ones do you think would be the biggest Taylor Swift fans? I know Marianne would cry along to her songs and analyze her lyrics as much as I do, lol. And I can totally see Emma organizing outings to Taylor Swift concerts. (Also, I'm rewatching Friends and while Rachel Green and I are very different people, I just know she would be a big Taylor fan, which partly explains why I love her ;))
Hello friend!! And omg, what a fun question to ponder!
You know, I think an argument could be made that most, if not all, of Austen's heroines (+some secondary characters, too!) would be Taylor Swift fans. Mostly because I feel like Jane Austen herself would be a ride or die Swiftie, so it's fitting some of her characters would be as well. :)
Marianne Dashwood would absolutely WEEP over the beauty of T-Swift's writing. She'd hone in on the metaphorical significance of lyrics; be all about the symbolism, the allusions, the themes. She'd deconstruct her vocal and instrumental choices. And she'd scream about how deeply the songs made her feel.
She'd be out there posting dramatic memes like this:
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(Also re: why do I get the sense that Marianne would romanticize Willoughby with a song like Enchanted? ☠️)
Elinor Dashwood would be more of a subdued fan, I think. A quieter one. She wouldn't blast Taylor's songs in the car necessarily, but rather, would listen to them from the privacy of her own headphones so no one else need hear her favorites. She'd like the poignant, introspective songs better than those that were the biggest hits. I could see The Story of Us fitting her and Edward's dynamic well.
Emma Woodhouse planning outings to concerts? HELL YES TO THAT. I also could envision her organizing listening parties before a new album dropped or even throwing parties for different T-Swift eras "just because" (1989, Speak Now, Fearless etc). Tell me she wouldn't love doing that! She'd have a whole vibe/color scheme with themed decor, food, and party favors, and of, course, would invite all of Highbury. Also, if someone expressed that they weren't a fan of Taylor's music, I could picture her being snobbish about it and judging them for having poor taste (which, obviously, they would 😂).
The Bennet sisters would all be big fans, too. The girls would probably all own/wear Swiftie merch, attend concerts together, and blast her music in the house at all hours. (This might be another reason why Mr. Bennet chooses to hide himself away in his library. He's soundproofed the walls, because dammit, he needs some peace and quiet!)
Lydia and Kitty would be overly invested in all the T-Swift gossip, especially the conspiracy theories regarding Taylor's dating life/exes. They would be focused on deducing which songs she did - or did - not write about whom. They'd also go totally feral over Harry Styles. No question about it. They might even go so far as to post blind items online about where Taylor's current lovers and/or exes have been seen recently, and with whom. As for Mary, I think she'd consider herself to be a more "serious" fangirl and have a whole YouTube channel or TikTok account that was comprised of carefully cultivated T-Swift covers. Jane would have a special fondness for Lover. (The song, in particular.) It fits her aesthetic: her pure heart and the way she loves--softly, sweetly, in shades of effervescent gold. And Lizzie, of any Austen character, is the likeliest to have or live out her own Reputation Era. She radiates "I Did Something Bad," Look What You Made Me Do," and "Delicate" energy without even trying. She ain't afraid to burn shit to the ground, Darcy's first proposal included. 🔥
Anne Elliot would be let herself be eviscerated by the album, Red. She'd listen to it over and over again and just let herself bleed with the memories of what was, of what could have been, with Wentworth. Tell me you can't imagine her sing-crying along to All Too Well (10 Minute Version) while she's draped morosely over her bed, alone, pining, well after 2 AM. Death by A Thousand Cuts is another song she'd play on a loop to wring her heart out. (My heart, my hips, my body, my love/Trying to find a part of me that you didn't touch") It fits thematically with her assertion that women love longest even "when existence or when hope is gone." 😭
Catherine Morland has a dreamy, fanciful quality about her and likes to lose herself in other people's stories more than she tends to stay grounded in her own. For that reason, I think she'd appreciate Folklore and Evermore a lot. The songs in those albums double as short stories and character studies so I think she'd love submerging herself in the narrative richness and intimacy they provide because it's like getting a first-hand glimpse into another world, into somebody else's life.
Fanny Price, though timid, is an incredibly self-aware character who knows she's jealous of Mary Crawford because she has managed to secure Edmund's romantic interest/attachment. If there is any song she would relate to most in sentiment, it'd probably be You Belong With Me. She'd never convey that out loud, though. Never admit it. Least of all to Edmund, the man she's loved and pined for in secret her whole life. It's not her way. She's resigned herself to admiring him from a distance, which would make her affinity for that song much sadder and heartbreaking, in my opinion.
