#💎 yearning hours
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some more serious/cute screenshots of the lads + a potential outfit for my skyrim self insert :) not settled on it yet but i'm liking it so far.
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Unexpected 40
Sequel to Unsolicited
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Warnings: non/dubcon, pregnancy, pegging, Lloyd being the worst, post partum, csection, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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Numb. All your life, you strived for that state. To not feel a thing. It only took the sacrifice of your independence and body to achieve it.
Your mind is spent, you just can’t care about anything. Not the man suddenly missing, not the baby attached to your tit, and certainly not that dull tugging in your pelvis. 
“Dear, are you hungry?” Dottie asks as she appears in the doorway, “little thing must be takin’ it out of ya.”
You grumble. Your stomach clutches but your appetite is almost nonexistent. Everytime you see yourself, everytime you get a glance at your body, you can’t help but cringe. No wonder he’s gone. You were no prize before and now he’s ruined any semblance of attraction.
“You have to eat,” she chides, “‘specially if you’re gonna keep this one well fed.”
She comes to you as you finish feeding. You look down at the baby. You’re still waiting for the light switch to flip on. That magical moment everyone mythologises when you’ll feel that motherly yearning. When all common sense is wiped up by the primal instincts of maternity. You got nothing. 
The baby gets no reaction from you. Not disgust, not fear, not love, or joy or anything else they say you should feel.
You hand her over to Dottie. She burps the child and lays her in the rolling bassinet nearby. You lean against the pillows and stare at the room. You refused to stay in the one you shared with Lloyd, instead you took one of the guest beds.
If he ever shows up, you doubt he’ll want anything from you. You can’t offer him anything. The doctor says at least six weeks. If it’s up to you, never.
Dottie leaves you. She tries to get you to do more than grumble and sleep but there’s nothing else you can do. She is Marion’s mother. She hasn’t said a damn thing about him running off and you haven’t seen Harlan since the delivery room. You can’t tell if the are ashamed about their son or merely stuck in an awkward situation.
You close your eyes. This is what you knew would happen. This is what you yelled at Lloyd. And as always, you’re right and he doesn’t fucking listen. For as unpredictable as you believed he was before, you see through him more and more. You know who and what he is.
For a moment, you miss the life you had before. The one you thought was a prison but now you see was freedom. Working nights, coming home, sleeping on your own hours, eating on your own clock, coming and going wherever you liked, even if it wasn’t often. If you could go back, you would. 
You would pretend like Colin loved you and just forget about Ally. At least he kept the act up. Your eyes burn and you wiggle your nose.
You will not cry. You are numb. You don’t feel. You don’t want to feel. You don’t even want to be.
“A walk will be nice, dear,” Dottie says as she lays the baby in the stroller.
You sit on the bench near the door. You feel weak and worn. It’s only been two weeks. You have a lifetime left of this. You won’t survive it.
Dottie can’t stay forever. If you were her age, you’d already be off enjoying your retirement. When you are her age, you’ll still be stuck here.
Unless… he decides to throw you out. The kid will be grown by then. You’ll be old and ragged and useless. With any luck, you won’t find out one way or the other.
“The doctor says a slow walk is good. Keeping active will help you recover.”
You nod. You don’t argue. In a way, you are humiliated by her constant doting. More like pestering. She knows you can’t do this alone, just like you do. She does a good job of hiding her anger. If you were her, you’d be livid at your son for pulling this shit.
“Right, well, let’s get going,” she chirps as she opens the door and wheels the stroller through.
You don’t move as she rolls it down to even ground and she kicks the brakes down on the wheels. She comes back in and offers to help you up. You slide to the edge of the bench and grunt as you stand on your own.
You feel her gaze on you and you refuse to meet it. There’s something unsaid. Staying active. You have a lot of weight to take off. Yeah, you know.
You follow her slowly across the entry way and come out into the sunlight. You lean on the railing as you descend after her down the few steps. You keep your head down, shoulders slump, and keep your hand from meeting your stomach out of habit.
She flips the brakes up and she slowly sets off. You do your best to keep up, watching the toes of your speaker. The sun beats down hotly. Summer still blazes hotly. The loose hoodie you wear fills with heat and has you sweating.
