#💓|| f/o tag
tyrianludaship · 14 days
Imagine dressing up pretty for your F/O's...
Soldier giddily clasping his hands together, with a beaming smile, as you tip the helmet slipping over your eyes up with one hand, as the other holds a rifle over your shoulder. You got the nicest army uniform, with a lovely patch of the American flag or three decorating you. You will be an anti-commie-hippie-nazi force together.
Demo's scrumpy pouring from his bottle to the floor, as he watches you, slack-jawed, in the garb of an ancient Scottish warrior, furs reminiscent of explosions, and a beautiful sword serving as little more than decoration. The thing is heavy, but as he put it, you look bloody mesmerising.
Heavy sighing wistfully, as his eyes study your dress, befitting a knyaz, or a tsar, the hefty jewellery of bullets weighing your neck, head, and hands down, as you try to stand with a straight back, the very model of a painted figure he'd admire on the pages of history books. He's already pretty quiet, but, he is utterly speechless this time.
Engineer whistling lowly, as he admires you from the cowboy hat, down to the spurs, several handsome tools in place of a gun in your holster. Caterin' just to him, that you are, with the proud combo of his spirit and his passions in your clothes. Yer spoilin' him, he says with a shy smile.
Medic gasping softly, as he watches you twirl in your nurse dress, half-laughing half-ooh'ing and aah'ing at every little detail that reminds him of home. The hat, the suspenders, the boots, it's a little silly to most, but to him, you're the best, cutest assistant he could ever ask for! ... Excuse his excitement, schatz, he's just very pleased to see you, is all.
Sniper murmuring "Holy Mother of...", looking at you above his sunglasses, and from under his hat, his face getting even longer - the hunter-esque attire is a personal attack. And the handsome rifle you apparently got as a gift for him, and presented with the rest of yourself? When you already look like Cupid himself gave you an unseen bow to strike his heart with? Crikey, he's in love...
Spy raising his brows, and giving an appreciative "Hmm!", as he nods. The béret? The classy, yet casually appropriate suit? You could approach him anywhere any day, and his focus on the façade of suave calm might dwindle just a little bit. Positively enchanting, he says, eyes fluttering just a tad too dreamily to truly hide how enamoured he is.
Miss Pauling stammering and stumbling over her words, when you catch her off-guard. You look really nice- That's what she's trying to say, yeah, because the way you did your hair, and the shoes, and the tie- Is that a gun in the hidden inner pocket of your jacket? That's, wow, she- Can she look at it? And also generally move closer to you? For no reason at all, you're just so gorgeous- ... Did she say that out loud?
- Penis Anon. (Jumpscare again.)
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bizarrescribblez · 4 months
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💜 birds of a feather we should stick together 💜
so uhhhhhh… i saw a super cute pinterest pose and was like uhhh what if i drew this with all my d/an s/tevens f/os… i know ive got so many I CANT HELP IT (joey was a last min edition hes a tsum tsum 🥹)
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tlsafterdark · 2 months
soldier should humble ME. HOW ABOUT THAT?
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djadecutie · 4 months
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and the OTHER designs
I JU-AAAAAHHHH😭😭❤❤❤❤💘💘💘💖💖💖💘❤💓💕💕💕💖❤💘💞💝💞💅💅💅💖💖
@wowiezowiebaby 's oc's
(got some thoughts in the tags ._.)
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atypicalsouda · 1 year
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Already posted this but I wanted to again cuz it’s undeniably true. My world my baby my everything. The bestest the greatest the amazingist. I fucking love him 😭💕💕
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winterchimez · 5 months
Tornado Warnings | Eric Sohn
SUMMARY: you have sworn that you would never get involved with the campus fuckboy, Eric Sohn. however, you have decided one day that enough was enough, and you would sacrifice yourself and ignore all of the tornado warnings that were clearly tearing you apart.
PAIRING: fuckboy!Eric x f!reader
GENRE: angst, suggestive, slight fluff
WARNINGS: nc-17, frat parties 😃, alcohol consumption, the sexual tension here is strong yall oops, fuckboy Eric...need i say more than that 😁, he is flirty af, he is umm shirtless at one scene 😀, cheating & playing with one's feelings (don't do that irl folks), petnames (babe, princess), name-calling (again, its horrible don't do that), reader walks in on Eric making out with someone at one point 👀, kissing, making out, teasing, arguments, slight manipulation, reader ignores her own feelings/well-being for months but eventually faces them
A/N: back with another release for the emails i can't send fwd: series with @sanaxo-o, and this is written for @mosviqu ✨ happiest birthday bar, i tried my best and i really hope you liked this!! 💓 thankiew my dearest 妹妹 @sungbeam for giving me ideas & helping me beta (along with @drunkdrazed emma & sana) i love yall always 🥹💗 also tagging other eric mooties for this 👀 @itsbeeble @kimsohn
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This will be the last time I’ll ever do this again.
You have been repeating that to yourself over the past several months, constantly reminding yourself that you will never get into a messed-up relationship again. At least, that’s what you thought about before you were brought back to reality, where you’re standing on the front porch of a party location for the night.
Why exactly was that? Frankly, you had no idea yourself.
But there was only one way to find out: to enter the frat party that catered to the seniors for the night. You pretty much knew most of the people here since they were students who belonged to your batch.
Instead of carrying out your usual routine, go to find your deskmate in psych, who was the one who often dragged you out from your bubble to parties like this, and have a couple of drinks before passing out on one of the couches towards the end of the room; you decided to do the complete opposite tonight.
