#���but he opened the bag and set Poseidon after them’ SOMEONE WAS GOING TO OPEN IT
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theoakleafpancake · 8 months ago
I would like to say that I will NOT be taking any Eurylochus slander
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heyyallitssatan · 4 months ago
Ok so, I want a warrior Penelope au, but Odysseus is still a warrior
Odysseus, student of Athena, warrior of the mind, foretold to changes the tides of mankind and the divine
Penelope, students of Ares, warrior of the heart, foretold to change the battles of men and gods alike
Together they will revolutionise war and fighting and ruling, they will change the world, warriors of the heart and mind
So I thought maybe Penelope would go with him to Troy, but then I realised that ruins everything, so instead she still stays behind with their newborn son and Odysseus promises to return before the boy even knows he’s gone
He doesn’t
So warrior Penelope had a choice to make, she can stay with her son, raise him and rule the kingdom (the people can complain all they want, who’s gonna stop her), and then when the suitors arrive instead of proposing the never ending weaving thing, she tells them whoever can best her in battle will win her hand (because she knows that only one man ever will) also, Telemachus becomes a warrior of both the heart and mind, taking the best strategic parts of Odysseus and the strongest parts of Penelope, becoming a warrior unrivalled by all but god kin, so when Odysseus does return home there are no suitors to kill, but she does make him best her in battle, they tie and she knows it’s really him and they live happily ever after (also Eurylochus doesn’t open the wind bag, they still get detoured either by someone else doing it or by some godly shenanigans, but those bitches do it together, Odysseus will return with most of his men in tow) (also also, he’s not a dumb fuck and doesn’t I cure the wrath of Poseidon, because he either kills Polyphemus or doesn’t tell him his name, they incur his wrath a different way that really just amounts to Poseidon being pissy and taking it out on the first human he finds)
Or, equally good, she sets out on her own venture to find her husband, her crew is fairly small in number, mostly warrior wives (because fuck you I do what I want there’s a coalition of warrior women in Ithaca now) including her right hand Ctimene, and her son Telemachus (she leaves the kingdom in the charge of someone she trusts I don’t care who right now), she starts searching for her husband, this leads to some absolute bullshit where through godly shenanigans and just generally shit terrible luck they keep missing each other just barely, but they’re too stubborn to go home so round and round they go, several years later they both manage themselves to the same island, so they’re together, but more shenanigans and it’s still several years more before they’re home to Ithaca, only to discover that in the mean time they’ve been declared dead and their kingdom’s been stolen, so the three of them literally fight their way to the throne and reclaim it
I like both models, I think both are nice
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specialagentlokitty · 3 years ago
Peter parker x reader - hero life isn’t what it seems
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omg yay your requests are open, please i beg for a pjo x marvel crossover with a child of poseidon!reader. (This all occurs in a timeline where civil war was resolved and all before thanos) this might be a vit corny but basically the setup is they were childhood friends with Peter and he knew that they were a demigod. Reader's mom died during that time and they end up living at the tower because reader's mom was pepper's cousin or something. Anyways, peter and reader finally reunite after years but peter keeps being spiderman a secret after reader tells him a watered down version of what happened to them during the time they weren't in contact and peter doesn't want to worry them but reader finds out and gets super pissed and refuses to talk to almost anyone who knew that Peter was spiderman. Eventually peter has enough and tells them they'll do anything to make reader forgive him for keeping it a secret and reader challenges him to a fight. If he wins then they'll support him but if they win he has to stop and peter accepts because he's so desperate for them to forgive him. Eventually when they fight reader gains the upper hand and is spouting off about how being a hero only gets you killed. Someone eventually has to pull them off of peter and they storm off to their room and refuse to come out. Peter goes to them eventually and talks it all out with reader until they finally understand why he's doing this and why he can't stop, reader says they know and agrees to help train him and it's all fluff and happiness after. (LMAO IM SO SORRY THIS IS SO LONG) if ever you decide not to do it, feel free to delete!!! - Anon💜
Sitting on your bed, you looked up as there was a knock on the door and smiled softly as you watched your aunt walk in, a letter in her hand.
“Hey, this came for you.”
“Any idea who it’s from?” You asked.
She gave a small shrug and shook her head as she handed it over.
Curious you opened it and carefully read what was opened on the inside and you sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of your nose.
Setting the letter aside, you walked over to your desk and pulled the sword you kept hanging on the wall down, holding it in your hands.
The light reflected of it, and it felt heavy, but your hands quickly adjusted to it.
Pressing a small button on the hilt, it shrank down into a ring, and you slipped it on to your pinky.
“Again?” Pepper asked, “you just got back.”
“I’m sorry Pepper…”
You walked over and sat next to her, looking up at her you offered her a small smile.
“I would refuse but… I.. I cant.. it’s a letter from Percy…”
“I know, and you’d do anything for him.” She sighed.
“Yeah… he’s my brother at the end of the day… and the prophecy.. it says the two children of Poseidon…”
She nodded her head in understanding. She took your hand in hers and gave it a small squeeze.
“I know sweetheart, I just worry for you.”
“I know, but I’ll be with Percy, Nico and Jason. The children of the top three, I’ll be alright. And Nico’s boyfriend Will is a pretty good healer.” You smiled.
She laughed softly at that and nodded her head.
“Alright, I’ll let Tony know so he doesn’t report you missing.”
“Thanks pepper, I’ll see you later.”
Kissing her cheek, you got up and tossed your bag on your shoulder.
You always kept it ready and packed just in case, and you made your way to the front of the tower where a car was waiting for it.
You noticed Grover, and Chiron.
“Ready?” Chiron asked.
Getting into the car, you let them drive you away.
It was always hard leaving pepper behind to worry. You know she was scared about you.
When your mom died, you were shipped away to the camp for a short while until you decided to leave and go live with her, and you explained everything to her and the other avengers.
It took some convincing Zeus to allow you to do it, but he agreed if the worlds mightiest heroes knew about what was going on, there is a chance they could somewhat help when things got hard.
Plus they had to know so when you vanished for weeks on end they wouldn’t send a search party for you, because that would be awkward to explain.
You were sure how long you were gone for, but when you got back you were tired, bandages covering the entirety of your left arm, and a large scar going down your right eye.
Walking into the lounge, you dropped your bag to the floor and looked around.
“Dear god!” Pepper yelled.
She ran over and gently cradled your face, and you gave her a small smile.
“What the hell happened to you kid?” Tony asked.
You gave a small shrug and shuffled closer to Pepper, resting your head on her shoulder.
She held you lightly, running her hand up and down your back.
“What happened to you sweetheart…”
“You don’t want to know Pepper, trust me. But I’m okay.”
She nodded her head.
If you said she didn’t want to know then she definitely didn’t want to know. She was just glad you were okay and safe.
She helped you to your room, setting your bag on the bed and turned to face you.
“Take a bath, then come up for dinner. Your favourite and there’s someone we want you to meet.” She smiled.
“Sure thing.”
You took a long bath, looking as the water tried it’s best to heal the burns on your arm, but it didn’t do much. It was pointless.
After nearly an hour you got our, re wrapped your arm and changed into more comfortable clothes before heading upstairs.
Hands stuffed in your pockets, you made your way into the lounge. All the avengers were there, laughing and talking as they enjoyed a drink and some time to relax.
“Hey.” Clint slimed.
Everyone turned around and waved you over, and you happily joined them all, sinking into the couch between Clint and Steve.
“Hungry?” Thor asked.
“God yes.”
He laughed and handed you a pizza box which you happily tucked into.
A few minutes went by and Tony came into the room, a teenager trailing behind him.
You snapped your head towards the voice and quickly stood up.
“You know each other?” Natasha asked.
“Yeah, we used to live next to each other.”
“That’s right, I remember you telling me.” Pepper smiled.
You nodded and walked over to Peter. He seemed to look between you and the others before he turned to Tony.
“Do you mind if we talk Mr Stark.”
“Not at all kid, go nuts.”
You waved them all bye and took Peter back to your room to stick on a film.
You both sat on your bed just chatting away when Peter suddenly went quiet.
“Can… I asked something…?” He asked softly.
“Sure, only if I could ask something after.” You smiled.
“It’s a deal.” He laughed.
You paused the film you were watching and he moved so he was sat in front of you.
“What… what happened to your eye? Your arm?”
You sighed, and ravelling the bandages on your arm to show him the burns.
“Oh my god….” He whispered.
You smiled softly and shrugged lightly as you sighed.
“You remember what I told you about being a Demigod, when I found out when we were like ten?” You asked.
“Yeah of course. You got me to see how long you could hold your breath under water for and you got to nearly thirty minutes before you got bored.” He laughed.
“Well… it’s not all rainbows and sunshine being a demigod…”
You began to explain to him about everything. All the others you had met and made friends with, all the quests you were sent on. Your brother percy, meeting your real dad for the first time and what he gave you.
You told him about saving Olympus and about your last quest, having to find a really rare artefact. You had to make a deal with one of the lower gods, and somehow you were thrown into the deepest depths of the underworld, aside from Tartarus.
