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miraculous-trinity-leo ยท 3 years
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(Part 1)
My brain is crazy and has spawned another fic. . . Enjoy.
Chapter 1: How It all Started
Ra's al Ghul, otherwise known as The Demon's Head, was a crual man, believing in the old ways of the League: That Man shall rule over their people through force and through fear.
And Ra's did just that, striking fear into those who dare try and threaten him. He gained his right as the Demon's Head threw a vicious tournament, and gave his clan power which was taken from The Order long ago. Though he only managed to claim two, he chose ones that would strengthen himself and his clan. They were gods that would grant power to whomever wielded their jewels. The ones he claimed were:
The Ox: Symbolizing Strength, confidence, power, stability, determination, and stubbornness.
The Tiger: Symbolizing Inner Strength, bravery, power and Balance
Ra's used these two gods to vanquish his enemies. The only thing Ra's was missing after years of his rule, was an heir. He tasked one of his daughters โ€“ Talia al Ghul โ€“ to birth him an heir, and she did. She found her old lover Bruce Wayne and drugged him. 9 Months later, Damian al Ghul was born and praised by his Grandfather. 2 years passed and slowly, a sharp increase in attempts on Damian's life couldn't be ignored so easily. Ra's then tasked Talia to birth another child, and train them to be loyal to Damian. Although Talia strongly disliked dealing with having another child, she did as she was told and once more, managed to trick Bruce Wayne and drug him for round two. And a year later, Damian now 3 years old, had a younger sister โ€“ Marinette al Ghul. Ra's was displeased that it was a female, but thought it better than a future rival for the right of being the next Demon's Head, and reluctantly accepted Marinette al Ghul as Damian al Ghul's sister, and protecter.
Damian and Marinette didn't see each other all that much during their younger years, but each had equally hard training in many different things. Later when Damian was 7 and Marinette 4, they began to interact upon Ra's wishes. Damian knew Marinette was his younger sister and future protector, but he didn't like that she would be forced to give her life for him one day. The though of it irked him greatly. He had never realized how close his baby sister was from him โ€“ Just down the hall from his quarters. He often visited Marinette, though she didn't speak much to him. She would just sit there and listen to him, analysing him with her deep ocean blue eyes. She was almost always calm whenever they were together, never once did he see her with any expression other than her normal blank analysing gaze.
Whenever he came back from training, or a mission, he always spent time with her, ranting about random things that had bothered him. Marinette would always place her hand on his head, though her expression never changed, her eyes would become comforting towards him. Often times they would sleep next to each other and share bits of their food when one was being punished. Damian truly loved his baby sister, he wanted her to smile, to show emotions other than through her eyes, he wanted to hear her call him brother, just like he called her sister.
The night after one of Damian's missions, they were hugging each other for warmth during the winter, Damian telling stories he heard from his past missions.
"You know, they say that if you ever see a shooting star, to make a wish on it. If you ever saw one, what would you wish for 'ukhti?" - Damian looked to Marinette under the blanket next to him with a smile, hoping his wish to hear her voice would happen someday
". . ." - Marinette looked to the ceiling for a moment as she thought about it.
She turned her head to her him, her eyes filled with warmth and love for her brother.
"For 'akhi to be happy." - Marinette saw the look of shock that went over her brother's face, and had a brief small smile light up her features
Damian could only smile back as they soon fell asleep.
A year later Damian was 8 and Marinette 5. Ra's had decided to have the gods choose them as their wielders now that they refused to grant their power to one whose soul was far too stained. The two gods were positive that they would refuse the two Ra's chose, but to their surprise, both were true holders. Damian a true Ox and Marinette a true Tiger. The two gods floated to their chosen and deemed them worthy. Not long after, their traing was increased, both normal and the training with the powers bestowed upon them by their chosen gods.
Then, another year later Damian was 9 and Marinette was turning 6. Damian decided to make a Rapier with Marinette before their training later that day. After a few hours they managed to make a beautiful dark metal Rapier with a complex hand guard with accents of gold on it.
