#𝗆𝗎𝗌𝖾.  annabeth  chase
sunpathos · 2 years
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sunpathos · 3 years
❝ were you really spying on me? ❞
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@couragebore​    liked   for   a   one    liner.
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sunpathos · 3 years
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@hakune​    asked    ❝  [ REUNITE ]   -   having    been    apart    for    some    time,    sender,    upon   seeing    receiver    for    the    first    time,    sprints    to    give     them    a    hug.  ❞ from    percy   to    annabeth.    /    to    be    held    prompts.
𝗒𝗈𝗎    𝖽𝗈𝗇'𝗍    𝖾𝗑𝗉𝖾𝖼𝗍    𝗍𝗈    𝗆𝗂𝗌𝗌    𝗁𝗂𝗆    𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌    𝗆𝗎𝖼𝗁.    you    had    thought    you    were    self    sufficient    enough    to    be    apart    from    him    for    a    couple    of    days.    it    had    been    needed    of    you.    to    help    out    magnus    in    any    way    that    you    could.    boston    was    horrible,    and    you    hated    it,    but    at    the    very    least    you    now    knew    what    had    happened,    what    more    there    was.    it    had    been    a    decision    made    at    the    moment,    no    time    to    look    for    him,    to    wait    for    him    to    get    home    so    you    could    go    together.    it    had    made    just    the    most    sense    at    the    time.    but    you    had    missed    him.    so    much    that    you    made    ache    in    the    tiniest    bit.    you    don’t    expect    to    see    him    like    this.    for    him    to    miss    you    in    the    same    way    that    you    have    missed    him.    the    airport    is    not    crowded,    and    you    can    only    thank    the    gods    for    that,    because    you    can    see    him    sprint    towards    you.    the    smile    on    his    face    clearly.    you    are    so    glad    that    you    only    have    the    backpack    and    your    carry-on.    it    means    you    can    get    back    home    quickly,    without    having    to    wait    for    more    bags    to    get    to    the    conveyor    belt.    you    move    towards    him    a    little    faster,    coming    to    collide    with    him.    it    takes    even    less    time    to    wrap    your    arms    around    each    other.    your    breath    comes    a    little    faster,    and    you    can    feel    your    heartbeat    speed    up.    you    cannot    even    help    the    way    that    your    face    comes    to    be    buried    at    the    nape    of    his    neck,    smelling    him.    it    takes    you    another    second    to    realize    that    you    were    not    homesick.    not    in    the    way    that    you    thought,    you    were    homesick    for    him.    damn    it,    he    has    turned    you    into    a    sap.    you    move    back    to    kiss    his    cheek    and    then    stepping    just    the    tiniest    bit    back.    just    so    you    can    look    at    him,    just    drinking    him    in.    the    smile    reserved    for    him    clear    on    your    face,    ❝    i    missed    you,    ❞    it’s    hard    not    to    say,    and    then,    grabbing    your    carry-on    again    to    wrap    your    arm    around    him    for    a    second,    ❝    now...    let’s    go    home.    i    need    to    wash    the    boston    off    me.    ❞
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sunpathos · 3 years
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@unwcrldly​    asked     ❝  [  CUDDLE  ]  -  sender    and    receiver    shared    a    hug    that's    now    upgrading    into    a    cuddle    session.  ❞ from    percy    to    annabeth.    /    “to   be    held”    prompts.
𝗂𝗍    𝗂𝗌    𝗍𝗁𝖾    𝖿𝗂𝗋𝗌𝗍    𝗍𝗂𝗆𝖾    𝗂𝗇    𝖺    𝗐𝗁𝗂𝗅𝖾    𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍    𝗒𝗈𝗎    𝗁𝖺𝗏𝖾    𝖻𝖾𝖾𝗇    𝖺𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗍.    after    tartarus,    and    the    war,    separating    did    not    seem    like    an    option.    but    it    has    been    years    since    the    war    and    tartarus    as    well,    and    it    was    needed    for    you    to    go    to    olympus    for    more    than    a    couple    of    hours.    and    perhaps    you    had    forgotten    that    time    passes    differently    in    olympus.    for    yourself,    you    had    been    gone    for    maybe    three    days.    for    earth    and    your    friends,    you    had    been    gone    for    more    than    a    week.    which    is    very    unlike    you,    but    it    had    been    needed.    there    were    things    that    could    not    be    done    by    the    helpers    that    the    gods    had    given    you,    that    needed    you    to    be    there    no    matter    what.    but    you    hadn’t    realized    that    it    was    the    first    true    time    that    you    had    spent    without    percy    since    the    war.    that    it    would    affect    you    like    it    did.    in    fact,    that    is    the    reason    you    have    not    moved    from    his    embrace    ever    since    you    walked    into    the    apartment.    it    had    started    out    as    a    hug,    a    hello    hug,    that    neither    of    you    wanted    to    end.    you    had    held    on    tightly,    and    remembered    that    you    did    not    sleep    well    without    him    for    a    reason.    and    then,    when    you    did    not    want    to    pull    back,    you    had    moved    towards    the    couch,    keeping    your    arms    around    him,    and    his    arms    around    you.    but    you    had    begun    to    fall    asleep,    and    moving    to    lay    down    in    the    couch,    and    you    realize    that    you    are    cuddling.    and    you    cannot    bring    yourself    to    move    from    the    couch.    no,    no,    not    when    you    feel    this    comfortable    in    his    arms.