You walked straight towards the outdoor pool area, where most students were holding their glasses of cocktails and dancing around the pool. Some were enjoying their time playing in the waters. You had one goal in mind: to walk straight towards the other end and to find him.
Sure enough, he was there lying on one of the sunloungers with his favourite whiskey in hand while a few girls were hovering around him, touching his bare chest. You couldn’t care less about that since you already knew this was his norm.
But now it was your time with him, and you boldly made your way towards him, standing right before him before he ushered the other girls away. He allowed you to crawl up to him before settling down on his lap, and he rested his free hand on your waist.
“Hey babe, I have been waiting for you since forever,” he grinned before leaning towards you while resting his fingers on your chin.
Instead of giving him a reply, you stared deeply into his eyes before wrapping your arms around his neck, making the male rest his thumb on your lips to part them. “Look at you, already missing my touch so bad. We’ve only just bumped into each other this morning on campus.”
Once again, not a single word left your mouth, but eventually, you decided to lean in to close the gap between you both before sealing your lips with his. The kiss was messy, and you were slowly savouring the leftover alcohol that was on his lips, slowly getting drunk by the way his lips moved against yours as if he knew exactly which spot to get to.
You have lost count of how many times you have made out, and Eric Sohn knew you from A to Z, especially when it comes to playing around with your feelings and emotions.
He was the campus fuckboy, after all.
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“Y/N! You won’t believe what just happened.” Your roommate Naomi came rushing through your front door, not even bothering to close it before she frantically entered your bedroom.
“Woah, what’s up? And why exactly is your face flushed red?” You asked.
“What else would it be? Obviously, it’s about the guy we all hate to the depths of the earth’s core!” She yelled, placing both hands on either side of her hips before she began rhythmically tapping her feet.
As soon as you heard the word “guy,” you knew exactly who she was referring to—someone you had sworn to never get caught up with again.
Eric Sohn.
“Let me guess, he had a one-night stand with one of our acquaintances,” you announced with crossed arms.
“Not just an acquaintance, Y/N. It’s Stella-”
Upon hearing that name, you immediately stood up from your chair, dropped some of your lecture notes, and made a mess on your tidied-up bedroom floor. Anger began rising rapidly within you, and you had to try your best to contain yourself and not make a scene before your neighbour started complaining about your specific unit for the nth time this month.
“Not Stella,” you fumed.
“Oh yes he did, Y/N. And things are not looking good right now.”
“Please God, tell me she’s alright,” you pleaded with Naomi, shaking her shoulders. But it seemed your roommate wouldn’t spill the tea that easily.
“It’s best if you check it out yourself,” your roommate silently mumbled before you dashed out the door and grabbed your coat frantically to go see whatever mess he had done this time.
And you hoped that it wasn’t as bad as the previous one.
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You were now supporting Stella upright as she tried to position herself directly in front of the sink and calm herself down after having too many drinks than her usual intake. You absolutely hated how your friend—well, former friend—got Stella as messed up as he did to the other girls.
You and Eric went all the way back to kindergarten, where you had always known that there was this little boy who would often cry every single day all because he knew that he wasn’t going to see his parents for a couple of hours, and would try all sorts of methods to convince that he wasn’t fit to enter the school’s compound.
Naturally, everyone knew and labelled him as the “crybaby” and just didn’t really know how to interact with him much.
In the beginning, you reacted the same way with the other kids, thinking that he would eventually grow out of it and decide to mind your own business. However, it came a day when the kids were paired up for a little mini-activity, and that was when you got the infamous boy himself.
Contradicting what the others said about him, he was a jovial and happy-go-lucky kid. In fact, he was the one who helped bring you out of your bubble and made it easier for you to go around meeting new friends. He would often link his arms with you as you walked down the school halls daily, which made the other kids label you two as a couple.
Frankly, you didn’t mind all that because you enjoyed his company. In reality, you often looked forward to being paired up with him again for another activity or sport. After that experience, he would often make his way towards your desk, eat his bento boxes with you during meals, and show off the pretty animal-themed meals his mother had made especially for him.
You often giggled at how he would talk about himself all the time, and it was just mesmerising to see the joy and look on his face whenever he spoke of himself. Adding on to that, he was definitely taught well at home with the way he would go all-out to make friends with others during school hours and help them out in any circumstances possible. He was no longer the “crybaby” that everyone once labelled him as.
Things were going well until one day, his family decided to leave for the States. To say that you were sad about your friend leaving would’ve been an understatement—you were devastated. Not only was he the very first friend you made in kindergarten, but you also felt as if he was your soulmate since he knew everything about you and had never once done nor said the wrong thing that made you upset.
During that time, Eric couldn’t say much either since you were both still young, so he had no choice but to leave with his family. On the very last day when he was in Seoul though, he made sure to give you the tightest hug and place multiple pecks all over your face, promising you that fate would reunite you both someday.
That day eventually came, but you never would have expected to reunite with him the way you did after all these years.
You were both 22, casually entering your second year of university before you encountered the man himself. You were shocked, to say the least, when he first stepped into the lecture hall—his hair was fully blonde, he had several tattoos all over his body, and every girl swooned over him.
He was now a hot mess.
The Eric Sohn you once knew was far gone because the one here was nowhere near the little boy you admired back in kindergarten. Word often spread quickly in college, so you frequently heard about his little date nights with multiple women and his so-called “flavor of the month.”
