#💎 Parthevia Answers (Serendine Asks)
universestreasures · 2 months
@infintasmal Sent: A SINGLE-WORD HEADCANON Prompt (Accepting!)
Reputation - for Serendine c:
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Serendine has a reputation for being cruel in a lot of ways, but especially when it comes to suitors. She isn't a fan of being forced into anything, let alone marriage. Normally any of her suitors (with Barbarossa being the exception cause he's very strong and cunning) who try don't 'stay' long, and something always happens to them.
Am I saying Sernendine has poisoned suitors to get them back off? Well...what do you think.
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universestreasures · 4 months
@scarlxtleaves Sent:
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"Hypothetically speaking in the event I meet my untimely demise, would you be there to comfort my wife? Or will you be too busy celebrating?"
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"...are you asking to be sent to an early grave? Because you know I can easily grant you that desire with just a single taste of my toxins." Gosh, she can't tell what she's more irritated at. His casual attitude or the question itself. She doesn't understand how Kagome can stand him. The patience of her friend Seren swears...
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"Do you really think, just because I despise you, that I am not aware of Kagome's feelings? That you, out of anyone, are the one she gave her heart to? Of course, I would be there to comfort her if you finally bit the dust, Lord Idiot. What kind of friend would I be if I wouldn't?"
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universestreasures · 4 months
@infintasmal Sent: A 𝑫𝑶𝑵'𝑻 𝑺𝑴𝑰𝑳𝑬 𝑨𝑻 𝑴𝑬 Prompt (Accepting!)
"try not to abuse your power ." Ja'far to Seren :3
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Oh, the snake is being all snarky now, is he? Unwise move if you ask her. He knows full well the power of her djinn, a power she won over his king through her own strength (something she still loves to rub in that drunken man's face, btw), and he dares try to provoke her? Well, seems like it might be time to remind him of what's at stake if he crosses anymore lines. After all, she isn't above using her power for a petty reason like this, especially since it would involve getting back at the vizier she hated so much.
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"Careful now, Snake. Keep talking and you might just force my hand. Have you forgotten what my djinn can really do, or rather, make you do?"
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universestreasures · 7 months
@infintasmal Sent: A Heart For The Positivity Meme (Accepting)
💞 (Serendine be nice to Jfar >:3c ) My muse will say something nice about your muse
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"Something nice about the snake..." The princess pauses, giving it some thought before saying her answer. "He is...incredibly... resilient to be able to put up with Sinbad's stupidity on a daily basis. The fact he hasn't killed that drunken excuse for a king is beyond me, but...to each his own, I suppose."
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universestreasures · 3 years
@sindrianknight​​ Sent: 𝐚 ‘𝐬𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐚 𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐝𝐚𝐲’ 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 (Accepting!)
To Serendine: [ JOURNEY ]: noticing the receiver has had a particularly rough day, sender invites them to accompany them on a walk or drive to get out of the house.
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Ugh, she pricked her finger again. Learning how to sew, a task only the most lowly of commoners had to do, had been expectedly difficult for the princess to pick up. It was embarrassing, to put it frankly. How could someone like her who won countless battles be unable to do something so simple a child could do it? It was so humiliating that she stormed out of the room after her last attempt failed, quickly moving to try and brush it off.
However, she is stopped in the hallway by the envoy from Sasan, a prince to be exact. She had seen him around the company, and he seemed to try and hit on every single girl in here...except for her. Guess Serendine should be lucky in that regard considering she is not exactly a fan of that. What surprised her more than anything was his offer to take a walk, rose hues blinking in confusion. 
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“You...want to go on a walk with me? Why exactly? Is there some more ridiculous errands I’m being asked to do?”
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universestreasures · 3 years
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Princess Serendine From The Magi Series Has Been Added As A Secondary Muse! All info has been added to the right pages!
Adult FC: Esuka Hibino From Cardfight!! Vanguard: Shinemon.
(This is all @highseaskxng​ for the record xD)
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universestreasures · 3 years
@siamxshade​ Sent:
"My lady, what exactly are you plotting when you've requested my master to wed you?" He wasn't angry, just surprised and quite anxious to think his master would perhaps be the one to face his elder brother. That last battle did not go as far as planned and he could only imagine how much stronger Barbarossa has become since then. "I..simply ask because I'm hoping that this wasn't a plan you've made in your haste for vengeance." (To Seren from Dragul)
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“Dragul...” The royal is not surprised he came to her about the proposal. He didn’t try to stop them in the dungeon or even bring it up on the way back, but she figured he would have brought it up sooner or later. It was something that would concern him if Sinbad took the deal, Dragul most likely returning to Serendine’s side again as well considering Sinbad would be her husband. It was even more motivation for her to make sure the deal went through.
