#🌷🐯Magnetic Heart
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a-musing-mixologist · 1 year ago
valentine's day application
Name: asshat trafalgar law Age: 26 Do you like to cuddle?: at night, yes Can we make-out?: we really should A night in or dinner out?: night in Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: strawberries! What makes you a good Valentine?: I'm portable Would you cook for me?: onigiri with meat fillings Would you let me cook for you?: only if you don't tell killer
Valentine's Applications || Accepting I GUESS
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Yes, he supposes this one gets approved. As if it was even needed, though there's a soft smile on his lips as he tucks it into his vest. Romantic is the last adjective he'd use to describe himself, but Law's presence has stirred a desire to do something for this blasted holiday. When the surgeon returned to their empty room, he'd find a yellow tulip and what appeared to be a handmade music box sitting on the table. However, it didn't play a melody, instead tapping out a rhythm that the other would understand - coordinates and a time. The location would turn out to be a secluded cove north of where the Victoria was currently docked, and the time sunset.
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mtnkat3 · 2 years ago
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12.13pm. Giggling softly. Blushing shyly. Oh my loves..... you . . . . . bring out the heart of me. The keys to open up the crusty cranky kat I become to the soft woman hidden away from the world's prying eyes. You . . . . .are instrumental in the mending of my soul. God Created us together. And healing comes from coming back together. Magnetism... repelled by anyone else trying to bond with me. Only you . . . . . hold the keys to me. God made me thus. I am not ashamed. I am not afraid. I am gloriously thankful, grateful & blessed & happy beyond measure to be YOURS!!!!!
I. Am. Yours . . . . . .
~TkP. ✝️☸⚓⛓🌂🔗🙇‍♀️🙏🤲👣🐾👩‍🏫🧣🧤🥾🏔🐯🦉🐐🐢🐛🦋🌱🌺🌳🌹🌻🌷🌳🧶🧵🎓👩‍🎓👩‍🌾👩‍🍳👩‍🚀🤰⌚⚡🌟🌠🚀🗝🔱⚜💝🐻🦌🧩♠️♾💫🧭🕯💓💋
Hm..maybe I don't..but I'm squirming thinking about learning just how much... cause I wanna whisper in your ears.....taste.☺️😘
Fr.1.13.2023 12.36pm.est.
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a-musing-mixologist · 1 year ago
Kid is perched like a gargoyle atop one of the wooden crates lining the dock, the crimson feathers of his cape shifting in the salt breeze, metal arm reattached and adding additional heft to his frame. The shogun of Wano wasn't being frugal with the supplies, and there was still much to load. "Oi. Law." Upon seeing the other captain, he leaps to the dock with a heavy thud. This was really it, wasn't it. The day of departure, when he could leave this hell behind for the open sea. Where their paths would separate.
"Here." He scowls, thrusting two items into the surgeon's hands. One appears to be a small metal box. Inside the other captain would find a pair of metal earrings, formed from scrap that had been expertly bent and polished. The second is a belt, also clearly formed from myriad bits and pieces, but thin and supple. "Killer went and got your polar bear that copy of our poneglyph, since it sounds like the two of you had a nice little heart-to-heart without me and made some decisions." Not that he disagreed with them.
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"I... wanted you to have these." He tries to glare, but finds his gaze lowering to the sun-warmed wood of the dock. "Made 'em myself..." He rubs the back of his neck, painted lip caught in between white teeth. Why was he suddenly back to feeling so ... muddled. He shakes his head with a growl, golden glare returning to the other. "So don't go losin' 'em ok!"
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a-musing-mixologist · 1 year ago
@todesgeduld from x.
"Not doin' anything," he responds lazily, kissing further down along the damp skin of his boyfriend's arm as far as he can comfortably reach while the scented water swirls around them. The tub was one of the few luxuries he allowed himself and it was big enough to accommodate him and Killer, so it was more than comfortable for Law, seated between his thighs. He returns his attention to the distinctive-looking scar, twining his fingers with the surgeon's. "It's impressive," he purrs, mouthing along the curve of his shoulder. "Don't know anyone else lucky enough to get sewn back together once they've lost a bit, heh." Certainly, he wasn't so fortunate, not that he had let it stop him.
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"Mmm, but I like how it looks. The scars, the tatts, the piercings. You're like a collage. So many interesting pieces to explore."
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a-musing-mixologist · 1 year ago
@todesgeduld asked:
"how do you even manage to catch a cold," law mutters, looking at kid. "if you don't stay in bed, i'll force you so stop wiggling." his cool hand rests against the redhead's forehead. "no crazy actions for the next few days, you gotta lay down and rest. i'll make you some tea and don't get an idea, i'll shamble you back into it every time." there is a certain firmness mixed with worry. maybe it is just a cold, but that doesn't mean the surgeon isn't worried, that's is occupation after all.