He was one of the wealthier students on campus, hosting house parties almost once every month. These parties attracted quite the crowd, causing a more ever-present distinction between them and students like you and your roommates—the goody-two-shoes who prioritised studies more than drinking and making out with different people in one night.
That was until he got involved in your affairs.
It all started with him dating one of the girls within your circle, and it ended horribly, to the point that the student herself decided to cut all ties with everyone and isolate herself either in the library or in the comforts of her apartment all the time.
It took you a while to figure out what happened before you could get the girl to talk it out. He was toying with her throughout the relationship, and there were no fixed boundaries or respect while they were together. He seemed unable to settle down with just one girl, and cheating was prominent throughout the entire relationship.
Unfortunately, he didn’t stop there. Multiple exes followed after that, and you’ve seen the heartbreaks he had caused throughout campus. You couldn’t believe it, or rather, you didn’t want to think this was the same soulmate you once had way back in your childhood.
It just didn’t add up.
That was until it happened to Stella.
You couldn’t believe your ears when you found out that your best friend had decided to date with your former friend. As much as you wanted to pull her out of the mess, she knew what she was getting into; who were you to judge or have a say in someone’s decision and relationship?
However, now that you’d witnessed your friend’s downfall in person, you could no longer sit back and watch your former friend continue on his sick, twisted games. So you stomped right out of the bar and walked all the way to Eric’s apartment. Thanks to Stella, you also knew his pin number to unlock the front door, and you wasted no time and quickly barged into the compound.
Sure enough, you found him making out with another girl on his couch, and both of them were definitely surprised to see a random girl going into his apartment without prior notice. The girl under your former fried began grilling him some questions, but all Eric did was stare back at you, eyeing you from head to toe.
In the end, he kindly dismissed the girl for the night before closing the front door and walking straight towards you, now standing a few centimetres away from you.
“It’s been a while, Y/N. To what do I owe the pleasure? Have you been alright?”
“Don’t give me that bullshit, Sohn. You know exactly why I’m here,” you spat, trying to contain the anger and fumes that were slowly rising.
Instead, your reaction intrigued the man, and he returned the favour by smiling at you, one that you knew wasn’t going to end well.
“What does Stella got to do with you, hmm? Unless you’re jealous-”
“Jealous? Don’t make me laugh; I’m here to put you right in your place, mister.” You stomped right towards him and shoved him against the wall, cornering him with both your hands beside his head. “I don’t know what the hell happened when you were in the States, but I surely did not anticipate such behaviour from you after all these years.”
Eric quietly stared at you for a few moments before he lifted his thumb and rested it on your lips, which made you twitch at the contact. “You know, Y/N. There’s this joy in seeing how so many people around you want you. It’s fun and quite thrilling if you ask me.” He was now smacking his lips, and you knew he would make advances if you didn’t stop him there.
Hence, you smacked his hands away before grabbing onto his collar. “Your time playing with innocent girls is up, Sohn. Leave them the hell alone,” you snarled.
“Hmm, what makes you think I’d listen to you?”
You were now put in a bind spot. There was no denying those words that Eric had just spat right into your face. You had no control over him, and hell, even if you were part of the student council, you couldn’t do anything since he wasn’t posing as a threat to the other students.
Another factor was that he was well-loved by the students, particularly female students on campus since he was the guy that everyone wished they could elope with after all. It must be a joke for the fuckboy to listen to your proposal, thinking that you’ll ever have hopes of changing the guy.
But something in you snapped, and you couldn’t care less about the methods you would try to pull off.
Even if that meant sacrificing yourself.
“If I were to date you and meet your needs, you leave the other girls alone.”
That came as a shock to Eric; never in a million years would he have thought you would suggest something like this. You have always been a goody-two-shoes from kindergarten until university. He was well aware of your group of friends: the library was where you would visit most frequently, and you would be back in the dormitories by ten at night.
It took him a while to respond properly, and you weren’t just going to stand there and wait all night, so you did the impossible and pulled him down towards you.
You locked your lips with his.
It all happened so fast, and the anger and frustration prevented you from rationalising your thoughts and making you do what you had done. If you would’ve told yourself that you would lose your first kiss to your former friend turned campus fuckboy, you would’ve immediately jumped off the nearest cliff off campus.
As soon as you pulled away, a smirk appeared on his face, and he quickly turned the tables so that you were now pinned against the wall, his hands travelling down to your waist before licking his lips once again.
“Whatever you say, princess.”
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This whole situationship went on for months, and you were slowly losing your sanity each day. Eventually, you slowly began to give into his urges, playing along with his little games if that meant keeping your friends safe.
Nobody understood why you did it, especially your roommates and circle of friends. Naomi would constantly remind you about all of the horrible things that he did, and you would one hundred percent regret getting involved in his affairs. But if that meant keeping your friends safe and unharmed, you would do it ten times over.
Hence, there is a change in your daily routine: meet up with Eric every day after lectures and accompany him either to the local bars or the comforts of his apartment, and stay the night there whenever it gets too late for you to return to your own. You really didn’t mind it at all since you had a roof over your head and you were safe in his arms.
At least that was what you convinced yourself it would be.
His fuckboy demeanour didn’t stop there, and he would often be seen hanging out and flirting with the other girls. But there was a drastic difference this time: he knew exactly when to draw the line and chose not to advance further than that.
As much as your circle of friends would constantly remind you about all the terrible things Eric had done, you convinced yourself that if he doesn’t see them, then they probably didn’t exist after all.
But one question still remains: Are you really okay with everything unfolding in front of your eyes?
