#👐 ░ troll master ( muse: obi-wan )
loyaltyandchaos · 1 year
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@archivisim (Vivio) liked for starter
"So, you're my new Padawan? Nice to meet you. My name is Obi-Wan Kenobi. What about you?"
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@lostwcrlds​ liked for starter
"Satin is not my girlfriend! I already told Anakin this and I'll repeat it to you. She's just an old friend of mine, but she's not my girlfriend."
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loyaltyandchaos · 1 year
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@lostwcrlds liked for starter
"Ahsoka left the order and it's hard for all of us. But you two were closer to each other than most… You know everywhere you can always talk to me about anything, right?"
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loyaltyandchaos · 1 year
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@mysteriousmissweems said: For Obi-Wan, from Senator Weems
“I heard you came to visit Coruscant, Master Jedi. Perhaps I should have invited you for some tea?”
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"I would be honored, Senator."
Obi-Wan smiled. He was friendly with some senators, with others he was on good terms. It was not worth spoiling this good relationship with a refusal.
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loyaltyandchaos · 1 year
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@protagneptune (Vert) liked for starter
"So you're my new Padawan? Nice to meet you. My name is Obi-Wan Kenobi and I'll be your Master. May I know your name?"
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loyaltyandchaos · 1 year
@lostwcrlds [x]
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Obi-Wan pulled himself together, feeling a little guilty towards Grim for his words. It's his fault that things are going the way they are.
"The cantina? It's both the best and worst place for someone in hiding. But it's unlikely that the Imperials will go in there and pay attention to the staff. Sometimes the staff is invisible to visitors like some kind of droid. Good idea. And sorry for my rudeness, I’m just super tired."
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loyaltyandchaos · 1 year
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@forceconnected said: "I have a question for you." (Satine for Obi-Wan)
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Obi-Wan turned and smiled at Satine.
"What is it, my lady?"
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loyaltyandchaos · 1 year
@lostwcrlds​ [x]
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“We’re not all that’s left, there are other survivors.”
Grim had known Vader survived Mustafar. She just had never been able to to find a way to tell Obi-Wan. She guess she didn’t need to now.
“I’m sorry Ben,” she said. “I knew he survived, I should have been the one to tell you instead of you seeing it on the news.”
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"I know, but that's not what I meant."
Of course, many Jedi survived, thanks to his message. But they weren't the only ones in his family. Ahsoka, Padmé, Grim... Anakin. Cody and Rex too. But all this was no more. Padme died, what happened to Ahsoka is unknown. The clones betrayed them. Anakin... There was no point in thinking about it. Anakin is dead. Vader lives.
"Yes, you should have. It's something that couldn't be hidden forever. But I understand."
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loyaltyandchaos · 1 year
Grim bowed her head in shame when Obi-Wan yelled at her. She knew she shouldn’t have kept it a secret for all this time. “I know. I should have said something sooner. I know the lives at stake, trust me I do. Not that I won’t blame you if you don’t trust me ever again, after everything I’ve kept secret.”
As Anakin told Obi-Wan about what had happened Grim wanted to disappear. Anakin was right she had been a hypocrite. She had handled everything wrong from the very beginning. She had doomed all of them by keeping her secrets. The entire galaxy would pay the price for her cowardness.
When Obi-Wan mentioned telling the Council, Grim nodded. He was right. “Yes. Maybe we can still change things. I’m sorry for everything, Masters. I was a coward and an idiot.”
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Obi-Wan sighed heavily. The answer was always under their noses, but they didn't know it. If it's not too late, they can fix something...
"It will depend on whether something can be fixed or not. But for now I'm extremely disappointed. Let's go, let's not waste a minute."
Anakin was silent. He didn't like it at all. He never wanted to fall to the dark side or lose Padmé. But if something happened to Padmé, it would be Grim's fault.
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loyaltyandchaos · 1 year
@lostwcrlds​ [x]
She nodded slowly. “Yes.”
She had been foolish, and she had allowed her anger and hate to blind her. She had wanted the Sith to pay for everything they had put her through and had become one herself. Threatening to put Luke’s life in danger because of her selfish wishes.
Grim pushed her lightsaber away. “I’m sorry Obi-Wan. I…” She didn’t know what to say. There was nothing for her to say. Instead she looked away, ashamed of what she had done. Of the person she had become. “I won’t ask for your forgiveness.”
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Obi-Wan walked over to her, sat down beside her and hugged her. She didn't need to ask for forgiveness, he had already forgiven her. Most likely she did not have time to do something terrible as a Sith and could atone for her sins.
"I'm happy you're back."
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loyaltyandchaos · 1 year
@lostwcrlds [x]
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"Finally. Thank you very much," Obi-Wan grumbled irritably. "Let's go check on Cody and make sure he and Rex come up with a new plan."
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loyaltyandchaos · 1 year
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@lostwcrlds liked for starter
"You know, after everything that happened, I could use a hug. Please?"
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loyaltyandchaos · 1 year
@talesofshadowandlight [x]
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It has been almost ten years since they last saw each other. Leia grew up to be a beautiful young woman. She got it from Padme. Bail and Breha have done a good job of taking care of her all this time. Obi-Wan wished he could speak to Bail again. Perhaps if they had managed earlier … No, they would hardly have been able to do something. Not when Darth was there.
"I'm sorry about your loss. Bail was my good friend."
Obi-Wan walked over to her and hugged her. She is strong, but the loss of her home world and family is an ordeal. He smiled weakly.
"Yes, I had time to sleep. "
It's funny that she still remember that.
"Yes, knowing my old padawan, there is no doubt about it. We will need to change ships. Could you contact one of the allies who could pick us up?"
Now that Luke and Leia have met, he has a lot to tell them. But while the first things are the first.
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loyaltyandchaos · 1 year
@outerrim-queen [x]
Obi-Wan felt sadness emanating from her when she mentioned home. He was taken away from home when he was still a very young child, and therefore he has almost no memories of his parents or Stewjon. He didn't miss those days, so he couldn't say how he would feel if his planet were in the hands of the Separatists. But his home was Coruscant and the Jedi were his family. In this case, he could imagine how hard it would be for him if he lost all this. But he is a different matter.
"One day we will be able to free your planet and you will be able to return there. I promise you."
Obi-Wan smiled at her. He was sure that one day they would be able to win this endless war. And then Serena will be able to return home.
"Oh, that's pretty simple. You need to keep them busy with something other than getting into trouble. Like training and studying. Anakin is actually quite a good Master. The rest of the time... well, depends on the situation."
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loyaltyandchaos · 1 year
@lostwcrlds​ [x]
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To be honest, Obi-Wan didn't want to meet Vader. Face the consequences of your mistakes. It's too hard.
"I hope so too."
Obi-Wan laughed. Yes, keeping track of the Skywalkers is not the easiest thing to do, even if they have a protector.
"Don't worry if anything goes wrong, Bail will take care of Luke. But since you volunteered, it's for the best. At least you know what to expect from the Skywalkers."
Obi-Wan missed her too. His only consolation was that Grim did what she saw fit.
"I'll be happy about it. Yes, I still live in that cave. But I'm thinking about buying a small house."
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@older-skywalker​ liked for starter
"To be honest, I don't know if I fully believe this. But if what you're saying is true, we should come up with a credible plan to expose Palpatine to the entire galaxy as the Sith Lord who started this war."
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