#𐫱 â€ș linc | 001.
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liamalexanderr · 6 months ago
who: liam & linc @themissing-linc where: farmer's market
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IT WAS SLIGHTLY DISORIENTING to try and navigate crowded places, especially for liam, whose heightened sense of awareness sometimes felt like a double-edged sword. he had promised several people ( maya, els and cal to mention a few ) that he would start eating better and healthier. he could go to earthwave, but something about the memory of going to the farmer’s market with his mother on weekends tugged at him. he wanted to experience it again, to see if it was still as abundant and lively as he remembered. he was determined to find some good veggies and maybe some meat if he was lucky, but the amount of people crowding the narrow aisles made it difficult. he could hear the shuffling of feet and the occasional murmur of conversations, but the noise made it challenging to get his bearings. suddenly, he felt the shift of someone stepping into his path, and before he could react, he barely missed crashing into them. liam turned quickly and threw the person an apologetic smile. "oh, sorry, dude. i didn't see you there."
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clementinebriar · 6 months ago
CLEM: hey handsome đŸ«¶ CLEM: can a girl get $30 @themissing-linc
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sebastianvora · 5 months ago
đŸ“± → linc logs
SEBASTIAN: [ 1 IMAGE ATTACHMENT ] SEBASTIAN: happy coming out day or whateva SEBASTIAN: what u doing rn??? — @themissing-linc
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saulweissberg · 6 months ago
availability / @themissing-linc / randomizer task! location / pie numbers timeline / friday, september 13th, 2024 at 7:08 pm.
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saul wasn’t really a fan of pie numbers. he knew that was practically sacrilege in blue harbor, but he was a new yorker! pizza in the midwest—especially the dreaded deep crust chicago-style—just didn’t measure up. that wasn’t to say that he hated pie numbers and their pizza, it just wasn’t on the top of his list of favorite places to eat. that wasn’t the case on that friday, however. maybe it was due to it being the thirteenth—saul wasn’t a superstitious man, but perhaps there was some credibility to bad luck on that particular date. maybe he was just in a bad mood because it had been over two week since he heard from his son, and though he promised everyone he would stop trying to contact micah, it annoyed him that he had to. couldn’t his son just pick up the fucking phone, just once? so, maybe it could be contributed to his bad mood, or the date, but he was looking for something simple to have for dinner and what could be more fuss-free than pizza?
waiting for his food, saul stood off to the side of the counter with his arms crossed over his torso. there was his now-familiar deep frown set onto his face, and while he normally cared what other people thought about him, lately he couldn’t care if he looked unfriendly in public. that frown disappeared the moment he spotted phoebe’s friend, lincoln. saul smiled politely at the younger man. “hey, lincoln, right?” he greeted him by name, banking on him remembering saul from earlier that year when they crossed paths before. “this is great, i was actually hoping to run into you or one of phoebe’s other friends. i’m planning her birthday party later this month and i wanted to get some ideas. what’d you think?”
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doctornilayxaksoy-esfahani · 5 months ago
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"... Oh." A squeaked out word. That was all she could do as the pieces of the puzzle began to fit together at his confirmation. Her jaw had become slacked and she nearly forgot how to breathe for a moment, until, finally, she cleared out her throat. While she'd been dating Isabel, she listened to her old man's music. It hadn't necessarily been her favourite kind of genre, but she had to admit, they were good. She use to wonder all the time why they were no longer together and even told her ex that she would support her endlessly if she ever wanted to try again with her bandmates.
And while she use to wonder if she could one day meet those bandmates, she didn't think it'd happen after she broke Izzy's heart. Looking at the younger man before her, she wondered if he knew all about that. "I, um... I knew Izzy—Isabel. She use to tell me all about your guy's band." Hearing his reasoning for coming back caused her to nod. She could understand that; While the Baileys were capable of being in other parts of the world without each other, they preferred to be close. Especially in one of their greatest times of need. "I'm sorry to hear about your father. But I'm sure that you being here helps, in more ways than one."
