#๐ฏ. ๐ฌ๐ฉ๐ฒ๐ง๐จ๐ซ๐ญ๐ก. โ€”โ€”โ€” lucas north.
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lindscys ยท 1 year ago
for @spynorth because i said so
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"leave." the word came quickly, with force and no remorse. green eyes barely lifted at the sight of lucas, blood still boiling in light of recent events. "i told you, i don't want to talk to you." and she meant it. if there was one thing she'd managed to inherit from her mother, it was the ability to hold a grudge.
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mambosfive ยท 2 years ago
@spynorthย โ™กโ€™d for a starterย (still accepting)ย !
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"i'm not some damsel in distress that needs some help. you can leave me alone."
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mastermicd-arch ยท 2 years ago
@spynorthย โ™กโ€™d for a starterย (still accepting)ย !
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residual silence was thick enough to cut a knife through. still, tense, and blair was doing everything that she could to not speak up and break it. something she'd never been great at, and this time was no different. head snapped up, looking him straight in the face. "did you want something else? or do you just enjoy hanging around and... lingering."
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lindscys ยท 2 years ago
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"oh you're funny. found a sense of humor here, did you?" it wasn't the first time she'd been called princess in such a context, and she was sure as hell it wouldn't be the last. voight's protectiveness of her was usually quickly picked up on by almost anyone who walked through the doors โ€“โ€“ even from ocean's away, it seemed. detective slid into the seat, hands rubbing one another to inject a little bit of warmth. "but to answer your question โ€“โ€“ no." there was a slight pause. "he doesn't know i'm here." though even she knew that there was no way she could pop to london and back without someone letting it slip. it wasn't like just heading out of state for a day or two. "you got time to help me? since i came all this way, and all?"
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His chosen haven is an all but empty thing, a sanctuary momentarily devoid of guests except for himself and an odd few scattered about and Lucas relishes the comfortable silence of it. No one pays him much mind here ... uninterested eyes flicker over where he sits, muscles folded into a chair that's pressed against a corner, before returning once more to their own task at hand .. and the agent relishes the freedom of it. Shadowed blues watch the condensation where it gathers around the mouth of his untouched glass, following the lazy trail of droplets to where they gather in a damp coating against the wooden table... and lips curve upwards at the sound of a familiar voice.
"Actually, I was just sitting here thinking about how quiet its been lately. Kind of nice, really." There's a laugh behind the answer, a thing of droll affection, and one foot pushes out the chair across from him, offering Erin a seat with the arch of one brow. "Friendly visit, is it? Or did Voight finally decide to send his princess into time out?"
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bannannie ยท 2 years ago
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๐๐ข๐ซ๐ž ๐ฌ๐ข๐ญ๐ฎ๐š๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง๐ฌ ย  โ†’ ย  accepting.
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@spynorth : โ› youโ€™re being followed ,ย  pretend you know me . โœ
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fuck. annie didn't recognise the voice behind the words, and her steps stopped as she considered what she was meant to do. could she really just believe someone who told her that she was being followed? it wouldn't be the first time that she'd have been heading straight into some sort of a trap, if that was in fact what was happening here. but then again, how often did she get to say that someone helped her out of a situation like this? between a couple of robbed stores and the pile of fake money waiting to be washed at her sisters job, there was plenty of reason why someone might be following her. but there also was reason to think that someone might lie about it to get her into a pickle.
worse things had happened to her. "i need to get laundry detergent." perhaps not the most subtle of conversation starters, but it was hardly the sort of comment one might make to someone that they didn't know. "did you pick up the wine for dinner?" she asked, eyes darting either side of her, scoping out who might be lingering, who might be listening. voice hushed, she asked, "who's following me? and who are you?"
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mambosfive ยท 2 years ago
@spynorthย โ™กโ€™d for a starterย (still accepting)ย !
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"didn't you ever tell yourself that you would do whatever you had to in order to make your dreams come true?"
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mambosfive ยท 2 years ago
@spynorthย โ™กโ€™d for a starterย (still accepting)ย !
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"couldn't you just โ€“โ€“ tell me about london or something instead? it's far more interesting."
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mambosfive ยท 2 years ago
@spynorthย โ™กโ€™d for a starterย (still accepting)ย !
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"this place is my client, whether i want it to be or not. you need to respect that, and know that some things i can't discuss."
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mambosfive ยท 2 years ago
@spynorthย โ™กโ€™d for a starterย (still accepting)ย !
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"i had nothing to say to the other guy, i've got nothing to say to you either. sending someone else doesn't magically make people open up more, or is this just the tactic you guys try?"
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mambosfive ยท 2 years ago
@spynorthย โ™กโ€™d for a starterย (still accepting)ย !
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"whiskey, tango, foxtrot." jessica spoke the words with certainty, her handler having told her she was to meet with an agent from elsewhere, and cite those words. instead, panic swept over her that she might have approached the wrong person, and sounded like a bizarre alien in the process. "stupid me, must have the wrong person. have a good night!"
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mambosfive ยท 2 years ago
@spynorthย โ™กโ€™d for a starterย (still accepting)ย !
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"everyone has secrets. i bet you've got loads. go on, give me a juicy one."
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mambosfive ยท 2 years ago
@spynorthย โ™กโ€™d for a starterย (still accepting)ย !
