#๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐›๐ซ๐ข๐ ๐ก๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ฉ๐ข๐œ๐ญ๐ฎ๐ซ๐ž ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐๐š๐ซ๐ค๐ž๐ซ ๐ง๐ž๐ ๐š๐ญ๐ข๐ฏ๐ž / ๐“๐€๐’ ๐ฏ.
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halfdent ยท 9 months ago
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halfdent ยท 8 months ago
The  Half-Moon  Club  once  a  thriving  night  bar  turned  almost-dilapidated  building  .  It  exploded  at  the  hands  of  Two  Face  yet  Harvey  heart  still  yearned  for  the  old  sentimental  building  so  a  compromise  was  the  rebirth  of  the  place  they  once  ran  closed  the  town  in  .  They  rustled  up  enough  scores  to  organise  the  recreation  of  the  club  now  turned  jazz  bar  .
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โ  Eh,  you  usually  get  yer  inspiration  from  loiterin'  known  rings  of  gangster's  or  is  this  a  new'n  for  ya  ?  โž  Curious  ,  they  haven't  seen  that  mug  around  here  before  ,  naturally  he  wants  to  be  sure  it's  as  harmless  as  the  latter  would  have  it  seen . They  light  up  a  smoke  ,  press  it  to  their  half-lips  .  
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โžค Enter @halfdent โ”Š Maybe your lucks finally come around , or maybe youโ€™re unlucky , itโ€™s a matter of perspective. โ€œ you fancy testing fate ? Seems yโ€™mustโ€™ve known what ya were crawlinโ€™ yerself into callinโ€™ on us anโ€™ all.โ€ / there you go ! Hi thank you for supporting my blog as always !
Seated above the conversational chatter and lively jazz of the lounge was V, at a booth on the indoor balcony. They took an interest in the hustle and bustle below, but had no wish to interact. The finely dressed socialite was a work associate, occasionally a client, but never a leisurely companion. V finds the former at their tableโ€” a leisure of the lonesome variety.
Yet, they didn't truly wish to be alone. They liked the sound of people, needed it. Needed a distraction. A light drink, a nice meal, and the illusion of company was just what they needed.
The low growl brings their gaze upward, though their attention lingers on the sound as they process the proposition. "Oh!" Their brows raise in slightly-delayed surprise. Gesturing to the chair opposite to them, they give a small smile. The empty seat beside them seemed the more familiar option, though they weren't sure if that would test their luck.
"I thought I was going to be alone tonight. People watching makes for excellent inspiration, but not much else."
// AAA!!! I cannot describe how excited seeing a starter from you made me! I haven't written like this in a while so I hope I'm not too rusty. By the way, your new graphics are amazing and look SO good (especially on the carrd)!!!
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halfdent ยท 9 months ago
In  his  days  as  an  elected  official  he  would  never  tread  the  line  between  work  and  his  personal  life  .  The  way  he  is  now  ?  He  still  tried  to  separate  his  bias'  unless  the  man  responsible  for  ruining  his  life  has  a  connection  to  the  movement  .  --  and  he  does  oh  ,  how  he  does  --  he  recognized  this  guy  ,  the  curve  in  his  nose  ,  the  cruel  fixed  brow  ,  remembering  him  mocking  him  .  He's  one  of  Hendra's  boys  alright.
Hendra  ;  He's  on  the  run  ,  he  knew  Dent  was  coming  for  him  .  Tony  Hendra  had  been  running  a  rival  gang  since  Two  Face  took  to  the  streets  in  a  crime  spree  .  This  was  beyond  business  ,   more  than  an  old  grudge  ,  that  swine  had  went  after  his  ex-fiance  a  few  days  ago  ,  blew  up  her  flat  for  God's  sakes  .  He  wasn't  going  to  stop  until  he  found  him.
Minutes  bled  into  hours  of  torturing  this  mere  lacky  .  He's  out  here  without  so  much  of  a  clue  for  the  information  they're  demanding  . 
Mary's  [ @babydxhl  ๐™ฒ๐™พ๐™ฝ๐šƒ๐™ธ๐™ฝ๐š„๐™ด๐™ณ . ] watching  the  door  and  all  the  way  Harvey  has  slipped  further  and  further  within  himself  ,  leaving  Two  Face  to  take  the  short  comings  out  on  the  stooge  ,  beating  him  half  to  death  ,  over  half  he's  probably  got  precious  seconds  left  .  Knuckles  coated  in  not  just  crimson  but  snot  and  spit  ,  he's  really  giving  to  him  .  The  skin  their  bruising  from  hours  of  impact  .  With  intervals  ,  tools  used  to  brutalise  .