In spite of the tenseness of before, if there was one thing that could change her mood entirely and quickly, it would be Elijah. Whether him himself, in person, or just talking about him to someone. And to talk to someone who was a great fan of his? It was beautiful. Especially after such a stressful amount of time recently with Roman and Antonio. "How long have you been a fan of his? Hey... I promise, you don't have to feel intimidated by him." Smiling warmly, she softly nudge his arm with her elbow. "Trust me, he'd be excited to work with you. Especially since he's already invited you to stop by. But you do what you're comfortable with, okay?" Was she trying to reverse psychology him? Perhaps. As nice as it was to be comfortable, stepping out of that could help lead to something incredible. Something unexpected. And Lincoln would never know if he didn't try.
"It's all I've ever wanted to do," she admitted. "And I'll admit, everything that I've been able to do because of it... I've worked so hard for all of it, but I still feel so lucky to be able to make my dreams come true." As a child growing up in Mardin, she thought that she'd be lucky if she even was able to go to school. Having Richard, Jasmine, and Theo in her life initially gave her the courage to go after everything she wanted. Now, she gained that courage from Eli and their girls. She laughed happily before nodding. "I would be honoured to! I'll give you my number after this meeting and we can figure it out more together." His joke caused her to snort softly. "I've heard your voice; Trust me, they got the right Lincoln Welch." Noticing Angie and someone else opening the door and waving them in, she looked at Linc and nodded towards the building. "Shall we?" she asked as she stood up.
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Social media. G-d damn, fucking social media. Sure, what that a bit hypocritical considering her career? Yes, but here's the thing: Nilay didn't actively search herself online. Eli had warned her about that once, after having his own years of experience, and the last thing she needed was to risk her insecurities getting worse. Which has led her to missing out on a certain campaign that'd been going around recently. A campaign that Angela caught wind of and had been working her ass off to make a reality. And as she and Linc sat with Angie and the suits, the proposition was... Well, it was fucking nerve-wracking. Sure, she has experience with what they were proposing; Between acting in Greek tragedies on stage in the past and having portrayed Athena in EPIC: The Musical the past few years, she knew that she had experience. Because, at the same time, it was something entirely new yet somehow a bit familiar. And maybe a part of her was interested.
And then she remembered a crucial part of what they wanted. And all Nilay could do was stammer out an apology and that she needed a moment before she headed right out those doors.
It hadn't been until she was outside that she realized that the footsteps that'd been following behind her was Lincoln. "I-I... Look, I'm sure that you would be fantastic in this and that this could be a wonderful opportunity for you," she said. Turning around to look at the young musician. "B-But I... I-I..." Laughing humourlessly, she felt like she couldn't breathe. How could she when what they're asking of her would involve... Nilay groaned. Her fingers running through her hair. "I-I can't... I can't do this. How do I explain this to Eli?" Her eyes searched Lincoln's blue ones. Looking at him, she could see the vision that they were proposing. For him, at least. But for her...? She was scared. "I would have to kiss you, Lincoln. I-I don't... I-I can't... I can't do that. Even if it is just acting, I don't think I can do that."
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"From Fisthead, yeah," Linc confirmed, laughter scrunching up the sides of his eyes. The band's name had never really represented their music well-- Fisthead being evocative of punk or hard rock, their stuff being more like a singer/songwriter with big band backing-- but there was something distinctly Blue Harbor about it. Perhaps even distinctly Weaver Ridge.
Linc couldn't figure out the look in Nilay's eye-- maybe she hated their music?-- but he was the last person who would press in with a question. Instead, he chewed on his bottom lip and realized he still didn't have a good answer to the what-are-you-doing-in-town question. At least, not an answer that didn't immediately make things feel... tense. "Oh, I just came back for family," he attempted, then winced at how dismissive it sounded. "Actually, my dad is pretty sick. He's fine right now, but Mom needed some help around the house and all."
