#๐ŸŒต disaster scientist
What is your discord code there???
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"Is... Is that what you meant? P-pardon me if not..."
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buttered *and* salted popcorn
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Ah! you're awake, Aloe! Cy does seem very happy that you're able to watch the episode, is there a reason why they like that episode so much?
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"Just l-like myself, they enjoy watching media about foods a-and cooking, and- and that is considered 'cooking' for them..."
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hi aloe!! how've you been?
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> Aloe Cookie is now Available for Questions!
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Hi lemon?
โšก "H... iiii...?"
Lemon couldn't seem to find his words, and whatever sounds akin to a greeting he made were certainly out of it. One could say, after causing such a mess, he was in a minor state of shock.
A gentle hand was set upon his shoulder, one that made him jump and accidentally spark out a bolt. Thank goodness Beanie was insulated with all that warmth and fluff.
โ›„ "Come on... No worries... We'll clean this up later, 'kay? Let's go somewhere safer... An' calmer..."
Though it was odd to calm down so quick, Lemon found it was... Natural to keep calm by Bean's side.
โ›„ "Good. 'Ey, Addie, Dino. We're goin' outta here."
A few cheers and chimes from the two rabid fellows, and the warm-hearted cookie turns to the two. He gives a small bow and yet another apology before he shoos off with the other three.
๐ŸŒต "That's... Quite th-the cast you have..."
๐Ÿ’ "The whole main crew... Almost. That yellow one isn't normally around here. Even without that little one, they're all a bunch of chaotic messes."
๐ŸŒต "...Chaos attracts chaos, huh? Aha... Ha..."
๐Ÿ’ "I guess so, huh? Heh."
๐Ÿ’ "Either way, get yourself up, Dr. Vera. Let's get you these supplies before the there's another one of those destructive disasters from that newbie."
๐ŸŒต "I... Alright..."
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what kind of structural instability
๐Ÿ’ "What the Hell is going on?!"
Pinkie barked, and through the hole in the wall, Addie, Beanie, and Dino stood. Dino was admiring the destructive work, Addie was laughing his ass off at the fact that the newbie just burst a wall open on accident, and Beanie was just... Trying to explain.
โ›„ "Well, you see Boss... Lemon here was t'test their capabilities and i' happened to... Cause an accident."
๐Ÿ’ "Don't you realize how much it'll cost to repair this mess?"
๐ŸŽฒ "Aye! 'S not like ya ain't used t'that room bein'a mess! It ain't that big'a deal."
The android growled, only making the grin of the Southern-accented fella grin wider. Aloe, by Pinkie's side, took a step away from the hole in the wall and just... Backed himself against the wall.
โ›„ "Uh... Pardon, you two. We really didn't expect Lemon's capabilities t'be this strong. Maybe we should move t' th'roof... Or outside..."
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Admiring his old blanket, Aloe had forgotten the question of what he was being assigned to do. He'd love this thing, and even if it was dirty and had some tattered qualities to it, it held a high sentimental value.
He snuggled it close, taking a deep breath of the blanket before immediately regretting it. Yep, that blanket certainly reeked of being trapped in a storage closet for a solid few years. Even so, he wasn't letting this new comfort item go.
Especially when the wall next to them would blast open. ...wait-
Loud as any blast would be, the wall to his and Pinkie's side burst open from some outside force. Pinkie swore and ducked down, as if it trained itself for such a situation. Aloe, on the other hand, only curled up upon himself- still standing- gripping the blanket tight.
Dust and rubble eventually cleared from the air, and Pinkie cautiously rose. The training room... A gaping hole had been put through it by... By...
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That damn newbie!
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i want to wrap aloe in a blanket :(
๐Ÿ’ "A blanket? What, do those actually help?"
๐ŸŒต "W-warmth... Makes others calm and happy... At least- uh- so my research and Caramel's aid suggests..."
๐Ÿ’ "Huh. No wonder that dichromatic-eyed fool always tries to stay warm."
With a mix of a scoff and a laugh from Pinkie, it guided Aloe down from the roof. A long staircase, very long in fact, one that had plateaus leading to the different floors of the building. Down the steps, two, three, four flights... And they broke away to wander down a hall. Various doors on the left and right, obviously leading into different rooms that would be disreguarded for the moment.