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“In all the years you’ve known me, have you ever seen me ever make a decision without some good thought put behind it? Do you really think I would propose this just to get some vengeance towards Barbossa? Do you think that little of me now that Sinbad is the one you follow?” The spider princesses' venom could be seen in her words, feeling honestly hurt about both his assumptions and how he broke his promise to always be by her side. Were they just pretty words in the end? Sure, Serendine saw the signs of Dragul wanting to follow Sinbad from the day they arrived at the company, but that didn’t mean it hurt any less. She was, after all, a very possessive woman who had lost so much and didn’t want to lose anyone else close to her. 
“This deal will be the best situation for everyone. Sinbad will get the power he needs to change the world, a country to lead, and I’ll get to make sure my brother and citizens will be cared for and that your traitorous brother is removed and can’t cause any more harm. It kills multiple birds with one stone. If you’re worried about the marriage aspect, Sinbad can do whatever he wishes on that end. As for me, my priority is taking back my country. That’s what I’m focused on.”
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universestreasures · 3 years
@consequor​​ Sent: Valentines for Serendine? more like Valen-die by Ja'far's blade :3c
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“Oh...the snake is learning wordplay and participating in holidays! How cute! Your big sister Kagome will be so proud of you! Well, I guess I should return the favor. It be awfully rude to not return the favor.”
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“I think I’ve got plenty of Valen-dies to give you after all, Ja’far. So, shall we have some fun then? Or perhaps you can go have some fun on my behalf? Put those lovely knives to good use on people who really deserve a stabbing.” 
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universestreasures · 3 years
@highseaskxng​ Sent:
"You know what Serendine, as your husband-to-be I think I should be honest and tell you that I actually miss seeing you in Sindrian clothing." Winks.
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“And you know what Sinbad? As your wife-to-be I should be honest and tell you that I don’t miss being in those clothes. They were good temporary clothing, but this attire suits me better doesn’t it?” She felt good being in armor again, in the clothes of a noble warrior princess that she truly was. While the robes of the comany were comfortable, she always felt so restricted in them. They were not her style, but the fact even he could see the beauty in her appearance back then was quite the testament to her natural beauty. 
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“Another thing. I can’t wait to see you looking like the king you are destined to be instead of some commoner, a much needed upgrade. Someone like you deserves to look his best and above the rest, doesn’t he? You are, after all, going to be my king.” Seren says possessively, a gentle finger moving down the top of the fabric that covered his chest. She can’t deny he looked good in his current clothes, but him in some royal attire? Oh, how even more handsome Sinbad would be, the man that was to be hers and hers alone once wedding bells rung. 
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universestreasures · 3 years
@highseaskxng​​ Sent:
"Hey princess, you're still lookin' quite beautiful. Sindrian attire really suits you." (For Seren. before de slave arc.)
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She was frustrated, beyond frustrated at being forced to rely on that man’s help. Serendine was a woman who prided herself on being able to take care of herself, a warrior and independent princess whose name was feared throughout the entire empire. And now she really was nothing more than a commoner, everything having been stripped from her despite still having her royal blood. It was the greatest humiliation she had ever faced, and it was all Sinbad’s fault. If he had just given the power of the metal vessel to the emperor, then none of this would have happened! 
The more she saw him as she began to try and adjust to the new living situation in Reim the more that hatred for him grew. It’s why she had done everything to try and avoid him, her urge to punch him in the face and beat him to shreds seeming to grow with each moment. Sadly, she did not have her toxins with her, nor even a blade. If she did, she swears she would have so killed him by now, especially after his little comment he just gave her as she had came out of the dining area in the company. 
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“S-Shut up! These rags suiting a royal princess of Parthevia?!  Surely, you are even more mad that I first thought, Sinbad! Now, just leave me alone! Haven’t you done enough already to humiliate me?!”
