notetaeker · 6 months
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✨Look how pretty 🌸🌱
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duahauuoplanh · 7 months
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cringefaecompilation · 2 months
no it’s fine. i’m not thinking about it. i’m not thinking about how dorian storm puts his trust in everybody fully and wholly. i’m not thinking about how orym is the first person he’s ever fully completely put all his faith in. i’m not thinking about how he’s the first person he goes to for guidance. i’m not thinking about how robbie said that dorian was horrified at the concept of disappointing someone he trusted all the way back in the exu wrap up. i’m not thinking about when he shared his thoughts with the team and said that he agreed with ash (notably not that other elf guy) it was immediately shot down and treated as him forgiving genocide. i’m not thinking about the heartbroken expression on his face when orym basically told him he doesn’t trust him the same way that he trusts him.
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vivisectedvitality · 5 months
ok i had a thought bout my fic today and im torn so i turn to the will of the people
*this would include them all grieving together, ghost staying in johnny's childhood bedroom and sitting with the family at the memorial service. just to even the odds since i know the bottom one may (rightfully!!) sweep
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headknight-oh · 18 days
I wanna give l lawliet a fat blunt and make him and make him play guilty party on the Nintendo Wii
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acemarkey · 7 months
kie's gone. xiao takeover.
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kiwisandpearls · 1 year
I don’t know why, but it makes me so frustrated thinking about how the people constantly bringing up how the owl house was cut whenever criticism is levied against the show, are some of those same people who will turn around and act like steven universe being cut wasn’t any good reason as to why the last season’s writing may have been poor
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whack-patty · 1 year
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So guess who completely forgot that chocolate milk and strawberry milk is such a big internet thing and made a poll in the heat of the moment and now my inbox is full of T H E funniest tags but also now i can't find any of the non chocolate/strawberry milk debate stuff in the chocolate/strawberry milk flood i am drowning in
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themagical1sa · 2 years
This is for @mintymoon-light.
Every note and reblog this post will receive will be every day she decides to stay.
Please help me encourage her to stay alive.
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nyctophiliq · 1 year
why is it so fucking STRESSFUL and TIME CONSUMING to enroll myself into uni omg, why is it taking so long, why does it makes me type in every single id card i own LIKE PLEASE
i refuse to stress about it before tonight, I'll just write dina smut I DONT CARE
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autopsiedsage · 18 days
I think im gonna make a calendar for october, one spooky(ish. if the mood strike me we may blur the lines here.) movie a day for the spirit of the season. I may post it here. the true bloggers spirit.
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dykrophone · 7 months
oh btw idk if u watched the glee club episode yet but if you havent warning for annies song... yeah
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zephyreon4 · 1 year
love the part of death note when L finds out shingiami are real. mans has a full on mental breakdown for 1.2 seconds and then just goes back to work like his entire worldview wasn't just obliterated.
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look i was originally worried about campaign 3 ending with an x-men style moral of "being bigoted is stupid because the people that you hate for no good reason helped you and are really cool!" and now i'm VERY worried because these schmucks are going sicko cassida mode (cassidiko mode) and under the impression of "just get rid of the evil deities or just asmodeus and the good ones will be cool with it because they’re good!" and i really don't want the primes to smite the fuck out of them too
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Kisses Under the K.onohana Branch
Safeshiptember Day 1: "Sharing your very first romantic kiss"
So I originally wasn't going to post this thing: leave this forever in my personal D.iscord server just to look at every now and again. Maybe share with some friends if they asked nicely.
But now I'm posting it here on the blog because it just so happened to be almost done when the prompt lists were coming out and it was basically Day One's prompt.
So. Yeah. Enjoy. Also I barely edited word choice here, I die like a man. (This is. So self-indulgent 🫡 AND it ran away from me at the end so. 🫡🫡🫡)
Word Count: 2.3k
Taglist: @crickiss @heart-of-aspiration @halsdaisy @sosawl @homosexual-fast-dancer @jocelynships @imaginemyshipswithme [If you want to added or removed, tell me in a comment or tag!]
(Please reblog! I like reading tags :])
A quiet afternoon underneath a tree overlooking the Nipponese countryside, brush in hand and easel at my side. The temperature was perfect, no one else for miles. What could be better than this?
Well… maybe my brush skills.
I frowned a bit at my work. I kept telling myself that practice made perfect, and that I hadn't used ink much. I was still getting the hang of it. But still… it was hard not to be a little frustrated that my painting didn't seem to be shaping up.
"Maybe I need to stop looking at it so hard,” I muttered to myself. I put my brush down and went to lay my back against the tree trunk. I sighed deeply as I slid down, taking in the peace of my surroundings.
Maybe just a quick nap… that would be the rest I needed.
But I perked up upon hearing a song play on the wind. The song from a flute. And it was close. Which meant only one thing.
I couldn't help but let out an annoyed huff.
Of course I knew he meant no harm (he was extremely helpful actually)… but I was a touch irritated by the guy. He was too… perfect, I guess. Pretty (objectively), talented with a flute and a sword, could tell prophecies (supposedly)… what couldn't the guy do?