“What happened down there (Y/N)?” He whispered.
“I… I was stuck there for years. Time works differently in the underworld you know.”
Peter looked at you sadly as you started to wrap your arm back up.
“The creatures down there… well… they don’t take to kindly to demigods… it was kill or be killed. And I’ve been on the verge of death more than a few times…”
Peter had a few tears falling down his face as he listened to you explain.
You never did go into much detail of what happened but you told him how you managed get out and back into the real world.
After you were finished, he pulled you in for a hug, apologising over and over again, even though you told him to stop.
After a while, you finally pulled away and you smiled at him.
“So, why are you here? Are you an avenger?!”
Peter quickly averted his gaze.
“I.. no… I’m doing an internship here…”
You nodded and started to ask him all about it.
After that night you didn’t see much of him and when you tried to talk to him he would do anything to avoid you.
You didn’t think much of it at first, but when you were bored and all the avengers were in a meeting you decided to tag along with him.
Making your way into the room, you looked around to see who was there and you froze when your eyes landed on Peter.
No way would the internship mean him taking part in the meetings.
Leaning yourself against the wall, you decided to just listen, none of them had even seemed to notice that you had entered the room.
You listened to fury give you the assistants, when when he gave Peter one, calling him Spider-Man, that’s when you snapped.
You stormed out of the room, fully away that your name was being called.
Storming down the hallways, you tried your best to to keep your emotions in check.
“(Y/N) wait!”
Peter grabbed your hand and you spun around, slapping his hand away from you.
The whole team stood there, and you stared at them all, emotionless eyes.
“You’re a hero?” You snapped.
“I..I’m sorry…! I..I wanted to tell you!” He rushed out.
You shook your head and angrily pointed to the rest of them.
“You all knew?!”
They didn’t argue and you stormed away, making your way to your room, you slammed your door closed and tired to focus on your emotions.
You kept away from them all for weeks, you stayed in your room, only leaving your head to your training grounds which you made Jarvis lock so only you had access.
It went like this for a good few weeks.
As you were leaving your room to go train you were stopped by Peter at your door.
“(Y/N)..” he whispered.
“Please! Just let me explain!” He begged.
“Explain?! You should have told me Peter!”
“I know!”
Peter sighed, running a hand through his hair as he looked around.
“Please… I’ll do anything…”
You rose a brow, and stuffed your hands into your pockets.
“Fine. If you beat me in a fight we’ll talk, and I’ll support you. If I win you stop.”
You nodded and brought Peter to your training ground. It was spacious, and although it was full of water, there was more than enough ground in there to give Peter a fighting chance.
Jarvis let the whole team know what was going on, and they all quickly rushed down to watch over the fight.
“Please don’t do this.” Pepper whispered.
You looked at her before unravelling the bandages on your arm, flexing your hand.
“He needs to learn Pepper.”
You shrugged your hoodie off and folded it, setting it next to her as you made your way to the water.
Placing a foot on the water, you slowly walked over until you were stood in the middle before finally turning around.
Peter was stood in his suit, the only thing missing was his mask since you already knew who he was.
The avengers stood behind him.
“It doesn’t have to be like this.” Bruce called.
“He accepted, so it does.” You replied.
You narrowed your eyes at Peter.
“I’m not holding back.” You growled.
“Neither am I.”
With that, he quickly swung himself across the pool, up on to the support beams near the roof where he hid himself.
Peter wasn’t stupid enough to get close to the water, you knew that, but he didn’t know the things you could do.
The water started rushing, lifting you into the air, two more water sprouts rising next to you, taking the shape of dragons.
“Holy shit…” Peter whispered.
One went to the front of him, making him jump backwards, but in the middle of the it the other caught him, throwing him to the ground.
You used this as a chance to pin him.
Water holding him down, you used your tide to lower you and slowly walked over, placing your foot on his chest.
“You don’t stand a chance.” You whispered.
“It’s an unfair fight.” He replied.
“You think fights have to be fair?!” You yelled.
The water stared surging evening more.
“Fighting isn’t fair Peter! You think what happened to me was fair!? Or what happened to the young demigod kids I watch get killed out of spite for the gods was fair?!” You roared.
“No…! No!” He yelled back.
“Being a hero is what gets you killed! Being a hero isn’t all money and fame like you think it is! It’s scars and nightmares and pain! That’s what being a hero is Peter! It’s dangerous!”
Peter started gasping for air as the water put more and more pressure on his chest.
“Enough!” Tony yelled.
He tried to come closer but you didn’t let him.
The only person who’s as able to get through was Thor, and he pulled you away, holding you tightly until you finally released all the water.
“Let me go.”
Thor let you go and you stormed away, making your way back to your room as you slammed the door shut.
You didn’t want to scare Peter, you didn’t want to hurt him but you wanted to make him see.
Sitting on your bed, you watched the door slowly open and close.
Peter had changed, he looked like he’d been crying.
“Please listen to me…” he whispered.
“Peter. Being a hero will get you killed.”
“I know the risks, just listen why.”
You looked up at him and nodded, and made room for him on the bed.
He walked over and sat down, and told you all about why he wanted to be a hero.
“I understand, trust me. I do, but Peter it isn’t safe.”
“I know, but please. I want to do this.”
You turned to peter, he reminded you of what you were like a few years ago.
Sighing, you nodded your head.
“I’ll train you myself then.”
You nodded your head and he pulled you in for a hug making you laugh softly as you hugged him back.
You weren’t going to change his mind, but the least you could do was make sure he would be safe and well trained
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sweetchup · 4 years ago
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an aquatic mollusk that has a compressed body enclosed within a hinged shell, such as oysters, clams, mussels, and scallops.
The Most Common Seashell in the Ocean
Vol. 1: Just Keep Swimming // Ch. 2
Type: Poseidon x reader
Word Count: 4,000+
Sounds of horns and shouting filled the air outside as you stood on the packed bus. Cramped in from every side, it was hard for you to tell where you were going. Not as if you were paying much attention anyways.
“Okay, you left fish and pasta in the fridge… he could use the tv or read a book for entertainment while you are gone…what about…” You ramble incoherently to yourself.
Even though the storm hit Athens hard yesterday, your studio art professor was still having classes today. Forcing you to leave Triton alone at home. You shouldn’t be nervous. There was no reason to. After all, Triton is a god, he was hundreds of years old.
But…, he was still a child. No matter how old or what type of being he is. He could still possibly injure himself or get into trouble. And that single fact alone made you feel sick to your stomach.
“Is this how parents feel leaving their child alone for the first time…?” You groan to yourself, leaning your head forward so it hits the window in front of you.
“Now Approaching *Athens International School of Art*. I repeat, Now—“ The robotic voice announces over the intercom. At the familiar name of your college, you squeeze your way through the other patrons on the bus to make your way to the doors.
Sweet, sweet air, you think to yourself as soon as you exit the bus. It was starting to get way too cramped in there. So much so, you wondered if it was a safety hazard. Though it wasn’t as if you were one to talk, you left a little boy alone—
“Argh!” You scream out, slapping the cheeks of your face. You needed to stop thinking of Triton. He was going to be completely fine. But, what if…
“I’m getting too attached already…” You groan to yourself. It had only been a day. One singular Day. But you were already smitten by the blonde haired child. “It doesn’t help that he's absolutely adorable as well…”
“Who’s adorable?” A voice calls out from behind you, making you jump in surprise. Whipping around, you let out a sigh once you identify who it was.
“Bryce… how many times have I told you not to sneak up on me like that…”
Bryce Kroger. He was studying abroad at Athens International School of Art for a year just like you except he was instead an architecture major. You met him by coincidence while taking art history so you didn’t know much about the guy, the only thing being the few stories he told you about his home country of Australia.
“Oi! It’s not my fault you're so skittish!” Bryce banters back with a huff.
“Eh? Wait, where you heading?” Bryce questions as he watches you walk away, “I thought you had Studio Art on Fridays?”
“I do. I’m heading to the library first though.” You yell back to the tall male who stayed put where he was standing. Not even bothering to follow you.
“You need to stop studying so much!”
“Shut up!”
“SHUT UP!” You scream back with one final huff before storming off. So what if you studied so much. You just wanted to get good grades in the classes that counted. It’s how you got here in the first place. By working your ass off.
Unconsciously, you feel your hand twitch as you open the library door. So what if you spent hours studying. So what if you didn’t go out with friends that often. So what if you didn’t have a social life. So what—
You feel yourself pause, your expression turning sour. Lonely. That’s what you were. You were lonely. A miserable lonely girl.
Startled out of your thoughts by the sudden call, you realize you were no longer standing at the front door but instead standing in front of one of the librarians. You must have unconsciously walked up to the front desk while you were lost in thought.
“A-Ah. Sorry, I was just looking for books on Leonar—“
You feel your voice trail off at the end as a book on the counter catches your eye. It wasn’t the gold detailing nor the leather texture. No. It was the simple words of “Greek Mythology: Tales of Zeus” printed neatly on the front.
“…Actually, Do you perhaps have any books about Poseidon?”
