circusgoth-dotcom · 5 months
Ship: Paul Smecker x Gabriel Wanda
Word Count: 411
Summary: Short and sweet, this was the immediate scene that came to me when I started thinking about my s/i and Paul. CWs for drunkenness, smoking mentions, brief implications of internalized homophobia.
Tag List: @canongf
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Paul was exhausted. He’d been chasing his latest case up and down Boston for the past two weeks and felt no closer to solving it. Today had been particularly rough. The criminal was erratic, nothing they did or left behind made any sense. To cope with the frustration, he got sloshed at his usual watering hole before miraculously making it back to his apartment.
Gabriel heard him struggling with the door from the bedroom. Sighing and swinging out of his bed, he tightened the belt on his robe and went to open it. “Push, not pull, y’drunken fool,” he chastised affectionately as Paul stumbled against the doorframe. He heaved the taller man into his arms and guided him to the couch before going to close the door. “You’re home late, Mr. Repressed Homosexual. I thought it was work, but I don’t think the Federal Bureau of Investigation serves shots of tequila to their agents.”
“Home early,” Paul accused, slurring his words.
“Yeah, the manager’s sick so we closed early.” Gabriel sat beside him, picking through his pockets until he found a half-empty box of cigarettes. He plucked one and put it between his lips before placing the box back in Paul’s suit jacket. “How’s Mickey?”
Paul grumbled, rubbing his eyes. “Cut me off
“Ah, so that’s why you’re home.” He got up and went into the kitchen to light his cigarette before returning to Paul’s side, running his hands through his fluffy auburn hair. Paul closed his eyes, his jaw set. Roughly twenty minutes passed before either man said anything again.
“You’re too sweet on me, kid.” Paul’s voice was clear this time and it surprised Gabriel, who assumed he had fallen asleep.
He placed a hand on his cheek, softening his voice, “None of that self-deprecation, now. You can’t be curled up in your ball of armour all the time.” He placed his cigarette in the ashtray on the coffee table and kissed him. “Do you want to go to bed?”
Paul nodded and Gabriel helped him onto his feet, guiding him to the bedroom. He helped him undress and lay beside him in the dark. Paul had been very strict about two things when they had begun seeing each other regularly; he didn’t cuddle, and he didn’t do PDA. In fact, most soft forms of love were entirely foreign to him. Still, he felt Paul’s fingers tangle with his own under the blankets as his breath slowed and calmed.
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geographerdose · 10 months
🐂 Venus in Taurus (esp @ 0 degrees) with an eight house stellium containing Saturn (night chart) or Mars in a day chart can be very dangerous. Like physically abusive dangerous.
Ex) Adolf Hitler has an eight house stellium. his ruler being Venus in Taurus conjunct mars in a day chart (in his 8th house). We all know the horrible things he did, and his mind games and convincing an entire nation of some incredibly detrimental ideas
Ex) the abusive f*ckboy I wrote about a few months back has an eight house stellium with his chart ruler (Venus in Taurus 0* ) trining Mars and Saturn in his 8th house in a night chart.
😬the eighth house is already a bad house and throw in two malefics—> no doubt it can have the potential to be dangerous.
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🩵Even with Venus in Taurus, at its domicile, it turned out bad. The fourth house is a good house to have it in too.
🫛 Taurus is an earth sign—> fixed earth at that and so this sign is admittedly possessive. Imagine getting that possession at any cost.
🛍 They’re also the type to try and buy your love. Definitely have love language of gift giving.
👹Zero degrees at its purest form. Nature is both evil and benefic so this shows both sides, maybe some moreso evil than others.
📈This is just how it played out in two peoples charts but not everyone who has this will have it play out negatively.
🖀💀Maybe they have it play out positively and become some badass mortician or something.
Ex) Jessica Lange has zero degrees Sun in Taurus conjunct Venus at 1 degree with Mercury at 7 degrees—> a true Taurus stellium. In her case, it turned into a very successful, decades long career as an actress known for her beauty. That 1 degree of Aries really shines in her characters particularly since her MC is Aries with Mars there. She is known for playing a tough lady that manages to be graceful and beautiful even if she’s being kind of a horrible person as seen in her morally complicated AHS characters
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🚬🌿🍺 With zero degree Sag placement for example, this can play out with overdoing everything to the extreme. Cigs, weed, booze, food, sex, whatever your flavor of sin(s) is (are).
🊄Probably would apply to Pisces zero degrees too since they are both ruled by Jupiter, the planet of overdoing things
🏹With mars ruled signs, it could indicate an impulsivity which could translate to certain problems depending on the house placement and other conjunctions/oppositions and trines/squares. In its positive form it could indicate someone always being real and true no matter what.
