#🌿 the hanged man
princefangs · 1 year
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❗prince/fang/finn 🥀 fictive of vampworld finn ( the original one ) 🥀 he/him 🥀 15❗
🥀 vampire hunter turned vampire 🥀
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monstersovka · 1 year
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🌿 the hanged man 🌿
this is the first illustration with my dnd character - the satyr bard Montas! 🌱
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spicycinnabun · 3 months
another ficlet from the same verse as i’m sorry, christofern 🪴
Eddie unbuttoned the top two buttons of his dress shirt. He couldn’t breathe. The waiter was sneering down at him—at his piercings, tattoos, fingernails blackened with polish and chipping. He didn’t belong at this fine establishment, and it was noticeable to everyone.
The piano man was going to town playing a Beethoven Sonata near their table, and Eddie was this close to shoving him off the bench and showing him how to play some real fucking music.
But Steve was also sitting across from him, looking suave with his hair combed back like an old Hollywood movie star. He was beaming at Eddie, and Eddie was helpless to it.
Even if the menu was giving him a goddamn heart attack, and he was trying not to keel over behind it as Steve ordered the lobster bisque—to start.
Eddie ordered the garden salad.
Steve gave him a weird look. “You sure that's what you want? I thought you didn't like salad.”
“I’m sure,” Eddie said. The salad wouldn't demolish his wallet like any of the things that actually sounded good. “I’m turning over a new leaf. Eating healthier.”
“Uh-huh. You’re already as skinny as a string bean. I don't think you need to eat healthier. You probably need to eat more."
“No can do. I’ve become a slut for vegetables.” Eddie grinned. It was maniacal. “Can't resist a big, juicy cucumber in my mouth.”
The waiter left, looking deeply disturbed, and Steve kicked him under the table, blushing. “Eddie! Jesus.”
“What? Can't a man freely express his joy for deepthroating gourds?”
Steve choked on his water, putting the glass down hastily as he coughed. “You’re such a…” He didn't finish that sentence, but Eddie could fill in the blank.
Their first course came, and Eddie pretended to like his salad.
“Yeah, you really look like you're into that,” Steve said, stirring his soup.
Eddie swallowed hard. “It’s absolutely succulent, Steven, thank you.”
He absolutely hated it. The slimy vinaigrette, too.
“Oh, man. Look at that string of pearls,” Steve said, letting it go as he pointed over Eddie’s shoulder. “I’d like one of those.”
Usually, Eddie was the one lacking manners. “Kinda rude to point at people, baby.”
Also, pearls? Eddie was going to be in the red right after this dinner. He hoped Steve wasn’t expecting those any time soon.
Steve laughed, dropping his hand on the table. “No, I’m not. Look.”
Eddie turned in his chair, then groaned in realization when he saw what was hanging from the ceiling.
Steve wasn’t pointing at some woman wearing a pearl necklace. He was geeking out over a fucking plant. Even in public, he was a devoted plant daddy.
“We can get you one of those,” Eddie told him. Steve wanted a pearl plant? Done.
Steve leaned back in his seat, assessing him with his warm brown gaze. Eddie tried not to squirm. “What?”
“You don't like it here.”
Eddie balked. “I like it fine—” he started, then deflated a little under Steve’s skeptical eyebrow quirk. “Okay, I don't like it here. But you do, right?”
“It actually kinda reminds me of my parents.” Steve’s nose wrinkled. “I just wanted to have a good time with you and treat you to something special, but it backfired on me.”
Oh. Hell.
“Hey, it didn't backfire, sweetheart,” Eddie told him, voice low. His hand twitched. He wanted to reach across the table for Steve’s but knew he couldn’t—especially not here. Here, they were no more than friends.
“You wanna ditch and go get a pizza?” Steve asked, nails scratching along the crisp white tablecloth like he was thinking the same thing. “We can catch the next creature feature at the drive-in. Eat on the hood of my car?”
Eddie sighed, feeling his entire self relax. “Oh fuck yes, please. Let’s go.”
They grinned at each other and got up, slinging on their coats. They paid for their half-eaten meals. Neither of them tipped the snooty waiter.
Steve caught his hand in the parking lot as they walked to his car. It was risky, but the walk was less than a minute. They linked fingers.
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itsonlydana · 5 months
where snow falls and conversation strikes | hobbit
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pairing: Thranduil x fem!reader 👑
Your train gets caught in a snowstorm and when the first class gets moved into the normal compartments, a beautiful man asks to sit with you
warnings/tags: modern(ish)!AU, First Meetings, Fluff
wordcount: 3,7k
an: wrote this mostly on the train on my way to work every morning so it took a while and suddenly its 25° c and not 0°c anymore... oops? and lets ignore that my layout for fics is not even close to uniformly
+ masterlist + rules + read the fic on ao3 +
🌿 reposts and comments are appreciated, they motivate me a lot and keep me writing <3
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The view outside the train window was white in its purest form. The mush of white flakes went from gently landing on the glass to completely covering it, obscuring everything behind an opaque wall. 
A few hours ago it had been a wonderful sight of frost-tipped mountains, sloping meadows, and high-risen forests that made the long journey not only bearable but quite enjoyable. The hours had flown by just like the landscape, yet – as the newspapers had predicted it would happen – the gray clouds coming in from the seaside had caught up with the train weaving through the country and now, ever so slowly, it lost its speed. 
It couldn't have been long to the city. The last stop had been a while ago and if it weren't for the clouds hanging so low, coloring the sky ashen and the snow that just wouldn't stop falling, you could have probably seen the first small villages that dotted the outside of the city.
The train slowing down had been inevitable, you had known as much when you had boarded earlier this morning, though you had hoped to arrive at the destination fast enough that you would have outrun this weather.
Back in the city, back home, the weather would have been a small inconvenience but nothing that would hold you back.
The old speakers crackled just as you adjusted your seat, bringing forth another storm though this one ravaged through the inside: 
"We're mighty sorry 'bout this bother, but we kindly ask for yer patience. We've been movin' at a snail's pace 'cause of this darn weather, and now we're told we gotta face this blasted snowstorm 'fore we can carry on."
Even through the walls of your compartment, you heard the groaning and moaning of the other passengers. 
It wasn't surprising, the decision to travel onward would be foolish – everyone on this train knew – but the times you did travel like this you found that people seemed to bond over these expressions of annoyance toward something no one could be blamed for. The annoyed grunts that were passed along the rows with an eye roll made up for hours of silence daring the others to interrupt their own peaceful silence.
Your sigh fogged up the window, and you let your head fall back against the cushions, fixating your gaze on the white haze outside when the scruffy voice continued speaking after clearing his throat: 
"As it's damn impossible to know how long this weather's gonna last or whether it'll get worse, we kindly ask our first-class guests in the rear carriages to come through to the front. Heating there could be gone any minute. Make room for 'em. You'll of course be helped with your luggage."
Knowing that there is not much else to do than to sit back and wait, you picked up the book you had been reading, a collection of short stories by your favorite author that you knew by heart yet the familiar words provided comfort and you were quickly far away in those lands described.
Before you could finish the story you had left on though, a noise startled you and pulled you right back. The door of your compartment slid open by a tall man peeping his head in. 
"Good evening, forgive the intrusion, but might I trouble you for a moment? I was told I could find a seat here. Would that be alright?" The man raised his shoulder to stop the bag he was carrying from sliding down, it wouldn't do what he wanted and slipped to his elbow.
He was beautiful, despite the distressed look on his face that was covered by his long blonde hair falling into it as he glared at the bag; on its way down his arm, it had taken the coat he had hung over it with it so that it dangled close to the carpet floor of the train. 
You stared at him long enough that he arched a thick dark eyebrow and you flinched. 
"Oh, yes.. yes of course!" You prayed that your cheeks weren't as red as you feared they might be as you nodded.
There was enough space inside the compartment, your suitcase was pushed under your seat and the bench across from you had been free, but you felt the need to look like you would make room for him.
Since there was nothing in the way, really, all you did was pull the bag next to you closer and kick away a piece of lint that stuck to the carpet. 
"Thank you," the man slipped inside, coat, bag, and another suitcase dangling from his long arms.
You tried to look busy and lifted your book high up to your face while he stowed his suitcase away, a sleek dark blue leather one that unlike yours had no stickers on it or clothes sticking out. Then he entangled the coat from the bag to hang it on the door before he turned and stared at you. 
"Can… can I help you?" you asked when he remained silently scrutinizing you.
His eyes were an icy hue of blue and you would have compared them to the snowy weather outside, cold and unmoving, if there weren't the slightest hints of nervousness in them. 
"I don't want to inconvenience you any further but" – he swallowed and lifted a hand to brush some hair away, revealing the faintest of blushes on his high cheekbones– "I fear that I can't stomach traveling backward very well. Would you mind switching places or I could sit beside-"
"It's fine!" you interrupted him. Just him standing there seemed to affect the man quite a bit, he was swaying even though there was no movement, and what harm would it cause you to switch places?
You quickly gathered your back, closing the book with your thumb in between to mark the page you had left on and smiled at him as you sat down on the other side. "It's no problem at all, I have no preferences where I like to sit."
The upholstery was chilly under you and your legs groaned as you moved them for those few steps for the first time in hours instead of just folding them over each other
The man sat down, mumbling a soft "Thank you". His legs were long enough to brush against yours before he angled them toward the window, his slender hands resting on his lap. 
Silence fell just like the snow, with the man growing as still as a statue, his eyes hefted outside the window, and you finding a comfortable position to get back to your book.
Despite your best efforts to concentrate on the poetry, your mind couldn't stop straying to the man.
He must be one of the first-class-traveler, you would have noticed him on your short walks through the train whenever you got bored or had grown restless. 
His hair stood out, worn long enough to brush past his shoulders and over the cream-knitted sweater he wore, and then there were his eyebrows, the only dark spot of color in a face that could have been cut out of marble. He certainly looked expensive. He made the impression of a man who owned his own – equally perfect – bust.
He suddenly turned his head, not by much but he caught you looking at him nonetheless. Like a deer in headlights, your mouth simply fell open in a forgotten lie to excuse yourself for staring.
Thankfully he didn't comment on it, instead, his rosé lips curved into a smile.
"I'm Thranduil, by the way. I think I should tell you so that you have a name to complain about the stranger who not only stormed into your compartment but took your seat as well" He held out his hand. 
You took it after a relieved breath. His fingers were cold, his grip firm.  "Nice to meet you Thranduil," you introduced yourself and noted how his fingers flitted over your racing pulse point at your wrist, "Don't worry, I'd be a fool to moan about having a conversation partner, you've done nothing but turn this boring journey interesting"
"Ah, but you haven't realized how awful I am at small talk. I make a dreadful conversationalist," he admitted with a laugh and let go of your hand.
"We could simply skip that part then," you offered boldly and finally closed your book in your lap. "Tell me, what stop did you get on?"
He arched an eyebrow at you and rested his elbows on the table between you, placing his chin on the intertwined fingers. "What? You want to know where I came from and not were I'm going?" 
You shook your head, "No, I'll see where you have to get off, this is much more interesting."
Thranduil looked at you for a moment, his eyes taking you in like he wanted to figure you out. Then he huffed, giving in. "I got on right at the first stop," –you smiled, encouraging him to continue talking, which he did, his lips twitching to a smirk– "I stayed in Laketown with a friend over the holidays, but I didn't want to impose on him any longer."
"So you brought this weather with you?" You grinned.
"Oh, one hundred percent," he said, sounding so serious that you nearly giggled, "I had so much fun shoveling snow every morning for ten days that I simply wanted to continue at home." Thranduil tipped his head to the side, examining you once again. "And you?"
"God no, I don't get to pick up any tools while I'm on vacation," you said, knowing full well that's not what the question was about.
"No," you sighed, "Try being the youngest at the family reunion. I'm glad my parents let me shower and dress myself. Gosh, I think they would've cried if I even thought about helping with the snow."
Amusement lit up his face, lifting all his sharp features. "Tell that to my friend's little one. She's a fierce thing; knocking at my door at sunrise all dressed up and threatening me with her shovel that I better be outside before she had to come again."