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โ   I'm  gonna  beat  all  the  life  outta  him  unless  this  birdie  starts't'singin'  I  don't  care  if  it  finishes'im  off  ;  he's  better  off  dead  !  โž  
The  temptation  to  just  make  a  corpse  out  of  this  man  right  here  and  right  now  ran  the  risk  of  overruling  the  demand  of  their  silver  ,  twin-headed  numen  .  Mary's  words  reminded  them  of  it  in  the  moment  ,  and  Harvey  begged  Two  Face  to  listen  within  them  .
Fist  draws  back  as  they  observe  the  man  --  more  bloody  pulp  ,  unable  to  even  open  an  eye  ,  the  skin  around  the  sockets  were  so  swollen  .  No  pity  for  the  sorry  sight  .
 He  reaches  for  his  coin  ,  seeing  the  red  mist  give  way  to  clarity  and  flips  .  โ   He  lives  .  ...  for  now  .  โž   One  last  belt  to  the  ribcage  would  suffice  until  they  inevitably  get  their  hands  on  Hendra .  โ   C'mon  we  got  more  important  things  t'do  . โž   
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halfdent ยท 9 months ago
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height difference :3
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halfdent ยท 8 months ago
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Look at the mans just sat here feet up like heโ€™s not scheming
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halfdent ยท 9 months ago
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โ—– @cr1mealley /๐๐‹๐„๐€๐ƒ๐’ : *pining eyes*
โš– - unprompted / ALWAYS ACCEPTING.  ๅฝก
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Mutual pining .
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halfdent ยท 9 months ago
The  two  have  met  before  ,  Harvey's  darkest  secret  and  his  dear  best  friend  Bruce  Wayne,  not  that  they  suspected  Bruce  knew  the  difference  between  virtuous  District  Attorney  Dent  and  Big  Bad  Harv  .  If  anything  this  Harvey  has  known  Bruce  just  as  long  as  his  host.
He's  watched  from  both  out  and  the  intramural  of  their  mind  their  whole  life  .  Veins  on  his  forehead  seem  to  bulge  and  spread  ,  teeth  grind  together  .  Throwing  the  latter  man  into  the  wall  ,  strong  arms  reeling  him  back  for  propulsion  and  release  .  He  moves  over  him  .
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โ  You  should've  done  as  Harvey  told  ya  to  ,  you  think  you  can  just  barge  in  whenever  ya  feel  like  it  ?  โž
'  I  don't  want  to  fight  you  .  '
It  is  Bruce's  words  that  seem  to  ring  through  to  his  old  friend  .  Facial  features  seem  to  strain  and  worry  ,  fighting  confliction  .
โ  ...  Bruce ?  โž  Headaches  ,  always  headaches  ,  blips  in  memory  ,  lost  seconds  ,  minutes  ,  sometimes  hours  ,  rarely  days  (  not  since  he  was  boy  )  it  was  always  the  same  .  And  always  left  Harvey  disorientated  and  shaken  to  his  core  .  The  things  he  could  do  -  no  not  he   -  HE  could  do  .  It  terrified  him  .
โ  W-What  are  you  -  ?  Oh  God  ,  Bruce  .  I-I'm  so  sorry  .  I  don't  know  what  came  over  me  .  โž  He  does  and  he  doesn't  he  doesn't  know  the  full  story  but  he  can  fill  in  the  blanks  .  He  should  go  and  help  him  up  ,  do  damage  control  on  their  friendship  and  on  Bruce  ...he  doesn't  he's  too  ashamed  and  afraid  of  harming  him  again  .
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Bruce almost regrets his decision to come crashing through the front door... Almost. He respects his friend's privacy, but cannot bare to think he'd walk way from Harvey in a time of crisis. He can easily help finance the repair of a front door...what he can't do is ignore this.
Before Bruce can attempt to comfort his distressed friend, he is hoisted into the air with little effort. Eyes wide in shock at the voice that escapes Harvey's lips. He's seen and heard it before, but now it threatens him.
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'Harvey.' A voice too soft for a man being held by his collar. 'Please, take a breath. Why can't we just talk about this?' All previous arguments were resolved with a drink and a hand shake. 'I don't want to fight you.' Not only because Harvey is a dear friend...but also because he can't expose the skill he'd acquired for hand to hand combat for fear of exposing The Batman.