I closed my eyes to pretend I was asleep, hoping that maybe he wanted to bother someone else.
The music stopped, and I heard a branch rustle slightly from above. No sound of a landing.
"What marvelous work here."
No such luck then. Darn.
After a moment—
"Not even a hello? Have you fallen asleep?" He sounded… close. Too close.
I opened one eye, but both widened in surprise right after. Waka was almost right in my face: close enough that I could see where his hair cover didn't quite get every strand and some blonde locks poked to frame his face, or his piercing blue eyes or—
He pulled back with a smile and a chuckle, clearly enjoying my reaction. "Good morning, ma cherie."
"Hello, Waka," I said flatly. He didn't seem to mind as he went to sit down next to me. He met my cool stare at him back with a cool, charming smile.
"Enjoying this wonderful day, are we?"
"And you're the one who's painting that lovely landscape?"
"Yes. I don't think it's quite as marvelous as you say it is though. The painting, not the land."
"Whyever not?"
"It's..." I struggled to find the words. "It's... not up to where I think it should be, I guess. There's a disconnect between my perceived skill and my actual skill."
"Hmm... are you having fun with that piece?"
"I... suppose so. It's nice being out here, at the very least."
"Then you should be focusing on that instead of if you're good enough. Focus on the positive, not the negative."
"Yeah... I guess you're right."
Waka made a satisfied sound in his throat and leaned back on the tree, eyes closed like he was going to take his own nap.
"...Do you ever get tired of being perfect?" I joked.
He cracked one eye open. "Perfect?" He let out the start of a laugh. "Ma cherie, I am anything but perfect."
It was meant as a tease, but it sounded almost... hollow. Like there was more loaded in that phrase than he was letting on. A tiny chill went through me.
"Wh-What do you mean by that?"
He noticed my shift in tone and tried to shift the topic. "The festival is shaping up to be the loveliest it's ever been this year."
"What, with no more eight-headed beasts making snacks out of fair maidens."
"I'll have to try some of Kushi's famous sake—"
"Waka." He finally paused, but he didn't look at me. "You know I don't think you have to be perfect, right? I like you just how you are."
"...Thank you. But it's not about that."
"Then what was that about?"
"It's rude to say this to a lady, so forgive me... but I envy you, ma cherie."
"M-Me? Why me?"
"Well... not quite you, specifically. I envy... mortals."
"Ah. I get it." Waka sat up in surprise. "Well—! I think I can grasp it at least."
"How could you—"
"You're a celestial being, right? Can live way longer than a mortal. When you live that long... you're just... on a different playing field than everything else here. You stay the same while everything else moves around you. Fast."
"...Very wise. Very wise indeed. Soon, all you're left with is you… and your mistakes."
I started reaching out my hand to cover his hand, but I chickened out and opted to place it next to his. "I'm... so sorry Waka."
"Why are you apologizing? You didn't do anything."
"I know, it's just... I wish I could help—"
"It's long in the past now, and I'm trying to fix my messes. That's the best I can do now." Now he was covering my hand with his own hand. "Besides, you lending an ear is helping plenty."
"Just... focus on the positive, ok?"
Waka chuckled a bit. "That sounds familiar."
"I guess we're both hard on ourselves, huh?"
Waka didn't respond and looked down, losing the little smile he had.
"Hey…" He flicked his eyes to me. I started to open up my arms. "If you need anything, like an ear or a hug, just—“
Waka threw himself at me with so much force, it felt like Ammy tackling me. I landed with my back on the grass. Thankfully, it didn't hurt much.
Meanwhile, Waka held me in a bear-trap grip. He didn't say anything; I wasn't even sure if he knew he did it.
His hair cover was soft like bird feathers, and it was hard not to notice he smelled like stardust and peaches. I was really hoping he couldn't feel how hot my face felt.
Eventually (after me trying to give him some comfort by hesitantly rubbing his back), we were leaning back on the tree.
"…Apologies, ma cherie. I'm… not sure what came over me…"
“I-It's alright! All you really did was startle me. It's fine, really.”
He didn't look convinced. Silence.
I cleared my throat and stretched out my arms again. "Just… if you want to try again, without tackling me.”
It took him a few moments but he did hug me again. He was gentler this time, but there was still a noticeable grip. He rested his head on my shoulder and nuzzled into my neck. I felt myself getting warm again. Maybe to distract myself, I spoke up again.
"Listen… You don't— have to, be anyone for me. Wh-What I mean is… You don't have to be the Tao Master, or the great prophet, or the Moon Cave's protector, or whatever else people are calling you. You can just be… Waka. You don't have to impress me with any fancy title or power; I just like you how you are."
"Really! Honest! That's the 100% truth."
Waka pulled himself up to look me in the face, and he just… stared. I couldn't read his expression.
Silence stretched on. I could feel each second passing slower and slower.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I cracked. "I— I'm sorry, I shouldn't've—“
I was stopped by Waka cupping my cheek with a hand.
"…Thank you, Clare. You don't know how much that means to me, ma lune."
He was smiling— a warm, genuine smile— as he leaned over and left a long, gentle kiss on my cheek. Time really did seem to freeze then.