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universestreasures · 3 years
@siamxshade​ Sent:
The moment of a new year dawns upon them..and for a long time Dragul had taken quite a liking to the princess. What was once a duty had long developed into something more and ever since failing to capture that cursed mermaid he felt as though the princess' faith in him had wavered. However, shockingly it did not, whilst she coddled him by no means she gave him the opportunity to try once more and he was sure that one day he would have that fish scaled alive only for her to fathom only a glimpse of the hatred he holds for her and her wretched sailor. So, now as the final minute turned into seconds dragul looked upon her once more, his face..flustered a little. "Forgive me." This would probably be the death of him but..as her warrior he need not be hesitant, he need not let fear rule him. Instead he follows his heart and reaches into kiss the blossom haired princess. (NEVER DARE)
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Like in pretty much every other country in the world, the costal kingdom of Parthevia had its own had it’s own traditions regarding the New Year. There was a big events all over the kingdom for the local communities, while the royal palace held a giant banquet and ball for the nobility and their loved ones to eat and drink the night away. It was an event Serendine was not exactly a fan of. Grand parties were fun, of course, but she wasn’t exactly a fan of conversing with nobles who looked down on her for being a woman. No wonder her path at a young age had been that of a warrior, it being seemingly the only way a woman even of royal blood could get respect in the world of men.
She and her knight had escaped the loudness of the party to go to the balcony, knowing there was to be some fireworks once the bells rung in a few moments. Out of anyone who worked in the palace, she was closest to Dragul. He had served her ever since she could remember, and had always been a support system when she needed it. While he wasn’t perfect, he still did his best and fought with honor, pride, and determination unlike any other. He was the finest knight a princess could have, and she’d kill anyone who would dare try to rip him from her. The ‘venomous spider princess’ was quite possessive, after all. 
And then she notices him move closer towards her with a verbal apology, his cheeks flushing as they always seem to do when he was around her. She always thought it was cute, but never quite figured out why they occurred. That was...until he learned forward and...dared plant a kiss on his charge’s lips, an act that his superiors would surely scold him for, and yet...Serendine did not. In fact, she returned it as the fireworks around them lit up the light sky and the sounds of bells rung in the air.
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“Dragul...No need to ask for forgiveness...” Serendine speaks as their lips part, her words soft and gentle as a feather as she wraps her arms around the knight. “I...I must be the one to ask for it. It seems like your feelings were in front of me all this time, and...I could not see them until this moment. However, I hope my own display shows what my feelings are. You are the only man who I’d dare let be this close to me, the only man I trust with such an honor. Please...Please do not be afraid to hide how you feel from me any longer. A new years resolution if you will. Alright, my dear Dragul?”
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universestreasures · 3 years
@highseaskxng​ Sent:
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Now donning his regal attire Sinbad began to look at himself within his vanity mirror, the robes hugged his frame displaying a physique that displayed discipline, the jewels hung over his shoulders felt quite heavy at first but their weight was easy to get accustomed to, and lastly he wore his hair out and places the ivory turban upon his head. He looked in the mirror...he looked like..a king..but was he himself? "How did I look?" (For Seren. Teen sin, Married AU. A lil crack out of the canon for fun and giggles, nothin' serious, also )
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The day of their marriage was coming a lot sooner than the spider had expected, but she is nevertheless thankful for it. Parthevia’s main threat in the traitor that was Barbossa had been taken care of, both herself and Sinbad disposing of him the first chance they could. Her brother was safe as well, Serendine finally having the proper power to ensure his safety and comfort. The burden of his royal blood would not be his to bear. It was one she would taken on soon, finally becoming the queen she had been preparing all her life to become with the perfect man to be her king. What could be better?
She went to her fiancé's chambers to see how the fitting for his new attire was going, deciding to use the chance to show off her wedding attire. After her comment the other day regarding it, Serendine had made sure to get Sinbad the proper help he needed in that area. She wasn’t about to let her king and revolutionary dress like some commoner. He was to be a symbol, for both her country and the world at large. He truly was going to change it, and despite not having his gifts in regards to destiny’s path, she could see it already when she glanced upon him all dressed up as he should.
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“You look perfect, my darling Sinbad. You truly look like the man I knew could be. Now, might I ask you how your black widow looks?” Serendine smiles, doing a small turn so he can fully see her in her own attire. It was much like the outfit she was to marry Barbossa in, but this time she actually enjoyed wearing it and looked forward to the ceremony in a few days time. 
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