feelingsaturated · 3 months
friendships are tenuous.
if she says one wrong thing, breathes the wrong way, the house of cards all comes crumbling down. jaeyi's self-diagnosed with chronic foot-in-mouthitis, because it seems near impossible for her to make any friends as an adult. not that her teenage years were all that much better, but there's something that makes it so much fucking harder to make friends at 21 than 12. whatever happened to just telling someone on the playground that you wanted to be friends?
surface-level acquaintanceships are really all she has these days, and one of them, she finds kneeling in the dirt in the silver line communal gardens. jaeyi plucks mint leaves in exchange for ciders from the vending machines, and they sometimes spend a few minutes sitting on the swing. gyuri tells her about fertilisers and jaeyi nods along without the slightest clue of what she's on about. it's rare that the aeternal's not the one going on and on, which is probably why the budding (ha!) friendship's lasted as long as it has.
tonight, gyuri says the wrong thing.
they're (read: gyuri) gardening, when there's a bang and everything goes dark. jaeyi freezes, eyes darting around like they're looking for answers. the sun's already dipping below the horizon, and if the backup power doesn't kick in soon, they'll be left in darkness. jaeyi knows it's probably something getting caught in the crossfires of an aeternal and supervillain fight, but look, she's terrified of whatever the hell is going bump in the night.
then, a scream that sends shivers down jaeyi's spine. gyuri's alarmed gaze meets her own, and the other woman says the one thing she was hoping she wouldn't.
"for fuck's- yeah." it's half exasperated sigh, half scoff, like jaeyi can't quite believe gyuri actually said it. the mask slips, and jaeyi's too tired to put it back on. "okay, yeah, i did." would it have been worse or better if it was in her head? if gyuri hadn't said it out loud, would it have made it less real? "don't tell me you wanna go check it out, because when i tell you, you'd be the first to die in a horror movie."
"did you hear that?" with ♡, for @contoursilver's gyuri
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🌦Confessions gone wrong...
Genshin men and how they fuck up their confessions to you.
Ft. Bennett, Venti, Xingqiu, Xiao, Itto, and Wanderer
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Tags: Fem!Reader, Long-Hair!Reader(Xingqiu), crushes, pining, fluff, pg, bad things happen to good people. Note: This thread is mostly humor. I just really wanted to bully some characters. No beta. Pay no mind to me trying to edit my mistakes after this has been posted. (Repost!)
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Fatal Flaw: Honestly does nothing wrong, is just an unlucky dude.
There’s too many instances to count. The poor boy has really been trying to tell you his feelings for MONTHS.
In his excitement he wanted to be flashy and ask you out somewhere cool, like by the big tree in Windrise. The weather thankfully allowed it, but right as he was about to take your hand and confess, a swarm of crystal flies began swarming him. You didn’t know they could be so aggressive.
A restaurant! He could treat you to a meal and tell you there! When the two of you arrived at Good Hunter, it was unfortunately closed early for the day. Apparently all of the meat had suddenly gone bad…
You get the gist.... he’s been in this constant confession limbo for a while now. The more he wants it the worse it goes.
Bennett finally decided he didn’t need the bells and whistles. He cared about you a lot and he was going to confess to you if it was the last thing he did. And it damn well might be. With a new found determination, he ran out to do just that.
“Y/N!” Bennett called out when he spotted you by the Adventure’s Guild. He rushed to you, paying special attention to every stair step to keep from tripping. You turned around and smiled too sweetly when you caught sight of him. It made the boy’s heart thump in his chest. Were it not for his sudden tunnel vision, he may have noticed that cat running past him and not trip down the remaining flight of stairs. 
The next time he opened his eyes, he found himself being carried up the familiar route to the cathedral. The adventurer’s face flushed bright red when he realized you were the one carrying him piggyback. It was embarrassing..... but it shamefully wasn’t the first time. Bennett sighed in defeat and simply leaned into your back. When felt his shift in weight, you glanced back to smile at him. You giggled at his clumsiness and it was like music to the boy’s ears. You told him how glad you were that he already regained consciousness this time.  