He noted the almost immediate shift in demeanor Dr. Bailey underwent at the mention of Elijah. Linc could feel how much she loved him, how special their relationship was just from the way her face brightened. "He's... I mean, he's incredible," Linc agreed, allowing himself to be truly starry-eyed. Her offer reminded Linc of the business card he had, tucked in his wallet right behind the $2 bill his Dad gave him nearly a decade ago. "Oh... yeah he mentioned that I should stop by the studio sometime," Linc nodded, swallowing. "I guess I feel a little... intimidated."
Nodding encouragingly, Linc all but hung on her every word. He wasn't much of a history buff, himself, but Linc found it hard to resist when someone was so passionate about a topic. He figured he'd watch paint dry for an entire day if somebody cared enough about it-- so ancient history was an easy buy-in. "It's cool that you get to bring a piece of home over, and share it with everyone. I definitely want to stop by the museum, maybe get a tour or something?" Linc ventured.
The second biggest move of her career. That caused Linc's brows to shoot up, and he immediately wondered whether it was some sort of mistake for him to be here-- what could he possibly offer someone so successful, so... put together? "Wow, that's--" Linc chuckled, shaking his head, "You think they got the wrong Lincoln Welch?" The singing guess was perhaps the most plausible thing, but why would they have gone with Linc over... literally anyone else who was actively making music? Before he could voice his confusion, two people in suits opened the door and waved at them. Linc couldn't help but feel incredibly out of place. "I guess that's us?"
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exhaleddcsires · 2 years ago
closed: @joshlincoln location: food stalls
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“I’m not sure what they really have to offer.” Elijah said with a shrug as they walked down the row, doing his best to take note of what each booth was selling. “Did you see beer? There’s too many signs to keep up with.” He let out a laugh. “Maybe once we start drinking they’ll make more sense.”
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dahliayoung · 7 months ago
“Meh,” Dahlia said with a shrug of her shoulders and a self-deprecating smile. “I guess.” If asked directly, Dahlia wouldn’t say that she has low self-esteem, but she knew her confidence had seen better days. However, she didn’t want to sully the first real conversation she’s had with Linc in years by being all depressing. “You know what, I think they did a production of Three Sisters a few years ago? So, they do a little bit of everything.” 
At the mention of Dante and Isabel, Lia tilted her head to the side, a soft smile on her lips. “Well, those two are each a force of nature in their own right,” she agreed. “But don’t count yourself out. You had a part in all of it too.” Lia had always loved to watch the three of them play, the band’s chemistry was off-the-charts and since the beginning, Dahlia had been one of their biggest supporters. “No thanks needed. I’m just proud that you guys went for it!” 
She took a sip of her coffee and grinned as she saw Linc’s eyes light up as he leaned forward eager to “talk shop” with her. “The track I’m working on– think like Shania Twain, The Chicks, Martina McBride
 that sort of vibe. It’s part country pop, part singer-songwriter,” she explained, hands gesturing expressively as she spoke. Dahlia didn’t go out of her way to write her feelings out into songs, but she did have a lot of material that was fairly autobiographical or at least inspired by real situations or problems she’d experienced. Music had always been a type of therapy for her and she had songs that she’d written that had never been played for another soul. “I’ll have to record myself playing a bit of it for you to hear. I’d love to pick your brain about it.” 
Dahlia nodded, smiling sympathetically, as Linc explained how things were at home. She related to the idea of a father doing his best to hide the wounds and scars he was experiencing in order to stay strong for his family. She’d witnessed her father do very much the same thing in the months and years since her mother had walked out on them. “Yeah, I’ve noticed they can be quite stubborn when they want to,” she joked lightly. “It’s like they think they’re grown or something.” Lia nodded in acknowledgement as Linc explained about the good days. Those days were sometimes the only thing that kept you fighting. 
