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Tagged by: @the-dimitrescu-seamstress (thank you :-) )
Tagging: @boyofwar @inprometheanfire (Stannis) @myersbprd @arcaneprophesied (Jon) @goth-mothered
+ Anyone who wants to :-)
Likely under so that it’s as out of the way as it can be.
Very, very poorly. Shireen will actively avoid sleeping for as long as possible. If someone’s muse finds her curled up in a random corner of the building she’s staying in, that wouldn’t be unusual. She had terrible nightmares that alternate between being prophetic and being a reliving of bad memories. She will not sleep without her stag figurine and will often curl up small beneath the covers so that she can somewhat hide within them. A bed is a safe form of warmth for her- dark and unthreatening- but she’ll still avoid it so as to avoid going to sleep.
She’s right-handed and will write in quite neat cursive. It’s been drilled into her to have her writing be as legible as possible. She’s quite deliberate with her writing and takes great care and pride in it.
Her greyscale scars down one side of her body, especially noticeable on her face and, at times, the back of her hand.
She prefers baths where possible. She doesn’t like to waste hot water, so will give herself as quick and thorough wash as she can. She likes flowery scents for shampoo and body washes.
Quite stoically. She will do her best to manage things for herself unless she truly cannot. She would rather not have the attention of doctors on her unless necessary. She will soldier through as best she can throughout it regardless. After greyscale, other illnesses pale in comparison, so she tends to cope quite well.
I would say primarily visual. Her books and their illustrations have taught her a great deal about the history of the world and other things she takes an interest in. For practical skills, though, such as in the verses where she is learning sword work, she would certainly be a more kinesthetic learner.
Fairly small and dainty. One has scarring along the back of it from her greyscale. She tends to cover them up with her sleeves/gloves/mittens when she can to keep them warm as they are a part of her body that feels the cold the worst.
Not sleeping when she should.
Eating like a bird rather than the amount she should have at her age.
Blaming herself for things outside her control.
She’s happy, and used to, spending it alone if she has to. In the past, she has on occasion received gifts from Stannis and Ser Davos, and, far more rarely, her mother. She might receive a sweet treat, such as a cake or pastry of some sort. Traditionally, they have been lowkey as her mother didn’t wish to have to acknowledge Shireen’s birthday, much less celebrate it. That should change in the future though.
Most of those have broken for her recently. The big one she used to think was that her father was different than the rest of the other noble House leaders, that he wasn’t as cruel or as insane as most of them seemed to be to her. She knows, now, that he was. And, with that realization, most of the other untrue things she used to believe in have shattered too; to the point where she is now rebuilding her image of much of the world around her from scratch.
True and complete trust is no longer easily earned with her, and very easily lost even having once gained it.
She will make a list, get what she needs and then split things out as best she can into bags. She is not immune, however, to getting extra items if they catch her eye or she thinks that she might have a use for them later.
‘By the Seven Hells/Heavens’ is one she often thinks if not says outright.
Books and scrolls! Anything that she can read/learn from can find a home in her room.
She is increasingly convinced that the Iron Throne drives mad anyone who sits upon it, or who strives to have it. If she learned that it had been melted down or otherwise destroyed, she’d be relieved.
Definitely to plan things in advance. She would never show up uninvited deliberately anywhere as she would expect a negative reaction from anyone who finds her, whether it be because of her greyscale scars or the reputation her father has recently created for their House. She would also like to know what is going on before it does. Surprises, after her near-death experience, are not something she is any longer fond of.
She thinks that she’s quite the optimist and, while that might have been true before the attempted sacrifice, it’s no longer as cut and dry. She can go down some very dark trains of thought at times, and can catastrophize when feeling very low. Hopefully, she’ll recover that trait fully over time.