"Oh my! Say, whatever was she threatening to do instead?"
Thranduil chuckled and shook his head, "I didn't stay long enough in bed to find out." 
A knock sounded from the door, interrupting the conversation as an older woman opened your compartment. "Hiya, loves. May I offer you some tea? Dreadful weather outside and with the heating back there gone completely, we don't want ya to catch a cold," she said.
"We'll take two cups," Thranduil's directive voice overshadowed yours, there was an authority in it that even you wouldn't want to cross. He was already pulling a fancy black wallet out of his pockets, which produced a fresh note that gave no room to argue or chip in. "Keep the change," he said while the train service employee shuffled inside and placed a tablet on the table between you.
"Thank you, Sir Oropherion!" She beamed at him and slipped the note through the buttons of her blouse, "You're always too kind!" Then she turned to you and lowered her voice in a faux-whisper: "He's just as handsome as he's single. But you didn't hear that from ol' me." 
Thranduil scoffed, though you could see a faint blush on his cheeks. "You are a horrible gossip, Hilda! Go bother some of the other passengers or they'll freeze to death."
A little bit louder and glaring toward Thranduil, she added: "A shame his attitude is like the weather; he could use a sweetheart like you.
With a last wink, she turned and left you to stare after her, wondering what just happened.
"Impossible, that woman." 
Thranduil's low rumble pulled you back to him, leaving that poor – now again shut – door alone before your eyes drilled a hole through the wood in search of an explanation.  
The man across from you didn't offer you one either, instead, he was reaching for one of the silver spoons that the woman, Hilda, had given to you as well as a cup filled with milk and a small tower of cookies. 
Somehow you had the feeling this wasn't what the other customers would get but rather a gesture of whatever fondness the woman pledged to the blonde, who used the tiny tongs to drop two cubes of sugar into his cup.
"So," you said and cleared your throat. Thranduil looked up, nearly killing you on the spot with the daggers in his eyes daring you to speak on the matter. Of course, who would you be if you shied away because of that? "She seemed lovely. A friend of yours?"
"No. No, she's not," Thranduil said. He pushed the other cub toward you, encouraging you to take from the all-paid-for beverage. 
You wrapped both hands around it, marveling how beautifully and frail the cup looked and felt, and after taking a small sip, you smiled benevolently and waited for Thranduil to continue. 
He rolled his eyes, admitting defeat in his thickheadedness of remaining aloof. "I travel this route to Laketown quite a lot. Once a month, sometimes two or three times, or whenever my schedule allows me to actually. That woman made it her personal mission to get on my last nerve; chatting to me and leaving me sweets and tea without me asking for it. After a while, I could at least get her to accept my money for it. She's keen on finding me my soulmate so I no longer travel this much alone."
"Aw, but that's cute," you said and drank another sip of the hot tea. You didn't know what burned more, the tea or Thranduil's hardened eyes, "What? She looks out for you; the journey is long and she just doesn't want to be lonely." 
"Whyever you feel the need to defend her is unfathomable," he scoffed as if you taking Hilda's side was the most outrageous thing he'd ever heard, "You don't even know if her accusations are true– if I'm lonely. Maybe I like traveling alone!" Thranduil placed the cup back onto the tray with such an energetic movement, that it clinked. His lips twitched.
"That…" you started and nodded toward the cup, "was far too defensive. Why, Thranduil, it's no shame to admit to something, especially not to a stranger." His expression was still unreadable though the sharp line of his jaw protruded even more like he was biting down on his teeth. You made sure to keep your tone lighthearted: "Dare I say this is even the perfect chance to get it off your chest? Who knows if we will see each other again. Time to spill all your deep, dark and dirty secrets."
He fixated you with his cold blue eyes. Your words had left an impression on him, that much was clear and you would even go so far to say he was considering them. 
Thranduil made a sound close to a "Humpf!" and you smiled and nodded, pushing him evidently over the edge for he rolled his eyes, clasped his hands together and leaned back into the cushions.
"Very well," he sighed though clicked his tongue as he saw your satisfied smirk, "You are right, traveling alone can–" lifting one finger, he punctuated the word "get a bit lonely. Not to say it's like that every time but I find that this conversation, despite the uncalled-for nosiness on behalf of my private life, makes it a lot more enjoyable than the hours I spent in the first class."
"Aww," you waved off in false modesty, "that's such a sweet way of saying I basically rescued you from a death of boredom."
"Bit of an overstatement"
"Okay, first-class, no need to knock my ego down like that." 
"Anyone ever tells you how cheeky you are?"
You smiled brightly, "All the poor, single, and handsome men I chat up on these travels."
Thranduil laughed out and shook his head more for himself than anything else. He extended his hand towards his cup once more, coinciding with the moment you brought your tea to your lips.
As your gazes met over the rising steam of porcelain, the black tea seemed to carry a subtle sweetness reminiscent of the shared smile between you, if only for a fleeting moment.
Or maybe it was the sugar, combined with the subtle loneliness that was your own travel companion nowadays, a constant bitterness coating your tongue. 
No matter what, another sip of tea flushed it down. 
"Now," Thranduil cleared his throat and dabbed the sleeve of his sweater at the corner of his mouth where a small drop of tea rested next to a shy smile. The tea disappeared – the smile stayed. "Do you want to tell me where you are going?" 
The answer was simple, you just had to tell him the name of your station, but you hesitated. 
This felt too good to be true, and maybe, if you disappeared without giving him any real information, there wouldn't be the urge to keep your eyes open when you arrived home, hoping he would be looking for that mystery woman he met on the train. 
Before the moment passed for far too long to be deemed anything but awkward, the train jolted. First, there was this one tug, then another one, and then, right when you looked up at Thranduil and understanding passed across his face like a ghost, appearing and disappearing right again, the wheels set in motion.
"Seems like we're off again," Thranduil said quietly, turning his face to the window.
He cleared his throat and you watched him swallow, not breaking away from the fuzziness outside that mirrored what you felt in your stomach right now. He was beautiful, even with that sadness settling heavy on his shoulders.
Why you couldn't just offer a piece of yourself now that he has given you some of him, that you didn't understand yourself because this trip had been the loveliest in a long time, the conversation quick and easy and nothing like the pestering questions about your romantic life that your brothers and your mother had poured over you, and while yes, you just met him, there was a connection between you. 
More than strangers on a train.
And you wanted it, so so much.
To have someone by your side wherever you go. 
"Thranduil–" you spoke so suddenly you not only startled Thranduil; the sound of your own voice frightened you as well.
"This thing working again? Ah yes, now yer can hear me 'gain. Darn line cut off for a moment there. Next stop, Mirkwood Central Station, arriving in 'bout five minutes. We apologize for the delay 'n hope y'all get to your destination safely. To all those leavin' us: Remember to grab all your things before ya go. Hope to see y'all again real soon." 
The rest of the sentence died on your lips as you listened to the announcement. How they managed to be on time when you needed another delay, another moment to sort out your thoughts was an unwanted miracle.
Right when you wanted to panic and quickly pack up the book you hadn't opened up again, Thranduil got to it first.
"Five… five minutes?" he gasped and jumped out of his seat, knocking his long legs into the table resulting in you both reaching for the rattling cups trying to stop them from crashing down, hands brushing just enough for you to nearly smash the pot of sugar away as well.
"Wait. This is your stop?" 
Thranduil nodded, already throwing his coat on. "Yes, oh it's such a shame! I had hoped we had more time to finish our tea." He threw a sad glance at the half-empty cups; although the switch to look at you spoke of a far greater regret than simply leaving two cups of tea behind.
A laugh burst out of you, taking both of you by such surprise that you wondered if it had come off as discouraging or far worse: like you were making fun of him.
You hastened to explain: "This is my stop as well!" – the wide smile that shot to his eyes turned into a smirk – "This is me, Mirkwood Central. So if you want–" you interrupted yourself by standing up and grabbing your jacket, "we could get a tea later?"
"Yes!" Thranduil said quickly, "Yes, I would love to. Do you have any plans for the rest of the evening?" 
You copied his smile. "The rest of the evening? Bit eager, aren't we?" You were teasing, mostly, because that seemed to affect that glimmer of playfulness in Thranduil's eyes that made them look like molten silver, but you couldn't deny that you wouldn't have canceled all your plans if you'd had any to begin with, to stay in Thranduil's company. 
"I will gladly take every bit of time you can offer me," Thranduil said, "Any man would be this eager to get to know you."
You were still blushing when you stepped into the narrow corridor of the train, the tight space and crowding of passengers waiting to exit as well making it impossible to stand anywhere else but close together, Thranduils taller body a warm presence in your back and whenever you swayed his large hand found your shoulder to steady you and his amused chuckling reverberated in your stomach.
The train finally made its way into the bustling train station, the smoke of other trains clouding up the window and excitement like only arriving at a special destination could evoke in one filled the air inside the train, the hushed talking growing as other passengers saw relatives or friends or lovers waving to them, children pressing their faces against the glass or tried to run past you with their parents following close behind.
One particular stormy child knocked you straight into Thranduil as the doors opened and cold air greeted you while your face lightened up with a blush. 
"I hope I won't lose you," you said, jokingly but the air was stolen right out of your lungs as Thranduils gloved hand grabbed yours.
"Don't worry," he said and helped you step onto the metal platform, watching carefully as you hopped onto the platform. He looked beautiful in the evening lights of Mirkwood Station, white snowflakes landing gently on his long lashes. "I won't let that happen!"
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©itsonlydana 2024
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pxrxcxa · 2 years
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✶ One shot
Pairing | Eddie x his best friends little sister
Post summary | You’ve been in love with Eddie since you can remember. When he refuses to see you as anything except for his best friends, untouchable, innocent, little sister, you work out a way to get him to look at you differently.
What to expect | Established friendship, mutual pining, jealous Eddie, lots of tension - no use of y/n
Post Warnings | Drug use, shotgunning, M oral, F masturbation, voyeurism, facial, public sex, rough sex
Word count | 5.3 K
Authors Note | I’d really like to do a part 2 | but let me know what y’all think about this one first ;)
Pt 2 | Pt 3 |
As always, any & all comments/reblogs are most appreciated - Love, P. x 🌿
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I’d always seen Eddie. Considering he’d been joined at the hip with Trevor since middle school when he’d made fun of Eddie’s buzz cut. The two were inseparable, always up to no good. If you seen one you knew the other wasn’t far. Since Trevor and I shared DNA, Eddie was around just as much as I was, taking up a segment of our life and blending in seamlessly like he belonged there.
Ten years I’d catch the bus home with Eddie and my older brother, avoiding their teasing while they spread across the entire lounge room floor as they devoured the pantry of snacks and planned out their DnD campaigns. Ten years I’d been the butt of their cruel jokes. Ten years I’d been silently in love with Eddie.
And for ten years, Eddie had ignored me like I was invisible. Eddie had never seen me.
I glanced up from my book as a piece of popcorn bounced off my chest and landed on the open page, covering the rest of the line I was currently reading.
“Do you mind?” I snapped through gritted teeth, brushing my shirt as I glared up through my lashes.
“Not at all. Get us another drink.” My brother rolled over on his back as he grinned at me, holding a crumpled piece of paper above his face that contained a list of his new ideas for DnD characters.
Eddie’s singular laugh burst onto the scene, and I reluctantly glanced up at him, dropping my stare almost instantly as a deep blush filled my cheeks. He smirked at me as he popped another piece of popcorn into his mouth, watching me as I slammed the book shut and stood up from the couch.
“Get it your damn self.” I snapped, purposely treading on my brothers arm as I stepped over him.
Eddie’s stare, hard to ignore, followed me as I made my way to the kitchen. The water churned angrily inside of the glass as I flicked the sink tap on angrily and filled it to the brim. As I spun around the drink almost slipped through my fingers, Eddie was leaning in the doorway, his arms crossed tightly across his chest as his dark eyes appraised me.
“You good kid?” My heart sunk into my ass at his words.
