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γγγγγγMTMTE x gn reader
γγγγγγrodimus ,, ultra magnus ,, chromedome ,, rewind ,, megatron ,, whirl ,, tailgate ,, swerve ,, cyclonus ,, first aid ,, ratchet ,, drift ,, gender neutral reader γ
γγ-> christmas on the lost light
γγβ fluff ,, sfw ,, crack
γγβ sorry i havent been uploading as much ππ ive been busy with work and school ,, but im on christmas break so hopefully ill be able to get through the few requests i have sitting in my inbox rn and reopen requests :(( ima try to start uploading more now as much as i can β€οΈ heres a little something for christmas though ! hope you all enjoy christmas this year <3
β’ it was natural for the bots aboard to be interested in human customs ,, having lived in a war most their life . death and violence were something they were quite used to experiencing ,, never really having the time to experience anything outside of the horrors of war itself .
β’ swerve was one of the few main bots that pestered you often about human holidays . cybertronians didn't celebrate much ,, unless they were a group of autobots who just gave some decepticons a what-for .
β’ then again ,, swerve usually asked many questions regarding things on earth and what humans do . sometimes you humored him ,, sometimes you told little lies ,, like if you clapped three times in a mall it would be a sign that a tiger was loose . it was quite fun to put silly nonsense in that processor of his at times .
β’ though when it came to christmas he would not leave you alone . whether you celebrated it or not ,, you still explained the custom in general to him . how old saint nicholas would mosey on down the chimney ,, eat the cookies and drink the milk left out for him ,, and leave presents under the tree lit well and adorned with ornaments .
β’ you even pulled up the santa tracker for swerve ,, showing him where santa would go and be ,, how on christmas eve he would be flying around with his reindeer and leave presents
β’ hearing all of this intrigued chromedome and rewind ,, as well as tailgate and whirl . cyclonus didn't understand the hype and belief of having an old random man leave gifts in your house and eat your food even if left out specifically him . tailgate was thrilled though ,, a funny little old man leaving him gifts seemed so heavenly to him . chromedome and rewind ,, however ,, had different opinions . rewind was interested in this human holiday ,, whilst chromedome shared the same opinion as cyclonus . how were you sure this 'santa' guy wasnt gonna rob you ? and when you were sleeping nonetheless .
β’ rodimus already knew of this tradition ,, as did ratchet and ultra magnus . rodimus was quite ecstatic at the idea of having a christmas party ,, watching christmas movies and sipping on energon . maybe he could even have you sit on his lap ,, all cozy in those soft blankets and sippin on your own mug of hot chocolate .
β’ ratchet couldnt care less ,, grumbling something about how 'you humans and your holidays and customs' . though he definitely didnt deny the offer of going to this christmas party ,, it was nice to spend some time that didn't involve life threatening situations for once .
β’ ultra magnus ,, on the other hand ,, was quite picky about how the christmas party should be set up . he even tried to ban home alone ,, saying he didnt want rodimus to get any ideas from the traps in the movie . the last thing he needed was to end up in one the next day . though ,, the many outweigh the few ,, and so home alone was allowed in the movie marathon .
β’ now when you told him about the grinch ,, he wasnt sure if you were mocking him by saying it was an actual movie or if he should be concerned for what this dr.seuss guy was drawing . i mean ,, have you seen how hairy the grinch is ? or how the whos in whoville are shaped ? pointy noses and all ,, it was quite new to magnus .
β’ megatron ,, who overheard everything ,, already knew he wasnt going to be wanted at the party . it made sense ,, his past and everything he's done to earth and its people . though when you asked him to come ,, that you personally wanted him there ,, he swore he felt his spark stop for a second . he only gave a nod ,, whilst ravage bickered to him that night in his habsuite .
β’ whirl ,, to say the least ,, was prepared to fight santa . he was watching the santa tracker ,, waiting for the jolly fellow to pop up so whirl could fly down and bring out the big guns ( that brainstorm recently made ,, not yet tested out or put through a test trial so lord knows what may go wrong) . magnus almost had to throw him in the brig if he couldnt contain his sudden rage and fury for the old man .
β’ first aid was somewhat interested ,, never having celebrated a holiday before . it would be nice ,, getting together and doing nothing but watching movies all day . he hadnt seen movies from earth that much either ,, besides a few fast n furious ones here and there . needless to say ,, he was somewhat concerned for humans need to trash cars . he cringed a little on the inside ,, watching those perfectly good cars blow up . it was like a horror movie but for cybertronians .