Anyway, wow! I did not mean to drone on so much about this but once I got going I couldn't seem to stop. 🙃
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I really do need to look at the Age of Sigmar lore---and by "look" I actually mean "dive headfirst into the deep-end like I did with Fantasy lore videos on Youtube"
All I know currently is "Archaon rides King Gidorah, Nagash absolutely fucks aesthetically and there's mortal peasants living in the shadows of actual gods"
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lale-txt · 2 years
🍆 online dating headcanons: Whitebeard pirates
a/n: i've had the idea for those on an endless long train ride where the person in front of my swiped heavily through Tinder and Grindr and i saw it all. told @cyborg-franky about it and we took the idea and ran with it because let's admit it, they would all have very wild and chaotic profiles. will do other crews too, because they were so fun!
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he would censor his profile picture with a strategically placed fire emoji 🔥 except that it‘s not an emoji but literally body parts of him on fire
uses every dating app possible. chances are high you will match him on 11 different apps but you never talk
“if you have daddy issues…. damn me too, let’s talk”
he would lie about his age but in a very obvious way
sure, everyone would believe this little twink firecracker is a man in his mid fifties, gotta serve the dilf connoisseurs too
will get pissed and block them though when they let him know he looks like a younger version of his dad (they would know)
he has the lesbian dating mindset and is willing to travel for a promising coffee date
"sexypiratethot69 is 3615 km away" "pops can we do a small detour?"
his picture is him naked with a strategically placed pineapple
a delight to match, he is easy to connect with, fun to talk to, willing to send a nude if it’s consensual, good dirty talker
will probably ghost you though
not with intention but by accident because he’ll forget the password to his phone
and let’s be honest, he does need a password protected phone with all those little mischievous men around him
he never forgot the one time Ace and Thatch matched him with a particular silver fox who lives on Sabaody Archipelago
things got awkward when they scheduled a video call and the boys thought a pineapple with sunglasses and a voice distorter could do the trick
it didn’t
lots and lots of aesthetically pleasing thirst traps, candles in the background, playing with light and angles
god you don’t know if you want to match him or be him
everyone uses Izou‘s photos to catfish
which leads to Thatch and Vista having a very awkward first date
maybe a second one, too
maybe they kiss
maybe they get married
maybe Izou murders
maybe Izou matches them all and invites them to a battle royal
Marco: "do you think maybe you went to far?"
he gets bitchslapped, then both of them go on a date and Marco has to pay for everything
as they return the battle is still going on
Marco & Izou would be sipping wine and watch the chaos, perfect date night
his profile picture is either him standing naked in his kitchen OR in an apron that looks like a naked chest
maybe also a "kiss the cook" apron
you know those pictures on dating profiles where men hold up dead fish for reasons no one understands?
he would do the same but ask Marco to play dead as a phoenix
lifts him up by the ankle
will send you baguette emojis 🥖 instead of the regular old aubergine
he is very good at sexting
seriously, what a flirt
all the foodies on the Grand Line match him, thirsting for a bite of those thick, juicy buns of his
i would seriously cry if he didn’t match me
will block you if you ask him if he ate the fucking fruit
his picture is him naked with a strategically placed boat
an old marine boat probably
Marco had to take the picture from up in the air (see you in therapy blue birb)
just imagine your parent on any dating app
they might not be the best with technology but they are shameless
he is open to send the uncensored version of his profile picture if it’s consensual, the reactions to that give him so much life
he would not shy away to tell everyone about his new matches over dinner, leaving everyone with their mouths open by the amount of matches he got
”the magic trick is adding your height in your bio. your dick size too”
everyone (including you) is now thinking about that old marine boat and what was underneath it
don’t be shy, just swipe right on him, you won’t regret it
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to shed one's skin is divine intention (outline)
(plz excuse how very fuckin messy and unrefined this is compared to my usual outlines, I'm feeling lazy)
• boba evolving
• no one knows wtf he is beyond "lizard? man. ??"
• develops vent & gator dick
• develops spare arms
• oh hello tail
• clubbed tail
• mythosaur endgame ftw
• profit
• identification attempts->"on aesthetics alone I’m going to say kadri'ra, star dragons don’t look quite….. Pointy enough? To fit Boba"
• Din goes on a quest to find the living waters of Mandalore because he's having Existential Cultural Feels and/or Adenn is pushing them to go for Goo Reasons and when Boba steps in it triggers the final mythosaur transformation? or, in prep for their quest and doing research, they find reference to Mando Myths, including The Evolution of Mand'alor The Scaly (😆) and more abt mythosaurs, etc etc and go " hmmmm this sounds familiar"
• Din gets to make all kinds of jokes about being the first mandalorian in generations to ride a mythosaur
• 🤣😂 Paz calls dibs on second "ride" 😉🔥
• the armorer: 😑 nothing is sacred anymore
• Yes but can we please have Boba complaining he's sore the morning after and maybe his recollect of events is just a /little/ foggy?
