#🌟 betty facts ! 🌟
candyheartedchy · 5 months
Little facts about my FHFIF sona, Betty Bye!
🌟 Glows in the dark.
🌟 Her creator grew up to become an astronaut.
🌟 Favorite movie is Astro Slam, mostly for the space stuff in it.
🌟 When she’s not hanging out with the gang, she’s napping.
🌟 Can’t play sports to save her life.
🌟 Surprisingly enjoys Bloo’s company and sees him as a younger sibling.
🌟 Very monotone.
🌟 Helps out Frankie in the nursery by putting the baby imaginary friends to sleep.
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thefacelesssmile · 2 months
Hii can we do a trio request please? :3 We'd like for them all to be level 3 with a face-claim + multi-name + song recs + trans-IDs + paras ( no age related ones please! ) and all to hold the role Imagi ( search up Imagian on Pluralpedia! ) ; they can have multiple roles ofc!
Role was neat to look into. Hope you like them. Made them like a set of triplets/siblings so you could maybe have them as a subsys /suggestion - EJ
Name(s) - Aurora, Sky(e), Ayla, Juliet
Pronouns - She/Her, Star/Stars, Spark/Sparks, Sky/Skys, Flutter/Flutters, Butterfly/Butterflys, ⭐️/⭐️s, 💗/💗s, 🦋/🦋s
Gender - Femme, Starric, Butterflyic, Vintigender
Sexuality - Lesbian, HyperRose
Birthday/Star Sign - ♒️, 2/09
Height - 5’6
CisIDs - Sky Spirit, Imaginary Friend, Object Head, Vintage Fashion
TransIDs - TransMixedOrigin, TransSpecies (Fair Folk), TransHyperFemme
Sys Role - Imagi, Attendant, SysMom
Source (If Applicable) - None
Likes - Butterflies, rainbows, pearl jewelry, simple makeup, old movie, stargazing, crafting
Dislikes - messes, noise pollution, air pollution, performative activism
Paras - Astrophilia, Plumaphilia, Aquaphilia
Positive Fronting Triggers - Butterflies, looking after kids, clothes shopping, environmental activism
Negative Fronting Triggers - big corporations, rainbow capitalism, people disrespecting boundaries
Personality Traits - Cheery, Calming, Mary Poppins type deal, motherly, takes no shit, I would trust her with my kids
Random Fun Fact - Despite being a motherly type figure, I feel like she can’t cook to save her life. Like this girl would burn water (but same though our host lit a plate on fire once)
Sign Off - 🦋, 💗, ⭐️, 🌤️
FaceClaim/Appearance -
Picrew links x x
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Song Recs:
Sunshine, Lollipops, and Rainbows - Leslie Gore
Dream a Little Dream of Me - Ella Fitzgerald
It’s a Man - Betty Hutton
Name(s) - Orion, Pollux, Soul, Camber
Pronouns - Any and All, particularly likes emoji pronouns and neopronouns
Gender - Enby, PanGender
Sexuality - AroAce
Birthday/Star Sign - ♊️, 5/29
Height - 3’7
CisIDs - Star Spirit, Imaginary Friend, Age Regressor, Stuffy Collector
TransIDs - TransEndoOrigin, PermaKid, TransHuman, PermaHappy, PermaRegressed
Sys Role - Imagi, Syskid, Joy Holder
Source (If Applicable) - None
Likes - Stuffed Animals, coloring, candy and other sweets, being outside, agere activities
Dislikes - Veggies, Cringe culture
Paras - Objectium/Objectophilia, Angaliaphilia, Plushophilia
Positive Fronting Triggers - going to the park, embracing your inner child, allowing yourself to be “cringe”, going to the toy store, cartoons
Negative Fronting Triggers - being yelled at, sexualized age regression, sad events happening
Personality Traits
Random Fun Fact - Even though this kiddo is almost always age regressed, they’re the most emotionally mature of these three. Never goes anywhere without their stuffy in the inner world
Sign Off - 🌟, 🧸, ☀️, 🌞
Picrew links x x
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Song Recs:
Here Comes The Sun - The Beatles
Harpy Hare - Yaelokre
Soldier, Poet, King - The Oh Hellos
Name(s) - Nimbus, Cumulus, Strato, Draft
Pronouns - He/Him, It/Its, Wind/Winds, ☔️/☔️s, 🌩️/🌩️s
Gender - Masculine Agender, Stormgender
Sexuality - Pansexual Aromantic