". . . How am I supposed to hide this?" - Marinette held her Rapier easily as she looked to her brother
"I- . . . Did not think about that." - Damian
"Just store it in your Pocket Dimension My Shebbel." - Roaar had flown out of Marinette's bracelet and to her Rapier as she spoke
"I have a Pocket Dimension?" - Marinette
"Yes. You have almost an infinite amount of room in it, so you can hide your Rapier, or anything that isn't breathing in it." - Roaar
"How do I do that?" - Marinette looked at Roaar with slight excitement in her eyes
"Just imagine yourself absorbing it." - Roaar
Marinette took Roaar's advice, and focused on absorbing it before she saw it glow and fade away into a dark blue-ish purple glowing mist
"Just as expected of My Shebbel, you got it first try!" - Roaar flew around Marinette's head happily at her Chosen's accomplishment
". . . Stompp?" - Damian looked to his god with hope in his eyes
"Yes My Batta, you also have a Pocket Dimension." - Stompp
"*smiles mischievously* Now I can finally hide all the weapons I want." - Damian
"Don't overdo it 'akhi." - Marinette spoke to Damian with a knowing look
"I understand 'ukhti, I'll only steal 5 weapons a day." - Damian
"... 2." - Marinette
"4." - Damian
"3." - Marinette
"Deal." - Damian shook hands with his sister as she let out a slight snort
The rest of the day was more enjoyable, especially now that they knew they could hide their dumb instructors weapons. Then, a few days later, Marinette was to go on her first mission with her god Roaar. Most of it went smoothly, and although she completed her mission, she had hesitated a brief moment before killing the target. Something Ra's had her punished for once she got back. He had her whiped multipe times before she was allowed to go back to her room. She didn't show any emotions during her punishment or as she walked back to her room, but when she closed her room door and saw her brother, all she did was shed silent tears as her brother and the two gods hugged her while seething with anger. Neither really liked killing, but sadly, they knew that was the only way for them to survive in the cruel world of the League, if they didn't, they would be beaten for a few hours or worse and then let go with the promise of harder training from then on. Roaar hated seeing her chosen having no choice in the matter, and Stompp downright despised the hell they put their chosen through on the daily. But they couldn't do anything without risking their chosen in the process, so all they could do was comfort them when they needed it.
He soon realized after that day that they're souls had a bond, one that was described as a platonic music bond. He could feel what she felt based on her melody, and she could do the same. Thanks to that bond, they could see if the other was okay no matter where they were, and he realized that her Melody becomes louder and quicker when she's in danger or scared whenever she's near Ra's.
After that, Damian made sure to protect Marinette whenever he could, making it clear to the other children that trained near her were dead if she ever needed the pits because of them. Although he knew she could be healed or revived, the last thing he wanted was for her to go in the Lazurus Pit. Near the middle of that Year, Damian kept running into the same girl over and over. He never cared to remember her name as she was an annoyance to him. And the girl seemed to stop after a month of annoying him, but then he saw the same girl trying to cozy up to ๐—ต๐—ถ๐˜€ ๐™จ๐™ž๐™จ๐™ฉ๐™š๐™ง and he came pretty close to tearing her apart. He obviously scared the girl enough for her to run off, and he felt proud to have gotten the nuisance away from his sister... at least he did until Marinette gave him a disproving look. Neither saw the girl after that, and soon, another year past.
Damian was now 10, Marinette 7, and Ra's had decided it was time to show them their kingdom of which Damian would rule, and Marinette protect. All was going well, Marinette stayed close to her brother's side, both wearing their special armour and weapons on them. Damian had his beloved katana sheathed on his back, while Marinette had her dual swords sheathed at her waist. And everything was fine, but as they entered the courtyard, the League was ambushed. Damian and Marinette fought off the assassins that tried to kill them without much problem, and when they turned back, they saw Slade kill Ra's. Though they didn't love their grandfather, they fought Slade for betraying his leader and managed a few good hits before he somehow escaped. When they went to find Ra's, they saw him a mere foot away from the Lazurus Pits, his hand outstretched towards its waters. Talia soon found them and urged them to follow her, and they did. They ran, following their mother into a building with a hidden passage to the docks where a boat was waiting. They ran past all the chaos and death around them. The fire the attackers set consuming the building they were in rapidly. They were almost out when they came across more assassins, they were easily taken out and they made their way to the secret tunnels. Talia and Damian made it down first, and just as Damian looked up waiting for Marinette, a burning wooden beam fell onto the tunnel's entrence, sealing it in a blazing wall of fire. Damian wanted to get Marinette, but Talia draggen him all the way to the boat by force before getting away.
Marinette couldn't waste any time, so she ran to the nearest exist and started running into the mountains. Between her heavy heart beats she could just hear the faint clanging and scraping of metal far behind her, causing her to run even faster. She ran to the entrance of the second cave that could grant her a way out, but found the entrance blocked by rubble, most likely blown up. So, she unsheathed her dual swords and ask Roaar to grant her strength as she saw the assassins getting closer.
Roaar noded and fused with Marinette's swords, making them a darker metal and giving them and her eyes, a faint yellow glow. She steadied her breathing and attacked once they were closer. 10 assassins were tring to kill her, so she fought without hesitation. She easily took out the first 3, leaving 7 left. They scored a few cuts, some shallow, some a little deep, but none were life threatening compared to her current situation. She took out the next 4, and the 3 remaining showed slight hesitation at the sight of Marinette covered in many cuts while still standing as if they never hit her... which was their mistake as Marinette took that moment to take them down, once she was sure no more were coming she went deeper into the mountains.
