#🌈Foul-Mouthed Little Fucker🌈
circusgoth-dotcom · 1 year
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I've spent way too long working on this but I knew if I didn't get it done tonight who knows when I was going to pick it up again, but I finally redrew this traditional piece from 2020, based on the multiple bodies Chucky takes on in Cult of Chucky, the last feature length film to be released before the TV series came about what... 2021? I read somewhere that Don Macini wanted to do at least two more movies but that was awhile ago... I'm hoping for it but I'm fine with just the TV show, too
Posting this at nearly 3:00am for the opposite timezone babes. or nobody we'll see ZHAGHGAZA
🌈Reblogs highly appreciated!!🔪
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Ash: So, what do you do for a living?
Charles: I, am an asshole. ;-)
Ash: You're getting paid to be an asshole???
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circusgoth-dotcom · 1 year
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they're watching wwe smackdown
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circusgoth-dotcom · 3 months
I feel like, if I were unfamiliar with it, the Child's Play franchise is not something I'd immediately assume is full of allies and pro-queer messages
But I'm really glad it is
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circusgoth-dotcom · 6 months
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⸸🖤ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔰𝔥 (ℭ𝔥𝔲𝔠𝔨𝔶/𝔄𝔰𝔥) ~ 4 𝔜𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔰❤️⸸
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circusgoth-dotcom · 1 year
In This Still Life, Heart Beats Up Love
Ship: Charles Lee Ray x Ash Englund (Rockstar AU)
Word Count: 898
Summary: An edgier piece depicting a typical scene out of the band's life. CWs for implied intercourse and general suggestiveness, smoking and drug mentions, questionable relationships (specifically Chucky and Tiffany's).
Tag List: @canongf
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Ash’s breath came hard as he trembled against the bathroom wall, only being able to half focus on drying himself off as Charles examined himself in the foggy mirror.
“Chucky, you gotta stop being so rough with me before a show, I’m not gonna be able to remember any of the lyrics,” he half-heartedly complained as he groped the floor for his clothes.
“Eh, they won’t care. To them you’re just a pretty face, right?” Charles responded, smirking at the bite mark on his shoulder. “Besides, you know I only go zero to sixty in three seconds and there isn’t any in between.” He chuckled somewhat sadistically as he turned and picked up his husband’s clothes for him, shoving them into his hands and kissing his puffy lips roughly.
“Yeah, you fuck like a Corvette. Real classy.”
“I love it when you snark at me, makes me wanna go again,” Charles snarled lustfully and attacked Ash’s already tender neck, making him squeal and shy away, putting a hand on his chest.
“Chucky, stop, we’re already late to sound check,” he reminded with a breathy laugh before pulling on his clothes.
“Jesus, you’re right, what am I thinking.” Charles shook his head and picked up his own clothes, grumbling slightly to himself before leaning against the sink counter. “Why don’t we just cancel and lock Tiffany and Eddie out of the room tonight?”
“Absolutely not, our fans paid good money to see us tonight! Put your pants on and let’s go.” Ash pushed out of the bathroom, walking into the main hotel room and onto a scene of Tiffany and Eddie making out on the couch. “Oops.” Speaking with no remorse, he kept the door open long enough for Charles to see.
The two sprang apart as if touched with hot pokers. Charles made himself decent in the blink of an eye, though his pants and shirt remained unbuttoned and dishevelled as he entered the room, grabbing his switchblade from the TV stand and pointing it angrily at his “best friend.”
“Caputo, get the fuck out of here. So help me Christ if you don’t get your ass down to the lobby and tell our chauffer that we’ll be down in five minutes, if you don’t get up off that goddamn couch--”
“I’m going, I’m going!” Eddie shot off like a rocket, terrified, and let the door bang shut behind him.
“And you,” the knife was directed at Tiffany, quivering slightly in Charles’ hand. “We’ll get to you later... holy shit, this is a new low, ain’t it?”
The knife flashed as the blade flipped back into the handle and was pocketed. Tiffany shifted on the couch, shrugging.
“We were bored, you know I’m not really into him. What took you two so long, anyway, I thought you were just going to...?” She trailed off as she eyed the fresh hickeys on Ash’s neck and folded her arms. “You’re a real hypocrite, you know that, Chuck?”
Charles made an uncaring sound as he buttoned his pants and shirt. “I am a rockstar, a key part of that is fucking like you’ll die tomorrow.” He shoved a pair of sunglasses on his face and grabbed a pack of cigarettes, pulling one out and sticking it in his mouth before handing the box to Ash. “Try it sometime. Ash, lighter.”