Pinkie, though uncaring as it seemed, looked back at Aloe now and then, just to ensure he was safe and not having another one of those panics. Sure, he was nervous- scared, even- but that couldn't be helped.
Reaching a specific door, about three-fourths down the hallway, Pinkie opened it right up to find a room familiar to the storage room.
๐ŸŒต "The... The storage room..."
๐Ÿ’ "Well yea, duh! It was already a mess when we repurposed it, so may as well keep it that way by shoving all our supplies in it. Come on, let's get you some supplies."
๐ŸŒต "Supplies? Supplies for wh-"
Cut off by a blanket to the face. The throw's force, even for a soft ball of plush cloth, was enough to get him to stumble back. The scientist took a moment to take the blanket off of his face, holding it in his hands to observe it. It was a small, Hero-patterned blanket. Comic book exerpts of 'POW!', 'BOOM!', and the like were littered about the cartoonishly sewn designs of Hero himself.
๐ŸŒต "Huh... I-I thought I lost this..."
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did aloe just fuck himself over
Aloe nearly crumpled to the floor, panic washing over him as his actions were met with high doses of regret. 'I'm sorry-' He choked on his words, but they repeated over and over again. The scientist trembled, mumbling how he shouldn't ever raise his voice- that if he needed hurt because of it that he'd deserve it- that he doesn't deserve and kindness for such a-
๐Ÿ’ "Hey."
The android's voice was... Soft. An oddity for something Aloe created- loud and bombastic voices were always the trend, and yet-...
๐Ÿ’ "From all that I know, it wasn't your fault. And Hell... Even if you were the cause of all that, you built me, right? I might not have wanted to be built, but you know what you did?"
๐ŸŒต "H... Hmm...?"
๐Ÿ’ "You stopped the war. Whatever you started, you stopped. You must've knew it was unjust when you made me... And created my programming to correct it, huh?"
๐ŸŒต "...I d-don't know..."
๐Ÿ’ "Hah. Either way, I know what you did now. It wasn't your fault, and I refuse to believe otherwise."
Pinkie offered a hand to its creator. It was met with a flinch before Aloe could dare look up. Fearful, but not surprised. It... It was just an offered hand. It wouldn't harm him. Everything was fine for the moment.
Gently, the scientist took Pinkie's hand, and the grip they shared was strong, but still fragile. A perfect hold for someone so skittish.
๐Ÿ’ "Let's get you inside and dry you up, fool."
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You cant assume a person's motivation. While a persons actions can be bad. I dont like judging from the outside looking ina
๐Ÿ’ "Whether or not I know where DJ had come from, assuming that they had gone through something traumatic doesn't excuse their behavior. Manipulation by another source, perhaps, but otherwise there's no reason for them to act the way they do other than being an evil, unjust individual!"
๐ŸŒต "They... They aren't evil... They just-... Their past..."
๐Ÿ’ "And your reasoning about 'their past'? Where is it? You can't keep supporting them without justifiable reason! Give them proper justice if you're going to try and defend them!"
๐Ÿ’ "Tell me! Why do you justify the war? Why do you justify what happened to Hero, to that rocker, to the entire town?!"
The badgering and pressure seemed to push Aloe past a point. With breath shaking, he dared to act upon something he knew he shouldn't have. Any other circumstances would have had him punished, harmed, in some way- shape- or form. Even so, his voice burst out with a desperate growl.
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๐ŸŒต "If you would LISTEN for once, you'd know that DJ DIDN'T have a good life! Past- Past that, I was the one that made the corruptive music in the first place!"
๐ŸŒต "It was MY discovery! It was M-MY- MY music medling that led to them using it, and THEY took credit! It was MY fault Ions ran about playing music that infested the town with corruption, it was MY fault Cyborg had shot the- the Hero down! I BUILT THEM! And I was the one that made the most effort in the Sound Revolution! I listened to them, but I was STILL the reason for the catastrophe and the one who ACTED!"
The shock settled in quick, numbing the air for the passing moments. Pinkie stood, only able to stare at the man it never would have expected to raise his voice in such a way. Sinister voicing, yes it knew that was a possibility, but full-on yelling at the top of one's lungs? It...
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...It was a lot. A lot for both involved.
