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Panel 1: Imogen enters the market square uncomfortably, avoiding the eyes of the other villagers, who regard her with suspicion or even outright hostility. The population is largely human with a few half-elves and halflings sprinkled in and it’s clear that Imogen’s appearance makes her an oddity. Their thoughts crowd her, painfully, and she can hear what they think of her -- and each other -- without them having to say anything.
Townsfolk Thoughts: There’s that Temult girl what’s she doin’ here? -- Get out of my head, you freak! -- Cryin’ shame, what a waste of a pretty face -- Is she lookin’ at me don’t look at me I got nothin’ to hide don’t look at me -- how long ‘til closing time I want to go home maybe stop at the pub just one pint this time I swear just one Penny and the kids don’t need to know -- Just honest folk here trying to get by -- damn Susannah Mason is lookin’ fine in that tight dress if I weren’t married if I weren’t married I’d -- in MY day these only cost -- such a tragedy for poor Relvin first the wife and now the girl too -- where the hell is the damn squash --
A Mother: (hastily towing her child away) Come on, babygirl. Let’s go.
Babygirl: What’s wrong with that girl, Mommy? Is she bad?
Panel 2: The babel of voices continues as she tries to do her shopping. Someone else counting change beside her is making it especially difficult.
Townsfolk Thoughts: So that’s one silver, four copper, wait, no  -- one silver, six copper and -- heard there was a witch in the woods we already got one witch in town we don’t need another what is Gelvaan coming to -- pears, radishes, goat cheese, ham bone -- purple hair around here somewhere Temult’s girl must be nearby -- don’t think about the thing don’t think about the thing -- fu--!!
Imogen: One silver, six copper?
Produce Vendor: No! I said two silver, four copper.
Produce Vendor’s Thoughts: Girl’s tryin’ to cheat me.
Imogen: Right. Sorry. I wasn’t, honest. Just got a little mixed up.
Produce Vendor: Wasn’t what?
Imogen: Nothin’. Sorry.
Panel 3: She stumbles out of town, holding her head against the pain of an oncoming headache. Her nose is starting to bleed. Instead of heading home, she seeks refuge in the woods, but the clamor drifts after her.
Townsfolk Thoughts:  -- if those goodfernothin’ Fowlers let their dogs on my land one more time I’m gonna shoot I don’t care can’t lose any more chickens -- what’s her problem? -- think the wife knows the wife always knows wish she were dead maybe I should -- oh gods what’m I gonna tell Momma she’s gonna kill me -- don't know why I bother nothin’ to look forward to here not since Janey took my grandbabies and moved to the city got no one left to miss me -- then Clarissa and I could be together -- pennyroyal? Is it pennyroyal? Rue? Can’t ask Aunt Edith for help she’ll just tell Momma -- 
Panel 4: Deeper in the woods, there is finally quiet. She sits on the riverbank with her feet in the water and her head on her knees, exhausted.
Panel 5: Her hand, idling in the sand, finds a smooth river rock.
Panel 6: Imogen puts the rock in her pocket.
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leighlew3 · 4 months
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A little over a year later, I carry Mom with me as my best friend, my biggest supporter, and my home. There’s this music box I gave her when I was young, and inside she’d always kept a letter I once wrote…
She and I could go round and ROUND sometimes.
But she was the Mom who would cover for me when I needed to miss school because of anxiety or depression. She’d make us a cot with juice and crackers in front of the tv when we were home sick. She’d scratch my back for an hour just to comfort me. She would caretake our friends as if they were her own kids. If there was a damaged or small portion of food she’d always take the bad or small so that we had the good. Her favorite thing in the world was spending time with us. She actually dreaded when summer was over and we had to go back to school because she actually loved and enjoyed our company above any other. All while surviving hell. 
Even as adults, she bought us little gifts for Valentine’s and Easter. And her top priority was always wanting us to being okay. She carried our pain and rejoiced in our victories. Most of the best parts of me I owe to my mother. She knew my strengths and my weaknesses and she was there for both. Being a mother wasn’t just some thing she did. It was who she was. She used to say she didn’t even remember what it was like before she was our mom. We were her world. And she was mine.
As much as she loved us, I often joke that she would throw us in front of a bullet if it meant saving her grandbabies. And she would disagree and said no, she’d throw herself first… then us if necessary. 😂
Kelan at 16, now has her face in her 20s and her wit and inherent goodness. Jace looks a lot like she did as a kid and has her heart and curiosity. And we all have her humor, sarcasm and stubbornness. And as well, her indelible strength to survive. To somehow keep going in the face of so much.