The two of you began joke around like usual and talked the rest of the way there. Bennett took the small victories.
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Fatal Flaw: Tries to impress you too hard.
He knew exactly where he was going to sing his love ballad about you. The sound of the wind as it blew off the hills of starsnatch cliff would be the perfect accompaniment. Maybe it would need some encouragement, but it was nothing he couldn’t accomplish.
Venti wanted the wine to be just right for the occasion too. You deserved nothing but the best. And how else would he be able to judge the quality.... if not just a teeny tiny taste test? He had to be thorough about this choice after all.
The bard usually had enough self control to limit himself to a glass or two, but he felt his nerves get to him a tad. Venti had the confidence that he could show you a beautiful night, but in the end it was your choice whether to accept his heartfelt gesture. The archon respected your freedom above all else. 
They sure don’t call it liquid courage for nothing! Venti was brimming with confidence when he brought you to a picnic under a tree, overlooking the cecilias in full bloom. You were visibly in awe, and your reactions quickly inflated the bard’s ego to dangerous heights. “If you think that’s beautiful, watch this.”
A gust of wind flowed over the field, sweeping up all the fallen petals to dance in the air. It was unreal, magical, magnificent, splendid, it was…… buzzing? A thud fell between the two of you and effectively ended the romantic moment. It was a wasps nest.
“ABANDON SHIP!” Venti cried out, grabbing your hand and booking it downhill. 
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Fatal Flaw: Hubris.
He really doesn’t like to toot his own horn. Maybe once in a while when it’s warranted. But he really out did himself. Xingqiu read plenty of books regarding the art of courting, and they guided the way to what was sure to be the most romantic confession possible. 
The brilliance was in the simplicity of the plan. First he would begin with a gift. The two of you always met at the book store on your off-days. When he sees you wear your long hair in your usual up-do, he would offer the beautiful hair ornament he acquired. Maybe in your excitement, you would even allow him to affix it for you.
The boy’s stomach dropped when he saw you enter the bookstore. He stared while you looked around for him, turning your head left and right in an adorable manner. The movement accentuated your newest feature... a hair cut. “Y/N, over here.” Xingqiu called to you, his confidence was already wavering a little. You excitedly walked to meet up with him and offered a big grin.
Well all is not lost! This leads into his next step; Flattery! “Dear Y/N, you cut your hair. It looks-” “Ugh, don’t remind me.” You quickly cut him off, mood souring just a tad. You explain the tragic story of how you stupidly got a chunk of your hair caught in a lever. The only solution was to cut it clean off, the dramatic change was definitely still a sore topic. 
Now the boy was breaking a sweat. He changed to a new tactic, to cheer you up. Xingqiu dropped the subject and prompted that you both look at the newest releases. It would help to take your mind off things and he was banking on the last step of his plan to pan out. It was his last hope. 
The two of you settled on the docks and were eager to discuss the books you had just picked. Xingqiu had hidden a love poem into the latest book from your favorite author. He knew you couldn’t resist picking it up, so he stealthily slipped the note into the book you held. Xingqiu spend all night pouring his heart out just right onto the page, as if trying to convey every reason he should be by your side. He expressed his desperate want to be the one to protect and cherish you. Watching you now, talking about your day, left his brain dazed in admiration. It made him realize that all those little things before didn’t matter, as long as you knew how much he adored you in the end.
Finally, you pulled out your newest book to show Xingqiu. The distressed boy nearly fell off the dock. “T-the cover-” He stammered, quickly righting himself. You looked back at him concerned, and slowly explained that it was a limited edition cover. It was only available for the first hundred copies sold. When you saw there was still some in stock, you just had to snag one. 
Why do novels make romance it sound so easy....
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Fatal Flaw: One track mind.
Xiao had been hyping himself up for this one moment for weeks! He nearly talks himself out of confessing every other minute. You may not even reciprocate, but for his sanity he couldn’t keep hiding how deeply he cares for you. The whole situation was so uncertain but the hammering in his chest was proof that he had to do this.