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ok aloe now punch pink (im joking dont youll hurt your hand just try not to die on purpose ok)
๐ŸŒต "I... I can't dare even m-make myself do such a thing for a joke..."
๐Ÿ’ "Of course you can't! Because that's exactly what DJ would do!"
๐ŸŒต "...I know, I know DJ is meant to be bad, a-and I do 'hate' them, but..."
Something about the way Pinkie scolded DJ just struck the scientist as wrong. Perhaps it was his still conflicting emotions, perhaps it was him blaming himself for all of what DJ's done despite how he knew it wasn't his fault.
This whole 'trauma'- or so he remembers Caramel describing it to him as- is the most horrible thing he's had to deal with. Maybe he's just a mental mess that needs a step back... Though he can't get that, now can he?
๐Ÿ’ "You and I both know they've done nothing but bad things! What evidence do you even have to prove that wrong?"
๐ŸŒต "...They- Back before you... Before you were rebuilt, a-and even before they met me-"
๐Ÿ’ "If you're defending them, then you don't really hate them, you know. Are you still compliant to them, still a sheep to their will after the years apart you both were? Even after learning what they were like?"
๐ŸŒต "Listen I- I- I can't tell anymore, okay? I'm just-... I know it's contradictory..."
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aloe dude you gotta breathe
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There's hesitance, but Aloe takes a few moments to try and steady his breathing. He's learned from Caramel how to do breathe properly to reduce anxiety and panic- Yet he needed this reminder in order to help himself.
Caramel... Oh, his best friend would be in such a state seeing him like this. He's a mess. But even so- just breathe. Just breathe.
Disregarding the time, Aloe does indeed calm himself down enough to speak, even if not much. He's shivering, insure if it's the cold of being up on the roof or the lowered body tempurature from crying.
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๐ŸŒต "My... My apologies... This- This endeavor of facing Pinkie is very stressful... One could describe this as-... T-terrifying, perhaps?"
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Why is DJ a bad person???
๐Ÿ’ "You see this lump of tears and anxieties? Dr. Vera? Guess who's fault it is? DJ's! Why is there a rainbow corruption that affects most townsfolk here in Los AnJellies? Because of DJ and their music!"
๐Ÿ’ "Why did the Hero of the town get shot down by some Cyborg Menace and lost an eye? And then went MIA until discovered the next town over? Because DJ altered them to!"
๐Ÿ’ "WHY are Rockstar and myself alive? Because DJ can't let go of anyone due to their own filthy selfishness!"
Practically shouting, Pinkie had only stopped for a moment hearing the scientist in a sweater deny one of the accusations.
๐ŸŒต "N-no... It's mine- it's a-all my mistakes..."
๐Ÿ’ "You! You're actually speaking again! What do you mean it's your mistakes?"
Silence, once again. Damnit, Pinkie had something going and immediately lost it.
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Cyborg i know you dont understand humans or cookies well. But sometimes a emotions can cause a reaction that forces vocal cords to close. And they wont reopen intill calmed down. Usually people comforting a crying person helps calm people down
๐Ÿ’ "Cyborg? I'm no Cyborg- I'm an android! An android thanks to that emotional pile of plant over there!"
๐Ÿ’ "..."
๐Ÿ’ "Though if it would help to try and be nice to that fool, I guess it would be worth a shot."
Pinkie turns around to the lump of stress sitting on the otherside of the rooftop. It sighs, and approaches without much caution. Though it was attempting to be comforting, just the notion of the approach tensed Aloe to no end. What an emotional, childish adult he is.
๐Ÿ’ "Aloe. Dr. Vera. Whatever the Hell you call yourself nowadays. I'm not going to hurt you, got it?"
No words, only whimpering.
๐Ÿ’ "...Stop whining. You sound like DJ when you do that- and we both know DJ is someone to be hated."
Even so, still no words. This already was getting frustrating for the android.
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aloe did she ever say what she needed you for exactly?
๐ŸŒต "N-no... I- I don't want to awknowledge it at all... Seeing that machine I m-made... It hurts..."
The scientist whimpers, keeping his head in his hands as the tears pour out. The terror seems to have brought about memories that gave him nothing but grief.
๐ŸŒต "The- The scoldings... All of- o-of the pressure DJ gave me- the-... The Revolution, the terror, the... The f-failings..."
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