β’ during the movie marathon ,, whirl tried to sneak violent night and black christmas in ,, saying they were also christmas movies and that they should watch them . magnus ended up throwing them out ,, saying no one really felt like seeing dying people during this one time of peace .
β’ drift enjoyed the nightmare before christmas ,, the claymation alone was enough to captivate him . then the designs of the characters ,, the music and songs ,, even jack's childlike wonder for christmas matched his own (in a few ways) . during that movie you sat with him ,, sharing a few facts about the movie itself . how long it took to make and how hard it is to do claymation movies .
β’ during the polar express you stayed with rewind and chromedome ,, snuggling in between the two and sippin on your hot chocolate . rewind enjoyed watching the train on the ice whilst chromedome puffed about how he coulda easily done that himself and saved everyone . you only rolled your eyes ,, muttering out a sure as you fought back a smile .
β’ during a break in between the movies you noticed megatron ,, standing awkwardly in the corner with his own cube of fools energon in servo . you smiled at the bot ,, walking up to him and having a small conversation with him . you didnt honestly think heβd show up ,, but youre glad he did . he let you sit with him during one of the movies ,, bonding well with the giant bot .
β’ he was quite warm ,, heat coming from off his body as you huddled close to him . he tucked his servo around you ,, worried you may fall off . for a few moments during the movie you swore you saw him smile at some of the corniest parts ,, or chuckle softly at some of the dumbest jokes .
β’ you took turns ,, switching between bots during different movies . you would sit in their laps ,, explain little things you liked about the movie playing and share a few things of your own childhood during this time of the year .
β’ it was nice ,, to say the least . having time to the bots ,, doing things that reminded you of home . it wasnt the same ,, but it was the thought that counted . spending time with them peacefully was more than enough for you ,, and definitely more than you could ask for this christmas .
#transformers x reader#x reader#x gender neutral reader#megatron x reader#π.mtmte#mtmte x reader#rodimus x reader#π.swerve#π.rodimus#π.rewind#π.megatron#π.tailgate#π.cyclonus#π.chromedome#π.ultra magnus#π.first aid#π.ratchet#ratchet x reader#first aid x reader#drift x reader#π.drift#rewind x reader#chromedome x reader#tailgate x reader#cyclonus x reader#swerve x reader
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can you do a haedcanon of a fem human just drinking SO MUCH COFFEE like cup after cup an she is litery shaking in her seat her entire body is like a maraca an she she swerves bar so can u do headcanons for this for first aid, perceptor, brainstorm, chromdome an cyclones just teacting to this madness
γγγγγγLOST LIGHT x fem reader
γγγγγγfirst aid ,, brainstorm ,, perceptor ,, chromedome ,, cyclonus ,, female reader γ
γγ-> reader who drinks too much coffee and gets really hyper
γγβ fluff ,, sfw ,, crack ,, magnus is forever suffering
γγβ here you go !! :3 tysm for requesting !! tried to make it funny π«‘ hope you enjoy it <3 i loved writing this one but be warned as i dont drink coffee nor rlly know much for the side effects or smt from drinking it ππ even though im literally working at dunkin rn and they only rlly got coffee
- first aid
| β’ he'd be worried at first with the amount of coffee you've consumed ,, having learned about humans and other things concerning them incase of an emergency
| β’ in this case ,, itd seem the knowledge he learned wasnt too helpful
| β’ bouncing all around the medbay and just hyper in general was quite a pain for first aid to deal with
| β’ but he didnt want to be too rude to you ,, and gently coaxed you into spending all that energy of yours running laps around the edge of the medlab where you wouldnt get too hurt
| β’ though when you finally wear it off ,, he'll be quick to scold you ,, holding his digit in front of your face and waving it side to side in a 'no no' motion before taking you to his habsuite and laying you down for a nap
- brainstorm
| β’ he honestly doesnt know better okay ? you could tell him anything and suddenly he wants to put it to the test