Birthday/Star Sign - ♏️, 9/01
Height - Very Very Tall, like 7’6
CisIDs - Cloud Spirit, Imaginary Friend, Object Head, BPD, Anger Issues, Emo/Alternative, Canine Therian
TransIDs - TransTraumagenicOrigin, PermaAngry, PermaStormCloud
Sys Role - Imagi, Defendant, Emotion Manager
Source (If Applicable) - None, Brainmade
Likes - Rainy Days, getting in arguments, engaging in discourse
Dislikes - fakeclaimers, forced niceness, masking
Paras - Pluvuiphilia, Aviatophilia, Dacryphilia
Positive Fronting Triggers - storms, large bodies of water, playful bickering with friends, big dogs
Negative Fronting Triggers - Syscourse, people attacking the system, fakeclaiming, anger, extreme negative emotion
Personality Traits - Protective, Defensive, Endo Critical (not anti endo though), Emotional, really petty, holds a grudge like nobody’s business
Random Fun Fact - His head/cloud changes with his emotions (raining when he’s sad, stormy when he’s angry, etc etc)
Sign Off - 🌩️, 🌪️, 🌊, 🌫️
Picrew links x x
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Song Recs
I’m Afraid I’ll Go To Heaven - Moon Walker
Main Character - Will Wood
(Don’t Fear) The Reaper - Blue Öyster Cult
If Subsys
Subsystem name: The Turbulent Collective, The Flight Crew, The Sky System
Collective name(s): Ozone, Stellar, Wind, Azure
Subsystem sign off (placed in front of their individual sign off): 🌌, 🏙️, 🌅
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daydreamingjester · 3 years
• Let’s talk about the anatomy of a rubber hose character. Rubber hose directly refers to the limbs acting as if they were truly made out of rubber — animated as if they were made of rubber tubing and without elbows or knees, no articulation. Because of this, it allows the character to act in dramatically zany poses and overzealous actions that wouldn’t be physically possible for a character animated with bone structure and correct anatomy.
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Because the only part of Betty that isn’t made of stretchy silicone is her smooth, porcelain face, her elasticity is limitless. Her endoskeleton is flexible as well — as she was not built as sturdy and heavy as most of the animatronics, requiring much less effort in metal and material as to not restrict that flexibility.
• Her body truly does act as if it were a doll. Shaking her vigorously shows that she flops and wobbles around but never completely collapses.
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• For added dramatics { mainly for the kids } , she often strikes wobbly poses to go along with her funny dialogue.
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• This anatomy serves incredibly well for combat, as it’s very easy to avoid attacks and bounce out of the way. She moves like a slinky. Corrupted Betty showcases this quick and talented agility.
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borathae · 3 years
After a busy week I am finally able to send some long reviews💜 I love it here
So my theorie is that you tried to butter us up with the cutest beans just to break our heart later on, you evil mastermind.
The 500 year old vampire in the kitchen making pancakes. I am crackling, what a scene.
Their bickering...😍
Their happiness is so adorable. I can literally feel it.
The fact that he is so open, he really really wants her to know everything. He wants her to fall in love with the real Tae.
'Do you know some?' Maybe Minimoni?👀👀
Tae seems to actually care for all humans. I mean he was a doctor and healed some people with his magic too. Go off, my man.
Witches and warlocks, what have you planned, Sibi??🤔👀 Can I get more exicted than I already am? Yes, I can.
And I am melting again. I just want the cheese. Come on dancing in the kitchen. This is everybodys dream.
And Betty's story, I am glad we got it.