#𝐔𝐍𝐔𝐒𝐔𝐀𝐋 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄 𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒.#the-dimitrescu-seamstress#thedimitrescuseamstress#Thank you :-)#headcanons#read more for length#boyofwar#inprometheanfire#myersbprd#arcaneprophesied#goth-mothered#gothmothered
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WHICH WAY DO THEY HANG THE TOILET ROLL, OVER OR UNDER? She hangs it over. It’s what she learned from her parents, and to be honest, she’s probably not even aware of there being a debate between the two. If she’s told about it, Magda would probably either say it was stupid or roll her eyes and sigh before going back to her work. Either way, the over method is the proper way. It’s just logical.
HOW DO THEY SLEEP? DO THEY HAVE ANY ROUTINE THEY MUST DO FIRST? DO THEY STEAL THE COVERS, ETC? Magda sleeps in the center of her bed, surrounded by pillows. Usually five; either two on each side and one for her head, or two for her head and one on the side she tends not to sleep on initially. Those pillows stay close as she is a snuggler, and she normally likes to sleep on her left side.
She does say the Lord’s Prayer before sleeping. This was something she started upon her employment in the castle, as she wasn’t really one to do it before, not since she was little. She’d started reciting it out of fear and hopes for protection if she were to die. Now it’s just more of a habit or routine. She says it quietly and in the dark. She’s not entirely sure if it makes a difference, but it makes her feel better.
No, she does not steal the covers or hog the bed. You can’t do that if you’re the only one in the bed.
HOW DO THEY HOLD A PEN? DO THEY HAVE ANY WRITING QUIRKS? Magda is left-handed and she writes in cursive, as it’s easier and quicker. If she’s asked to print, it’s absolute crap. In terms of holding her writing utensil, unlike many other left-handed people, she doesn’t curl her hand around to write, but instead she keeps her wrist straight, as she had a teacher who was nice enough to teach her properly.
In terms of quirks, if she’s in a hurry taking notes, her writing will get messier and a bit more slanted, often with spelling mistakes. Don’t worry, she knows what she’s written. She’s tried shorthand in the past, but sometimes she doesn’t always stick with it.
WHAT TRADITIONALLY UNCONVENTIONAL FEATURES DO THEY HAVE? ACNE, CROOKED TEETH, UNIBROW, ETC ETC?* Magda has some minor acne scarring on her cheeks, but it is able to be covered up with makeup. As for other unconventional features, she has two scars; one on her left wrists which was acquired shortly after entering the castle, and the other is a much older scar on her knee that she acquired as a child while playing in the woods. Nothing major in terms of debilitation, but definitely memorable.
WHAT IS THEIR SHOWER ROUTINE? On work days, which are usually six days of the week, Magda takes a quick shower, not wanting to waste too much time in case there is an exceedingly tall Countess waiting outside her workshop needing an immediate repair. She makes sure her hair in dry, as well as put up and out of the way, and the rest of her appearance just as precise and immaculate.
Depending on how she’s feeling, Saturday nights she will usually take a long, relaxing bath, or if she’s too tired, it’ll wait until Sunday morning. Just as a little treat to start her day off.
HOW DO THEY DEAL WITH ILLNESS? Oh, Magda is stubborn. If she can keep working, she will. The only way she will stay in bed is if she’s ordered to by Alcina (yeah, her, not the daughters or anyone else) or if she just can’t physically get out of bed. Even then, she will still try. So, basically, it boils down to her boss telling her to stay in bed and get better.
ARE THEY A VISUAL LEARNER? KINESTHETIC LEARNER? AUDITORY LEARNER? Magda is a mix of visual and hand-on learning. Unfortunately, with how sewing can be, you can be told again and again how to do something, but sometimes it takes being physically shown how to properly execute a technique. Practice and muscle memory is also how she naturally obtained even hand-stitching. Practice makes perfect.
I think she may also be a bit of an auditory learner. If you work with one machine long enough, you learn the various sounds; the slight changes in tone when the bobbin is almost out of thread, an indescribable sound that signals your needle is too blunt or is about to break, or even the shift in audible thickness when layers may have slipped and slid apart.
