#đŸŽ¶ i’ll be there when your reality drowns. (ic.)
seaofserene-a · 3 years
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   “ Just murder the person you owe money to. Problem solved. ”
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seaofserene-a · 3 years
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   “ You never said there were more of you... ” Please she’s already so stressed.
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seaofserene-a · 3 years
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@somewhereinchaos​ said:  ‘  is  it  freezing  to  you?  ’ [ question starters. / accepting. ]
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       “ Mm, not really... The water is quite lovely, in fact. ” Her voice is like honey, the sweetest thing you’ve ever heard. Enchanting, even. Her chin rests in her arms on the dock’s edge, legs lazily kicking underneath her. Those uncanny features were shrouded by the deep blue hues of the ocean’s waves, misleading. ( Nobody would ever know until it was too late, the claws and the teeth she concealed within her visage. ) Serenity tilted her head at the stranger, hair falling in her face more, smile curious. “ Is this your first time in the area ? I don’t believe I’ve seen you around here, before... ”
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seaofserene-a · 3 years
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@rcwrittcn​ said:  ❝ Whooooa. ❞ Webby's eyes are alit with wonder as her hands clasp in excitement, giddy as she looks over Serenity. She doesn't seem afraid, moreso intrigued by the cryptid before her. ❝ Are you a mermaid? ...Are you a siren?! Oh! OH! Are you a malevolent sea-witch, bent on the bloody revenge of some far-off distant water kingdom?! Do you have a spell cauldron?! ❞
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   “ How did you even - ” The siren cuts off, pausing in the midst of her tranquil afternoon swim to look up at the duckling. The tide was HIGH, the cavern half filled with sea water that pushed and pulled against the eroded walkways. How did she even get DOWN here? It was one of the most secluded spots along the coastline! Never mind the dreadful reputation this place had. An ancient ruin like this was far too treacherous for just any mortal to come frolicking through. You’d have to be a fool to of come down here, or bearing a death wish. 
   It takes Serenity a moment to even register what the child said - a look of surprise at how on the nose she’d been with her assumptions. But it quickly melts into irritation; NO CHILD should be coming down here. Serenity hated dealing with nosy children.
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   “ That is NONE of your concern. Now begone ! This is NO PLACE for a child to be blundering around in. ”
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seaofserene-a · 3 years
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@shadowsceptered​​ said: He's not said a word, expression out of this realm as he stares at her, smile on his face practically melting. Funny, he's not sure why he's so drawn to her -- there's just this strange sense of familiarity and comfort... among everything else. Had her eyes always been so pretty? Then, he catches himself, breath hitching as he looks away and a flush falls over his cheeks. " Sorry, I was just... thinking. " Smooth, Vulcan; smooth.
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   “ Thinking .. ? ” She doesn’t miss the way Vulcan averts his gaze, feeling a small smile form on her muzzle. It certainly was something else, witnessing the one who has made a space of his own in her heart appear so.. bashful. Different name and different body aside, the soul was still all the same. She just couldn’t help the faintly amused chuckle. Perhaps now you will understand how it feels, hm? She stretched just a bit further out of the water, leaning closer to the mortal with a voice as gentle as it was playful. “ About me ? ”
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seaofserene-a · 3 years
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@shadowsceptered​ said: Mephiles' embrace is tight as it is fiercely protective. He says nothing but this rare moment of intimacy says one thing: he will not let anyone touch her.
   Ah. Perhaps they’d gotten a bit too bold with their misadventures this time. It’d been a rather close call — The mortals certainly did not take well to having their events crashed by a couple of Hellbent monsters out to sow discord in the ripples of time. Nevertheless, they escaped safe and sound. Mostly, anyway. It was a rare occurrence for Serenity to experience fear, for it was an emotion she’d abandoned long ago. 
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   The embrace entirely catches her off guard. In more ways than one. It’s enough to startle the fear right out of the siren, the faintest ‘eep’ escaping before she all but freezes up and stares at... Well, nothing. Because her vision is currently obstructed by her taller companion. The chill does not bother her — On the contrary, she’s already well adjusted to cold things. She blinks, slowly tilting her chin up and allowing it to rest against the white patch of fur on his chest. 
   Um. This is. Well. Alright then. This Sure Is Happening. Clawed hands practically hover uselessly at her sides as she’s entirely uncertain what to even do with them like this. But after a few ambivalent beats of silence... she gingerly returns the embrace, fear completely forgotten.
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   ... Hm.
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seaofserene-a · 3 years
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“ Laws are merely just rules made up by those in power in order to control the population, and they change every so few centuries. ”
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“ Who knows... perhaps one day soon murder will be ‘legal’. ”
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seaofserene-a · 3 years
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@skyfcx​ said:  ‘  want  some?  ’ [ question starters / accepting. ]
       It was RARE for the siren to allow herself out in the open so blatantly like this. Bright sunshine, clear waters, though she supposed it was hard not to give into her curiosity. She already had her fill of mortal souls this morning, there was really no need to hunt more. Besides... when it came to children, she was less interested anyway. She’d been studying the fox for a few minutes now, particularly curious about that second tail of his. That was rather abnormal, wasn’t it ? ( Though she supposed SHE was one to talk about abnormal. ) 
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       Serenity draws closer to the pier side, looking on with interest at what it was the kit had in his hands. A bag of some sort? The shimmer that came off of it was particularly eye-catching. “ ...What is that ? ”
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seaofserene-a · 3 years
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@shadowsceptered​ said: " Fret not, " he replies, taking her hands gently in his; it's not a rugged grip, cold and cruel like the malevolence he lived and breathed. No, not with her. Eyelids lowering, he leans in, forehead resting on hers. Glowing reptilian eyes focus solely on her. The room could be watching but he does not care. " I am here to guide you. "
The entire night had felt like a daze. So strange, this place was. Unfamiliar, not unlike the ocean they sailed upon. ( Any other night she would long to hear the whale’s songs and feel the familiar push and pull of the ocean’s wild torrent, but that was far away from her mind right now. ) Serenity had been captivated the whole time, she’s never been aboard a ship like this. In all her years of living, all the times she’d chance a closer look at the ships mortals used to cross the place she considered home, and all the wrecked ones she’d find sunken to the bottom of the ocean, nothing could quite hold a candle to this. 