Although Marinette was trained in extreme cold since birth, the large loss of blood didn't help. She felt her legs giving out and decided to stop and sit by a rock where she took the moment to store her dual swords away in her Pocket Dimension. Her body soon had her lying down as more blood slowly started to seep into the layer of snow beneath her. She watched the sky, slightly tinted by all the smoke from below the mountains, and saw two shooting stars falling togther and burning bright. She felt a stray tear roll down her cheek as she closed her eyes, wishing her brother was safe. When she opened her eyes again, one of the falling stars seemed to glow a bit brighter before fading away, leaving the other to fall by itself. She was starting to lose feel in her hands when she barely felt something small and fuzzy rub up against her left arm, groggily, she turned her head to see a Black Panther Cub, whether it was actually trying to warm her or get warmth itself Marinette didn't know. The cub curled up next to her and purred... and it felt soothing to her. She didn't know how long she and the cub layed there before she barely heard the crunch of footsteps in the snow, and as much as she wanted to see who it was, she was unable to move her head. The person seemed to bend down enough over her head for her to know it was a man, probably 6'1, but she could distinguish his features.
"Well, you two cubs aren't supposed to be here.ย  This is not the time nor place for either of you to parish." - The man seemed to pick both Marinette and the cub up before walking
"Whoo'rrr yyyou...?" - Marinette's speech was slurred and slow, but somehow she started to feel a little better, and started feeling warmth as if she was under the sun instead of a cloudy winter sky.
"Well, you could say you already know me, just not here? But I'm Kevin, pleasure to meet you Marinette al Ghul of this Verse." - Kevin
Marinette tensed as much as her tired body allowed her to when she heard him say her name, but just as she was going to try and say something, her world seemed to slowly fade to black.
Damian was angry and worried, he didn't know if his baby sister was alive, he knew she was strong, and that she had Roaar, but he couldn't hear her melody no matter how hard he listened for it.
"Why are you agitated my son?" - Talia didn't even have an ounce of guilt or sadness in her eyes, she didn't care that she could've just left his sister to be killed off.
". . ." - Damian just wanted to hold his sister, know that she was safe, he wanted to know that she was okay, he just needed to hear her melody
"If this is about your sister, you should just forget about her. She was always weak, why that god ever chose her will be beyond our understanding. We will be at our destination later tonight, so get some rest." - Talia then went into one of the cabins to rest, leaving Damian alone.
Damian went to his cabin a minute later, when he closed the door behing him, he made sure it was locked, and that there were no bugs. After he was done, Stompp floated out of Damian's Katana as he sat on the bed hugging himself trying to stay calm and reassure himself Marinette is alive. Stompp went up to offer some comfort when Damian saw a single falling star from the boat's window, watching as it fell, he mumbled words that only he and Stompp could hear
"Please be safe 'ukhti." - Damian watched the star burn brighter before fading completely, he soon fell asleep with Stompp next to him in the silence and crashing of the waves that filled his room.
Marinette could hear crowds of people talking and faint horns in the distance as her eyes slowly squinted open. She jolted up into a defensive stance, quickly looking around. The first thing she saw, was that she was now in an alley, and Roaar was charging in her bracelet. She saw that her cuts weren't bleeding anymore, and seemed to have started to heal, though they were still a bit painful. She took another careful look at the alley when she heard someone speak.
"Hey, can you pwease feed me?" - Small voice of a boy
Marinette looked around, but didn't see anyone
"Down here pwease." - Cub
". . ." - Marinette
". . ." - Cub
". . . what the f-" - Marinette
"Looks like you're able to understand cats now." - Roaar now floating to the cub
"What?" - Marinette looked to Roaar who was next to the cub
"It's because you're a true Tiger, same goes for most true olders. If they're exposed to their chosen Kwami at a young age, they'll be able to understand most animals under their Kwamis' respective family tree. So, since a tiger is a โ€˜big catโ€™, you can understand most to all big cats since we're all similar language wise in some ways." - Roaar
"Oh. . . 'akhi would be so jealous." - Marinette smiled to herself at the thought of her brother pouting.
"May I pwease have some food?" - Cub
"Same here, using my powers always makes me hungry." - Roaar
"Alright, what do you two want to eat?" - Marinette looked at them fondly as they smiled
"MEAT!" - Both Roaar and the cub answered in sync with happy eyes and excited voices
"Alright, Roaar, please watch the cub while I get us food." - Marinette
"Sure thing My Shebbel!" - Roaar then sat protectively on the cubs head as Marinette made her way out of the alley
She easily memorized everything around her and grabbed a shawl before spotting a street vendor selling kabobs and headed for it.
"Dese Kabobs are tuh die fawh Ives!" - Harley, Ivy, and Selina were all sitting a little ways away from where they just got their beef kabobs
"To bad you don't like meat." - Selina
"... To bad I can't yet live off of sunlight yet." - Ivy drinking some wine
"... Hey Ives?" - Harley
"Yes Harls?" - Ivy
"Two questions, one, if you drink wine, are you basically eating an old lady smoothy?" - Harley
"PFFFFFFFFF! WHAT?!" - Ivy had spat her wine out so hard some came out her nose - "Shit it burns!"