WHAT DO THEIR HANDS LOOK LIKE? Magda’s hands are secretly worn. At first glance, they look lovely. No blemishes, scars, or visible rough spots. However, you’ll notice that she tries not to keep her nails too long, or, if they do grow out, she doesn’t keep them long for extended periods of time. It eliminates snags that way. She also doesn’t really paint her nails.
Her palms have a soft dryness to them, which she tries to alleviate with hand cream. However, she will still get minor calluses or skin peeling at the base of her fingers on her palm. It doesn’t happen often, but it does happen. She tries to avoid picking her fingers, but sometimes when nerves get the better of her, Magda will pick and end up with minor wounds.
Lastly, her thumbs and index fingers can get exceptionally stiff, especially when she’s been hand sewing a lot. It gets annoying, and she does worry what will happen as she ages, as her one thumb joint does ‘pop’ sometimes.
WHAT MUNDANE BAD HABITS DO THEY HAVE? DO THEY ALWAYS LET FOOD EXPIRE? DON’T WASH THEIR HANDS? CHEW WITH THEIR MOUTH OPEN, ETC? It’s a terrible habit, but when nervous or stressed, Magda has the tendency to pick at her fingers. Nothing neurotic or anything like that, at least she doesn’t see it that way, but if she has the odd dry piece of skin along her nails, she will pick and pull at them. Thankfully, most result in no major damage, but sometimes the blood does flow and she has to stop her work so nothing drips or gets smeared on the fabric.
HOW DO THEY USUALLY SPEND THEIR BIRTHDAY? Um..... likely she doesn’t do anything for her birthday. It’s just another day for her. At most, she would have drink or maybe a little dessert or something, but for the most part, she doesn’t make a big fuss over the day. Of course, that is completely different if Alcina decides to celebrate birthdays. If that is the case, then yes, she will celebrate it or do whatever House Dimitrescu would deem appropriate.
WHAT IS ONE COMMON MISCONCEPTION OR INCORRECT FACT THAT THEY COMPLETELY BELIEVE? I really have no idea. Is it really a misconception or incorrect facts to believe that other supernatural things exist in one from or another because of where she lives and what she has seen in the pas few years of living in the village? Vampires, werewolves, shapeshifters, all that. Now add the fae, sasquatch, ghosts, and other supernatural entities or phenomena. Do they exist as most people expect them to be? No, probably not. After all, the lycans exist without a full moon, and the vampires swarm into flies, not bats, and they also hate the cold, but enjoy the sun. Aliens, though? No, not really a believer in those.
WHAT ARE THEIR RED FLAGS OR #CANCELLABLE TRAIT? For her own safety and longevity, Magda goes out of her way to not be canceled or red flagged at House Dimitrescu.
ARE THEY THE TYPE TO MAKE A SHOPPING LIST, GET WHAT THEY WANT AND LEAVE OR DO THEY MEANDER? DO THEY TRY TO CARRY ALL THEIR BAGS AT ONCE OR BREAK IT UP? Shopping lists do help, but she is not above standing in the store, pondering if she forgot anything that wasn’t on the list. Magda has also been known to wander with a purpose. Regarding carrying bags, if she thinks she can logically get them all in one try, she will, but she’s not stupid. She will take multiple trips if need be.
WHAT IS THEIR GO TO CURSE WORD? Magda uses a wide variety of curse words, often becoming more colorful and more creative the more frustrated she becomes. But, if she had to pick her most often used words, they’re ‘stupid sonofabitch’, ‘dammit’, ‘fuck’, or ‘shit’.
WHAT DO THEY COLLECT? CANDLES, BOTTLES, COINS, SHINY ROCKS, ETC? Magda doesn’t really have the room to collect many things, unless you count fabric, trims, buttons, notions, and thread. She used to have quite the music collection though, but that was before the village.
When she was younger, she also enjoyed collecting rocks and little figurines. She tries to follow that practice nowadays, but any rocks or objects she has a smaller in number and more cherished. Obviously, this is due to space and location, as well as the fact that she doesn’t really have the time to devote to such things. In all likelihood, she buys the occasional bauble from the Duke.