Its like a band-aid he just had to rip it off. To get it over with. Xiao had no idea how to approach it and resorted to redeeming a favor owed to him. He needed to know what he was getting into and have a battle plan. When he approached Ganyu for advice he concealed most of the details. If she was any the wiser who he was asking romantic advice for, she was kind enough to not to mention it and let him keep his pride.
Xiao glanced down at the single glaze lily in his hand. The irony was not lost on him. It was almost humorous, an adeptus making an offering to a mortal and asking for their blessing.
It was almost the time and he prepared as if going into war. You greeted him and sat casually on the balcony railing of Wangshu Inn. Xiao wasted no time with pleasantries and held out the glaze lily to you. “Please accept this.” He stated. The flower was rigidly extended to the full length of his arm. The fiery determination on his face was  quite off-putting while offering such a delicate plant.
“Ah... I appreciate it Xiao, I really do, but I can’t.” You began to say, confusion steeping into your tone.
“I insist and I ask that you hear me out.” Xiao’s arm did moving an inch. It was the first thing Ganyu told him to do. He couldn’t abandon his path already. 
“What is going on Xiao? I really can’t accept-” You try to explain.
“Please.” His eyes were downcast and the yaksha’s tone was the closest thing to a plea that you’ve ever heard it. You were a tad bewildered and felt as though there was no use trying to talk him down right now. Left with no other choice, you reluctantly took the glaze lily in your hand. 
“Y/N I must tell you that I-” Thats as far as Xiao got before the coughing fit began. Your wracking coughs brought you to your knees. A wheeze is the only thing you could manage as you point to your bag. Xiao was alert and scrambling to make sense of what was happening. Your bag is brought to you in an instant and an arm wrapped around your waist to gently guide you to a chair. 
It took twenty minutes to fully get your breathing under control. You declined is offer to go grab you help. You just knew Xiao would disappear as soon as it arrived. It was a small allergy attack and nothing too threatening, but you could tell the boy next to you was profusely beating himself up for it.
You never did find out why he was so insistent on you taking that flower. What a strange guy. 
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Fatal Flaw: All of the above.
The whole situation was more or less doomed from the start. Once his oblivious ass realized he was in love with you, it was over. The oni was going to confess to you so hard that people were going to be talking about it for YEARS!
It was an all hands on deck operation. Itto gathered the whole gang and then some. He was able to recruit the neighborhood kids to gather as  many sakura pedals as they could carry. The boys were on staging duty, making sure the location was so romantic it could even make onikabuto stop fighting long enough fall in love. Itto even managed win a few fireworks off Yoimiya. (She brutally crushed him in a game of Genius Invokation TCG, and mercifully tossed a couple firecrackers his way as a consolation prize.) SCORE!
It was all coming together! All that was left was to distract you for just a little bit longer. That was a job so important that he could only entrust it to his competent second in command. Shinobu tried to convince Itto again and again that he didn’t need all this extra stuff. Pulling off something this complicated was only setting his expectations to an impossible height. Overall wouldn't it be better to be up front and earnest with you about how he felt? Her genuine, good advice promptly fell on deaf ears. Itto was far too busy trying to find which color would make his horns look even cooler in the light of all the fireflies they captured to release right when he said he loved you. Shinobu left this trainweck to to its thing and went to go find you. 
She usually would’ve press the subject more, but she did genuinely enjoy your company. The Arataki Gang Deputy considered you a good influence on the boss and anything that could keep him out of trouble, the better. 
At last, the time arrived to set all the gears into motion. Now Itto just had to wait for.... The realization hit him. He hadn't told you or Shinobu a time or place too meet today. 
The bumbling oni spent a great deal of the afternoon searching for you like a lost puppy. “Yo! Y/N! Hey Hi! I gotta talk to you!” Itto yelled out across the road.  He had finally managed to catch up to you two. The guy was ecstatic that things were looking up, plan was back on track! If he hurried now he could get you to the location the gang set up before sunset. 
Itto excitedly told you that you HAD to see something. You were always amused by his antics, so of course you agreed. Without hesitation the oni all but dragged you out the door and towards the beach.
When you arrived.... oh crap.