Was lying to yourself about your actual feelings worth it for the sake of your friends? And was going into this despite ignoring all the tornado warnings worth it in the long run?
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End of flashback
“Hey babe, is everything alright?”
You were brought back to reality with Eric rubbing off a little teardrop that flowed down to your cheeks, not realising that you had been consumed with your thoughts so much that you actually cried in front of him.
You were at a loss for words and couldn’t pinpoint why that was either. All you did was gently touch the area he had just wiped off before you felt your eyes begin to water again.
This time, Eric genuinely seemed concerned and cupped your face gently with his hands for the very first time since you both started this entire messed-up situationship months ago.
“I don’t know…I don’t even know why I’m here tonight, Eric,” you began sobbing but tried to hide your tears by choking back them. Why am I like this? Why do I keep doing this with you, knowing my feelings are not validated or ignored? Why did it have to be you?”
You couldn’t care less if people around you began giving you the side-eye, seeing that a girl was sitting on top of Eric in the midst of the frat party sobbing uncontrollably. You have held it in for far too long, ignoring all the warnings your friends have constantly tried to ingrain in your mind.
You got yourself into this situation; you should’ve known that you were getting yourself into trouble when you proposed that idea to him. You should’ve known that you were going to get your heart broken-
Before you could continue with those thoughts, you felt a little peck on your forehead, only to open your eyes to see that Eric had left a little mark right there, closing his eyes to cherish that short moment before pulling away.
“Did that help?” He asked, once again rubbing your red puffy cheeks with his thumbs.
“Eric…why would you…” you sniffed.
“I realised something, Y/N. While I was with you for the past several months.”
“W-What exactly was that?”
“I’m well aware of the things people call me. I know all about the red flags people say about me; frankly, I’ve done some screwed-up shit and brought myself into this messy situation. I know you decided to date me for the sake of your friends, and it’s very brave of you to do that, despite knowing the hurt and harm that would prevail when getting together with me. But that’s not my point-”
He cuts himself off by positioning himself upright on the sunlounger he was lying on, now holding both sides of your shoulders before taking a deep breath to proceed with what he was about to say to you.
“Y/N. You’ve shown me how friends would stand up for each other in a situation like this and how all of these games that I’ve been playing for so long aren’t going to last forever. Emotions are something that shouldn’t be taken lightly, and you shedding actual tears in front of me proved more than enough for me to make my final judgement,” he huffed, knowing that it wasn’t easy for him to get those words off his chest.
Eric began mumbling a few words before he finally decided he was ready to say them out loud to you. “Y/N, will you teach me how to love?”
Your eyes widened upon those words coming out from him; it felt as if you were looking right at the same boy back in kindergarten, your soulmate and childhood best friend. The sudden wave of nostalgia came rushing over you, and you tried your best to hold those tears back as you needed to properly hear him say the words you wanted to hear for the longest time.
“What are you saying, Eric?”
“it is exactly that, Y/N. I’m…trying my best to muster up the courage to say that out loud to you right now. I know you’d probably laugh at my face,” he chuckled. “A guy like me asking the girl who he's been taking advantage of to teach him actual love? Yeah, I’m insane for all of that, I know-”
Before he could finish his sentence, you sealed his lips with a kiss, pushing him back down the lounger, savouring the taste of his lips. Eric returned the favour and deepened the kiss by wrapping his arms around you, his fingers running through your long, wavy hair while he was at it before pulling it apart for some air after a good minute.
“W-What was that for?” He stammered.
With that, you finally gave him a genuine smile for the first time since reuniting with him here on campus. “Welcome back, Eric Sohn.”
In the end, you both burst into laughter, enjoying that little moment together before resting your forehead against his. “So, I’m taking this as a yes? That you accept my proposal?”
You chuckled before ruffling his hair with your hands.
“Maybe if you take me out on a skateboard date the next time, I’ll consider it done, Mr. Tornado Warnings.”
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emails i can't send fwd: series masterlist
main masterlist
taglist: @deoboyznet @kflixnet @k-films @flwoie @zzoguri @kyusqult @tinkerbell460 @cheonsafics @sulkygyu @jaerisdiction @vernyangel @fylithia @stealanity @lngwayup @daisyvisions @djidfk @mosviqu @itsbeeble @kimsohn (join my permanent taglist here!)
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l0velylecter · 2 years
If your requests are open... could you write headcanons of the cod boys with a fem s/o who loves flowers? Like everything she owns is a floral print, she grows her own flower garden, she usually wears long flowy floral print skirts, etc. Do you think they would ever surprise her with flowers? Or do that cliche but lovely thing where a man will pick a wildflower and put it in the women's hair. 💓 Sometimes I feel a little silly over how much I love flowers, I let out a little gasp ever time i see them. 💐
— the cod : mw ii men + s/o who loves flowers ! characters : simon ‘ghost’ riley, john ‘soap’ mactavish, alejandro vargas, captain john price, phillip graves, kyle ‘gaz’ garrick, rodolfo parra fandom : call of duty modern warfare ii tags : f!reader rating :  g for general , sfw!
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01 | Knowing how lonely and anxious you get when he leaves for missions, Price decided to build you a garden, knowing it would take your mind off worrying. And it worked: by summer, the whole backyard was in full bloom, a reflection of Price's love and your devotion, seen in every petal. The sight of napping by one of the chairs with a book open by your lap or trousers stained with dirt from being knee-deep in a cluster of bellflowers, cottage pinks, and delphiniums is always something that Price looks forward to when he gets home. 