Sick || Accepting
"'m not sick," he protests, a bout of coughing interrupting his flailing attempt to wave away his boyfriend's hand. "Just got somethin' stuck in my throat." He's going to ignore the fact that his head feels like it's going to explode from pressure and his body feels like a lead weight. What a pain in the ass. He's got better things to do then lay here.
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"I don't get sick." It's not a complete lie, it doesn't happen very often but when it does it hits him with the force of an Emperor's fist, and he usually locks himself away to suffer and sulk alone. He lets out an exasperated growl, pinching the jagged bridge of his nose. He should be above this kind of shit by now, why does his body have to go and betray him?
"Don't need you dotin' over me like a goddamn mother hen."
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a-musing-mixologist · 1 year ago
A selection of choice booze sits atop the low table, illuminated by the flickering light of a wrought metal candelabra. Sake from Wano, along with wine and whisky, and a few small snacks. Now comfortably bathed, Kid curls lazily around his partner, vermilion locks that still aren't quite dry falling across his face as he rests his head against a cascade of sunny blond. Two pairs of eyes, gold and sapphire, fix on the surgeon expectantly, lit warmly from the candle's glow.
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a-musing-mixologist · 1 year ago
@todesgeduld because why not.
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When he awakens, there's still an empty spot on the bed. No doubt his partner has fallen asleep at his desk again. It hasn't happened as much these past few weeks, not now that there's an extra impetus to return to his quarters nightly. Said impetus is currently draped over his chest, tattooed back rising and falling gently as he sleeps. He's never really gotten to spend time alone with the surgeon. The man is a far cry from the wild energy of the Victoria's captain, yet there's an underlying similarity he can't deny.
They both have an aversion to a good night's rest for one, though Law takes it a step further, and he has to wonder if that legend about people from Winter Islands never sleeping has a grain of truth somewhere. He's sleeping now, however, and Killer is careful not to wake him. He'll move eventually, go to drag Kid from where he's likely slumped over, but for now he's content to serve as a pillow.
He's curious about the man his soulmate has chosen, with his inked skin and dark-rimmed eyes. Fellow member of the Worst Generation, and former Warlord, and one who had worked closely with the sea's newest Emperor ever since entering the New World. Kid certainly picked a fascinating one. He runs a finger lightly across the circular pattern adorning the other's back, tracing the edges of the lines.
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a-musing-mixologist · 1 year ago
as dark as the recent time seems to have been, pirates know to celebrate whenever their adventures are a success and celebration is eventually taken from sharing it with everyone on deck underneath it, candles in odd shapes still lightening the captain's bed chambers. the air is filled by the scent of boze and herbs, the sound of glass clicking gently as golden liquid are poured again. it all feel so light that law decides tonight might be a good time for a somewhat agreed on gift. thsi time, without any mock or tease.
as he watches the other two men being focused on their conversation, he moves to pull out the corset he made with so much focus and passion for a particular redhead some time ago, by now having added a few smaller details just to add to the pirate's style further. he wrapped it in a black satin fabric, walking overcasually to take place to kid's right again, leading to the youngest being centered between the two man. inked fingers bend dark spikes back before adjusting the collar of his tanktop, casually dropping it on kid's chest.
"a gift, i've made it myself but consider it from the both of us. we think you would look quite good in it. no tease this time, maybe just a somewhat selfish desire of ours to encourage you to try out something different when it comes to your wardrobe here and then." his voice is smooth like honey, drink brought back to his lips as he gives killer a short knowing gaze before relaxing back into soft pillows of the seats.
Taking another swig of ale, he laughs easily. They'd taken down a rather powerful group of Marines and sent their vessel to the bottom of the sea. It had actually been quite some time since they'd had a real naval battle, and the Victoria proved she was still a force to be reckoned with as they sailed further and further into the New World. "Huh?" He sets his mug down, quirking a brow at his boyfriend as Law plops something down on him.
It has a bit of weight to it, much heavier than Law's last... present. "Selfish desires, hmm?" Gold hues fix on the surgeon before flicking to his partner, who only grins. Both of them, is it? He's probably in trouble, as if the sticky-sweet tone of Law's voice wasn't proof enough. Pale fingers toy with the soft material, and he can feel two sets of eyes on him. Bastards. Licking his lips he unwraps the parcel, finding a well-crafted leather corset in his trademark colors, complete with curling flame motifs.
Killer leans against him, beard tickling against his neck. "We thought it'd look good on ya," he purrs, muscled arms slipping around him. "Law put quite a bit o' effort into it, as ya can see." Sapphire gaze meets gold as Killer smirks at the surgeon around his redhead. "I can help ya get into it, if ya want."