"HAHAHAHA!" - Selina was cackling and almost choked on her food in the process
"Two, is dat kid stealin' beef kabob man's kabobs?" - Harley pointed to a small girl who was covered in a shawl swipe 3 kabobs and walk away without the vendor noticing
"I think she did... Honestly, great form." - Selina was impressed by how smooth the kid pulled it off
"God why does it burn so much???" - Ivy was tearing up while she held a napkin to her nose
"Come on Ives, lets teach de kid a lesson about stealin' delicious food." - Harley then got up and started following the kid, Ivy and Selina following close behind
Marinette was really looking forward to eating the meat on a stick, and rounded the corner to the alley meeting back up with Roaar and the cub behind a wooden crate. She set the shawl she grabed earlier down on the floor and sat on it before handing Roaar and the cub their food.
"Be careful, it's a little hot." - Marinette
"Thank you!" - The cub ate the meat happily once it cooled off a bit
"Thank you My Shebbel, now eat up, you need your strength." - Roaar sat on Marinette's leg as she started eating her kabob
. . . . . . . . .
"That was so good~" - The cub had finished his food quite quickly and was very happy
"Indeed." - Roaar had also finished hers
Marinette handed them each another piece knowing they still wanted more before finishing hers
"Where'd dat little kid go off tuh?" - Harley
"Probably down that alley." - Selina pointed to an alley just ahead of them
"Why do you think that?" - Ivy
"A vegetable from the kabob is at the opening of the alley." - Selina
"Nice one Cat." - Harley continued the charge to the alley where they all stopped at the entrance as they heard a girls voice making cat sounds followed by actual meowing
"Wait, can she talk to cats... Harley." - Selina put on her kitten eyes as she looked to Harley
"No, we're not adoptin' anudder you." - Harley
They then proceeded to enter the Alley
Marinette had Roarr and the Cub on her lap, both full from their meal, when Roaar and the cub turned their heads to the alley entrance
"Someones' are coming!" - Cub
"What?" - Marinette froze when she heard someone speak up
"We know you're in dere, come out wit' your hands up and we'll go easy on yuh." - A Brooklyn sounding women spoke
As Roaar hid back in Marinette's bracelet, Marinette got up and into view of the intruders, putting her right hand behind her back as she took out a throwing knife. Marinette noticed their eyes widen and she took that moment to strike
They were shocked, they weren't expecting to see the kid covered with clearly ๐™ซ๐™š๐™ง๐™ฎ recent cuts and bruses along her arms and legs. Harley could see the kid was on edge so she tried to approach her calmly.
"Hey kid, are yuh alright? Look, we just wanna help y-" - Harley was cut off by Ivy pulling a vine in front of her face just in time to catch a very pointy throwing knife. Before any of them could say anything, they saw the kid pick up a cat and bolt as the throwing knife disappeared from the vine
"Shit." - Harley/Selina/Ivy
Marinette didn't think they would be meta, but then again, this isn't her best day. She was running down the streets getting odd and concerned looks as she ran threw the crowds of people, they were close on her tail, so she decided to make a little chaos to lose them.
She saw cages with livestock and opened it, causing a stampede of cattle and chickens to be let loose, and it seemed to distract her pursuers. She continued running threw the alleys and streets, stopping only after she was sure she lost them.
"Are you okay?" - Cub
"Yeah, you?" - Marinette
"I'm okayโ€“ look out!" - The cub was dropped from Marinette's arms as she was suddenly lifted upsidedown from her feet by a vine
She frantically tried to cut threw with another knife, but it just kept regrowing before she could get all the way threw it. She saw the three women approach her, they were about to say something when she decided to throw her knife at them as a last attempt, but was knocked out by some puff of something from the vine, causing her to go limp. The vine gently put her unconscious body on the floor.
"Now what?" - Selina went to approach Marinette, but the little Panther Cub they thought was a normal cat, stood protectively infront of the girl
"SHE HAS A BABY PANTHER???. . . THAT'S IT, I'm adopting her and this cub." - Selina easily picked both Marinette and the cub up before walking back up to Harley and Ivy
"Did you not see her try to kill Harls with a THROWING KNIFE? I mean, whose kid has a THROWING KNIFE???" - Ivy (*Ahchooo!*- Talia)
"A deranged maniac most likely." - Harley (*Ahchooo!*- Talia)
They took Marinette and the cub to their hotel where Ivy treated Marinette's more serious injuries (which was basically all of them) before letting her rest with the cub on their couch.
About two hours later Marinette woke up to the sound of a tv, it was onย  a news report about all the livestock that got loose earlier that day. That's when she realized they were speaking Italian. Well, now she knows a general area of where the heck she might be. She let out a slight snort when it showed a few of the livestock owners trying to catch a chicken, only to trip into a pile of manure. Marinette looked around the living room she was in, but didn't see anyone other than the little cub that sat next to her.