💐Even with the Venus ruled signs like Taurus and Libra, I think having it at zero could indicate a detriment moreso than the other degrees. Just spitballing here. Loving too much but not realizing it’s coming from a place of empty from inside that no human could ever fill and the lengths some will go to keep what they believe is theirs. In its positive form this could indicate someone really taking care of the other person, having their back and loving them through stability
🪻Jupiter is a benefic too but probably presents itself purest at zero degrees as overindulgence and that can be a negative. These types are probably hard to resist though and have a sense of charisma that makes them likable
🎙Mercury ruled signs at zero degrees probably have a problem with being gossipy or saying things they don’t mean bc that’s a shadow side of it, presenting its worst self. At its best probably someone genius and able to see multiple sides to a situation and definitely understand it (esp with a water placement(s))
🌙🌕The sun and moon at zero degrees could negatively show as being too self centered, the sun a bit more straightforward about it than the moon. But they both probably have this way of shining that is hard to match.
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emoji-completionist · 1 year
omg a gimmick blog 0-0
i count how many emojis were used in a post (out of apple emojis bc thats what ive got 👍)
#emoji counting = counting emojis in posts/asks
#not emoji counting = anything else
#reblog = reblogs (shocker /s)
#oo aa that's my favorite asks = asks
#tw nsft = nsfw posts (anything ab sex or sex words)
if u want me to not reblog ur post lmk and ill take it down
im not considering skin tone variations (ex. 👍👍🏻👍🏌👍🏜👍🏟👍🏿 would all only count as 1 👍)
under the cut are all of the emojis i'm counting(1,837 total):
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circusgoth-dotcom · 5 months
Closeted Heart
Ship: Paul Smecker x Gabriel Wanda
Word Count: 585
Summary: Paul forgets his lunch and coffee at the hotel. Gabriel delivers it to him. CWs for (unintentional) misgendering, suggestive themes.
Tag List: @canongf @futurewife @rexscanonwife
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Gabriel walked into the Baltimore police station, soaked by a sudden downpour and wobbling in a pair of heels. His partner, Agent Paul Smecker, had been sent to the city on a typical case. It hoped Paul hadn’t left already; he had left his lunch and thermos in the hotel. Gabriel knew he’d settle for the cheap station coffee— unless, of course, there was a stooge to make an example out of, like his time in Boston during the MacManus case —and even splurge for lunch at a restaurant, but they also knew Paul liked things succinct, especially if he was hot on the trail.
“Can I help you, Miss?” The receptionist at the desk asked. Though initially flustered, Gabriel was used to being clocked as a woman whenever he wore a skirt. He held up the black soft-sided lunchbox and metal thermos for him to see.
“My house guest forgot his lunch, is Agent Smecker still in the building?”
“I think so, yeah. FBI so cheap nowadays they're making people shack up with civilians?”
Gabriel tittered. “We go way back. It just made sense for him to stay with me.”
The receptionist nudged the bill of his hat in understanding. “Alright, put your things through the scanner and walk through the metal detector, please.”
Gabriel did as he was asked without issue, then made his way into the office space. He spot Paul instantly and half-stumbled his way over to him.
“Hey doc, forget something?” They softly crooned. Paul instantaneously stood, holding out his hands.
“Thanks,” he said flatly, but they knew he meant it. “What are you doing, wearing heels at this time of day? In this kind of weather??”
“I’m trying to get a pay raise.”
“Gabriel, you’re not going to see your boss outside of work.” Paul set his lunch down on a nearby desk, shaking his head and opening his thermos, sipping the contents within. “Almost still hot.” He glanced around, but the room was empty. “Good job.”
Gabriel nodded. “I knew you wouldn’t get far without it.”
Paul scoffed but he was smirking at them. A little, unpreventable sigh escaped them and Paul’s brow furrowed. “What’s that about?”
Gabriel rubbed its wrist. “Oh, nothing. I’d just like to kiss you, is all, but I know, you like to keep that stuff private.” A shiver ran through him as stray raindrops slid down his skin and dripped onto the floor.
“You’re cute, but you ain’t that cute.” A beat, then Paul was leading Gabriel into a broom closet. “One kiss, kid, make it quick.”
Gabriel blushed and smiled before kissing him softly. Paul’s hand caressed his cheek, wiping away the rain, a single, well-sculpted finger twisting a strand of dark, water-laden hair. “If things go well today, I’ll treat you good tonight, alright?”
“You don’t gotta make promises like that with me, Paul. We’ll either screw or we won’t, that’s fine by me.” Gabriel placed their hand over his. “But if things do go good today, meet me at work.”
Paul nodded and they stepped out of the closet, smoothing down their respective clothes and attempting to appear unsuspicious. He handed it his umbrella. “Here, since you clearly didn’t bring yours. It should let up by tonight.”
“Thanks, Paul.”
“Don’t mention it. Now get, before somebody thinks I’m hiring you, if you catch my drift.”
Gabriel clucked his tongue. “Do I really dress like that?”
Paul shook his head. “Forget I said anything. Bye, Kris.”
“Bye, Paul. Enjoy your lunch.”