| β’ so when you said you could drink a bunch of cups of coffee and wouldnt bat an eye ,, he was immediately like bet and then that led to the current situation
| β’ perceptor is facepalming and immediately making brainstorm take blame for encouraging you to do this ,, because now theres a hyperactive human running around the lab
| β’ i mean you're practically flying around with how much coffee youve drank ,, hell you could probably beat blurr in a race
| β’ official you wouldnt say that out loud because lord knows some of his fans to be a bit crazy and would immediately be on your case saying "no you wouldn't !!" and maybe a few death threats involved as well
| β’ dont mention it in front of brainstorm either because hes already calling blurr to set you up for a race
| β’ hes no help ,, dont ever tell him your ideas or encourage his crazy ideas unless you wanna end up in magnus's office ,, having him scold you like a dad does to their child who drew on the walls and is trying not to laugh at the situation
- perceptor
| β’ thanks to brainstorm ,, you chugged too much coffee than your body ever really needed ,, and with perceptor as your not-so-official-but-official-in-his-mind-protector-slash-guardian-slash-alien-robot-boyfriend-slash-fun-killer he just sighs and takes you out the lab
| β’ he doesnt have the patience to deal with any acidic spills from you bouncing off the walls left and right
| β’ nor does he really need you getting hurt in any way shape or form
| β’ lets just say its an awkward trip to the medbay to see if ratchet has anything to help with your situation
| β’ and when he comes up empty handed ,, percy resorts to scolding you whilst the caffeine starts to wear off
| β’ it taught you better than to listen to brainstorm again because bro was yapping at 100 words per minute you swore he couldve talked faster than blurr at that point
| β’ bro was an absolute chatterbox just yapping and yapping that you fell asleep
| β’ never again would you do that ,, or think about doing that because the headache afterwards when you woke up was so not worth it
- chromedome
| β’ he also doesnt know any better ,, but he's definitely more responsible than brainstorm is
| β’ he'd know to at least keep a lot of caffeine or high sugar products out of your reach ,, just hiding it on your top shelves or above your cabinets like parents do with their kids' halloween candy
| β’ though when you accidentally made too much coffee ,, and didnt really feel like wasting it ,, you drank it all in one go ,, or well multiple big ass gulps
| β’ and then rewind walks in on the scene and sees how hyper you are and is honestly thinking youre sick with some make-a-person-crazy-illness-virus-disease-thing that he swears is somewhere in his database
| β’ and now chromedome has to play dad and parent you the whole time
| β’ bro probably put your ass on a leash ,, locking it in so the rope only goes so far and just stands there as you run around
| β’ this is what he gets ,, he thinks to himself ,, its the last time hes putting something so low in your reach again
| β’ at this point ,, hes just gonna store all your unhealthy and junk food away in a desk in his habsuite
| β’ he'll leave you fruit and vegetables but if you want coffee ever again youre gonna have to behave really good to get it
| β’ and its only a spoonful ,, as a little treat
- cyclonus
| β’ so you just trying to show and answer tailgates crazy ass questions that youre not even sure where he got them from
| β’ he probably got them from his ass at this point ,, asking if the coffee gives you super powers and you have to explain thats not true before he spreads lies around
| β’ and if that happened ,, you shivered at the thought of magnus banning your coffee aboard the lost light
| β’ that was pure trauma to even think about right there
| β’ anyways you made too much ,, and instead of storing it away or pouring it down the drain ,, tailgate dared you to drink it all
| β’ and well ,, momma aint raise no pussy but she did raise someone who makes bad decisions
| β’ because the moment you get your spurge of energy tailgate runs to cyclonus and tells him all about it
| β’ bros going on and on about how youve lost your mind and he thinks youre gonna die and cyclonus had like 600 heart attacks right then and there
| β’ he busts in like hes the damn swat team ,, door kicked down and pieces of it flying everywhere as you're running around like a wild banshee