She goes through the gate and turns onto the sidewalk. You lean against a pole to catch your breath. She stops patiently, cooing at the baby as you push yourself away. You apologise and press on. It is easier to be outside. It doesn’t feel so stagnant.
Dottie comments on the houses you pass, the pretty flowers, and the trimmed hedges. She likes the neighbourhood. To you, it looks like a circle of hell. You turn back at the end of the street and head back to the house. You’re drained entirely.
“Any ideas for lunch?” Dottie asks.
“Not hungry,” you answer.
“Aw, well, you do have to eat, just like Luna,” she says gently.
“Yeah,” you utter.
You’re startled as your name comes from behind you. Before you can reach the gate, you pause and face the speaker. Andy jogs towards you and stops before the stroller as Dottie turns it with her.
“Uh, hey, I saw you passing by,” he smiles and gives a nervous look at the other woman, “I haven’t seen you around, I just wanted to say hi. I… I didn’t know the baby was here already.”
You stare at him. You see the doubt in his cheek, a small twitch. You can’t just let him see how defeated you are.
“Two weeks,” you inform him, doing your best to keep your voice light, “she’s doing well.”
That’s the thing you noticed. Now that the baby is born, people don’t ask how you are. Not until they ask about the baby.
“Wow,” he says, “um, I’m Andy,” he says to Dottie, “I live next door.”
“Oh, wonderful,” she steps around the stroller to shake his hand, “I’m Dottie, the grandmother.”
He looks between you and the older woman. You squint. He doesn’t think…
“Oh, she’s not mine, the daddy is,” Dottie chuckles, “still, she’s a good daughter. Couldn’t be luckier.”
“Mind if I…” he points to the carriage.
“Go on, she’s a cute thing,” Dottie allows, “name’s Luna. Like Moonlight.”
He nears and hunches to see into the stroller. He aws and wiggles his finger at the baby. You watch him. He smiles at the child so easily. Every time you look at her, you just want to cry.
“Great, er, so just wanted to put it out there, if you need anything I’d be happy to help out,” he offers as he retreats to stand across from you, “you know, I’ve done it all before. I probably have some toys and stuff still hanging around.”
“You got kids?” Dottie asks.
“I had one,” Andy’s veneer falls just a little, “he had an accident.”
“Oh, hon, I’m so sorry, I couldn’t imagine,” she preens, “you are so kind. I’m sure we could use some company in that big house.”
“Lloyd will be okay with that?”
“He’s away on business,” she dismisses quickly and your muscles tense as you try to conceal your chagrin.
“That’s too bad. How about I come over and make some dinner? Tonight? Tomorrow? Give you two some time to relax.”
“Ah, wow, you are gallant, ain’t ya?” Dottie says, “how about tonight? The weather’s supposed to be fine, we can eat outside.”
“Works for me,” Andy announces triumphantly, “I’ll be over at five, does that work?”
“Sure thing,” Dottie affirms, “now, we should get the little one down, she’s starting to fuss.”
“Of course,” Andy grins and your eyes meet his. You try but can’t muster a smile. “See ya then.”
You nod as Dottie returns the sentiment. You turn and continue towards the gate. 
“What a nice man,” she says, “beautiful eyes… oddly familiar, don’t ya think?”
“I guess,” you mutter as you drag your feet. 
You really wish she hadn’t accepted the invite. You just want to be alone, or as alone as you can be with a child attached to you.