She hummed at his statement about what music became popular, and mulled it over. “I guess that’s the thing, right? There are certain levels of the industry where you have to take that into account what will sell, but that’s the balance right? Because those tracks are what allow you to keep working on the stuff you’re really passionate about,” Dahlia paused to take another sip, and then observed Linc with a fond smile. When he looked like that, she could see the scrawny kid who asked if his band could open for some of her performances. She tapped her foot back at him, acknowledging his compliment. “Weaver Ridge kids for life.” “As long as you keep being honest in your writing, you’ll be fine.” Dahlia put her coffee cup down at the edge of the table and leaned forward, resting her forearms on the table. “So, how’s the love life? Any updates I should know about?” she asked, wiggling her eyebrows at her friend playfully.
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"And has adult Lia figured out she's pretty cool on her own?" Linc asked, warm smile peering over his coffee mug. Personally, he wouldn't return to high school for a million dollars-- he felt awkward enough now, but it was so much worse back then, the feeling that everything you did was embarrassing. "Hamlet sounds pretty cool," he agreed, laughing. "I appreciate that-- do you ever do Chekhov or any of the Russians? I love Uncle Vanya."
Linc smiled, pausing to take a drink of his coffee and press his palms flat against the table. He laughed, almost nervously, "I don't know about guts..." He shrugged, "I honestly don't think I would've done it, if not for Dante. And Isabel." Linc ignored the flurry of feelings let loose in his chest at mention of the band. They were his family once, and like Lia, always would be-- even if things were different now. "Thank you, though," he added, "There were a lot of good things about it."
His smile grew, "Of course I do, Lia. Don't be ridiculous." Linc leaned forward, intrigued, "Country? Who are your influences lately?" He'd never quite gotten into the genre, but Linc was definitely a Johnny Cash, Pete Seeger, John Prine kind of country fan. He could definitely appreciate the rich history. "Well, I wanna hear it. Whenever you're comfortable."
Linc was grateful for Lia's presence, and grateful for the quiet understanding that passed between them. She understood it, in the way Phoebe and Sebastian understood it. "Yeah, I..." he let out a breath. "It sucks, 'specially because he pretends it's not happening half the time, you know?" Linc lifted one shoulder in a shrug, smiling at Lia's squeeze. "There are good days, though. We hold onto those."
Letting go of a breath, Linc nodded. "Exactly. And I felt like I could never... predict what would be popular, you know?" he shrugged. "Not that it matters to me, really, but it always seemed to be my least favorite stuff that did well." He smiled, eyes dropping to the table and ears going warm at Lia's compliment. It meant a lot-- maybe the most-- coming from her, because she'd been such a big influence on his early pursuit of music at all.
"That's... geez, Lia, that's nice," he shook his head. "That's how I feel about your stuff, too, for the record," Linc tapped his foot against hers. "There's so much... noise out there. But you're really saying something." He smiled wistfully, "I always told D, if I start writing stuff just to write it, he had to make me quit."
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waywordhearts · 2 years ago
It seemed no matter what happened in life that the past always found a way to resurface. Especially if there was something unresolved buried in there.
When Ela had returned it wasn’t something that had surprised Linc, and he was unsure why there was such confidence in his unknown knowledge that this town would become hers once again.
Perhaps it was the child she’d left behind. The one she left in capable hands so that she could heal what was broken within. Or, maybe it was due to them being connected on a deeper level. 
As kids and teenagers, Linc hadn’t really thought too deeply on their friendship. All he knew was that life didn’t make sense without her and that when she was around he was most himself. Of course Linc loved Ela. Unspoken, the bleached blond assumed they’d always go through life together.
Their conversation at the docks that day, the one with revelations that shocked him (because Ela never knew how much he loved her nor how important she was to him and his existence), had revealed how wrong silence was. When the brunette had begun dating the man that would become the father of her child Linc hadn’t really bat an eye. He saw other people too. Somewhere in his soul he knew their destiny even if it meant they weren’t meant for each other then. 
