#📉 anon
reaperoftheseas · 5 days
Very! Very. I don't know why they lie! And sometimes they just outright ignore me! I feel like a ghost sometimes! No offense.
"None taken. An' I'm sure you'll find the right sort o' people who won't treat ya like that someday."
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lucky-cat-anon · 2 days
i dont want to ask too much,, but ive heard you make really good tea. would you make me some ?
-🖋️🌱🐾 ( Denali the Tanuki! )
*She perks up, looking a bit dumb founded as the last animal who drank the tea was... She quickly searches something up on her phone before smiling.*
Of course, of course! Pardon my manners! Have a seat and I'll brew you up a cup! :)
*She motions to a fancy little table with another person/anon just idly sitting there.*
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m1d-45 · 1 year
hi i have more idea ( ・ิω・ิ)
i am writing this at 4am so apologies for the holes but anyway
so i've seen a few fics where the creator grants someone's wish or cures someone's illness or something as proof of their divinity
what if we flipped it around though? it is often expressed in fiction that divine intervention offsets the natural order of the universe. thus, i bring you this:
creator!reader arriving in teyvat first and being recognized and placed on the throne.
however, as much as it pains you to do it, you must strictly abide by one single rule: god must not meddle in the affairs of mortals.
prayers go unheard, pleas unanswered.
one day, a being who bears a striking resemblance to the creator emerges from seemingly out of nowhere, granting wishes left and right.
suddenly farmers are seeing healthier crops, clinics finding themselves empty.
you're skeptical. suspicious. not just anyone is capable of such a feat. just who is this person—no, entity?
the divine call it an abuse of power. mortals call it a miracle.
people begin to question the validity of your identity. why is it that this mysterious being who, unfortunately for you, happens to look exactly like you holds so much power that they've never seen you demonstrate?
naturally, people's faith in you begin to waver.
for all they know, you could be a fake. masquerading as their god to gain their adoration and devotion.
and eventually your very own people begin to turn on you.
- death loop anon
ohhh, that’s interesting!
gods don’t intervene with mortal affairs, after all, and the idea of reader being like “you want them? fine.” and then promptly fucking off to like sumeru to play w the aranara is hilarious.
after all, their creator is a benevolent god, right? they should heal the ill and cure disease, not just sit there, right?
(they would have died anyway, your healing would have just prolonged the inevitable. better to die naturally than be suspended by the divine, less human than you were before.)
and this new ‘god,’ they fit the bill so much better! deeply intertwined with the people of teyvat (can’t you see it’s manipulation?) and (seemingly) emotionally invested, outright hostile towards you for your callousness and aloof nature.
(they’ll find out. they’ll know eventually. those they’ve cured are alive by corruption, taking a poison as a cure.)
but what do you know, right? you’re just the god of all, just the one that created the disease your people suffer from. what do you know of medicine or society, you who have crafted those very concepts by hand? what do you know of empathy or compassion, you who gifted humans with this ability eons ago?
what do you know, you who leaves in exile, you who hardly puts up a fight—and surely never cared at all?
the archons beg you to stay, not to leave them under the jurisdiction of whatever that is that’s wearing your face, but you wave them off with a smile.
“i’ll return,” you promise, hand twitching slightly as yet another of your beloved creations falls to the fraud’s toxins. “they are unsustainable.”
“then why not stop them now? why not prove your point and make your move first, why let the world suffer?”
“isn’t this what they wanted? who am i, to say what they need, hm? i am no dictator. i am not both judge and jury, nor executioner. if the people cry for a slow death, then i will not deny them.”
“please, divine one… you know as well as us that they are misguided. give us time-“
“to do what, barbatos? we have tried to convince the people of the truth. if they turn a blind eye to the long-term in favor of short moments of bliss, then… well, then i suppose that’s a fault in my design.”
“do not blame yourself for their fallacies-“
“i’m not. i’m just a bit disappointed they haven’t put it together yet. humans are bright people, and yet so… is egotistic the word?”
“no, not selfish… ah, no matter. this will be resolved within a millennium, of this you have my word.”
“…and if it isn’t?”
“then i will intervene myself. you have nothing to fear.”
“my god…”
“all will be well in the end, kusanali. i will not forget this promise. if the imposter isn’t driven out of the people’s accord, then i shall do so myself.”