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1004tyun-archive · 1 year
my love 🥺🩷 i miss you as per usual… i didn’t expect for us to call for almost 9hrs again >\\\< it’s crazy that it still felt like just two hours and that now i’m missing you 🥺 we’ve talked about so many things i love it, you’ve motivated me to do more and reassured me on a lot of things 🥹🥹 i love you so much my little crystal gem 🥺💎🩷
as i wanted to; we deserve to get more memes 😌🩷
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okay a lot of the memes ended up being pickup lines >\\\\< and yes i picked each and every one of them thinking about you :’) i have more but i’m gonna have to organize them into a pin 🥺🩷 just for us hehe
oh!! another thing i saw:
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this is crazy but i’m still hueningkai 🥹 i wanna know who you are mommyyyy 🥺🩷
i hope my love is sleeping well right now… i wish we didn’t have to do anything to our sleep schedules to get to talk 🥺 how many times i’ve yearned to have your presence directly by my side… 🥺 i’m gonna miss you so much… i already do… but i love you and i want my mommy to be well rested so please have a very nice sleep 😚😚🩷🩷🩷🩵 my fairy of crystals <3
my girl~ 🥺🩵 i didn’t expect us to be on call for nearly 9 hours either 😭😭 it’s like every time you suggested that i should probably go to bed we ended up talking for longer bc neither of us wanted to leave 😭 despite our call being so long it still felt short, makes me wonder how much time will feel like enough or if that’s even possible i think i would want to be around you all the time 🥺🩵
i missed you so much mi amor :(( i couldn’t wait to wake up and talk to you again, part of me was scared that i wouldn’t get to talk to you again today even though we literally spent hours and hours on the phone today 😭😭😭 it’s hard to stay away from you my little cherry fairy 🥺🩵🩵
the memes you picked are so cute djshsjhsb 😭😭😭 i read each and every one of them in your voice hehe you’re so cute cherry bear 🥹🥹🍒🍒 the fairy of shampoo one and the 35-34 one are so you djshhshs there’s something about us having pin boards for each other that is just so,,, like it makes my heart so full 😭😭🩵🩵
i got taehyun 😭😭😭😭 i gasped irl sjhshssb does this confirm us as tyunning 2.0?? 👀👀
oh my love :(( i spend so much of my time yearning for you 🥺🥺 i want nothing more than to be by your side always ;; 🩵🩵🩵 i missed you dearly and i love you so so much my sweet love, my woman, my cherry fairy princess 🥺🥺🍒🍒🩵🩷
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cherrypeaking · 1 year
good morning baby love~ 🥺🥺🩵 how are you? i hope you slept well!!
this evening is yet another boring one so i don’t have much to talk about, not even in the mundanities of life >< that’s how much nothing went on today but i’m still prepared to hop into your inbox regardless~
i took the world’s worst nap and woke up to do some more job applications, one of them required me to do a whole 30 question test with interview questions and all and i’m pretty sure it broke my brain djshshhs but i hope i get it!! but at the same time i really do value all the free time i have to talk to you 🥺🥺🩵 it feels like i’m a lovesick kid experiencing summer vacation the way i get to talk to you as often as i do 🥺 i’d make time for you no matter what but there’s something about being able to talk with not much getting in the way that makes me so happy 🥺🥺🥺🩵
i keep daydreaming about seeing you and finally being able to hold your hand :(( i want you so badly my love 🥺 i wanna go to mcdonalds with you and take long walks with you also (i just realized that if i come visit you near the end of the year i won’t have to shave my legs i can just wear opaque stockings instead 😌 sounds like a win to me~) i’m yearning for you so much my love 🥺🥺🥺 my heart is all soft right now i wish i could kiss you and hold your pretty face in my hands and squish your cheekies 🥺🩵
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my sweet girl :( i love you so much i love that you’re in my life i love that you’re my beautiful girlfriend and my wifey and my everything 🥺🥺🥺 aaa i just love you so so much 😭😭🩵🩵🩵 have a great day, my love!! i’m always wishing the best for you my dear <3
mommy i’m so sorry it took me so long to reply 😭😭🩷 i slept well but unfortunately today was a busy day i can finally relax but i’ve yet to go home i need to wait two hours and i’ll be going~
aaah it’s okay if it wasn’t an eventful evening :3 i hope you at least got to sleep well 🥺🥺🩷 mommy going to work would make me miss her so much 🥺😭🩷🩷 at the same time i know money is important ;3; 30 questions?? i really don’t know what they must’ve been about but that sounds like a hassle 😭 i hope you get a job you like more i know i say it all the time but it’s really important imo 🥺🩷
i daydream about it too my love… i feel like i’ll be so nervous but also so excited when we meet 🥺🥺🩷 if we met for a txt concert then your dream would come true! (without the twitter drama) 🥺🥺🩷🩵💎 YAYYY mcdonald’s date and long walks at a park >\\\< i want that so much with you mommy 🥹🥹🩷 (if it’s at the end of the year hm 😳😖🩷 you definitely don’t have to shave hehe)
i feel so excited and giddy when i think of kissing you mommy 🥺🥺🩷 it feels like it makes so much sense and feels right to me 🥺🥺🩷
the moodboard is so cute i love the pink theme and their pink hair 🥹🥹🩷 i love being the ning to your tyun <3 i love that you’re in my life so much 🥺🥺 i hope to get to see you soon and we have lots of happy moments together my love 🥺🥺😚🩷🩷🩵
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[[[FREE]]] Db Legends Chrono Crystal Generator No Human Verification Required
Dragon Ball Legends Cheats For Free Chrono Crystals on Android & iOS
Use our amazing Dragon Ball Legends hack that is updated for the latest version 4.30.0 and start earning unlimited free chrono crystals! Cheats are available on iOS and Android. Using this generator tool you won’t have to install any mod or apk files!
