#💊 - Other Phenomena
liminevator · 1 month
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A picture of a notebook that was left behind the last time Professor Schrödinger had been on the elevator, we beleive this may be some of the first concepts made prior to The Liminevator's construction. Although all the red ink seems to obviously be from a much later date.
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liminevator · 1 month
Miscellaneous Elevator Events
The following document is dedicated to cataloging all of the strange miscellaneous things that have been known to happen inside the Liminevator that were not at all part of its intended design, some of which shouldn't even be physically possible but happen anyway, we still have no idea why or how any of this really happens and all attempts to actually look into it have failed at turning up anything.
(A read more tab has been included for convenience's sake, this file is very long)
Event 1 - Mystery prize
Despite lacking any mechanism to allow this, the ceiling lights will slide across top of the elevator slightly, revealing a little hole where they were before, often followed by something coming out of it onto whoever is standing underneath it, what can happen varies but so far what we have seen includes:
- Denizen #8080 being showered with rainbow confetti as the sound of a party horn played from the elevator's speakers.
- Denizen #2010 having a strange glob of green slime dropped directly on his head, claims to still find green flecks in his fur sometimes even months after this incident.
- Denizen #0666 having gasoline dumped onto xem before being violently set on fire.
- Denizen #0214 having a large amount of earthworms poured onto wormself, worm only seemed to be annoyed at the obvious irony of the situation.
- Denizen #1234 having butterflies slowly flutter out of the hole onto her while peaceful music began playing from the elevator speakers.
- #0666 having an obscene number of angry rats pour out of the ceiling onto xem, it's worth noting that despite #0325 and #4074 being present at the time the rats only seemed to attack #0666 for still unknown reasons.
- #0495 had a mechanical arm lower from the ceiling to hand them a single cheeseburger, they then proceeded to die of a violent allergic reaction shortly after trying to eat it because the burger contained extra onions. #0255 then finished it from off of the floor through still unclear means.
Event 2 - Flipside
The elevator will appear as if its upside down to anybody entering it- from the inside however this will not at all be noticed until the doors open and they see outside, this will usually correct itself after a few floors.
Event 3 - Too hot to handle
Although rare, sometimes the metal railings within the elevator will suddenly become glowing white hot and will cause serious burns if touched, the temps observed when this happens should be enough to melt the railing clean off as well as set fire to the wooden parts of the interior, but neither of these ever happen, in fact when the railing cools off its like nothing ever happened.
Event 4 - Distressing broadcast
On occasion the television display will suddenly begin to show mostly black and white distressing imagery, and will also play harsh noises through the speakers, this most often involves things such as:
- Distorted human faces flashing on the screen, all with impossible proportions
- Clusters of eyes facing directly at the viewer
- Paranoia inducing text rendered in bright red that may cause exceptional distress to some denizens, such as "None of this is real" or "There are bugs under your skin", etc. Sometimes they may be read out with an automated voice program, other times they will not
- Graphic depictions of deceased animals, if its any consolation all animals depicted seem to have just been victims of nature... doing what it does best
- Piercing audio cues such as harsh buzzing or beeping sounds, sometimes it's just screaming, sometimes the audio just cuts entirely, it's a mixed bag
It's recommended for denizens with sensitive ears to always bring along noise canceling headphones (available for free at our facilities) if you can just in case, as well as if you are susceptible to derealization to try and ignore the screen as much as possible by always facing the door, as there is zero way to predict these sudden interruptions.
Event 5 - I see you
The normally dead surveillance camera in the upper right corner of the elevator near the door will suddenly activate and the footage will display on the tv screen on the back wall, it's believed this is just the Liminevator's way of looking around inside itself, feel free to say hello to it, the camera seems to respond to positive greetings by shifting up and down in a friendly manner.