They were the right one. The only one.
For someday.
It just couldn’t have been predicted just how far adversity and tragedy would throw them off-course.
Often Linc rode by his old house. Ela’s old house. There was so much that he still couldn’t make sense of, like how he’d driven that way today without realizing the path he kept turning until he saw that estranged yet familiar figure standing there.
There was a cigarette hanging from his lips when his motorbike rolled to a stop near Ela. “You cold?” The criminal had noticed the way she’d hugged herself. Was it the chill of nostalgia, the way these childhood homes haunted, or had Linc not noticed the cooled temperatures with the sun slowly sinking.
Without an official answer, the man who hardly spoke anymore held out a hand. An offer to climb on behind him. It’d been a while since their reunion but despite the insights it was still very simple between them. “Where to?”
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muses — ela durmaz & josh lincoln
location — childhood neighborhood
Being back felt like a whirlwind. She prepared for the never ending list of people she would need to apologize to - a few special people landing at the top. She prepared for the fact that those she abandoned would have moved on. Ela came back, knowing she’d have to hold her head high through a lot. There were mistakes she made that she’d never be able to make up for. What she hadn’t expected was seeing Linc again to go the way it did.
Ela found herself wandering her old neighborhood - a place she spent so much time with with him.After all these years, Ela felt certain about what they’d been to each other. They needed each other when they were young, finding a life line within each other. She chalked the romantic moments between them up to hormones and intense emotions.  Ela convinced herself all of the push and pull meant that Josh never really felt for her what she felt for him. She loved him, but more that that as a teenager she was hopelessly in love with him. Having him in her life felt more important than her own feelings. It never once crossed her mind that her moving on told him a different story. On top of figuring out how to convince her baby daddy to let her get to know her daughter, dealing with the wrath of those in his life, apologizing to those she hurt, and maintaining sobriety, she was wondering what could have been with her best friend.
She stood in front of her old house, wondering how she’d missed it. Maybe if she just didn’t give up, didn’t let him push her away. The sound of an bike engine sounded familiar as it grew in volume. Ela spun on her heels, arms wrapping around her chest. “Think I could catch a ride?” She asked as he pulled to a stop.
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liamalexanderr · 5 months ago
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“‘sup, dude ? can I help you ?” liam’s voice came out casual, though he squinted into the fuzzy outline ahead of him, straining to make sense of who stood before him. as usual, he couldn’t make out their face, and it didn’t help that he didn’t recognise the voice either. a common scenario for him, and one he handled by assuming he was simply in someone’s way again. but something gnawed at him—the stranger knew his name, which put him at a disadvantage he was never comfortable with. despite his easygoing nature, moments like these always prickled his sense of vulnerability. with a polite smile, liam continued, “have we met before ? if so, i’m sorry. eyes are fucked, and i don’t recognise your voice.” the line had become something of a reflex by now, a sentence he’d repeated so many times it felt like a memorised script, each word falling into place naturally. but even as the words left his mouth, a slight unease lingered. there was always a sense of performance in these encounters, a layer of his true self tucked beneath the practiced, lighthearted exterior. nevertheless, he waited, his expression open, curious, and disarmingly friendly as he prepared for whatever came next.
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I'll just be in and out, Linc promised as he ducked out of the still-running Volkswagen. Dad was half-in and half-out of his afternoon nap in the passenger seat, the early autumn breeze kissing his face while Steely Dan played softly on the radio. It was kind of a perfect scene, true serenity, and Linc would've stayed and appreciated it if he wasn't on a mission-- and terrified of Mom's wrath if he didn't get home with pecorino and basil by the time the potatoes were done baking.