🔴✅ ᴇɴᴛᴇʀ ʜᴇʀᴇ👉 https://techplaneter.com/dragonball
SERVER 2🔴 🅶🅾️ 🅷🅴🆁🅴 👉 https://epicplayloft.com/dragonball
Dragon Ball Legends is a riveting game, a perfect pick for those yearning for an exciting blend of combat and adventure in their leisure hours. With its dynamic, action-packed gameplay, it’s more than just a game, but an epic journey through the Dragon Ball universe, unravelling at the tip of your fingers, and our team is absolutely entranced by its magnetism. 🐉
About the Game
Dragon Ball Legends is a fantastic fighting game that will unravel all your battle desires. Plus with additional Chrono Crystals, you will gain a higher score and battle most thrilling fights fast and easy. This action-packed game is working perfectly for both Android and iOS mobile devices and it won’t leave any player cold-hearted as it’s filled with exciting battles.
This exhilarating action game will take you into the new storyline with the mysterious Saiyan named Shallot who was specially designed by Akira Toriyama.
Well-known heroes are Goku, Gohan, Tien, Piccolo, and Krillin, and let’s not forget to mention the popular villains such as Cell, Frieza, Majin Buu, all of whom are ready for a feisty fight. Each and every of these majestic anime Dragon Ball characters are trained and ready for a fight at any time.
No matter if you are into anime role-playing games or not, this game will get your coming for more. Dragon Ball Legends features mesmerizing and epic 3D visuals and animations that help deliver the original story effectively and let the player enjoy full-frontal fights. If you are looking for the ultimate mobile Dragon Ball experience, this game will give every user all the fun they are seeking.
Dragon Ball Legends Chrono Crystals Generator
Learn how to use Dragon Ball Legends hack and complete every story mission without any problems and challenges. Our cheats have no limitations when it comes to using them. This makes the game so easy and exciting at the same time. We are at your disposal whenever you need more chrono crystals so use the generator now!
Appreciating the pivotal role of resources in this game, we’ve ingeniously crafted an innovative tool — the Dragon Ball Legends hack. This DBL generator allows you to accumulate free chrono crystals, swiftly and securely, elevating your gaming experience to unparalleled levels. Not only does this injector simplify the resource gathering process, but it also ensures an endless supply, truly unlocking limitless gameplay. 🔄
screenshot of free chrono crystals added into the game with dragon ball legends hack
Sparked your interest? 🕵️‍♂️ We’ll plunge into the steps to utilize this DB Legends cheat further into this article, so stick with us for a thorough understanding. With our Dragon Ball Legends cheats at your fingertips, you’re set for a smooth, crystal-rich gaming journey like no other.
If you’re new to DBL or considering downloading the game, rest easy. We’ve included a succinct description of the game to help you decide if this epic saga aligns with your gaming preferences. So, let’s embark on this thrilling journey through the universe. Happy reading! 📖
💎 What are Chrono Crystals?
They are a form of premium in-game currency in DBL.
Here’s what you need to know about them:
Purchasing Items: They can be used in the game’s shop to buy various items. This includes summoning Z Power for new characters, refilling energy, or purchasing training items.
Summoning Characters: One of the primary uses of crystals is to summon characters. There are several different banners you can summon on, each requiring a certain number of crystals. The more powerful and rare characters typically require a higher price to summon.
Earning Them: Players can earn them by completing various tasks in the game. This can include completing story missions, event missions, daily tasks, or various challenges. The game also occasionally gives them out as part of special events or promotions.
Purchasing Them: While you can earn them in-game, you can also purchase them with real money 💰. The game offers several different bundles, each providing a different amount of crystals.
