therapardalis · 1 year
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[Question from @resurrectedfiles​  (From one of the moon knight boys).]
"Can I lay down on your lap?" ------------
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“ ... Sure.” It wasn’t reluctance causing the hesitation before she spoke, only  surprise. Sitting together on the couch wasn’t new. Food, a movie, books - or in this case Thera reading while Marc channel-hopped the TV. The question, though, was a little unexpected; it wasn’t like him to show a vulnerable side.
“One sec ...” She made herself comfortable enough to not move for a while and let him settle, the hand not holding her book resting on his arm. “What’s up? Is Khonshu being an extra large pain?”
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etherealstarr · 1 year
@resurrectedfiles: "I suggest that you stay on the thunderbolts team. The only people that are getting replaced is Justin, Zemo, and me. Unless you want to leave, but I don't see why you would go." (from Emil Blonsky)
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“And why’s that? You think whoever they team me up with are going to ‘good for me’? In case you haven’t noticed, I don’t like sudden changes.”
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agentsterling · 1 month
"Did you know that if you write your mission report in anything but black ink that you have to do it all over again? I didn't and now I have to rewrite the most detailed mission report I have ever done all over again." (From Tony)
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"Am I literally the only one who has read the employee handbook?"
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miercolaes · 9 months
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❝ i found these lights if you still want to decorate our dorm. i can't, however, guarantee i won't try to hang myself one of these days. it's too tempting. ❞
a little christmas gift, from wednesday to @resurrectedfiles's enid. she doesn't celebrate christmas, well not conventionally anyway, but she tries her best to do things for her roomie.
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bigidiotenergy · 1 year
"Just please go to bed." (from Emil)
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Eyes narrow, Quinn to slow his march out the door until he stops completely. Eyebrows furrow downwards as he properly digests the plea from Emil. It seems, on the surface, that the reporter is confused by the sentiment. The request to lie back down. It also seems that he's processing it rather than putting it aside.
But that isn't quite what's happening.
Quinn doesn't know where the sentiment comes from. Doesn't know how the entitlement to tell HIM what to do surfaced in Emil. It wasn't something he took very lightly. Turning on his heel, facing the other man in a confrontational stance.
"Why?" He questions, "Jj-Just be-because YOU asked?"
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griim · 1 year
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@resurrectedfiles cont.
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Gemma was not safe at her home, nowhere seemed to be safe. At the moment. Though, was she surprised? No. She had poked the hornet's nest, this was the result of that. Several sleepless nights and days, followed up with paranoia and making sure people she cared about or knew were kept safe. The life of a vigilante is becoming a very lonely one. Not that she minded the loneliness. However, one place she felt safe was Matt’s. A new friend but someone who seemed to be removed enough from the chaos that she could come to him, and he could not see her, so if she came in with her suit, he would not know. Or so she believed. Wincing, she woke up slowly, realizing she was not alone, ‘shit.’ Groaning as she sat up, Gemma had only planned to be here for a few hours, not long enough for him to come home. “Matt, I uh, I'm sorry I ended up crashing here… I had nowhere else to go. I hope you don’t mind and don’t worry. I didn’t break anything getting in, I promise. Everything is as it was.” Her body was so sore, but she needed to keep going. She HAD to. The fight was not over, she had recently found out where the shipment of weapons was going to be delivered, and she needed to stop it.
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loyaltyandchaos · 1 year
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@resurrectedfiles said:"I know that this is sudden, but we need a place to hide for awhile." (From Din to whoever)
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Luke was a little surprised to see the Mandalorian and Grog again. But he was happy about it. Even though those two were probably in danger.
"Of course. Make yourself at home. May I know what happened and who is following you?"
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abrushwithdeath · 2 years
continued from here !
Rogue eyed him for a second, not out of suspicion but to try to assess the more visible of his wounds. She wanted to get an idea of what she was dealing with here and, maybe more importantly, whether or not Marc might be bringing trouble with him. After a second, however, she stepped aside, held the door open for him. “Come on in, then,” She accompanied the words with a motion of her hand, beckoning him forward. Not an especially warm welcome, necessarily, but not cold, either. “How bad ya hurtin’?” She questioned. The injuries she could see didn’t look terrible, like he’d just gotten into a scuffle. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t in worse shape under the clothes. In fact, considering their line of work, she’d be surprised if all he had was a few bumps and bruises.
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A Familiar Face...
Closed Starter for: @resurrectedfiles
Mina and Nayeli were out doing their weekly chores in the village. The older woman was checking up on the citizens of the small mountain village, while the younger one was getting groceries to take home. Everything seemed like it was going at its regular daily pace of slow and not exciting.
Mina would signal to her daughter that it was time to go, everyone had been taken care of. Nayeli had bags of groceries and walked off toward her mother. Though she stopped, smelling blood, "I think someone's hurt?" She called out to her mother, who would take a look around, spying someone out there. Mina stood between her child and the newcomer, this person was familiar, and not a good familiar.