• Paz and Din: wow you were amazing and I won't walk straight for a month
• Boba: That's... good. (as soon as they leave the room) Fennec, what happened?
• Fennec: I recorded everything, you can watch it after breakfast.
• it's not even that weird for him bc he gets Major Brain Fog when he evolves bc the lizard hindbrain just kicks in and takes over. he /is/ surprised by the fact that it turns out he's a mythosaur
• Boba wakes up->Paz and Din are like "thx anyway imma sleep more" and cuddle up together when Boba climbs out of bed->finds Fennec at the breakfast table going over Crime Business and drinking caf->ask wtf happened /this time/
• Boba has a tiny existential crisis 'I'm just a clone, I'm not worthy of being a mythosaur, how is this even possible, etc.' until the others fuck some sense into him.
• Din: 'I will only ride you when you say good positive affirmative things about yourself'.
"No blowjobs til you say 5 nice things about yourself!" Dintherapy.
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pinespittinink · 2 years
for ariel: 🔥🚲🎁 / for morgan: 🏊💐🌱 / for titus: 🎭💥🕷️ / for seonghwa: ✂️💢🙉
// ARIEL : the great glavenisean theater \\
🔥 FIRE - do they have any self destructive tendencies? what habits do they have that hinder them from becoming their best self?
Does generating a time loop and refusing to distance themself properly from Zachary count?
Morgan would say that Ariel is incapable of moving on, that she's stagnated. She doesn't socialize much with the rest of the theater, not in a way they can perceive to be very genuine, and it distances her from the rest of them.
🚲 BICYCLE - can they ride a bike? what do they remember from learning to ride a bicycle?
Ariel can ride a bike! There are actually a few of them hanging around in the theater that people ride around from time to time, both the kids of the house and the adults. Ariel has had to ride one for a show before, and he enjoys it really. Looks very elegant doing it too. If they can recall, they took to it rather immediately, like a duck to water.
🎁 PRESENT - what types of presents would they be most happy to receive? are they good at gift giving?
Ariel isn't the type to give gifts, except to Zachary on his birthday. They also don't really care to receive them from others but they'll accept them gracefully to avoid any slight or upset; you'd never know it was unwanted.
Is Ariel good at gift giving though? That's debatable. Zachary likes whatever they receive from them though, whether its a box of toffees or lotion for the callouses on his hands, or a flower from the portal.
// MORGAN : the great glavenisean theater \\
🏊 SWIMMING - can they swim? or are they afraid of water? how well do they swim? how do they feel about swimming in the ocean?
Morgan is not a fan of swimming (i.e. he can't). He doesn't come from a wealthy family, and they lived out in the middle of the midwest where there are nothing but plains and prairies as far as the eye can see. He didn't exactly frequent a local swimming pool. If someone asked him to swim in the ocean he would Stare at them. (Actually he would probably hate the beach point blank. Sand....)
💐 BOUQUET - create a bouqet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite?
Peonies, irises, roses, pansies, ranunculus, lilies. Very bright and colorful, jewel-toned specifically. These speak mostly for aesthetics-- roses and lilies for opulence and elegance, iris spears for Morgan’s more pointed and straightforward personality, ranunculus and peonies for their layers and floaty petals, like skirts and dresses, pansies for his roots, as they grew around his home and hang in baskets throughout the city.
🌱 SEEDLING - what is their most vivid memory from childhood?
It's a very early memory too; there was a cicada summer when he was a child, and Morgan remembers being on the front porch one early evening, the fireflies glowing in the yard. A storm front was rolling in, and as the first roll of thunder cracked and boomed, it completely drowned out the cicadas, and they fell completely silent in the beat of quiet afterwards.
// TITUS : in the deep of the trees \\
🎭 MASKS - do they act differently around certain people? what's different between the way they act around friends, family, strangers, etc.?
Titus has a veneer of courtesy and calm, collected elegance with everyone he speaks to, particularly dialing this up for Lialaci, the High Chancellor. He is sharper and darker and more overtly duplicitous with Sahil and Yelena, the Left Hand of the Heartwood and his competition, as they have antagonistic relationships.
With Sabine, of course, he is the truest version of himself. Flawed, quick to anger and transparent in how it affects him, and more honest and open than the truest word that meets anyone else's ears.