Managing Them: Because they are a premium currency, it’s important to manage them carefully. This means making strategic decisions about when to use your crystals, whether it’s for summoning your favorite character or for refilling your energy to keep playing.
Chrono Crystal Cheats: As with many games, there are sites and services online that promise to give you free chrono crystals through various Dragon Ball Legends hacks or cheats. However, these are usually scams and can potentially harm your device or steal your information. It’s recommended to avoid these and earn them legitimately through the game.
Remember that the usage of them can greatly influence your gameplay, allowing you to acquire powerful characters and enhance your overall game experience.
🔍 How to Get Free CC in Dragon Ball Legends?
This game has successfully created a buzz in the global mobile gaming community, thanks to its thrilling battles and strategic gameplay. Amidst the adrenaline-fueled world of this game, Resources stand as the premium currency, significantly enhancing your gaming experience. This guide brings you an efficient generator, granting a supply of resources to advance in your game without costing you a penny.
The value of crystals is immense. Picture the potential with a free supply of chrono crystals! No more budget limitations, freely unlock and level up premium items, powerful characters, and unique skins. It’s akin to having a key to the game’s vault, where every crucial resource you’ve ever craved or required is at your disposal.
A key advantage of this Dragon Ball Legends cheat is its wide-ranging compatibility. It flawlessly operates on both iOS and Android devices, allowing players from diverse platforms to profit from it. Furthermore, you can use this method repeatedly, meaning you can replenish your resources as needed, with no restrictions.
🎮Step-by-Step Guide
Utilizing chrono crystals generator is a breeze. Simply follow these steps:
Step 1: 🎯Tap the button below to redirect to the GoCheat page.
Step 2: 🎯Input your current DBL username.
Step 3: 🎯Accomplish the verification process by engaging in the given offers. This step verifies that you are not a bot, which is essential in maintaining the efficiency and dependability of our service.
Step 4: 🎯Restart your game. The resources should now be loaded into your account.
From beginning to end, the entire process generally takes just a few minutes. It’s devised to offer a rapid surge of CC, allowing you to spend more time immersed in the game, and less time stressing over resources.
💥Get Started Now!
Don’t hesitate! By clicking the button below, you can start gathering resources right away. If you face any issues or have queries, feel free to drop a comment. Additionally, make sure to check out our video tutorial above for a visual walkthrough on using the Dragon Ball Legends chrono crystals cheat.
This is your golden opportunity to redefine your DBL journey and ascend the leaderboards effortlessly. Go ahead, give the crystals injector a go, and step into a whole new tier of gaming excellence!
⚙️ Troubleshooting
In the process of using the DB Legends cheat, you might come across certain challenges. To help you navigate these, we’ve listed solutions to some possible issues:
If your generated resources haven’t appeared in your account after restarting the game, be patient. The servers might be dealing with high traffic, leading to minor delays.
If you’re unable to complete the verification step, try toggling between different offers. Occasionally, specific offers might not be accessible in certain regions.
If you face any other issue not covered here, reach out to our support team.
🔄 Future Updates and Support
We recognize the importance of keeping up with game updates to ensure unbroken enjoyment. As such, we are dedicated to regularly updating the Dragon Ball Legends cheats to align with all game updates, including new features, gameplay modifications, or security tweaks. We are prepared to promptly adjust our tool in response to any changes that may occur.
Furthermore, we are committed to providing robust support to our users. If you encounter any difficulties or have queries, our support team is ready to help you. Our mission is to furnish you with a seamless and enjoyable gaming experience.
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Dragon Ball Legends Crystal Generator 2024 wITHOUT HUman Verification
Dragon Ball Legends Cheats For Free Chrono Crystals on Android & iOS
Use our amazing Dragon Ball Legends hack that is updated for the latest version 4.30.0 and start earning unlimited free chrono crystals! Cheats are available on iOS and Android. Using this generator tool you won’t have to install any mod or apk files!