“I’m fine.” My misplaced frustration seeped through my tone, Eddie’s brows raised slightly at my rudeness before Trevor burst through through door, shoving him out of the way and breaking our eye contact.
“Ignore her man, she’s been in a mood ever since she started dating that freshman.” My fingers tightened around the slippery glass as my eyes shot to Eddie’s face, my own colouring in embarrassment as his features turned guarded, hiding his reaction as he picked at his cuticles.
I snatched the bag of chips off the counter that my brother reached for, glaring daggers at him, interrupting Eddie as we spoke at the same time.
“Oh yeah?”
“He’s not my boyfriend.”
I cleared my throat as they both shared a look followed by loud, teasing bouts of laughter.
“He’s not, he’s just my partner on one of our assignments. And-“ I spoke louder as Trevor wagged his brows suggestively at me and Eddie covered his smirk with his hand.
“He’s actually pretty cool, I think you’d like him, he’s into DnD.” I let my bait hang in the air as I dumped the rest of the contents of my glass down the sink, letting it clack against the sides loudly.
I turned back slowly to watch Trevor let a low, appreciative whistle through his teeth, his mind ticking over my words as I watched Eddie closely. He was far too focused on a hangnail as his jaw clenched, sucking against his teeth.
“What d’ya think bro?” Trevor’s voice was pathetically whiny, pining for Eddie’s approval without shame.
Although his slightly annoyed face betrayed his words, Eddie shrugged, dropping his arms to cross his chest as he stared me down, running his gaze slowly over me as I shuddered, chancing a quick glance at my brother to see if he noticed.
“If she says the kids alright, we can give him a go. She has incredible taste after all.”
Eddie’s lips drew out the S in the third last word, making my thighs twitch behind my loose mini skirt as he smirked at my brother, who was blissfully unaware of my dangerous thoughts as he sneakily snatched the bag of snacks from my trembling fingers.
“If he’s anything like her, he’s super fucking innocent. And I know how you love to corrupt your innocent freshman with DnD.” My brothers half hearted wink didn’t even begin to convey the truth behind his words, their possible different meaning to Eddie had my head swimming dangerously, the sea of blackness lapping at my concentration.
“I don’t agree on a lot of things with you bro, but when it comes to that type of innocence… I can’t resist absolute corruption.” Eddie’s dark eyes fixated on me as his wide smile crinkled his eyes. I was greatful for the loud crunching as Trevor tipped the bag of food back against his mouth, tilting his head back as he shook the bag, because I was sure that actual steam was blowing out of my ears and a slight dripping was falling from between my thighs.
“Come on, let’s head out.” Trevor’s spat through an open mouth full of food as he tossed the packet into the bin and walked between us, cutting off my eyeline of Eddie as he smacked his chest and swiped up his car keys. I swallowed my disgust over my brothers general lack of hygiene as he disappeared around the corner, rolling my eyes as I turned my back on both of their vulgar insults over who was driving.
The warning tingle that shot up my spine, made me spin back around as I bumped back against the sink, watching Eddie lean away from the door frame to cross the tiled kitchen floor between us in three long strides.
His eyes flickered to the darkened hallway like he was making sure that my brother was still out of sight as he stood toe to toe with me, our embarrassing height difference towered over me as his face broke into a cocky half grin.
My breathing faltered as his hand raised towards me, gently brushing against my thin sweater in the space between my breast and my collar bone. My heart squeezed painfully as his grin faded off into a small, knowing smile as I began to tremble.
“Popcorn.” His scoff contained a light airy laugh as he glanced above my head and brushed away the few crumbs that clung the static fabric of my shirt.
My chest throbbed in a painful release as Eddie stalked away, shrugging on his leather jacket as my knees struggled to keep me upright.
I ran my tongue across my lips as I tried to keep my thoughts in check, squishing down the vain fantasy of hope that reared it’s ugly head, focusing on the ticking hands of the clock above the kitchen cabinets.
Eddie’s small touches meant nothing, his lingering stares only felt heavy and intrusive because I was imagining it. Eddie was only ever going to be an elderly brother figure to me and I needed to learn to accept that. Giving myself a reality check to save myself from further heart break.
I swallowed the rock that sat at the back of my throat as my vision came into focus again.
“Hey! Where are you going? Moms gonna be here with dinner soon.” I chased after the boys as they hesitated at the front door, staring back at me with frustration as I hindered their nightly pursuits.
“The hideout.” Trevor shook his head at me like I was stupid for even asking, widening his eyes sarcastically as he pulled the door wider.
Eddie stared at me with a blank expression, either trying very hard to control his reaction or just genuinely not having one as he rolled a loose ring across the tops of his knuckles.
“Ed’s here has a blonde hottie waiting for him.” My brother smacked his chest with his fist lightly, following up his hurtful statement with a string of obscene noises and hip movements.
I tried and failed to keep my face straight as my heart smashed into my stomach, twisting and splintering like broken glass as Eddie didn’t spare me another glance, following Trevor down the scarcely lit driveway.
His car tore off into the empty street as they sped away to whatever pleasures awaited them at the dingy bar, leaving me alone and heartbroken as I let the front door swing closed slowly.
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“I think it’s a good idea.” I let the stream of smoke billow through my nose as I flicked the ash away from the tip of my joint, leaning back against the red brick of the gym, hidden by other nosy students and prying teachers alike.
Sean, the infamous genius freshman that was taking senior classes, liked playing DnD and was my alleged boyfriend, watched me from his place beside me, his beady eyes following my every movement as he tried to mimic my stance.
I held out the joint in an offering, raising my eye brows as he hesitated and then shook his head, glancing up at me from the few inch height difference between us.
“I’ve got a test, probably be better if I was sober.” His dorky face screwed up and I turned away to hide my laughter, watching the sophomore gym class run their tenth, hellish lap around the field.
I nodded without looking as he muttered a goodbye, taking a deep drag as my eyes squinted shut. The air rushed through my teeth as a heavy ‘umph’ resounded through the air as his sharp cry echoed around us.
Sean was scrawled across the concrete, fresh tears springing to his eyes from the raw scrape marks across his palms and knees. Eddie stepped from around the corner and roughly hauled him to his feet, practically beating him into the ground as he wiped grey clouds of dirt from his shoulders.
“Better be more careful there kid.” Eddie clicked his teeth as my arm dropped, nerves fluttering in my stomach as I hid the joint against my side.
It was no use, the smell had probably drawn him out in the first place.
My eyes flickered between the vastly different boys, Eddie’s dark and hulking form, with a mean smirk plastered across his face, towered over Seans’ quivering one. A shock ran through me as I watched the unmistakable signs of fear flash across the younger man’s face, he nodded and tried not to let Eddie’s strength make his knees buckle as he continued to swipe at Sean’s arms, angrily brushing away dirt that was no longer there.
He shot me a frightened look as I couldn’t help the slight amusement spread across my face, my inhibitions locked away from the spike of weed I’d inhaled, I successfully bit back my laugh as I realised he was afraid of Eddie. Sometimes it was hard to remember what the rest of the world saw him as, because Eddie had my knees shaking and my face blushing for entirely different reasons.
Sensing no help from me, Sean tried to side step around Eddie as his eyes fell to his Hellfire shirt under his leather jacket, trembling like a mouse as Eddie blocked him.
“Not so fast, kid. Who are you?” Eddie’s menacing smile slowly dropped from his face as he cocked his head, loosing patience as Sean stuttered over his own name.
I scoffed and pushed off from the wall, turning to face him with my own smug smirk as I shook my head at Eddie’s antics.
“This is the one I told you and Trevor about. This is Sean.” His eyes squeezed shut like he was upset about me naming him, like he’d hoped he could remain unnoticed as long as he stayed silent.
Eddie had ignored me thus far, but his dark stare slid past Sean’s to meet mine over his head, something flashing in his eyes as they softened and his jaw hardened.
“Right.” He stood to the side and clapped his shoulder, making him half bow over as his face screwed up in pain. “Well, maybe I’ll see you at our club sometime, I’ll take good care of ya.” Eddie winked and slapped him on the back again, half propelling him down the footpath and almost out of my sight.
The brittle tension disappeared along with Sean as Eddie turned back to me, pulling a cigarette from his jacket pocket, placing it between his teeth as he flicked his lighter and shook his head at me over the billowing smoke.
I grinned freely as I purposely took a long hit of my dwindling joint, staring back at him boldly as I blew the cloud of haze in his direction.
We puffed in a silence for a moment before I took too deep of a hit and coughed hard, my chest spluttering as my eyes watered.
He clicked tongue as he pursed his lips, barking a sharp snap of laughter as I waved the smoke away that burst through my lungs.
“Exactly why you shouldn’t smoke.” He grinned through his hypocrisy.
“Oh please, don’t act like you’re not the one who taught me this.” I held it out between us accusingly, relishing in the easy smiles shared between us. My heart clenched unexpectedly as I wished for it to always be this easy, that our friendship didn’t have to be blackened by my unrequited feelings, obsession was probably a better word.
His own face turned serious as we both lost our grins, exhaling through his teeth as a deep sigh rushed from his chest. His eyes, practically black in the shadows, had me cowering against the wall as he glared at me.
“You should stay away from him.” His words were a fire hot, ice pick through my skin as I tried to read their meaning in his face. He kept his usual half snarky half empty mask in place, I took a distracted drag for something to do other than get lost in my thoughts of looking at him.
“Sean? He’s harmless.” I peered back at Eddie questioningly, blushing as he scoffed and sent me a derivative scowl.
“He’s a guy.”
“And I know what guys want.” He flicked the butt of his smoke away as he spun around to face me, burying his hands in his pockets as he waited for me to catch onto his meaning.
I wasn’t sure what made me say it, or how I possibly got the words out without caving like the embarrassed coward I was.
“What do you want?”
Eddie’s face flashed with something new, he only hesitated for a minute as his eyes dropped to something beside me and he stalked across the space between us. I backed off quickly, bumping against the rough brick as he pinned me against it.
I trembled as Eddie hand snaked around my throat, his thumb pressing into my jaw so that my head was tilted back and I couldn’t avoid his dark eyes that trapped mine. I couldn’t help the gasp that slipped past my lips, Eddie’s eyes dropped to them, intrigued by the sound. My throat stuck as my thoughts ran wild, wanting to cry from the confusion and pleasure of feeling Eddie’s hand finally somehow wrapped around me.
My hands clenched around empty air as Eddie stole the joint from between my fingers, he brought it between us, turning his head to the side, but keeping his eyes on mine as he took a deep inhale. The paper burned all the way down to the roach in a blaze, ash dropping dangerously as he flicked it away and tensed his fingers around the nape of my neck.
His strong hand bowed me against him as his thumb moved up against my chin, pulling it down roughly as he forced my lips apart.
I shook like a leaf as Eddie moved his face towards mine, with slow movements like a predator. He angled his jaw to line up with me, leaving barely any space between our open mouths as he blew the smoke into mine. My eyes rolled back into my head as I caved, I could practically taste him, almost feel the softness of his lips as my knees buckled, Eddie’s tight grip became the only thing holding me up. His forehead leant forward to touch mine as he breathed the last swirl of the smoke into me, snapping his eyes shut as his jaw flexed.
“You’re Trevor’s sister.” It was a fact he grunted through clenched teeth.
“I am.” My hands traced up carefully to hold onto the arm he still had wrapped around my neck.
“Untouchable.” I didn’t agree.
“So fucking innocent.” Eddie’s practically spat the words as his eyes wrenched open in anger and he dropped his hold on me, slamming his fist down against the raw brick beside me as he spurned away, the outline of the Dio patch on his jacket growing smaller as he left me alone gasping against the side of the building.
Tears sprung to my eyes over his insult of being innocent, wanting to follow him and prove in every single way how wrong he was, hating him for even thinking it. But I was paralysed, sliding down the wall into a crouch, wondering what the fuck that was and if it actually just happened.
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That’s what this was, pure idiocy. I fumed with anger towards Eddie’s juvenile opinion of me, and hated Trevor even more for probably being the reason behind it.