WHAT IS ONE CONSPIRACY THEORY THEY BELIEVE IN? Magda’s definitely become more open minded about supernatural things, but I don’t think that would count as a conspiracy theory. I’m sure she probably thinks there is some sort of government involvement or cover up regarding the village. If it’s existed since at least the early 1900′s, then likely Mother Miranda had to deal with both world wars and the Soviet Union taking over. Certainly if such things happened, the various governments became aware of things.... unless every single outsider entering was killed and no investigations ever came from their disappearances.
DO THEY LIKE TO PLAN THINGS IN ADVANCE OR ARE THEY THE TYPE TO SHOW UP SOMEWHERE UNINVITED? Magda is very much a planner, wanting to be able to figure things out well in advance and potentially foresee things before they happen. She does not enjoy surprises or unexpected things... at least when it comes to work. She doesn’t plan out the entirety of everything, and has wandered places on a whim, but it seems that nowadays, she is less and less likely to do such things, for the sake of her own safety.
WHAT’S ONE THING THEY THINK THEY’RE TALENTED AT THAT THEY REALLY, REALLY AREN’T? Love cues. Magda thinks she is absolutely able to tell if someone is single and available, but the truth is she is terrible at knowing such things. There have been countless times where, in the past, she was working up the courage to ask someone out for dinner and, before she can, the person she’s interested in mentions a girlfriend, boyfriend, or, even worse, a fiancé. Once that mistake has been realised, she would spend the next few days, maybe weeks, quietly berating herself, until finding another person she has an interest in and thinks is single. She’s just terrible at reading people. That’s the honest truth. Thankfully, being in the village and castle has reduced the misreading of people greatly.
tagged by: not officially tagged, but I borrowed this from @blitzkriegers. tagging: @dani-dimitrescu @holy-mothxr @dimitresca @xxashes-rebornxx @shireentheunburnt @yippie-role-play @sacrificialmaiid @sapphic-alcina-dimitrescu anyone else interested
#Questions#oh my god this was long and actually made me think#about the muse#resident evil 8#but now that this is done I can get back to replies
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i love hearing little headcanons and facts about characters that aren’t usually talked about, so i threw this together. feel free to copy and do yourself!
HOW DO THEY SLEEP? DO THEY HAVE ANY ROUTINE THEY MUST DO FIRST? DO THEY STEAL THE COVERS, ETC? Usually Abe drinks to wind down before bed, he doesn’t intend to be drunk, and he puts the knife he keeps concealed in his sleeve will be pushed under his pillow. He even does this when he’s home and keeps a flintlock loaded nearby. Abe does have a s.ex addiction and he sometimes partakes in this to silence his mind before bed, but this isn’t always the case for him before bed. He tends to drink more than anything. He also makes sure to look over his root cellar to keep anything incriminating hidden away. Abe tends to sleep on his back, but sometimes he will sleep on his side. Abe sleeps on his side with a hand under his pillow, but with his spy work, he tends to sleep on his back for cautionary reasons. Abe doesn’t sleep that great usually, becoming a light sleeper from his spy work and all of his trauma (especially after his time in prison where he always felt like he had to watch his back after the one guy betrayed him).
HOW DO THEY HOLD A PEN? DO THEY HAVE ANY WRITING QUIRKS? Like most people of this century, he writes in cursive, but he tends to hold his quill tight in his hand. For his spying, he tends to write fast to get all of the intelligence on the page. So he often will really strain his hand and his handwriting can be pretty sloppy with his rushed mannerisms.
WHAT TRADITIONALLY UNCONVENTIONAL FEATURES DO THEY HAVE? ACNE, CROOKED TEETH, UNIBROW, ETC ETC?* Abe still has the scar on his forehead from the s1e1 episode where he purposely cut his forehead to make it look like he had been robbed on his boat. But Abe has scars on his hands and a few on his body from the time he was stabbed, the various times he has been injured when out spying. I do think for a while after his s3s10 he has scars from being hung that remain for a while. I also imagine Abe has a bit of yellow teeth from his alcohol and coffee habit and has some crooked teeth.
