#🐾 ;; mailbox
splattergai · 1 month
sorry if i accidentally sent this before! my internet was being weird.
anywho, would you mind doing a pack for a pearlescentmoon? any version of her, doesn't matter, that's your choice.
PearlescentMoon (Double Life) Fictive Pack!
[ PT: PearlescentMoon (Double Life) Fictive Pack! /end PT ]
Note: Headmate may not form exactly as described. Anything can be changed to fit your system.
Dividers by @/anitalenia [ Tumblr ] Left Photo by Jagjeet Dhuna on Unsplash Middle photo by @/burrowinthewood [ Tumblr ] Right Photo by Nikolett Emmert on Unsplash
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Name (+ Sign-Off): Pearl, Scarlet, Shard (🥀🐾)
System: Fictive
Species: Human, canine-hearted
Age: 26
Pronouns: she/her, spir/spirs, shx/hxr, bite/bites,
Gender: Kenofem gendereerie
Attraction: Bi-
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Likes: Dogs, building, architecture, the snow, being alone, collecting things
Dislikes: Abandonment, betrayal
Description: Even though she prefers to be by herself, she'll seek out friendship from others. Keeps her friends very close, and keep most others at an arm's length in a suspicion that shx might not be able to trust them. Very carefree and mischevious, will sometimes "borrow" things from others to mess with them. Can be very petty if she wants to be, but in the end she feels bad for being mean and will make it up to others if possible. Loves looking at minecraft builds, and if possible building in-game as well. Has a fascination for the history of architecture over the centuries, and likes studying how it's evolved.
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nyamikawaii · 30 days
enjoy your breakfast ! i’m sure your outfit will be amazing 💝 i’ll be waiting patiently(<-lie) for your return :}
you’re so kind, to wait for me <3 i’m sorry i had to leave you for so long~!
i wore a little white dress with black hearts, and pink lollipop shaped earrings! i would show a picture, but i don’t really like the way i look~ what are you wearing today?
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wclftus · 3 months
hehehehehe hiee hi bfie :3 hehe hihi bfie
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Your Majesty,
Thank you for sharing the insight into your origins; I find it interesting to learn more about you and directly hear your perspective or ideas rather than trying to piece the puzzle together myself, so-to-say.
You are very kind. I would like to learn more about you... though I'm not sure where to start. Hmm... How about the following: if you had an entire day to do whatever you wanted, alone or with others, what would you spend your time doing? (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶)
An entire day… So much time in the world, but too little to do everything..
I’d love to go to a library and read a few books! Perhaps surrounded with all my dearest servants…
Exisiting with all of my devotees, surrounded by the purest of love as I rest, that is my dream.
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shopcat · 9 months
we drove past a house before that had literally just a normal microwave as a mailbox and it fascinated me so much i went and found it on google maps. they also had like 20 geese
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caracalclaws · 2 years
So... are Mint and Neo still friends at all? since they used to share a blog?
Somewhere in the Mystic Ruins, sometime ago.
"... Hey, Neo. I kinda need to tell you something..."
Mint steps carefully into the base; she has long gotten used to how dark it is in this place. Neo briefly turns his head in acknowledgement, away from the holo-screen he's always glued to-- she can never figure out what he's studying on that thing.
"You're early." Is all that the robot says. "You told me your shift ended at midnight. I would have come to the station if you had called."
"Y- Yeah, I know. I know you hate me walking allll the way here in the dark..."
"Hm." She can't really tell if that 'hm' is in annoyance or dismissal of the topic. He continues; "what is it you need to inform me of?"
The caracal swallows, thickly. She can already begin to feel her heart pound in her chest at the very idea of confrontation-- Hell, she's almost as nervous as she first began her G.U.N training. Or the first time she broke into this base and discovered him-- that Neo Metal Sonic was still alive & sustaining themselves here in the first place.
... Something that the Commanders are still very much unaware of, as per their agreement.