I wanted to punish them both, get back at them in a way that would at least match, if not top, the anguish and hurt I was feeling.
Trashing their beloved Hellfire room was the best thing I could think off, though that might have been taking things too far and definitely wasn’t going to help my immature image. My false confidence spurred on by misplaced frustration, faltered as I stood beside the wooden table top in the drama room, tracing my fingers along the edge as I made my way to the throne at the end of it.
I clasped the backing of it, pretending that it was his shoulders I was holding as I pictured myself standing by his side while he was in his element. Imagining how good I would look perched on his lap while he mounted his throne. He could shotgun me again, have his way with me and do whatever he wanted to me on this table.
I twisted my fingers in anger, wishing to high heaven that Eddie could see me for what I actually was, torturing myself as I fantasised about Trevor being okay with the idea of the two of us, and that he wouldn’t stand in our way.
I snorted mockingly at myself as I let my hand drop, shaking my head because all of that didn’t matter unless Eddie liked me back, and he definitely didn’t.
Whatever happened between us this afternoon didn’t wipe away the past ten years of him treating me like an extension of Trevor, just an extra sibling to pick on when he wasn’t rising to Eddie’s teasing.
I pulled my bag tighter against my shoulders as I headed for the door, but I froze as loud bangs and shouts of boyish laughter echoed down the hallway.
They were early, and even though I’d left the room exactly as I’d found it, Trevor would dip it if he found me in here. ‘Ruining his safe space and invading his territory’ as he’d called it.
I backed off, my head swinging wildly as I glanced around for some form of escape. It was too late, their heavy footsteps thundered towards the door as I dived under the table, my skirt brushing my sneakers as I huddled on my knees to the middle off it, praying that I was hidden.  
My stomach shrunk as my name fell from my brothers lips, shaking as I waited for him to expose my position and embarrass me in front of their entire club. But it was followed by a laugh and the sound of flesh smacking flesh. A familiar pair of glasses tumbled to the floor and I had to bite back a whimper as Sean’s arm shot down to grab them, mere feet from where I was crouched.
“Yeah she’s my sister, she told us about you and I figured we needed some new players.” I could practically hear his chest puffing out as he tried to impress that he was important. Six chairs scraped against the floor as they pulled back and the knees of Eddie’s club scooted in closer to me, pressing in on all sides as I stopped breathing.
Laughter filled the small room and the the table top shivered as someone slammed their hands down on it, sending specks of dirt and dust to flutter onto my hair. Sweat built up between my thighs pressed against my calves as the panic set in, the boys were reaching into their bags, pulling out game equipment as they set up for one of their campaigns.
I was going to be here for hours.
The main door swung open again, and I watched the beaten, once white, Reebok sneakers make their way towards the end of the table where I sat. The largest chair that Eddie deemed as his “throne”, scraped back louder than the others as he folded himself into it. My face blazed hot as he man spread, widening his knees until his crotch, level with my face, was agonisingly obvious like it had its own beacon.
I wanted to slap myself for the perverted thoughts that filled my mind, that made my panties dampen between my thighs and my arms shake.
Fucking Jesus
Eddie rolled his hips towards me as he readjusted himself, his ring clad hand resting lighting on his knee as his finger traced slight circles along the fabric. My brother voice shot out on my left, reminding me where I was as I learned away from someone’s outstretched leg.
“Where were you?”
“Just seshing.” If I hadn’t of known him so well, I would have missed the slight grin in his tone, like he knew a secret the rest of them didn’t. My eyes travelled over his shaking knee as his hand flexed, wondering if he was talking about me. I’d come straight here after he’d left me outside of the gym, surely he had aswell?
“Anyone hot?” Gross
“Smoking. But not your type.” Eddie’s hand splayed against his thigh, running up the length of it as my middle clenched at the sight and his words sent my mind blank.
“Looks like everyone’s loved up Eds. Even little Sean here has a thing for my sister.” I wanted to punch Trevor, maybe kick him hard under the table under the pretence of someone else, except then someone might look under the table and I couldn’t imagine a worse situation to be caught in.
Eddie’s knuckles turned white as his hand clenched into a first, he voice was loaded with so much threat I was surprised that Sean didn’t run from the room.
“We already discussed this.” He tsked, his shirt riding up his stomach a little as he leant forward over the table.
“She’s too innocent to have a boyfriend.” His voice was low and thick, and the loud bout of laughter it earned from the table made my dig my nails into my palm, hating him more than ever in that moment.
Trevors laughed lasted the longest, brushing off Eddie’s threat as over bearing brotherly love as he pulled out the set up for their game and began.
Enough was enough.
Time to show Eddie how innocent I actually was.
As the entire table erupted in a vicarious debate over their campaign, and Eddie’s voice rang out louder than any of them, I crawled across the floor, leaning forward on my hands and shuffling on my knees as I avoided the mass of sneakers and made my way between Eddie’s legs.
He was still hunched over, blocking the light from shining down on me as I flattened myself on my thighs, my middle pressing against the cold floor as I straddled nothing.
I waited for another loud stream of laughter and raucous banging on the table to press my hands against Eddie’s knees.
He jolted and shot back in his chair from my touch, his little breath of Fuck was drowned out by someone yelling out over being attacked in the game.
His eyes met mine in disbelief as his brows knotted and he gave his head a little shake, I traced my nails across his jeans, moving up his thighs as he ran his tongue across his lips, his dark eyes becoming heavily lidded as they glanced around the table.
A burning within me trickled out across my skin as I explored more of Eddie, running my hands across his lap as I watched his bulge start to strain against his tight jeans, dancing under the hem of his shirt until my fingers brushed his cool belt buckle.
“Eddie!” His eyes tore away from mine as I pulled at his belt, pulling it through the metal clasp, marvelling that he wasn’t stopping me. He was powerless under my touch now, I was going to make him pay for what he’d said, and if he snitched on me now he would be as incriminated as I was. I grinned as I slipped the leather free of his pants.
“Huh? Oh, you’re faced with a fork in the trail, to your left is a darkened path, scarcely lit with a green glow at the end. To your right lays a steep climb with a golden slight blazing at the top. Which do you choose?”
Eddie’s hands shot down to slap mine out of the way, quickly ripping his zipper down to allow me faster access, his free hand moved to twist into my hair as he glanced down with a smirk on his face, gently guiding me towards his crotch as his club cried out in misery that they’d chosen the wrong path.
His tight hold against my head sent a thrill of warm honey down my spine, tingling deep in my pussy as I leant forward, running my tongue along my lips with a smile as I pulled him free from his jeans.
His pretty cock fell over the dark fabric, filling the space between us as I reached for it eagerly. Finally, after years of obsession and fantasies, I finally had thick length red and hard in my hand, twitching as it waited for me. My mouth salivated at the thought as Eddie’s hand pushed harder against the back of my head, begging for me.
It was all the prompting I needed as I leant forward on my knees, my round eyes staring up at his jaw line though my thick lashes, his flaring stare met mine as he chanced a quick look down, his cheeks reddening as he watched me wrap my hand around his base.
He shuddered a little beneath my touch, a drop of liquid trickled from the tip of his dick, and I caught it with my finger to bring to my lips curiously, I let it drop onto the tip of my tongue, the salty taste surprising me. I smirked and looked up to find Eddies eyes trained on my face, watching me warily. A sudden urge came over me, I leant further on my knees, needing to touch more of him, my head brushed hard against the underneath of tabletop, cringing as someone banged on it again. Eddie leant forward to hide me from view as I pressed soft kisses to his v-line, next to his dick, nibbling lightly at the skin as he gasped and jolted in my grip. Looking up at him I let the wetness from my mouth dribble onto his crotch, the liquid flowing down my arm as I stroked him back and forth, never leaving his gaze I slowly brought my lips to his tip. Listening to his uneven breath I let it slide back and forth across my bottom lip before I slid his entire length down my throat.
Eddie’s first clenched above the table as he raised his voice, trying to down out the stifled gags and wet squelches his cock was fucking into my throat.
“I- uh… you’re all down to fourteen hit points, what do you do?” His voice was thick with resistance as I wrapped my lips around his base and slowly dragged up, digging my nails into his knees.
His stare sent a blazing heat through me, the half fucked out look on his face as he glanced down like he couldn’t believe it, it filled me with the surety that I could do this. Splaying my free hand across his abdomen, trailing my sharp fingers across his skin softly, I began stroking him at a constant pace, quickly wrapping my lips around his dick once more and matching the strokes, gagging every once in a while when there was a yell or laugh loud enough to cover it. I shoved my head down until I reached the base where a light brown tuft of pubic hair tickled my forehead, with each bob of my head I swirled my tongue around him, feeling the ridges of the pulsing veins of his cock. His hands knotted themselves in my hair, sending throbs of pleasure throughout my frame, a pooling wetness gathering in my panties. My free hand moved under my skirt, slipping under my thin lacy material to rub fast and rough circles over my clit, picturing it was Eddie’s ring clad fingers as I stared up at his neck, his head thrown back as I listened to the dice roll across the table top and the entire group break into winning cheers. We both took advantage over the thundering, deafening cheers of success as Eddie fucked my face and my own fingers spurned my towards my hot release, as I felt him falter and curl over the table again, I pulled him free from my mouth, replacing it with my hand as I jerked him in long, hard strokes and hung my head back, my tongue pressing against my chin as I waited.
His muted gasps and moans were overpowered by the others congratulations at each other for their defeat, he untangled his hand from my hair as he wrapped his long fingers around my throat, tilting my head back as I took the tip of him into my warm mouth, his salty cum washed over my tongue as more than I thought was possible, shot across my face, streaks of it painted my cheeks and warmed my skin as it dropped across my chin.
Heat flowed between us as his chest heaved and he wiped the corner of my mouth, pressing his thumb into it until my eyes rolled back and the taste of him was dripping down the back of my throat, he brought his hand to his face and sucked on his thumb infront of everyone above us, licking the mixture of his cum and my spit clean from it as he watched me under the table.
“You know what Sean, if you want to date Trevor’s sister, be our guest. Maybe she isn’t as innocent as I thought.”
 Eddie glanced down at me through heavy lashes as his face flushed in a fucked out expression, staring at me like he was finally seeing me for the very first time. 
Part Two
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Also readers - if anyone’s looking for a slow burn Eddie x enemies to lovers, check out my Opposite Ends series (almost completed)
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➢ Eddie tag list }
@eddiemunsons-missingnipple @miarosso @eddies-hellfireshirt @mermemerald @hbaramas @lightcommastix @aaaasdfghjjkkllll @goldylions @mayafatimakhan @mavex @fckyeahlames @harrys-tittie @sl-tfor-joseph-quinn @chickennug90 @miss-momma-drama @luceneraium @eddiesgffff @sammararaven @nightless @dotslabyrinth @relocatedheads @princessbubblehoe @muggleluna @sagittariughs @gloryekaterina @e0509 @urlivingdeadgirl @crimsonsabbath @lem0nb0iii @lelenikki @bebe0701 @bratckerman @the-tacos-unite-blog @extravagantplant @plethoravellichor @justmesadgirl @alinepichi @corrodedcorpsess @fanfictioniseverything @iiheartu @maximizedrhythms @sleepygery @ms1oftheboys @brittanyyydamnit @xsecretsirenx @clincallyonline17 @tlclick73 @relocatedheads @figmentofquinn @daydreamerblues @hellfire-puppet @wonderful-outcast @drakensmainbitch @princessbubblehoe @iamaslutforcoffee @emolooswrld @tayhar811 @winterbuckystan1943-1917-1982 @eddiesgffff @alana4610 @munson-fixation @princesscutie23 @random000000sblog @leahthesith @ariesbabycitlaly @harringtonfan4 @briasnow-blog @figmentofquinn @anndeloespacio @hereforsmhut @alana4610 @sillypurplemurple @heliumjuliet @smexylittleswine @sav7689 @magnificantmermaid @foxxymunson @hesvoid3434 @kylakins88 @capricornrisingsstuff @smileforallthestrangers @ninapengbrev @mvrylee @princesseddie @desicroft02
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Copyright ©️ 2022 P.McCann
All Rights Reserved
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dawnsumhrs · 7 months
kirkwall dashboard simulator
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⚔️ hawke-defence-squad Follow
the champion of kirkwall was only 28 when they battled the arishok??