02 | When you told Soap how much you loved flowers, he went above and beyond to show you he remembers. You'd open the door to greet him home — and he'd have a bouquet in his hand, hoping that the pattern of roses, thistles, and bluebells would distract you from the broken nose he got on duty ( you still scolded him.) " Flower delivery for my bonnie lass !" He'd announce playfully, never failing to make you smile each time. And whenever you show him your new skirt or blouse, he'd be ready with a compliment, telling you dreamily how the floral pattern matches your eyes.
03 | You weren't surprised at how good Gaz was with plants, nurturing and gentle by nature: his softer traits tend to get overlooked because of his profession. But when he's home with you, helping you change the pot of your carnations, you can't help but melt at how gentle he's being. He's growing into a bigger mother hen than you when it comes to your flowers— " I think we should take the lads ( the pot of blue and purple lobelias) out for some sun, love." Making the best of his time home, the two of you would often garden and go hiking together, stopping by the trails to pick some violets on the way home. 04 | It's obvious from the beginning that Alejandro is a roses man. Romantic and down-right chivalrous, he always comes home with a bouquet of them: a cluster of classic, deep, red petals between his fingers. The colonel loves how sweet they smell on you, buying you attar oil from the market so you can thread it through your hair or pour some into the bath when you're both unwinding against the warm water. Infatuated with how beautiful roses look on you, Alejandro decided to gift you a simple, golden necklace with a rose pendant hanging from it. And you're more than happy to show it off around your neck. 05 | Too shy to approach you, Rodolfo started leaving flowers instead. He'd place the simple banquet of sunflowers in your office, always waiting from afar to watch you carry it back home from base with a smile on your lips. Eventually, he was caught and had to come clean. You were far from angry — if anything, you were in love. Even when you start dating, he still brings home sunflowers, a symbol of faith, loyalty, and adoration. His face burned when you decided to tuck one behind your ear. Plus, Rodolfo finds it endearing how you gasp every time he comes home with fresh flowers as if he hasn't been doing it forever now, chest physically aching from how cute you looked. 06 | When he's around you, Graves turns into a big softie. It's almost hilarious how quickly he switches from a lean, mean commander to a man who would re-paint your entire room with flowers just because you love them so much. You'd pick him up at the airport, and he'd be the one bringing a bouquet — " What kind of man doesn't bring home flowers for his girl, hm?" And on the mornings when you'd wake up, and he'd already be gone, having to fly for D.C. on an emergency call, you'd see a vase of white tulips and pink carnations resting above the dining table. A silent yet beautiful way for him to say he's sorry, (and how can you not forgive him when he still finds time to give your flowers, no matter how busy he gets?) 06 | You know that Ghost is not the one for grand romantic gestures, understanding that he's reserved and somewhat hesitant when loving you. Because of this, reassurance is often hard to get from Simon. You would have expected communication to be nonexistent when he's a man of few words, but if anything, it's always constant: proven by the different flowers he'd get for you, knowing that it is a language you can both understand. After arguments, he'd say sorry by leaving white orchids by your bedside table. While 'I love yous' were expressed through red-white carnations and peonies. And with Simon, it's about paying attention to the little things, like when he walks up to you out of the blue, silent yet gentle as he tucks a chrysanthemum behind your ear. He'd stand there and admire you, hands still resting under your chin, " Fucking hell... you're beautiful, you know that?" From then on, you've been hard at work in your little garden, knowing that with it, you've made him a home to come back to.
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a/n : so sorry for the late response anon, university has been kicking my ass, but thank you for requesting ! when i tell you i had so much fun writing this (i’m such a sucker for pure gentle fluff), what a creative and lovely request, i can already tell you’re wonderful by just this. i hope you enjoy it !! <3 
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carrionsflower · 7 months
-`. 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒: write one song for every letter in your url, and then tag as many people as there are letters in your url.
TAGGED BY @timdownie & @thedeadthree, thank you legends 💓
TAGGING @queennymeria, @risingsh0t, @loriane-elmuerto, @shellibisshe, @statichvm, @jackiesarch, @florbelles, @unholymilf, @countessrooster, @lucky-107, @shadowglens, @faerune, @cptcassian, @carlosoliveiraa, @arborstone, @mercymaker, @glassrunner, @sunites, @simonxriley, @roofgeese, @leviiackrman + anybody else that wants to do it!
✧ C reep - radio head
✧ A nti hero - taylor swift
✧ R ed room - rat king's ghost
✧ R aphael's final act - borislav slavov
✧ I nbred - ethel cain
✧ O n the nature of daylight - max richter
✧ N o more tears - ozzy osbourne
✧ S courge of iron - cannibal corpse
✧ F amily tree - ethel cain
✧ L andslide - fleetwood mac
✧ O death - kate mann
✧ W ait and bleed - slipknot
✧ E xile - taylor swift, bon iver
✧ R agnar the red - malukah
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URL PLAYLIST! JESUS CHRIST! tagged by @pixeltori & @mchiti. thank you so much !!!
oh brother.
i tag @yudgefudge, @photmath, @karotland, @buttergirlepic, @aechii, @goopynoodle, @write-the-stars, @utdmoon, @neon-d0rk, and @kylivier :) 💓
c - cameras / go ones go interlude by drake
r - ready to blow by KMFDM
y - your best american girl by mitski
i - i know it's over by the smiths
n - nikes by frank ocean
g - glock in my lap by 21 savage
f - F.N.T by semisonic
o - one wish by ray j
r - reflections by misterwives
c - china girl by david bowie
r - rose golden by kid cudi
o - oh to be in love by kate bush
c - cinnamon girl by lana del rey
d - disintegration by the cure
i - it's only sex by car seat headrest
l - lost in the fire by gesaffelstein & the weeknd
e - enjoy the silence by depeche mode
s - she wolf by shakira 🐺
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dandyshucks-moving · 1 year
hiya hello!!! I'm Dandy/Juno, 22, they/it pronouns, Métis, and this is my silly little sideblog (main blog is @dandyghest and also @piplupod) where I have a little silly fun rbing/talking about F/Os!! I'm pretty new to the community but I've been self-shipping since I was a kid!