You just found something better to do with your time.
“Damn… this is extremely confusing…” You mumble to yourself as you glare at the pages of notes in front of you. Each book seemed to be a little bit different from the last. “Perhaps I should recap…”
Okay, so what makes sense to you is that Poseidon is the second eldest of three brothers and is the ruler of the seas. The things that don’t make sense are… practically everything else…
You weren’t sure if you wanted to cry or scream out of frustration right now.
According to the books, Poseidon has had many consorts over the years. One of them being Triton’s mother, Amphitrite…
“My mother… can be quite mean to other women. Even to some of the female servants around the palace. She believes that they are trying to seduce my father…”
…but that doesn’t match up with what Triton mentioned last night. According to him, it sounds like Amphitrite scared away any women that would even come near Poseidon. This also leads to another flaw in the mythology books. You doubted that Poseidon would be able to have an affair with any other women with Amphitrite antics, nevertheless have 10 other children with them.
“Triton also never mentioned having any other siblings…”
Letting out a groan, which you seemed to be doing a lot today, you banged your head against the table. It seems like these mythology books weren’t going to be of any help after all. Though…. you couldn’t help but wonder why the books were so off in the first place.
Lifting yourself back up from the table, you glare down at one of the book covers. It was blue, almost silvery in a way, with a giant black silhouette of Poseidon right smack dab in the middle. Or, at least, what Poseidon might look like…
“Well, my father is extremely strong and handsome. All the sea nymphs stare at him with big heart eyes half the time. Oh! B-but, father doesn’t pay any attention to them. Father is not a cheater like uncle Zeus…”
“…Is Father…? Oh. He’s alright… He’s nowhere as bad as my mother. He’s never hit me or anything. He’s just… cold. Extremely cold. He really just ignores me half the time…”
“…I do love my father…I just wished he would at least spare me a glance…you know?…Acknowledge his own son…”
“God damn jerk!” You hiss out in anger as you push the book aside. Your blood practically boiling at even the slightest thought of Triton’s father, Poseidon. He doesn’t deserve to have such a good and nice son like Triton.
However, as much as you want to curse out Poseidon more, you realized class would be starting soon and you really had to get a move on.
“Shit. I can’t afford to be late again.”
“Ugh. Why did the professor have to assign me this type of painter…?!” You whined to Yuri. Class had already ended by then with the professor long gone. The only people left were students that were conversing with others or trying to get a head start on their paintings.
“Well, it didn’t help that you barged into class late for the second time this week, (y/n).” Yuri explained with a sigh as she continued to set up her palette, not even sparing you a glance.
Yuri Saito, Or rather Saito Yuri, was an abroad student from Japan. She was the closest person you knew at the college as you both were similar in many ways. Especially since you were both homebodies.
“I get that but at least I showed up in the fir—“
“(Y/n)!” A voice shouts out interrupting your talk with Yuri. You turn around to see Bella Woods, a student apart of your major, approaching you. “(Y/n). You were part of your student council back in high school right?”
“Uh, Yeah. Why?” You answered hesitantly. You weren’t sure why, perhaps instincts, but you were already having a bad feeling about this situation.
“Well I need your help on something…” Bella explains, her voice trailing off at the end as she grabs something from her bag. It’s a piece of paper, a flier to be exact.
“A…A Cultural Festival?”
Bella nods her head at your words, “Yeah. The college wanted to put something on for the public to show what our art school is all about and Mrs. Yamamoto suggested this. A-Apparently, it’s something schools and colleges do back in Japan.”
“B-But how can I help? Wouldn’t it make sense for someone like Yuri to do this? Since she’s from Japan and all.”
It was the truth. You didn’t know a single thing about japanese culture festivals.
“Hey don’t drag me into this, I’m busy.” Yuri counterbacks with a glare before returning back to her painting.
“Well… you see… The school wanted to change Mrs. Yamamoto’s idea a bit since they really didn’t know anything about Japanese Cultural festivals either. So it’s like a Cultural festival, kind of not.” Bella rambled. You could tell all this information was scrambling her brain as well. “Basically, it’s like a Greek version of a Cultural festival where each major picks a Greek god and plans an event or booth around it.”
“…Okay… So it’s just like a school festival in a way?” You questioned cautiously. This was a lot for you to take in at once.
“Yes. Precisely. We are just taking inspiration from Cultural festivals.”
“Okay. Okay…” You answer as you rub the back of your neck, “I still don’t understand why you need me though?”
“Well, I kind of… kind of saw you reading the mythology books in the library today and we need more people on the planning committee…” Oh, god. It seems like everything is coming back to bite you in the ass, “…Just. Please (y/n), We need your help!”
You let out a small sigh as you watch Bella give you a pleading look, “Fine…”
“But…“ You start cutting off Bella’s cheers, “But I’m taking care of something really important right now at home so I can’t always make meetings and things like that. I can help with planning but that’s it. Okay?”
That was correct. As much as you wanted to help Bella and your department out with this festival, Triton was your top priority right now. His care and needs were above all else right now, even your own. So if this would get in the way of that then you would drop this project instantly. Instantly.
“Of course! Oh, thank you (y/n)!” Bella cheers, her body visibly relaxing now that a stress has been taken off your shoulder, “Well, I’m not sure if you're busy right now but… the committee is currently planning two classrooms down… so if you could…”
“I’ll go…” You sighed out. Damn, what’s with you lately. Less than two days ago, people hardly approached you. Now you are as busy as a bee. A person magnetic… Well, more like god magnetic as wel—
Wait, a minute. You feel yourself tense up as a thought flies into your brain. If Gods could travel and spend time on earth, could they live here as well? Just like how Triton wants to?
Shit. What if some that live here are able to identify Triton? You could be in big troub—
“(Y/n)? Are you coming?” Bella calls, snapping you out of your thoughts.
It seemed you would have to worry about that later. Not that it mattered right now, you could always just ask Triton when you got home. And even if he didn’t know the answer you would just have to be careful bringing him out of the house. Yeah… you would just do that.
“Guys, I would like to introduce you to (y/n). She’s a fine arts major just like us and knows about mythology. I think she would make a great addition to our group.” Bella introduces you as you enter the room. As you looked around the group of only 4 other people, you realized you really didn’t know anyone.
That is until everyone started to introduce themselves. You never heard of the first three—Brian, James and Kyle—but you found the last name, Marissa Samudra, quite familiar. You wonder if she was that Marissa.
Who you were talking about was Marissa, the hottest girl in school Marissa. Well, at least that’s what all the boys in your major told you. The girl in front of you at least seemed to fit the part. With white silk like skin, light green eyes and dyed coral pink hair, she truly was a sight to see.
“Okay. So shall we get started.” James suddenly spoke up, seeming to want to get the meeting started. You nodded your head in agreement before taking a seat next to Holly. As well as across from Marissa. “Well, I think we should first decide which god we should do. Culinary, Music, Visual performing arts and architecture already have chosen Aphrodite, Hades, Ares and Zeus. (Y/n)…”
You lift your head up at the call of your name.
“…as you know the most about Mythology, who do you think we should pick?”
“Well,…” You feel yourself pause, your palms growing sweaty out of nervousness. You really didn’t know that much about Greek Gods, only the class you took last year and the books you skimmed this morning. You also didn’t expect so many of the main gods to be taken already.
“…How about…”
You needed to think of someone fast. Someone that would satisfy all parties here. Someone that would bedazzle people coming to the festival.
Why… Why was that what your brain had come up with? Poseidon? The very god that you were cursing out this morning. Wishing near death upon.
“Fish man?” Brian questioned, letting out a small chuckle at his own joke, “You really want to go with Fish man as our god? Isn’t there anyone better?”
“I think Poseidon is pretty…cool.” You feel a shiver go up your spine as you compliment the man. It was official, you might actually puke. “…He’s the king of the seas. It gives us a lot to work with for his character. Especially since most Fine Arts students are good at realistic elements, we could really do well on painting or using sea life.”
“True… but—“
“I think it’s a wonderful idea.”
You are shocked as you hear Marissa cut Brian off. When you first sat down, she seemed totally uninterested in the topic at hand. Caring more about her hair and nails than anything else. But now, now, she was paying attention to every little thing. You couldn’t help but wonder why. “Oh sorry. I really like the sea. It holds a special place in my heart… you know?”
Oh, that makes sense. You totally forgot Marissa’s paintings were mostly about the ocean and sea. Never drifting off to other topics.
“N-no. That’s actually pretty cool. You know what, we should totally do Posedin… or whatever the dude’s name is. He sounds really cool.” Bryan agrees as he bashfully rubs the back of his neck. Gross, could he make it any less obvious that he was smitten by her. And not in a nice way either.
You feel yourself shiver as you watch him sneak small glances down at Marissa’s chest area. Disgusting pervert…
“Well, with that decided let’s move on…”
…Great… You could already tell this was going to be a long meeting…
Again, for what felt like the hundredth time today, you banged your head against the wall. This time however it was against the door of your apartment.
“Seriously… a Café…?”