Apparently, you need to get a “warrant” or something to set up the most romantic love confession of all time. Are they trying to say they own the beach or something? That's crazy now! The gang members were trying to explain themselves to the Tenryou Commission guards when you both walked in on the scene. Itto may have made things only a little tiny bit worse when he called the annoyed guard a “block head without a romantic bone in his body”, but no one was keeping score were they? Nonetheless, the whole altercation placed everyone on the scene in a Tenryo Commission cell... including you. 
Shinobu was gonna be so pissed.
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Fatal Flaw: Forgets he’s supposed to be confessing.
The whole situation was incredibly annoying anyway. You were the one who wouldn’t take the hint, why should he have to spell it out for you. It’s not like he even wanted these feelings. It was all happening without his permission. On top of that, you were dense enough to miss the point every single time he tried to explain it to you.  
“Is something on my face?” You asked your newly reformed friend while putting down your book. He'd been boring holes into your skull for several minutes now. 
“No? Why are you asking dumb questions?” He snapped. You noticed Wanderer had been doing that quite frequently recently. You sighed in defeat and began gathering your things.
“If you don’t have anything nice to say, I’m heading out.” You told him casually. 
You were usually pretty patient with Wanderer, but he’d been in some sort of sour mood lately. Typically it took a few more irksome things before he would start his attitude, but you just couldn’t figure out whats been setting him off recently. You decided it was best to just let him calm down and try again later.
“Don’t.” Wanderer said snatched your hand roughly before you could get too far. “I didn’t mean it like that. I wasn’t calling you dumb.” He spoke without looking directly at you. You made no movement towards returning and his grip on your hand did not let up. 
“And?” You prompted gently.
“Sorry. I’m sorry I said it.” He spat out, clearly annoyed.
You settled back down and asked him what's been bothering him. It’s clear that he was on edge and when you pointed it out his posture became rigid. He was a former Harbinger for fuck sake. Why was this so terrifying. He had been through hell and back without flinching, yet here you were just a person with a goofy laugh and weird interests. It shouldn’t be that hard.
“It’s your fault.” The boy accused, shooting you an annoyed glare. “These emotions aren’t exactly something that come with a manual.”
You blinked back at him in confusion and damn it now you looked cute.
“Stop looking at me! It’s weird.” Wanderer sneered, and immediately scolded himself for harsh it came out. You narrowed your eyes and pointed out that he was just staring at you just a few moments ago. Doesn't that make him weird too? “What? No! That was different. Fuck, you’re already missing the point. That’s why this is impossible with you!” 
You were loosing your patience and told him he was being just as impossible. “Me? At least I'm trying to talk here. You make things so much harder. If you just didn’t look at me like I asked, this wouldn’t have been an issue.” The boy jabbed back at you. 
The bickering went on for a while and concluded with both of you storming off in opposite directions. It wasn’t until Wanderer entered the second room over that he remembered what he was trying to say...... “Ugh, smooth.” He scowls.
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<A/N: Hello again! I forgot this one was so long! Thanks for the love I've been receiving on my other works! I read them all and they got me kicking my feet and twirling my hair frfr!>
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silks-up-my-sleeve · 1 year
Hi Jas! How about ✒️🥀🌦️🎨 for the asks? ☺️
Hi Crystal!! How was your day been???
🖌 - Do you have/want any tattoos?
I want so many!!! I've planned a GVF tattoo for Sacred the Thread and some stars. Also, one that's half for From Eden by Hozier and half for Sir Gawain (my favorite Arthurian knight).
🥀 - Favourite animated movie?
Howl's Moving Castle!! It's my comfort movie, and I absolutely loved the book as well. Book!Howl and Movie!Howl are two very different guys and I love them both.
🌦 - What’s your favourite weather?
I love gloomy skies and rain! It's so refreshing and invigorating, I love watching storms roll in and smelling the air. There's just something so nice about rain.
🎨 - Any hobbies?
I have a few!! I knit, read, collect vinyl and a bunch of other things, and I love doing puzzles and diamond paintings
Get to know me!!