"So, do you know where we might be?" - Marinette stroked the cub's head as he stretched his front paws forward
"No, but the females didn't have a hostile smell, and they cleaned your boo-boos." - Cub
Marinette looked at her arms and saw most of her cuts were bandage, and then she remembered she never got the cubs' name - "Um, I'm sorry but, do you have a name?"
The cub shook his head before looking down - "I don't have one."
"But, everyone has a name." - Marinette
"Mama never came back with my name." - The cub seemed to curl himself closer to Marinette as he spoke
"... Although I'm not your mom, would you like me to give you a name?" - Marinette
"You'd do that?" - The cubs' eyes seemed to light up at Marinette's words
"Of course, um..." - Marinette looked at the cub thoughtfully, and remembered one of her favorite characters' name from a book she found during a mission - "How does the name Bagheera sound?"
"I love it!" - Bagheera seemed to light up at his new name and curled up in Marinette's lap purring, causing her to smile
"I, Bagheera, promise to always protect you!" - Bagheera looked up to Marinette, his eyes filled with happiness and admiration
"You don't have to do that..." - Marinette scratched the back of her neck in slight embarrassment
"But I want to." - Bagheera
"Why?" - Marinette
"Because I like you." - Bagheera
"Alright..." - Marinette had stood up and realized she had a vine covered in bark around her ankle - "Roaar?"
"Yes My Shebbel?" - Roaar flew out of Marinette's bracelet and was now floating in front of her
"Could you please undo this vine?" - Marinette gestured to her ankle
"Of course, just give me a moment." - Roaar quickly got to work on removing the vine when Bagheera pointed out that they were coming back
Once the vine was off, Marinette could hear the jingle of keys. She picked Bagheera up and went to hide behind the kitchen island. She held her breath as she heard them open and close the door, followed by one of them placing a heavy bag on the opposite end of the kitchen island. Not long after she heard someone say "fuck" and assumed they found the broken vine. Marinette set Bagheera down and whispered for him to follow her, both making their way out of the kitchen as quietly as possible before reaching the door. It was when she was just about to open the front door that it started beeping at an obnoxious volume, and she was quickly yanked by her waist back to the living room with another vine.
The three women looked at her with mild shock and concern as they spoke.
"Why were yuh tryin' tuh leave? We just wanna help yuh kid." - The concerningly pale women had her gazed fixed on Marinette, trying to look for something
"..." - Marinette only looked back, her expression blank and her eyes cold as she was still being held about 5 inches from the ground
"Can you at least tell us your name?" - The slightly greenish woman that was holding Marinette in place spoke as Bagheera walked up to her meowing
"..." - Marinette just kept the same poker face as they looked at her and as she looked at them
"Can you at least tell us if you're alright or need help at home?" - The only normal looking woman out of the three was concerned, her eyes going between Marinette's own and her bandaged cuts
And they saw her visibly tense up before she scoffed at them and turned her head away. Ivy placed her back on the couch while Harley brought more chairs for them to sit on.
"Alright, let's start wit' names, I'm Harleen, butcha can call be Harley." - Harley seemed to pull out a clipboard as she clicked the back of her pen - "Tuh my right is my dear sweet Ivy, and tuh my left is Selina. So, what's yuh name kid?"
". . . Tt." - Marinette once again turned her head away, but still heard Harley writing things down, most likely her reactions
"Alrighty, so 'Tt' where do yuh live?" - Harley seemed to smile a bit when Marinette whiped her head back toward her at break neck speeds with an icy cold glare
". . . *hiss*" - Marinette literally hissed at them with a unhappy look on her face when Harley wrote that down as well, she also heard Bagheera gasp at her not so cub friendly word
The questions continued on for about another hour, and by the end of it, Bagheera had learned a whole new bucket of words, and all Harley had on her clipboard were noises. This continued for the next 5 days, and because of Harley, both Selina and Ivy had started calling her 'Tt', and soon enough, Marinette finally had enough.
It was a Wednesday, 10am, and everone was gathered at the dinning table, Bagheera next to Marinette's vined ankle.
"'Tt,' would you like some salt?" - Selina
"'Tt,' would yuh like some juice?" - Harley
"'Tt,' would you like anything for dessert?" - Ivy
". . ." - Marinette was losing it, never before had she been so annoyed by something so small, she didn't want to crack, she wouldn't crack, but if she heard them say 'Tt' one more time-
"Oh, 'Tt,' would you like to watch a mov-" - Selina
"OKAY! IT'S MARINETTE! FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY, PLEASE STOP CALLING ME SOUNDS!" - Marinette banged her head once on the table in defeat, they had won, they made her crack
"See? Dat wasn't so hard now was it? Now, lets watch dat movie." - Harley got up and lead them to the living room couch, where Marinette grumpily sat until she fell asleep from exhaustion with Bagheera right next to her.