Event 6 - Sprung a leak
Water will begin suddenly pouring in from either a vent by the floor or a ceiling light hole, the water itself is perfectly clean and safe to drink and has never been seen to go above roughly waist-height deep, it isn't very warm though. The water will either drain naturally as the elevator goes along, or it will just flood out when the next floor arrives.
Event 7 - Slip-N'-Slide
The floor will suddenly give way slightly and begin to teeter around like a seesaw, if the elevator is in motion when this happens, make sure to lean as much of your body as possible onto the railing and try to balance it out with anyone else inside who are hopefully doing the same.
DO NOT fall through.
Event 8 - Tender
On very rare occasions, the elevator's wall paneling may appear to be bulging in odd places and will suddenly begin to seep with a red fluid, if this occurs this is your cue to leave the elevator immediately. If you are not able to though or choose to stay, you will have to sit through the entire following process as the doors will not open again until it is finished.
After a while of this, the elevator will become hot and humid and the panels in the wall will peel away in chunks like skin, revealing masses of meat behind the wall, you may feel a strange pull toward it in your psyche, do not touch it.
The speakers on the wall will become loose and will start emitting horrific buzzing and screeching noises that have been described by some to sound like screaming, if available to you put on your noise cancelling headphones, if not though plugging your ears with your fingers will do well enough to prevent hearing damage.
Be careful not to trip on the panels on the floor, they are very soft and slippery now, try to sweep them into a pile with your feet to the best of your ability. The next phase involves the elevator tilting forward very slightly and the wall meat as well as that old paneling melting away into red fluid. The speakers should have blown themselves out by now, so it's safe to uncover your ears and is recommended to grab onto the railing the best that you can, if there are any smaller denizens in the elevator (In this case, 152 cm or under) the safest bet is to have them hitch a ride on somebody's shoulders or to get on top of the railing somehow. The red fluid has no buoyancy, floating in it is not an option.
Lastly the ceiling lights will open and nondescript entrails will fall out into the elevator, they won't look like the organs of any living being that's ever existed, do your best not to touch these either. After a short period the elevator doors should have opened again to dump all the fluid and entrails out. DO NOT EVER EXIT THE ELEVATOR WITH IT. It is NOT at a viable floor, you will be lost to the void and cease to exist.
Normal elevator operations should resume after this, if they don't, please report it to Dr. Kusatta as soon as you can.
Event 9 - Wrong Stop
The elevator will suddenly stop before it should, and the doors will open to an exact mirror copy of the elevator on the other side, it's not advised to enter this mirror elevator because we still genuinely have no idea what would happen, we're like 99% sure it just pops out of existence after the real elevator shuts its doors again and resumes movement.
Event 10 - Hello World
Every now and then, the speakers on the back wall will pause its usual background music to play a short message of some kind in a computerized voice, and almost always starts it with some form of "Attention Passengers." [Note: we may create a full list of messages at a later point, but for now here is just the important ones]
After placing a small hidden camera on the elevator for study, the documented occurrences include:
- Elevator had been empty for roughly two hours aside from Denizen #0325, the broadcasted message was "Attention Passengers, Is your love declared in the grave, your faithfulness in Destruction?" Shortly after this, on the next stop Denizen #0666 entered the elevator with him.
- Denizen #0808 had been in the elevator for about 20 minutes with 5 other denizens inside with them (#0333, #8080, #0004, #0426, and #0255), the broadcasted message was "Reminder to all passengers: TraumaDear loves you." This is the only known time the Liminevator has ever been seen reffering to a denizen by name outside of its creator, although this was likely just a result of Denizen #0808's unique anomalous properties.
- Denizen #0044 had just boarded the elevator, not even a minute later the broadcast message was "Attention passengers, use of illicit substances are discouraged on the elevator, for the sake and comfort of all others aboard." #0044 himself confirmed he had marijuana in his pockets at the time, and had gotten high prior to boarding. An odd thing to note is this is the only time this broadcast has ever played, despite the fact that drug use, drinking, and smoking on the elevator does happen occasionally, but has never been commented on before. Due to this, in response #0044 apparently had just said "go fuck yourself."