| β’ he's looking for the demon and meanwhile youre out here acting like a damn demon ,, almost frothing at the mouth from how insane you are from the coffee
| β’ lets just say it makes magnus ban tailgate from ever daring you to do anything ,, bans you from having your coffee ,, and bans cyclonus for ever kicking down a door like that ever again because it was so unnecessary
#transformers x reader#x reader#x female reader#robot x reader#robot x human#mtmte#mtmte x reader#π.mtmte#π.cyclonus#π.chromedome#π.perceptor#π.brainstorm#π.first aid#mtmte cyclonus#cyclonus x reader#transformers cyclonus#mtmte chromedome#chromedome x reader#transformers chromedome#mtmte perceptor#perceptor x reader#transformers perceptor#mtmte brainstorm#brainstorm x reader#transformers brainstorm#mtmte first aid#first aid x reader#transformers first aid
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γγγγγγMTMTE x gn reader
γγγγγγrodimus ,, minimus ,, swerve ,, rewind ,, chromedome ,, trailcutter ,, brainstorm ,, first aid ,, whirl ,, tailgate ,, skids ,, gender neutral reader γ
γγ-> coparenting on widgetable
γγβ fluff ,, sfw ,, crack
γγβ since ive started coparenting on widgetable i decided to do hcs of mtmte characters n coparenting on there :3
Β Β - rodimus
| β’ roddy saw it on tiktok when he was supposed to be working ,, and instead of finishing it his work he spammed you about it until you replied
| β’ who names it -> roddy
| β’ he names the kid chicken nugget because it seemed funny
| β’ roddy would have his status set as 'saving the world'
| β’ he'd be a good parent the first few days ,, but after about a week or two he forgets so you have to spam him care reminders
| β’ he probably buys the premium
| β’ roddy also probably spams your notes when you have chicken nugget over ,, and begs you to return him
| β’ he would draw little hearts on your guys' doodle widget when hes bored
Β Β - magnus / minimus
| β’ you had the app and somehow convinced minimus to download it and coown a pet with you
| β’ you hatched a cat ,, and minimus let you name it ,, which was probably a bad decision
| β’ because you named him dr . bigglesworth
| β’ he regrets it to this day
| β’ mins usually has biggles most the time ,, and never forgets to feed or bathe him
| β’ hes respectful with his notes and gives him to you when you ask
| β’ though if he sees you're neglecting dr bigglesworth ,, he'll send you one care reminder
| β’ he has his status set to 'hardworking'
| β’ mins wont write little messages on your note widget unless you do it first ,, same with doodling
| β’ though sometimes when he gets super stressed from work he may doodle dr . bigglesworth on your doodle widget
Β Β - swerve
| β’ he found the app and was super excited to coparent with you
| β’ he wanted to name the egg ,, and so he did
| β’ and thats how jerry got his name ,, and jerry was a penguin
| β’ he would also always remember to take care of jerry ,, maybe even spoil him a little too much
| β’ whenever swerve was bored at his bar ,, he would talk to jerry and feed him
| β’ swerve would constantly send a miss you note whenever you had jerry ,, it was honestly crazy
| β’ he would have his status as 'hold a hand' always
| β’ swerve probably would argue with you over notes on how you're neglecting jerry ,, when you literally just got him back smh
| β’ though all in all ,, swerve takes his coparenting to the extreme ,, he takes it serious and as a way to prepare for any future outcomes
Β Β - rewind
| β’ he found the app and asked if you wanted to coparent ,, which you didnt mind ,, rewind was already coparenting another pet with chromedome
| β’ for some reason ,, rewind always has his status set to 'toilet' and when you asked him why ,, all he said was that it was funny to look at
| β’ anyways ,, you hatch a frog !! and rewind named it dinkle without talking to you first about it
| β’ so now you have dinkle ,, who rewind sometimes forgets about ,, which makes you spam him care reminders until he takes care of him
| β’ he always argues with you over your notes ,, telling you that youre caring for him wrong
| β’ and when rewind's bored ,, he draws pps on the doodle widget and sends you questionable notes on the note widget
| β’ all in all ,, hes a 4/10 parent to coparent with
Β Β - chromedome
| β’ he found out you were coparenting with rewind and asked if you wanted to do so with him !