The next few days were almost the same, but now they called her Marinette or some nickname of it. They wouldn't let herย  eฬถsฬถcฬถaฬถpฬถeฬถ go outside because they didn't want her getting hurt. And she probably would have said that was torture if her mother or anyone from the League could hear her, but she actually enjoyed their company. She didn't mind not going out, because they were there, and if they weren't with her for the hour or two they were out, Marinette had Bagheera and Roaar.
Though she would never say that to their faces, if she did, she would be openly admitting defeat, and she wasn't ready to wave the white flagg just yet.
โ€ขโ€“โ€”โ€“โ€”โ€“โ€”ยท One Week Later ยทโ€”โ€“โ€”โ€“โ€”โ€“โ€ข
Marinette was sitting upsidedown on the couch watching TV while Harley, Ivy and Selina were out grabbing some food.
"You seem to be happier the longer we're here." - Roaar
"It's... okay. Definitely better than ๐™ฉ๐™๐™–๐™ฉ place." - Marinette had since started referring to the League as 'that place' after she started liking Harley, Ivy and Selina's company
"Indeed. They are extremely nice, and they seem to actually care for you." - Roaar floated in front of Marinette
"They are nice." - Marinette went back into a normal sitting position and put her hand out for Roaar to sit on
Roaar's ears twithced for a split second before she sighed and continued talking with Marinette - "What do you think of them?"
". . . I guess they're rubbing off on me. *dramatic gasp*" - Marinette whiped her head around ready to fight whatever intruders had entered the apartment, only to be caught in a bone crushing hug
"OH MY GOD, Nette I knew yuh liked us!" - Harley
"CAN'T... BREATHE!.!.!-" - Marinette tried desperately to wiggle her way out of Harley's death hug, but couldn't
"She just wants to hug you, not suffocate you My Shebbel." - Roaar floating in clear view of everyone in the room, giving Marinette a chance to escape the hug
". . ." - Everyone else
"I guess it's time I officially introduce myslef and my chosen. I am Roaar, and this is Marinette a-" - Roaar was cut off by Marinette snatching her out of the air
"YOU SAW NOTHING!" - Marinette hid Roaar behind her back as she nervously looked at their faces
". . . You know, we've seen wierder." - Selina
"Mind telling us anything little flower?" - Ivy
"IT WAS SO CUTE!" - Harley
So Marinette and Roaar explained why they were together and half-truthed about how they met. They of course left out all the stuff about the League and her last name when Roaar suddenly stopped talking and zipped to the windows looking around frantically which caused Marinette to tense up knowing something was about to happen
"What's wrong Kitten?" - Selina walked up to Marinette putting her hand on her should.
They all saw Marinette reel her arm back for a punch when she whiped her head towards Selina, stopping halfway when she realized it wasn't an attacker that grabbed her.
"Harls I think we need to move-" - But before Ivy could finish one of the windows shattered onto the living room floor, prompting everyone to get into a fighting stance.
They watched as 11 people covered in black jumped threw the broken window holding all storts of stabby weapons
"Are those Assassins?!" - Harley looked in a mix of awe and shock at the intruders
One of them in a Black outfit with gold accents stepped forward raising his weapon as he spoke in a deep raspy voice - "Give us the girl and we shall spare your pitiful lives."
Of course they were about to refuse when they saw Marinette dash forward and disarm the assassin in one kick, grabbed his swords and decapitated him on the spot without hesitation. The other assassin instantly charged Marinette, ignoring Harley, Ivy and Selina. Ivy stopped 4 of them in their tracks while Harley and Selina each took out 2. When they looked back up they saw Marinette swinging her sword down on an assassin, watching as they went limp. Marinette lifted her sword from the man's head and jerked it so the blood would come off. She now had her eyes on the last living assassin, he had gripped his swords' handle tightly as he charged Marinette. He saw her wide open and lifted his sword high, ready to swing it down on her. But she moved at inhuman speeds as her sword and eyes seemed to glow a faint golden yellow, he saw her swing her sword up, and heard the sound of his sword hitting the floor. As the man stumbled back, he realized his severed hands were still holding his sword. Panic and fear engulfed assassin as he tried to make a run for it, only for him to watch the world spin before it faded away as Marinette had decapitated him as well.
Silence fell upon the room as they looked at a blood covered Marinette with golden yellow glowing cat-like eyes.
"..." - Harley, Ivy, and Selina didn't know what to say as they looked at Marinette who was looking back at them
It took Marinette a minute to process things as she looked at them, the very bloody room, and then to the faintly glowing sword stained with blood she was holding. She dropped it when she realized she was probably scaring them a bit. They saw her eyes stop glowing the moment Roaar flew out of the sword. Marinette looked back to them after a moment of them not saying anything
"I- um... sorry about the mess, I can clean it all up- I know how to- and I can hide the evidence- I- that makes it sound worse doesn't it?" - Marinette had tears running down her face as she took a few steps back while hugging herself to try and calm down as she kept rambling - "I'm sorry- I- please don't make me go back." - Marinette had started hyperventilating the more she spoke as the panic of them leaving and hating her grew more and more, the memories of being punished flashed threw her mind as her knees buckled and now had her sitting on the floor shaking slightly.