I miss my Mom. Every moment, every day. And I’m sorry. For so much. Mostly I’m sorry we didn’t have more time. But I’m doing my best to get there for the both of us. And I only hope I’m making her proud. 
I love you, Mama. 💜
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therichantsim · 7 months
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to simblrs whose sims you adore 💜
Octavia Blackburn aka Lady O
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She is 100% a cat lady. She likes dogs but is hands down a cat lover and would rather have a house full of cats than get another dog.
She is considered "new money" but wants to join the old high society clubs and groups. With the wives of CEO's and politicians. Anything to get her art and her gallery to be taken more seriously within elite circles.
Loves being a grandmother, but sometimes feels guilty that she's not a more traditional grandmother who always has her grandbabies at home with her while she fattens them up with home-cooked meals.
She used to be chubby so now she has a fear of gaining the weight back. So, she works out religiously. She loves food and so does her youngest daughter and she worries about her weight.
Wants to live in Sulani full-time but she settles for enjoying their vacation home there.
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dinosaurwithablog · 8 months
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I, finally, met my two fuzzy grandbabies, Shantotto and Y'shtola, respectively. They are so loving. I am lucky that they are in my life!! Family is everything! ❤️💜💙❤️😊😁😍🥰
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snapdragonsimming · 10 months
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thedelacruzfamily Few things in life are better than GRANDBABY snuggles! Althea, it was SUCH a blessing to see you, John-David, Joel, and Annabel this week. PLEASE come back soon!
jdandalthea Love you!
mrsannecalpeter Aww, y’all are the sweetest! Can’t wait until I have some grandchildren to love on @nateandkatec09 @lucyellis @josephellis 😉
thedelacruzfamily @jdandalthea 💜
thedelacruzfamily @mrsannecalpeter 😂 Praying for you and Jacob!
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dangerously-human · 5 months
1, 4, and 8💜💜💜.
the last sentence you wrote Well, technically this is the last sentence I edited, but I wrote it pretty recently, too: With grip equally gentle, she reached out to cradle his face.
a story idea you haven’t written yet I've got this very vivid image in my head of Lucy and Lockwood in the garden at Portland Row, with some of the younger kids (I think at least one of the older might be off visiting George and Flo - this is after George moves out), and there's a swing hanging from the branches of the apple tree now, and it's like Donald and Celia Lockwood are getting to play with their grandbabies that way. It's just a little ficlet, but I like it a lot and I want to write it.
if you had to write a sequel to a fic, you’d write one for… Haha well, is it cheating to pick one I've already started? Because if not, then aha, my answer is Living With the Ghost of You! To be fair, that was always meant to be a comparison story, something leaning heavier into the angst for the canon era held up against some post-canon fluff. So now I'm working on a much happier sequel, set probably sometime in the first year or so after The Empty Grave.
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pics of your knitting project plzkthx
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I just finished this baby blanket for a friend of my mom’s who just had her first grandbaby!
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And this little otter friend was commissioned by a friend, who named him Ollie!
I really need to start crafting again soon
I’d love to see some of your crafts too!! 💜
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sims-half-crazy · 1 year
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore 💜💜💜
Oh gosh... How do I pick just one? I'd love to delve into Gordon's story, but giving out 5 facts right now would spoil the story. Since I can't dish on Gordon, I guess I'll have to go with my other go to - Euphemia "Effie" Gosnoll Collier!
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Effie never resented growing up poor. It was just a fact of their circumstances. Effie was not materialistic and found that her real wealth was in the relationships she held. She had wonderful relationships with both of her parents, but a strained one with her sister. Not that the relationship with her sister was bad, but Lauretta really only sought her out when she needed something. In later years, Lauretta was disdainful of the fact that Effie and Gilbert had done so well and that did affect their relationship. You can see as the story progresses how much friendships and familial relationships matter to her, but she was not going to expend energy on chasing down relationships.
She was a quiet and calm demeanored person except when emotions were intense. During those intense moments, she was impetuous and rash in her actions but she would generally pivot when her emotions calmed and she could think clearly. You can see this when she and Gilbert conceive Eugene before their vows and during Gilbert's heart attack and the argument afterwards. She's not generally the one to raise her voice, but instead commands respect through her actions and calm resilience.