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xannerz · 3 months
Hi I just wanna say thank you so much for your Tangled Hector art, you're the only one keeping the weird old sexy man flame alive in this fandom
!!! thank you sm, anon 🥺💖 this fandom is v small and quiet these days so your message is rly encouraging!!
i'd honestly thank @pennumbra - her hector art/takes rewired my brain and if it weren't for her i most likely would have migrated from this fandom years ago (hi ilu bb LMAO)
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mistressemmedi · 4 months
Every time either Lewis or Nico bring up karting in Italy and reveal a little bit more lore, I go ever so slightly insane. Like Lewis always basically saying it was the some of the best times of his life, esp given everything that’s happened since, has me so emo.
Brocedes makes me insane on a molecular level to begin with, so there's that
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godnectar · 10 months
Your anons never fail to surprise me 😭
atp idk how y'all still get surprised 😭
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httpiastri · 3 months
i hate formula 2 after austrian gp feature race, it's sucks
😶😶 life will never be as good as it was last saturday
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taegularities · 1 year
CMI couple are so beautiful ❤️ this chapter was so beautiful written as always ❤️ & the smut was perfect as well 🥹❤️ I’m glad he was able to open up, the trust they have for each other gosh 🥹❤️
they're my babies fr, my gorgeous sappy lil dorks 🥺 thank you for reading and enjoying it, lovely.. so baffling that you guys are actually liking that smut :') tysm, you're a sweetheart <333
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oddinary4bts · 1 year
I’ve really enjoyed reading TFS, and will definitely read the sequel as well, but I do have to say that knowing they are going to break up at some point kind of spoils the current story a little bit 😕
I’m glad you enjoyed!🫶🏼 And yeah I waited until after last chapter to discuss the sequel, and only decided to do it bc lots of people asked for it😕 I’m sorry it spoiled the current story for you.. the goal with the sequel was for you guys to have more of them, and just writing fluff is not really my type ya know??
I’m sorry…
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reaperoftheseas · 5 days
Sometimes people tell me they'd miss me and then they forget me
"That... sounds miserable."
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lucky-cat-anon · 2 days
throws a glass tea kettle at you, it shatters, but it doesn’t hurt as much as shattering glass usually would
they run away, trip, and stumble back in their feet, before running away again
- callout anon 📣❌
*She scowls as the glass tea kettle shatters. Some glass cutting into her skin, but in place of blood, mushrooms sprouts.*
You... Insolent little fool. I will RIP your skin off your body, TEAR into your flesh with my BARE TEETH, YOU STUPID LITTLE BITCH! GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE AND NEVER RETURN! Tanga tanga...
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xiaoluclair · 1 year
you are a sweetheart and you see good in almost all pairings i guess, but your soft spot is by whom? Sorry I can't contain my curiosity
asking me this after i giffed that oscar/alex interview... making me toe a line, nonsie!
that being said, you can pry lestappen from my cold dead hands. and even then good luck.
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heymrspatel · 2 years
Obsessed how you can just tell Ian and Mickey know it doesn’t get better than eachother in specific interactions they had on screen. Like the dock scene ???? the wedding (obviously) and many more. They know no one will ever make them feel like this. In a sexual way, in a romantic way, in that soulmate kind of way. I love that about them. It’s such a “i know it’s you why waste time on anything else anymore” vibes. My random Sunday thoughts
hi anon i love your random sunday thoughts! and i agree!
attaching myself to the dock scene right now, because i reblogged it earlier today and have been overwhelmed by the thought of them being so HUNGRY in this moment. there was a fire that absolutely came alive when they saw each other on those docks. there is zero doubt to us, as the audience, that these two are meant to be. it’s as if they were absolutely on the brink of starvation and then they saw each other. and finally!!!! yes you!!!! you have been missing even if i tried to make believe you weren’t!!!! YOU!!! and by god did they indulge. they consumed each other!
we saw how they’re IT for one another. sexually and romantically. soulmate shit. once in a lifetime shit. it’s you! you’re my best friend and my lover and my life.
anon what have you done to me?!
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tanktop-lou · 2 years
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aquarri · 3 months
Your obsession with louis is so sweet! Like…you always have something negative to say about him yet you still follow him and are obsessed with him 24/7.
Why don’t you go stan harry? Lmaooo
well yes i’m gonna say negative things about them! i need to push my “they’re just men” agenda and for y’all losers to stop blindly following them!
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hyuuukais · 4 months
hiiiii how are you i hope everything youre doing okay, when is error 404 being updated 😞😞 sorry for bothering you i understand if youre too busy to update
hi ! you're not bothering me, don't worry.
honestly, i have not been doing great lately, but i won't get too into that lol. my motivation for writing has been incredibly low and it sucks bc i was so excited to write the next chapter 🥲 so, i'm unsure when the next update will be as of right now, sorry 🥲
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