Harley had went to hug her as she realized Marinette was going into a panic attack, she was concerned for Marinette, especially when she visibly flinched when she hugged her - "It's okay, you're okay, no one's sendin' yuh anywhere, okay? We're here fawh yuh Nette, just try and breathe wit' me."
"Marinette, it's okay, Roaar and I are here with you too, pwease just try to breathe with us." - Bagheera had put his paws on Marinette's legs while he tried to calm her down by rubbing his head against her wet cheek.
They were all hugging and talking to her softly, and after a minute, Marinette slowly steadied her breathing as she began to sob in Harley, Ivy and Selina's arms.
When Marinette spoke in different languages, they could tell her voice was hoarse, it sounded broken and strained, they only understood one thing she kept repeating to them - "Where's 'akhi?" - between her broken sobs. She soon began hugging Harley back in an attempt to keep herself awake.
They spent the next 10 minutes like that, not knowing what to do as Marinette hugged them before passing out.
Damain had met his Father about 15 days ago, he didn't have the best first impression with his adopted brothers, and Slade had escaped him again. The only decent ones in the Mansion were Alfred and Alfred the cat. Stompp had advised Damian not to tell any of them except Alfred about his existence, and Damian agreed. No one but Alfred knew about Stompp, and Damian was thankful that Alfred was a truly wise and kind man. Damian saw Alfred more as a father than his actual biological father. It didn't help that Bruce and his siblings were always distant with him, but he didn't care. He had Stompp and both Alfreds to listen to how he felt, and they were the first ones to here about Damian's younger sister.
It was a relatively normal day at the Mansion, Todd was being a nuisance throwing his peas at Damian again, and he ignored it. For the most part it was quiet, and almost peaceful. Damian hadn't felt his sister's melody since they were separated, and it bothered him every day, but this day was different, he felt his sister's musicbox melody faintly during dinner, and was initially happy, until dread filled him as it quickened in tempo and changed from a peaceful song to one of pain and fear. He had abruptly stopped eating, staring blankly at his plate, frozen and worried about his sister. Everyone at the table saw this and asked what was going on, but none got a response from him. The tune changed again moments later to a heartbreaking fearful one, he could tell she needed him by the way her Melody sounded, it was strained and broken like she was crying. He felt anger rising in him before he felt Stompp tap his leg to bring him back to reality.
"-We asked, what the fuck is wrong with you Demon Spawn." - Jason
Damian breathed in before he spoke, visibly agitated - "Nothing of concern to any of you. Now if you'll please excuse me." - Damian gave no more room for any of them to ask further questions as he walked out of the dinning room
Damian kept walking till he reached his room. Pausing as Marinette's Melody calmed to a slighty peaceful tone. He continued into his room once he heard Jason's yelling and stomping coming up the stairs, and locked the 10 different locks on his door just in time to hear Jason banging violently on his door
"ARE YOU POSSESSED!? ARE YOU SICK!? YOU NEVER SHOW ANY MANNERS!" - Jason's voice was barley audible over his obnoxious banging
". . ." - Damian just went to lay on his bed while Stompp looked between the door and Damian
"OPEN UP AND GIVE ME ANSWERS DEMON SPAWN!" - Jason still banging without a care for the poor door
". . ." - Damian looked to Stompp and spoke - "Can I kill him with your power boost?"
". . . I'm not completely against that idea in this moment, but maybe just a 'mild' concussion if nothing else." - Stompp looking concerningly at the door - "Beside, he's trespassing if he enters the door through force."
*CRACK* - the poor door breaking
"Make it look an accident?" - Damian with a devilish smirk
*CRACK* - the poor door hanging a thread on the door's hinges
"Make it look like an accident." - Stompp with almost the same devilish smirk as Damian pulled out his Brass Knuckle with an 'Idiot' imprint on it. Just as Stompp fused with Damian's weapon and granted him Strength of The Ox, Jason finally broke the poor door to see Damian with slightly glowing redish green eyes
"WHAT THE F-" - Jason was instantly hit on his forehead with the Brass Knuckle, leaving a nice big red 'Idiot' on it as he fell onto his back disoriented
". . . Have a nice trip." - Damian picked Jason up with ease as Jason slowly realised what was happening, but Damian didn't give him a moment to recover as he tossed him down the stairs, definitely hearing ๐˜ด๐˜ฐ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜จ break - "Fall is the best season."