Effie found her stride in fashion and used the clothes she donned as a statement. She preferred blues as they brought out the color in her eyes. She generally chose very smart and tidy looking outfits as they were unfettered but not utilitarian. She liked the high necked garments of the 1880s-1890s and really liked the enormous sleeves that were popular. She never liked having her hair in her face and you can see from age of teen through her adult years, she never wore a hairstyle that fell in front of her eyes. She preferred to frame her face with ringlets. She also tend to pick demure jewelry, rather having her clothing make the statement.
She secretly loved that her dusting of freckles was passed down to her children and grandchildren. Only a few of her grandbabies have the smattering of freckles across their nose and even though it was not fashionable, Effie loved that part of her was passed down.
She maintained a plethora of correspondence with people and upon her death, the family found dozens and dozens of half started letters to her friends and family. After some discussion, the family decided to send out the letters as is with a note saying that these were the last words Effie intended to the recipient. Goldie took on the task and through this task she began to understand the great affinity and responsibility that Effie held for her family and friends. It gave Goldie an insight into her own dealings with family and as we've seen in recent posts - it has changed Goldie's aloofness with her children to one of a close-knit family.
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ofpetalsnglam · 6 days
#MCM #MCE @letmepreachtoya
Preacher, you have given me the best life. We have our children and grandbabies around us. Thank you for helping bring our family closer than ever. I love you beyond the end of time.
Forever and Always 🩷 💜
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golivefest · 9 months
How i Stop Death with... my Uncle Jimmy
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'i wanna thank u 4 helping me reach the understanding'
My uncle Jimmy inspires me to protect black women in a world w/o police when i think about how he took care of his daughters, wife, sisters & mother. Despite others' oppression, aggression & depression he provided for them every moment of the day. Generations came out to celebrate his life... it says everything that his transitional thoughts and experiences were with his eldest granddaughter and youngest daughter. Lucky man.
i always put black women first and i've never known a guy other than my uncle who woke up and went harder for our queens. 💜🔊
My Uncle Jimmy reminds me to raise #reparations for free homes + fresh food when i think about one of our own final memories showing him a peapod before it headed out to our free food forest on 79th. Later he would pop up while i was at my granddad's. i think his father and i talked about trading raw veggies, i probably took home some tomatoes & peppers while they shared recipe secrets and such. i also cherish planting seeds with a grandson of Jim's, my cousin's son, when he was a toddler. Handing down agricultural knowledge to black men is the greatest gift, something i could only experience through these legends on my mother's side of family. 🖤
My Uncle Jimmy inspires me to #StayHome and end the virus when i think about the symptoms of his passing. Calling in close friends after provided the largest support for the #COVIDstrike ⬛ petition to date. But for years i feared this day would come. Knowing he had no choice (as a King in the so-called Sandwich Generation) to be there for his four daughters, own parents, numerous grandbabies and everyone else a black village holds. i cringed and worked harder hearing about him getting sick over and over, his housemates being holed up with COVID when he didn't have it, knowing how no matter what kind of cough lingered it paled to the necessity of having to check on my grandparents to make sure they were ok, ate today and bringing them food if they haven't. In-between picking up and dropping off 3 other generations of people.
When folks started talking about frontline workers, they didn't mention community caretakers like my uncle. When #cynical folks decided it didn't matter if the elderly or very young passed away and decided to keep going to work and school they signed a death certificate not just for folks with disabilities, like my littlest cousins or my oldest living ancestors. But for everybody, all of us in the middle. COVID tore the heart out from my family. And i can't lie and say we're just going to persevere. We won't, without more folks joining in to change the status quo. i've seen the decimation of families around us & i just want to see mine safe.
Jimmy reminds me to go live and use celebration to stop death. Wiz Khalifa's "See You Again" is one of the biggest rap songs ever and he's one of my favorite rappers meanwhile "We Dem Boyz" is the song of his that was mentioned at my uncle's funeral. He lives on through another man's work, on its waves. We are all dem boyz. And it's black art that gives me the confidence to say i hope i will see him once more. Not in a fictional heaven but in a science based paradise. If we can isolate DNA and consciousness, regenerate or redirect what life is. Every day i will wake up and do the #After12 💜🔊 worksheet tapping in to bring resources together, go live, build utopia and stop death.