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ghostofskywalker · 10 months
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i originally had made another blog for works of mine that were not reader-insert, but it has been just kind of annoying to keep up with and maintain, so i will be linking this post of my star wars fics that do not feature a reader character on my masterlist for people to read if they wish! All links are for Ao3 :)
Emoji Key:
☀️ - pure fluff
🌧 - pure angst
🌤 - both fluff and angst, but more fluff
🌦 - both fluff and angst, but more angst
🍄 - platonic/no romantic relationship
🌻 - author favorite
My Main Masterlist
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Mission Status: Trapped ☀️🍄
pairing: obi-wan kenobi & asajj ventress & hondo ohnaka summary: While on a solo mission for the Jedi, Obi-Wan ends up in a cell with two annoying acquaintances.
Moping Interrupted 🌤🍄
pairing: crosshair & omega summary: Tensions are still running high as Crosshair returns to his brothers, and Omega has a slightly unconventional idea to help him return to his usual self.
How Many ARC Troopers Does It Take To Transport One Sleeping Medic? ☀️🍄
pairing: Echo & Fives & Jesse & Kix summary: When Jesse finds Kix fast asleep out in the storage closet next to the medbay, he recruits Fives and Echo to help him get the medic somewhere a little more comfortable.
Perpetual Uncertainty 🌧🍄🌻
pairing: tech & the bad batch event: haunted clone week summary: After escaping the clutches of the Empire, Tech sets off to find his brothers, and he stumbles across a place that he had only ever read about before, where the threads of life and death seem to intertwine more than usual.
Under a Gleaming Night Sky 🌦🍄
pairing: rey & poe dameron summary: Deep conversations in the middle of the night leave Rey with a lot to consider about her new life.
A New Roommate ☀️
pairing: anakin skywalker/padmé amidala (background) summary: While on her way home from the Senate one evening, a sickly tooka kitten decides to follow Padmé home. She falls in love with it almost immediately.
Secrets to Keep ☀️
pairing: rex & anakin skywalker, rex & fox, anakin skywalker/padmé amidala (background) summary: When Rex overhears some vode at 79's talking about the rumors surrounding his general, he doesn't think anything of it. He could have never expected that a few days later he'd be a keeper of one of Anakin's biggest secrets.
Adventures in Youngling-Sitting ☀️🍄
pairing: fives & echo summary: While on leave, Fives and Echo do some youngling-sitting for the Jedi Order.
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lgcdanbi · 2 years
happy new trimester ! new year, new me, and in 2023, i’m going to do a better job of writing with everyone and anyone on BOTH of my muses. that being said, you can find my q2 2023 event tracker below - if you’d like to thread for any of the events, please like or reply to this post ! alternatively ( or additionally ) if you just want to thread/plot in general, then feel free to hit me up ( or i can, just let me know ! ) !
cf gigs ( 0 / 1 )
japanese debut promotions ( 2 / 3 ) @lgchyejoo, @lgcsoyoun
explore with tz ( 2 / 2 ) @lgcparker, @eunholgc​
modeling contract ( 1 / 1 ) @lgcjinseo
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hoshizorax · 21 days
⛅️ 🌩 (A very pending 💙. Emphasis on the slow. Needs more threads before I could potentially see it!) (Dante @ Noriko)
𝖯𝗋𝗈𝗆𝗉𝗍𝖾𝖽. ♬ @rcdhotnight ⸻ Dante. ⛅️  friends of circumstance 🌦   enemies to friends (?) 💙  slow burn
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we've talked about this (and are still talking about it), but yes i absolutely agree. especially with the slow burn as i'm sorta here and there about the capabilities of shipping her romantically with anyone but maybe as time goes on it would be a thought! lots more threads and lots of plotting ooc!