I am so curious if Tae will ask oc to turn her. Or if he doesn't want to take away her humanity? I can imagine that someone maybe even Tae turned a love interest.
He purrs, fuck😳
This cheeky cheeky man
I will repeat myself but happiness suits them so much. They were so lonely before they met each other.
Respectful gentlemen Tae, he is really outselling everyone.
I absolutely love it when others recognize someone's happiness. I am always melting over it.
Sass against the sass king himself. Yes yes yes
I can't wait to see more of him. He is already a fav of mine.
He can sense lies, I wonder if the others can do that too.
Btw I am also curious if you are more powerful the older you are.
He warns her about Jim and Joon. Interesting.
Tae being violent is so out of character.
So Yoongi seems to want to help Tae at least in this situation. What the hell is going on between the Alphas? I swear they have the most complicated relationship.
At least Tae is honest.
Honestly I am a bit heartbroken about the last part. But she deserves to know the truth and now she finally has it. And most importantly everybody would question how much influence Tae has actually taken after so much manipulation. She is rightfully angry.
But it doesn't change that fact that I am sorry for Tae. This must have hurt so much. He was so happy just hours before. And the trembling lip, no don't do this to me😭
It just gets better and better. Thank you Sibi, it is always a joy to read your incredible storys❤️❤️
And I will split the asks. I want to fully focus on the Masquerade. We are in for a ride.
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Oh my pretty, amazing star!! I love youuu! 💜🥺
So my theorie is that you tried to butter us up with the cutest beans just to break our heart later on, you evil mastermind.
mhmhmh 👀😈
The 500 year old vampire in the kitchen making pancakes. I am crackling, what a scene.
'Do you know some?' Maybe Minimoni?👀👀
interESTING (but there is more omfg)
I am so curious if Tae will ask oc to turn her. Or if he doesn't want to take away her humanity? I can imagine that someone maybe even Tae turned a love interest.
there is definitely something planned as far as this concerned, it could go many ways but I can'T SAY MORE MMGFA
He purrs, fuck😳
I just HAD to include it fhahahahah
I absolutely love it when others recognize someone's happiness. I am always melting over it.
same same same omfg same :(((
He can sense lies, I wonder if the others can do that too. Btw I am also curious if you are more powerful the older you are.
yes I can tell you that the older you are the stronger you are, also Yoongs oh dear yoongs i wanna scream about him with you guys but i have to restrain myself mgmgmgm
And most importantly everybody would question how much influence Tae has actually taken after so much manipulation. She is rightfully angry.
I'm happy that you see the reasoning for her anger, truly I think most people would be a lil "uhm excuse me?" after their boyfriend screamed about mindcontrol. we can only hope that the issues resolve themselves very soon :(
But it doesn't change that fact that I am sorry for Tae. This must have hurt so much. He was so happy just hours before. And the trembling lip, no don't do this to me😭
Thank you so, so so much for hte lovely and amazing review and omgmgm I am so excited for the Masquerade review omfmgm. You seriously fuel me omfg 🥺💜💕
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daydreamingjester · 3 years
• Oliver Weldge is the co - creator of Lullaby Betty and the founder of Precious Moments Faire.
• His voice claim and face claim is Boozoo from The Walten Files.
• The man is just about as mechanically and digitally technical as Henry and Afton — which is why he was approached by William in the first place to collaborate on Circus Baby’s Pizza World before it opened. Harboring knowledge on synthetic life, programming, and artificial intelligence, one would assume he had chosen to formerly hone these talents by becoming a roboticist as well — but he did not.
Not willing to be held down by rules and instead moderate on his own schedule and entertainment, Oliver put all of his passion for analytics and robots into creating Precious Moments — as majority of the functionalities there were made by him.
• Betty was originally just a ticket admissioner passed down from another rundown circus. Finding that sort of life boring, a younger Oliver dedicated the majority of his early 20’s to refurbishing the old bot into something more than anyone could ever hoped for — and soon enough, the jolly harlequin very quickly become the entire face of the circus after five long years of extensive research and creation.