⚔️ hawke-defence-squad Follow
they should’ve been at the club
🌃 kirkwallsballs Follow
they were lol. my brother works at the hanged man in lowtown they’re a regular customer
⚔️ hawke-defence-squad Follow
???? @varric-tethras-official CONFIRM
📖 varric-tethras-official ✔️✔️✔️ Follow
(13,437 notes)
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🌸 wlw-elfroot follow
How you can help Fereldan refugees:
Sign this petition that asks the Viscount to reopen Kirkwall to refugees.
Donate to Lirene’s Fereldan Imports.
Join the mutual aid groups that visit the Gallows Courtyard in handing out food and supplies.
Keep reading
#activism #politics #fereldan #current events
(6,254 notes)
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☠️ dragonfucker08 Follow
who up getting boned in they pit
(2 notes)
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🌒 bigdickmaker Follow
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#destiel news #breaking news #chantry #mage rights
(1,082 notes)
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⚰️ anarcho_elf Follow
unfollow me right now if you still fucking support hawke. they’re just another class traitor now and their brother is a KNOWN templar
🌿 daisymerrill Follow
(78 notes)
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💋 meredithsimp Follow
Red Lyrium!Meredith Stannard x F!Reader
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜
Meredith fucks you on lyrium imagines
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜
Warnings: insanity, NSFW, lyrium abuse, 18+
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#x reader #x reader smut #imagines #meredith stannard
(1,164 notes)
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🎨 sabrae-creates Follow
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new item added to my etsy! i just finished these wooden halla carvings and i’m really proud of how they turned out, support dalish artists :)
link to my store
#wood carving #halla #artistsontumblr #sculpture #my art
(105 notes)
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🪦 bloodl0tus Follow
why is the arishok kinda…
🪦 bloodl0tus Follow
omg who said that
🍄 friend-of-the-nugs Follow
(46 notes)
310 notes · View notes
thecuddlycauldron · 17 days
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Pick a card!
How can I work on making my current relationship even better?
✩°。🧸𓏲⋆.🧺𖦹 ₊˚ These are general readings, only take what resonates and leave the rest! These are only meant to be for fun and nothing else. Trust your intuition and don't overthink. If nothing resonates, feel free to move on. If you stay, I hope you enjoy what the cards have in store for you today! ✩°。🧸𓏲⋆.🧺𖦹 ₊˚
🌿 Card 1 (The devil)
The devil represents self-imposed limitations and unhealthy patterns that may be present in your relationship. This card indicates it is time to start facing and overcoming these negative aspects to build a stronger relationship. Identify and confront any toxic behaviors or patterns that may be harming your relationship. This could include issues such as jealousy, possessiveness, manipulation, or controlling behavior. Acknowledge these patterns and work towards addressing and changing them. It is so important to prioritize open and honest communication in your relationship, and be willing to discuss difficult topics, express your needs and concerns, and listen to your partner’s perspective without judgment. This will help build trust and strengthen your connection.
🌿 Card 2 (The hanged man)
The hanged man signifies surrender, letting go of control, and gaining a new perspective. Practice empathy and understanding; try to see things from your partner's point of view and be open to hearing their perspective without judging them. Show compassion and strive to truly understand their feelings and needs. Focus on being fully present and engaged in your relationship. Let go of distractions and worries about the future or the past, and instead, appreciate the here and now with your partner. Be willing to see things differently and explore new ways of connecting with your partner. Open yourself up to new ideas, experiences, and ways of being in your relationship. Use this time to pause, reflect, and evaluate your relationship, and to consider what changes or adjustments you can make to enhance the connection between you and your partner.
🌿 Card 3 (3 of wands)
The three of wands represents forward progress, expansion, and taking a leadership role in your relationship. To make your current relationship even better, you could work on actively seeking new experiences and opportunities together, communicating openly and honestly with your partner, and taking on a proactive role in planning for your future together. Take the initiative to plan fun and exciting activities for both you and your partner. This could be something like trying a new restaurant or going on a weekend getaway together. By actively seeking out new experiences, you can keep the spark alive in your relationship. The three of wands encourages you to take a leadership role in your relationship by being proactive in addressing any issues that may arise. By communicating honestly, you can strengthen the bond between you and your partner.
Love, Willow
♡⸝⸝🪐⋆ In depth and reasonably priced tarot readings here ♡⸝⸝🪐⋆
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witchthewriter · 11 months
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𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐊𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐢𝐟 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞.
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
Warnings: swearing, some fighting - all in your honour though!
ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ | ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ ᴵᴵ
After a long day, your s/o decides to take you to a nearby tavern and have a drink. It had been a while since either of you had gotten out without a duty to do. However, your evening was cut short when a drunken asshole insulted you.
・Merlin would never be able to keep such a big secret from his spouse; he'd want to give every part of himself to you. And so he had. You welcomed the secret with open arms.
・So when you made your way down to the tavern after a particularly challenging day, you were not expecting to be outright insulted.
・The bald fat (toothless) man let the words escape his drunken mouth without the hint of a thought of consequence.
・Big motherfucking mistake.
・A bewildered laugh came from Merlin. His mind already sifting through the many spells he was about to use.
・You looked at him, and simply nodded. This day had been too heavy, and the insult, no matter how untrue, was still hurtful.
・'Out of nowhere' (as some patrons would later explain it), the man flew from his chair and landed in the lap of the burliest man there.
・Strong man was furious and as he looked down, anger rose within him (you could physically see it ... he turned red...)
・Without even lifting a finger, your hater had been punched, and kicked straight out of the tavern. Not before Merlin made him land in a pile of dung.
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・When your honour is in question Lancelot does not play around.
・As he hears the insult, automatically, his head moves to the left, and he blinks once.
・Without a word he unsheaths his sword and waits for the low life to do the same.
・When the low life doesn't, Lancelot makes someone give him a sword, and drags him outside.
"I'm going to make you think twice before saying such filth."
・And the high pitch ring of steel on steel rang out in the air.
・The whole time your head was in your hands, because truly, you had heard worse. You were tough, and all you wanted to do was get a bit sloshed with your hot ass husband.
・But no, he insisted on fighting for your honour ... like he always does.
・And low and behold, the Knight of Camelot won.
"Are you alright, my love?" Lancelot's lips were pressed against your ear, and you nodded.
"You know you don't have to do that for me-"
"Oh I know," he replies quickly, giving you a half smile. "But you are my spouse. And I will always protect you."
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・Scoffs, a smirk on his lips as his eyes narrow on the idiot who insulted you.
"Do you know who I am? Well... I guess not. Someone with a brain would never insult the King nor his Queen/Consort"
・Gasps were heard around the tavern
And the man went as pale as Gaius' hair
"Ah, I see you've figured it out. Thought I might have to spell it for you."
"Oh Arthur," you scolded, bumping his shoulder.
・You had heard it all in your lifetime, and one day you decided that the words of sheep do not affect a tiger.
"What would you like me to do with him, my love? The dungeons? The stocks?"
・You watched as the man quivered. He would have been in his mid-twenties, barely a whisker on his chin.
"Hmmmm," you pretended to think. Your mind already made up. It was a silly little comment, from a silly little boy.
・Arthur knew you too well, his gaze turned stern on the young man. A rusted sword hanging on his hilt. He had begun to shake.
"I think we should leave him be. Maybe he won't let his tongue wag so freely."
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"Excuse me? What was that?"
・Percival instantly shot up from his seat at the table. The candle flickered as he did so, and you reached out to steady it.
"Perci, it's fine, really." You mumbled, not wanting to draw more attention to yourself. But one of the positives of having such a huge husband is that he will win against nearly anyone in a fight.
・Well, most of the time, men are too scared to even fight him.
・As was your insulter.
・Whose bravado slowly diminished as he watched the large Knight loom over him.
"What I- what I meant was-"
"Sorry, I'm terribly sorry. I didn't mean it!"
"Now leave."
"Yes, yes of course!"
・You were actually impressed by the cowardice of this man. He didn't put up one ounce of a fight. Just followed exactly what Percival said.
"Thank you," you whispered, a smile appearing on your face.
"No. Never thank me. I will always stand up for you."
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・A raise of his eyebrow, and a turn of the head. A cold, intimidating demeanour washing over him. Elyan noticed the clean face, shining armour and coat of arms on the man's cloak.
"Say that again. I dare you." His voice was a growl; low and rumbling.
・The man, no, knight, did not shrink or apologise.
"Oh what a match. The marred and the deaf. A great pair-" the knight turned around and laughed with his men.
"Mmm." Elyan looked at the arse like a snake deciding on dinner.
・Your hand itched to grab the dagger at your waist, but Elyan knew you too well.
・Looking at you, he put a hand on your arm and slightly nodded his head. I want to handle this, his eyes said.
・Folding your arms, you took a step back, 'be my guest,' you answered with a smile.
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・Aggressive asf
・Doesn't even ask who said it first, he just throws himself at anyone and everyone who laughs
・Absolutely punching and kicking, grabbing heads and banging them together.
・You shake your head but join in, because that's part of the reason Gwaine loves you. You never let him have all the fun.
・And you would never let anyone talk crap about you. Especially to your face. That's not the reputation you wanted to hold.
・But who knew brawls could be romantic? With Gwaine somehow they are...
・Especially when he holds a man down so you can give him a few punches, Gwaine smiling at you.
"That's my girl/that's my guy"
・But it's not like you're allowed into many taverns anymore
・Only when Arthur, the King is there, that you're allowed to enter.
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・Instantly his nose flares, invisible steam streaming from them.
"Apologise. This instant."
"Ooohooo," was the only reply he got. Along with the awful sound of drunk men's laughter. Well, more like coughing and wheezing.
"I'll ask one more time. After that, you'll be on the ground."
・The men barely looked in your husbands direction. Big mistake...
・Leon moved to block your view of what he was about to do.
・Because his word was truth.
・Within a second, the man who insulted you was on the floor, nose broken and bleeding.
・Once he's sorted it out, Leon turns to you and holds out his arm for you to take.
"Are you alright my love?" His concern falls on you and doesn't leave until you're feeling better.
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sneezeywheeze · 3 months
Arcana headcannon shit
(Because that’s what this account is gonna be ong)
~~ Headcannons for: the m6 with a gender-fluid partner
- understands this part of you better than anyone
- their own gender is pretty fluid, so they get it
- probably feel when you’re leaning one way through heart connection, so may adjust pronouns to that if you want
- absolutely chaotic with pet names to affirm you
- “yes, pumpkin bread?”
- “of course, my ethereal”
- absolutely chaotic with pet names
- “long time, no see, my eldritch tome”
- “did you eat today, my horrifyingly phantasmal amalgamation?”
- will help you with illusion magic to change how you wish to present, based on how you’re feeling
- has the most fun with the challenge of dressing you based on how you’re feeling
- “you’d look most dashingly beautiful in a suit at the next ball- ah, or, I imagine we could send for a dress that masculinizes you quite nicely. Would you like that, dear?”
- loves the confusion on peoples’ faces when she introduces you as her wife to someone who knew you as her husband, or vice versa
- would find a nice neutral title for you to take as the spouse of the countess, perhaps settling on simply court mage if you’d like to take it on.
- would definitely invent something to help you present how you wish to in the moment- something like a binder that turns into a corset with the pull of a ribbon, or a suit that can turn into a dress with a simple twirl
- if you have a pronoun preference for a day, she will do her best to ensure the whole palace (and then some) know of it to ensure utmost comfort, even if you don’t mind someone using a pronoun that you might not use that day (you’d need to assure her that it is not necessary to make such widespread news)
- calls you his bisexual dream
- you mean he gets to woo a beautiful maiden AND fall into the arms of a dashing savior AND they’re the same person AND they’re his love (you)????