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circusgoth-dotcom · 3 days
Untitled #2
Ship: Paul Smecker x Gabriel Wanda
Word Count: 702
Summary: Couldn't get the idea of Paul saying "that's my boyfriend you ignorant twat" to some asshole out of my head so that's literally my excuse for writing this. 🙇‍♂ I was also trying to pick literally any other song for Gabriel to be preforming but I couldn't find anything, so "Why Don't You Do Right?" it is. CWs for smoking and drinking, misgendering, guys creeping on Gabriel, suggestive themes.
Tag List: @canongf
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Paul loved when he could visit Gabriel at work, even if that meant his own work days were slow. Tonight was one of those nights. He found an empty table in the crowd and took his seat, ordering his usual drink. A piano player was on the lounge’s stage, finishing a moody piece when the waiter came back to Paul.
“Who’s on next?” He asked as he placed his cigarettes on the table, already knowing the answer.
“That would be Wanda, sir,” the waiter responded with a curt nod.
“Thanks.” Paul took a sip of his drink as the crowd clapped for the pianist as he took a bow and left the stage.
The lights dimmed further and a spotlight blinked on as Gabriel sauntered into view. He wore a short leather dress that clung snugly to his hips, a rhinestone-studded belt accentuated his waist and matched a sparkling choker clasped around his pale neck. Many patrons whistled as he approached the mic and a band began to play in the shadows.
You had plenty money, 1922
You let other women make a fool of you,
Why don’t you do right
 like some other men do?
It didn’t take much for the crowd to eat the performance up. Paul blocked them out as he watched him admiringly, selecting one of his cigarettes and lighting it. He recalled a memory in which he had taken Gabriel to one of his first auditions. He had insisted clearly to the establishment’s owner, I only sing classics.
His affectionate spell was broken when he caught wind of the conversation from the table behind him.
“Jesus, that Wanda’s a sweet one, ain’t she? Can’t believe this is her first night here
“She certainly doesn’t seem like an amatuer. Maybe she travels.”
Paul twisted in his seat to observe the two men, his cigarette haphazardly protruding from his lips.
“Think I could get her ‘autograph’ after the performance?”
He watched as the man crudely patted his crotch, earning an equally crude chuckle from his buddy. Gladly, he plucked the cigarette from his mouth and barged into the conversation.
“You know that’s a guy up there, right?” He asked just loud enough to be heard by them. They quickly turned to acknowledge him.
“Psshh, there’s no way.”
“Yeah, the Hell are you smokin’?”
Paul smiled tightly. “Just your standard Luckies. You?” Before they could answer, he waved his hand dismissively. “Doesn’t matter, because whatever you’re smoking clearly has you duped. Look at him,” he looked back toward the stage. “It’s clearly padding. He hasn’t got tits and he doesn’t shave. Simple as that.”
“What makes you such an expert?”
Paul casually flashed his FBI credentials. “Disguises come easily to me, son, especially poorly made ones. Though I won’t cast any judgement if you still want to ‘get an autograph
Despite his authority, it didn’t seem to deter the men’s outrage at his suggestion.
“I oughta knock your block off
Paul chuckled. “Oh, really? Do you really think threatening a government agent will help you right now?” He took a few puffs of his cigarette. “Anyway, he’s not gonna give you an ‘autograph,’ even if you asked him nicely.”
“Assuming you’re just fucking with us, how the Hell would you know?”
“Because I don’t approve of him having sex with rotten bastards like you. Plain and simple,” Paul returned his attention to the stage as Gabriel’s number came to an end.
“What’ve you got to do with her?”
Paul’s brow creased in irritation. “Because that’s my boyfriend you ignorant twat.” He finished his drink, put away his cigarettes, and moved toward the entrance to the back of the lounge while the men attempted to process the information that was thrown at them. He entered backstage and found Gabriel instantly.
“Paul,” Gabriel chirped as he approached. “I didn’t know you were coming.”
“Well, work is slow, so I got to leave in time to see my favourite show. C’mon, I’ll take you home.”
As they were leaving, an indistinct shout came from behind. Gabriel briefly glanced over his shoulder. “What’s that all about?”
“Just some guys I pissed off. Nothing you need to worry about.”
“Oh, Paul, can’t you ever play nice?”
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circusgoth-dotcom · 5 months
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Gabriel Christopher "Kris" Wanda | The Boondock Saints s/i
A lounge singer who's "kind-of dating" FBI agent Paul Smecker. They live almost entirely separate lives, but Gabriel always ends up in Paul's bed at the end of the day. He can tell Paul really loves him, but he has a lot of other shit going on, so they take things one day at a time.
Paul is the only one who will occasionally call Gabriel "Kris," and it's usually a private nickname, though it has slipped out in public before.
When/if Gabriel were to cross paths with Conner and Murphy, he'd definitely have a paternal streak toward them.
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circusgoth-dotcom · 11 days
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circusgoth-dotcom · 4 months
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Had this offhand AU idea where Paul and I were regular dog show contestants/attendees and that's how we met
I doubt I'll do anything more with it but meet Scully (♀), Paul's Giant Schnauzer and Chaney (♂), my s/i's Irish Wolfhound :0]
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