After i wrote a previous personal essay about leaving my mother's my relationship with my Uncle was somewhat colder. i was one of those blackballed for calling out #YCAharm 💜 after years of fighting as a queer man to be respected and i came home to folks not calling me by my chosen name. A lack of respect for my choices i felt was further forced by me foregoing the accolades my peers accrued. Jim was a sensitive boy, protecting these women since before i was even here. He never called me by my true name but still: we had love. My mother has been sharing a happy essay i wrote 20 years ago about us. And i remember how his hands felt this last time we broke bread. Until i see him again, i will take care of his granddaughter's world. With all you.
How are you building utopia? How does pop culture inspire you? Leave a message or tag us in a post to be featured in the Utopian Canon~*
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miralook27-blog · 2 years
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Happiness is being called Mimi by my grandbaby Mochi again 💜💜 https://www.instagram.com/p/CnqTNARrc_nre5oonuTONitMsifsWYknu-3iLU0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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minisugakoobies · 2 years
New Year, New You | JJK
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: romance, angst, smut, age gap, non-Idol!AU
Rating: M (18+)
Warnings: swearing, drinking, making out, neck marking, mentions of cumming, multiple references to sex, reader is several years older than Jungkook, Jungkook is basically temptation itself, sorry this got angsty but reader has a lot on her mind
Word Count: 1.8K
Disclaimers: NSFW, obviously I don’t own BTS - they just inspire me
Summary: New year, new you. Except here you are, minutes after midnight, already falling back into old habits. You just can't resist.
A/N: Thank you for sending in a request, anon! Once again, I failed to keep it to a drabble, but I hope you enjoy. 💕
Yes, it's July, and yes, I'm out here writing NYE fics. That's just how it goes sometimes.
A special thank you to @minttangerines for being my rock, the Yoongi to my Tae, and encouraging me to embrace the angst. I still don't know where it's coming from, but I guess it's here to stay. 💜
As always, I'd love to hear what you think! My inbox is open 💕
Masterlist 💜 Find me on AO3 💜 
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"Three! Two! One! Happy New Year!"
A cheer goes up from the living room. As you raise your champagne flute to your lips in celebration, you realize he's watching you again.
You knew this would happen. It's how it always goes at these events. Dark eyes inevitably finding yours across the room. Lips quirking, a half smirk, teasing you. Knowing you know what's on his mind. Because it's usually what's on yours.
Usually. But not tonight.
You take advantage of the crush of partygoers around you drunkenly butchering "Auld Lang Syne," and quickly disappear into the swaying crowd. The Jeons really outdid themselves tonight. It seems like half the town has gathered in their home to greet the new year.
Wandering into the kitchen, you spot your mother and Mrs. Jeon in deep conversation. Your mother sees you approaching and pulls you in for a big hug. "Happy New Year, darling!"
"Happy New Year," you mumble into her shoulder, and then it's Mrs. Jeon's turn to crush you close.
"We were just talking about our resolutions, dear," Mrs. Jeon informs you. "Do you have one?"
"I know what it should be," your mother interjects. "To give her wonderful mother her first grandbaby!"
The two women titter, the countless glasses of wine they've imbibed loosening their lips, and they begin to talk about you as if you're not there, lamenting how you just can't find the right man, how all your friends are happily married and popping out babies left and right while you just can't seem to catch up.
You just nod and smile. It's how it always goes at these events.
Mrs. Jeon picks up a magnum of wine to refill her goblet, gives it a shake, then tips it over. Empty. She shoots you a look. "Would you be a dear and bring us some more wine? There's another bottle of this vintage downstairs, back in - oh, you know where to look!"
You nod, already moving, opening the basement door, pretending you don't hear your mother whisper, "Don't worry, she can't find a man but she can find the wine!" to your retreating back.
Tucked into the far corner of the Jeons's basement is an impressive wine cellar, with hundreds of bottles displayed on shelves that stretch from floor to ceiling. Instead of grabbing a bottle and heading back to the kitchen, you linger, tracing your fingertips over the racks, lost in thought. 
“You’re missing the party, Noona.”
Of course he found you. You turn around. “Just taking a little break, Jungkook-ah.”
He strolls out of the shadows wearing his usual grin. The revelry of the night is evident in his mussed hair and flushed cheeks. His black shirt is slightly unbuttoned, tie long gone, sleeves rolled up. Tattoos dance down his right forearm, piercings glitter in his eyebrow and lip. 