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
Titus's temper is ingrained in him as a problem, but he also has issues with empathy. He's apathetic more often than not, without care for the plights of others. Shame doesn't sit well on him at all. He tries to shake it off and knife it upon other people, as it makes him feel lesser, which he despises.
🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
In a way, the deep is Titus's greatest fear. The unknown is a great fear of his, and the deep is the greatest unknown both within Palatruza and beyond. A lot of what drives Titus's ambition within the court is to have the reach to eliminate the unknown, to send others to traverse the deep and map their opposition.
He has an irrational fear of spiders, as well as fish eyes. They freak him out.
// SEONGHWA : the great glavenisean theater \\
✂️ SCISSORS - what is the "last straw" for them to cut someone out of their life? how easily do they let go of people?
Seonghwa can handle people disrespecting him. What sits worse with him is people disrespecting others around him; he doesn't like discourtesy and crassness especially. He won't hang around in an abusive situation; he knows and values himself enough to take care of himself that way. He's definitely had stalkers at the theater before, and isn't reticent about taking action to ban them and maintain his own safety and comfort.
💢 ANGER - what are some habits they have that will take some getting used to?
Seonghwa's most irritating little habit is that he makes little messes of things as though he expects it to be taken care of by others (see: dropping orange peels on the ground by his shoes at the afterparty). However, he does pick up after himself most of the time. He helps himself to other's food without asking, though that is pretty common backstage already.
Morgan thinks the most irritating thing about him is that Seonghwa will poke people with his bare toes, and that everyone loves him too much to ever give him a talking to.
🙉 HEAR-NO-EVIL - what is the worse thing your oc could hear from someone?
He can't stand remarks that he's trying gain anything as base and simple as money and sex from his boyfriend, Travis. It's part of why Seonghwa keeps his own apartment in the artist's alley. It's very important to him that he makes his own way in the world, beyond his shitty parents and in a city where an actor doesn't make a tremendous income. If anyone were to discredit that, as though he's seeking hand outs, it's the nearest thing that would upset and anger him.
{🌿 oc emoji asks 🌿 }
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rosemaze-reveries · 3 years
His ideal date ♡
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🌹 Riddle - The rose garden. A spot of tea, some scones, the sweet fragrance of roses perfuming the air, and you for company. What more could he want?
♥ Ace - A theme park. Rides, carnival games, junk foods galore—he has a childlike twinkle in his eyes when he’s running around having the time of his life.
♠ Deuce - The city at night. He loves the idea of taking you for a Magical Wheel ride when the city’s lit up in every color imaginable.
♣ Trey - Romantic dinner. A bit basic, maybe, but he finds it sweet and intimate to take you out to a restaurant you both would love.
♦ Cater - Aesthetic pop-up museum. Somewhere bright and colorful where he can have a super cute two-shot photoshoot with you.
😸 Chenya - A maze. This way or that way? He loves the thrill of not knowing where you’ll end up, or if you’ll ever get to where you need to be.
🦁 Leona - Staying home. Why would he bother going anywhere if the two of you could just stay home and sleep instead?
🐆 Ruggie - He would never admit it, but he’s always wanted to see what it’d feel like to dine in a classy restaurant with a butler-like waiter tending to him and his s/o. Realistically, though, dates themselves don’t matter much to Ruggie. As long as it doesn’t impact his wallet much 💦
🐺 Jack - “Whatever you wanna do.” He’s not good at making plans (or being romantic in general), so if you go on a date together, he’d prefer it if you picked it out. But if he absolutely had to pick… maybe going to a professional magift game.
🐙 Azul - A gondola cruise. Azul loves to impress; he’ll show you some of the most beautiful sceneries around the Coral Sea that not many know exist.
🐬 Jade - An aquarium. The dark, serene atmosphere of the aquarium puts him at ease, plus looking at the terrariums of each exhibit is a major interest of his.
🦈 Floyd - The beach. Cake by the ocean He’d get very passionate while playing beach volleyball, and if you made sandcastles he’d also want to bury you in the sand (promising he “just wants to sculpt out a mermaid tail”). At one point, he’d transform into his eel merform, and when the sun sets at the end of the date, you could watch it while sitting on a bodyboard out in the water, as his elbows rest on the free space of it beside you.
☀ Kalim - A festival. Live music and dancing, eclectic food vendors and overall vibrant energy pulsing through the crowds—this type of atmosphere has always been his favorite.
🐍 Jamil - Early morning coffee shop. Most of his days are filled with busywork and trying to keep up with all of Kalim’s antics, but coffee shops are relatively quiet. The mixed aromas of coffee and baked goods, along with the sound of clattering dishes makes for a relaxing atmosphere too.