Yes, a Café. That’s the brilliant idea your group came up with. An under the sea type themed café.
In hindsight it didn’t sound all that bad. You could have a couple of students paint some props and decorations. Then another couple of students who know how to cook plan out the menu. Maybe even borrow some culinary students if you were lucky.
But,… there’s that.
Outnumbered three to two, the boys of your group insisted the girls that are serving customers should wear togas. Togas. They stated it was to bring in more customers but it was pretty obvious they had other intentions behind it. Especially since they didn’t even bother waiting a couple of minutes afterwards to ask if Marissa wanted to be part of the waiting staff.
“Poor girl… I feel bad for her.” You mumble to yourself as you pull out your keys, finally unlocking the door to your apartment. You wished you could just beat all those men senseless with a baseball bat. “That’s actually not a bad idea… Could I bring a wooden club and say that it's part of the character? They seem to not know that much about—“
“Miss (y/n)!” You hear shouted as something comes barreling into you. Knocking you onto the ground right as you enter your apartment. “O-oops I meant to only say (y/n)…”
Even though you got the air literally knocked out of you, you still let out a small chuckle as you reached up to run a hand through the perpetrator’s locks. Triton’s blonde locks. “It’s okay. I only told you this morning to stop referring to me so formally. It will take time for you to get used to it.”
Suddenly, you wince at a feeling of pain as you move slightly. Triton sure was strong. You, honestly, wondered if he held back some strength when he jumped at you. If so, you wondered how strong Triton was nonetheless an adult god.
Speaking of an adult god…
“Hey Triton.” The boy lifts his head up at your call, “Do any gods live on earth?”
The boy seemed to take a moment to think, “Well kind of? Not really Greek Gods though. Most of them are too proud to live with humans.”
“Oh well that’s goo— Wait, a minute! Other gods are real as well!?”
Triton nods his head furiously, “Yeah pretty much all gods. As long as it is considered as one, it exists. There’s Nordic gods…, Indian gods…, Oh! Even Buddha. I like Buddha, even though I’ve only met him once. He introduced me to salt water taffy! It’s delicious.”
“I-I see…I’ll try to get you some then. Another time.” As much as you wanted to hide your surprise you couldn’t. Learning that Greek Gods actually existed was one situation but learning that All Gods existed was a whole nother ball game. Did that mean demons existed as well?
“Hey (y/n). Could I ask you a question?” Triton asks, suddenly seeming bashful all of a sudden.
“Sure. What’s up?”
“Could I…” Triton pauses for a moment, “Could I call you…”
You leaned closer to Triton as his voice slowly got softer and softer at the end. His ears and cheeks were bright red as he waited for you to answer. However, you couldn’t answer him as you didn’t hear the last part of what he said.
“I apologize. Could you repeat what you said, Triton? I couldn’t hear the end of it.” You felt bad for asking him to repeat it as his face only seemed to get even more red when you asked.
“I-I… Could I call you… Mom?”
It was silent as his question, or rather request, fell upon your ears. You thought about it for a moment. Especially whether it was morally right for you to have him call you ‘mom’. Even if his true mother was a terrible person, she was still his mother.
Though, then again, She really didn’t act like his mother. Especially in all her hundreds of years of existence of having him. At least from what you’ve heard from Triton. She’s had plenty of chances to show her love for him and she never did.
“Of…Of course you can.”
You feel yourself smile as Triton’s face lit up. And you knew, Deep down inside, that you did the right thing. You would show this boy the love he deserved.
“Hey (Y— Mom.” You giggle at how Triton seemed to practically beam with happiness once the title left his lips.
“Yes, Triton?”
“Could we have dinner right now?”
You feel yourself jump up a little in surprise. Since you stayed later than what you usually would, due to the meeting, you didn’t have anything prepared ahead of time for dinner.
“Ah, yes. Do you think you could wait in the living room while I prepare it?”
“Of course!” Triton answers as he scrambles up off of you. As you make your way to the kitchen—which was technically in the same room as the living room—to start dinner, you find yourself drifting off into your thoughts.
You realized you really hadn’t thought this through. Taking care of Triton and all. Your apartment was small, he didn’t have his own room, he seemed to eat a lot more than a human boy his physical age and so much more.
You wouldn’t be able to buy a bigger apartment right now. Going through college and all. But you could take more shifts at work. After all, it was literally down the street. You were also good friends with the owner of the toy shop next door. You bet he would allow Triton to play with a couple of toys while you worked.
As you continue to list things you would need to take care of Triton especially if it was long term, Triton was watching cartoons on the couch.
“…Wonder cats will be right back!…”
As the show goes to commercial break, Triton feels himself let out a sigh. Television sure was awesome and all, much better than the plays and coliseum matches used to entertain gods, but he despised ads more than anything.
“Who in the world created such a malicious thing…”
Triton’s voice trails off at the end as the ad changes to another. As he stares at the screen, he feels a shiver shoot down his spine. As quickly as he could, Triton changes the channel to another before shakily dropping the television remote. A cold sheen of sweat breaks out all over his skin as he collapses back onto the couch.
To anyone else, the commercial before looked like any normal hair dye commercial seen on Tv. But not to Triton. Especially when he saw something oh so familiar.
“T-that hair color…” Triton feels himself shiver at the thought, “L-looked too much like Aunties. Mom’s…No…
…Amphitrite’s Sister.”
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Author Note: Ahhh this chapter contained so much but I knew I couldn’t split it up. Especially if I was doing posting Tuesdays and Thursdays. I was worried that the time frame in between would mess my readers up. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this Chapter. I know there wasn’t a lot of Triton moments but I wanted to get the ball rolling on the plot so that things and certain characters (*cough* Poseidon *cough*) will appear soon. Well that’s it for now, see you next time :)))
Taglist: @angeli-fucking-cat @marixxhq
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mingkii · 3 years ago
LOVE AGAIN ─✎ 송.민기
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❖❳;Pairing; Song Mingi x Fem!Reader (ft. P1h's keeho, itzy's ryujin, and wooyoung)
❖❳;Genre; Greek mythology au, angst, reincarnation au.
❖❳;Words ; 6.2k
❖❳;Warnings; Mentions of death.
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❖❳;Synopsis; A mission to find your lover who was reborn in the mortal world became a mission for heartbreak as you watched him fall in love with someone else.
❖❳;A/n; I honestly don't know what happened near the end, very disappointing but oh well. Not very proud of this so im sorry and don't get your hopes up.
❖❳; Note; My entry for @/sleepylixie and @/delicatewerewolfsoul 's hamartia collab. This might contain inaccurate representations of greek gods but for the sake of the story, just go with it. Slightly modernized as well.
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The sun rises on the horizon, casting light all over Olympus, waking the gods in slumber, reminding them of the work they need to do. However, you wanted to fight the sun for rising so early. The rays piercing through the depths of the ocean, just enough to peek through the windows of your room.
You stir under the covers, not wanting to get up. The light blinding your closed eyes, preventing you from going back to sleep. You were honestly hoping you won't wake up the next day. You didn't want to wake up in agony knowing there's nothing to wake up to. You still picture his crescent eyes when he smiles, his laugh that echoes in your ears as if he is there with you. His hands that felt soft and warm left a mark on your skin, reminding you of how he held you in his arms.
Every night you see him in your dreams— for a while at least. Your heart was hurt, it wanted to remind you of all the things you could've done, but it knew that if you kept dreaming about him, you would have died grieving years ago.
A loud knock on your door suddenly erupted, a groan escaped your lips. You rolled to the other side trying to bury your head under the covers to drown out the sound. Then, your door busted open, making you sit up in surprise.
"What the fuck," you furrowed your brows, watching your father fix the dislocated door hinge.
"Don't use such language on me, young lady," he leans his trident beside the door. "You have a very important schedule to meet your suitors today."
Your eyes widen, "Suitors?!" You shrieked, your father's face contorts.
“Father, I think this has gone long enough for you to know that I am not interested.” he let out a sigh. He’s well aware of that.
"Look, I understand, but I will not have you sulk for the rest of your life just because that good-for-nothing son of Athena died," your blood boiled at his words.
"No father, I don’t think you do understand," You said with resentment.
You tried to bury the tears back down, not wanting to cry in front of your father. The pent up anger made you want to lash out like what he said was the last straw but your pride was much stronger.
"It's rude to keep them in line, they've travelled far just to get here, so I suggest you make yourself presentable and be there as soon as possible," his last words before shutting your door closed behind him.
The knick-knacks on your shelf shook as your father slammed the door shut. He wasn't mad, he was just….strict, as your father and god of the sea, you are under his territory thus, giving you no choice but to follow him.
You laid back on your bed, pulling the covers, letting out a muffled scream into the blanket. Only kids get treated like this, he acts like you aren't already a hundred years old.
You didn't want to meet another batch of mermen with plastic smiles and fake personalities. They were only after you because of your title, daughter of Poseidon, god of the sea, with a legacy that soon passes unto you. You had sisters and brothers, you didn't understand why it had to be you, but Poseidon himself already had it all planned.