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sunpathos · 3 years
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@unwcrldly​    asked    ❝  [  caught  ]    for    your    muse    to    catch    my    muse    wearing    their    shirt.  ❞ from    percy    to    annabeth.    /    word    prompt    compilation.
𝗂𝗍    𝗁𝖺𝖽    𝖻𝖾𝖾𝗇    𝖺    𝗅𝗈𝗇𝗀    𝖽𝖺𝗒,    𝖺𝗇𝖽    𝖼𝗈𝗆𝗂𝗇𝗀    𝖺𝗇𝖽    𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗀𝗂𝗇𝗀    𝗁𝖺𝖽    𝖻𝖾𝖾𝗇    𝗍𝗁𝖾    𝖻𝖾𝗌𝗍    𝗈𝗎𝗍𝖼𝗈𝗆𝖾.    while    college    was    the    best    thing    that    you    could    be    doing,    it    was    also    the    most    exhausting    thing    you    were    doing.    and    while    you    were    smart,    just    smart    doesn’t    cut    it    in    college.    you    have    to    work    to    get    the    grades    that    you    expect    from    yourself,    and    that    also    means    working    long    hours    and    coming    home    when    the    sun    was    just    coming    up.    you    had    believed    that    percy    wouldn’t    be    home    or    at    least,    still    very    sleep,    so    changing    into    his    shirt    seemed    to    be    the    best    course    of    action.    you    had    decided    to    make    breakfast,    something    quick,    and    something    that    if    anything    you    could    have    moved    into    bed    or    somewhere    else    quickly.    what    you    don’t    expect    is    his    steps.    you    almost    jump    into    action,    ready    to    make    sure    that    you    don’t    die,    but    quickly    realize    that    it    is    just    percy,    so    you    relax,    or    well,    you    do    until    you    remember    you    are    wearing    one    his    shirts.    the    reason    was    both    because    it    was    practical    and    because    you    missed    him.    it    did    feel    like    being    caught    with    a    sweet    as    a    child,    until    you    see    his    smile.    you    edge    closer,    leaving    behind    the    preparation    of    the    breakfast    behind,    ❝    good    morning...    did    i    wake    you    by    walking    around?    ❞
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sunpathos · 3 years
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@hakune​    asked    ❝  [ EXHAUSTION ]    having    just    overcome    a    massive     obstacle    the    sender    and    receiver    reunite,    and    the   sender    drops    their    head    forward    to    rest    against   the    receivers,    thoroughly    exhausted    but    glad    to     be    reunited    at    last.  ❞ from    percy    to    annabeth.    /    forehead    touch    prompts.
𝗂𝗍'𝗌    𝗇𝗈𝗍    𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍    𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗒    𝗈𝖿𝗍𝖾𝗇    𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍    𝗒𝗈𝗎    𝖿𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍    𝖺𝗇𝗒𝗆𝗈𝗋𝖾.    new    rome    made    sure    that    your    fighting    was    more    recreational    rather    than    to    ensure    that    you    didn’t    die.    you    had    preferred    it    that    way.    it    would    have    been    easier.    but    now,    now    after    everything,    you    had    to    fight    for    your    home.    whatever    apollo    and    jason’s    death    had    brough    into    new    rome    had    made    you    fight.    and    all    you    had    wanted    was    to    keep    the    only    home    that    you    had    ever    truly    shard    with    percy.    the    home    you    knew    you    had    to    protect.    you    had    gotten    separated    at    some    point.    losing    each    other    in    battle    was    not    something    you    enjoyed    all    that    much,    in    fact,    you    knew    you    weren’t    being    the    best    you    could    be,    because    you    kept    worrying    about    him,    about    what    could    happen    to    him.    you    fought    together,    survived    together,    and    being    apart    didn’t    set    easily    for    you.    there    was    a    piece    of    you    knew    that    he    was    the    same.    after    tartarus...    after    everything    that    had    happened,    you    liked    fighting    together.    now    that    the    dust    has    settled,    that    the    threat    is    gone    and    your    home    is    safe,    you    are    able    to    search    for    him.    or    at    least    look    around    and    try    to    help    if    you    can    while    he’s    not    nearby.    the    thing    is,    he    is    the    one    that    founds    you,    the    one    that    rounds    the    corner    when    you    are    trying    to    help    someone    who    is    actively    bleeding.    you    feel    the    atmosphere    change,    noting    that    he    is    nearby.    it    takes    you    very    little    to    stand,    and    before    little    to    run    towards    him,    and    he    drops    his    head    forward,    resting    against    your    own,    and    you    melt.    hands    on    his,    and    you    can    feel    yourself    smiling.    ❝    i    thought...    ❞    not    that    he    was    gone,    no,    you    know    if    something    catastrophic    happened    to    percy    you    would    feel    it,    you    would    know.    ❝    you    were    gone,    and    i    just...    i’m    glad    you    are    okay.    ❞
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