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corverver010 · 2 months
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Goedemorgen volgers, het is weer een nieuwe dag, ik weet dat het vroeg is maar ik ben weer wakker en dit is dan weer de nieuwe blog, het is vandaag zondag 21 juli 2024 en wat ik vandaag weer allemaal ga doen, ga ik pas vertellen in de volgende updates, maar ga dadelijk eerst even een bak cappucino drinken, ☕️ dan pas ga ik het vertellen om dat het nog vroeg is, dus zie ik jullie weer in de volgende updates, ¹>
Zo na ruim 5 uur zou ik nu maar eens gaan vertellen wat ik vandaag allemaal ga doen, was na de 1e update terug gegaan naar bed, dus net weer voor de 2e keer wakker dus eerst een 2e bak cappucino gemaakt, ☕️ dus ga ik nu even vertellen wat ik ga doen vandaag, zo ga ik dadelijk even mijn ochtend ritueel doen weer een foto groet op mijn andere account en het weerbericht, en verder weer wat oude foto's en zelfgemaakte overzicht filmpje plaatsen, dus zie ik jullie weer in de volgende update, ²>
Nou de ochtend ritueel heb ik ook weer gehad, en had vandaag boodschappen gaan doen, maar dat doe ik nu dus morgenochtend, straks even de was ophangen, en weer wat oude foto's en zelfgemaakte filmpjes plaatsen op mijn andere account, en verder regende het kwartiertje geleden, 🌦 wel lekker een beetje verkoeling, maar zomer is nog niet voorbij, en verder dadelijk wel even een washandje door mijn gezicht halen, 🧼👋 dus zie ik jullie weer in de volgende update, ³>
Oja moet morgen niet vergeten te bellen havensteden had gevraagt in contact net mij te komen i,v,m, werkzaamheden in de tuin, ja dat moet ik niet vergeten, maar dat morgen pas nu zijn ze niet open, om dat het weekend is, maar dat morgen, ga dadelijk even mijn bak cappucino opdrinken, en ga ik even weer wat oude foto's plaatsen, moet zeggen heb de gevoel van een blog maken weer helemaal terug, heb er weer zin in, dat had ik op x niet meer, aangezien hier de berichten langer zijn, een bericht, ⁴>
Haal ik op x twee berichten uit, en je heb hier geen reclame, en leuke reacties, nee heb hier op threads naar mijn zin, maar ga ook niet weg van x dat ben ik niet van plan, dat weer niet, ook daar heb ik twee accounts, en op instagram ook en op Facebook heb ik een pagina Rotterdam van alles, dus en mijn eigen profiel waar je vrienden met mij kan worden, moet je het wel vragen, heb die afgeschermd, met alleen vrienden, zo en nu hou ik op dus zie jullie weer een de volgende update, ⁵>
Nou heb weer wat oude foto's en een zelfgemaakte filmpjes geplaatst, en ben definitief gestopt met tiktok, mijn profiel bestaat daar nog wel, maar er zouden geen filmpjes meer worden geplaatst, kost te veel tijd, om die filmpjes te plaatsen, dus dan maar stoppen, is jammer maar ben al op zoveel socia media te volgen, op you tube heb ik een playlist met maar liefst 143 oude filmpjes abonneer je op mij dan kan je die playlist bekijken, zou straks een filmpje met een link naar de playlist, ⁶>
Plaatsen op mijn andere account kun je zelf kijken, op Pinsterest heb ik een bord met verschillende selecties, van Rotterdam Van toen, en verder op tumblr heb ik ook verschillende bloggen zo als Rotterdam Van Alles, Feyenoord 1908, en de personelijke blog, Loesje enz... dus ben de ene kant wel blijf dat ik afstand heb genomen van tiktok, en heb ook de was opgehangen, en ga ik genieten van de avond en is dit de een na laatste update, dus tot de volgende update, ⁷>
Zo dan is dit weer de laatste update van vandaag, heb vandaan niet veel gedaan, maar heb wel weer wat oude foto's en zelfgemaakte filmpjes geplaatst, en heb vandaag de was opgehangen en heb ook nog tot slot een boodschappen lijst gemaakt voor morgen, wat ik morgen ga doen dat morgen, voor nu is het mooi geweest, dus wens ik jullie nog een fijne avond en voor straks slaap lekker en tot morgen weer gezond en fris weer op voor een nieuwe dag, TOT MORGEN 🥱😴 ⁸<
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dashodist · 3 months
Cosmic teaser
𐔌♫ྀི 𓉸᪲ 낙원에서 길을 잃다 ּ ˚    ࣪  ᮫  beneath the veil of the cosmos, where stars dance to the cadence of unseen music, we find ourselves on the cusp of a midsummer festivies. it’s the eve of our cosmic in snippet, a spectacle woven with the threads of magic. ₊ ☆ ⊹
RV ( 3 tweet )
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𝟢𝟣. 𝗥𝗘𝗕𝗜𝗥𝗧𝗛───✿:ᅠ️in 𝕔𝕠𝕤𝕞𝕚𝕔 ּ the meadow stretched out before us, a verdant carpet under a sky that promised whispers of dreams yet to be dreamt. my heart thrummed with an unspoken excitement as we gathered in a circle, wildflower’s crowns, woven with love.