I am a very hesitant and anxious person, but I love interacting with others when I feel like I'm able to!! I might be a little slow to step into interacting w the community fully until I learn the ropes of how the community works but I'm dipping my toes in when I'm able to :]
I'm totally fine with sharing F/Os except for Guzma (if you tag all your posts abt him then you're a-okay to follow since I can just block the tag)! Feel free to block me if I accidentally miss that we share an F/O you don't want shared! (Just make sure you block my main account(s) too so I don't get confused LOL)
there might be (very rare) occasional suggestive posts, but those will be tagged accordingly! anything Actually nsfw will be over at @scandydandyshucks (18+ only over there!).
People who ship pedophilic or incestual pairings and people who write/draw porn of children will be blocked, I have zero tolerance for any of that ! Also, the "fiction doesn't affect reality" crowd is strictly NOT welcome here !
If you ever see me reblog from someone nasty, please let me know! I follow a lot of the community tags and have as many proship tags blocked as I can to catch any bs, and I also try to check the blogs before I rb from the general community tags, but sometimes I may miss things! Just lmk and I'll go look and delete it!
F/O list under the cut !!
F/O list:
Main F/O:
Guzma (pokemon) (tag: "💜so good at being in trouble", ship tag: "💜a boy and his bug🪲") <- if you share him, just let me know what you have all your guzma-related posts tagged with and i'll just block that tag and then I'll be okay to follow back! ദി ᷇ᵕ ᷆ )♡
Other F/Os (in no particular order):
Aizawa and Hizashi (bnha) (tags: "🖤napping in class" and "🧡hello radio land!", ship tag: "🖤one lucky listener🧡")
Marc, Steven, Jake (moonknight) (tags: "🤍white knight", "🤎float like a butterfly sting like a bee", "🩶the man in the rearview mirror", ship tag: "🌙systems overlapping🪲")
Sun and Moon (fnaf) (QPP?) (tags: "💛lights on!" and "💙nightlight")
The Doctor (doctor who) (tag: "💓doctor doctor gimme the news")
Rum Tum Tugger and Mistoffelees (cats the musical) (tags: "🤎only like what I find for myself" and "🐈‍⬛never was there a cat so clever")
Aziraphale and Crowley (good omens) (tags: "💞oh my angel" and "❤️‍🔥never (not) nice", ship tag: "💞temptation sparks❤️‍🔥")
general F/O posts are tagged with 💗
❤️ is for general vampire posts!
art tag: "dandy doodlebugs"
op tag: "dandyshucks"
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tyrianludaship · 6 months
Started off as shading practice and emesis blue art; ended with this
Bro deserved way better in the film (same with everyone aside from Jacques and Jules but still)
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Bro it's like 11 rn I need to rest man
Proships DNI
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xxthefairywitchxx · 7 months
Are there any F/Os you're uncomfortable sharing? I couldn't find any info about it in your carrd
To be honest it's usually most of them, though I've been getting less...idk intense about it? It's been less of an issue lately? Maybe it's cause my current main is Ian Duff, a dating sim character, so it makes it a little easier to deal with?
Generally I just block people if I see we share an f/o unless it's a mutual then I just block their tag for that character.