👑 Vil - Upscale couples’ spa. Let yourselves unwind in a rejuvenating massage treatment complete with aromatherapy, hot stones, and ending with gentle mani-pedis. 🌺💧
🍎 Epel - An apple orchard. Apples have always been a comfort for him, and going apple-picking feels different when it’s not your own farm. Maybe you could try carving them afterwards too.
🏹 Rook - Shopping mall. Giving his input on your beauty while you’re out looking for clothes is definitely one of his favorite things to do. Besides, he does have an eye for beauty and can give solid advice.
💀 Idia - Game night! Flick off the lights and whip out the snacks & controllers. He’d want nothing more than to play videogames in the comfort of his bedroom.
🔥 Ortho - His ideal “date” would be going anywhere with Idia, out in the actual world and not cooped up inside. (But you can come too if you want!)
🐲 Malleus - A day trip to a historic castle, preferably one with many unique gargoyles lining the rooftops. On the way back, he’d like to stop for some ice cream.
🦇 Lilia - A gaming convention sounds fun to him. Maybe he’d get passionate watching some live tournaments (or try to add himself to the lineup so he could go up against the pros).
⚔ Silver - He’s never thought about anything romantic before… He wouldn’t know what to say. A restaurant seems like the standard. He’s always been curious about spinning wheels - he might suggest taking lessons together. (Just make sure he doesn’t doze off and accidentally prick his finger).
⚡ Sebek - The bookstore. As loud as he is, he does love the quiet and studious atmosphere of a bookstore or library during his off-time. Plus he’s genuinely interested in hearing your recommendations / seeing your taste in novels.
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99liners · 3 years
About liberosis- I loved this! Like wow!! Was this a crazy crazy ride!! I loved every second of it. I am still processing how damn freaking gooooooooooood it was!!!!! Totally worth canceling my man over, lol 😆❤️
Now my two cents- First off who came up with the idea of yoongi smoking? Cause he looked fucking hot in my imagination! I imagined it to be kind off like the scene in gangster squad where Ryan smokes after the wild night with Emma. In case you don’t know, this is what I am talking about-
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Also yoongi in general, the way it’s been written is freaking hot!! I never realized how bad we needed lawyer yoongi in life!! 🔥🔥🔥
And can we take a second to discuss the party scene!! Like woo hoo- it’s so refreshing to me to see all the girls just so skillfully bitching about their husbands. There is something so heart warming about it. Made me wanna call up my girls and have an adult sleepover with them.
About inaya not drinking, I strongly think that either it’s that She is already pregnant (I feel some strong ass vibe for forced pregnancy) or Jin is tryna knock her up- because women do stop drinking to increase fertility- and is basically forcing her into not drinking 👀 I wonder what is it 🤔
And in the beginning I sort of felt a little bad for Yoongi, I mean he lost his parents and is living with guilt of it. But the AUDACITY OF LIL SHIT TO TREAT HIS WIFE THE WAY HE DID!!!!!!!! Having a messed up past is no excuse to be an arse- especially as big as yoongi is. 😶🙃
And alas- that sex scene- ITS HOT IN HERE PEOPLE!!! 🔥🥵🥵 And his wife is so damn bold- GET THAT DICK GIRL!!! Yass queen!!!
Overall- another fine as fuck piece of writing by the in house legend- Ms. Jaimie ❤️‍🔥✨😘
Yeah girl!! You rule boo ❤️❤️
it wasn't exactly an idea,,, it just came naturally? xD
i don't think i know many lawyers who don't smoke. almost every lawyer i know smokes — idk if they do it for aesthetic or whatever but they claim they smoke cause of the pressure which is 100% true. the workload and pressure is top tier in this field, irrespective if you are a junior lawyer or the owner of a law firm. and the pressure literally never goes away.
also that scene from the movie is literally what i had mind while writing,,, and i have never even watched the movie
again, i am not saying a word about aphotic (❁´◡`❁)
i think i felt bad for him too while writing,,, most of the parts of the story were not pre-decided. i winged almost all of the plot based around the contractual marriage thingy and i tried to imagine how would a person feel knowing that they got their parents killed cause of their good deeds. some people find closure and move on, others don't (basically with every situation in life) and yoongi is one of those who choose the latter. he becomes bitter knowing all well that he can't do shit to bring his parents back yet he chooses to be like this.
yeah, shiza is v bold,,, tanaz and shiza are the same league for our dear tsunderes.
thank you so much !!! <333 nothing makes me happier than seeing that you all enjoyed it <333
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