🔴✅ ᴇɴᴛᴇʀ ʜᴇʀᴇ👉 https://techplaneter.com/dragonball
SERVER 2🔴 🅶🅾️ 🅷🅴🆁🅴 👉 https://epicplayloft.com/dragonball 
Dragon Ball Legends is a riveting game, a perfect pick for those yearning for an exciting blend of combat and adventure in their leisure hours. With its dynamic, action-packed gameplay, it’s more than just a game, but an epic journey through the Dragon Ball universe, unravelling at the tip of your fingers, and our team is absolutely entranced by its magnetism. 🐉
About the Game
Dragon Ball Legends is a fantastic fighting game that will unravel all your battle desires. Plus with additional Chrono Crystals, you will gain a higher score and battle most thrilling fights fast and easy. This action-packed game is working perfectly for both Android and iOS mobile devices and it won’t leave any player cold-hearted as it’s filled with exciting battles.
This exhilarating action game will take you into the new storyline with the mysterious Saiyan named Shallot who was specially designed by Akira Toriyama.
Well-known heroes are Goku, Gohan, Tien, Piccolo, and Krillin, and let’s not forget to mention the popular villains such as Cell, Frieza, Majin Buu, all of whom are ready for a feisty fight. Each and every of these majestic anime Dragon Ball characters are trained and ready for a fight at any time.
No matter if you are into anime role-playing games or not, this game will get your coming for more. Dragon Ball Legends features mesmerizing and epic 3D visuals and animations that help deliver the original story effectively and let the player enjoy full-frontal fights. If you are looking for the ultimate mobile Dragon Ball experience, this game will give every user all the fun they are seeking.
Dragon Ball Legends Chrono Crystals Generator
Learn how to use Dragon Ball Legends hack and complete every story mission without any problems and challenges. Our cheats have no limitations when it comes to using them. This makes the game so easy and exciting at the same time. We are at your disposal whenever you need more chrono crystals so use the generator now!
Appreciating the pivotal role of resources in this game, we’ve ingeniously crafted an innovative tool — the Dragon Ball Legends hack. This DBL generator allows you to accumulate free chrono crystals, swiftly and securely, elevating your gaming experience to unparalleled levels. Not only does this injector simplify the resource gathering process, but it also ensures an endless supply, truly unlocking limitless gameplay. 🔄
screenshot of free chrono crystals added into the game with dragon ball legends hack
Sparked your interest? 🕵️‍♂️ We’ll plunge into the steps to utilize this DB Legends cheat further into this article, so stick with us for a thorough understanding. With our Dragon Ball Legends cheats at your fingertips, you’re set for a smooth, crystal-rich gaming journey like no other.
If you’re new to DBL or considering downloading the game, rest easy. We’ve included a succinct description of the game to help you decide if this epic saga aligns with your gaming preferences. So, let’s embark on this thrilling journey through the universe. Happy reading! 📖
💎 What are Chrono Crystals?
They are a form of premium in-game currency in DBL.
Here’s what you need to know about them:
Purchasing Items: They can be used in the game’s shop to buy various items. This includes summoning Z Power for new characters, refilling energy, or purchasing training items.
Summoning Characters: One of the primary uses of crystals is to summon characters. There are several different banners you can summon on, each requiring a certain number of crystals. The more powerful and rare characters typically require a higher price to summon.
Earning Them: Players can earn them by completing various tasks in the game. This can include completing story missions, event missions, daily tasks, or various challenges. The game also occasionally gives them out as part of special events or promotions.
Purchasing Them: While you can earn them in-game, you can also purchase them with real money 💰. The game offers several different bundles, each providing a different amount of crystals.
Managing Them: Because they are a premium currency, it’s important to manage them carefully. This means making strategic decisions about when to use your crystals, whether it’s for summoning your favorite character or for refilling your energy to keep playing.
Chrono Crystal Cheats: As with many games, there are sites and services online that promise to give you free chrono crystals through various Dragon Ball Legends hacks or cheats. However, these are usually scams and can potentially harm your device or steal your information. It’s recommended to avoid these and earn them legitimately through the game.
Remember that the usage of them can greatly influence your gameplay, allowing you to acquire powerful characters and enhance your overall game experience.
🔍 How to Get Free CC in Dragon Ball Legends?
This game has successfully created a buzz in the global mobile gaming community, thanks to its thrilling battles and strategic gameplay. Amidst the adrenaline-fueled world of this game, Resources stand as the premium currency, significantly enhancing your gaming experience. This guide brings you an efficient generator, granting a supply of resources to advance in your game without costing you a penny.