You swam near the big stadium-like structure, with large pillars that were carved so intricately in quartz.  The end of the stadium planted Poseidon's throne where he sat so elegantly. You hid behind the pillars, spotting the men that were seated to the side, waiting for your arrival, but you already decided you weren't going to attend. Not this time.
You took the longest route to Olympus, making sure no one spots you, escaping the suffocating vast seas that used to be called home.
"You know one day I could get killed by your dad," Wooyoung set the teacups filled with hot liquid on the dining table where you sat.
It's been a while since you set foot on land, you didn't miss it, the painful after-effects of walking for too long did make you wonder how land dwellers live.
"He won't since I made him promise it," your cheeky smile made him roll his eyes.
"But won't he easily find you here?"
"He will but he couldn't be bothered to travel all the way here," you took a sip from the cup, hot liquid running down your throat.
"I'll be home by sundown, can't have him wash Olympus just to find me," you force out a laugh, wooyoung giving you a sympathetic look.
He knows you are still mourning. Deep inside you are still in pain, but you try to keep it hidden.
"You know, it's been years and he is still bringing me these men I barely even know and he wants me to pick one to marry?" You planted your forehead on the table, hiding your face in frustration. "It's getting annoying." After those annoying years of having to pretend you are ok and just sitting pretty in front of dozens of merpeople, making yourself look like a prize in a glass box waiting for a winner to take you home.
But of course, it's still your choice and you chose to be with none of them.
"Were any of them attractive at least?" You hear the familiar charming voice. You look up to see Wooyoung's mother— aphrodite— adorned in her usual attire, laced with gold sequences, a headpiece in gold, and jewellery that complimented her skin.
You shook your head as you gave her a soft smile, "They always have this forced appearance to look strong and the wide creepy smiles that they think will help attract me to them," she listens to your rant, pouting slightly, "What a shame, you know your father's taste was never that good," she winked. You knew she was talking about your mother, whom you didn't know that well since she is always focusing on your brothers.
"I thought you went out early," Wooyoung questioned. Aphrodite cupped her son's cheeks, kissing the top of his nose.
"I just forgot something dear," you giggled at her ways of babying her son. Fixing his hair and touching up the light makeup he puts on every day. You can't deny how attractive Wooyoung is, you could see the features that he inherited from his mother.
"Poseidon won't stop what he is doing though, I suggest you do as his wishes y/n, or you'll face his consequences," strips of memory to that day cross your mind again. It was truly painful to recall, it made your heart clenched and you wanted to scream your head off.
"Look, whatever it is you want to do, just make sure it isn't something stupid," Wooyoung held your hand in his, rubbing your skin with his thumb. You remembered the last stupid thing you did.
You were grateful to have met someone like Wooyoung, he has always been there for you. Even though your father had been skeptical of him for so long, he still let you be around him.
But you can't promise him this time because another stupid idea just popped up in your head.
"Are you kidding y/n? Didn't we just talk about this?" Wooyoung follows you from behind as you walk through the forest. The last time you were here was the day your world fell apart.
You swore to not cross paths where it reminded you of him but right now, it is important.
"Look, demigods are bound to be reincarnated, there's a chance I could see him again," you explained, stepping on sticks and pebbles, slashing through vines and large leaves with your bronze dagger. Mingi wasn't like you or wooyoung who had both parents that are gods. Like Athena, he was created by her from her mind. He wasn't born….normal.
"And then what? What will you do if you see him?"
In all honesty, you didn't plan that far, all you thought of was to meet mingi in the mortal world. Wooyoung's concern for you just became worse when the silence answers his question. You have no plan, you just wanted to see mingi again.
You ignored Wooyoung's continuous nagging until you reached your destination. The tree that grew sweet magical berries that can only be found deep in the forests of Olympus. The berry that could help the gods enter the mortal realm.
"Y/n…." Worry settles in, Wooyoung knows the side effects of these berries. You weren't as powerful as your parents who were able to visit the mortal realm on your own, you needed help and you were certainly not gonna ask your father.
"I'll be fine," you picked a few handfuls of berries and stuffed them in your bag, "Atlantis won't be that far, If I need to, I’ll just come back." You smiled at Wooyoung.
"I leave tomorrow."
"What about your dad? Won't he get mad?" You two made your way back out of the forest, taking the path of where you came from.
"I just told him I'm sleeping at your place for a while," Wooyoung freezes in place. As expected of his role as your best friend, he's responsible for covering you up.
"You owe me big time."
Arriving at the mortal realm, alone and slightly scared. But the sight of what seemed to be the city made you giddy all of the sudden.  
You walked around exploring the beautiful structures of the city. Tall buildings surrounding the area, billboards, and giant screens with lights and flashing colours. You were overwhelmed at first but it was quite interesting. It was nothing like you have seen before.
There were tons of people who wore casual attire, some wore suits as they travelled to work. Big buses and cars drove by in the streets— you almost got run over by one, not knowing the purpose of the blinking traffic light; the horrendous sound of the car horn almost did make your ears bleed.
Settling down on one of the park benches, you took a break from walking. The sandals you brought weren't doing any justice for your feet.
Your surroundings were peaceful, pink flowers scattered across the concrete, different coloured leaves decorating the trees, getting ready for the fall season. Suddenly, you felt a gust of wind. The eerie grey smoke rising in front of you. Chills running up your spine, your mind having a clear idea of where it's coming from.
A cold mischievous laugh emitted from within, your initial reaction was to pull out the dagger from your side, clutching the handle tight until your knuckles turned white.
"Relax, it's me," the same annoying voice you dreaded hearing.
"Ryujin, what are you doing here?" You scowled. She was bad news— the spirit of mischief lives within her, wherever she goes, chaos follows.
"Hmm, are you not happy to see me?" Her Cheshire cat-like smile plastered onto her face as she took a seat beside you, crossing her leg on top of the other. Her hair was shorter than the last time you saw her, eyes still full of mischief.
"I was hoping to not see you again after the incident 20 years ago," you spat, hatred lacing your words.
"Right, the poor boy, died so soon," her face turned into a sad look before smiling once again.
Ryujin was the main cause of his death. Your father just made it happen. Leading Mingi to that place in the forest where she knew your father was there, he hated Athena's children, he wouldn't hesitate to kill one in sight.
You wished there was a way to go back in time to stop Ryujin from leading Mingi to his inevitable death. But as expected, she felt no shame or guilt whatsoever.
"What is it that you plan anyway, there is a reason for you to come here, right?"
You kept your mouth closed, not wanting to possibly give your plan away for the spirit of mischief to take its course. And so, you kept quiet. Ryujin clicked her tongue in annoyance. She wished she could read minds, but that's her brother's power.
"Fine, keep it to yourself," she stood up, grumbling something under her breath, "Just so you know, I am not leaving without having a bit of fun," another gust of wind blowing in your direction leaves swirling in a circle on the concrete just below her feet, the puff of smoke covering her figure as she disappeared.
Your mind was in shambles. Usually, she would try and pressure you into answering but she brushed it off so soon.
You let out the breath you didn't know you were holding, the weight suddenly leaving your chest. Sometimes the presence of Ryujin gives you this uneasy feeling, but it was better than getting a visit from her brother. He is ten times worse.
You finally adapted to the mortal world, got a place to stay all by yourself. There were obstacles on the way but you got over them easily.
You lay quietly on the bed, and to be honest, it was a bit uncomfortable. The covers are placed over you up to your neck. You stared at the ceiling, counting rams in hopes of helping you fall asleep. And on your 1117th ram, your eyes finally grew heavy.
But to your dismay, your throat decides that it was parched. You sat up from your bed, wearing your slippers, and made your way to the kitchen. Grabbing a glass and filling it up with water, but before you could take a sip, you saw a figure on your couch.
You dropped the glass, shattering across the floor. The figure whipped his head around and you couldn't believe your eyes. Is this a dream? You must be dreaming… You might have even gone mad.
"Mingi?" You stuttered. You haven't called out that name in so long.
"Y/n, be careful you'll hurt yourself," he stood from the couch, making his way to you. You took a few steps back. Mingi's face shows a look of confusion.
He stepped on the glass unfazed by it. Did he not feel that? Of course, this is a dream, he's not real.
"What's wrong?" His arms out to reach for you.
"N-no, I'm dreaming, this can't be—" you shook your head, tears pricking your eyes. You felt warm hands cup your face, it was so real, your knees so close to giving out.
"What do you mean?" His eyes were the same shade of brown. His hair is styled the same way he always has it in.
"You're real?" Your voice croaked, mingi chuckled. The same smile you saw years ago, but as expected, his face started to fade. This is definitely a dream. It was impossible to have mingi physically there, you saw him….die, right in front of your eyes.
"Of course I'm real," his voice was soft, comforting even. You were really hearing his voice, this is his voice. He pressed his forehead against you, kissing the top of your nose promptly.
At this point, you couldn't stop the tears from falling. You sobbed making mingi pull away and look at you with worry in his eyes.
"Please don't leave me again," you pleaded. You wished it was real, your chest grew even tighter. What kind of cruel punishment is this?