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"... Soooo.... G.U.N want to take me on full-time, now. As of today, I've... I've finished all my neccessary training. I'm... I'm officially a Rookie." She tries to announce as confidently as she can muster. "So... Basically, you're not gonna be seeing me as often, now... huh."
Neo pauses his typing on the giant keyboard before the holographic screen, as if in thought. He soon begins tapping away shortly after. "That's great news. Good for you."
"Y-Yeah, but--"
"You do not sound pleased. Is this not a cause for celebration? I'm not familiar with this sort of thing."
"Well, what?"
"Would you let me finish!" She eventually huffs. Her ears fold back a little- she can hear the softest of chuckles. "This is important. I'm-- I'm telling you this because-- I'm... I'm not going to be... working in Station Square now."
The silence seems to go on forever. They both seem to be frozen, before eventually Mint sighs, dumping her backpack onto the floor in a heap. She fidgets, mouth opening and closing a few times, before her eyes squeeze shut and she just blurts it out.
"I'm- I'm moving out! I... I'm gonna be looking at apartments in Metropolis, later this week..." Ugh, suddenly her throat feels all tight. Why is this so hard?! It's not like this abandoned old place is a very nice place to live, and she always tells herself Neo's company sucks but its better than nothing. "The headquarters are in Metropolis, and... that's where I'll be working, now..."
"... So. You're leaving."
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If she knew better, she might have said he sounded... Disappointed? No, sad? Neo was still exceptionally hard to read, and his constant-blank facial expression did little to elaborate on what he was thinking or feeling. She feels her eyes begin to well up a little.
But she forces them back. As much as possible, anyway. In the lowlight, its very easier to see her eyes are shiny with wetness.
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"I-- I would've told you sooner, that-- that my training was coming to an end... But... I thought it wouldve been alright, y'know? I didn't think I'd end up stationed so- so far away... and..."
"Don't cry."
"I'm not crying, stupid!" Sniff. She very unsubtley wipes her face into her arm. "I'm just-- I'm just overwhelmed..."
She knows Neo isn't... The most empathetic of individuals. Which is why its so God damn embarrassing to be all welled up infront of him. Her bottom lip trembles, but she sighs again, a little shaky, however she begins to regain her composure.
"I'll... I'll start boxing up all my stuff in the morning." She mumbles out.
Neo's head tilts to one side. "I can help you with moving."
"Please. Its not like I can get a moving van all the way out here."
Neo lets out an amused hum. He makes a motion for her to come closer, turning himself towards the screen once again. Mint hesitates, but she does eventually begin to drag her feet over towards the robot...
"Don't get upset about this. This is your career; our... Affiliation put that on the line, as it was." Neo begins. She knows 'affiliation' does actually mean 'friendship', but she doesn't bother correcting him. "Its not as if you will not see me again."
Mint pauses to think about that for a second, her head lifting from how its hung like a sad puppy. But he continues.
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"You will always know where to find me. Just make sure you don't get into any trouble."
She manages a small laugh at that. "W- When do I ever get into trouble?"
"Always. All the time. Constantly, actually." ... As condescending as he was, he did have a sense of humour.
"...I'll miss you, Neo."
There was another break of silence. But Neo eventually shrugs. "Your... Lack of presence here will not go unnoticed."
It was going to be hard. Alone.
Grand Metropolis, present.
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... One day, I'll see you again.
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What kind of interaction would the reader have with the Decay of Angels. (Mainly Fyodor Dostoevsky, and Sigma ,Nikolai Gogol) how would they treat the reader?
(my poor baby need some Love Sigma <3)
Here you go. As I said before, all characters will get their own entries later. Same with Decay of Angels. Until then, I can share this headcannons with you.
On the side note. A little update on main entries progress. Self-Aware Dazai Osamu entry is in progress. The first third (Becoming self-aware) is almost finished.
Self-Aware! Decay of Angels x GN! Reader
Warning: OOC. Yandere. Stalking. Mentions of world domination. Mentions of killing. English is my second language.
🐾 Group, that take longest to join the others.
🐾 Not because of you or their feelings towards you. Because of how slowly they were introduced in the manga.
