#πŒπ„πŒπ„π’ *ೃ༄ β€œyou wanna fight? bring it on!”
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brawlqueen Β· 1 year ago
Also like @ensnchekov / Red , who I stole this from , ( ty red ! ) I couldn't settle on all the questions so I did a run twice for fun .
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It's hard to combine air and earth and you are proof that the impossible are just a word . You mix the patience behind the creation of long stories , with the lightness of air and its force . Your prompts are the best , interesting , funny , and creating infinite possibilities and universes in front of them.
Your words carry the reader in new and unexplored worlds, you give them wings and the whole sky . You can give just a taste and it's too good to stop . Your readers become your fans , because your writing gets them addicted . Your words can have an aftertaste of sadness sometimes , but mainly you like to show the feelings, like to let them really exist, without apologies .
You're the writer that's born with the ability to touch the deepest floor of the abyss and at the same time smile while sitting on the clouds . Dust writers are a breathing miracle that makes readers reach heights that others can only dream of .
Just like water, you carry your readers in a new world, and they just can’t do anything but follow. Your poetic writing allures the readers in with beautiful words, just for them to find themselves on the deepest oceans floors, where you make them taste pain in its sweetest form. Water writers are the gentlest liars, they show the readers a small stream, and no one can see the waterfall at the end.
If you were a tag, you would definitely be β€˜Everything is Beautiful But Everything Hurts’. Cliffhangers are one of your strong points that, mixed with your incredible versatility, make you a great writer. Your stories have a deep meaning, and never miss to leave traces on your readers hearts.
You don’t limit yourself, you like to explore the deepest parts in the human soul, and that’s why readers can sometimes find MCD in your stories. Your endings tend to be sad or open, and your stories have the power to drag your readers with you, from the highest waves of a storm, and to the darkest secrets of the ocean.
stolen from: @ensnchekov / follow red ! tagging: @nulltune @trattcria @zelotae @bonescribes @immy-ooc @kingdom-of-mxginica @thelittlestdemon @dnangelic @hopefromadoomedtimeline @kiealer @godfrey-industries @paraleech @punchedharder @toadmiretoweepover @riwrite@nostomannia + you !
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brawlqueen Β· 2 years ago
bold what applies. italicize what occasionally applies. strikethrough what never applies. bold and italicize what always applies. italicize and strikethrough what applies when alone. bold, italicize, and strikethrough what applies to their most trusted.
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DEFENSIVENESS: arms crossed / crossing legs / clenched fists / pointing index finger / stiff shoulders / tense posture / curling of lip / baring of teeth / tail lashing / pinned ears.
REFLECTIVE: hand to face gestures / head tilted / stroking chin / peering over glasses / taking glasses off β€” cleaning / putting earpiece of glasses in mouth / smoker gestures / putting hand to the bridge of nose / pursed lips / knitted brows.
SUSPICION: arms crossed / sideways glance / touching or rubbing nose / rubbing eyes / hands resting on weapon / brows rising or knitting together / lips pressing into a thin line / strict unwavering eye contact / wrinkling of nose / eyes narrowing.
OPENNESS & COOPERATION: open hands / upper body in sprinters position / sitting on the edge of a chair / hand-to-face gestures / unbuttoned coat / tilted head / slacked shoulders / relaxed posture / feet pointed outward / palms flat and facing outward.
CONFIDENCE: hands behind back / hands on lapels of coat / steeped hands / smirking / baring teeth in a grin / rolling shoulders / tipping head back but maintaining eye contact / chest puffed up / shoulders back / arms folded just above navel.
INSECURITY & ANXIETY: chewing pen or pencil / rubbing thumb over opposite thumb / biting fingernails / hands in pockets / elbow bent / closed gestures / clearing throat / β€œ whew ” sound / picking or pinching flesh / fidgeting in chair / hand covering mouth whilst speaking / poor eye contact / tugging pants or clothes / jingling money in pockets / tugging at ear / perspiring hands / playing with hair / swaying / playing with a writing implement / smacking lips / sighing / rocking on balls of feet / flexing / tapping fingers sporadically / chewing on lip / pacing / tail twitching.