He’s temptation itself. It’s how he always is at these events. 
“I saw you during the countdown. No midnight kiss?” He’s still moving towards you, hands tucked into his pockets, crowding you into the tall shelves. 
“Didn’t have anyone who wanted to.” 
Even though he’s several years younger, he has an inch or two on you, head tipping down to gaze into your eyes. It’s strange how he’s always been able to make you feel so small like this. Delicate. 
“You know that’s not true,” he murmurs, thin fingers finding your hip, drawing circles there. His other hand tilts your chin. “All you ever have to do is ask.” 
“I’ll remember that,” you begin, but the rest of your sentence is lost to Jungkook’s lips. He kisses you gently, pressing you into the rack behind you. Cold glass bites your skin where your dress fails to cover you. 
His arms encircle your back, holding you tight. Your hands clutch at his broad chest, his wide shoulders, wrap themselves in his long hair, seeking purchase to steady you as the kiss deepens. When his hand slips down to your thigh, lifting it, opening you up to his straying fingers, you push him away. 
“Jungkook,” you whisper, chest heaving. “Stop. We can’t.” 
“Can’t what?” He drops his mouth to your ear, nuzzles the sensitive skin behind it. It’s your weak spot. A fact he knows all too well, as he shamelessly attempts to exploit it. 
“We can’t do this, with everyone upstairs…”
The smirk on his face electrifies you more than you’d like to admit. “Why not? That’s never stopped us before.” 
That was the old you. The one you left behind when the clock struck midnight. 
He’s moved on to your neck now, insistent nips urging you to reconsider. “Are you worried because they’re waiting for you? They’re already drunk. They won’t notice if you’re gone for ten minutes.” You moan as he sucks on a particularly sharp bite, and he rolls his hips into yours, letting you feel how hard he is. “I can make you come in five, though.” 
From anyone else, that would sound like a laughable brag. From him, it’s merely the truth. 
“No, that’s not it. It’s just that I’m starting over today.” You untangle yourself from his embrace and turn your back to him, scanning the collection behind you for the vintage his mother requested.
“Ah. New year, new you?”
“Something like that.”
“Too bad. I like old you.”
You locate the desired bottle and pull it from the shelf. “Yeah, well, say goodbye, because she’s gone now.” When you spin around again, there’s a familiar glint in his brown eyes. A spark waiting to ignite.
“That’s a shame. I was hoping she’d come home with me tonight.”
Old you definitely would have. 
“Sorry, Kook-ah. It’s time for a change.” 
You take a step forward, but he doesn’t move. Frowning, you nudge him with your elbow, but he won’t budge. You know better than to bother pushing his stubborn ass out of the way. He might not be hulking, but he’s very solidly built. “C’mon, Jungkook, let me by!” 
Instead, he pries the wine from your hands, gingerly placing it back on the rack. He cages you in, one hand on either side of your head as you peer up at him in shock. “Noona. I know why you’re doing this.”
He was always too perceptive for your liking. “You don’t know, Jungkook. You can’t. You’re still young.” He doesn’t have to worry about the things you do. Not yet. 
He winces slightly, but sets his mouth in a firm line. “I’m not that much younger than you.” 
“Six years - “ 
“Is nothing, a - a blip in the entirety of existence, Noona,” he declares emphatically. You don’t respond, your heart nearly beating out of your chest. The intense look on his face isn’t entirely new to you. You’ve spent many nights underneath him, watching that same expression as he brings you to the edge over and over. But you’ve never seen it in this light. 
It takes your breath away.
Jungkook shakes his head. “You always talk like there’s some giant gap between us. Not just age, but everything. Like we live in different worlds. But I understand more than you think. I know what everyone upstairs expects of you.” He sighs, eyes softening as he smiles sadly at you. “I just don’t know why that means things have to change.” 
Your hands flex at your sides, fingers curling into fists. “If you know what’s expected of me, then you should understand. I’m getting older, Jungkook. The pressure is on and it’s getting worse day by day. So I need to start over, as someone else. Because no one wants me as I am. As I’ve been.” 
Something flashes across Jungkook’s face, something dark that makes your pounding heart stutter, and as his left hand cups your cheek, you can’t look away. “You know that’s not true.”