The value of crystals is immense. Picture the potential with a free supply of chrono crystals! No more budget limitations, freely unlock and level up premium items, powerful characters, and unique skins. It’s akin to having a key to the game’s vault, where every crucial resource you’ve ever craved or required is at your disposal.
A key advantage of this Dragon Ball Legends cheat is its wide-ranging compatibility. It flawlessly operates on both iOS and Android devices, allowing players from diverse platforms to profit from it. Furthermore, you can use this method repeatedly, meaning you can replenish your resources as needed, with no restrictions.
🎮Step-by-Step Guide
Utilizing chrono crystals generator is a breeze. Simply follow these steps:
Step 1: 🎯Tap the button below to redirect to the GoCheat page.
Step 2: 🎯Input your current DBL username.
Step 3: 🎯Accomplish the verification process by engaging in the given offers. This step verifies that you are not a bot, which is essential in maintaining the efficiency and dependability of our service.
Step 4: 🎯Restart your game. The resources should now be loaded into your account.
From beginning to end, the entire process generally takes just a few minutes. It’s devised to offer a rapid surge of CC, allowing you to spend more time immersed in the game, and less time stressing over resources.
💥Get Started Now!
Don’t hesitate! By clicking the button below, you can start gathering resources right away. If you face any issues or have queries, feel free to drop a comment. Additionally, make sure to check out our video tutorial above for a visual walkthrough on using the Dragon Ball Legends chrono crystals cheat.
This is your golden opportunity to redefine your DBL journey and ascend the leaderboards effortlessly. Go ahead, give the crystals injector a go, and step into a whole new tier of gaming excellence!
⚙️ Troubleshooting
In the process of using the DB Legends cheat, you might come across certain challenges. To help you navigate these, we’ve listed solutions to some possible issues:
If your generated resources haven’t appeared in your account after restarting the game, be patient. The servers might be dealing with high traffic, leading to minor delays.
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gnosisparade · 3 years
🍀My totally random thoughts on Gemini Sun & it's prominence in the natal chart 🍀
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Nice gemini people drive me absolutely nutty with yearning, why are you all so hot and cute!? Maybe it's our synastry, I just can't help but get so excited to see you and interact with y'all!! What's not to like about sweet twin pixie people!??
Are y'all using your special pixie powder magic to entice me or something!?? Because I swear it's pretty extraordinary how you get people to think about you so much~
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Your jokes are the best in the zodiac. That sense of humour is spectacular, right up there with cancer placements!! I can laugh at them for hours and hours!! The mischevous tricks are so entertaining and a lot of you know when to stop which is pretty nice. If you want someone that can keep the convo until the sun rises then find yourself some gems. 10/10 would recommend ^^
I swear all the hate the sign gets comes from either jealousy or being misinformed on how astrology works. We all have gemini in our charts people!!Just in different places, even if it's just sitting on an empty house lol xD
If you find yourself disliking gemini energy then I suggest to search where gemini is so you can release your inner magician. Stick your hand in that hat and pull out some bunnies & doves in your life!!🌈💖
Anyways,have my love sweet kind gems💎
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Thanks for reading~
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missmiimiiedraws · 3 years
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Wayhaven meets Broadway! 🎭🌹💎🕯Phantom of the Opera featuring:
Adam du Mortain as the Phantom, “Fear can turn to love, you'll learn to see, to find the man behind the monster, this loathsome gargoyle who burns in Hell, but secretly yearns for Heaven”
The Detective as Christine Daae, “Yet in his eyes all the sadness of the world, those pleading eyes that both threaten and adore”
and Nate Sewell as the Vicomte de Chagny, “Let me be your shelter, let me be your light, I'm here, with you, beside you, to guard you and to guide you”
I’m super proud of this one! 4 hours went on the chandelier alone 👀
I hope you’ll get to like it just as much as I do 💛🌹
Update: see a 60 seconds time lapse video of the chandelier over here ✨
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finishing the main thieves guild storyline has given me the biggest, fattest crush on brynjolf. AND YOU CAN'T ROMANCE HIM
i can do mods but i still love my blacksmith husband...
