#✖ pictureless memory
whys lemon important to you??
🎻 "...I'm the only one who will- or would I suppose- take care of him. Everyone else was scared or left him. Especially Cinnamon, with that night that famous guitarist almost perished during a live concert. The 'Grand Finale' concert, if I remember right."
Shaking his head, the emerald-eyed fellow continued to push forward. It was not a fortunate time to remember.
🎻 "His emotions got out of control, as did his powers, and... He lost his apartment, I put myself into debt after healing from the blast Lemon had made, and Cinnamon abandoned us both. Cinna- the only other close friend at the time- became a recluse. Then again... Perhaps all three of us did..."
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whos after you dude??
🎻 "Anyone and everyone who can take ahold of me and use the advantage to hand me a quick bundle of money in exchange for services. I typically plan them, but there's always a few that attempt such... Unexpectedly."
Mint takes a cautious glance around him, squinting into the dark as he continues onwards. The less people there are in sight, the more concerned he grows.
🎻 "There are also the authorities I must worry for... Somewhat. Either way, I am not offering any contract or bodily work tonight. Not... Any more tonight, anyways..."
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yo what's up mint
🎻 "Ah? Well, at the moment I am tracking down my dear friend Lemon... He may have been taken to the League of Justice, but I fear he'll cause damage there..."
🎻 "He does so nearly everywhere, and if he happens to become stressed while in such an expensive and important facility..."
The mess of an ex-musician shakes his head, huffing as he attempts to draw his mind away from the thoughts. The damages, the expenses, the debt... Just keep walking.
🎻 "I am also keeping my guard up. I am seen as... A person of interest to many among the shadows..."
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did aloe just fuck himself over
Aloe nearly crumpled to the floor, panic washing over him as his actions were met with high doses of regret. 'I'm sorry-' He choked on his words, but they repeated over and over again. The scientist trembled, mumbling how he shouldn't ever raise his voice- that if he needed hurt because of it that he'd deserve it- that he doesn't deserve and kindness for such a-
💝 "Hey."
The android's voice was... Soft. An oddity for something Aloe created- loud and bombastic voices were always the trend, and yet-...
💝 "From all that I know, it wasn't your fault. And Hell... Even if you were the cause of all that, you built me, right? I might not have wanted to be built, but you know what you did?"
🌵 "H... Hmm...?"
💝 "You stopped the war. Whatever you started, you stopped. You must've knew it was unjust when you made me... And created my programming to correct it, huh?"
🌵 "...I d-don't know..."
💝 "Hah. Either way, I know what you did now. It wasn't your fault, and I refuse to believe otherwise."
Pinkie offered a hand to its creator. It was met with a flinch before Aloe could dare look up. Fearful, but not surprised. It... It was just an offered hand. It wouldn't harm him. Everything was fine for the moment.
Gently, the scientist took Pinkie's hand, and the grip they shared was strong, but still fragile. A perfect hold for someone so skittish.
💝 "Let's get you inside and dry you up, fool."
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ok aloe now punch pink (im joking dont youll hurt your hand just try not to die on purpose ok)
🌵 "I... I can't dare even m-make myself do such a thing for a joke..."
💝 "Of course you can't! Because that's exactly what DJ would do!"
🌵 "...I know, I know DJ is meant to be bad, a-and I do 'hate' them, but..."
Something about the way Pinkie scolded DJ just struck the scientist as wrong. Perhaps it was his still conflicting emotions, perhaps it was him blaming himself for all of what DJ's done despite how he knew it wasn't his fault.
This whole 'trauma'- or so he remembers Caramel describing it to him as- is the most horrible thing he's had to deal with. Maybe he's just a mental mess that needs a step back... Though he can't get that, now can he?
💝 "You and I both know they've done nothing but bad things! What evidence do you even have to prove that wrong?"
🌵 "...They- Back before you... Before you were rebuilt, a-and even before they met me-"
💝 "If you're defending them, then you don't really hate them, you know. Are you still compliant to them, still a sheep to their will after the years apart you both were? Even after learning what they were like?"
🌵 "Listen I- I- I can't tell anymore, okay? I'm just-... I know it's contradictory..."