ANGER & FRUSTRATION: short breaths / β€œtsk” sounds / tightly-clenched hands / fist-like gestures / pointing index finger / running hand through hair / rubbing back of neck / snarling / revealing teeth / grimacing / sharp-eyed glowers / notable tension in brow / shoulders back, head up; defensive posturing / clenching of jaw / grinding teeth / nostrils flaring / heavy exhales / swearing / tail lashing / pinned ears.
stolen from: @hopefromadoomedtimeline tagging: @zelotae @sheyearns @causalitylinked / @unladielike @toadmiretoweepover @miraruinada @bonescribes @peachrote @pleiadeshalo @kiealer @paraleech @wcrricroflight @riwrite @lykaiia + you!
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brawlqueen Β· 2 years ago
shakespeare aesthetic.Β 
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romeo & juliet. Β  suburban july. scraped knees. bruised knuckles. blood in your teeth. bare feet on hot concrete. restlessness. your high school’s empty parking lot. love poems in your diary. a window open to coax in the breeze. burning inside. an ill - fitting party dress. a t - shirt you cut up yourself. the time you tried to give yourself bangs. biking to your friends house. bubble gum. gas station ice. the feeling that you’ve met before. rebellion. a car radio playing down the street. cheap fireworks. a heart drawn on the inside of your wrist with a sharpie. switchblades. red solo cups. dancing in your bedroom. screaming yourself hoarse. running out of options. the forlorn looking basketball hoop at the end of a cul - de - sac. climbing onto your roof at night while your parents are asleep. flip - flops. a eulogy written on loose - leaf. the merciless noontime sun.
hamlet.Β Β  speaking in a whisper. holding your breath. a browning garden. a half remembered story. furniture covered with sheets. fog at dawn. mist at twilight. losing touch. the ethereal space between winter & spring. the soft skin at your temple. the crack in the hallway mirror. things you’d say if you knew the words. uncombed hair. books with writing in the margins. books with cracked spines. books with lines scratched out. prayers on all souls’ day. a chipped ceramic bathtub. a cold stone floor. the uncomfortable awareness of your own heartbeat. the sparrow that got in your house. shadows. the creek you played in as a child. a dirty night gown. an oversized t - shirt. a collection of your favorite words. soil beneath your nails. ghost stories. the strangeness of your own name in your mouth. deep silence. exhaustion. a cliff with a long, long drop down.
twelfth night.Β Β  wicker deck furniture. new england summer. large sunglasses & a blonde bob. a storm over the ocean. patio umbrellas flapping in the wind. the smell of chlorine. muffled laughter. sarcasm. starched cuffs. day drinking. bay windows. the idea of love. love for the idea of love. love for love’s sake. hangovers. wandering over the sand dunes. a vagabond with a guitar. fishermen with tattoos. a pretty boy with a slacked tie. a lighthouse. growing too close. boat shoes. feeling yourself change. big, floppy sunhats. double - speak. a song you keep listening to. turning red under their gaze. margaritas drank on an inflatable pool lounger. string lights on a balmy night. sleepy june days. fights you’re unprepared for. hope you weren’t expecting. pranks that go too far. bad poetry. pining. becoming less of a stranger.
macbeth. Β  the space where your grief used to be. a bird that’s lost an eye. old blood stains. heavy blinds. the smell of sweat. the stillness after a battle. a fake smile. a curse. the taste of metal at the back of your tongue. your house, unfamiliar in the dark. a dusty crib. the smell of sulfur. an orange pill bottle. streaks in the sink. a black cocktail dress. your hand on the doorknob, shaking. a chilly breeze. crunching from the gravel driveway on a moonless night. clenched hands. a rusty swing set. a flashing digital clock stuck on 12 : 00. a snake that crosses your path. an owl that watches you. a dog that runs when you approach. red smoke, dark clouds. cool steel. tile floors. footsteps in the hallway late at night. a baggy suit that used to fit before. visions. insomnia headaches. nursery rhymes. being too far in to go back now.