🐾 Their plan has failed. What they should do next? How it should be connected to you?
Bram Stoker
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🧛 At first, he doesn't care, that he is fictional. It's not like he is walking around. Besides, right now he has no one, he can consider his friends.
🧛 But it changes, thanks to Aya. The girl is mesmerized by you and your world, and, after being appointed as Bram's 'guardian', she tried to show Bram, how wonderful your world is.
🧛 Slowly, Bram warm towards you. You don't seem bad. Besides, your emotions feel nice. Also, there is so much interesting in your world.
🧛 Like to watch videos with you and Aya. Sometimes, two of them watch something on their own.
🧛 Will try to find a way to get his body back and control his ability again. Because this ability will help you. He will give you an army of vampires, ready to serve you.
🧛 You are normal human. You are an interesting human. You treat someone like him is human. He will help to bring the human world to their knees for you.
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🃏 At first, Sigma is on the cross road. It's not like he is entirely human, so knowing that he is fictional, doesn't hit him as hard as the other characters. Bit, still, it hurts, to know, that he was created for someone else's entertainment. And the voice of Guiding Light. They were praising him. Lowing him. Did you try to trick him? Was it the same situation, as with Dostoevsky, three years ago?
🃏 No. It was different. You aren't fake. You were real. Not only that, but you liked him for simply existing. You liked him as he is. No need to use his ability or do something for you.
🃏 Sigma would observe your messages. To make sure, that people won't try to scam you.
🃏 One time, on The Internet, you were discussing with other people what would you do, if you had a chance to see Sigma in real life. Sigma was disgusted by some responses. But then, he heard you.
"I would give him a cookie and ask for a hug".
Congrats, Sigma is now as red as a tomato.
🃏 Sigma will memorize everything about you. He doesn't want to lose you. Near you, he has a scene of purpose.
🃏 His purpose - be in your life. To make you feel happy.
Sigma grumbles under his breath, looking another scam message from your mailbox.
The same person has been trying to scam you for a while.
Sigma send the scam letter to Fyodor. He will help to deal with thief.
Parasite, that want to hurt you. Who wants to steal from you. He deserved to be punished.
Sigma looked at the Little Light, floating above him. One day, he will see the true you. One day, he will bask in your emotions. And he will give you a hug you want so much.
Nikolai Gogol
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Fyodor Dostoevsky
🤡 Let's just say, after some time of internal conflict, reassuring words and conversations with other characters, Gogol will see you as the embodiment of freedom. A real person, who doesn't need to follow the plot and can do anything they want.
🤡 Gogol is one of the characters who became obsessed with you. He believes, that he will become free, if he stays near you.
🤡 Your influence broke the plot chains. Your influence make him realize, that he is fictional. Nikolai is grateful. He will do anything for you.
🤡 Like to watch videos with Circus performances with you. If you liked some magic tricks, will learn, how to do it.
🤡 He is perfectly sane, and knew, that killing is bad. But, for your sake, he will kill.
🤡 You are Their Guiding Light. You are his bird. He will fight for your freedom. For his freedom. For freedom of other BSD characters.
Nikolai Gogol was angry. He heard from Sigma, that someone tried to steal from his Birdy. He wished he can drag the thief there. To make his last moments the real Hell.
Gogol wished, that you were there. His Birdy is so weak. They don't have ability. Everyone can take their freedom away.
Gogol looked at Little Light, circling around his hands. The proof of your existence. The proof of your emotions. Untouchable...
But don't worry. They are near. Soon he will be near you. Soon no one will dare to take away your freedom.
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Fukuchi Ouchi
🐀 Became self-aware earlier, than other DOA members.
🐀 At first, he was simply curious about your world. Then, he became curious about you. Then, he became obsessed with you.
🐀 You don't have an ability. You live in the world with no abilities. His perfect world. You are perfect in his eyes.
🐀 Fyodor Dostoevsky is one of the hackers, who hacked BSD Mayoi Inu Kaikitan app. One of the creators of the portal.
🐀 Watch whatever you are watching. He just wants to spend time with you.