Tiffany rolled her eyes as she stood from the couch while Ash fished in his pocket for his lighter, taking a cigarette for himself from the box before sharing the lighter with his husband. They both knew Tiffany would only sleep with the one she loved- Charles, for better or for worse.
“Alright, I’m getting sick of looking at you and our manager’s going to be pissed if we wait any longer,” as Tiffany went to open the door, Charles sped ahead and opened it for her.
“After you, toots.”
“Thanks for nothing, asshole.”
The grins they flashed at each other emanated something far beyond devotion or mutual hatred. Charles continued to grin at her long after she had passed him by and entered the hall, soon followed by Ash.
“So, are we doing coke in the bathroom before or after the show?” Charles muttered to Ash as they followed Tiffany down to the lobby.
“Definitely before, I want to get this shit show over with as soon as possible.”
“Fucking agreed, babydoll.”
“Can’t we go to a fun city next? Like Vegas,” Ash blew smoke into the air, grinning, “or Miami.”
“You think it’s fun, risking getting shot at?” Charles turned and grabbed their forearm, making them stop as he caressed their temple with his opposite hand, his cigarette dangling precariously between his knuckles. “You really are fucked in the head, aren’t you, sweetheart?~” To the sane, Charles’ words would’ve sounded harsh, but for Ash, he was speaking in the sweetest, most honeyed tone he could muster.
“Well, it beats being sober.”
The two cracked up as Tiffany turned ahead and made an exasperated sound.
“Hurry up!!” She yelled. “I’m not holding the elevator doors for you!”
“You heard the lady,” Charles sighed and lightly swatted at his partner’s rear, “get a move on. We’re coming!”
Ash laughed again and they quickly joined Tiffany in the elevator. Neither of them would remember that night- which wasn’t an uncommon occurrence -once they reached the venue, but the fond feelings lingered.
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circusgoth-dotcom · 1 year
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New haircut, still getting used to it. Like the undercut but I think the top needs to grow out a bit. Anyway ✌️😁💕 evil husband moments
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circusgoth-dotcom · 1 year
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Over and over, I keep going over the world we knew...
🌈Reblogs highly appreciated!🔪
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circusgoth-dotcom · 1 year
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Ash Ray styleboard
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circusgoth-dotcom · 1 year
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The sound of Chucky & The Killer Dolls (Rockstar AU)
⸸ Sick Bubblegum - Rob Zombie
⸸ Live Wire - Mötley Crüe
⸸ Sweet Child O' Mine - Guns N' Roses
⸸ For Whom The Bell Tolls - Metallica
⸸ Bat Out of Hell - Meatloaf
⸸ Rachael - She Wants Revenge
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circusgoth-dotcom · 6 months
Ship: Charles Lee Ray x Ash Englund (Rockstar AU)
Word Count: 682
Summary: A conversation in a dirty limousine. CWs for descriptions of unsanitary settings, brief drug mention, Charles spits phlegm onto the car's floor, suggestive ending.
Tag List: @canongf @rexscanonwife @futurewife
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This was the cheapest limousine Ash had ever ridden in. Granted, Charles was only known for frivolity when it came to drugs and lavish hotels, if he really felt like splurging, but this seemed like a new low. The cab reeked of bad booze, mainly, and the seats were duct-tapped and filled with cigarette burns.
The carpet was probably a stunning paisley at one point, but too many nights of Z-list celebrity bodily fluids had turned it into the ugliest cheetah print imaginable. Ash and Charles sat side-by-side, with Ash trying to ignore the squalor he found himself in and Charles glaring at a poster in his hands, and Tiffany sat across from them, filing her nails and occasionally becoming distracted by the grime on the windows. Eddie had been shunted up front with the unquestioning, world-hardened driver.
“I would complain about the car situation, but it seems something’s already got you occupied. What’s on your mind, Chucky?” Ash asked, hovering over his boyfriend’s shoulder in an attempt to get a look at the poster for himself.
“It’s a limo, isn’t it?” Charles grumbled before fluttering the paper angrily and snapping, “It’s the damn opener they’ve got for us tonight. Fuckin’ posers, I tell ya.”
“Well, how do you know that?” Tiffany asked, glad to be distracted by something that wasn’t filth or disrepair.
“I did my research, that’s how I know.”
“Is that why you made me stand guard while you snuck into the surveillance office at the hotel the other day?? So you could use the computer??” Ash asked, bemused. “Y’know, you could’ve just gone to the library.”
Charles ignored him. “Alright, fuckin’, get this, you see this little shit here??” He showed the poster to Tiffany and pointed at the frontmost band member.
“Yeah, what about him?”
“Son of Duke De Marino, and he’s trying to claim he’s like us.” He snorted up some phlegm, making Ash wrinkle his nose.