Lemme just...Copy paste my whole ship list under the cut for ease of explaining who I am and am not comfortable sharing, that'll make this simple...And I'll keep the tags so anyone can block any tag they need to
encouraged actually, not just okay with: 💓
yes: 💖
no: 💔
depends: 🫀
Princess Peach - Fruitbowl 💓 Jaden Yuki(Yu-Gi-Oh GX) - SuperLuv 💔 Jesse Anderson(Also GX)- Southern Jewel 💔 Aster Phoenix(GX) - Angel 💖 Sartorius Kumar(GX) - Gummybear 💖 Blair Flanagan(GX)- Kitten 💖 Adrian Gekko(GX) - Insurance 💓 (take him) Jack Atlas♥(5Ds) - Bastard Man 💖 Kalin Kessler(5Ds) - Puppy 💔 Carly Carmine(5Ds) - Lady Friends 💖 Link(LOZ) - My Hero 💔(this one sucks, he's so popular and z3l!nk is every where) Dark Link(LOZ) - Shadow 💖 Linkle(LOZ) - Girls Do It Better 💓 Bonnie(fnaf) - Bunny Boy 💔 Foxy(fnaf) - Pirate Protector 💔 Monty(fnaf) - Rock And Roll 💔 Baby(fnaf) - Clowning Around 💓 Nova(fnaf oc kinda?) - Shooting Star 💔 Broly(Dragon Ball Super) - Let’s Rock 💔 Tadase(Shugo Chara) - Strawberry Shortcake 💓(he was bullied so much when I was in the fandom he needs more love) Frankenstein's Creature - Patchwork Hearts 💓 (more people need to love him) Dylas(RF4) - Tsundere Tango 💖 Keith Claes(Villainess Isekai) - Linked Hearts 💖 Alan Stuart(Villainess Isekai) - Resonate Soul 💖 Red Velvet(CRK) - Dark Desire 💖 Pure Vanilla(CRK) - Sweet As Sugar 💖 Vash(Trigun) - Heart Typhoon 💓 (love him getting love) Knives(Trigun) - Million Hearts 💓 (get him away from me) Joe Tazuna(YTTD) - Keychain Buddies 💔 Alice Yabusame (YTTD) - Love Crimes 💔 Rio Ranger (YTTD) - Dressup Doll 💔 Naomichi Kurumada(YTTD) - Final Countdown 💖 Mai Tsurugi(YTTD) - Creampuff 💖 Trash, Garbage & Scum(River City Girls) - Brothers Gross 💖 Sunny Day Jack(SWWSDJ) - Sunny Days 🫀 Ian Duff(SWWSDJ) - Second Chance 💖 Bo(Dachabo) - Dog Toy 💓 Taylor Pots(Gallagher Mansion) - Lovely Dork 💓 Garrett Golde(Snaggemon) - Pretty Idiot 💖 Bram(Snaggemon) - Rival Bicycle 💓 Keaton(Fire Emblem Fates) - Favorite Treasure 💔 Kaden(Fire Emblem Fates) - Mutual Pampering 💖 Corrin(M) - Dragon Prince 💖 Chrom(Fire Emblem Awakening) - Hot Dad 💓 Dimitri(FE Three houses) - Taste Of Love 💔 Alfonse(FEH) - Prince Charming 💖 Otr(FEH) - Dear One 💖 Elm(FEH) - Batty About You 💔 Karamatsu(Osomatsu-san) - Fashion Disasters 💓 Ichimatsu(Osomatsu-san) - Furreal Boyfriend 💓 Sir Pentious(Hazbin Hotel) - Soup Snake 💔/🫀(I have a mutual who ships with him and I just...don't look at that tag...) Cherri Bomb(Hazbin Hotel) - Cherry Pie 💖 Arackniss(Hazbin Hotel) - Spider's Kiss 🫀 Striker(Helluva Boss) - Cowboy Snake 🫀 Gonta Gokuhara(DR V3) - LoveBug 💔💔💔 (idk why but I've had to block more people for him than anyone else) Kaito Momota(DRV3) - Outta This World 💖 Nagito Komaeda(SDR2) - Lucky Day Hajime Hinata(SDR2) - Loverboy 💖 Izuru Kamakura(SDR2) - Ultimate Love Junko Enoshima(DR) - Terrible Queen 💓 Mukuro Ikusaba(DR) - She Wolf 💓 Sabro Sabnock(M!IK) - Precious Metals 💔/🫀 (someone rebloged a gush post for him but otherwise it might be fine?) Shichiro Balam(M!IK) - Gentle Sunset 💔 Ameri Azazel(M!IK) - Blushing Beauty 💓 Atori(M!IK) - Wax Prince 💓 Purson Soi(M!IK) - Daddy Issues 💖 Kisshu/Dren(TMM) - Alien Feeling 💔 Anos Voldigoad(Misfit at Demon King Academy) - Sweet Laughs 💓💓💓 Arven(Pokemon ScarVio) - Puppyboy 💖 Piers(Pokemon SWSH) - Dark Heart 🫀 Riddle Rosehearts(TW) - Red King 🫀 Andrew&Ashley Graves(TCOAAL) - Three Of Them 💓💓💓💓💓
that is so much and I hope I didn't miss any...And didn't lose any since the formatting got hella fucked...
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tlsafterdark · 11 months
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Howdy and Hello! I’m Piper.
20 + white + non-binary / gender non-conforming + afab + any/all aside from neopronouns + bi/pan + virgin
this is the nsfw/nsft selfship blog! So if you're more comfortable with sfw content, my sfw selfship is @tyrianludaship! (though it’s also pretty suggestive too)  This is not my main so I probably won't interact with other's posts unless it is reblogs
This blog contains nsfw content both reblogged (such as imagines, probably ‘x reader’ fics and other miscellaneous stuff) and original (my own art or writing)
This is the blog where I am violently horny about my unlucky F/Os so if you want to see the car crash in slow motion, you’re in the right place.
More Info Here
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F/O Tag List
Narrator: #〽️💛
Sniper: #💘🔫
Demoman: #💥❣️
Medic: #💉🫀
(Medic from Emesis Blue: #💉💙)
(Christian Brutal Sniper: #🔪🩸)
Engineer: #💗🪛
Spy: #💝🚬
Soldier: #🪖💓
Heavy: 💕🐻
Miss Pauling: #💜📑
Grell: #💄♥️
Bill Sykes: #💵🦈
(Before You Follow: Since this is a NSFW blog, I do write and post art that is very much nsfw and contains sexual content. I definitely advise caution for anyone uncomfortable with sexual content and to reiterate, minors respectfully gtfo.) 