"Why would I leave?" He wiped the tear on your cheek. "I'll always be here," he said in reassurance as he pulled you in his embrace. You missed it so much—you missed him so much. The same warmth was still there, but it eventually started to feel cold. Like Hades was paying a visit to take him back to the underworld.
You finally got to see him again, even if it was only a dream, it really felt like he was there, body and soul present. You didn't want to let him go, there's no way you are losing him again.
His image starts to fade, you start to feel the emptiness again. His hold on your body began to feel like nothing, it was cold like ice. You tried to grip his shirt, keeping him from disappearing. You spewed out pleas, begging him to stay. At Least for a little longer.
But then you woke up, hot liquid running down your face.
You were crying, something you haven't done in a long while. Slapping your cheeks, making sure you were really awake.
"Come one y/n, it was just a dream," you said to yourself out loud.
20 years and you thought you were over him. But those agonizing years were torturous. Everything seemed to remind you of him. Wooyoung almost didn't see you for 18 years until you finally decided to visit him. You wouldn't know what to do if wooyoung was never in your life, you might as well have been asleep for the rest of your life.
The clamshell that sat on your bedside table glowed. It was a magic shell that sends messages back and forth in writing. You gave one to Wooyoung so you could communicate from a distance.
"Did you find him?" The letters glowed as they appeared.
"Not yet." you wrote back, watching the writings disappear indicating that he is reading it.
"Time is ticking y/n." Anxiety washes over you again. Soon the berries won't be enough to hold you there and you'll be needing to come back home.
"Y/n, you there?" A voice startled you, making you almost drop the shell. It would be bad if you did, it was a fragile thing, you could risk shattering it and won't have anything else to communicate with.
"In here!" You called out, quickly hiding the shell in the dresser.
"I brought lunch," mina smiled, holding up a paper bag filled with takeout.
The day you moved in, still exploring the apartment that you rented, you heard a knock on your door.
You peeked through the peephole. A woman stood in front of the door patiently, short brown hair— half of it tied into a ponytail— dressed in a leather jacket and denim pants. She looked about 20, maybe 21 but she doesn't look older than 25.
You almost pulled out your dagger but resisted, remembering that they are mortals and you could get in trouble. You slowly twisted the doorknob open, opening it slightly so your body is visible but not the room.
"Hi, I'm mina!" She said in a bubbly tone. Her energy made you slightly overwhelmed. "I'm your neighbour, just next door." She pointed to the apartment beside yours.
You nodded, not knowing what to reply. "Have you finished unpacking?" You tilted your head in confusion. "Do you need help with boxes or anything?"
You looked back in your apartment, body moving aside just enough for Mina to have a clear view.
"Did you not bring any stuff?"  You shook your head.
"I only brought a satchel," you gripped the strap that hung across your body. She gazes at the small bag attached to your body.
"Well, it looks like you need help settling in, why don't I cook dinner for you? You don't seem to have any pots or pans or food either." Your stomach grumbled at the mere mention of food.
Mina giggled, making you heat up in embarrassment. "I'll take that as a yes."
Since then Mina has been your source of food and company. She's been a great companion for the past few days. You told Wooyoung all about her and he just replied coldly. The thought of your best friend getting jealous of your new mortal friend made you laugh.
"So, I just started my 3rd year of college, and honestly, I am tired of it— I've been thinking of dropping out but then my mom might whoop my ass…"  Mina rants while you sit there, zoned out watching the floor like it's the most interesting thing in the world.
"Earth to y/n," mina waves her hand in front of you, snapping you out of your daze.
"Oh sorry, What were you saying?" The girl pouts, eventually brushing it off to discuss other things.
"Oh right, so I met this guy on campus and he is like, really cute. He is super tall and like, maybe a bit built..." You listened to her attentively but still in the back of your mind you couldn't help but discuss your plans on how to find mingi to yourself.
"Should I ask him out?" You blinked— you weren't paying attention again.
"I'm sorry?"
"The guy I met on campus on my first day, should I ask for his number?"
"Oh totally, you should," you said plainly, you feel really bad for not paying attention but you couldn’t help it when your mind is being occupied with something else. Mina just brushed it off, not noticing your spaced-out expression. She continued rambling while your mind wandered.
Time was running out, you needed a plan.
"Remind me why I am on your college campus again?" You said, mina dragging you by the arm. She woke you up at an ungodly hour just to travel early to her college campus. Few students were walking around campus, on their way to their scheduled class.
"Look, I barely have friends, also do you go to college? You look to be around my age," your eyes widen. Atlantis doesn't have schools, you had to travel to Olympus just to make it to class, but you only had to go until you turned 18. And you are immortal, you haven't been to school for a hundred years.
"I graduated," you just said. Hoping she won't ask further questions.
"Oh so you're older than me then," you nodded. She stopped to sit by a tree in the campus garden, patting the grass beside you. You sat beside her, leaning on the tree.
"I don't have class 'till after lunch, we can grab something to eat before you can go back to your apartment," she took out her textbook and paper to finish what she didn't the day before.
"Sorry for dragging you, You are always locked up in your apartment so I thought why not take you here with me," you were planning on exploring more of the city, just to take note of the possible routes to get around.
"Won't I get in trouble? I don't go here."
"You are fine, besides, it's an open college, anyone can visit here," she explains as she gets back to her work.
Your eyes wandered off somewhere else, spotting the students who were early, sitting on the grass as they got some sleep under the trees. Some were reading books and some were having their breakfast.
It makes you sleepy after a while, deciding to lean your head against the tree, closing your eyes for a brief moment.
A pair of shoes tapping against the grass, crunching the leaves on the way. You didn't bother to open your eyes so you just stayed and listened. Must be one of mina's friends as you hear her voice ushering for them to sit.
They sat on the other side of the tree beside mina, talking about classes and homework but something about that voice tingles your brain. The familiar deep husky voice made your heart ache. You were confused as to why you were reacting that way.
Soon the person left and you were forced to open your eyes when mina shook your shoulder abruptly.
"Guess who just gave me their number," she said, grinning from ear to ear.
"The hot campus boy," she squealed, waving the paper in her hand. "His name is mingi and it's kinda cute and his voice was deep, not that deep, but like...deep."
Your eyes widen, "mingi?" She nodded. You felt like your world stopped spinning. Your mind is in shambles, processing the information. Your ears deafened the sounds around you, muffling mina's continuous babblings.
You thanked the gods that he's here, but then reality hit. He doesn't know you for he is only a reincarnation of the mingi you knew. He is no longer the son of Athena, he is just human.
"Are you sure it's the mingi?" Wooyoung's message appears from the clamshell. You lay on your bed, a book on your lap as you were reading just a while ago.
"Yes, Mina's description fits so perfectly," you bit your lip, anxiously fidgeting with your necklace. What if it wasn't him? You can't confirm that it really is him, he has no memory of his past life.
"Ok, so what are you gonna do now? You found him, what's the next step?" You mentally slapped yourself for being unprepared. You wanted to see him again, that was your main goal, and now that you know he's here, you have no reason to stay.
You want to be with him but it's impossible, you are immortal, he'll age while you stay young. Well, nothing much was changed when he was a demigod, but he had the opportunity to become immortal. It's not like there is some way a mortal can become immortal.
…..or is there.
"I'm coming back," the writing disappeared letter by letter as wooyoung's message appeared right after.
"Really? So that's it?"
You shook your head as if he could see you. "I have a plan"
"Oh no," wooyoung thought. Letting out a deep sigh. "She's gonna get into more trouble isn't she?" Wooyoung wished that somehow something would knock some sense into you.
"Mina, hey," she threw herself at you, engulfing you in a tight hug.
"I'm gonna miss you," she squeezed around your neck, restricting your airflow.
"Mina," you patted her back, making her apologize with a sheepish grin, "I'll be back soon though, you don't have to miss me too much."
"I know— wait, are you free right now? I was wondering if you wanna go eat before you leave," you thought for a second. Though it isn't difficult to travel back to Olympus, you're unfortunately on your last berry.
"Sure," you hoped it'll last you for another few hours.
Arriving at a restaurant with mina, ordering food as soon as you sat down. Your eyes wandered around. The restaurant was busy, waiters quickly passing around, trying to get to the customer's table as soon as possible.
"Finally," Mina says, standing up on her seat. You turned your head to the person she was referring to.
"Sorry I'm late, I got stuck in traffic."
"I invited mingi, I hope you don't mind y/n," Mina says with a sorry smile.
"I don't mind at all." That unsettling feeling soon washes over you, seeing mingi stand in front of you, face to face. You find it weird to see him like this like he didn't die. He looks like the same mingi years ago, it just felt….different.
You took your seats again, Mina helping mingi order his food. The three of you waited for your orders, chatting about anything that comes to mind. Mina talking about classes and homework that is due and mingi asking if any of you were free to a party this weekend.
Of course, you can't go.
"So, Where are you from y/n?" He asks you. His voice sounded so natural to you but at the same time, it felt foreign, like you just heard of it now. Technically you did but, the way demigod reincarnations work is they get reborn the same. Meaning they'll look the same, speak the same, and their personalities are most likely the same. Nothing will change once they get reborn— except, they won't remember anything from their past life.