🐀 Perfection must be saved. And Dostoevsky will save you. He spent enough time to start trusting other characters. But he also won't stand back. He will protect you.
Fyodor Dostoevsky smirked. Nikolai Gogol and Sigma were standing near him.
Fyodor has found the scammer. Found him and post all his personal information for everyone to see.
And put a special virus on their phone. The one, that will connect his phone to the portal. The scammer will be the perfect lab rat for a testing.
Bright light.
Scammer was laying there. Bleeding, but alive. Fyodor Dostoevsky smirked. The next second, Gogol's hand grasp scammer's head.
Little Light were floating above them, as always. And his Perfect Guiding Light will stay perfect and safe.
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The next day, BSD gang find the body of a scammer. Fyodor, Nikolai and Sigma didn't hide, that it was their doing. That they have tested the portal and protected Their Guiding Light.
"Aren't you afraid, that 'Kamui' will be angry at you doing things without an order?" mocks Dazai, looking at Fukuchi.
Sigma was first.
"I was working for Kamui for three years. Never heard anything good from him. And Guiding Light were nice to me. They are more deserving of my loyalty."
Then Gogol.
"He promised me freedom. He lied. But Guiding Light is there. They are my freedom. They are more deserving of my loyalty."
And then, Dostoevsky.
"Kamui promised the world without sin. He failed. But Perfect Guiding Light already live in sinless world. They are more deserving of my loyalty."
Fukuchi Ouchi knew, that he has lost to you.
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papawolfcg · 11 months
₊˚⊹♡ Do you wish to enter the forest?
Hello everyone ! I'm revamping my acc to a caregiver / flip account, here is my intro post !
Abt me: I'm an age and pet regressor, and I'm a flip (cg lean !) I'm also a therian, furry, and writer ! You will probably see me writing concepts here :]
My tiny : Bug !
I am not looking for any more tinys at the moment, but I am still open to babysit and I will always answer asks !
Cg names you can call me: Papa, Dada, Daddy, Bubba, Wolf !
When answering asks and dms, I will use petnames such as: Little one, bud/buddy/bubs, honey, sweetheart etc ! Please let me know if you are uncomfy with those ! ^_^
DNI: anything nsfw such as k*nk, ddlg, ageplay, abdl, etc. If anyone like that interacts with me its an immediate block. Also do not interact if you are anti: agere, petre, lgbtq+, furries, therians, and xeno/neo genders.
Anon emoji list: 🦦, 🐉, 🧵, 🧶, 🚆, 🎀, 🦷, 🌱, 💌, ☀️, 🌧️⭐️🪽🥣, 🐑, 🐾🐄, 🐶, 🍊, 🌊🐺,🩻 , 🎪 ,🪞, 💫, 🪲, 🩸🍷, 🦇, 🦕 , 🦈 , 🩶🍁 , 🐶🐾 , 🪶, 🌸, 💋, 🧸🍁, 🦴, 🪐
Tag guide ! #papa wolf's ramblings = regular posts, #papa's mailbox = asks, #puppy time = regressed posts !
Sideblogs :
@fangsinyourheart (🩸 anon) Not kid friendly Alter sideblog + therianthropy blog
@sheherashfur Special interest / hyperfixation sideblog
@bloodtippedwings ( 🏹 anon) Not kid friendly Alter + otherkin sideblog
@sunkissedpup (🐛 anon) agere + petre blog !
Thank you for reading, please enjoy your stay at my daycare !!
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cubffections · 6 months
⊹ ۪ ꣑୧ . . 𝒶𝓈 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒷𝑜𝒶𝓇𝒹 𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓉𝑒𝓈 . .
halloo ! ᐢᗜᐢ welcome to the haven ! ! thanku soo much fur stoppin' by, so let's all get along okie ? but first, here is sum stuff fur uu to kno !
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[ 🗝️ ] 𝚋𝚎𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝 . .
* ᧔o᧓ 𖥔 numba one. there 's no set fandom 4 this safe so come n gush wif me abt all uf your luvz ! ꒰ xi's personal favs r : hsr 、blue lock 、genshin 、knb、bleach、mashle、tokyrevs、& jjk but i love many more ! ꒱ howevr it's important tht you r 18+ to enter + i do not interact with any homophobia、racism、ableism and other normal dni criteria, i ask u pretti please respect this.
* ᧔o᧓ 𖥔 numba two. i luv luv luvv to ramble as much as i luv luv luvv to write, so dn't be shy & come n chat wif me ! my mail is always open, just don't come with negativity and discourse! u will js be deleted.
* ᧔o᧓ 𖥔 numba three. anything i may write will alwys have the character & reader written as an adult ! also if anything on m'blog bothers you go ahead and block me ! i also ask you to not spam like !
* ᧔o᧓ 𖥔 numba four. my writing dos & don'ts !
𝔀𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝔀𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓮 : drabbles, fluff, angst (with/without happy ending), smut, switch! fem reader.
𝔀𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝔀𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓮 : vore, blood / scat / cannibalism / piss kinks, non-con, grooming, cheating, vomit, shota / loli.
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[ 💥 ] 𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚜 . . .
𐔌 . 𝒸𝓊𝒷 ⊹ 𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓈 ‎◜ᵕ ◝˶و : xixi ramblin !
ꪆ 、𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒹𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂 . ꒱ྀི : all my wrks !
◟꒰ 𝓷𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 ‪‪‪‪❤︎‬‪ 𝓼𝓴𝓲𝓮𝓼 ꒱◞: reblogs !
𐔌◞ ◟𑂴 𝓍𝒾𝓍𝒾𝒷𝑒𝒶𝓇 ּ : xincore, my aesthetics!
ㅤㅤㅤ‎ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𐔌ᵔ 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓳𝓸 𝓫ㅤᡣ𐭩ㅤㅤ𝔂 ‎ ‎᭢९ ׄ : my beloved knight !
ㅤㅤ᧔ৎㅤ ּᅟᅟּ〝 𝒶𝒹𝑜𝓇𝑒𝒹 𝒶𝓁𝓌𝓎𝓈. : my precious mooties !!
𐔌՞ 𝓁𝓊𝓋 ‪ꨄ 𝓅𝑜𝑒𝓂𝓈 : asks frm m' mailbox !
౨᭪ 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻 ✩ 𝓳𝓪𝓻 。 : my recommendations !
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𐔌ᵔ ܸ ◞ ◟ᵔ꣓ㅤ 🐾 ౿ : tbr !
𐔌՞⁔ 𝓶'𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓼 𝓭𝓮𝓼𝓲𝓻𝓮 : manhwas / mangas i read !
𑄸 ₊ ࣪ ㅤ 𝒹𝑒𝒶𝓇𝑒𝓈𝓉 𝑔𝒶𝓂𝒷𝓁𝑒𝓇 ꒱ : abt a certain stoneheart !
𝓋 𖦹‎ 𝓇 𝓉 𝑒 𝓍 ‪。: things pertaining to m'blog !
໒꒰ྀི -᷅ ⤙ -᷄ ꒱ྀི১ . . 𝓉𝒽𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓂𝓃 𝑒𝑔𝑜𝒾𝓈𝓉 ! : abt the luv of my life !!