"Agreed." - Stompp had flown out of the brass knuckle to fist bump Damian as they walked back into his room, ignoring the shock from the rest of the family as Tim poked Jason with a stick to see if he was still alive, which he was.
โ€”โ€“โ€”โ€“One new door laterโ€“โ€”โ€“โ€”
Damian was listening to Marinette's Melody, happy it was still there and peaceful.
"Stompp." - Damian looked to his God that was eating some cornbread on his nightstand
"Yes My Batta?" - Stompp turned his attention to Damian as his chosen spoke
"Will I be able to find 'ukhti?" - Damian was still listening to her Melody to make sure it wouldn't fade away
". . . I believe you and her shall meet again one day, when that day might be, I do not know." - Stompp flew to Damian to pat his head smiling - "But I know she is safe with Roaar."
"Thank you Stompp." - Damian closed his eyes soon after drifting to sleep with Stompp beside him on his pillow
Things changed after Damian temporarily branded Jason with 'Idiot.' He somehow gained Tim, Stephanie and Cass's approval. They still didn't talk much, but they seemed to be more open when near him, and though he wouldn't tell them, it did make him a little happy. Bruce โ€“upon some scolding from Alfred, Tim, Steph and Cassโ€“ had also started trying to bond with him. And soon enough, Damian took up the mantle as the new Robin. He definitely loved scaring the shit out of villains ... literally. Didn't help that Damain's eyes glowed a redish green when Stompp helped him, which made the white eye cover of his mask look like a dark glowing blood red color at all times. He even made it on the Teen Titans Team as Captain.
Marinette had opened up more to them after she had woken up, considering she couldn't really think of any excuse as to why she asked them not to send her back. She didn't give the full details, but had told them that she grew up in a kill or be killed environment where the slightest hesitation meant torture or worse. This information of course made them want to kill whoever hurt Marinette, but ten times worse than anything they could imagine. After a few more weeks they learned she had an older brother, but they had been separated due to unfortunate events. Not long after, Marinette admitted that she actually saw them as family, which of course meant she was stuck in a death loving hug for at least 20 minutes.
During all this Marinette had finally heard her brother's Melody some time around 12 am one night, and she could tell he felt her's too by the sudden joyous tone his Melody took. They would check in on each other and make one anothers' day better by doing so. They were both happy, and relieved the other was okay and happy. Damian could tell that Marinette was happy by the way her Melody played as if telling him a story in a way only they could ever understand, it told of her little panther Friend Bagheera, who was quickly growing before her eyes, it told of Harley, Ivy, and Selina who showed her how to express her feelings more and see the world just a bit brighter than before.
Damian's Melody told of their new siblings, Dick, who was the oldest and most tolerable of their other brothers, Jason, who was hell bent on proving he was โ€“and still is according to himโ€“ possessed, Tim who is very much addicted to coffee and was a genius with technology, and he even talked about his sisters. The eldest sister being Barbara, who was even better with technology, Stephanie, who loved to play pranks and lurk in the shadows, and Cassandra, who had escaped the League and was now a proud member of their family. He spoke about Alfred, who knew about their gods, and was incredible at cooking. Alfred The Cat, who took a liking to him and Stompp, and finally, his Melody told of their Father. Bruce, he told her everything, that he was now Robin and had a Team he could actually trust without worry, how the rest of their family was also the infamous Batfam.
They both shared everything about their days, and how they were, but they could never quite tell the other where they were directly, as their Melody seemed to blank whenever they tried, so they made it into a game, dropping hints about where they were, with things specific to that place. Marinette loved when she guessed right about where Damian was as Robin for a mission, and Damian was happy that Marinette got to see many places around Europe throughout the year. And before they knew it, 1 year and 4 months had flown by in an instant, Damian was now 11, and Marinette would be 8 in 3ยฝ months. Then, 3 days later, Marinette was told that they would be moving to Paris, France, where they would spend most of the Year, they also planned on going to Gotham for a few months after that and alternate holidays between Paris and Gotham every other Year. And Marinette was excited, so she didn't hesitate to drop hints about where she was going next later that night, they were set to leave in a week, and Damian gave her hints about a mission he and a younger super close to her age would be going on in a few months, dropping hints about where this mission would be.
Little did they know, that by the time of her birthday, both would have the best surprised either could ever ask for...
. . . So,,, new fic... forgive me for I have sinned by creating a new WIP instead of continuing the ones I already have, and I have only one thing to say - "It is what it is~"
Hope you're all having a MIRACULOUS, FANTABULOUS, INCREDIBLY BEAUTIFUL day :3, stay safe, and rock those positive vibes !BUG-OUT! ๐Ÿž๐Ÿ’ฎ๐Ÿž
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miraculous-trinity-leo ยท 3 years
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(Last updated Sat, January 1, 2022)
Miraculous x DC x Marvel:
Damianette Fic:
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Miraculous x DC:
Garmari Fic:
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Marijon Fic:
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1st Place: @jumpingjoy82
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