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halfdent ยท 8 months ago
โ  ๐๐ˆ๐† ๐Œ๐Ž๐”๐“๐‡  fer  such  a  ๐‹๐ˆ๐“๐“๐‹๐„ ๐‹๐€๐ƒ๐˜ !  โž   That's  already  been  established  ,  everytime  Mary  has  the  temerity  to  vocalize  her  own  reproval  .  ๐“๐–๐Ž ๐…๐€๐‚๐„  found  it  obnoxious  .  And  he  was  already  agitated  to  begin  with  .  Alluding  to  the  opposition  was  certainly  not  doing  either  of  them  any  favors  .
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โ  Don't  even  breathe  that  ๐‚๐‡๐ˆ๐‚๐Š๐„๐ ๐’๐‡๐ˆ๐“'s  name  here  .  Pokin'  his  beak  here  and  there  he's  still  a  nobody  .  Don't  care  how  many  men  he's  got  lined  up  in  'em  fights  .  โž   Scorn  twitches  at  the  brow  .  Babysitters  .  โ   Yeah  ,  know  a  thing  ๐Ž๐‘  ๐“๐–๐Ž  'bout  'em  wouldn'tcha  ?  โž   All  the  while  she's  running  her  spiel  -  he  knows ๐‡๐€๐‘๐•๐„๐˜   would  agree  the  bedwetter  never  got  his  hands  dirty  for  nothin'  always  needed  ๐“๐–๐Ž๐’  to  do  the  job  .
Perhaps  there  was  even  a  fleeting  second  where  apologetic  expression  betrayed  ๐“๐–๐Ž ๐…๐€๐‚๐„'s  toothy  snarl  .  There  was  no  control  here  .  Never  was  any  external  conception  of  control  was  a  conceited  delusion  ๐ƒ๐„๐๐“  had  built  up  in  public  office  .
โ  Listen  'ere  ,  ๐‘๐”๐๐“ ,s'long  as  you's  with  us  ya  follow  our  word  ,  got  it  ?  โž 
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She doesn't flinch at his instructions, even turns her face away briefly, a strange note of privacy โ€” as if the interaction between the one in charge and the wide-eyed hired thug is something personal. But she doesn't glance back at the room either. The man as he is, and as he will be, ceases to exist for her.
"It doesn't matter what he would do in your place," she says finally, arms folded over her chest again. Her chin is raised. Vaguely defiant. I know better than you. "You want to knock people around for sport, be my guest. I got Oswald's number, bet he could fit you in the line up for the fights tomorrow night. Hundred guys lining up to take a swing, you up for it?"
It's not like the fight goes out of her. It's like letting the steam out of a kettle, the initial spitfire frustration sending the words out in rapid fire. Now she exhales sharply, flicks her back into place.
"You don't get respect that way. You know what you get? You get a bunch of babysitters, and suddenly they all sit around thinkin' they're being paid to look after a rabid dog." She raises her eyebrows, as though daring Two Face to contradict her. "Respect is about control. Control of them, control of yourself." A little flick of the eyes, up-down โ€” as though surveying him, and finding him lacking. "Or selves."
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halfdent ยท 9 months ago
It   came   crashing   down   all   too   quickly   ,   literally   .   Harvey's   desperate   efforts   of   thwarting   Bruce   away   scattered   in   splintered   wood   trewn   about   his   apartment,   his   bestest   and   dearest   friend   was   always   so   insistent   .
Having   him   crashing   right   through   his   door   of   course   only   exasperates   the   situation   despite   everything   Harvey   still   has   the   sense   to   scold   him   .   โ     THIS   IS   A   RENTED   APARTMENT   WHAT   ARE   YOU   DOING   ?!   โž   The   sentence's   end   grows   taught   ,   coiled   up   into   a   growl   .   Idiot   .   Idiot   .   The   bumbling   fool   ,   we   oughta   teach   him   some   manners   .
โ     No   !    โž   He   shrieks   again   .   He's   fighting   it   but   he   feels   himself   slipping   away   .   โ     Get   out   of   here   Bruce   !   Leave   I   said   !   Damn   it   !   โž    Great   ,   just   great   this   wasn't   supposed   to   happen   .   Why   couldn't   he   just   leave   ?
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Look   at   'im   just   lying   there   like   he   owns   the   place   !
โ     Please   ,   please   just   go   away   !   I'm   warning   you   !   -   Please   Bruce   just   listen   for   once   !   โž    Harv's   really   breaking   a   sweat   ,   face   twisted   with   stress   ,   hair   clung   to   his   face   and   blood   boiling   in   his   veins   .