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as if her job wasn't stressful enough as it was, the last thing rita needed was the past coming back to bite her in the ass. at least, that was her first thought as she caught sight of the familiar face across the pavement.
her trip to london was only due to last a couple of days, and she hadn't seen said face in years โ€“โ€“ much less in london. so really, what were the chances of this happening at all? she'd made a lot of choices back then, ones that had made her as powerful as she was today. that didn't mean that she lived completely free of regret though โ€“โ€“ and that was an emotion that rita preferred not to acknowledge. ignoring the past, and the faces that came with it, was a big part of that.
with gentle breeze blowing through the front of her hair, rita was torn. torn between pretending she didn't know him entirely and hoping that it worked, or employ a method she'd used more times in her life than she liked to admit: the good old fake it until you make it. the longer she dwelled on it, the harder it was to decide โ€“โ€“ only to be forced into the latter, plastering a false smile on her face as she quietly hoped his memory was far worse than hers.
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mambosfive ยท 2 years ago
@spynorthย โ™กโ€™d for a starterย (still accepting)ย !
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smoke filled her lungs, and the blonde found herself comforted by the warmth that spread within her. she could hear her twin sister's voice in the back of her head, telling her to stub it out, that it was a nasty habit. one more drag, one more drink. then she might just be able to drown it out. she'd tried plenty of times before, but somehow lucy's voice always seemed to scream loudly above her thoughts.
another person! that could help, push aside any ache that she had to return to the family she'd long since left behind. she'd argue they left her emotionally first, but that didn't count when it came to the ferguson family. proximity over feelings, it seemed. "hey, you!"
she pushed herself off of the wall behind her, blowing the smoke out of her lungs as she moved, chasing after the silhouette that had tried to slink past her. "where ya going? anywhere fun?" it had to be better than her post-shift decompress.
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mastermicd-arch ยท 2 years ago
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cornered. trapped. feelings that were rising within abby had an assortment of names, all negative ones, but she did her best to keep her expression as stoic as she could, calm to those who might be observing from the outside. she stopped herself from showing any sign of relief as his hand released her wrist, though the action didn't do much to ease the tension in her entire body.
"sometimes that's the way the world works, isn't it?" eyebrow lifts as the question is put to lucas, as if it makes it in any way better. he was right โ€“โ€“ sometimes, it was a case of doing what you had to do in order to make sure that you were the person who came out on top. sometimes, it meant betraying your allies before they could betray you first. it wasn't something that she particularly enjoyed being a part of it, but the reality was that it was just a part of the game.
"are you telling me you're going to give them what they need to get on to us soil?" frown etches into her forehead, feet taking a step back to once again attempt to put a bit more space between them if she could. "you're going to aid and abet a terror cell and for what? because you came off badly the last time we worked together? revenge?"
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A huff of breath is her only answer, a snort of contempt that leaves no doubt as to his feelings on the matter at hand (and her reaction to it) and Lucas shifts, weight rocking from one foot to the other in impatience. One eyebrow raises at her thinly veiled command, fingers staying curled โ€˜round her wrist for a few beats longer as if the agent is trying his damndest to get under his companionโ€™s skin, payback for some perceived slight maybe โ€ฆ and when she is finally freed, lips curve upwards in a grin that doesnโ€™t quite reach blue eyes. Theyโ€™ve grown a bit harder since she first answered him, a steely ocean storm that weighs Abbyโ€™s own features as if seeking out some weakness โ€ฆ and itโ€™s almost the faintest shade of satisfaction at whatever it finds that paints his gaze as his hands seek refuge in coat pockets.
โ€œWith me? Funny, that. I thought your preferred method of teamwork involved convincing the other party to trust you while you buy enough time to make whatever it is work best for you and yours.โ€ Thereโ€™s something there that speaks of a torrid past, of a trap that Lucas North refuses to fall victim to once again, underscored by a duck of his head and the laugh that rumbles through his chest. His next words are a warning, a poorly disguised threat, a promise of what awaits should she and her country refuse to help their .. allies.
โ€œWeโ€™ve found a cell of extremists harboring a bit of hatred for you lot in the midst of London. So far, according to our surveillance, theyโ€™re finding it a bit hard to operate โ€ฆ โ€ The silence falls and he lets it hang for the barest of seconds, gaze holding steady with her own. โ€œ โ€ฆbutโ€ฆall they need is new papers and a way to smuggle themselves out of England to here. Be a shame if they somehow found that.โ€
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lindscys ยท 2 years ago
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๐š ๐ฏ๐ข๐จ๐ฅ๐ž๐ง๐ญ ๐ฆ๐š๐ง ย  โ†’ ย  accepting.
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@spynorth : โ› i wonโ€™t be a victim. โœ
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erin's eyes narrowed, a look of confusion dancing across her face at the insinuation that she might even think that of him. "nobody is asking you to be a victim, north." she was always quick to hold her own, but sometimes there was a time to be a little more soft. perhaps, this was one of those times. "but you're allowed to be unhappy when shitty things happen to you. you can own that, and try and resolve it, without being a victim." arms folded across her chest, back leaning against the desk behind her as she looked him over once again. "so let me have your back."
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mastermicd-arch ยท 2 years ago
@spynorthโ€‹โ€‹โ€‹ โ™กโ€™d for a starter (still accepting) !
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this wasnโ€™t the way that he liked to work, by any means. hotch preferred to keep things in house โ€“โ€“ he had enough issues with members of local law enforcement in his own country, let alone navigating the waters of an agency from elsewhere. but they were united by a common goal, and heโ€™d have to trustย that.ย โ€œhow much have you been told?โ€ he asked, opening the file that at this point, was rarely out of his hands.ย โ€œbecause from what i hear, you might just be the person to help us.โ€
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