WHAT IS THEIR SHOWER ROUTINE? Abe keeps his baths short. He’s in there enough to fully wash himself, and while he finds it relaxing, his mind is often on what he needs to do afterwards. When in the city and away from home, he feels vulnerable to be in a bath, so he doesn’t spend too long bathing. I think Abe only washes his hair once and is prone to oilier looking hair because he doesn’t always get all of the stuff out of his hair (the soap and whatnot). He likes baths late at night since it can also be a way for him to wind down before bed and it feels more refreshing/cleanlier in his mind to bath after a long day than in the morning.
HOW DO THEY DEAL WITH ILLNESS? Abe denies he’s sick for a while. He hardly ever gets sick and he has a good immune system. But when he’s sick, he gets hit heavy with it. But with his spying, he always tries to ignore any sickness to get his job done for the cause, to provide for Thomas. Eventually, though, it’s usually Mary (or the rare chance, Anna) that convinces him to rest and deal with his sickness than avoid it because he gets more sloppy, more frustrated and temperamental since he ignores to look after himself when sick.
ARE THEY A VISUAL LEARNER? KINESTHETIC LEARNER? AUDITORY LEARNER? I think Abe is an kinesthetic learner. He learns best when he’s using his hands, which may have been a reason why he choose farming. Abe leans best when he can work on something himself, since usually, he thinks he has the right idea anyway with his stubbornness. I would also say Abe can potentially also be an auditory learner with his spying thing since he has to listen in on people.
WHAT DO THEIR HANDS LOOK LIKE? Rough for coming from a privileged and wealthy family because of his farming. His hands are often dirty to some extent, especially if he has been out in the fields, and it’s in the winter when his hands clear up a little bit since he’s not out farming. His hands are a bit coarse and rough, but actually, they are softer than what you expect for his job just because Abe has only been farming recently (in the turn timeline).
WHAT MUNDANE BAD HABITS DO THEY HAVE? DO THEY ALWAYS LET FOOD EXPIRE? DON’T WASH THEIR HANDS? CHEW WITH THEIR MOUTH OPEN, ETC? Abe does have the mindset that in the bathroom (probably a more modern day thing), if he didn’t touch absolutely anything -- he doesn’t need to wash his hands. So sometimes he’ll exit the bathroom without washing his hands sometimes. Abe drinks a lot and he tends to get drunk or buzzed most night before bed.
HOW DO THEY USUALLY SPEND THEIR BIRTHDAY? In his adulthood, his birthday isn’t all that important. I think his birthday was one of the times him and Richard got along since he was more laidback and tolerable when it came to Abe’s birthday. With their strained relationship now, that’s often not the case. For is birthday, usually he would have breakfast at Whitehall and then partake in his day as usual. I don’t think he would take a break from spying with Abe’s whole determination and stubbornness, but I think he would spend more time Mary and Thomas that day.
WHAT IS ONE COMMON MISCONCEPTION OR INCORRECT FACT THAT COMPLETELY BELIEVE? I’m not sure honestly. I do think Abe has a privileged mindset that even when he dealt with his money problems, he believes that almost anyone can make a ton of money and rise the ranks of their social class if they work hard enough, regardless of their circumstances. Even if Abe dealt with money issues himself, he always had Richard there for a safety blanket to give him money if he really needed it. It’s just his own stubbornness that he wouldn’t take it. And because of his father’s favorable reputation in the community, I feel like that influenced people lending Abe money and all of the debts he has. Basically, he believes anyone can be rich and favored in a community, regardless of their circumstances and dismisses the factors that keep people in poverty.
WHAT ARE THEIR RED FLAGS OR #CANCELLABLE TRAIT? Oh god, where do you even start with Abe? Abe is a walking red flag, but I do have a bit of sympathy for Abe. He’s trying and his general movitiation of doing this for his son’s future is admirable. It just often comes out wrong with rash, reckless actions, his anger issues and stubbornness, and the whole affair. Basically everything about Abe lmao.