- oh gods he is in heaven
- cannot figure out what to call you for the life of him. He already struggled with relationship titles, but now there’s another layer
- “Aha! I’d love for you to meet my, uhm… my (y/n).”
- “Has anyone seen my.. uh.. companion?”
- eventually gets the hang of it, leaning into the poetic aspect such a challenge provides
- “ah! There’s my divine soulmate. I’ve missed you, dear.”
- finds out he’s a little fluid with his gender with your help (drag. He does drag. He loves it.)
- Words are hard.
- same problem as Julian, but since he’s shyer about labeling himself publicly (not shy about being your lover, of course, he’s just not the type to scream his affections to the whole world) he tends to just refer to you by your name
- stutters when someone asks what your relationship with him is
- “They’re my… uh.. we’re.. uhm.. l-lovers.”
- since societal expectations for gender don’t mean shit to him, he thinks nothing of when you explain it to him.
-literally does not understand why this would be a tough concept to anyone
- doesn’t understand why your switching gender changes things about your day (like how you dress), but supports you nonetheless.
- tries his best to affirm you on the topic
- “your hair looks.. uh.. man-ish like that. It’s… nice..”
- very fluid in her gender presentation !
- loves watching people try and figure out if you’re a wlw, mlm; or straight couple when you’re out together
- way too cheesy and sweet about it
- “well, you’re my everything, so of course you have to be every gender too.”
- makes jokes (never at your expense) and thinks she’s funny (she is and isn’t)
- “do you think if we put you in a block of ice you’d become a gender solid?”
- “ I saw the prettiest man, the handsomest woman, and a non-binary delight the other day- oh, look, there’s (MC) now!”
- loves doing your makeup to help with your presentation
- always tries to get a little gender-fucky with it tho
- “okay I know you’re wearing a dress and going for a feminine look, but wouldn’t it be so so cute if we have you a mascara mustache?”
- gets it the least of everyone ngl
- “so.. You’re a man who likes to be a woman sometimes? Oh! Like a drag Queen!”
- “ what do you mean you don’t wanna wear matching outfits? Clothes don’t have gender, babe.”
- supportive in a way where he’s sometimes (most times) a little stupid
- would love to do your makeup as well, but would not grasp the concept of gendered makeup well
- “okay hold still I’m gonna do your eyeliner- a small wing?? It’s makeup, MC! It’s meant to be showy! Ugh, fine.”
- however, will verbally berate someone if they get your pronouns wrong for how you’re feeling, despite being told it’s not a big deal
If you liked these, feel free to suggest more HC’s!!
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sister-lucifer · 2 months
nnyyyyyy may i request dividers :3
May I request a matching header and footer?
Like, the top one would be hanging vines, and the bottom one would be bushes of the same shade of green?
(my horrible example below)
text and stuff idk man
but like the hanging stuff would be leaves and the bottom thing is supposed to be bushes and they'd both be the same green
this is DEFINITELY not your favorite (/j) son who is embarrassed to put his username to his horrible explanation of stars idea
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🌿Foliage Headers + Footers🌿
please like, reblog, & credit if you use!
DNI: TERFS, endo, proship, pro ana, nazi, MAPs, zoophiles
tag list: @odysseuscore @ghostboneswrites2 @plotlessvoid @savanaclaw1996
[if you’d like to be on the tag list for dividers, please leave a message in my inbox]
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psychics4unet · 1 month
🔮 What You're Not Seeing: Hidden Aspects of Your Life 🔮 Pick A Card Tarot Reading
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Paid psychic reading is available here:
nstructions: Look at the 3 images of the piles below. Choose the pile that you feel most drawn to. Trust your intuition and select the one that resonates with you the most. Once you have made your choice, scroll down to read the description for the pile you selected.
I put a lot of effort into this reading, so please show some love by leaving comments, likes, reblogs, and follow me! ❤️💬✨
Pile 1:
The Hanged Man 🌿
Five of Swords ⚔️
The Moon 🌕
The Hanged Man 🌿 is telling you that there’s a situation in your life where you’re feeling stuck, but it’s also encouraging you to change your perspective. The Five of Swords ⚔️ points to a conflict or tension that you might be ignoring or not fully addressing. It could be something that’s affecting your peace, and you’re not seeing how it’s draining your energy. The Moon 🌕 reveals that there’s something hidden, perhaps a truth or a fear that’s buried deep within, making things appear more confusing than they are.
Together, these cards suggest that you may be overlooking some important emotional or mental challenges. Changing your perspective, confronting hidden fears, and addressing unresolved conflicts are crucial to bringing more clarity and peace into your life.
Love this post? Spread the positive vibes by reblogging with your favorite pile number! Remember to like, comment, and follow me for more tarot insights and spiritual guidance. By sharing this post, you'll invite positive energy from the universe into your life. Let's journey together towards enlightenment and fulfillment!
Pile 2:
Ace of Cups 💧
The Tower 🌩️
Nine of Pentacles 🌸
The Ace of Cups 💧 is overflowing with new emotional beginnings and opportunities, but you might be missing how much potential there is around you. The Tower 🌩️, though scary, indicates a sudden change or revelation that’s meant to shake things up for the better. The Nine of Pentacles 🌸 shows that self-sufficiency and enjoying the fruits of your labor are closer than you think, but you might not be fully appreciating your own achievements.
Together, these cards show that you may not be fully aware of how a sudden change could open up new emotional and material opportunities for you. Recognizing the potential in your life and embracing the shifts coming your way could lead to a more fulfilling existence.
Love this post? Spread the positive vibes by reblogging with your favorite pile number! Remember to like, comment, and follow me for more tarot insights and spiritual guidance. By sharing this post, you'll invite positive energy from the universe into your life. Let's journey together towards enlightenment and fulfillment!
Pile 3:
The Star ✨
Three of Cups 🎉
Seven of Wands 🛡️
The Star ✨ represents hope, guidance, and a sense of calm, but you may not be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. The Three of Cups 🎉 points to friendships and celebrations, yet you might be overlooking the support system you have around you. The Seven of Wands 🛡️ is about standing your ground, but perhaps you’re unaware of how much you’ve already overcome and how resilient you truly are.
Together, these cards suggest that you may be missing out on the hope and support that surrounds you. Recognizing your inner strength and the love from those around you will help you navigate any challenges with a renewed sense of optimism.
Love this post? Spread the positive vibes by reblogging with your favorite pile number! Remember to like, comment, and follow me for more tarot insights and spiritual guidance. By sharing this post, you'll invite positive energy from the universe into your life. Let's journey together towards enlightenment and fulfillment!
Attention! This reading is for entertainment purposes only. This tarot reading does not give a 100% guarantee that all the described situations will occur or being ultimate truth. You build your own life and destiny and only you know yourself best. Remember to reblog, like, comment, and follow for more cosmic guidance and positivity!
Paid readings are also available for more in-depth insights and personal guidance! 🌟💫
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dionysianivy · 15 days
𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜 𝐂𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬 🍄🌿
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Agaricus bisporus - Common Mushroom
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Zodiac: Taurus, Pisces
Solar System: Pluto, Neptune, Moon
Day: Monday
Element: Earth, Water
Energy: Yin
Tarot: The Hanged Man, The Hermit
Goddesses: Pasithea, Persephone, Hecate, Demeter, Marzanna/Morana, Senu Mate, Yaoji
Gods: Dionysus, Pan, Osiris, Cernunnos, Robigus, Leshii
Folklore spirits: Baba Yaga, Gnomes, Ho Hsien-Ko
Animals: Pig, Deer, Wild Boar, Bear
Celebrations: Mabon, Samhain, Imbolc
Magical uses: grounding, connecting with Mother Earth, faerie/elves magick, transformation, astral projection, astral travel, healing, emotional healing, communication with spirits, prophetic dreams
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photos made by me♡
Tip jar🍄🌿🌾
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itsonlydana · 4 months
hello! I see you have requests open...(?) for the hobbit/lotr, and I was wondering if I could request a modern!thranduil x reader fanfiction? the reader is some sort of barista/baker/other thing, and Thranduil is obviously all rich and shit and comes in once, is enamoured by shy, flustered reader and then becomes a regular? obviously, they end up together in the end. thank you!
Lattes and Love | hobbit
pairing: Thranduil x fem!reader 👑
it's a rainy monday, perfect for a meet-cute with the new, handsome and rich customer that you totally don't embaress yourself in front of
tags/warnings: coffeeshop!au, fluff
word count: 2,7k
an: oh, this was such a good request! Thoroughly loved writing it :)
+ masterlist + rules + 🌿 reposts and comments are appreciated, they motivate me a lot and keep me writing <3
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"Falling for customers strictly forbidden!" was the non-negotiable rule for anyone who found themselves working at the loveliest café in Laketown; 'Beans & Leafs'.
Despite being written out on a wooden board behind the counter and in the kitchen, this rule was obviously ignored by more than half of the employees; the others were either happily coupled up, had no interest in romance, or had such an unhealthy work-life balance that this didn't matter anyway.
You, on the other hand, a longtime single and die-hard lover of romance novels, were one of the employees who couldn't go a month without an over-the-counter crush, serving coffees and teas as well as heart eyes and shy blushes.
You had perfected your craft of pouring coffee while thinking of scenarios where, instead of getting a tip, the handsome brunette with the gentle smile would wait until the end of your shift and invite you out for not coffee, but a drink, perhaps.
These fantasies did no one any harm; you would even go as far as to debate that the love you pledged for the customers was an ingredient that fitted exquisitely into the crushed beans and steamed milk.
There had never been any complaints, so there was no reason whatsoever why your boss, Bard, flung his arm out and pointed at the sign when the doorbell chimed one rainy Monday morning.
The weather had been particularly awful the entire weekend, clouds hanging low and leaving you to barricade yourself into your apartment, and when you'd left the house this morning, paddling away on your bike and avoiding muddy puddles as well as you could, the skies were still gray and gloomy. Inside the café the warm lamps tried their best to fight against the pale sunlight that fell through rain-streaked windows, coloring everything in washed-out watercolors.
When you followed the length of Bard's hand however it was as if the sun broke through, even if it was only for the few seconds you stared at the man who just entered the shop and stepped into the small line of customers.
He was breathtakingly gorgeous, right up the alley of models you saw in fashion magazines with his sharp cheekbones and the pair of high-waisted jeans that hugged his waist perfectly. Even his long black coat seemed like it was tailored for his broad shoulders and he looked, by all means, expensive.
"Eyes, Darlin', eyes."
It was only when Bard gently nudged his hip against yours as he passed you from behind and tapped one finger against the sign again, that you bewilderedly realized that hadn't been a direction to the customer's eyes – oh boy, they were twinkling like starlight – but rather a command to advert yours.
"Stop bossing me around," you groaned quietly, glad for the jazz music that played from speakers over your head and the chatter of the few other customers that had found their way into the 'Beans & Leafs'.
"I am your boss. I have every right to command you 'round," Bard said, knocking his knuckles against the sign, "And a rule 's a rule. Doesn't matter if you're the best worker I've got 'round here."
You stuck your tongue out at him of the corner of your mouth under the pretense that it was nothing but concentration over the milk you were pouring into a cup for the customer in front of you.
"You're so annoying," you said as you turned your back on the counter to grab a new cup. "Don't you have somewhere to be?"
The question was directed at Bard but it's not his warm voice that answers your teasingly snappy question, but a deeper one without the familiar drip of Bard's accent:
"Yes, actually, so I would appreciate my latte with three shots of espresso for takeaway please."
You immediately flew around, hot shame bubbling up straight into your cheeks as you squealed, "Oh shit– I mean, shit, sorry!"
Of course. Of course, the 6ft beauty was the next in line, casually resting one arm on the counter and scrutinizing you with those captivating bright eyes that, now that he stared at you and there wasn't anything between you except the bar and miles of shame, did look exactly like starlight. This was so unprofessional and it didn't help that you were frozen on the spot.
You heard Bard's rough laughter, saw him shaking his head in not-so-quiet disbelief out of your peripheral vision and it only fueled the blush that took over your whole face. "I'm so sorry," you apologized and lowered your chin to look away from the customer and down to the coffee machine instead.