thankchu dearly for readin ! :3 herez a glass of sweet tea ! 🍹
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sunkissedpup · 2 days
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┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ . ࣪☾⭑ ┊ ┊ ┊ . ⋆ ۫ ┊ ┊ . ★.˚ ┊ . ˚☆ ࣪⊹ ˖ִ𑁤 Welcome to Boy’s profile .ᐟ ִֶָ ༘⋆
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🧃⋆˙ᝰ.ᐟ This is my safe space, please read the info about me and be respectful ☀️
______ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐ ┊ ⋆ ┊ . ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ┊ ┊ ⋆˚          ✧. ┊          ⋆ ★
INFO : Collective name : Boy ノ Milo 𓆦 he/they/bug ⭐️ 2 - 8 | Audhd + osdd 🧩 1(6) teenie .ᐟ 𓆑 healing through agere + petre.. ⋆.˚⚘⭒ Puppyboy 🐶🐾
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
SPINS :: Stuffed animals , Animals , Steven Universe , Warrior cats + Cartoons
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
Extra info .ᐟ osdd system, individual headmates who regress will be using this blog // will be separated by emoji sign offs ^^
── ࣪˖ ࣪ ⊹ ࣪ ˖ ──
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ TAGS
— Reblogs / posts by our headmate Pow Pow : // Mouser 🐭
— Reblogs / posts by our headmate Blitzø : // Blitzy boy 🦴
— Reblogs / posts by our headmate Maverick : // little pup🩸
— Reblogs / posts by our headmate Toms : // Sunshine 🌻
— Reblogs / posts by the host, Jax : // boy hours 🍂
— Reblogs / posts by our headmate Ellie : // teeny dino 🦖
— Posts by no one / the collective : // scribbles 🖍️
— Favorites : // on the fridge 🎨
— Vents : // sad hours 🌧️
— Asks : // mailbox 💌
── ࣪˖ ࣪ ⊹ ࣪ ˖ ──
One more thing! If you have an ask you want to send to someone specific, please say who exactly you want to answer ! 🐛🪲
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human-centipuppy · 7 months
It's me! :3
+Extra info under the cut
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Fandoms I'm in / Media interests
The series in bold are my current hyperfixations
-Aqua Teen Hunger Force
-Baldi's Basics in Education and Learning
-Battle for Dream Island
-Dayshift at Freddy's
-Five Nights at Freddy's
-Homestar Runner
-It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
-One Piece
-SpongeBob SquarePants
-X Finds out His Value
-Yo-kai Watch
(+ any series with a robot in it)
Synpaths / Copinglinks
Tomnyan | Yo-kai Watch | #Tommy! 🔔🐾 (my only fictokin)
Hailey Anne Thomas | Yo-kai Watch | #Hailey! 👽🧤
Zombinyan | Yo-kai Watch | #Zombinyan! 🐾🌑
Puppynyan | Yo-kai Watch | #Puppynyan! 🐾🌙
Spongebob Squarepants | SBSP | #Spongebob! 🪸🧽
Err | ATHF | #Err! 👾🚬
Sophocles | Pokemon Sun & Moon | #Sophocles! ⚡️📱
Charlie Kelly | IASIP | #Charlie! 🐀🐾
Doubles are totally fine!
Tags I use
#bugz :3 - Bugs are one of my special interests, so I have a tag specially for them!
#fishez :] - Same thing as above, but for fish!
#Zach's ink vom - Art tag
#underwater mailbox 🫧 - My tag for asks
#even gamers cry sometimes ❤️‍🩹 - My vent tag, not used often
#tag games 🪸 - tag for tag games!
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splattergai · 1 month
Could we please have a 16 year old dogboy headmate who's based on tropical aesthetics and the Wan Wan Wanco franchise?
Here's a link to the wiki page in case you aren't familiar with the franchise! :3
Dogboy Headmate Pack!
[ PT: Dogboy Headmate Pack! /end PT ]
Note: Headmate may not form exactly as described. Anything can be changed to fit your system.
Dividers by @/eimogji [ Tumblr ] Left Photo by OC Gonzalez on Unsplash Middle Photo by @/rueghost [ Twitter ] Right Photo by Demian Tejeda-Benitez on Unsplash
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Name (+ Sign-Off): Fluff, Micah, Bean (🐾🍭)
System: Systeen
Species: Anthro dog
Age: 16
Pronouns: he/him, he/hym, kid/kids, 2000/2000s, nost/nostalgia, tide/tides
Gender: transtidal oceanostic, eveningbeachic, beachesqe
Attraction: Bi veldian
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Likes: Sand, the beach, sunny days, seashell collecting, bright colors, swimming, canines
Dislikes: Rain, being babied
Description: Typically, he's impulsive and a bit reckless, often getting 2000self into things he can't get himself out of. Does not like listening to most adults unless they're ones nost likes. Frequently listens to the sounds of the ocean in order to calm hymself down when kid's stressed. Loves the heat and the sun, and will spend all day outside if it's sunny either in headspace or in the outerworld, if possible. Wants to collect things that originated from the 2000s or earlier, often learning the history of said things and how they've changed over the years. Likes to spend time with dogs; the type of being to stay with the dog at a party or gathering. Aims to be able to identify most dog breeds, and watches dog shows frequently.