ARE THEY THE TYPE TO MAKE A SHOPPING LIST, GET WHAT THEY WANT AND LEAVE OR DO THEY MEANDER? DO THEY TRY TO CARRY ALL THEIR BAGS AT ONCE OR BREAK IT UP? Abe prefers not to make a shopping list. Abe has a pretty good memory, even if his lies are inconsistent sometimes. So usually, he meanders around the store or has a pretty good idea in his mind what he wants to get.
WHAT IS THEIR GO TO CURSE WORD? I think Abe uses a lot of different swear words, so I don’t think he has one he uses most frequently. Maybe “Shit”? idk.
WHAT DO THEY COLLECT? CANDLES, BOTTLES, COINS, SHINY ROCKS, ETC? When Abe was younger, he would collect wooden figurines. It was to play with, but eventually, in his teenage years, he started collecting them just to have them. He still has these and still collects figurines as a habit from his childhood, but also for Thomas to have. Around his room, in his childhood, he collected a few cool looking rocks and seashells.
WHAT IS ONE CONSPIRACY THEORY THEY BELIEVE IN? I honestly have no idea. Conspiracy theories has been around forever, but I can’t think of any for the 18th century. I would say in a modern au, Abe does believe in aliens to some extent.
DO THEY LIKE TO PLAN THINGS IN ADVANCE OR ARE THEY THE TYPE TO SHOW UP SOMEWHERE UNINVITED? It depends. Abe thinks he works best in the moment without any previous planning, but even despite this, he does know that a plan is better than nothing. He sometimes doesn’t stick to the plan in his mind or what you would call a “plan” isn’t that extensive at all, it’s just an idea in his head if everything goes in his favor. Usually, I would say he shows up somewhere uninvited, but usually he has a plan in mind on what to do or say.
WHAT’S ONE THING THEY THINK THEY’RE TALENTED AT THAT THEY REALLY, REALLY AREN’T? I’m conflicted on this, but likely working with instinct/in the moment. Abe can lie really well in the moment and make it sound genuine, but acting recklessly in the moment is also his downfall. He thinks he’s better at going with the motion than planning ahead than he is and it only ever served him well a few times and harmed him a lot more in other times. I always say that Abe can lie really well, but he struggles with the longevity of a lie (unless it’s the whole Rogers is Culper thing).
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i love hearing little headcanons and facts about characters that aren’t usually talked about, so i threw this together. feel free to copy and do yourself!
WHICH WAY DO THEY HANG THE TOILET ROLL, OVER OR UNDER? Astrid has no real big preference. Whatever feels right in the moment with little forethought, but usually over.
HOW DO THEY SLEEP? DO THEY HAVE ANY ROUTINE THEY MUST DO FIRST? DO THEY STEAL THE COVERS, ETC? Astrid often sleeps on her side, curled up in the blankets wrapped tightly around her and preferably a loved ones arm around her middle for comfort. Before sleeping, she always lights a few candles in the room, she can’t sleep in full darkness just for caution reasons. She would like to be able to see whoever may sneak upon her and working so much in darkness, she knows the strength darkness brings to sneak attacks. She does also steal the covers though.
HOW DO THEY HOLD A PEN? DO THEY HAVE ANY WRITING QUIRKS? Since Astrid was hoping to be the child that would bring her family out of poverty and rise from their original social class, Astrid has neat cursive handwriting. She often writes slow and takes her time with it, allowing her words to freely flow onto the page, from a habit from her youth to make sure her handwriting is readable and perfect. She tends to relax her hand when writing since she learned that produces a better penmanship than really tightening up and gripping the quill/charcoal/whatever writing utensil.
