#πŸ’™(Pretzel Lady;Maddie Wachowski)⚑
electricbluehedgehog Β· 4 years
Movie!Sonic dressing in a werehog onesie(Made by him and Maddie of course) as his Halloween costume.
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electricbluehedgehog Β· 4 years
Sonic: Hey you think I can fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth?
Maddie: You are a hazard to society.
Tom: And a coward. Do 20.
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electricbluehedgehog Β· 5 years
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//Look at that gremlin
BTW I added more specific tags for Sonic/Tom/Maddie andΒ  more in the future for RP partners ^^
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electricbluehedgehog Β· 4 years
It was a nice day out, Sonic suggesting him and Maddie go sit outside. Not to do anything in particular, just to relax in the warm sunlight. Maddie was currently reading, while Sonic happily doodled in his sketchbook. She glances over at him for a moment and smiles. He was sticking his tongue out a bit as he drew. It was pretty adorable. She silently slipped a bookmark into the page of her book before setting it on the blanket.Β β€œHey, Sonic?” Maddie leans over, picking a fluffy white dandelion from the grass. The kid perks up, scooting over to Maddie with a curious smile.Β β€œHm?” She hands the hedgehog the flower, the hedgehog gently holding it by the stem. He stares at it curiously, turning it a bit in his hand. He looks at Maddie, then dandelion, a confused expression on his face. After a moment, the blue hedgehog…puts the dandelion puff in his mouth, trying to eat it. Immediately filled with regret, Sonic begins to cough and spit out the nasty tiny seeds.Β β€œThat tastes awful!” Maddie puts a hand over her mouth in response, holding back a laugh. She takes the stem out from his hand and tosses it aside.
β€œThey’re not for eating, silly. They’re forΒ wishing.” Maddie reaches over and grabs another from the grass, showing it to Sonic.Β β€œAll you gotta do is think of your wish and…” With that, Maddie gently blows at the dandelion, the seeds separating off the plant with ease. Sonic watches in awe as the seeds float prettily in the air, soon carried off and away by the gentle breeze. He smiles, disappearing for a quick second to find his own. He holds it in both hands, and after a moment to think…he imitates how Maddie had done it, blowing gently onto the dandelion, causing the seeds to gently fly off from the stem. Sonic smiles.Β β€œI did it! H..How do I know if it worked??” Sonic tilts his head slightly, sitting himself next to Maddie, resting his head on her arm as he watched the seed float away.Β 
β€œYou’ll know.”
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electricbluehedgehog Β· 4 years
"Well it was nice knowing all of you. Silver, other Sonic's. I'm about to get murdered by like 6 people."
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electricbluehedgehog Β· 4 years
"I-Is it too late to apologize to the adults? All 5 of them...?"
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electricbluehedgehog Β· 4 years
//Like I said, my boy eats flowers! Well...not very often anymore since he has actual food. He also tries not to eats the really pretty ones. Anyways! Here's a lil drabble with him and Maddie! ^w^
It was a nice day out, Sonic suggesting him and Maddie go sit outside. Not to do anything in particular, just to relax in the warm sunlight. Maddie was currently reading, while Sonic happily doodled in his sketchbook. She glances over at him for a moment and smiles. He was sticking his tongue out a bit as he drew. It was pretty adorable. She silently slipped a bookmark into the page of her book before setting it on the blanket. "Hey, Sonic?" Maddie leans over, picking a fluffy white dandelion from the grass. The kid perks up, scooting over to Maddie with a curious smile. "Hm?" She hands the hedgehog the flower, the hedgehog gently holding it by the stem. He stares at it curiously, turning it a bit in his hand. He looks at Maddie, then dandelion, a confused expression on his face. After a moment, the blue hedgehog...puts the dandelion puff in his mouth, trying to eat it. Immediately filled with regret, Sonic begins to cough and spit out the nasty tiny seeds. "That tastes awful!" Maddie puts a hand over her mouth in response, holding back a laugh. She takes the stem out from his hand and tosses it aside.
"They're not for eating, silly. They're for wishing." Maddie reaches over and grabs another from the grass, showing it to Sonic. "All you gotta do is think of your wish and..." With that, Maddie gently blows at the dandelion, the seeds separating off the plant with ease. Sonic watches in awe as the seeds float prettily in the air, soon carried off and away by the gentle breeze. He smiles, disappearing for a quick second to find his own. He holds it in both hands, and after a moment to think...he imitates how Maddie had done it, blowing gently onto the dandelion, causing the seeds to gently fly off from the stem. Sonic smiles. "I did it! H..How do I know if it worked??" Sonic tilts his head slightly, sitting himself next to Maddie, resting his head on her arm as he watched the seed float away.Β 
"You'll know."
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electricbluehedgehog Β· 4 years
Henry had finally decided to introduce himself to Sonic's parents since he had heard about them from others. He knocks on the door of the Wachowski's house, holding a bag that has Sonic's name on it as he waits for someone to answer.
It's Maddie who opens the door, and her expression definitely shows off that she wasn't expecting him to be at the door. "Oh! Uh...Hello..?" She asks curiously, her eyes looking the stranger up and down, her gaze lingering on the bag with her son's name on it. The woman's brow furrows in confusion. "Who are you exactly?"
Suddenly Sonic runs up behind Maddie, having heard her open the door and curious to see who it was who was knocking. He peeked up from behind her legs...and he smiles excitedly at Henry. "Hi Henry!!" The kid runs past Maddie and hugs Henry tight.
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electricbluehedgehog Β· 4 years
Tom: Sonic did you have caffeine?
Sonic: NO
Maddie: ...You're grounded
*Fuckin' vanishes*
Tom&Maddie: ?????
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electricbluehedgehog Β· 4 years
Sonic no power outage plez
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"It's not my fault everyones embarrassing me cuz I kissed someone..."
Tom and Maddie in the background: *Excited parent noises*
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electricbluehedgehog Β· 5 years
;;!TAG DUMP!;;
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electricbluehedgehog Β· 4 years
//Sonic absolutely despises when his fur floofs up. Not only just because of the "cute" comments he'll get(really it depends on who says it and his mood and...Yeah not that point XD)...but because sometimes it's get more tangled and knotted then floofed. Tom and Maddie help him brush out and restyle his fur and quills when he gets all messed up though, so that makes him happy ^^
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electricbluehedgehog Β· 4 years
Mike groaned as he woke up on a bed. "W..Waht?" He saw medical stuff nearby.
Tom and Maddie were standing over Mike, the two clearly concerned for their friend. He was in a hospital. As soon as the two got home and saw Mike on the floor, bleeding out...they called 911. The sight was rather gruesome...but the fact that Sonic was no where to be found...made their anxieties even worse. "Mike! Oh thank God you're awake! P-Please! I know you're probably hurting and confused but..." Maddie trails off, covering her mouth as she stifled a sob. "What happened at the house last night?" Tom finishes for her. The poor guy look like he hadn't slept. Neither of them had. But Tom had been searching for the blue hedgehog all night, while Maddie stayed at the hospital till Mike was stable...
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electricbluehedgehog Β· 4 years
easter basket β€” did you parents make you easter baskets?
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"Oh! Me and Pretzel Lady are gonna try to one! It's gonna be awesome!!"
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electricbluehedgehog Β· 4 years
It when the Easter bunny visits and leave ya a basket of goodies and after that you get to go on egg hunts and do all kinds of fun activities!
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electricbluehedgehog Β· 4 years
Tom: Okay so, Sonic has been grounded to his room.
Maddie: He's also lost his phone privileges till tomorrow, only after we've had a serious conversation about stealing things.
Tom: Yup. Parenting is certainly...something.
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