“Chuck, don’t fuckin’ hawk a loogie in here.”
He did so anyway, spitting a white and green blob onto the disgusting carpet. “Too late, already did. Hey, maybe it’ll improve the decor.” He chuckled, though his frustration remained evident on his face.
“Anyway,” Tiffany waved one hand dismissively and used the other to dig through her purse, eventually throwing a tissue over the loogie on the floor. “Duke De Mario, the record producer?”
“Yes, exactly! This is a shit-eating rich kid if I ever saw one who took his daddy’s money and made himself an ‘alternative band.’ And they’re fuckin’ opening for us, Chucky and The Killer Dolls, the most kick-ass band from New Jersey you can think of!”
“The most kick-ass band from New Jersey you’ve never heard of is more like it, we’ve just got loyal fans who bring their friends to shows,” Ash shrugged, then squeezed his boyfriend’s arm. “I get it though, baby, I do. Ain’t exactly anything we can do about it…”
“Other than blowin’ those fuckers out of the water. In a year, nobody’s going to remember The X-Ray Effect, but we’ll still be doin’ pyrotechnics and flirtin’ with groupies, I’m damn sure of it!”
Ash smiled softly, his eyes sparkling as he admired Charles’ profile. “Glad to see you’re in a better mood, babes.”
The partition slid aside, revealing Eddie Captuo’s youthful yet tired and scruffy features. “We’re here.”
Eagerly, the four band members exited the crappy limo and quickly entered the back door of the theatre they were playing at. Charles wrapped an arm around Ash’s waist as they walked, stealing a quick kiss.
“I think I know the answer I’ll get, but what would you say to shaggin’ me in that busted-up wagon after the show?” Charles growled suggestively, jabbing his thumb over his shoulder and back toward the lot where the limo would be waiting to take them back to the hotel. Ash rolled his eyes.
“Okay, Charles, I might be a slut but you know I won’t go that low. I can suck you off in the bathroom afterwards if that’ll make it up to you.”
Charles laughed.
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circusgoth-dotcom · 1 year
i think that tiffany got her tattoo of chucky's name of her own volition and chucky was kind of whatever about it, but shortly after he was like "💡 i suddenly have a great idea" and asked ash to get a matching one of sorts 🙈😳
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circusgoth-dotcom · 1 year
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To make up for the impossibility of getting the Trick or Treat Studios softbody Good Guy doll before I go to HHN this year, I instead went out and got this little guy today :0]
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circusgoth-dotcom · 1 year
Christmas Card From A Hooker In Minneapolis
Ship: Charles Lee Ray x Ash Englund (Baby Bat AU)
Word Count: 803
Summary: Ash confesses he's pregnant, a quite imperfect situation to be in when you and your boyfriend are broke criminals. CW for discussions of pregnancy (obviously), smoking and smoking while pregnant, suggestions of miscarriages and abortion, Ash feeling like less of a man for being pregnant, and brief mentions of murder. Song referenced in title.
Tag List: @canongf (Totally get it if you want to skip this one but tagging you specifically because you're the person I definitely feel the most comfortable sharing my "edgier" work with without fearing harsh judgement ^ ^")
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Chicago. September, 1988. 9:15pm. Charles Lee Ray and his boyfriend, Ash Englund, murderers and thieves, reside in their cheap studio apartment. “You want to go out tonight?” Charles asked as they stood beside the window, smoking. Ash shook his head. “Nah… not really…” Ash spoke distractedly, more focused on the cars passing by in the street than his cigarette or the question asked of him. Charles frowned, dangling his cigarette over the window sill and tapping off the ash. “What’s up with you, anyway? You’ve been acting weird all day.” There was a long pause that made Charles suck on his teeth. “I can’t offer my love and support if you’re not gonna-” “I’m pregnant.” Ash took a long drag of his cigarette, then stubbed it in the glass ashtray on the window sill, blowing the smoke out into the night air.
Charles cracked a grin and bumped Ash’s arm with his knuckles.
“You crack me up sometimes, Ash, y’know that?”
“I’m not joking, Chucky.”
Charles blinked and his smile fell into a more shocked expression, his thin eyebrows leaping up his forehead.
“Fucking… jumping Jiminy Christmas…” He swore, stubbing out his own cigarette. “You’re really not fucking with me based on that deadpan tone and… how long have you known??”
“Three weeks.” Ash stepped away from the window and Charles followed him across the short distance of their apartment.
“Why didn’t you tell me right when you knew??”
“I didn’t know what to say, Chucky,” he turned suddenly, almost making Charles run into him, “I’m a man. Men don’t get pregnant.”
“Well, what do you want to do about it?”