WHAT TRADITIONALLY UNCONVENTIONAL FEATURES DO THEY HAVE? ACNE, CROOKED TEETH, UNIBROW, ETC ETC?* Astrid is very, very concerned about her appearance. A lot of it comes from her mother focusing on her appearance a lot and Astrid’s, since both Astrid’s personality, connections, and appearance all played a role in securing a husband or friends that are wealthy/a higher social class (nobles and the like). So she tries to fix every flaw and tries to stay as youthful as he can (despite me and others joking that she’s a m.ilf). She covers over her acne scars (though she didn’t get too much acne in her youth), covers up any wrinkles or scars. She has a few wrinkles on her forehead and around her lips that she attempts to conceal.
WHAT IS THEIR SHOWER ROUTINE? Astrid bathes more than anything and it’s an area of self care for her. While she is concerned with her appearance and takes times in the bath to apply creams, moisturizers, etc, she does like to sprinkle the heads of flowers in her baths and use a lot of floral perfumes and light candles that have a pleasant smell. She treats this as her unwind time and her “reward” for a successful job with a wine glass in hand. So usually her baths are long and she makes sure to wash through her hair thoroughly, wash over her body and clean up any dry skin she often deals with. She does really enjoy having her hair washed by the way.
HOW DO THEY DEAL WITH ILLNESS? She denies it at first, even if she has seen firsthand the other Dark Brotherhood members fallen ill with a cold, fever, or a stomach bug. She can’t be sick, it’s just the changing of the seasons. That’s why her throat is sore and that’s the reason for her headache. She works through it, going through her maps, her letters, and still plans out assassinations and sends out the members of the Dark Brotherhood to take care of a contract. She doesn’t tend to leave the sanctuary during this time though, since it’s usually during the time when the weather is so bad that it’s preferable to stay indoors. So she often sends out others to find contracts for the Dark Brotherhood (when they don’t have the Night Mother/Listener around, they used word of mouth and rumors of the Black Sacrament being performed to fill their contracts and meet the person). When her symptoms really restrict her work flow, she will rest and often she’ll stay in her room and in her bed until she is fully over the illness. Usually, her husband will be the one to give her meals, but she prefers peace and quiet and rest during her sick days.
ARE THEY A VISUAL LEARNER? KINESTHETIC LEARNER? AUDITORY LEARNER? I would say Astrid is a kinesthetic learner, but I think she’s more of a learner that works off of written instructions. Directions, a step-by-step method written out in fine print is the easiest way she learns. She prefers written instruction because she can refer to it later on, but for combat-related endevours, she prefers to learn it on her own. So that would be where kinethetic learner would be her way of learning with constant physical practice with something.
WHAT DO THEIR HANDS LOOK LIKE? Because of her concern of her physical appearance, she prefers to wear gloves and use ointments and creams to rid herself of her dry skin. So her hands are pretty soft for the job she has because of her preference with gloves. But if you look at her hands, you may spot a few pointy veins here or two, but she prides herself on having pretty youthful and wrinkle-free looking hands.
WHAT MUNDANE BAD HABITS DO THEY HAVE? DO THEY ALWAYS LET FOOD EXPIRE? DON’T WASH THEIR HANDS? CHEW WITH THEIR MOUTH OPEN, ETC? Astrid often can’t keep her temper under control and it can really be her downfall, same with her general paranoia and preference for having control over others and her situation. She will pick at loose strands on her clothing when nervous and will kind of really tense her face when concentrating, which only will add more wrinkles to her face over time. These aren’t really “bad habits” per say. She is generally pretty hygienic and cares a lot about how she looks to not have any outward bad habits.
HOW DO THEY USUALLY SPEND THEIR BIRTHDAY? Astrid won’t outwardly tell anyone it’s her birthday, btu the way she carries herself: her smirk, her confident posture, and her eyes that are telling something makes it pretty apparent. She never really cared too much over her birthday when she was younger, but she liked the attention it gave her. She liked the gifts and the attention her birthday brings. She says she likes to keep her birthday low-key to appear humble, and she does to an extent, but she does expect others to wish her a happy birthday, to give her something nice, and pay special attention to her on this day. She will often stick by the Sanctuary and host a little party with her Family, but she does partake in a little trip to commit a murder here and there if she feels like she has been at “home” for too long.