𐔌 ׄ 🌼 ֵ ^᪲ 🌳 ׅ 댄스 ׄ | amidst the lush beauty of this idyllic haven, the outside world faded into oblivion. as we walked, our dresses floated gracefully, resembling gentle clouds in the wind. sunbeams in bliss, paint a 𝚖𝚒𝚍𝚜𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚛’𝚜 𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚜.
ׅ ⊹ 🌸𝇌 ׅ 시간이 지울 수 없는 유대.. /𝅄 🌿 within a sunlit meadow’s core, midsummer’s magic did adore, a spell of enchantment, it did weave, around us, its embrace did cleave. we stood hand in hand, our fingers interlaced in a promise of unspoken dreams and endless summers.
╭ ׅ 𑁍꯭ ׄ 𑂂 ׅ ࠼ 🌹🌿 ׅ ׄ 𝅄 𔖰 ❛/ 𝟏𝟎 ּ 𝒕𝒉 ׄ ₊ 〕years of harmonies, intertwined with the essence of our beings. as i grasp this album, the soft blend of red and green hues, a gentle tribute to the countless moments that have molded us, memories come rushing back.
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ׅׄ 𓄸᷼ ๋᷼🌸 ׅׄ 낙원에서 헤매다 ׅׄ ᥀̼ ๋⠀̸ ׅׄ 𝅄 🌾 ⭒ amidst a picturesque meadow bathed in sunlight, where vibrant wildflowers danced to the soft caress of the breeze, we came together in a cherished circle of sisterhood. united by the enchantment of the summer solstice.
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ׁׅ ៸៸ ꒰︩︪ 🌦 ꒱ ⸼ as the rain began to ease, leaving a misty afterglow, we slowly came to a stop, breathless and elated. the meadow, now shimmering with raindrops, was a testament to our joyful romp, a witness to our unbridled happiness. we stood there, hearts in fullest.
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❛ 𝓞ᥒᥴe 𝓤⍴oᥒ 𝓐 ּ ✿ 𝓓reams ⋆ 🫧 ˖࣪ ∿ ៸ in the lush cradle of an evergreen sanctuary, where the whispers of ancient leaves blend with the soft murmurs of the earth, i find myself lost in a moment of pure enchantment. secrets in remiss, whispered in the breeze’s liss.
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꒰͡⠀𝅄⠀͡꒱ㅤ𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋𝐒 🪽ᅠ️within my grasp, i cradled a fragile orb of crystal, its polished outward reflecting the sun’s rays and casting vibrant hues upon the surrounding nature. it felt as though i cradled a piece of the heavens, a minuscule realm of brilliance and hues.
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♡︪︩ ׁ✿ ּ ⫰ ׅ 🌷𝅄 in the midst of a sun-dappled grove, where the leaves whispered secrets to the gentle breeze, i stood, crowned in a halo of wildflowers. the world around me seemed to shimmer with a quiet, magical energy, as if nature itself had paused to admire the moment.
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scarredsands · 1 year
🌦 enemies to friends 🍸 partners in crime (these just stick out to me skfg)
relationship call | accepting!
🥹 you already KNOW i love their enemies to friends dynamic... the enemies to rival to friends pipeline IS real with them!! im honestly so down to explore their rivalry and whatnot in the past as well if you ever wanted to fill in some blanks there and do some threads in the past.... they have been SO fun so far, i love how their relationship has changed and developed with time 🥹 these are THE ladies in orre you have to watch out for!!!