He successfully located a wedge of pecorino and narrowly avoided the woman talking him into buying a half-pound of parmesan. Suffice it to say, Linc was feeling good. As he rounded the stall in search of basil, he stopped short to avoid the other. "Oh, no problem..." Linc said, automatically waving it off, though the words died in his throat when he recognized the offender. "Liam. I didn't know you were in town." His words were clipped at the edges, and though Linc didn't think of himself as a particularly unkind person, he didn't exactly have the warm-fuzzies about someone who'd left one of his closest friends heartbroken not so long ago.
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clementinebriar · 5 months ago
CLEM: ugh have i told you you're my favorite lately CLEM: venmo pls CLEM: yeah i'm fine dw your pretty little bum about it <3
LINC: lmfaooo LINC: hi, clem LINC: yea sure, venmo or zelle? LINC: are u okay??
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dahliayoung · 9 months ago
Dahlia laughed at Linc’s “drama geek” comment, rolling her eyes playfully. “Yeah, well. Any chance high school! Lia had to pretend to be someone else, she sure took it,” she shook her head, a small self-deprecating smile on her lips as she took a sip of her coffee. High school had been tough, but friends like Linc had eased the strain. “We’ve got a modern twist on Hamlet coming up. You should definitely come see it. I promise I won’t make you watch anything pretentious.”
She nodded along, listening to Linc talk about LA. She could sense her friend’s internal turmoil about his life out west. “I bet. I can imagine LA can be
 a lot. But it’s impressive you went for it. Not many people have the guts to chase their dreams like that.” She admired Linc’s bravery, even if it hadn’t panned out as he’d hoped. The ambition he described sounded exhausting, but she knew it was a part of the journey for many artists and it was also what often held her back from pursuing more.
When Linc expressed interest in her music, Dahlia could literally feel the fondness bubbling up inside her. It meant so much that he still even thought about her or her music. She’d always respected his musical talent and valued his opinion greatly. “Can’t believe you want to hear me play again, but I’ll definitely let you know when my next gig is,” she smiled, good-naturedly. “And yeah, I’ve been writing. My most recent song seems to be leaning more country than anything I’ve written before but it’s a fun experiment.”
As the conversation shifted to Linc’s dad and his mixed feelings about the music scene, Dahlia couldn’t help but relate. “I’m really sorry about your dad,” she said sincerely, placing a hand on his arm for comfort. Their fathers were very similar, hardworking blue collar men and so she could only imagine what seeing a man like that be stricken with an illness like cancer do to his son. “Life’s a bitch. But if you need anything just say the word.” She squeezed his arm once more and then released it. His feelings on music, she also could relate to.  “Music should be about putting a piece of your soul out into the universe and connecting with people,” she mused after a moment of thought. “It should be terrifying and overwhelming and raw – but the music business
” she trailed off with a smirk. “Well, you understand what that’s like better than anyone, I’m sure. But
 that honesty is what makes your music special, Linc. Don’t lose that,” she paused, searching for the right words. “Even if it feels like the world is trying to push you in different directions, stay true to what you believe in. You’ve got something real, something authentic. Don’t ever doubt that.”
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Linc smiled, nodding enthusiastically. He'd been meaning to catch a show at the theater, show his support for Lia at the very least, but he hadn't gotten around to it. Story of his life lately. Plus, it was... a little weird to turn up to the theater alone, right? He preferred to see movies solo-- which was maybe more of a learned preference after Seb had made fun of his 'pretentious foreign language movies' one too many times. "Oh, yeah, that's right-- you were a drama geek," he recalled, grinning. "Respectfully." It's not like Linc could talk, he wasn't exactly popular in high school.
"Got anything good coming up?" he asked, before Lia shifted the conversation his way. It wasn't that Linc didn't like talking about himself-- it was just that he lived in his own head. It was nice to get out every once in a while. "Oh, LA was... something," he breathed, running a hand through his hair. "Everyone is just so different there, you know? Not in a bad way, just... sometimes it felt like you could feel the ambition." Linc shook his head. Even before Dad got sick, he'd been considering leaving-- going up to Seattle or something, focusing on writing, producing his own stuff. He didn't have the stomach for all the networking and schmoozing and... other things that got in the way of the music.