WHAT IS ONE COMMON MISCONCEPTION OR INCORRECT FACT THAT COMPLETELY BELIEVE? Well, I suppose this might be a misconception: but she doesn’t believe in the Night Mother at all and the whole Listener system, mostly because the Night Mother hasn’t been around for a while to assist the Dark Brotherhood when it fell all over Tamriel, there was no chosen Listener and the Dark Brotherhood was left in shambles because of it. So there’s a reason why she’s skeptical. In general, she believes in odd beauty methods and ways to stay youthful. She has tried the blood method and believes it to some extent hat blood keeps one looking youthful. But she believes in many incorrect “methods” to keep looking young.
WHAT ARE THEIR RED FLAGS OR #CANCELLABLE TRAIT? Her whole want for control and to control others. To some extent, she sees people for their purpose and usefulness to her, even though she does seek for a sense of belonging, and her desire for power is her biggest red flag. She isn’t against manipulating others to get what she wants. The whole betrayal thing she does at the end of the questline can be seen as questionable.
ARE THEY THE TYPE TO MAKE A SHOPPING LIST, GET WHAT THEY WANT AND LEAVE OR DO THEY MEANDER? DO THEY TRY TO CARRY ALL THEIR BAGS AT ONCE OR BREAK IT UP? Astrid often tries to carry all of the bags herself or have someone else around to help her with that task. It depends on what she wants. Sometimes she doesn’t have many things in mind that she doesn’t need a shipping list, but other times, she does make a list. It depends on how much she needs really.
WHAT IS THEIR GO TO CURSE WORD? Astrid actually doesn’t curse too much. It comes from her youth where saying a crass word was seen as unladylike, so she often refrains from it in habit. She personally doesn’t see the use in swearing to get a point across, but she isn’t going to judge anyone else for doing so. She finds it humorous if someone swears a lot. Her go-to curse word is “damn” or “hell”.
WHAT DO THEY COLLECT? CANDLES, BOTTLES, COINS, SHINY ROCKS, ETC? Astrid likes to collect many things: skulls, shiny items, daggers with interesting cravings, different coins, and different looking wine glasses and cups. She’s the type to find something interesting and pick it up, she doesn’t collect one specific item.
WHAT IS ONE CONSPIRACY THEORY THEY BELIEVE IN? I guess the whole Night Mother not being real and the theory of her being another God/deity/whatever entirely. I can’t remember what Daedra people say the Night Mother might be, but she believes in that theory from the rough years the Dark Brotherhood went through without the Night Mother choosing a Listener.
DO THEY LIKE TO PLAN THINGS IN ADVANCE OR ARE THEY THE TYPE TO SHOW UP SOMEWHERE UNINVITED? Oftentimes an interaction, even a simple meeting, has a level of planning to it. Astrid does see the usefulness in planning things out, but she also sees the strength instinct can have in a situation. She does show up to places uninvited if she has a reason for it, but usually for that purpose. It’s often to seek someone or something out. Even if something seems natural, a meeting or whatever, there was a plan she has in mind for striking up a conversation than a circumstantial run-in. Astrid often is two steps ahead of someone, but she often underestimates the other person and gets too into her ego.
WHAT’S ONE THING THEY THINK THEY’RE TALENTED AT THAT THEY REALLY, REALLY AREN’T? I think Astrid can be a good reader of people, she’s charming and often has the right idea, but I can see her being really charmed by someone, or underestimating someone’s strength, and being betrayed in the end without previous forethought. Or thinking she strung someone along and last second, they betray her. it’s all connected to her ego and her want for control. Sometimes she’s so confident in her abilities, in her charm, and prowess that she lulls herself in believing that she tricked someone and they are just naive. When really it’s the opposite and she was too blinded to look at it realistically to see the signs.,
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