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Why is DJ a bad person???
💝 "You see this lump of tears and anxieties? Dr. Vera? Guess who's fault it is? DJ's! Why is there a rainbow corruption that affects most townsfolk here in Los AnJellies? Because of DJ and their music!"
💝 "Why did the Hero of the town get shot down by some Cyborg Menace and lost an eye? And then went MIA until discovered the next town over? Because DJ altered them to!"
💝 "WHY are Rockstar and myself alive? Because DJ can't let go of anyone due to their own filthy selfishness!"
Practically shouting, Pinkie had only stopped for a moment hearing the scientist in a sweater deny one of the accusations.
🌵 "N-no... It's mine- it's a-all my mistakes..."
💝 "You! You're actually speaking again! What do you mean it's your mistakes?"
Silence, once again. Damnit, Pinkie had something going and immediately lost it.
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aloe did she ever say what she needed you for exactly?
🌵 "N-no... I- I don't want to awknowledge it at all... Seeing that machine I m-made... It hurts..."
The scientist whimpers, keeping his head in his hands as the tears pour out. The terror seems to have brought about memories that gave him nothing but grief.
🌵 "The- The scoldings... All of- o-of the pressure DJ gave me- the-... The Revolution, the terror, the... The f-failings..."
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red and white liquid??? he melted a candy cane?
⛄ "...'s a metaphor. Sayin' what he actually did is kinda disturbing, according to what we've heard..."
🎲 "An' I saw'it in action, too! So y'know 's real dirt!"
Lemon appeared to be looking at the ground, a cause for concern from Beanie. He removed himself from the stressed ball of sparks and only gave a gentle rub upon his back.
🍋 "...what... did h-he do...?"
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Beep boop return Aloe or get the droop
Pinkie promptly landed on the roof of the large, lab-like building. It finally set Aloe down, though the poor scientist just crumpled on the ground like a piece of screwed-up graph paper on a research project no one cared for, even including the tear-stains via the stressed crying that came from screwing up.
💝 "Ugh. Emotions are stupid."
Prompting to ignore the threat, and Aloe altogether for the moment, it looked over the edge of the rooftop to find the same three it spied on the way here. Addie, Beanie, and the third blondie. It called down to the three, which startled the smallest of the group.
⛄ "Ah... New recruit! We're bringing this fella in to introduce him to Dino!"
⛄ "Thanks, Boss! We'll be in the training room if y'need us!"
With the three exiting through an entrance, Pinkie turned back to the sobbing sap of a scared scientist. He was curled up, fetal position, and trembling.
🌵 "I-I want Cyb-borg-... C-Caramel- the Ions-.... H-Hero, a hero..."
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oh gOD OH FUCK--
💝 "That's what I thought! Now, don't interrupt my business again!"
Pinkie tossed Aloe up, causing an ear-piercing squeal to come from the poor sweater scientist as he was caught and promptly carried off once more. Aloe was in tears, and as if things weren't horrible already with his traumas, this would just be another experience to add to the pile.
All the while, the town Aloe resided in was left behind, as the two flew over the forest towards the next town over. However, upon reaching within the town...
Below the two, the metallic menace spotted a group of three below that were notable to it. Two blondies and an over-layered cookie.
💝 "Those love birds... They're going to take forever to get back if they keep chatting it up like that!"
With a huff, it sent a small blast down to the ground. The blast spooked the third, a small bright yellow fellow, while the other two seemed unphased. Nonetheless, their paces were certainly picked up by the occurance.
Pinkie seemed satisfied, and started going the rest of the distance, towards an incredibly large building- one that bared similarities to Aloe's own labratory home, but this one wasn't surrounded by forest. In fact, it was in the middle of a busied town. Los AnJellies.
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Despite its confusion, Pinkie shook it off and huffed. Their next action made DJ take a step back, as most would when a blaster was being pointed at their face... And charging up.
💝 "Enough games- I want you to show me where the corruption is. Or so help me this blast will hold the force of all the people you made suffer over in the city of Los An-Jellies!"
DJ was quite familiar with the situation, and being the coward that they are when faced with actual concentration, they gave in with a whimper.