Flaming red cheeks reflected in the silver metal greeted you as you let the machine take over for the espresso – arabica beans from Brasille, rich, sweet and slightly nutty, and, if brewed correctly, which you always managed, would leave a lingering taste reminiscent of dark chocolate. "Whole milk, oat, almond, or soy?" you asked, swallowing the lump of embarrassment that was lodged in your throat.
"Oat, please."
You nodded and fell into the rhythm that you were used to, that, despite the hope the ground would tear up and swallow you completly, comes like second nature. "I just want to let you know that I truly wasn't talking to you," you started and foamed up the milk, hiding behind the steam.
The customer huffed out an amused laugh. "No? You're only that cheeky to your employer?"
Great, now he thought you were an employee who didn't respect her higher-ups. "No no! It's a joke," you cringed at the nervous chuckle you laughed, "Nothing serious, just joking. He knows I would never disrespect him, he's a good boss, one of the best actually! And–" you heard your rambling and wanted to close your eyes at the next blink and never open them again, "– and I should probably stop talking now."
Bard passed you again, patting one hand fatherly on your shoulder though this helped barely because the slight touch immediately zipped straight through your spine. In what could only be described as unfortunate timing your arm flinched forward, breaking the carefully concentrated pouring of steamed milk into the paper cup, and to your horror you watched as the foam parted through the coffee.
And created the perfect heart.
You gave yourself a second to breathe, to stare down into the paper cup and this was totally fine; you made latte art all the time and most of your favorite customers got a heart one day or another. And even if you didn't know the man at all and already made a fool out of yourself, other coffee places did this as well.
It's just coffee.
But it was never just coffee with all the love you poured into it, wasn't it?
So you steeled yourself, ignored the churning of your stomach, and plastered on a flustered smile. "Here's your coffee, Sir." The heart cheekily smiled right back, foam bobbing on top and this was definitely a moment you would be thinking about, maybe even use as an opportunity to reevaluate the importance of Bard's stupid sign. "Cash or card?"
He already pulled out a sleek wallet, manicured nails and long fingers pushed a neat $20 over to you. He wore a smirk, the corners of his mouth turned so far up that white teeth showed and dimples buried themselves into his cheeks. "Cash. I suspect the tips go straight to–" one finger lifted and pointed straight forward, "you?"
"Me," you repeated and quickly shook your head, "I mean yes, they go to me."
"Good," he chuckled, "wouldn't want anyone else to share what you earned rightfully, don't we? Keep the change."
"But Sir!" you protested because this tip was ludicrously big for a latte; more than double the amount of what he had paid for the drink on its own without the free show of you being a complete fool.
The man arched an eyebrow though it carried nothing but curiosity instead of the superiority that it would communicate by an older, more stuffy guy.
You busied your hands, cleaned the frother, and emptied the remaining ground coffee into the trash before you ran a rag over the machine, or otherwise, the probability of ruining your nailbeds was much too high. "The coffee's maybe not to your liking – what if you absolutely hate it?"
"Then I will simply order another one another time," he replied and the hope that sprung up inside your chest, another time– another visit, he would come back– bounced around your ribcage and threatened to burst right through.
Your throat clicked as you swallowed, looking up from the dark brown coffee that filled the next mug, coffee black, arabica beans imported from Peru, fruity and perfect for the cappuccino order, up to the man, this stunning beautiful man who tipped like he could throw away money and not notice the amount missing, the epitome of all what you've dreamed about and exceeding those standards the longer he stood around.
You grabbed the opportunity, damned the sign because why the hell should anyone be forbidden to fall in love with him and bit down on your lower lip, smiling softy.
"Could I get your name?"
"I already have my coffee," he said amused and the heat was back in your cheeks. "But it's Thranduil. Nice to meet you," Thranduil's starlight eyes dropped to the name-pin buttoned to your apron and flittered back up, warm and deep voice wrapping around your name in a manner that was close to too overwhelming. "Now, let's try this drink, shall we?"
Completely entranced by his soft-looking lips that twitched back into a smile at the sight of the heart, eyes locking on yours again as he lifted the cup, you watched him take a sip.
A soft hum.
Long lashes fluttering shut against the apple of his cheek.
Yep, there was no way back from this. By the end of your shift, you would probably bike home and dream about this moment, when Thranduil opened his eyes again and you were still staring, caught despite the line forming behind him, other customers held up by Bard, this wonderful man you would never ask anything of him ever again, and Thranduil competed in the new game of who would look away first.
"Sweet," his voice was still deep, coated by a warmness that only satisfactory coffee would bring, and you swore you tasted the chocolate on your tongue as you bit down on it.
The way your eyes scanned the work area to check if you had accidentally poured sugar into his coffee, he didn't order any, right? – and while the oak milk carried some sweetness with it, it wasn't much but what if– were a clear message of slight panic, nervousness of having gotten his order wrong and Thranduil quickly deescalated the deep frown forming in your eyebrows.
"Ah, don't worry. I wasn't talking about the coffee," Thranduil said, and, lifting the cup to his lips, he winked at you over the rim.
He left you like that, mouth hanging slightly open while your mind ran the calculation of whether or not he had flirted with you.
You spent the rest of the day in a haze, only managing the midday and afternoon rush with the memory of Thranduil whom you swore, you saw rushing past the window of the shop in the evening, long hair flying in the wind at his quick steps and if your mind didn't play tricks on you, his head turned when he passed you, eyes finding yours in a second that quietened down all the sounds.
The next day, he came in again, a phone pressed to his ear and an apologetic voiceless: "So sorry," when the call was seemingly important enough for him to take his latte, foam-heart included, and dashed back outside, leaving you another hefty tip but no further interaction.
You sighed.
For good measure, you even glared at the sign.
Thranduil stopped by on his way to work every morning from Monday, Thursday and Friday, ordering his latte until it waited for him at exactly 7:45, the heart inside the coffee wandering onto the takeaway cup when you started scribbling his name onto it, first on the dot of the 'i' and then, later, when you were brave enough, next to the name.
It was a hurdle, more than often you had the sharpie pressed into the paper, blacking out from sheer panic that seeped through you like the dark ink that ended up either a smiley or a flower or full stop.
Thranduil would come in, sweep you off your feet by simply smiling or smirking at the new doodle on his coffee, steaming hot as soon as the bell announced his arrival, and leave. Never without tipping you enough for you to buy a new bike at the end of the first month of him visiting the 'Beans & Leafs'.
On Saturdays, Thranduil came in and settled his tall body into one of the window tables, entirely oblivious to all the ogling he got from passersby as well as customers, they stared all the same at his beauty and the weekend always got better because his sole focus was on you.
On Saturdays, he got his coffee, a Cappuccino served in dark blue mugs that complimented his white-blond hair and the rosé of his lips that savored every last drop, and he started asking you for your opinions on the breakfast options.
The first time he did it, long legs crossed over each other and his head propped up on his hands listening intently, you rambled on the entirety of the menu, babbling on and on and on:
"We got wonderful apple rose tarts, that truly look like roses, and rhubarb pie or a lemon shortcake – that one goes perfectly with the chocolaty taste of the coffee beans! And we have croissants, banana bread, and a cheese Danish!"
"Mhmm, all of those sound ama–" Thranduil started but was interrupted by your nervous continuing chatter:
"And of course, you could have a chicken and avocado sandwich, if you want something more savory. Or our chefs make a mean bacon and egg one with arugula and a blueberry vinaigrette?" you asked and threw a quick look to Thranduil who hid his amused smile that lit up his whole face behind his fingers. "Oh, or are you a vegetarian? Then I would recommend the olive, tomato and hummus bagel, but maybe you don't like olives. For that, we have a walnut quiche–"
"Yes, I am vegetarian–"
The smile bloomed past the, noticeably large, hands, the corner of his mouth curling up while his eyebrows furrowed in the concentration of keeping still, watching you in awe as your breath held on far longer than his ability to remain calm and it was only a matter of time until you were done.
Your eyes landed on the dimples, the soft crow feet next to his eyes, and low on oxygen you finally managed to detangle yourself from the menu that you had previously, in preparation for this moment, had carefully written down on your notesblock, the page now crinkled at the edges and most of the ink smeared under the hard press of your thumbs.
"Great! Do you want me to repeat the vegetarian options?"
Thranduil ordered all of your recommendations.
Not all at once, it wasn't past you to bring out dozens of plates at his request but Thranduil kept to two cups of coffee and worked his way through the display of cakes, pies, breads, rolls and sandwiches, always prepared by you.
You served him his first coffee with a heart in his mug and a plate for him to eat and after rushing through the next hour, eyes locking across the room now and again whenever you looked up from the coffee machine and he from his plate, you would bring him his second cup, carrying the heart-coffee and another one for you to sip on during your break, legs brushing against each other under the small table.
It was there, at this table, that Thranduil asked you out, not two months after the first interaction.
It was also at this table that he kissed you for the first time, tasting like love, lattes and a bit of chocolate.
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©itsonlydana 2024, character art by MiracleAna on Devianart
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dreamauri · 10 months
Hey girlie! I miscliked on the vote… more spy! max please. Also everyone accidentally miscliked as well (source: trust me bro) if they didn’t they don’t need to be here for any au. Keep killin’ it! 🩵
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┊𝗞𝗜𝗦𝗦 𝗪𝗜𝗧𝗛 𝗔 𝗙𝗜𝗦𝗧 - P2 ┊─ ୨୧ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ :🪴: ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ୨୧ ─ ┊as spies from opposing countries, you each ┊try to beat each other to success, but sometimes, ┊you're going to need to be frenemies. ┇︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶꒷꒦˚₊   ┇ . 🌿 :: pairing — ( spy! max verstappen x spy! fem! reader ) ┇ . 🫧 :: ⁠genre — ( fluff )  ┇ . 🌿 :: ⁠word count — ( 1, 174 ) 
★ ☆ you have my heart anon 💗😔🫶 ━━━━━
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( fic master list | general master list ) ( requests )
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"Where even are we?" "Can you stop nagging me." You huffed, shoving his shoulder in front of the door. Last thing you should be doing right now was be hanging out in a suburb in the middle of the night when Spain has something so dangerous they didn't even tell you during mission briefing.
You reached from behind him, ringing the bell before climbing up the house. "What are you doing?" Max scoffed watching you pull a window open and fall in. The Dutch rolled his eyes, ready to climb up after you when the front door swung open. Blue and green eyes met, both bodies freezing at the sight of each other. And for a good few seconds, Charles and max stood there like dears caught in headlights.
Well, until one attacked. The fight quickly escalated and they were wrestling each other on the floor, Charles with a knife he someone got and max weapon-less. And that continued for a few moments, holding each other in gut wrenches when they caught a tinny little giggle. Looking up, they found you standing down the hall, an amused grin on your face as you carried the 5-year-old girl on your hip.
"I didn't know you two got along so well." You teased, watching the two men pull away glaring at each other. Charles kept an eye on Max as he walked towards you, gently hugging you and taking his daughter from you. "What's he doing here?" He whispered in English so the toddler wouldn't understand.
"We need your help." You shrugged, putting your hands in your pockets. "No. Nuh uh. I'm on vacation. No work for me."
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
"Are you all set?" The same guy who didn't want to help you earlier, asked, his sleepy daughter in his arms as he looked between you and max through the front door. "As set as i can be while working with a Dutch spy." You hummed pulling a beanie on and stuffing your gloved hands into your new winter jacks.
Max nudged you with a frown. "You're the one that threatened me to be here." He reminded you with a scoff. "Yeah so they kill you instead of me." You gave him a fake smile patting his chest. "Ciao, Carli." You wave to the little girl before walking away and dragging Max along. "Now what?" He asked you once the door shut behind you. You simply pulled a pair of car keys, embedded with the famous prancing horse. "You did not." "He won't mind."
The drive was long trying to figure out and formulate a plan. Even just trying to figure out what on the flash drive. Well, Max had no guesses because he wasn't assigned on the mission to hunt for the flash drive . . .