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muutosarchive · 1 year
💘💙⛅ [ Secundo, Dew, Midas]
𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐞 ! / / @healingbrews
💘  friends to lovers
💙  slow burn
🌦   enemies to friends
okay so for midas & dew i totally see that -- even if it's not enemies per-se, it's definitely a bit of tension at first.. especially with midas. but with dew that just comes with the territory! he's definitely stand-offish. so it totally makes sense that they get more friendly, & eventually grow into something more. i'd totally be down for all of this! -- secundo too, though secundo would never be enemies with her. he could not hate her, he's not that type of man. especially with a woman who's done nothing to him. so more the first two, with them. i feel like their intimacy would be faster with secundo depending on her comfort (obviously) -- just based on the thread we have, now. but also secundo is hard pressed to commit as he's like, definitely bad at monogamy so he wouldn't wanna hurt her. which would make the slow burn make a lot more sense, as well.
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mirroredranger · 2 years
Wait i meant 🌦
Potential Relationships
🌦 enemies to friends
Considering the thread we have going on now, I can definitely see that happening!
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non-binarypal7 · 3 years
Happy Friday! ):) I added a final chapter to my Bad Buddy fic, so if you’ve already read it, thank you so much! Here’s one more chapter which I hope you enjoy! To everyone who reads it, thank you from the bottom of my heart
😍❣️❣️❣️🎸🔆🌦☀️🌈 🥟🥟🥟🤜🤛 🫕🗯🥁❕❗️❕♥️
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Add the text by ur self, douzo..
Hayu gelud sakalian ajg!!
(We shall fight, come on!!)
The teams are=
🔥West: Salty to staff bcs no SB5 announcement+ the collab after TGS
🌊East: Have stan their fav in bunaru bcs they lose hope and bcs some chara have same VA with the BSR one..
🌦Hideaki: Enjoy both but depends the staff and game event.
🍁Akiyama: Thinks the collab would be that NHK drama*
The 1st round Winner will be annouced in mid November and the 2nd is after BSR Matsuri next year!!
It's up to you to think this thread just kidding or nope.. Just think positive and enjoy your fanbase life..😁
Also, don't attack the staff from both game pls.. if u still attack the staff ur team will lose yet u just waste ur time, ok?
Thanks for your attention🙏😊
*A NHK taiga dorama, based from a novel Sakanoue no Kumo yet the dorama title has same name. Bcs this year is the 10th anniv of the dorama. Related to Yoyuuha and Souheki. The novel written by Shiba Ryoutarou who also write novel about Sekigahara too (even there's a movie an adaptation from it but not NHK).
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calamarispider · 3 years
🌦️ for da ask game :+)
WOOO @MABTIS HAIIII 🌦 ♡ 1. what was the first time you met them like? i cant quite remember well but i think it was on discord? i thoguht wow this person is so genuine and !!!!!1
♡ 2. describe them in one word or concept rain on a sunny day!!
♡ 3. what do you like the most in them? how warm and genuine and bright xe is!! its perspective and way of creating is always so lovely to hear!
♡ 4. what color(s) or visuals do you associate with them? bright days and warm lights and twinkling stars! everyone is made of stardust and isnt that beautiful? colors that feel so lovely and alive! ♡ 5. what does spending time with them feel like? like drinking a refreshing drink with a nice comforting meal! a beautiful paint-cloud day B:)
♡ 6. what things does their presence make you think of? life and beauty and wonder! love and joy and creation and existing in a genuine way!
♡ 7. if you could give them any handmade gift, what would it be? a flower crown made of daisies and buttercups! the way where you cut the stem with your nail and thread the flowers together
♡ 8. if money was no object, what would you buy for them? a box of pastels to draw with, and a nice drink with waffles or whatever xir favorite breakfast food is!
♡ 9. what do you wish for them? to have a wonderful life and to never lose sight of its joy. to be able to create all that xe wants to and find fufillment and freedom!
♡ 10. what is something you want them to know? mantis! your excitement for life and the genuine self that shines through your work is so so inspiring to me!! you have so much love and sparkling stars inside you!!!
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