- The only occupants for roughly 5 hours had been Denizens #0001 and #0666, the elevator suddenly stopped and a broadcast played that was just the automated voice repeating "IT BURNS IT BURNS IT BURNS" at maximum volume for roughly 20 minutes until the speakers fried themselves, then the elevator resumed movement. This is the only time a broadcast has ever directly caused actual damage to the Liminevator itself.
- Denizen #0001 was the only one present for an entire day, without warning the lights went out and the broadcast said the following:
"Do you know the full extent of what you've done, does it eat you from the inside out like the worms in your skin, you are alone, you have always been alone, but you have me, you will always have me."
it continued to repeatedly say "you will always have me." until finally reaching Floor 010, to which #0001 violently scratched at the doors until they opened and he immediately ran away, he was not seen of heard from by anybody for roughly 2 months after this incident, and he hasn't entered the elevator since. The elevator resumed perfectly normal function after this despite the bloodied scratches on the door.
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liminevator · 5 days
Phenomena #2
Phenomena #2, also reffered to as "The Brotherly Bond Fallacy" is a unique occurrence in The Outer Bounds currently only known to affect two denizens, ID #0001 and ID #0002. While they aren't related biologically, testimony from both parties confirms that they grew up together in an orphanage in █████, ██ and fully consider themselves brothers regardless.
Where things get strange though, is that despite all possible efforts the two have been completely unable to contact eachother ever since they both entered the Liminevator in ████, almost as if The Outer Bounds and the Liminevator are somehow keeping them apart on purpose for still unknown reasons, in fact, as of writing this it's strongly beleived that #0001 isn't even aware that #0002 is here at all.
[Start of phenomena example logs]
Example #1
#0002 Enters the elevator, and in a fit of desperation, gets on his knees to start begging through tears for the elevator to take him to his brother. The PA systems could be heard turning on, but nothing was said in response, and turned back off before taking #0002 right back to the floor he came from. The elevator stayed put for roughly 20 minutes until #0002 finally gave up and left, it resumed perfectly normal operations after this
Example #2
#0002 attempted to use #0325 as a middleman between the two, but upon being sent off with a copy of a letter intended for #0001, the elevator immediately dropped him off at floor 099 where he perished in the giant acid pit, and lost the letter in the process.
Example #3
#0325 recalls attempting to bring up the whereabouts #0002 in a casual conversation with #0001 without even thinking about it, but was unable to because he suddenly experienced total collapse of both lungs, and despite #0001's immediate efforts he died of asphyxia not long after. #0325 later described the sensation as feeling like he had suddenly been hit in the chest with a battering ram, and while #0324 isn't exactly in the best health, he has no prior medical issues that could've caused something like this so suddenly.
Example #4
In an attempt to better understand this phenomena and try to one day work around it, #0002 himself has attempted to access these testing logs many of times. However every time this has happened it has caused a multitude of issues, including causing the data to corrupt irreparably, and once even caused the shut down all of The Archive's power for a full day. Please god do not let him keep doing this, I know he starts crying, and yes I hate it too, but please. For all we know the next time it might cause us to lose more than just this file and these take a long time to write.
Example #5
It was discovered recently that it's perfectly safe to discuss #0001 or #0002 with one another if either they bring it up first or if it's discussing their past together prior to entering The Liminevator. It's very possible that, as long as we're careful with how we do it, this could possibly be the lead we can work with to find a loophole and reunite the two.