Linc grinned, almost relieved to hear Lia was still at it. She'd been so much a part of his own music career-- if you could call it that-- that he really wanted to know what she'd been up to. Plus, he'd always admired her-- it was like the guitar was meant to be in her hands. "Yeah, yeah, I'm really glad to hear that. You better let me know when you play, okay? I miss hearing it." He paused to take a sip of his coffee before asking, "You been writing?"
His smile twisted at the edges and Linc lifted a shoulder in a shrug. It felt like there was so much to say and simultaneously nothing at all. "It was.. you know, unfortunate timing with my dad," Linc admitted, then drummed his fingers on his coffee mug. If he could be honest with anyone about this, it was Lia. "We were doing well, but sometimes... it felt like we were getting away from it. Maybe from what I wanted it to be." He felt guilty saying it, just like he'd felt guilty for all the time he hadn't said as much to his former bandmates. "I think I just... always want the music to be honest. And that honesty is... overwhelming, maybe?" He shook his head, "Weird to put it out there."
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dahliayoung · 10 months ago
Lia felt a mix of nostalgia and warmth wash over her as she spotted Linc waving from the corner of the coffee shop. It had been way too long since they’d caught up properly. Life had a way of getting in the way, but today, finally, they were making it happen. After ordering her usual—a caramel frappuccino—Lia joined Linc at the table. His warm smile made her feel at ease immediately. "Hey, Linc. It’s going pretty well, thanks," she replied, settling into her chair. "Yeah, I’m at the theater now. It’s been
 interesting, to say the least. A lot of hustle and bustle, but I enjoy being around the arts--reminds me of high school drama club."
She took a sip of her coffee, appreciating the sweetness of it. "How about you? How’s life treating you these days? LA must’ve been quite the experience."
Linc’s question about her playing music caught her off guard, but in a good way. "I still play, yeah. Open mic nights and such whenever I get the chance. It’s been tough juggling everything, but music’s always been a constant, you know?"
Her journey with music and performing was a bit complicated. For a long time, she struggled with how she exactly wanted to pursue music or believing she had what it took to be even minimally successful. The path Linc took was exciting, but she wasn't sure it was in the cards for her. She leaned in a bit, genuinely curious. "And you? How’s your music going? Last I heard, you were doing pretty well out there." She'd been so insanely proud, following his music career, buying albums, and streaming as much as she possibly could. But Lia wanted to hear from him how it felt on the other side.
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who: Linc & @dahliayoung where: Caffelicious
Linc had no idea what the deal was between Caffelicious and Latte Love. In his humble opinion? Both were overpriced and overly-sweet coffee options. He was weaned on Folgers and, most days, got by just fine on the bitter taste. It was about function, not flavor! But if his time in LA had taught him anything, it was that people were more than happy to pay upwards of $10 for 'craft coffee.' God, and now that Lincoln had the means to, he never didn't spring for the highest tip option presented to him-- so he claimed a table and two chairs in the corner of the shop and waited on his $15 honey latte.
When Lia dipped inside, he raised a hand to wave to her. They'd been meaning to do this-- properly catch up-- for months now. Everytime they had a vague plan, something seemed to come up in the way Linc knew was customary for adults with full-time jobs and responsibilities. After she'd ordered and he'd picked up his coffee, Linc smiled warmly across the table at his old friend. "How's it going?" he asked, genuinely. "You're working at the theater, yeah? How are you liking it?" Linc honestly owed Lia a lot-- she was the first person to really give him a chance, and opening for her way back in the day really built Linc's confidence, made the music something worth pursuing. "You still play?"
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waywordhearts · 2 years ago
ela & linc.