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nyamikawaii · 29 days
rawrhr :3 !!! uhmmm uhhh haiiiiii my tummy n head hurt :<
hiii~ i’m sorry you’re hurting, sweetie :( let me know if i can do anything to make you feel better, take your mind off it, hmmm~? 💕💉
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wclftus · 3 months
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ホントは自分の奥にある ⸝
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君に Baby Sweet Berry Love ‪♡
matching with @boyfidere
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₍^ >ヮ<^₎ Brutus 。 Gay ⸝ he / them 🐾
⟢ Interactions from @sorrowel
𐙚-Req open⨾ 00/00 , to-do
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『🎀 . layout by @boyfidere♡.ᐟ Ac : imlllsn › Ohisashiburi💭
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Your Majesty,
Thank you for the gracious invitation! I'm honored to enter your graveyard, such a marvellous place… Hehehe.
Your domain, with your remarkable blend of kindness, playfulness, and grandeur, has captured my admiration. It is wonderful to be in your esteemed presence.
May I inquire about the origins of this graveyard? Is there a story behind its creation that you would like to share? It is not necessary for you to explain, however. I will be content with whatever response you give me.
My origins…?
Well, I am a divine being that lives on the love they get from thier servants. I merely built this place to attract wandering souls; the one that long deeply for something.
Souls tend to stay on the earth after thier death because they are bound by a grudge, a wish, etc.
I want to be able to take in these lost souls and have them submit to me, so that I can help them, and that they help me…
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candycoffinss · 1 year
...Hello, Hello? Is this thing on? *Taps Microphone...*
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Ooh, Seems like it is! Hello there!
🩷 - I'm Dewey :D I'm semi- new to the tumblr art and selfshipping community, so.. Hi!
🩷 - I'll prolly mess around or post random sillies i thought abt w my bestie @tessriss (go look at him rn he is so fucking funny )
🩷 - - Anyway, I'm transmasc + gay! I use he/him pronouns :]!
🩷 - Lets go over the fandoms I'm in... I really like Gravity Falls, FNAF, And a BUNCH of other stuff , check out my rentry when i have it finished!! :]
🩷 - I have a few tags and links! Let's go over them, ey? I got a drawme! Idk how it works but if u wanna send in some stuff feel free to :3 I might reply here and and there! My random rambling tag is #🐾 puppy barks ! My art tag is #🐾 puppy arts!! My ask/anon reply tag is #🐾 puppy answers 🩷 - I have a few selfshipping tags too :]] just for the fun of it!! Ford's tag is #|♡ |✋ ~ He blinded me with science! William's tag is #|♡ |🐇 ~ Love me dead!
🩷 - if I accidentally follow ur blog and im in ur dni I apologize :[ I struggle w remembering to check D: Just soft remove or do whatever makes u most comfortable :) Or dm and I'll unfollow :) I try to keep my eyes out but yk, criteria things.
🩷 - I'm always willing to be mutuals ! I'm always shy and nervous to interact first so ahaha, apologies. I have that little bug in my head called social anxiety :p
🩷 - My reader, I'll be real w you rn, my Self insert/guy i draw w the sillies on occasion is literally the same all the time in each fandom. The only thing that changes is his personality lmao, and outfits I guess. I'm a simple guy with simple design attachments :p
❌ - Stg-- if you are a BEETLEBABES ENJOYER, PROSHIPPER, COMSHIPPER, or anything else thats fuckinggn YUCKY or GROSS like fall into the basic dni criteria and shit like that get off my page :3 Just go explode :D *twirls hair* I put a pipe bomb in ur mailbox uwu
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