| β’ he let you name the egg ,, which you named 'moonie' ,, chromedome found it a little strange but cute
| β’ you hatched a puppy ,, and chromedome fell in love with moonie immediately
| β’ honestly hes a better parent than rewind is ,, always sharing moonie with you ,, giving you moonie when you ask
| β’ he spoils moonie with space rocket baths all the time
| β’ chromedome does love to draw you both on the doodle widget as best as he can ,, which is stick figures of you two
| β’ he sends you good morning and good night notes on the note widget
| β’ and his status is usually set to 'send a heart'
| β’ 11/10 parent to coparent with
Β Β - trailcutter
| β’ he only did it because you wanted to ,, even though deep down he wanted to be the one to ask
| β’ he hatches the egg and lets you name it 'big mac'
| β’ teebs questions why but never gets an answer ,, and so big mac hatched to be a panda
| β’ he also falls in love with the pet ,, always taking care of big mac
| β’ though he usually sends you big mac when he knows hes about to start drinking so he doesnt end up neglecting him
| β’ when hes drunk off of engex ,, he usually draws you crying faces and broken hearts on your doodle widget
| β’ and thats pretty much your sign to send big mac back to him
| β’ teebs grows pretty attached to big mac ,, and always feels sad when he sends him to you :( always asking that you feed and bathe him
| β’ teebs usually has his status set to 'kiss' but when he gets drunk he changes it to 'lonely' or 'miss you'
| β’ hes a 8/10 parent
Β Β - brainstorm
| β’ youre the one to introduce it to him and hes over the moon about it ,, he loves the concept and is super excited about coparenting with you
| β’ you let him name the hatched egg ,, which happens to be a duck
| β’ brainstorm calls him 'featherington' for sheer silliness ,, but really he just loves featherington
| β’ he spends money for the premium version so he can spoil his little duckie
| β’ he always fights you on the notes too ,, telling you to take extra care of featherington whilst hes working and if you dont hes gonna unleash the tickle monster
| β’ and you dont really have the time for the tickle monster ,, so you do your best to care for featherington
| β’ brainstorm usually has his status set as 'need you' ,, the little animated kitty cat that only premium lets you have
| β’ he sends you good night notes on the note widget ,, and sometimes reminders of things you need to do that day
| β’ when hes done with work and bored ,, he draws featherington on the doodle widget
Β Β - first aid
| β’ he probably found it whilst he was taking a break from working ,, and saw it as an ad and wanted to do it with you
| β’ he insists on naming the pet springy ,, totally not in relevance to springer ,, he doesnt know what youre talking about
| β’ you hatched a cat though ! first aid tries his hardest to take care of springy but he usually ends up neglecting him or using all his items and waits for the cool downs
| β’ he has his status set as 'kiss you' or 'working'
| β’ he'll doodle little stars in his free time though ,, which is rarely
| β’ first aid is another who puts little reminders on your notes widget in case you have something to do that day
| β’ he also spams you care reminders and gets worried when you dont take care of springy and demands him back
Β Β - whirl
| β’ youre the one to introduce him to the app and he at first doesnt agree to coparent but then he starts to overthink it and agrees in the end
| β’ he names the pet 'spike' for shits and giggles but yall hatch a duck and he becomes so attached to spike
| β’ he definitely buys premium to care for spike whether or not you know about it
| β’ any time you receive spike ,, he immediately spams 'missing spike' notes and spams the 'care reminder' notes
| β’ he has his status set as 'hit' or 'push'
| β’ he draws spikes on the doodle notes and sends you the most out of context notes ever on the widgets
| β’ you swear ,, one these days and magnus will sneak a peak accidentally and confiscate your phone
Β Β - tailgate
| β’ hes so excited to coparent with you he cant even wait the 24 hours ! he names the pet fluffy because he likes it .
| β’ you hatch a shark though ,, but tailgate insists on keeping the name fluffy
| β’ tailgate loves fluffy so much ,, he always reminds you to take care of him ,, though sometimes he does happen to neglect fluffy on accident
| β’ when he does ,, he starts getting emotional and sends fluffy to you instantly ,, saying hes a bad parent and doesn't deserve him
| β’ he always loves when he gets fluffy back though ,, hes so joyous and is always thanking you
| β’ when bored ,, tailgate doodles blue hearts and sends you little love notes on the widgets
| β’ he has his status set to 'kiss' or 'loving'
- skids
| β’ you introduce the app to him and he doesnt see why not ,, so he agrees to coparent with you
| β’ you let him name the pet ,, and he chooses 'bubby' for em
| β’ yall hatch a fox ,, and skids gets to care for him first
| β’ you had to show him how to ,, and he learns fast how to use the app after that
| β’ skids makes sure to take care of bubby when needed and doesnt blow through all his items immediately
| β’ on the doodle widget ,, he sends you hearts and flowers ,, sometimes drawing himself blowing you a kiss
| β’ and on the note widget ,, he gives you good morning and good night messages ,, randomly telling you something he heard at swerves ,, sending ilys to you
| β’ his status is set as 'touch' or 'hug' depending on the day
| β’ he usually always wants bubby but he forfeits the fox when you ask to care for him
#transformers x reader#x reader#x gender neutral reader#mtmte x reader#rodimus prime x reader#minimus x reader#swerve x reader#tailgate x reader#skids x reader#trailcutter x reader#rewind x reader#chromedome x reader#brainstorm x reader#first aid x reader#whirl x reader#π.trailcutter#π.swerve#π.rodimus#π.tailgate#π.mtmte#π.skids#π.minimus ambus#π.chromedome#π.rewind#π.brainstorm
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