“Kook-ah - “
“I know you don’t take me seriously. That’s why you’ve always treated this,” he gestures between you, “this thing we have as some sort of fling. And I’ve been okay with it. Because even if I only get to be with you for a night, at least I still get to be with you.” 
His words hang in the air as he pauses for breath. Gently, you press your palms to his chest. His heart is hammering just as fast as your own, the rhythm speaking just as loud as words. 
“Kook-ah, since I was little, I’ve known the path my life would take. Every milestone laid out in a perfect line, point to point. I can’t stray from the path for things like ‘want.’”
“Why not?” His question catches you off guard. 
“Why can’t you? It’s your life, Noona. You should be able to live it as you choose. And do whatever you want.” 
You scoff. “You make it sound so easy.” You dig into the soft silk of his shirt, twisting the fabric between your fingertips. 
“It could be. We could do it together.” He smiles as you look up at him in surprise. “We could just say fuck it and do what we want. Which for me, would be to be with you.” He peels your hand from his shirt. You stare at the way his inked fingers entwine with yours. “What do you want, Noona?” 
What you need is to think. But that’s not the question. 
There’s too much to consider. How can you possibly decide anything so important, anything potentially life-altering, while standing in a basement at a New Year’s Eve party? So you narrow it down. Right here, right now, with Jungkook’s hand in yours, his bright eyes shining as he waits for your answer, what do you want most? 
That’s easy.
Brushing your thumb across his cheek, you tell him, “What I want is for you to take me home.” 
His eyes widen for a second before he snaps into action, covering your body with his own as he kisses you fervently.  When he pulls away, he finally moves aside to let you pass. “You go first. Say your goodbyes. I’ll leave in a few minutes and meet you at your place.” 
Grabbing the wine again, you take a few steps, then stop. New year, new you. 
Maybe new you can have him for real. 
You hold out your hand. 
Jungkook glances from your hand to your face and back. Then he grins, strong fingers enveloping your own, and follows you up the stairs. There will be questions, and comments, and so much more to deal with tomorrow. But tonight, you don’t care. 
The warmth radiating from Jungkook as he squeezes your hand flows through you, driving all your fears away. 
It’s how it always goes.  
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© 2022-23 by sunshinerainbowsbts/minisugakoobies. Crossposted to AO3. Please do not copy or repost.
Taglist: @babycoffeefire; @parkdatjimin; @reliablemitten; @yuugehn; @ut-dixisti; @hesperantha; @seokjinger-ale; @bangtanintotheroom; ​​@taeshuworld; @nch327; @hannahbee12719ficrecs; @7minsuga96; @dvalitaes; @wonieclub; @thatlongspringnight; @miscelunaaa; @acquiescence804; @itsirisz; @velvetskize; @starbtslove; @ajw05; @bruisedscrewedandtattooed; @minesuga; @greezenini; @aznstoner; @jkkkkkay; @xuxibelle; @soeur-de-ame; @boraborabts; @signmybook; @bbl32; @codeinebelle; @here4btsfics; @itbtoblikethatsometimes; @kookprada; @addictedtohobi; @shatzkrinslinzki; @jaiuneamesolitaiire; @joonjulyagust-d
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dinosaurwithablog · 8 months
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I, finally, met my two fuzzy grandbabies, Shantotto and Y'shtola, respectively. They are so loving. I am lucky that they are in my life!! Family is everything! ❤️💜💙❤️😊😁😍🥰
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1-800-iluvhockey · 2 years
ooo what about ig edit of hughes sister graduating from grad school (for pharmacy or physical therapy?)
this makes me so happy because I want to be a pt so freaking bad!!!!
(all photos are not mine, and the storyline is fiction!)