He doesn't actually need very much convincing for this particular accessory, in fact he fancies it, and it's only the way the two are staring at him that causes a faint heat to color his cheeks. He rises to his feet with a growl, extracting himself from Killer's arms. "Fine! I've been meaning to change things up a bit." He sheds the feathered coat, black vest, and waist wrap, allowing the blond to assist him with the new piece. It fits perfectly around his muscular torso, tight-fitting without restraining his movement while very much accenting his chest. Not something he has a problem with.
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"Fits amazing. Thanks for your 'selfishness', dear heart." His gaze fixes on Law. Of course he'd have gotten his measurements somehow, he knows how much the surgeon enjoys studying him. "So what do you think?" He smirks, striking a pose. "This what you imagined?"
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a-musing-mixologist · 1 year ago
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I'm just here to make @herztakt suffer ;3
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a-musing-mixologist · 1 year ago
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"Oi. Since ya don't exactly have anything more than what you showed up with, I did you a favor and scrounged up some donations from the crew, a few of 'em are close to your size. You should thank me now for bein' such a thoughtful captain. And of course, there's no shortage of fishnets, if that's more your thing."
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a-musing-mixologist · 1 year ago
law lurks over, leaning forward as he watches kid and killer. "so what shade of lipstick do you think would suit me?" he asks the most random question as casually as possible, curiosity only of course.
Two gazes turn toward him, gold and sapphire. "Lipstick, huh?" Kid regards him, brow arched. "Well, I know yellow and blue are your trademarks..."
"But they ain't easy to pull off fer most." Killer adds, tilting his head thoughtfully.
"We got plenty for you to try if ya want. Yellow might be too bright but you could always try, it's your face. But I'd say maybe a metallic gold or copper. Or black." He grins. "Might consider some eyeliner too. You're always free to raid our makeup ya know. I'll look forward to seeing the results."
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a-musing-mixologist · 1 year ago
"killer," law's sweet voice already hints he has come with an intention. the surgeon places a slim but larger box in front of the blond. "i need your aid with something. now, i was thinking we both work hard keeping our favorite idiot at bay and deservee a treat but also, he certainly deserves ... some additional wardrobe pieces." at least, killer owns a few different shirts but it's rare to see the captain in any other attire than the usual pieces.
he opens the box to reveal a carefully made leather corset that would fit perfectly as law had an easy time getting the younger's measure. it was made of a comfortable dark red leather complimenting the hair and the coat, with a trim and cord in a dark gold shade and a slim flame pattern equal to the one of the flag. "worked since your birthday on it ... i just don't think i'd be able to convince him alone of it but there's no way he could say no to both of his handsome, convincing lovers."
He glances up at the sound of his name, though the tone leaves him wary. He's heard it used on Kid before, but as far as Killer knows he hasn't done anything to earn the mischievous attention of their dear surgeon. However, it's soon clear that the target of Law's plot is, once again, their beloved redhead. "Fwa fwa fwa, he does tend t' stick with the same few things. Know he's got more, you seen his collection, but it's like pullin' teeth t' convince him to change." He tilts his head, glancing curiously at the box.
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"Oh, ain't that nice." He gives a low whistle. "You made it? Fwahaha, now I'm startin' to feel like I gotta pick up a new skill, you two really got me beat on the creativity." Rough fingers run over the meticulously worked leather. "I think you'll have an easier time gettin' him in this than yer other gift." He snorts at the memory. "I think we can work somethin' out. Fer sure I can butter him up with a nice meal."
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a-musing-mixologist · 1 year ago
law sits on the work desk, legs crossed to take a little as much space as he looks at the redhead. "remember when you said i can have anything i want?" he hums, the hint of a grin tugging on his lips. "i thought of something! in theory, it isn't complicated." the surgeon is almost surprised they did not have anything like this so far, at least looking at killer's passion for cooking. "could i get a small corner to grow some medical herbs? if we make it a little larger, killer could also raise some for his meals. i'd fully take care of it, you just need to set it up." golden eyes have a mischievous look, he told the captain he'd make use of that offering eventually.
"Ohyah?" He arches a brow, casting a sideways glance at the other. He's given up on attempting to keep Law off the desk, the man seems to have a penchant for perching on top of things like a scraggly gargoyle. At least he wasn't in his usual spread-legged posture. Could the guy open his legs any wider? He pushes the glasses back up to the crooked bridge of his nose, fiddling with the small collection of clockwork gears he's currently working with.
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"I don't know shit about plants, so it's gonna be all on you. Aside from that, don't see why not. I'll let you and Killer figure a spot then, and I can clear it. If they need something like a greenhouse, you can use the fore observation room, I can probably whip up some metal plant stands or whatever you call 'em." He recalled the Straw Hats having greenery on their deck, if they could do it then he sure as hell could too.