Kink Tags to Block (just in case): {boots / boot kink} {petplay} {good girl / good boy} {breeding} {size kink / size difference} {bd/sm} {body worship} {blasphemy/religion/heirophilia} {predator/prey; primal play} {praise} {degradation/humiliation} {dom/sub} {fearplay} {biting} {overstimulation} {knifeplay} {dumbification} {corruption}
General Do Not Interact (DNI):  - Proship/Comship, MAP/PEAR/Pedophiles (pedo isn't a kink stfu & get therapy) - Gender Exclusionist/Gender Critical/TERF, - a Bigot of Any Other Kind, - Blank Blogs
(If you’re anti-kink/sex, block me. There’s no reason for me to deal with your bs when I’m trying to bust. DO NOT FOLLOW ME IF YOU’RE A MINOR OR A AGELESS BLOG (THIS INCLUDES NOT HAVING YOUR AGE ON YOUR BIO). PLEASE DO NOT LOOK AT THIS!!! )
NOs: Omorashi/Watersports (fine w/ other ppl who like it tho; its just not my thing), fauxcest, raceplay, ageplay, feederism, irl gore/hard gore/necro of any kind/guro, vomit, scat, vore, cnc, abdl/diapers, inflation, detransition, sissification
(If you interact anyways, I will block you.)
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libertys-lovers · 1 year
I really love your content and I was wondering if it would be okay if I also made an F/O relationship chart? I just really loved the idea and I want to try my hand at crackshipping my loves together lol
Well first off, I’m so glad you enjoy my posts on here!!! It always makes me happy to hear that my silly little gushes can be fun to see, so thank you!! 🥺🥺💓💝💗💞💞💗💕💖
And second off, absolutely!! I appreciate ya askin’, but you’re all good to go! Please feel free to tag me too, only if ya want of course, but I’d certainly be down to see what ya come up with!!
Thanks for stopping by Anon, and have a great day!
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atypicalsouda · 11 months
So this whole takeover November event, huh?
I’m not exactly the kind of guy to want to partake in this shit. I don’t care about social media and I constantly forget Sal even has a blog.
About me….and our partner.
The truth is we’re way too fucking busy for this, but… I caved because Sal wants me to and I-
Never mind that. I guess I’m here to answer questions for the month- any questions. Not my fucking idea of fun but Sal wants me to be open and honest and shit. Nevertheless-questions about clan activity are obviously fucking forbidden. It’s a miracle Sal can even mention us here in the first place. Sides that, go wild if you want.
Still, anyone who decides to ask me specifically about 18+ topics-know that I won’t hold back. Know that I also will be blunt about shit because that’s who I am, alright?
Oh and Kaz is here too if you have questions for him. He’s just working right now and it would be better he didn’t get Sal’s computer dirty.
Not looking forward to this.
[Sal/irl Sal here- I’ll use brackets to annotate if I want! Here I wanna say that both of my f/os will be going by my AU’s canon/timeline. For example if Fuyu was asked when we met he’d say when he was 18 and just out of high-school. We’ve known each other for a lot longer in my AU. Hope that makes sense. Also I’m damn nervous about this cuz I’ve never done anything like it before and idk if there’s like rules to follow or something?? That’s why I decided to just say my f/os are here and available if you have a question- I may or may not reblog some other ask posts. Probs not.]
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squipy-shippy · 1 year
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Hi! I'm squipy and welcome to my blog!!! Here you'll find mostly me gushing about fictional women who I wish I could hold I mostly do this for fun and comfort I wouldn't consider myself fictosexual/romantic or anything but I do care about my f/o's a lot. A bit about me tho lol so I'm a 20 year old gender apathetic aroace autstic lesbian. I'ma tell you now you aren't going to find quality writing or art here xD your mostly going to see moldboards stimboards video edits stuff like that from me (which I do request on but video edits cost a bit of money so ) I do write sometimes but I'm dyslexic so they aren't that good lol anyways yeah uuuh welcome hope you enjoy your stay!
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While I try to be open and accepting of everyone there is a few people I don't want on this blog and I feel might find me uncomfortable so yeah let's get into that I guess
I do ship with villains a bit but I do not condone their actions nor do I think these actions should be romanticized
I have pretty bad anxiety and absolutely hate confrontation so if you have an issue with me or I did something to upset you please do it in my DMS and not in my ask because I tend to be a bit of a door mat and get pretty panicky when I mess something up (#trauma baby!!!)
I have pretty bad dyslexia when it comes to my grammar and spelling so if that's going to bug you probably best to not follow this blog
If you fit basic dni criteria aka your just a rude person
You're against self diagnose
Pro life pro trump conservative
Anyone below the age of 16
Proshipers comshipers whatever the fuck you guys go by
Radqueers or those that support radqueers
Anti xenogenders or Neopronouns
Anyone against self shipping (wtf you here bestie)
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Wanna see how gay I am! Well here it is!!
Oh also for my romantic f/o's I'm fine with Sharing for most but a rule of thumb is the less common the source is the less Likely I'ma be comfortable Sharon
Romantic f/o's:
Ship name(person)-tag
Soft and high notes(adagio dazzle)-#🧜🏻‍♀️🧡
Karts my heart(roxxane wolf)-#🐺🎸
Lizard lovers(demencia)-#🦎💛
Howdy lover(Sally starlit)-#🎭☀️
3 quartz and a human( the rose quart sisters)-#🌷💓
Seeking monster hearts (Felecia)-#🐙📱
Remix my heart(dj Cadence)-#💽🐧
Strawberry pie(toriel)-#🥧🤍
Funny love(spinel)-#🃏🩷
Another castle(bowsette)-#🔥🐲
Platonic f/o's:
Aran ryan-#☘️🥊
505-tag to be decided
Familiar f/o's:
josh Schmitty(dad)-#🎙️
Cookie Masterson(dad)-#🍪
Bowser(brother)-tag to be decided
Bowser jr(nephew)- tag to be decided
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