🎧 "F-fine! Okay! I... I don't want any more conflict with anyone!"
Pinkie put down its blaster, a soft 'whrr' quieting to nothing as the power receded. It ordered for DJ to lead the way, and with some reluctance, they headed out from the balcony and back into the labs. The smaller huffed, mumbling to themselves as they passed through the lab's halls and rooms. All littered with hanging images of Aloe's various achievements and happy moments.
...Those that held torn pictures showed small bits of DJ leftover. The sights of these were recorded in the android's mind, set to process the meaning of them. However, it did recognize the general meaning the images...
💝 "You still toyed with that scientist even after you left, huh? Despicable."
🎧 "As observant as ever, huh? You never change, Pinkie..."
💝 "As if I would know that I was observant in the past. You know I don't remember."
🎧 "...You do. I know you do."
💝 "...Shut it and just keep leading, manipulator."
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so pinkie what dirt do you have on dj
💝 "Dirt? Oh, I have a whole mountain on this troublesome tyke!"
🎧 "Tyke? I'm as old as you!!"
Pinkie simply taps DJ's head with its blaster, grinning with a certain amount of malicious intent. Despite this, the music remixer seems to be enjoying this, laughing softly.
💝 "They caused an entire war! Designed weapons- Manipulated people! They have the worst sense of justice I have ever seen! If I had my way with them, and if it wasn't illegal in this city, they'd be ashes already!"
🎧 "Ashes-?"
💝 "Not to mention the pain the people in the next town over still feel from their leftover shenanigans wanting to 'save' the world from 'evil'! And I see with the new spike in corruption, there's still more deceit going on here!"
🎧 "Deceit... No, no! It wasn't me this time! It was Cyborg!"
💝 "Playing the blame game, huh? I said I wasn't going to play your games!"
🎧 "...I missed you, you know."
💝 "Wh...?"
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U want fuit gumy?
🎲 "I gotta lotta gummies already! Y'know, 'cause travellin' is what I love t'do, an' y'need snacks fer that kinda adventurin'!"
The devilish cookie laughs heartily, putting one hand in his pocket to take out a small bag of gummy bears. And without looking back, Addie tosses them back, resulting in a squeak from Lemon as he just barely catches the packet.
🎲 "Nice catch! So, y'got all yer stuff settled?"
A nod from the Lem, and Beanie offers his hand once more, which the smaller takes almost by instinct. Bean finds a sense of comfort in holding another's hand, and gently guides him out onto the sidewalk, Addie following close behind.
⛄ "It's a bit of'a walk, but if you get tired, I can carry you. Is that alright with you, buddy?"
Another head movement of agreement, and the three set out. Above then, a figure of pink can be seen. Wherever it was going... It was certainly going fast.
🎲 "'Ey! Boss is flyin' 'round again!"
⛄ "...I wonder what its doin'... Home is the other direction..."
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Vibe check! *smashes aloe's head with a glass bottle*
Aloe has been glassed. There he is, on the floor, holding the back of his head after being glassed. You done did it, he's been glassed.
Caramel is concerned from the sidelines, though Cranberry quickly takes hold to prevent any panic.
⚙️ "Eh. It isn't that painful... But I guess I'm gonna have to clean up more glass, huh?"
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How did you punish Cy?? You can't just let them get away with that
🌵 "Punish-? Wh-what, no, I wouldn't do that to my family!"
Seems the prospect of 'punishment' isn't exactly a comfortable topic for Aloe when relating it to family. In fact, he appears mildly spooked, and even Caramel isn't keen on it either.
🌵 "I just... Gave them a-a small verbal scolding. That should be enough... I don't want to hurt their feelings since- uh- since negative things like that can harm someone a lot..."
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lmao im literally so afraid rn aloe what does that MEAN
🌵 "Huh? Relaxing? It... Just means wh-what it means! We can finally take a break from all the chaos that um... Rockstar caused..."
Aloe side-eyes Rockstar's resting body, lightly grimacing. He sure hopes his work was enough. He could feign confidence all he wished, but it couldn't ever root itself into truth.
🌵 "I may have to look after him now, but at least Cyborg won't do anything like that again to cause a... Another horrific accident... O-or so I hope."
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