The woman was without her weapon, so it would be difficult to defend her only child without it. However, her daughter had her own tricks as well.
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therapardalis · 1 year
[ @resurrectedfiles from here.] 29. PRIZE : for one muse to win the other a prize at a carnival. Jake held up the prize for Thera to see. He smiled proudly at her and he held it out for her to grab. "Here. I won it for you just like I said I would." Jake was happy that he was able to win something for her. "This is my first time winning anything at a carnival."
For a second, Thera's jaw fell, then broke just as quickly into a wide smile. Still surprised - startled, even - but delighted along with it as she reached out to take the teddy bear. "You did say ..." She looked at the bear more closely, smoothing the brown plush fur over its forehead before gathering it close to her chest. "Thank you, Jake," Her smile was warm, the bear's round ears tucked under her chin, "he's gorgeous! But ... first time? Really?"
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levixthxn-thegirl · 1 year
Continued from (x)
A triumphant but warm smile across Ambrosine’s lips, but she was more glad that he agreed rather than her winning the little argument. But why was he looking her over like that? Was he sizing her up in case he anticipated a fight? He was no condition to fight, and she would already have the upper hand on him anyhow. Or maybe it was her vestments that perplexed him? Changing would probably be best then. She could do that while getting her med kit.
"If you're fit to leave by morning, then okay. But now you'd be putting yourself in danger if you try to leave now. You're in no condition on hold up your own if you had to defend yourself."
"Well", she took a peak outside the kitchen window, standing on her tip toes to get a good enough look and noticed the storm clouds rolling in from the distance. So her nose was right, she did smell rain. "Given the weather, it'll stew and colcannon. Let me get my kit real quick so I can patch you up. I can't have you bleeding out while I make dinner."
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in--somnium · 2 years
@resurrectedfiles continued from here!
“I’ll only stick around for a few minutes.” That was the plan, anyway. She knew she was safe here, and that Matt wouldn’t turn her away. Even so, she didn’t want to overstay her welcome. But she really was exhausted. She hadn’t had a proper nights sleep in... about a week? Things were winding down now, though. The enemy safely tucked away behind bars (for now) and just a bit of bullshit paperwork left to fill out because being an Avenger could never be as simple as just locking the bad guys away. There were protocols to follow. She dropped onto the couch, a long sigh leaving her. Her eyes closed and it only took a few seconds for her breathing to grow shallow, the redhead dozing off. The moment she realized it though, she woke herself back up, pretended like nothing had happened. Matt didn’t have to be able to see, though, to have figured out that she had started falling asleep. She was sure the change in her breathing had made it obvious enough, “Okay, maybe an hour.” A few minutes wasn’t gonna cut it at this point, and if he was sincerely offering to let her stay here for a bit? Well, it was kind of hard to refuse when she wasn’t even sure her body would let her stand back up.
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"You can't come over. I'm really sick and I don't want you to catch whatever I have." (From Emil)
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James read the text twice before crinkling up his nose, luckily the secretary was at work right now or he would have marched straight over to Emil's home in protest.
TEXT: [Emil] -> why didn't you tell me this morning! I'll see you after work, do you need anything? meds or something :)
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bigidiotenergy · 2 years
It seemed there was nothing but malice in Quinn's eyes. To have someone so effortlessly devoted to him, willing to give him anything, trapped around his finger brought him no greater joy. Someone who would never question him. Someone who would never leave him. Emil hadn't bored him then--- and he certainly doesn't now. His hand comes to the man's neck to gently cup it as he makes himself mighty comfortable in Emil's lap with a simple 'plop'. Behind that malice, perhaps there was something else. "K-Keep begging. For m-me."
@resurrectedfiles - continued. / x.
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griim · 1 year
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@resurrectedfiles cont.
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Glancing over, she sighed. No, they should not keep going. That was the last thing they should do right now. Even if staying here could make them sitting ducks, brown eyes glance around. Everything is deserted, which meant they could use one of these abandoned buildings to conceal themselves, at least temporarily. “See, I don’t think so. You aren’t able to keep up, and if you can’t keep up with me, you are as good as dead, something I am not letting happen. Not under my watch, alright?” Falling back to him, she held out her arm so he could lean against her, if he wanted. “We can use these apartments to keep cover. It's getting dark. So we can hide there for the night. Give your sprain a chance to rest, the more you use it, the worse it will be.”
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loyaltyandchaos · 1 year
@resurrectedfiles​ [x]
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The omega smiled. She wanted to get Boba's attention and succeeded. Hedgehogs looked cute and she decided to give it to him. Better that than anything more embarrassing.
"Isn't he cute? Did you know that hedgehogs can be good pets?"
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