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lgcjaejin ยท 2 months
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Jaejin stood in the middle of the training room, the dim lights casting soft shadows on the mirrors. He was ready to perform "Wander Anymore" by Cody Fry, a song that had been stuck in his head for weeks. His coach, Ms. Kim, watched from the corner, her critical eyes never missing a detail.
Taking a deep breath, Jaejin started to sing, his voice weaving through the soft piano notes. The lyrics spoke to him, filled with longing and introspection, and he tried to pour all his feelings into the song. As he sang, he thought about his journey, trying to connect the song's message and his own life.
His voice moved smoothly through the verses, from soft whispers to powerful crescendos. He noticed Ms. Kimโ€™s stern face, expression focused and slightly disapproving. She kept him on his toes, ensuring he didnโ€™t lose his technique.
Jaejin reached the chorus, feeling a rush of emotion. He closed his eyes, letting the music guide him. The words, โ€œI donโ€™t wanna wander anymore, I donโ€™t wanna feel the way I did before,โ€ hit close to home. When he opened his eyes, he saw his reflection in the mirror, looking determined and passionate.
Despite his efforts, his voice wavered on a high note, causing him to quickly regain his composure. The bridge approached, and Jaejin took another deep breath, readying himself for the climax. His voice soared, but he noticed Ms. Kimโ€™s frown deepening.
As the final notes faded, Jaejin held the last one a moment longer, trying to leave an impression. The room fell silent, the only sound being the soft hum of the air conditioning. He lowered the microphone, and waited for his judgment.
Ms. Kim clapped softly but didnโ€™t look pleased. "Jaejin, that was not your best. Your control was off, and you let your emotions disrupt your technique. You need to focus more on hitting the notes accurately. Weโ€™ll focus on this during our next session. You're free to go today"
Jaejin felt his heart sink but nodded. "Yes Ms. Kim.."
Leaving the training room, Jaejin couldnโ€™t shake off the disappointment. Performing "Wander Anymore" had been tough, and Ms. Kim's critique stung. He sighed, running a hand through his hair, before heading to his room for a midday nap.
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