much ado about nothing.Β Β  the high drama of small towns. a pickup truck. military supply duffel bags in the hall. hugs all around. tulip bulbs. a wraparound porch. a pitcher of iced tea. a rubber halloween mask. someone on your level. ill - timed proclamations. stomach clenching laughter. rushing in. not minding your business. crepe paper. white lies. secrets written down & thrown away. southern hospitality. homemade curtains in the kitchen. a sink full of roses. hiding in the bushes. old friends. the wedding dress your grandma wore, & her mama before her. a dog - eared rhyming dictionary. chamomile with honey. the intimacy of big parties. lawn flamingos. gossip. a crowded church. friendly rivalries. unfriendly rivalries. shit getting real. love at five hundredth sight. not realizing you’re home until you’re there.
king lear.Β Β  cement block buildings. power lines that birds never perch on. the end of the world. useless words. rainless thunder, heat lighting, a too big sky. arthritic knuckles. broken glass. chalk cliffs. the pulsing red - black behind closed eyes. something you learned too late. wet mud that sucks up your shoes while you walk. a cold stare. empty picture frames. empty prayers. the obscenity of seeing your parents cry. a treeless landscape. bloody rags. grappling in the dark with reaching hands. the sharpness at the the tips of your teeth. the blown out windows of a skeletal house. decay. jokes that aren’t jokes. biting your tongue. prophecies. aching muscles, tired feet. stinging rain. invoking the gods. wondering if the gods are listening. worrying that the gods are dead. white noise. shivers. numbness. the unequivocal feeling of ending.
a midsummer night’s dream. Β Β  the smell of wet soil & dead leaves. listening to music on headphones with your eyes closed. wildflowers. the distant sparkle of lightning bugs. a pill someone slipped you. fear that turns into excitement. excitement that turns to frenzy. mossy tree trunks. a pair of yellow eyes in the darkness. night swimming. moonlight through the leaves. a bass beat in your chest. a butterfly landing on your nose. a kiss from a stranger. a dark hallow in an old tree. glow in the dark paint. drinking on an empty stomach. a twig breaking behind you. spinning until you’re dizzy. finding glitter on your body & not remembering where it came from. an overgrown path through the woods. cool dew on your skin. a dream that fades with waking. moths drawn to the light. giving yourself over, completely. afterglow. the long, loving, velvety night.
tagged by.Β Β stole it from @riwrite ! tagging: @zelotae @bonescribes @desuetmort @nulltune @nostomannia @paraleech @hopefromadoomedtimeline @lykaiia @causalitylinked @woeborns @sinplly @kiealer @toadmiretoweepover @peachrote @stellarhistoria @pleiadeshalo@sheyearns @psychcdelica + you !
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brawlqueen Β· 2 years ago
what's your underlying motif?
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whether it’s your turbulent nature, or your flash quick mind, or the air of unknown about you, your undercurrent is the lightning rod. you are somewhat unpredictable, but if we unravelled we’d see you know exactly what you’re doing, but it’s makes you feel less vulnerable to pretend it wasn’t planned.
some people stay back from you, but others would follow you cross country, for the very same reason. they don’t know enough about you. the difference is in who wants to learn more.
keep your golden nature, it’s exciting, but don’t be afraid to admit what you know. matshona dhliwayo said β€œlightning strikes but does not roar” your bite will always be worse than your bark, keep that close to your chest.
stolen from: @undescension tagging: @bonescribes @peachrote @pleiadeshalo @causalitylinked @lykaiia@hopefromadoomedtimeline @paraleech @sheyearns @psychcdelica @desuetmort@nulltune @riwrite @nostomannia @woeborns @electricea @vishborn @susiehaltmxnn + everyone!
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brawlqueen Β· 2 years ago
What does your heart look like?
Basically, there are three due to the aspects / facets of Mizuki throughout the two games, mainly the first game, and seeing her a bit more unburdened in the second, although I feel she is most in character in the OG game of her own route imho, and the second game I personally feel is more a focal point for the plot's twists and turns and we see a lighter, more confident, more free side to her that we didn't get to in the Cyclops Serial Killings, which had her at the epicenter as two of the victim's daughter, however unloved, among several other victims.
However, I think in each one they apply to her, as I feel Mizuki still has not 'healed' and quite frankly, it's unlikely she ever will fully heal from the horrors and tragedies of her life, but that doesn't mean she can't have a hell of an adventurous one and find some peace, someday. Some parts I took out because I didn't feel they were applicable to her!