"Atlantis," you blurted out, panic rushing through you. You can see the confusion in their faces.
"Like, the lost city of Atlantis?" Mortals, what are they teaching them?
"I mean Atlanta," you corrected yourself, body stiff as stone.
"America? That's far, do you have a flight?" Mina intervened. You didn't even know where that was, you just so happened to remember that book you read before coming here and the main character lived in a place called Atlanta.
"Uh yeah, sure," you felt cold sweat trickling down the back of your neck. You just hope they won't ask any more questions.
You let out a sigh of relief as the two of them get back to chatting with each other.
Finally, the food arrived and the sooner you finished the sooner you got to go home. And with your last berry, you popped it in your mouth after the meal.
Leaving the restaurant with mina and mingi you were finally able to go back to Olympus.
As you are ready to part ways, Mina engulfs you in a tight hug, cutting off your airflow. "Mina, you're squishing me," you said in a choked out voice. "Be quick ok," she gives you a final hug before walking in the other direction.
You waited until the coast was clear and hid somewhere secluded.
You arrived safely and with just a minute to spare. You were gonna go to wooyoung's place first before going back to Atlantis when you saw a lightning strike. A gust of moist air blows your way, a growling thunder piercing through your ears. Your mind immediately assumed that it was Zeus but when the clouds cleared you saw your father, sitting on a cloud with his trident on his lap.
"Father," you said, greeting him with a bow. Though he didn't look pleased with seeing you at the gates of Olympus, he still gave your hair a ruffle.
"You have me worried sick y/n, where were you?"
You expected yelling, hearing these words and this kind of tone shocked you. Especially even after telling him that you were staying at wooyoung's but still found you at the gates
"Look, I know I may have gone too far— with...you know, the marriage," he admits. Avoiding eye contact with you as much as possible. Not that it wasn't sincere, he just wasn't used to admitting he was wrong. But he loves you dearly and he'd do anything for you.
"It's ok, I actually forgot those happened." there was an awkward silence. Then, Poseidon left, after informing you of what time dinner was gonna be.
You finally arrived at your best friend's house and instead of a worried wooyoung, you were met with a furious wooyoung.
"I knew this was a bad idea, your father almost killed me!" He said. You rolled your eyes at the exaggeration.
"Relax wooyoung, nothing happened," you placed your bag onto his bed, taking out the souvenirs you got.
"Did he say anything to you? You are still alive so I'm guessing you haven't met yet?"
"I met him at the gates and he said he was worried." Thinking back to that moment made you shiver, it's like someone replaced your dad with someone completely different.
"Huh, well ok then— Ooh what are these," he was quick to change the topic as his curiosity fills in. Wooyoung takes the bag of candies you brought, ripping it open to take one of the wrappers with the sugary treats inside. You chuckled, watching wooyoung chew on the candy.
He notices your gaze stuck on the floor while you get lost in your own thoughts.
"Hey, did something else happen there?"
You snap back into reality, taking a while to process what wooyoung just said. You shook your head in response.
"Actually, is there a way to stay there without the berries?"
He stares at you for a moment, he honestly thought you were done and you weren't going back there. It's dangerous for you since you are not as strong as your father. Even with something more efficient than a magical fruit, you are bound to get in trouble.
"My mom has a necklace," wooyoung says, he didn't want to say it but he knew how important this is to you. Eventually you'll stop, knowing mortals and gods cannot stay together forever.
"She used to make me wear it when she let me go to the mortal world with her."
"Can I borrow it?"
"Y/n!" Mina ran to you with open arms, "I missed you so much," you giggled at your friend.
"I've only been gone for a week."
"A week too long," she pouted.
She takes your hand in hers, pulling you to whatever direction. You arrived at the airport, making it look like you got here by plane. Passing security check out and exiting the building.
"You still remember mingi right?" She asks.
"Of course, I left for a week, it doesn't mean I forgot anything that's here," she grinned.
"Why, what happened?" You asked, hiding the hint of fear in your voice.
"Oh nothing," she sing-song, trying to stop her lips from smiling too much.
You both stopped at the front of the main entrance, waiting for you-don't-know-who. Until a car stops in front of you. Mingi came to pick you two up, giving you a ride to your apartment.
"So, what's it like in your hometown," she asks, taking a bite of her food.
"Uh, It's….you know —uh…. there's trees and buildings."
Mina nodded slowly as she continued eating her food.
After you two finished eating, Mina left to finish her college work— probably with mingi.
You didn't want to think the worst but considering mina's behavior around mingi, you couldn't stop the thoughts running around your mind.
You gripped the pendant that was tied around your neck. It's pearly white color glowing due to the light reflecting on it. Its sharp edges indicate that it was shattered into parts.
The other half is with mingi.
Atleast, when he was still with you. It symbolizes your promise to always be together and be there for each other.
But fate just wasn't on your side. And it still isn't.
As you walked out of your apartment to get some fresh air, you spotted the two by the parking lot. Their faces are inches away from each other.
You didn't know why but you felt your heart sink. Tears welling in your eyes. You reminded yourself that this mingi isn't the same mingi that promised to be with you. He wasn't the same mingi that helped you run away from home whenever your parents were arguing again.
That gave you a reality check, you can't be with him anymore. You have to let him go.
Your gaze still stuck on the two, not noticing the sudden appearance of another spirit.
This time, it made you feel chills.
"Keeho," you said in a whisper. You didn't bother to look in his direction.
"Oh, I'm glad you recognize me," he said, a mischievous smile growing on his lips.
"Ryujin would have loved to see this, after all, this was her plan." You curled your fist into a ball, tight enough until your nails dug into your skin.
"Why?" You managed to let out. You didn't want this to affect you but it does. After everything you did, it all didn't matter in the end.
"I don't know, ask ryujin. I'm just here to relay a message."
Keeho pushed himself off the wall that he was leaning on and came over to you.
"Don't try to bring back something that was meant to be taken away, it'll come back to bite you in the ass," he whispered against your ear, sending chills down your spine.
Then he left, disappearing into the mist again.
Even though you just came back, you were already itching to leave. Packing your bag and locking the apartment. Giving the keys to the landlord.
Mina notices you in a hurry to leave, running after you to catch you.
"Y/n! Where are you going?" She grabs your wrist making you stop. You didn't turn around, you stayed rooted to the ground. Swallowing the thick lump in your throat before speaking.
"I'm sorry Mina," you pulled your wrist away from her and left. You felt guilty, she was your only friend and she felt betrayed. You left without an explanation.
"Y/n? You're here, did something happen?" Wooyoung read your expression.
You shook your head, clearing your thoughts as you replaced the sad look with a small smile.
"I'm great, I just didn't like the whole vibe there," you lied.
You removed the ruby crystal around your neck giving it to wooyoung, muttering a thanks. Alongside you removed the pendant that was tucked under your shirt. Wooyoung was shocked as you never took it off and you swore you never would.
You tucked the necklace into your pocket, taking a mental note to put it away when you get home.
Although you didn't accomplish your original mission, you did realize that it's always good to let go of something. Never let anything or anyone tie you down. You are still heartbroken, but you are sure you could get over it soon.
Of course, the siblings that stared at you through the window, mischievous smiles on their faces, will not let you live just yet.
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descendantofthesparrow · 4 years ago
Before Rewrite - Hades
*Spoilers for D3 rewrite~!!!! takes place from when Hades gets to the isle to the scene where Mal takes the ember from Hades!*
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Hades cursed the rulers of Auradon every hour of every day for putting him on this wretched isle of filth and trash. He was a god! The god of the undead, the underworld! He was a crucial player in the mortal's circle of life; without him, there would be no place for souls to go, Thanatos would harvest them but with no one to claim them; they would wander around the lands forever.
He could already sense the disturbed souls, miserably watching their families walk by, or through them. All alone with no one to turn to and nowhere to go.
He had only been here for two weeks and he was already sick of it; he may have never liked it but his job was important and he needed to get back to work
Two weeks and four days…that's all it took for the gods to replace him. He didn’t know who it was but they seemed to know what they were doing, claiming souls so fast Hades could hardly sense when one had left the mortal world to live in the underworld.
Hades perked up at the sound of crying
Oh, Hadie.
He turned on his heel and speed over to the makeshift crib of his son, rubbing the top of his fuzzy blue hair and picking him up; gently rocking him as Hadie continued to cry, Hades didn’t know from what but he would try to find out.
Like the little god he was, Hadie unexpectedly thrived on the barren isle of the lost; with what little food he got and with little sun, Hadie grew quickly and strong. At four years old he was already growing into his namesake; though Hades couldn’t ever resist being a dad over his little gap tooth in the middle of his teeth.
Hades just wished Persephone could see Hadie grow, and Hades wished he could see his little flower, Melinoe, grow into the headstrong warrior she was meant to be.
Whaaaaaaaat the fuck did he do….what in the actual fuck did he DO?!