Because Oliver had poured his entire heart and soul into project Lullaby, he treated her like a gem — like a daughter. Oliver does not have any children of his own, nor a wife, as he was practically married to his business and was close knit to the members of the faire and Betty.
• Her name was originally just Bethanne. The Lullaby was added in when he installed a music box into her chest cavity, claiming that a “ beautiful doll deserved a beautiful gift to always keep with her “ . The two then shared a common jingle to activate it — four repetitive knocks then two slower ones. “ Four knocks to wake up the heart, two more for it to start ! “
• Having been accustomed to so much love and joy, Betty quickly became someone who ran off of pure happiness for all around her. This explains why she hardly has nor understands what a personal bubble is and has no issue going in for hugs toward strangers. Everyone is seen as a friend.
• Oliver had thought about adding another animatronic at one point but ditched the idea whence news spread about his current animatronic and attracted more people to the faire just to witness her for themselves.
However, because of how expensive all the top notch equipment of the circus was as well as Betty herself, the profit and donations he was earning simply wasn’t enough to cut it. The faire was going bankrupt and the direness of the dilemma became more prominent that they’d have to either risk shutting down or give up Betty.
• Fortunately, Betty’s face had spread far enough to attract more influential people — William Afton, co - founder of Fazbear Entertainment. Having contacted Oliver in hopes of collaborating in Circus Baby’s Pizza World,
During the last meet up in one of the office tents, several important people were present for the final decision. William, Michael, Oliver, Betty, and the main but newly starting circus crew under Afton. The animatronics were placed in a separate room to converse and mesh as the Aftons and Weldge began to lay out contracts and the likes. Seeing how Oliver couldn’t afford to keep Betty for much longer nor stay away from his circus when it was already failing, Afton came to the final decision to swap animatronics.
Giving him a digital copy of the full data on one of his own fun time animatronics to swap out for Betty so that the circus wouldn’t be completely devoid of AI life, Oliver hesitantly accepted.
• He never did anything with the data. It wasn’t his Betty, so he simply stored it away at home for another time. It took him years to construct Betty — he simply did not have the time nor energy to construct yet another animatronic for the circus.
• Betty was eventually returned after the mishap at Baby’s. Not long after did Precious Moments burn down and permanently damage Betty, and out of both immense guilt, hopelessness, scarcity of money, and not wanting to just make her some sort of house wife at his own home, he begrudgingly forfeit her to Fazbear Entertainment for the second time.
• During her time at the plex, Precious Moments slowly gained more traction again for his colorful electronics and simple - based animatronics. In fact, it gained so much attention that they were sponsored by bigger companies to afford to keep his animatronic life.
Meanwhile, Betty’s getting FUCKED UP by Glitchtrap and persuaded to mangle or terminate the other animatronics.
• Fast forward to her absolutely OBLITERATING one of the fun times and going absolutely FERAL on herself and an attempt toward Malhare after regaining consciousness during the dying moments. In the bad ending, she gives up her entire body and mind out of EXTREME guilt from realizing what she had done ESPECIALLY after having her memories fixed and regained.
In the TRUE ending to this verse in particular, Betty manages to leave him and Vanny behind in a desperate attempt to resurrect her dead circus mate and fix things with the remaining animatronics by warning them of what’s going on.
• Fire starts, I’m headcanoning a good portion got out with damage.
Betty convinces the rest of the circus crew to help her find Oliver, and seeing how they literally have no fucking choice with nowhere to go, they tag along.
• Oliver instantly welcomes them all with open arms. He adopts every single one of them, repairs them, spiffs them up, assigns them to parts of the new and improved Precious Moments.
Betty goes off to find the bunker just to find as many spare pieces as she can in the scooping room and nearly gets fucking killed at least five times playing cat and mouse with the machine — but she is DETERMINED to resurrect the missing member and complete the circus crew she finally remembers. Meanwhile, Oliver contacts Michael and asks for assistance in rebuilding an animatronic he looked over at one point as a technician.