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a-musing-mixologist · 1 year ago
the black denim has a much lower cut than usual, parts of his hips perfectly visible, the freshly-inked art peeking through. it's very much the reason why, law likes to show off his tattoos. ever since kid's gift, law has picked up an interest in experimenting with jewelry around his waist. fingers play with the slim chain which is resting just a little above the pants, teeth biting down on his lower lip as he finally makes it to kid, placing himself casually on the younger's lap. "sorry i'm late, took a little longer than intended. what did i miss?" he hums., reaching over to pick up one of the drinks.
Just when he thinks he's finally, fully accustomed to Law and there's nothing more the man can do to render him utterly speechless, the bastard finds a way. Gilded hues flick from the thin, shimmering chain that accents the slimness of his waist to the hint of new ink glistening on the exposed portion of his hip and back again, he can't even decide which tempting detail to focus on. Pink tongue slides along crimson lips, but before he can even attempt to form a coherent thought Law is on his lap and everything turns to static buzzing. Metal arm curls around the smaller man as he fumbles for his own cup with his free hand, managing to get it to his mouth without a mishap.
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"Not much," he croaks, taking a deep draught. "You... got a new tattoo." He swallows, setting the mug back down with a louder thud than intended. The lines are still glistening, and god he wants to see the rest of them. He could tear those pants off right now if he wanted... Instead he occupies his fingers toying with the little chain as he tries to get his thoughts together, though he can't tear his gaze away. He can be patient. The inked bastard won't get the best of him.
"You must have turned quite a few heads coming back here. They're gonna raise your bounty out of sheer jealousy if you're not careful." He leans forward to kiss Law's neck, gesture ending in a possessive nip. "But anyone stupid enough to try and claim it will have to go through me first." And they were probably well aware by now.
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a-musing-mixologist · 1 year ago
law watches killer prepare some meal in the kitchen, golden eyes following as the man moves from the left to the right. "thankfully, the crew is very good at listing all birthdays," his lips curl into a smirk: "i was wondering if there is anything you'd like? as it seems it's quite nearby." law already has picked something but since he gave kid two for his birthday, it seems like a good excuse to also gift the blond two things.
"..." He pauses, an entire head of cabbage in his hands. "They yap too much sometimes." He shakes his head with a sigh, chopping the bottom stalk off the greens before setting the whole thing in a large pot to fill with water.
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"Ya don't gotta do nothin', fwahahaha," He's not as opposed to his own birthday as his partner is, but he's still not one to make a big deal of it, even if the crew loves to. "Ain't like I'm a very material kinda guy. Got pretty much everything I could need." He tilts his head. "Guess if ya insist on gettin' something, can't go wrong with stuff fer the galley. Won't complain 'bout more kitchen goods." He sets the pot on the stove. "... Wonder if I should be expectin' somethin' t' go along with Kid's little accessory? Fwahahaha! Never know just what yer plannin'. with that intense expression ya always wear."
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a-musing-mixologist · 1 year ago
law is certainly not drunk, but the alcohol makes him pleasantly reckless. okay, it's a lie. maybe it helps that killer is in the same room. at least he'll die with somebody having witnessed his insanity bravery. law's lying with his head hanging down on the bed. he bites his lip lazily before he pulls the gift box out from underneath it, throwing it over to kid with a smirk. "don't want you to feel too spoiled, so i got you something useful, helping you when you won't stop talking next time we have some fun." this is his death testimony, isn't it? the surgeon picked it, perfectly fitting with kid's style, he even made a few additional details. it doesn't change what it is, god he really must have been insane when he thought this would be funny. if this is his end, he will go with his annoying grin! it sits casually on his face, not moving an inch.
Tipsy Law is about what he'd expected, and despite the scowl he's currently wearing, he finds the idiot endearing as always. He's been watching the surgeon out of the corner of his eye, half expecting him to simply slide off the bed like an overboiled piece of spaghetti and accidentally snap his scrawny neck. The man is clearly plotting something, he can see how those gold eyes shine above cheeks flushed from ale and gravity.
He catches the box in his good hand, shooting a suspicious gaze from it to the man grinning ferally on his bed. Shaking his head with a groan, he tears into the offering. It's... a leather muzzle. Black and red, with little metal studs. He holds it up, staring. It looked very much his style, which made it all the fucking worse. Beside Law, Killer is silent for a moment before failing to contain a snort that heralds him bursting into laughter like a demented hyena.
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"Hrghk!" The absolute nerve of that asshole. Not even on board for a month... "YE THINK THIS IS FUNNY YE SMUG LITTLE SHITE?" He'll just pretend the heat rising in his cheeks is from rage, and not from where his mind is trying to go. He rises to his feet, feathers drifting about him as he stomps toward the source of his woes. Kneeling in front of the bed, he puts his face dangerously close to Law's. The surgeon hasn't moved, cocky grin still on his lips. Killer is one step away from very literally rolling on the floor.
"Muzzle or nae, yer gyan' tae need all yer skills tae get yer guts back in place once I'm done with ye."
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