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liked by @jackhughes86, @lhughes_06, @trevorzegras & others
y/nhughes6 - a few more sleeps until you can call me dr. y/n hughes, doctor of physical therapy!!! 7 long years are finally paying off! 💙💛💙🧡 #goblue & #gogators
tagged @/ uflorida
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jackhughes86 - sista sista is a stunna🤩
trevorzegras - so pretty y/n!! 🥰
↳ y/nhughes6 - florida sunshine in grad pics >
lhughes_06 - so proud of my big sis 😎
quinnhughes_ - someone in the family has the brains to our brawn :)
_alexturcotte - BIG SIS IS ABOUT TO BE A DR!!! cannot believe that your dreams are finally coming true 🥰
↳ y/nhughes6 - almost all of them are!! still need to find me someone who can put up with me for the rest of my life LOL 💍
jackhughes86 - no you don’t
lhughes_06 - independent woman for life 😇
quinnhughes_ - no boys n/n
y/nhughes06 - mom, they want me to be alone for the rest of my life 🥲 @elblue06
↳ elblue06 - IGNORE THEM I WANT WEDDINGS AND GRANDBABIES !!! but congrats babe! it’s almost payed off <3
↳ y/nhughes06 - love you so much mama! 💞
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liked by @jackhughes86, @lhughes_06, @_alexturcotte & others
quinnhughes_ - proud brother moment. so happy for my sister on graduating grad school today!! dr. y/n hughes! feels like yesterday that I was teaching my little sister how to skate. congrats peanut, you deserve the world. 🤍
tagged @/ y/nhughes6
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elblue06 - my heart 💖
y/nhughes6 - jelly, now I’m crying 💜
↳ quinnhughes_ - dr or not, married or not, you are still my little sister and the peanut butter to my jelly 4L
jackhughes86 - the proudest little brother out here!! CONGRATS TO OUR 2022 GRAD!! 🧡💙
lhughes_06 - you know it’s not the same as it was 💔 but you are still my big sister and I’m SO DAMN HAPPY FOR YOU! DR HUGHES
quinnhughes_ - we are always in y/n’s corner
↳ y/nhughes6 - my twin flames ❤️‍🔥 and LUKE DONT MAKE ME CRY OVER HARRY STYLES AGAIN
↳ lhughes_06 - 😆
trevorzegras - HELL YEAH!!! and you guys are my favorite siblings ever
colecaufield - ALL GROWN UP WTH HOW
brockboeser - congrats y/n/n !! come work in vancouver (or for the canucks)
eliaspetterson - I AGREE ^^
↳ y/nhughes6 - may have to think about it :)
jackhughes86 - she is choosing nj or somewhere in the middle of van and nj….. right?! 😅
↳ y/nhughes6 - or have a career outside of hockey
quinnhughes_ - I love you but get out of my section NOW 😭
↳ y/nhughes6 - sorry bud :) but maybe BC….. the possibilities are endless ✨
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liked by @jackhughes86, @elblue06, @njdevils & others
y/nhughes6 - call me dr. hughes 🎓 🩺 where do we go from here? 🌎
#graduated #2022
tagged @/ ufdpt
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ufdpt - congrats, dr. hughes!
↳ y/nhughes6 - thank you for a great 3.5 🧡💙
lhughes_06 - GO BIG SIS
jackhughes86 - so F**KING PROUD
↳ y/nhughes6 - 🤩
quinnhughes_ - glad that you are done with school so you can move to van :)
↳ y/nhughes6 - hmmmm 😅
elblue06 - beautiful girl of mine! 💞 congrats honey🎓
↳ y/nhughes6 - got it from the 🐐
njdevils - looking for a position in sports med?
↳ y/nhughes6 - maybe I am? 😎
anaheimducks - @njdevils stop stealing all the hughes siblings, they are not pokémon cards!
↳ y/nhughes6 - 🤣
trevorzegras - congrats y/n/n !!! well deserved :)
colecaufield - my bio tutor from highschool just graduated pt school 😭
↳ y/nhughes6 - oh boys 😭💖
_alexturcotte - my favorite doctor in the biz 😎
↳ y/nhughes6 - oh you flatter me, turcs
abbster’s taglist: @hockey-lover86 @hockeyboysarehot @jamiedryzdale @boeswhore @bellaguarneri @studsccsnackavoybambi @juliasahoshughes @pulpfixion @pierrelucduboiis @dracoswhore007 @hockey-lover-22 @the-stars-shine-above-us @yorkshirespirlo @owenpwr @oskarlidblom @dylandukerr
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slasherparadise · 3 years
Hello! I'm finally back! And I wanted to ask for (Thomas, Jason, Vincent, Asa, and RZ Michael) the slashers with a s/o like Emily from corpse bride 🦋 please and thank you💜
Sorry it took me so long to get to this, I kind of lost my inspiration for a bit. I couldn’t decide which way I wanted to write this because I had two different ideas. But I decided to go with the second one and stick as closely to the film as I could instead of making the reader have a glass eye.