• The best part ?
That data chip Oliver kept belonged to, by sheer fucking luck, the exact animatronic Betty annihilated during corruption.
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🤍 { c : Kidnapemymeme }
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daydreamingjester · 3 years
🌟 These are all facts supporting her actual storyline — not any threads and plots. 🌟
Simply put, Betty is always completely aware during her corruption process. This doesn’t necessarily mean that she’s willingly doing horrible things — it means she’s constantly actively fighting it, but the remnant and error is so potent that she always loses.
Having already been a malfunctioned, faulty animatronic from the get go, it was that easy to be infected. Between genuinely trusting Glitch’s honeyed words in the beginning with a promise of a new circus, swallowing his ichor / remnant to numb herself out of the guilt, and the error process happening so rapidly, Betty set herself up for imminent death. Despite the virus strengthening her perception and abilities, it doesn’t completely freeze the functions that keep her from going haywire — which are the functions that save her up until the very end.
Her safety protocol is possibly the only thing that allows sparing. It was a function built in by Oliver originally to assist in any circus performer damage and honed in by Fazbear Entertainment for the children, making it a particularly potent gift that the glitch couldn’t completely destroy.
That being said, it is still infected with remnant. It doesn’t turn on as quickly as it usually would, and in most cases, doesn’t function at all when TRULY needed. If she’s already exhausted, it’s more likely to switch on from the excessive amount of distress around her — and if it DOES switch on, it IMMEDIATELY kicks her inner conscience out to allow her to become aware. Though this is a blessing in disguise, Betty hates it — because it forces her to come to terms that she hurt someone again. It lets her see the aftermath that she wasn’t strong enough to stop.
The part of her that becomes corrupted is her inner voice — which formerly was her comedic, forthright voice of reason.
Lacking that therapy system — or more so having that system glitch into only violent and obsessive thoughts — , Betty loses all rationality and submits to madness and manipulation. The roles reverse — her inner voice becomes the primary persona and her actual personality gets shoved into her conscience. The observer becomes the attacker.
The only evidence that she’s still there is through two things — { Inner thoughts like this } and verbally fighting with herself. It’s shown a few times in threads that she’ll start to attack her own self and argue with no one presently striking her.
Betty is aware through and through what’s going on is wrong — and in the rare moments she regains consciousness, she doesn’t walk away from Glitch, knowing it’s pointless when she’s chocked full of so much remnant that she’ll die regardless. Even if she fights against it, no matter what, her corrupted conscience will always come back and blank her out.
The act of mercy is destroying herself yourself.
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daydreamingjester · 3 years
• Now we’re gonna talk about her schizophrenia.
Betty has HIGH FUNCTIONING schizophrenia due to her countless malfunctioning errors and intense damage from the circus fire. They are auditory hallucinations in the form of either random babbling thoughts, keeping herself in check, or corruption. Regardless which verse I’m playing, whether it be default or corrupted Betty, she always has and will always have the voice in her head. It’s part of her character permanently.
{ Inner dialogue voice speaks like this. }
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• Often, she’ll argue with herself more than anyone else around her. In her default verse, she normally only internally argues since she’s in control of herself enough to stabilize the inner conscience. Corrupted Betty has little to no control over herself, leading her to verbally spasm and argue with no one in particular, spurting dialogue at an unforeseen force or not directly targeted at anyone present — further proving her descent into madness.
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• Without the use of corruption, her inner voice’s main theme is to serve as comedy relief just as much as her own character does. This includes fourth wall breaking, making snarky comments she wouldn’t verbally announce, blunt thoughts in the form of sarcasm, or just raunchy jokes.
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• The voice always tells the truth. And she knows she can’t always say exactly what she means to people because it’s either too sharp edged, rude, or downright dirty.
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daydreamingjester · 3 years
{ OOC } since Laura keeps insisting on making a theory on corrupted Betty’s { fake } downloadable content I no longer can shut up about facts sorry
🌟 As previously mentioned, you can SPARE certain animatronics if you play your cards right.
