#𝓀𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒸𝒢𝒽𝒾𝓇 ✦ 𝑔𝑒𝓃𝑒𝓇𝒢𝓁
rippedlife Β· 4 years
His interaction with mortals was quite limited now, there was no need for him to go back to the mortal world, and humans didn’t get lost in the woods like they used to. Not so lost you ended up in a realm not entirely on Earth. It was a shame, they could be so fun to have at court, too bad they were so short lived.Β 
Imagine his surprise when he found a human on the road at the edge of the faery world on his daily ride. He dismounted gracefully and approached the figure,Β β€œDo you know where you are, little one?”
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rippedlife Β· 4 years
this shouldn’t be nearly was fun as it is, but seeing these little creatures with all of the hope in the world turning so quickly to mortal fear, then snuffed out all together, quicker than a candle, was just fun.
they had a system. cahir seduces the women, sings to them, speaks to them, typically at bars and nightclubs, and watches them fall deeply in love with him. their little faces, looking up at him with adoration and the security that they found their one true love. If only they knew he was the big bad wolf in prince charming’s skin. he fed off of that love, their need to have him. he’d drain them, making them much more incoherent, them just thinking the alcohol was hitting them harder than usual. then he enters with his offer to take them home and let them lay down before they feel better, and they always trust him, after all, he’s Mr. Right, isn’t he? Then he takes them home, like this one he’s walking down the street right now.Β 
The thing is, once they get home, then he’s done with them. He’s had his fill for the night and then he throws them to Mary. He enjoys watching her feed, turning the love sick eyes to sick with panic. The utter fear and betrayal that the women look at with him is almost too much of a delight.Β 
He turns the key in the look,Β β€œAnd we’re here,” he announces with a pleasant grin to the woman as he shuts and locks the door behind them, sealing her fate.Β 
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rippedlife Β· 4 years
tag dump
for king cahir!
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rippedlife Β· 4 years
Cahir wasn’t used to many surprises in his life. Sure, things couldn’t be plotted out entirely, but things that truly surprised him, shocked him, spooked him, never really happened in his adult life. That was, until today.Β 
He was enjoying his quiet breakfast in the royal hall, quite a peaceful moment when strange colored smoke began twisting at his feet. His brow furrowed as he looked down. He kicked at it gently, trying to get it to dissipate, but it only started to swirl faster and tighter circles. He put his breakfast down and sighed deeply. He was sure he wasn’t going to like wherever this takes him.Β 
The smoke quickly engulfed him but dissipated just as quickly as they came, but he immediately knew he was somewhere else. His senses were on high alert.Β 
He could not identify where he was, but he saw a spell circle, deepening his confusion. He looked up to face a young woman... She did not appear to be a threat, there was nothing threatening or even really intimidating about her, but he was still confused.Β 
He broke the silence,Β β€œDo you mind?”
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