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MOLTEN LAVA AND CHARRED FLESH. your heart burned so fiercely that it burned itself out, leaving horrible scars in its wake, scars on your chest and on the hands of those who touched you the hearts of any who got close enough to connect to yours. burnt up by your own anger, passion and love. the injuries will never fully be erased, but they can be soothed with time and trust.
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A CAGE WITH IRON LOCKS you are an enigma. you take care to remain that way. what is it you truly want? you'll never know if you keep your heart locked away like that. you deserve to be known, truly and fully. stop being afraid of what you might find if you open your heart up to self reflection. stop thinking no one will love you the moment they understand you. you are more than the mask you put on.
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AN OPEN DOOR, A BURNING HEARTH. your chest is wide open, and your heart is a home. others are welcomed in readily, and asked to stay. you are comfort and love, everything you were never given but so desperately want to provide to others. you have built this welcoming hearth with your own two hands and will not see anyone else left out in the cold. be careful not to burn yourself out trying to keep everyone else warm.
tagged by: @dearmeats tysm quinn!!! i loved doing this ! tagging: @nulltune @zelotae @ofpersistence @colnerys @lykaiia@saizansha @hymnblood @desuetmort @nostomannia @paraleech @psychcdelica @bonescribes @auburniivenus + you!
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brawlqueen Β· 1 year ago
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brawlqueen Β· 1 year ago
How adorable are you?
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" oh that's a lot ! hmmhmm . . not bad , not bad ! "
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" wait . . "
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" . . . can i erase the second part ? "
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brawlqueen Β· 2 years ago
whatΒ  brandΒ  ofΒ  stupidΒ  areΒ  youΒ  ?
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smart until infected with stupid.
you think you're safe, don't you? you're probably the responsible one in the group (probably the mom friend) you're smart until all it takes is one little thing to suck all your braincells out. it could be hanging around your fellow stupid friends, it could be having been left alone. it could be having too much fun.
the stupid lives inside you and it just takes the right environment to show.
tagged by: lynnie-lynn <;3 @nulltune ty!! tagging: @zelotae @colnerys @psychcdelica @dearmeats @moseyed @causalitylinked @nostomannia @hymnblood @auburniivenus @bonescribes @lykaiia + everyone!
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brawlqueen Β· 2 years ago
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πŒπˆπ™π”πŠπˆ'𝐒 ππ„ππ“πŽ. (x) tagged by @nulltune ilu lynnie!
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i always figured m.izuki even as a child while she enjoys things that aren't always healthy, since starting her training, really honed in on making herself powerful even at 12. so most of her bento boxes are packed with protein, fish, vegetables, rice and eggs. while she does enjoy sweet things, she focuses more on less self-indulgence and more on strengthening her core body with balanced meals.
and as her motif canonly is the 'rabbit' from adorabbit to being symbolized as a rabbit in a so.mnium, along with loving yellow-golden tones, i figured she'd probably have a cutesy design to go with her color palette. basically she'll devour the core foods needed to be healthy, and spoils herself with ota and gen's cooking and the food restaurants in golden yokocho and yurakucho when she wants to just give in to carbs and more greasy food. or pick up fast food on the go.
tagging: @zelotae @nostomannia @bonescribes @psychcdelica @ofpersistence @rubbarband @hymnblood @colnerys @saizansha @nephilimborn@desuetmort @causalitylinked + and anyone who wants to do this!
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brawlqueen Β· 2 years ago
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usually, you're able to bottle up your emotions and ignore the frustrations. but, after weeks of shoving everything down, your body needs a release, and i pity the poor person who managed to piss you off. it's screaming crying, shouting, kicking lockers, whatever you can do to get it out of your system. it's a whole jean grey moment, fire and fury blasting out of you.
tagged by / stolen from: @bonescribes / @nostomannia tagging: @zelotae @nulltune @beatgod @saizansha @colnerys @hymnblood @nephilimborn @auburniivenus @ofpersistence @sheyearns + you!
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brawlqueen Β· 1 year ago
Whats your type?