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thinking about saving miraak and, not knowing where else to turn, bringing him back to the thieves guild
i imagine bryn would be a bit freaked out even if he didnt show it. after all, it's the first and last dragonborns in the same place... and also in the secret guild. what if miraak leaves and reveals our location?
but i dont think miraak would be quite ready to explore quite yet... the big new world would be overwhelming. so he prefers to stay in the thieves guild, hiding out in my quarters. slowly adventuring out, meeting the other members of the guild. even getting used to bryn and befriending him.
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absolutely losing it over photo mode so have a shocked brynjolf + brynjolf booty
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he's sooo handsome
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On a more positive note, I've been playing Skyrim in my free time and I've had Brynjolf and Miraak on the mind a lot bc of that... I love 'em both a lot.
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cherrypeaking · 1 year
good morning my love~ 🥺🩵 i hope you slept well!
after our last conversation i can’t stop yearning for a nice, lazy sunday together where we know we have nothing to do the next day so we take our time doing whatever we want~ that would be so perfect 🥺🥺 i’m having so many cute little domestic fantasies about you lately my love 🥺🩵🩵sometimes i wonder what we would do if you were in my room with me like what would be the first thing i’d show you? the state of my bedroom is nothing short of a sensory nightmare right now and the criminal at large (*that* txt poster 😒) still hasn’t been dealt with but i would be so eager to show you all my stuff like the part of my wall where i put cute candy wrappers and plane tickets or my taehyun pc binder or my plushie collection that puts kai’s to shame!! so many options hehe 🥺🩵 just the thought of showing you around makes me so giddy~
i was thinking about the fact that you’re a girly pop girl and i think you would love I AM by IVE it’s so you 💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾 something about it reminds me of hurricane hehe
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(our little lost boys~ 🥺🥺 i love these pics so much temptation probably has my fave styling ever next to freeze (world version), i know you’ve probably told me this before but what’s your favorite era style-wise?)
period cramps still have me incapacitated along with a killer headache so i’m lying in bed listening to one of my many slow playlists and thinking about you~ i can’t wait for the day when i’ll be able to hold you in my arms, my love… 🥺 i yearn for it so much i can’t wait for our teleportation skills to improve so we can make that happen hehe 🥺🤭
i love you so much baby~ my cherry danish 🥺🥺 my little flower 🥺🌸🍒🩷
my love!! i slept well 🥺🥺🩷 i got woken up by my alarm tho which always kills me 😵‍💫 but i have no choice…
aaaah mommy 🥺🥺🩷 i get domestic thoughts when i’m cooking most of the time or showering 😳👉👈🩷 i would want us to chill like this without anything to do for the next day as well 🥺🥺🩷 oooh i’d love to see your room it seems so cute!! mine has nothing interesting i haven’t tidied it in so long and i really should :( i don’t even have txt posters on my walls 😭 but yeah… speaking of, i can’t get over that poster attacking you with taehyun smirking like he accomplished something big 😭😭 and beomgyu being his accomplice that’s so funny but i hate that it kept falling on you like >:( leave my wifey alone 🥺🥺🩷 i wanna see everything!!
i’ll try to listen to it asap!! i loved love dive by ive so i feel like i’ll like i am as well :3 hehe i feel like you might like koraci by hurricane actually since it’s a slower song and i love it 🥺🥺
WAAAAAH THE MOODBOARD IS SO PRETTYYYY 🥹🥹 i think i’d have to go for all eras!!
star - i think i like the ones where they’re at tables (idk the name of the concept rip 😭)
magic - arcadia!! 🥹 i love the darker look and the play with lights
eternity - starboard they look so cozy and mystical at the same time they’re night dream fairies 🥺🥺
blue hour - omg i do not remember the names but the first one where taehyun has like that crop top he looks SO babygirl 😭
freeze - WORLD WORLD WORLD i’ve always told you how much i love it they look like ice fairies!!! 🥹
fight or escape - green and black striped sweater all the way!! i love it 🤭 bbg tyun is always superior!!
thursday’s child - hate cause… 😈😏
temptation - lullaby i love it so much 🥺
gaaaah headache too? :(( i’m so sorry mommy i wish i had been there to help 😞 i’m glad you’re feeling better and i hope you get to sleep asap and that you’ll sleep well 🥺🥺🩷
i wanna hold you so much and cuddle my love 🥺🥺🩷 my sweet crystal gem 🥺🥺💎🩵🩷 i love you so much you’re my everything 🥺🥺😚🩷
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