You two did end up stopping at a place to stay for the night. You rented a room with a tiny small inn. You of course took dibs on the bed and left your subordinate the floor. Dutch spy or not, you're not sharing a bed with Max Verstappen and your defiantly not going to sleep on the floor so Max Verstappen can stay warm.
Well, you always thought and stood by that. Why would a woman like you waste your time with a Dutch man like him. He's Dutch, plain and simple. There's no reason for your conscious to wring you like this. You just wanted to sleep, and it was late. With a sigh, you peaked over the edge of the small bed, looking down at the passed out blond.
Maybe you were being too cruel? His body was curled in on himself and he was using his arm as a pillow. This defiantly wasn't fair to him, but life wasn't fair at all now was it. Not you either, now the one with one lass pillow and zero blankets. With a huff under your breath. Gently, you draped the blanket over his body wich started him awak.
"I don't want to be owing you any favours in the future." Max was confused, still half asleep as he took the pillow you offered, passing out again in the blink of an eye. You'd watched him shake and practically get shot in his chest 70 times in his sleep the other night, he deserves at least some proper rest. Now it was your turn, but it looks like you're not going to catch any shut eye tonight.
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
You breathed out, blowing into your hands. Winter was rolling in and you hated working in the cold. You flinched upon feeling someone touch your head. It was just Max, fixing your icecap over your head. "If we're gonna work together. I'd rather you not die from hypothermia. I don't need France on my ass." You rolled you eyes as you continued to walk.
You quietly approached the fence separating you from the so called factory. It was still running, but clearly not crawling factory workers as it should've. The night was dark enough to disguise you and Max as you sneaked your way into the property and through a window into the window.
Max had memorized the blue prints to the building and you'd assessed the areas with high possibilities of which could contain your desired object. And so you split up. Max took a right and you took a left. But that didn't feel right, to Max at least. He'd rather stay close to you. Things always go bad when a force is divided. The sneaky walking continued and soon enough, Max found himself face to face with Carlos Sainz, the other Spanish spy. And it went rough.
It didn't take Max long to go around and find you. The drive was no where and neither was Fernando. But you weren't anywhere either. Where were you?
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
A grunt left your lips as Fernando pulled your bloodied body up from your chin. "I don't need this anymore." He dropped the drive in front of you. You frowned in confusion as you looked down at the now crushed metal piece.
You tried to reach for it only to be reminded of your cuffed limbs, and absolutely aching and sore body. "I don't think you even knew what was on it. Probably because your boss knew you'd destroy it instead of bringing it."
"Well, either way. You can have it now. It was just a recipe. I don't need it now that I have my cake." "You're not gonna win." You seethed only to find your body drop on the floor. "I already did. You're lover Max wont be able to do anything about it."
"Max is not—" You huffed through your nose as Fernando slammed the door shut behind him. "My lover." You finished the sentence to yourself, fixing your laying position so you were at least comfortable.
"I love my life." Sarcasm dripped from your tone. You were stuck. There was no way you could get yourself out of this rat trap.
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sandrockianblues · 1 year
Hello!! Do you have hcs how the characters would confess to the builder?🥺👉👈
I do! I did the male LIs only to ease the workload though, sorry 😭
He means well, he really does, but if the builder hangs out with him a handful of times consecutively- he’s gonna assume they’re together already and that they know. He’s the type to say he loves them rather soon since he’s a young idealist and romantic. Maybe he’ll even sneak a kiss to their cheek. But regardless, his confession may accidentally come in the form of his obliviousness to the builder’s own obliviousness.
It’ll take him a long while- and possibly several imported magazines’ quizzes from the cities- before he gathers the courage to confess. He’ll spend a month in preparation and religiously study over plants and flowers- maybe he’ll even request to telegraph and place an order to a floral shop somewhere to import them- but he confesses to the builder with a bouquet of flowers with a message in their meanings.
✏️Ernest✏️ :
He’ll begin to write small snippets of a new lead of his in a book. Their personality strikingly similar to the builder’s who just so happens to be his beta reader he requested to help him. He writes the character how he wants the builder to know how he sees them. How he acknowledges their imperfections and flaws, but thinks they’re something worth writing about and how they’re the main lead in his own life.
It was subtle enough with him giving them natural supplements and small and quiet inquiries as to how they were feeling- but he accidentally confessed when he caught them by the shoulder on their way to the mines when he saw their panda eyes and pushed them back into the house to properly care for them. His attention and commitment to stay through the night in a chair besides their bed was enough of a confession, his hand gripping theirs was more so.
He’s a man of routine and habit. He and Unsuur are supposed to protect the entirety of a town that’s on the brink of devastation that he sometimes forgets about his own well-being when he really throws himself into his work. It’s not like Unsuur can dissuade him, he’s got his own responsibilities to carry out. And if the builder becomes a CC member or not, their presence to check in with Justice or bring him food means the world to him. He’s the type to accidentally slip up with a mouthful of food with his confession and freeze when he hears it, but he’s not the type to back down either and he’ll repeat it when he finishes this bite.
Forgive him, he’s never experienced true love or had seen it between a couple really. His biggest examples he feels like just happened to end up together. And while he doesn’t hate or resent her, the knowledge of his mother abandoning his father and him left a certain scar that’s instilled a fear of being left once more. He’s lost his father, he’s not quite settled in town, his life is barely back on track- he’s not sure he can handle these newfound feelings. But when he can, he doubled his workload for them and he wants to share with them all his lessons he’s got in his arsenal for hunting and living. He’ll confess rather bluntly with a blush crawling up his neck and looking like he wants to fight instead of confess.
He’s a reserved person that shares little about his life and past. He’s got a standoffish demeanor and is well disciplined. But falling for the builder seems to break his resolve just a little. He wants to share those little details of himself with them but struggles to keep himself from sharing too much. Miguel wants to show them the beauty of life and the light, but fears his own love and appreciation will come across as another sermon or lesson. His form of a confession comes in his request to take a trip to a place where they can overlook the town and beyond, speaking to them in a softer voice. Help them see what they’ve gifted him the sight of.
When Owen falls for someone, he falls hard. He tries to distract himself with his work but it’s not entirely easy when one’s work is a dining establishment people frequent- because it is the ONLY dining establishment. Even when he tells his stories does he find his eyes finding them in the crowd and wanting to see every reaction they have to his words. He too is a romantic, but he’s not as grand and bold as Arvio may be. He likes the quiet moments. He’ll confess by asking to cook for them privately, to tell them a story as he stands at the stove. He’ll confess he wants their full attention for this one moment, and from then on can he find himself happy that work and home life mix when he cooks for them both.
Him actually settling down on a crush and love is new to him. This is someone he finds himself liking regardless of what they dress like or style themselves. No one is more surprised than him. He tries to show it, and for all his confidence and suaveness, he’s kinda struck shy by the whole thing. More compliments are thrown out there, more skin care products, more asking of their style from back home. It’s not until they’re there for another hair appointment with his hands in their locks does he crack in a quieter voice saying he likes them and he doesn’t think that loving them will ever be out of style.
Pen wants someone that’s not going to scold him and prod at his insecurities- loath as he is to admit that he’s got some. He’s arrogant and cocky, but he’s aware of where his limits and errors lie. To find someone that doesn’t point them out or treat him like he’s a bully would be huge for him. He secretly craves the softness he’s missing and someone to complement his personality. His way of confessing is more confusing as the builder suddenly finds themselves being told that he accepts their advancements and crush on him whilst being whisked away to either go fight or for a meal or if you’re lucky, him working out.
Qi is oblivious to some advancements or flirtations if they’re subtle. He doesn’t have his head in the clouds, nah, his head is in mf space. He won’t know he’s got a thing for the builder until he starts getting distracted with his work or he’d rather let his thoughts of them wander them focusing again. His confession comes in a stilted and nonsensical hypothetical question to them with a blush coating his face like he’s drunk. He’ll say he can’t solve it, that no equation or theorem will help him but to test this “hypothetical” and see if his “hypothesis” is correct.
Unsuur doesn’t really understand his feelings for a bit of time and they unnerve him a bit because it’s something out of his control. It’s out of his unique sense of his profound understanding of the world and life itself. He’s not great with people, yeah. But the fact that the builder continuously comes back to talk with him? That they invite and include him in things? They give him rocks and stones? The moment he realizes he’s falling in love, that’s it. Everything now makes sense. So they next time they give him a gem? He’ll ask if they realize what it means- he’ll ask how many he’ll have to accept until he can kiss them finally.
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mysticinsightstarot · 2 months
♡Twice Sana Fs Tarot Reading♡
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Tw : Images are not mine !!
🃏✨ **Tarot Reading: TWICE Sana's Future Spouse** ✨
🃏Hey lovely souls! 🌟 I got a super fun request to dig into the future spouse of TWICE’s Sana! Let’s dive right in and see what the cards have to say. 💖🔮
### **Personality Traits**
1. **Core Personality - Wheel of Fortune 🎡:** Sana’s future spouse is someone with a dynamic and ever-changing personality! They go with the flow and embrace life’s ups and downs. This person is adaptable and open to new experiences. 🌈
2. **How They Express Themselves - The Hermit 🌌:** They might come across as reserved or introspective. This is someone who values solitude and deep thinking. They prefer meaningful conversations over small talk. 🧘‍♂️✨
3. **Hidden Traits - 4 of Cups 🍷:** There’s a hint of emotional introspection here. They may often be lost in their thoughts, contemplating life’s deeper meanings. They might miss opportunities because they’re busy looking within. 🤔💭
### **Background and Life Story*
*4. **Family and Upbringing - 4 of Swords 🛌:** Their upbringing was likely calm and introspective. They grew up in a peaceful environment that encouraged rest and reflection. 💤🌿
5. **Career and Ambitions - Ace of Cups & King of Pentacles 👑💼:** They have a passionate and emotionally fulfilling career. They’re not just after money; they want their work to matter. Plus, they’re financially stable and grounded. 💖💰
6. **Major Life Events - Page of Cups 🧚‍♂️:** Key life events involve creative and emotional beginnings. They’ve had moments of inspiration and youthful creativity that shaped their path. 🎨✨
### **Relationship with Sana**
7. **First Impression - Hanged Man & Queen of Cups 🤔👑:** When Sana first meets them, she might see them as someone who looks at life from a unique perspective. Their emotional depth and compassion will stand out. 💞🌊
8. **Emotional Connection - The Moon 🌙:** Their emotional bond will be deep and mystical. There might be a lot of unspoken understanding and a strong intuitive connection. 🌌🔮
9. **Challenges - 9 of Cups & 6 of Pentacles 🎠⚖️:** Balancing giving and receiving might be a challenge. They need to ensure there’s an equal exchange of emotional support. 🌈🪙
### **Future Together**
10. **Long-term Compatibility - Page of Wands & The Devil 🔥👹:** Their relationship will be filled with passion and creativity. However, they must watch out for possessiveness or overly intense desires. Balance is key! 🔥💘
11. **Growth and Development - Justice & 9 of Wands ⚖️🏹:** Together, they’ll learn to balance fairness and resilience. They’ll face challenges head-on and grow stronger as a team. 🛡️🌟
12. **Final Outcome - 6 of Cups, The Fool & 5 of Cups 🎁🌿:** Their relationship will have a beautiful balance of nostalgia and new beginnings. They’ll cherish sweet memories while embracing new adventures. However, they must be cautious of lingering past regrets. 🌷🌟💔
### **Bottom of the Deck - The Chariot 🏎️:** Their relationship is destined for movement and progress! They’ll overcome obstacles together and move forward with determination and drive. 🚀💪
**Channeled Song: Strawberries & Cigarettes 🍓🚬
**This song suggests a sweet yet slightly rebellious vibe to their relationship. There’s a mix of sweetness and edge, much like strawberries and cigarettes. 🍓✨
---Hope you enjoyed this deep dive into Sana's future spouse! 🌟💖 Feel free to ask for more readings and keep shining! ✨🌈
Check out my kofi page :
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