#🎀: muse ~ Stephanie Gomez
midnightpsychos · 1 year
my good friend @myxticdoubts is getting a starter from Steph (for once lmao)
It had been a while since Steph had saw Declan and that was because he went back home to look after his mom, Steph thought of getting Declan’s mom some flowers as a nice little introduction to his girlfriend. Dialling his number into her phone, Steph heard voicemail which wasn’t surprising but left a message.
“hey babe, I know you’re busy with your mom and I’m sorry for interrupting but I wanted to ask you something. I was thinking of getting your mom some flowers but I want to make them special for her, do you know by any chance what her favorite color might be? Thank you, I love you and speak to you later”
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midnightpsychos · 1 year
"You've grown so cruel."
I’ll give you Steph because this applies to her the most @rapmonkive:
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“Yeah, so? This whole worlds treated me like shit so it’s time I treat the world the same way I’ve been treated. And besides there’s only one person who I love and he treats me incredibly but for those who don’t, of course I’m going to have to put up some boundaries to which are me being a cruel bitch”
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midnightpsychos · 1 year
you never meant anything to me.” (even better if you add ‘they drunkenly slurred.’) nate x steoh
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oof, @predatorymaniac, some steph angst where she just doesn’t give a shit. Steph looked at him while in disbelief, but she wasn’t completely shocked due to her knowing that he was good at keeping mixed signals whether he was drunk or not and it did piss her off a little. 
“Okay, whatever, we’re nothing.” Steph said bluntly - her and Tyler were so similar that she thought she had a chance with him but ended up blocking out her emotions whenever it came to him. “Also, if you were thinking of collating with me then you can forget it” steph grabbed her keys and her phone and left her house. 
Yes, she was harsh but he didn’t know what hell she went through growing up as a child and she thought he’d never understand because they were two completely different people… what made her think she had a chance with him anyway? Maybe she was too high or drunk to even know why she wanted him.
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midnightpsychos · 1 year
Uh-uh, come here!" Any muse from Nate
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Steph looked at Tyler while she went to go get a drink of water because the girl had to keep herself hydrated. "I'll be right there! I'm just getting some water!" She shouted to Tyler as she pulled out a pack of pills that helped Steph control her concentration which she didn't get the chance to tell Tyler about.
Swallowing the pill, she took the water with her as Steph went back into the bedroom where her crush and future partner was lying in bed - waiting for her to get her ass back into bed, "hey handsome" she said to Tyler before hurrying back into her bed.
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midnightpsychos · 1 year
fine, keep acting like you hate me. ❜ - Nate x Steph
ah, shit, @predatorymaniac , this is a good one
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“Hate you? What the fuck do you mean by ‘keep on hating me’?” Steph couldn’t believe that Nate would ask a question like that when he even knew what the answer was, it had been a few weeks since Nate had to go by his real self while trying to recover from him being found out. “If there’s one thing that I feel for you then it’s certainly not hatred, it’s more like pity towards you” she said calmly. 
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Walking through the streets of London dressed in a short black skirt and a white blouse with holes in her tights and black boots, Steph wanted to show Nate where her safe space was before she fled the kingdom at 15 - a place where her parents never knew about until Steph’s siblings told her parents about where she would go after she sparked an argument with them. 
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“Do you actually believe that I hate you? I completely understand why you decided to do what you did because I done something similar” she did understand Nate and why he went undercover as Tyler, no matter what he thought - she was always there for him even after lying to her about his real self.
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midnightpsychos · 1 year
  ❜I am a beacon of joy  ❜
I don’t get to use Steph often so here you go: a confused Steph @prettyxlittlexwitch
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Steph chuckled awkwardly, “what do you mean by that?” Aqua was an unusual girl but nothing ever fazed Steph.
“Are you just overly happy or what dude?” Steph asked as she took a sip of her coke, trying to de code what the girl was saying
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midnightpsychos · 1 year
here, take my jacket. you're shivering. / Lulu
I’ll do this ask with Steph 🩷 @prettydead
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“I’m fine, seriously Lu - it was my own fault anyway, I didn’t bring a spare jacket with me for when I needed it and now I’m promising you that I’m fine” Lulu insisted on Steph taking her jacket but Steph was fine, honestly..
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midnightpsychos · 1 year
"it's nice you moved on after me Steph and I want you to be happy because I am and I love Cole and he loves me . I know what your ex did to me .but I'm okay and everyone loves me and they always will ..I'm glad you are happy you deserve it " Tyler to Steph
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“Yeah, I’m glad you’ve moved on too Tyler, if I’m being honest I don’t know why I was wrapped up around you anyway - I could tell that you’re more into boys. I guess the way you could describe it is that I loved the thought of us being together but it was imaginary, I don’t know if I should forgive you instantly after you telling me how shit I was as a person and kind of knocked my self confidence down because of my ex actually getting away with it. But long story short, I love Declan now and he’s all I need in life and yes we could be friends if you wanted to and I’m really glad you’ve found your soulmate - you and Cole do look hot together but he’s made perfectly for you my dear friend. I’ve just had a funny idea, if you and Cole would like to, I could ask Declan if you all fancied going on a double date somewhere?”
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midnightpsychos · 1 year
Ooh Declan's like oddly tall. he's pretty much 6'6.
Oooo @myxticdoubts getting slightly taller with Steph being 5’5” so like she loves to be picked up by Declan and him just towering over her whenever they’re out shopping
Stephanie x Declan (they’re such a cute couple 🥹):
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midnightpsychos · 1 year
you’re a fucking nightmare. kiss me. ❜ - Nate x anyone
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shitttt, @predatorymaniac
Steph looked at him while admiring the fire that came out of her lighter, she didn’t want to kiss him because they both agreed that in order for them to even consider entering a relationship with each other - they would have to take things slowly until both of them were comfortable enough to tell the other about their feelings.
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“I thought we both agreed that we wanted to take things slow instead of just rushing into things?” Steph asked him, yes she did find Nate hugely attractive but she was more concerned about healing herself and learning how to open up to someone without being judged. 
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Steph slowly started to smoke her cigarette while forgetting everything she has ever said to anyone. What she wanted most was to have someone who was there for her even when she began queen, and Steph knew deep down that Nate would be that person but he’s similar to her with struggling up to someone who you think you trust but you’re not sure of them. “It’s just that, I don’t want to risk moving too quickly into any relationship because it takes me a while to open up to people who won’t judge me.”
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midnightpsychos · 1 year
i know i can’t have you but it kills me to see you happy without me. ❜ Nate to anyone
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Steph looked at him with a emotionless look in her eyes while biting her tongue, she didn’t think that he’d be like that when it came to her going out with her friends and partying to give her a break from being a celebrity because she deserved it after all the pressure the paparazzi had put on the girl. 
“What the fuck do you mean? Dude, have you had some weed or some shit? I’m allowed to go out without you sometimes and I needed to clear my head out, I went to get groceries and came back then one of the girls texted me to see if we could go for a couple of drinks and we partied for a couple of hours” Steph’s phone beeped as she looked at her phone then putting it down after sending a text message to someone. “Why do you care whether or not you’re happy with me?” She asked him. 
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