The street lights revealed just enough of his face to remind her of it’s differences. She wanted to bat the cigarette from his lips, but considering her sobriety and it’s newness to the people from her past - that seemed hypocritical. Ela saw how little he was taking care of himself, which broke her heart. The guilt seeped in further. Did she have to cut ties completely? Did she have to disappear the way she did? Everyone else seemed rightfully scarred by her departure. But, that night on the docks, he seemed to understand why, even if she didn’t. Somehow it made it a harder pill to swallow. Her shoulders shrugged at his question. “I’ll live.” Ela started the walk when the sun still hung in the sky. The t-shirt felt like the wrong option now in the breeze of the night. Her long dark curls, usually straightened and polished now a days, floated over her shoulder. Ela wrapped her fingers around his palm, slinging her leg over his bike. Her arms slide around his torso, holding her body close to his. She welcomed the excuse to hold onto him. Curls pressed against his back, resting her head. “Anywhere but here.” The site of her home started to make her stomach turn. Thoughts of her troubled childhood cut through her heart. She wondered where her mother was, and if she was even still around. “Show me your spots.” This town use to belong to both of them, stuck to each other like glue. She wanted to know this town through his eyes, see what changed, and what never would. With him in her arms, everything started to ease. He was still here. She was here. For now that was enough. For that she was thankful that the deals they were handed in life didn’t demolish them completely.
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The retort put a slight smirk on the troubled man's lips and despite having nothing to offer the curled headed brunette as he was in a cut-off tshirt Linc would make sure that she did in fact live.
It pained him to look at her. In the best way possible. What his blue eyes took in was her growth and how she'd cleaned up her life, and perhaps that was why (aside from his desperation to have her back in his life) Ela's return was hard to understand and accept.
When she took his offered hand, the touch sent a physical jolt through his body. Their connection was alive once again and Linc knew it was a bad idea. He would fuck up her life because the chances of him dragging her down with him were too great. But... it felt like home when Ela was pressed against his back and her arms were wrapped around him.
"I might have to drive you outta town then," the blond commented when she'd expressed she wanted to be away from here. Without much further thought he took off easily, not wanting to lose precious cargo but also easing her back into riding with him.
Maybe even easing her back into his life.
"Our spots?" The question was slung over his shoulders as he tried not to get too comfortable with how good this felt. Ela this close and riding away with him. For these fleeting moments pain and torment slipped away and her perfume was all he needed to exist for.
The motorcycle was handled with the skilled ease of an expert rider as Linc led the machine down one street and then the next, taking them to the outskirts of their hometown. The man wanted on federal charges for robbery had never felt more free than in this moment. A hand dropped away from the handlebar and casually wrapped around her calf as they rode on.
Linc wished he could see her face.
Know her thoughts.
Most of all, rid each other of all the pain.
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Eventually the ride slowed and they were outside of town, parked along the road up the mountain where the view displayed the life they'd just escaped and beyond. Linc held his hand out for her to help Ela off the motorcycle and then threw the kickstand down and was dismounting as well. A moment later his hand was taking hers and leading her right to the edge— "why'd you come back?" The blond asked the brunette, pulling her gently closer to his side but his blue gaze remained on the view.
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exhaleddcsires · 2 years ago
─────── · ·
It might have surprised some people to see Linc walking the grounds of a carnival, but it was technically right up his alley. Not even the pumpkin spiced everything could deter him.
Or wipe off that faint smile on his lips as he and Elijah carried on through the various smells of what the vendors were cooking up.
“I saw a sign for pumpkin beer.”
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Without missing a beat he flicked a cigarette to his lips and let his eyes roam a little in search of the woman who invaded his thoughts far too much.
“I’ll pay you a hundred dollars to drink it,” Linc offered his friend.
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“Pumpkin beer?” He questioned trying to imagine what that’d taste like. As they continued to walk he saw the sign marking where they could buy some, his friend’s words prompting a fun challenge. “One hundred dollars to drink it or finish it
two different things there man.” He answer didn’t matter much to Elijah at that point, his mind was already committed either way.
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