Without   warning   Big   Bad   Harv   decides   to   dispose   of   the   problem   himself   .   Grabbing   Bruce   by   the   collar   . 
 โ     You   rich   ,   arrogant   prick   ,   if   you   ain't   gonna   leave   I'm   gonna   make   you   wish   you   had  !   โž 
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Making time for friends, between monotonous days at Wayne Tech and restless nights out on the streets of Gotham; Bruce, finds little time for friends. However, for Harvey, he'd always sacrifice.
Today? Well, he'd made extra effort to visit his friend, on his door step no less, a bouquet of flowers in hand. See, Harvey has been wrestling with the stresses of campaigning. It seemed to have taken its toll on his dear friend. In fact, the gargantuan District Attorney has been displaying acts of violence of late. NOT like Harvey at all.
That's why he's here, hoping to give Harvey some support, to know he's not alone. Perhaps he could take Harvey out somewhere to calm his nerves.
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'Harvey, I just wanted to see you, old friend. I...' He frowns. 'I know you are going through a lot. I understand your busy. I-' just want to see you.
"-I've  got  a  lot  of  paper  work  .  Some  of  us  are  hard  at  work "
'Okay, Harvey. Okay.' Bruce sighs, he turns from the door.
"NO  !"
Harvey's in trouble!
Bruce crashes through the door, falling through a shower of splintering wood. 'Harvey!'
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halfdent ยท 8 months ago
Two  Face  was  ,  for  most  people  ,  terrifying  ,  and  -  for  most  -  uncanny.  The  contrast  between  him  and  the  body's  host  was  stark  .  So  different  from  well-spoken  and  poetic  Harvey  Dent  .  Both  charismatic  ,  both  intelligent  .  Overtime  if  your  luck  has  you  living  long  enough  or  you  get  CLOSE  enough  to  the  double-faced  janus  .  You  see  the  broken  visage  between  human  and  MONSTER  are  one  in  the  same  .  Two  Face  was  angry  -  anger  is  always  sharper  ,  far  more  intimidating  ,  though  it  stems  from  and  inner  pain  ,  Two  Face's  pain  and  anger  had  grown  into  copious  rage  .
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โ  Get  that  scum-suckin'  leech  outta  there  and  drive  'im  far  outta  town  .   โž  The  instruction  that  followed  en-suit  of  Mary's  .  One  of  the  goons  inquired  whether  or  not  they  were  to  kill  the  man  hanging  like  a  hog  on  a  meat  hook  when  they  get  him  out  of  the  city  .  The  coin  already  decided  on  that  .  โ  No  !   โž  Snarl  and  a  bite  to  the  reply  ,  all  to  quick  of  a  reaction  .  It  was  fairness  .  Said  and  done  ;  the  coin  had  spoken  and  if  anyone  dishonored  the  silver  judge  he  would  lose  himself  ever  more  so  .
โ  Dignity  ?  Do  y'think  if  the  roles  were  reversed  in  there  that  sap  would  have  that  kinda  dignity  for  me  ,  even  you  ?  Nah  ,  he's  a  pathetic  ,  little  welp  ,  pro'lly  enjoy  the  feelin'  for  a  while  but  in  the  end  ;  he's  weak  ,  I  don't  gotta  care  about  dignity  I  care  'bout  respect  .   โž
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She has been scared of Two Face before but that is not what she feels now, crushed back against the wall, arms crossed, watching and listening โ€” she feels only very tired, and bored. As if they have spent their entire lives in this room with the smell of blood and sweat and vomit and the dying man whimpering and begging.
All so pointless, in the end.
She watches the coin go up, and then down, and presses her thumbnail hard into the center of her bottom lip, feeling the skin threaten to split beneath the keratin. Hard little rows of teeth against the force. Her gaze turns to the man.
If she was a kinder person โ€” and that's always the way with Mary, a woman cobbled together out of a thousand what ifs โ€” she might wonder if any of them, all three, even remembered his name. She's not kinder. She feels only a vague kind of disinterest towards him, the way you feel about the meat in the butchershop window you don't want to buy.
"Let's go, then," she says finally, and straightens up. Slips past Harvey to get out the door first, an act more habit than anything else. There are men in the adjoining room, smoking, staring blankly, waiting for instructions. "Clean up time," she tells them. To Harvey, when the room is empty again, she says: "You should have more dignity than that."
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