As also mentioned, collecting stars { affinity stars } play a good role in this — unlockable content !
If you have a HIGH AFFINITY animatronic, instead of the normal SPARE cutscene, you have a chance to play their designated MINI GAME
F.e. one of the high affinity mini games I thought of is 🌟 CARNIVAL OF NOTES 🌟 which is played similar to DDR
You use buttons on the controller to clap along to the beat. The animatronic sings against her at first — but eventually her manic singing becomes harmonized as they’re successfully breaking a part of the glitch away from her and restoring memories.
Expressions change from panicked and concerned to relieved and happy — and the animatronic actually helps the player with the beat by singing in beat with the taps —
obviously it gets faster
but it’s a nice bittersweet thing
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daydreamingjester · 3 years
🌟 DSAF verse is the only verse where Betty majorly dislikes children and is actually scared of genuine attachment / gaining heart optics.
It’s been so incredibly fucking long since she’s felt authentic love for someone that hearing her own synthetic pulse again sends her into a malfunctioning hysteria. Literally acknowledging her own heart optics and shift in personality makes her immediately push into overdrive — overheating, sweating, tearing, smoke out the ears, and doing her absolute hardest to rid of the hearts. As opposed to literally every other verse, these cartoonish feelings and expressions of infatuation are declined immediately and seen as danger. The main reason she ends up at risk of powering down from overheating is because she does EVERYTHING in her power to erase that infatuated personality.
Once, she performed on stage and started to shift slowly into the infatuated personality — and it was the most god awful challenge being that she was in front of a large audience with children. This ended up inevitably with her screaming high notes to get out her intense frustration { see All I Wanted as reference it really has that emphasis in the high notes } and blend it in with her performance so no one noticed. Glitching out with her optics constantly staticky between hearts and normal pupils like a fuzzy tv screen, it only became obvious something was wrong when she started stumbling and sounding in genuine pain during the climax of the song — then having smoke burst out of her right ear as she shut down and basically folded like a fucking lawn chair in front of everyone.
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daydreamingjester · 3 years
{ OOC } Betty’s biggest weakness is gentle touch
she’s a pain in the ass and takes the lead in everything — rough, forthright, bad bitch that don’t need no man
so when she’s paired with the exact opposite — soft, shy, much more gentle, it makes her want to both cry and protect them. and oh, she will cry if she’s adored on. cup her cheeks, stroke her hair, reassure her on her weight, butterfly kisses, she’ll cry real quick.
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daydreamingjester · 3 years
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{ OOC } your fun fact of the day
betty is legitimately friend shaped
round, soft, silicone and plush clown attire
kids love to nap on her belly or just squeeze her out of curiosity
she usually squeaks or honks when squished there
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daydreamingjester · 3 years
Sometimes, if you’re lucky enough, you’ll hear the clown singing in the vents, hoping to quell the anxieties of her fellow animatronics in their own respective attractions during the late hours of fans whirring.
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daydreamingjester · 3 years
{ OOC } aight since we’re still in chaos mode let me EXPLAIN
betty’s body is silicone except for her face which is sturdy porcelain. { yes the chest is silicone. }
she was built to directly resemble a human as much as possible — but the face required so much makeup that would be a pain in the ass to keep from wearing out on silicone that Oliver made her face porcelain.
the more you know
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daydreamingjester · 3 years
{ OOC }
🌟 FUN FACT ! 🌟
If it isn’t obvious already, her kiddy persona is a kind of ruse — judging by the fact she can swear and act flirty.
Originally programmed by Oliver to cater to both audiences, adults don’t want some Wheels On The Bus balloon animal party trick clown. Formerly, her programming was set for 50/50 — tend to the kids with party tricks, tend to after hours with serving cocktails, performing comedy, and singing in her normal stage voice. Betty prefers her adult humor more due to being built as an adult herself { if we were to be speaking human years, her ACTUAL mentality rests at around mid 30’s. }
Whence the colorful lights go off and the stage spotlight is turned on, Betty’s personality melts from Pinkie Pie to Betty Boop and Jessica Rabbit. Despite lacking actual nether parts, her voice does everything for her. Having watched performances for adults herself and already carrying the knowledge of being seductive on stage, Betty knows how to get under someone’s skin in the right way with dips and certain movements. If anything, they are only suggestively hinted for show — but never allowing herself to be touched. Oliver usually had security behind the curtain in case some drunk schmuck tried something funny.