“There’s nothing to be done about it,” Ash spoke bitterly, resting his forehead against Charles’ chest.
"Keep smoking and maybe it’ll just… go away."
Ash slapped Charles' arm. "That's not funny, Chuck."
Charles wrapped his arms around his shoulders and rested his chin on top of Ash's head, sighing heavily. "Ain't this a fucked up situation. You're a transsexual, I'm in a gay relationship, we kill people, and we're technically broke as shit."
"Yeah, not exactly the ideal time to be raising a kid."
"Maybe I could find someone who could get rid of it for you."
Ash pulled back from his boyfriend. "I'm not risking my life in some back alley just to get rid of this barely developed fetus."
"You tellin' me you'd rather risk dying in childbirth??"
"At least you'd get nine more months with me."
Charles's hands shook as he turned away from Ash and half-heartedly thumped the wall. "Motherfucker…" He sucked in a breath, looking quite displeased with the scenario presented to him. “Alright. Fine. We’re doing this?”
“Doing what, Chucky?”
“Becoming parents?” He turned back toward Ash and grabbed his hands.
“It would appear so.”
“Tiff likes kids, right?”
Ash scoffed, “Chuck, how should I know, she’s your girlfriend. What are you thinking?”
“I’m thinking she could help us out.” Charles walked over to the landline while Ash retired to their futon. He watched him dial the number with a blank look on his face. Charles and Tiffany talked in brief, hushed tones before Charles hung up and sat beside his boyfriend, pulling him into his lap.
“So?” Ash asked lowly, eyes closed as he leaned back against him.
“She said she’d bring over some pregnancy and childcare books from the library tomorrow. And she said to cut back on your cigarette habit.” Ash made a disgruntled expression that clearly stated he already knew he would have to. Charles paused, subtly sniffing Ash’s hair… he was inclined to feel furious with it all, but to be honest with himself, he felt more scared and loving than angry. He had never cared about kids, so long as they stayed out of his way, and definitely never pictured himself as a father figure. “Could I…?” He hovered his large hands over his boyfriend’s lower stomach.
“You’re not gonna feel anything, Chuck.” Ash half-opened his eyes to observe the movement. “But go ahead.”
Charles followed through with his request. “Should we name it? We’ve basically decided we’re going to keep it.”
“We don’t even know what it’s gonna be. You start.”
Ash’s eyelids shot open as he scoffed. “Robert?? You think I’m gonna give birth to a man in his fifties??”
“No, no, like Robert Smith, you know!”
“Why not Smith, then? Suzy, like Siouxsie and the Banshees.”
“Cute. Peter.”
“What, you’ve got something better?”
“I’m just saying that’s a little plain, Chuck.”
Charles suddenly smirked and poked Ash’s cheek. “Ash Jr.”
Ash groaned and grabbed his finger. “Oh, fuck off. Charles Jr.”
“Ugh, even worse.” Charles laughed and Ash felt a little lighter.
“Maybe we won’t be so bad of parents.”
“Don’t be insane…” Charles kissed Ash’s temple with a deeply fond smile.
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circusgoth-dotcom · 1 year
they FINALLY put season 2 of chucky on peacock (like. a year after it was announced wtf) and i watched the first two episodes tonight
THEY FINALLY DID SOMETHING I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ENTIRE FRANCHISE: SOMEBODY KICKED CHUCKY ACROSS A ROOM AGHASGHAGH that's literally always been my argument, why doesn't anyone just kick him, but it happened and i couldn't be happier
so fucking excited for the return of the twins and so happy they're getting a redemption after don mancini was told he couldn't use glen/da in the rest of the franchise because seed bombed so badly (or so i've heard)
jennifer tilly is hilarious as always <3
also the way fiona dourif plays possessed!nica/chucky will never not be hot to me my gods
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circusgoth-dotcom · 1 year
hot n cold and sugar we're going down swinging for ash ?
Hot N Cold: Are there any hobbies or interests that your s/i has that you don’t also have?
Murder, for one SAGHAHGAH and as he is an active criminal he probably keeps up with true crime in his universe more than I do irl, otherwise he shares most of my other interests
Sugar We're Goin' Down: Does your s/i’s inclusion in the media’s plot change anything majorly? If so, what’s changed?
Mostly he just assists Chucky where he can but the story stays relatively the same as Child's Play has one of the most straight-forward plotlines of any horror franchise I'm familiar with (shockingly enough. I think it has to do with the fact there's no prequels or other weird timeline shenanigans)
They actually don't even reconnect after Chuck's "death" until towards the end of the first movie when Chucky gets ahold of Ash over the phone and reveals that he isn't exactly dead (but it's not quite a living being a child's plaything, either fhfhfhfh)
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