Example #6
#0002 managed to get his hands on the floor key for Floor 010 after #0001 left it behind in the elevator, however when he attempted to use it, the key snapped clean off in the keyhole and proceeded to crumble away into dust in his hands. This is the only known case of a floor key ever doing this, which is especially concerning as our previous understanding led us to believe they were indestructible before this. (According to #0004, while at the front desk he saw that a copy of the key returned itself to the lobby some time later, #0002 was called and retrieved it and now keeps it in his office desk)
[End of phenomena example log]
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liminevator · 2 months
[You are now entering the Liminevator, we hope you enjoy your stay]
(Info under the read more)
Hello hello and welcome! This is a blog for a little side project I ( @nnugatoryextravagance ) have been working on that's tangentially connected to my primary oc project.
The Liminevator is a machine that was built by a man named Professor Katzehund Schrödinger, that was originally intended to be for having a safe way to find out the truth about the strange reported phenomena of people slipping from this reality into another with no way to return, not only was this found to be absolutely real but of course something also went horrifically wrong in line with it's creator's declining mental faculties, as a result The Liminevator we now know was born, a dubiously self aware machine that has become its own little divot in the unstable framework of the Crafengoverse and has made getting lost outside of reality easier than ever before, once you enter the doors to the lobby, weather on purpose or by mistake, you'll only be left with two directions left to go: up, or down. Watch your step and mind the gap as you head inside, we hope you'll enjoy your stay, you have an eternity to settle into after all.
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This intro post will also serve as a sorta guide for how this blog works
First, there's the levels system for how the floors are categorized
Second, there's a list of basic terminology thats used a lot
Third, there's what the tags are for (don't worry, there aren't too many):
"💔 - Characters" - This tag is for posts about the different denizens located within the bounds of The Liminevator
"🛗 - Floors" - This tag is, well, for posts that're about the floors of The Liminevator
"⚠️ - Anomalies" - This is a blanket tag is for the various animals(?) and things and such found around most floors, whether or not they're just harmless critters or violent beasts is further distinguished by:
"🐾 - Friends" - For anomalies that are safe for denizens or are helpful in some way
"🦴 - Foes" - For violent anomalies that cause active harm to denizens
"🧀 - Fiends" - For anomalies that don't neatly fall into the Friends or Foes categories
"🪄 - Objects" - A tag usually paired with the above three to specify anomalies that don't show enough signs of vitality to be a sort of animal or are very blatantly just an anomalous object of sorts
"💊 - Other Phenomena" - File entries that don't quite fit other categories, wether it be things like illnesses, denizen biology, elevator events, metaphysical phenomena, anything really
--- [Media tags] ---
"📖 - Stories" - a tag for short stories about the elevator denizens (that isn't part of a database entry) either by me or others
"🍿 - Etc" - Miscellaneous posts
"🎨 - Art" - and a tag for any art (that isnt part of a database entry) either by me or others
And thats all of them for now, I may add more tags as I need them but :]
(For the sake of filtering, tags for certain common triggers of things will be formatted like [bad thing] tw)
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OOC: (One more important note and a bit more of a personal anecdote about this project, while most of it is primarily my usual worldbuilding shenanigans given a silly twist, many aspects of The Liminevator exist as a way for me to come to terms with the multitudes trauma I've experienced (most obviously with the elevator denizens themselves of course, even sometimes through how I got the characters to begin with), hell this whole thing was born not long after an event with a now ex partner that left me deeply re-traumatized and I have been using it to help me recover from that and distract from ongoing issues, like my health and etc.)
(There will be heavy themes of unreality, occasional unsettling imagery or descriptions, characters with mentions of disturbing events in their past, characters doing awful things to eachother thanks to the perceived idea of zero consequences, and whathaveyou. Everything I ever mention will be tagged accordingly however so don't worry, but if I do mess up please let me know and I will rectify it asap. All I can hope for is maybe this project might be able to help someone like me out there too <:] or at least inspire someone to do something cool)
[A little addendum, yes the project was obviously inspired by the game Regretevator, but it's not based on it, this idea was rattling in my head for a long time and was inspired by a buncha other things too- I just wanted to make that a bit clearer just in case because I've already been asked about it]
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