That doesn’t mean she’ll turn down someone else’s attempt at flirting back. It also doesn’t mean she constantly goes around flirting THAT heavily — no, there’s a time and place for everything, and her MAIN focus is show business. It often startles whoever she pulls her flirting on because — well. Look at her. She’s the least likely to start making advancements.
However, after being transported to Fazbear Entertainment, she was reprogrammed to cater primarily toward children only — losing major functionality on swearing and raunchy tones. Which royally pisses her off { see when she tries to curse TOO much in a fit of anger and it only comes out in BEEPs. } Because of this, she’ll either substitute multiple swears and vulgarity with painfully obvious words or flirt physically. It wasn’t COMPLETELY lost — she still has the night club at the plex to drop her kiddy persona. The same rules still apply however, but truthfully, it makes her performance all the more funny with ridiculous vocabulary.
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daydreamingjester · 3 years
• Though she will slaughter humans, there ain’t many at all aside from Gregory and Vanessa during her period of corruption.
Animatronics, however, are spared — by a single digit of their life. Instead of completely killing them off, Betty stays true to the circus facade her and Glitch are playing — recruiting them to their circus.
She mangles them. Disfigures them, pulls them apart, stretches out their limbs, destroys main components, leaves them a glitching mess just like her. After all, the circus needs actors and actresses just as messed up as they are — so you need to look and act the part.
• Ships that are present in her default, normal verse are now labeled dangerous. That means if you have a current ship with her and would like an AU with corruption, they are still not safe. Everyone is not safe. Everyone has the same amount of probability of getting completed destroyed by Betty if either Glitch orders her to or she feels as though they’ll be a great member of the circus.
And with ships, with people she already associated heavily with — they will be the very first targeted by her. What better than to recruit someone you love so dearly to your beloved circus ?
That way they can laugh and perform forever too !
• Because of the deeply rooted obsession, she completely disregards feelings for everyone but Glitch. Tearing them apart is easier when you’re that mindset on getting love and praise.
• Though he had been able to restore her memories during the corruption, she no longer cares.
Precious Moments, Circus Baby’s Pizza World, her past band mates she had originally forgotten, and Oliver all mean nothing at all to her. They are all targets. A nuisance in the way of the circus that must either be terminated or recruited.
• bet your ass the pizza world are the first fucking ones targeted with a hellbent passion too after she remembers and asston goes THAT’S PERFECT ! WE CAN RECREATE THE CIRCUS AND START WITH THEM WHEN THEY WERE ORIGINAL PARTICIPANTS WITH YOU ! and she goes oh my fucking god you’re RIGHT
good luck.
• There is no way to reverse the corruption { that’s why it’s an AU } . She’s completely fucked and the only way to stop her from recreating the circus is by destroying her.
• Glitch redecorating his digital plex into a circus themed room for both her and the usage of his old animatronics. Most likely corrupts them too. start an cult army why don’t you
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daydreamingjester · 3 years
William grinned as he reached up to grab the clown hand. "Finally, someone from the Circus! Miss! Miss! I've gotten lost and can't find my parents..." He stated distraught but also hopeful as he smiled at the clown. This "Pizza plex" was really wonderful but his parents were probably worried about him.
“ Ohmygawsh, you have the CUTEST accent EVA’ ! “
Reaching down to pick up the child, Betty affectionately nuzzled into his nose,
“ YESIREE BOB, I AM IN FACT FROM 🌟 THE CIRCUS ~ ! 🌟 Kinda the face of it, really.
And yeah, this place IS pretty big, I can see how a kid could get lost. What do they look like ? “
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