His lips stayed on my cheek when he finished. "Ma lune…" He whispered.
I thought I felt my heart stop for a few seconds.
When he pulled back, Waka let out the start of a laugh and desperately tried not to follow it up. "I think I went a little too far." Despite his cool facade, his cheeks were dusted red.
"N-No!" I immediately retorted. "You didn't go too anything! I just…" My heart was still hammering, so I clasped a hand over it. Waka watched with amusement, but it was impossible not to see the affection in his gaze.
Quiet tried to settle in. Quiet for some reason, I didn't like.
"So… um…" The more I thought about the question I wanted to ask him, the more awkward it sounded. Still, I clearly had his attention by how his expression shifted to intrigue. Couldn't back down now. "Do girls… Er, are there… Other……"
Waka smiled and brought a hand up to my cheek again. "No. Just you." He stroked my cheek with his thumb as he cupped my other cheek and leaned in, only inches away from me now. "You have no need to worry about anything like that, ma cherie. You captured my heart the moment we met, and every second we spent together only snared me in more. There's nothing that'll change that."
I noticed that his eyes kept subtly darting to my lips. My heart thundered in my chest, and I felt myself holding my breath.
"…May I?" Waka finally whispered. "I promise I'll be gentle." I couldn't find my voice, so I nodded instead. "You're sure?" Another nod. "Alright. Just relax. No reason to be scared."
Hard to relax when you're so pretty and looking at me like that and—
Stop overthinking. That's why you're so nervous. Just... don't think so much. Breathe.
I let go of the breath I was holding. In, out. In, out.
"S-Sorry... Just... excited...? Anxious, b-but-! Excited."
Waka smiled, then took one of his hands from my face and cupped my chin with his index finger and thumb. If my face wasn't on fire before, it sure was now.
"I feel exactly the same, ma lune."
He tilted my head just enough to press his lips to mine in a soft sweet kiss. My heart felt like it exploded for a few seconds, but it calmed down as it went on and my eyes closed. It was pure bliss.
I was a little out of breath when Waka pulled away, just enough to stop the kiss but his lips were still next to mine.
"Do you know how long I've waited to do that? Far too long. But now... you have me completely. I'm going to stay by your side for the rest of time. I don't want to be without you again. I love you, Clare."
It took me a bit to really register what he said; my head was still swimming from the first kiss. But when it did hit me, I felt myself get all warm again.
Before I could think to try and hide my face, Waka captured my lips again, more excitedly than last time, more fervently. He wrapped his arms around my neck, and I melted in his arms.
I nuzzled my face into Waka's neck after that kiss, being very certain my face was on fire. Waka just chuckled and planted a little kiss on my head. "You're just adorable, baby~" He said, sweet as honey.
He then took one of my hands in his own, and started to kiss it. First each tip, then where each finger bent, then the back; then he turned it over and kissed the palm and the inside of my wrist.
I felt myself burning up all the while and a tiny shudder went through me from each little kiss. My throat would barely let me talk.
"W— W— Wa—"
I looked up enough to see that had gotten his attention, but my heart skipped from seeing how he looked at me. There was so much affection— raw, unfiltered love— in his gaze, my throat seized up.
"Yes, ma lune?" He asked, low and soft.
"Wh— What… are you— doing?"
His smile grew and he hummed a bit. "I suppose… I'm thanking you."
"Th-Thanking me? F-For what?"
"Oh… Too much to simply just say. There's so much you've done that you've never been properly thanked for."
"L… Like what?"
His eyes gained a small mischievous glint. He started to kiss up my arm; after each one, he'd have a thank-you and a reason at his lips.
I was hardly listening to any of them; I was too busy processing this affection.
Waka went up my arm, planted a few on my shoulder, a couple on my neck, then (with a little tilting of my head) went up to my jaw, my cheek, and then finally kissed the corner of my mouth before another quick kiss on the lips. Finally after that, he watched me for a bit before letting out the start of a laugh and touching my forehead with his.
"Oh ma lune… You make me the happiest man in Nippon."
It took a unbearably long time to find the words in my throat (though in real time, it was probably only a few seconds).
…I had to think long and hard on how I wanted to word this. "…Not that I… didn't enjoy that, but… could you, tone it down a bit for next time? Just a teeny tiny bit?" My voice became smaller with each word.
Waka was quiet, and I worried he didn't hear me. But then: "I really did go too far this time, didn't I?" His voice was caked in embarrassment.
"I-It's… it's alright. Really."
"I doubt that. I'm sorry, very sorry; it's just—"
"Been a long time?"
"…Yes. A very, very long time. …I'll tone it down from now on, or at least warn you beforehand. I promise." He was quiet again before adding a bit sheepishly: "It's fine to keep holding you, right?"
"It's fine Waka. You're very comfy."
He let out a sigh of relief and relaxation settled in. The wind blew through the field, bringing a pleasantly cool breeze.
"…Thank you."
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thequietabsolute · 1 year
I’ll always be most fond of the sorts of Smiths fans that at some point in the conversation speak with a kind of hushed awe about This Night Has Opened My Eyes
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