The siren often found herself lost in the twinkling lights above them, or the soft music that played from those strange instruments. The rustle and bustle of the people around them was almost too much for her - even now, the trace of their spirits as they swayed and danced around the room she could sense with muddled clarity. 
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If she thought navigating normally on land was already a bit of a challenge, she certainly hadn’t been prepared for this. There was nothing about this situation that Serenity had been ready for, nothing at all. Not the way her companion gingerly took her hands in his ( hands that have ripped and teared and mercilessly dragged away so many lives away from the realm of the living ),  Not the gentle tone in his voice as he reassured her against such previous worries, not the unexpected closeness - frightening and yet... comforting. Securing, somehow, a closeness she’d forgotten how much she missed. And she certainly was not ready for the gaze she was fixed with that was filled with an intensity she hadn’t been faced with in a very, very long time. 
For a moment, she thinks she forgets to breathe, wanting to souly blame it catching in her throat on the notion that she was just out of her element. But the race in her heartbeat says otherwise, the rose like hue that dusted her muzzle betraying what she only wished to keep to herself. The siren is paralyzed by refusal to give in, and yet, she yields so effortlessly, falling into step with Mephiles as they started their waltz. After a few paces, Serenity breaks eye contact, pale yellow irises darting to the floor, huffing a quietly flustered laugh. What am I doing? Is he doing this on purpose? Intentionally? Or does he not realize... She needs to distract herself.
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“ ... You’ve done this before ? ” Her voice is quiet, almost timid. She watches their feet move below them, trying to pay attention to the way her companion stepped and follow suit and... pray, that she doesn’t misstep herself.
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seaofserene-a · 3 years
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   “ Stranger .. that’s all I see. When I look into your eyes, a soulmate who wasn’t meant to be. ~ ”
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   “ Stranger .. Who knows all my secrets. Can pull me apart, and break my heart. A soulmate, who wasn’t meant to be .. ~ ”
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seaofserene-a · 3 years
@gamblealife​​ liked for a starter !
   ... How interesting. 
   It wasn’t unusual for her to find explorers trapesing through her territory, the place had a reputation after all. The kind of reputation that only attracted the incredibly brave and the incredibly stupid. To which there was a fine line in between. This place was dreadfully haunted by the spirits of her fallen people, thousands of years laying dormant in these underground, flooded temples, safeguarding their ancient treasures and secrets. Few mortals ever made it out alive, if the hazardous conditions didn’t kill them first... Or worse. It wasn’t just Serenity that needed to be feared down here.
   She’d been watching him for sometime, now. Quietly, in hiding. Wondering just what exactly he’d been looking for. After some amount of time, she finally speaks.
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   “ You’re rather long way from home, Echidna ... ”
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seaofserene-a · 3 years
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   With that said, she is feeling quite proud of herself. Get rekt, Mephiles.
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seaofserene-a · 3 years
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anonymous said: you just wanna lure him to his watery death but he's probably not gonna fall for it. probably
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   “ Me ? Lure him to his death ? Why would I EVER want to do something so dreadful ... ”
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seaofserene-a · 3 years
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   “ No, no ! Please, continue speaking to me. Tell me what your greatest desires are. I’m deathly curious ! ” And have no malicious intention whatsoever.
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seaofserene-a · 3 years
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“ What even is the point of this ... Halloween ? ”
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seaofserene-a · 3 years
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anonymous said: About [Mephiles]
— character thoughts ( accepting. )
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   “ Oh, where to begin ... ” The siren hums thoughtfully. There was a lot that could be said about him. A lot that which Serenity tried not to dwell too much on. “ ... Sentiments in this dreary life are... fleeting, and hard to come by. ” She knows this. She’s known this. “ They are, and always have been proven to be a waste of time for me. Like flowers, they are beautiful to look at. But once they are picked, they wither and die. ”
   She paused, fondness on her expression as a hand is placed close to her chest. “ Mephiles the Dark is truly bothersome, as I’ve come to find. But not in a way that I would have ever expected. With each passing day, I find myself longing for his company. His theatrics. His stories. His adventures. It has become ... difficult, not to be swept up by his presence. That which I dread as much as I anticipate. With him, I forget the rest of the world. No time spent by his side feels wasted to me. ”
   The siren trailed off, becoming self conscious of the hue that had started to bloom on her cheeks. Her voice carries a sad lith to it as her gaze come back into focus, smile fading.
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   “ ... And because of that, I must remain vigilant. He cannot know, and I cannot tell. These are flowers I do not wish to let wilt. So, regrettably... I must leave them be. ”
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