Slashers with a S/O who is like Emily from 'Corpse Bride'
Thomas Hewitt
When you met Thomas it was purely by accident, disposing of a ring he found that had belonged to a victim, not being able to have it in his possession anymore due to his own longing for love. Tossing it aside into the woods, the last thing he expected was for you to arise out of the ground.
Standing there he wasn’t sure if what he was seeing was real, but when you assured him it was and told him how excited you were to finally be married, he was so confused, what do you mean married?
The first time your eye popped out, Thomas didn’t know what to think. But he calmly picked it up and gave it back to you. Confused as to how this relationship would work, with you being dead and all, he decided to give it a shot anyways. He was married to you now after all.
If he ever brought you back to meet his family, they wouldn’t have it, the rest of the Hewitt clan would insist you end this relationship. Especially Luda Mae, she would want Thomas to marry a living woman who can give her grandbabies.
Jason Voorhees
Jason would be all for this, he’s undead too after all. He stumbled upon you while walking through the woods. Finding a stick that looked so much like an arm, he wanted to keep it for himself, but upon trying to pull it out of the ground he realized it wasn’t a stick at all it was an arm, your arm.
After pulling you out of  the ground he examined you form head to toe, he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. When he realized you were undead like him, he was excited that he was finally going to have someone like you around. When you explained to him that you were now his wife, he was confused but also happy.
Seeing your eye pop out for the first time shocked him at first, but he accepted that this was just a part of you like his mask is for him.
Jason would let you stay on the campground with him, having an undead wife would surely keep the trespassers away. 
Vincent Sinclair
Vincent would have discovered you in the pile of rotting corpses where Lester dumps all of the unused bodied of the ‘visitors’. The way your arm was almost complete bone caught his artistic eye, pulling you out of the pit, Vin took you back to his workshop.
Upon seeing that you moved from your original placement, Vinny was confused but also a bit thrilled. While looking for you, he found you admiring his artwork saying how realistic it looked. 
He would approach you cautiously, when you turned around you let out a squeal of excitement. your enthusiasm upon seeing you new husband was so much that it caused your eye to fall out. Vinny would just watch it fall to the ground in awe, looking back up at you he was actually relieved to see that he wasn’t the only one with one eye.
When you told him that he was now your husband, he was astonished. Wondering how that could have happened in the first place, he knew that he would have to keep this a secret from his brothers.
Asa Emory
While checking his cameras, he seen someone, or rather something walking down the hallway of the abandoned hotel. Going to see what it was for himself.
When he seen that you were in fact a person, he threw a grenade down the passageway to clear out anyone else who may have been with you. Upon viewing the wreckage, Asa seen you getting back up, confused he approached you cautiously. Seeing that you were actually the undead, he wondered how you got here in the first place.
Confusing the ring from the grenade as a wedding ring, you put it around your finger and told him the circumstances, that you were now his wife. Laughing in your face Asa turned to leave but as he did he seen your eye roll down the uneven floor before him, he slowly turned back to face you seeing that you were crying.
He would pick up your eye, using his shirt to wipe off the soot before offering it back to you. 
I ended up not adding Michael Myers to this one because I ran out of time, but I wanted to get this out ASAP because I left you waiting for it long enough. But if you still want to see Michael just send me another ask and I’ll do him for you.
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txemrn · 2 years
What is your HC for Ethan's relationship with his extend family - both on Alan's and Louise's sides?
Hey, anon!
Thank you so much for including me on this question! It really does mean a lot to me! 💜
I honestly haven't given too much thought on the extended families, but that is definitely something I will consider exploring if and when the time comes.
Alan Ethan and Alan's relationship continues to bloom and grow. They'll get together often to grab brunch or catch a ball game. After baby Ramsey gets here, Alan babysits about once each month when it's Tatum's weekend on-call.
Louise Ethan is learning to create healthy boundaries with his mom. At first, he didn't want a relationship at all with her. He has forgiven her, and that was that. But, his heart softened after he met Tatum's trainwreck of a father, and he started reaching out to his mother. They will never be close, but they both appreciate at least being in each other's lives. Tatum and Ethan try to have her over in honor of the various major holidays (ie celebrate Christmas with her, just not the main family Christmas), and Tatum is really good and thoughtful at reminding Ethan about birthday cards and mother's day cards. She'll even talk to her if Ethan isn't feeling chatty (most of their correspondence is through email). She loves her grandbaby; Ethan and Tatum allow her to spend supervised moments with the baby, and
Thanks again for the sweet Ask! *hugs*
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