#🎀: muses ~ Nate Jacobs/Vincent Jacobs and Jules Vaughn
midnightpsychos · 1 year
🏠 Nate x Jules or Bobby and Vincent
Both, I’m doing both @predatorymaniac
Nate x Jules:
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Jules never thought she’d go to college even after living in the real life version of hell during high school, the room was nice and tidy as Jules eyes wandered over to the other side of the room. It looked like she was sharing a room with a boy, hopefully it would be peaceful instead of nosy because Jules had a rough estimation that every college boy who were freshman loved to party.
Jules had a set career and a set focus on what she wanted to be after college and no one or anything was stopping her from achieving the best grades she could get, she started setting a routine of which she followed but first she wanted to see who her roommate was and let curiosity kill the cat. 
It had not been long until she heard the keys in the room’s door start to move to unlock the door as she could hear a familiar voice through the door but couldn’t quite put a name to the voice type of situation. Jules had cut off contact with almost everyone in high school except for Nate but after the whole incident with Lexi’s play - she wasn’t quite sure where Nate was going.
The dorm door finally opened and Jules felt like fainting - holy shit - it was Nate and he looked different she thought, Jules had had a change in her appearance as well to get away from all the high school drama but seeing Nate made her think that her college life was already ruined.
She was speechless, not a single word could come to her mind except for surprising things to which she didn’t want to admit to him but ended up forcing herself to patch up broken glass for once so she made conversation with the lad. “Nate, hi, been a long time - how have you been?” What the fuck was she saying? Jules already knew the answer to the question and she still asked him, that was stupid of her
Bobby x Vincent:
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Both Bobby and Vincent got into the college that they applied for and it made both brothers’ day. There was a slight chance of them not being roommates but it wasn’t the end of the world - maybe Bobby could make new friends outside of the hospital - Vincent thought due to Bobby’s condition getting worse and worse which meant more hospital trips and majority of the time being spent in the hospital waiting room waiting to see if Bobby would get discharged and he didn’t. 
Luckily the hospital let Bobby go to college and for Vincent to tell the teachers privately why it would take Bobby twice a long to learn stuff as other kids their age and how the teachers need to monitor Bobby’s health as well as telling Vincent or his parents how Bobby has been doing, sadly, that’s what life was like for the boys after receiving the news that they wouldn’t be able to fully move on with their lives until they stopped killing. 
“Right, room 317, get ready to meet your new roommate Vince” He sighed before entering the room to a pitch black room, Vincent didn’t know if anyone was in there or sleeping so he kept his voice down as well as closing the door slowly. He chose the bed closet to the window because he got hot during the night, unpacking some of his belongings - he drew the curtains and heard someone groan.
Maybe that was his roommate getting up, Vincent shrugged and went back to unpacking, he placed a photo of him, Bobby and Alexa on a windowsill since Alexa had to go back home to Australia to deal with some family issues but she’d be back before the semester ends. Vincent turned around to find out that his roommate was actually his brother - Bobby, “why did I have a feeling that you were going to be my roommate? Yes, the odds of us actually being roommates were slim but I feel like the headmaster felt sympathetic towards us” Vincent chuckled before hugging Bobby.
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