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' hah ! well some definitely checks out - though i probably shouldn't ever show this when working as a detective . . . . probably better keep this at home. in a drawer. maybe locked." i'm not a smart ass! i just tell it like it is, geez. but . . . 'cute' ? yeah this thing has good tastes!
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brawlqueen Β· 2 years ago
What does your soul smell like?
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key words: refreshing. wit. humor.
you are a relaxing person to be around and leave a positive impression on almost everybody you interact with! you're always sending the funniest memes in the groupchat and when you really like someone you can talk to them for hours on end. compatible with: fresh linen, grass and rain, rosewater.
stolen from: @auburniivenus ( <3 ) tagging: @zelotae @bonescribes @causalitylinked @lovedsoul @nulltune @desuetmort @rubbarband @antithcsis + you!
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brawlqueen Β· 2 years ago
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favorite fruit(s) : tachibana oranges, watermelon, any kind of berries, tart apples.
favorite activity(ies) : training/ exercising, raising clione, friends and family.
favorite flower(s) : gladiolus, amaranth, sunflowers.
favorite season(s) : spring and summer.
favorite insect(s) : ladybugs and butterflies.
favorite animal(s) : rabbits especially. cats. thinks lions are cool.
favorite gem(s) : amazonite, aquamarine, garnet and emerald.
favorite time of day : sunrise.
tagged by: @bonescribes ( ilu bones ! ) tagging: @zelotae @lylavanek @woeborns @antithcsis @rubbarband@colnerys @inquireanerdyberd @nostomannia @beatgod @planetdreamer + all of you!
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brawlqueen Β· 2 years ago
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dark red character.Β 
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Red characters tend to be both quiet and observant as well as loud and dramatic. They are often brash and impulsive, and tend to act on instinct rather than planning ahead. They are quite self-sacrificing, often veering into self-destructive, and they push themselves to their limits trying to succeed. They tend to be stubborn, and it might take a lot to change their mind. They have a hard time expressing their feelings, and may come off as either emotionless, self-absorbed, or perpetually angry.Β 
They don’t have a ton of friends, and when they do, it’s often by circumstance rather than choice (although they grow to fiercely love their friends). They are not usually innately good at fitting into social situations, and can be awkward and out of place in them. They can come off as unhumorous because of how sincere and honest they tend to be, but tend to just have a dryer, sarcastic sense of humor.Β 
They do often think of others first, but their motivations for it might not be entirely selfless. They usually have a hard time conceivably lying, and are quite earnest without meaning to be.Β They put their full effort into what they do, and push themselves to improve at all costs. They get easily defensive, and feel like they have to prove themselves to earn anyone’s respect. They have a strong sense of internal morality and high standards for themselves. They also hold others to their internal high standards, which can cause a lot of conflict if not worked out. They tend to have bad relationships with their parental figures, who were usually either absent or abusive, and contributed to their toxic view of themselves.Β 
At their core, red characters want to be loved and accepted, but have often been denied it, leading them to build up lots of defenses. Others need to be patient with them and give them a safe space to be themselves as they open up and begin to flourish.
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tagged by: @nulltune​ lynnie my beloved! thanks a ton so much is eerily spot on! tagging: @zelotae @beatgodΒ @nostomannia​ @lykaiia @crownlcsking @moseyed @colnerys​ @crossingredqueensrealm / @eternalorganization​ 
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brawlqueen Β· 2 years ago
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Β  dating sims picrew!
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β€˜β€˜because you turn down any man that comes close to you.’ - aiba β€˜because they’re all pushy, basic bros.’ - mizuki.
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brawlqueen Β· 2 years ago
answer some questions and i’ll give you a character arc Β 
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hero arc.
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well done - you did things right. this may seem like a boring answer, but i promise it isn't. you believe in goodness and you believe in doing good, and through everything, you work to keep that goodness.
you have seen so much blood, and your instinct is always to stitch. you grew and fought and won, and i'm glad you did, because someone had to. i'm glad you kept believing in the world you were trying to save. you are far braver than most could ever be.
tagged by: lynnie lynn & hakuno ! amazing ladies! @nulltune​ !Β  tagging: @zelotae​ @beatgod​ @lovedsoul​ @crossingredqueensrealm​ @lykaiia​
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