He had stupidly gotten black out drunk at Gaston’s bar and somehow ended up with Maleficent! Of all people on the isle?! No-not out of all people, just with someone in general!?
He had prided himself in being the most loyal husband of his brothers, Zeus who had slept with a woman every time Hera blinked, and Poseidon; who wasn’t any better.
Hades had always been loyal and true to his wife…well there were those two times BUT compared to his brothers; he was loyal.
AND NOW HE HAD TO GO AND FUCK UP THAT STREAK; over 1000 years, 1000 years! And some bad whiskey had to ruin it.
He left that bed without a word, rushing home to his 4-year-old son who luckily hadn’t woken up yet from his sleep; and Hades swore if nothing came from that mistake, Hadie would never know about it.
Welp…that was something that came from the mistake. 11 months after the incident with Maleficent-
-There, right in front of his gates to his underground lair; was a little baby girl, halfheartedly swaddled in a green blanket and set at his gate, a little note taped to the front.
‘your problem now -M’
Hades leaned out of the gates, looking around for any goblins or any sign of the mistress of evil herself. But there was nothing. Hades sighed and crouched down, gently picking up the baby girl and holding him to his chest, her cries quieting as her cheek pressed against the fabric of his shirt.
She opened her eyes, vivid green with sparks of gold and yellow. She laughed, reaching up to his hair with a gummy smile. Hades sighed again and turned on his heel, closing the gate with his foot.
At least he got another chance at raising his daughter, and he would do his best to do as he would’ve with Melinoe.
Hadie had asked a billion questions when Hades placed the new baby in Hades old crib, leaning over and peering down at his little sister. Hades had explained it the best way he knew how to a child; but Hadie miraculously understood, didn’t blame him. All he did was reach down towards his sister and grin as the baby took his finger.
“I like her! Are we keeping her?” Hadie had asked, his gap tooth making his little grin seem even bigger.
“she's not a dog Hadie, but yes that’s the plan. I don’t think her mother’s coming back.” Hades rubbed Hadie’s fluffy blue hair and then reached out to rub his daughter's bluish-purple hair gently, her two-month-old hair curling around his fingers.
“What's her name?” Hadie continued to babble off questions, his yellow eyes staring directly into his sister's emerald eyes.
Hades thought for a moment, pursing his lips as he looked at the note and turned it over. Nothing other than Maleficent's writing and initial. Either the fae hadn’t given the baby a name or didn’t care enough to tell him.
“Morana“ the pagan Slavic goddess of winter and death; he had met or once or twice, not enough to know her but the name matched the baby girl before him well enough. (in this world, gods of all religions/beliefs exist in the same universe, they usually keep to themselves and rarely interact.)
Hadie repeated the name, pulling his finger around with Morana still holding onto him. “I like it!”
Three months later, Maleficent returned and took Morana from him; not even letting him give her a damn thing to remember him by. “I need an heir, that evil queens been bragging about her little rat and I won't let her get the upper hand with it” Hadie watched from behind Hades legs as the fae walked away with his little sister, her blue-purple hair stark against the black of Maleficent's sleeves.
Morana cried the entire time, reaching out for her father with tears streaming from her sparking yellow-green eyes, her face red with the flurry of confusing emotions she was feeling.
Hades took a step forward, going to take his daughter back but was stopped by Maleficent's goons, all glaring at him.
He was outmatched.
He stepped back, glaring at Maleficent's back as she took back their daughter she had abandoned so heartlessly three months ago.
Mal. That was her name now. He had heard many talk about the newly revealed daughter of evil; the daughter of Maleficent. Mal.
Hades clicked his jaw at the thought of her name, Maleficent had been shellfish and named her own daughter right after her; Hades would bet his stash of chocolate that Mal’s full name was just Maleficent.
At least Hades had been original.
Throughout the next couple of years, as Mora-Mal. Grew up, Hades kept out an eye on her; just out of sight from her and just barely stepping in if any of the older people of the isle, who had…less than ideal moral compasses, got any ideas about his daughter.
A few times he tried to go up to her, but each time she saw him she either ran away in fear, or stared him down with no spark of familiar want or recognition.
So he kept away, respecting her non-verbal wishes and leaving Mal to herself.
It didn’t stop him from trying to keep her safe. He left her food on the nights Maleficent or her goons forgot, never charged her when she came into his restaurant, was never harsh with her. Some of the other villains got curious at his gentleness with Mal but quickly shut up with a spark of red in his eyes. He might’ve lost his magic but he was still a god.
Hades watched from the shadows as Mal and her three ‘friends’ climbed into the limo, the son of Hook and son of Gaston climbing in alongside them. Mal looked up at Maleficent, who did an odd gesture and Mal nodded, sliding in and closing the limo door behind her.
He followed the limo all the way to the bridge, watching his daughter leave the isle for the first time and go to Auradon. If she didn’t end up burning it down; he hoped she would have a good life away from her mother.
Over three years later, his son was chosen to go the Auradon by his sister, and Hades watched melancholy as Hadie packed his things; fiddling with the dull ember between his fingers. Hadie hefted his bag over his shoulder and grabbed his duffle bag, nodding at his dad; who stood and walked over to his son “stay safe” Hades muttered, pulling Hadie in for a side hug, his hand resting on the back of Hadie’s head. “say hi to your mother and sister for me?” Hadie nodded against him, using his free arm to squeeze Hades back, and turned on his heel, walking out of the mines.
Only an hour later Hades stood at the bridge plaza, ember in hand; pointing it at his daughter, who cried out in pain against the embers draining powers. He pulled back as much as he could, he needed to get out; he just couldn't do it anymore, the isle was hell and he needed to leave.
Mal screamed in pain again and Hades faltered, remembering her cries for him when Maleficent took her oh so long ago. But the girl besides Hook took his falter and rushed at him, slamming him back behind the barrier and walking back through it a moment later.
Hades growled to himself, he had failed his attempted escape and hurt his kid. He stood and walked away from the plaza, planning to stay in his lair for the rest of the week in shame.
It was just the next day when he saw his kids again, Hadie and Celia standing in front of him; giving the excuse of a forgotten bass and some delivered goods. But Mal wasn’t as quiet as she should've been, he grabbed her hand just as she grabbed the ember and pulled it from her grip, staring her down behind his sunglasses.
She meekly asked for the ember multiple times, and on the third time, he raised his brow, holding up the ember in the air as he looked down at his daughter “You’re only half Hades, the ember won't do everything for you that it does for me” Mal huffed and gestured to Hadie.
“Hadie’s gonna be the one to use it anyway, I just wanted-to…” Mal looked up at him wide-eyed and shocked, and Hades had a startling realization that Mal might have not known about him at all.
After a few minutes of Mal screeching about her mother’s lies and her not being able to understand how ‘she’ happened, she demanded the ember once more “if you wanna make up for being a lousy dad” ouch that stung, he didn’t mean to be one; he just was forced into that position “gimme the ember”
Hades gave Mal the ember and watched her walk out, sighing sadly as he realized he could’ve been there for Mal a long time ago if not for his stupid assumption. He warned her about the ember getting wet and she just pushed past him, Hadie sharing one last glance with him before following after her.
Hades sighed, collapsing back in his minecart turned chair and leaning his head back. So much for respecting her wishes as a child, she hadn’t even known he existed as her dad.
people who i want to read this cuz ahhhh ya know? 
@queer-cosette​ @sephiralorange​ @lunanight2012​
@daughter-of-the-stars11​ @musicarose​ @random-thoughts-003​
@remembered-license​ @imtryingthisout​ @rintheemolion​
@thecaptainsgingersnap​ @jatp-rules-my-life​ @verboetoperee​
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thebigqueer · 4 years ago
Solangelo - "Edging Closer and Closer to Doom" - One-Shot
Summary: Nico and Will visit Percy and Annabeth to get advice before they leave for Tartarus.
Word Count: 4843
SPOILERS: Tower of Nero; TW: brief mention of guns (no actual violence though); trauma
Read on AO3
“Nico, where are you taking me?”
“You’ll see.”
“Is it somewhere romantic?”
Nico turns to Will, stopping both the boys in their tracks. A small smile twists over his mouth. “Well, we can go somewhere afterwards.”
It’s a warm day in August, and Will wants nothing more than to stay here at camp and enjoy the sun with his boyfriend. The month is coming to a close, along with their freedom, and Will thinks it’s important to enjoy the time they have left together.
Since the clash with Nero, Nico’s dreams have been getting worse. He’s been sleeping in later and later, trying to get snippets of the voice, to analyze where and who it’s coming from. Will has been getting worried about him; after some time at camp, Nico’s body seemed to fill into itself and an olive sheen returned to his skin, but only in the past few weeks all that work to improve himself appeared to be for nothing. His dark circles inked into his eyelids and the tan of his skin leached away as his fears took control of him again. His muscles turned to bones, hardening and poking against his skin. He isn’t even able to eat properly.
How are either of them supposed to survive Tartarus when they’re both getting robbed of their health?
“If we’re not going on a romantic date,” Will says, placing his hand over Nico’s wrist, “then I don’t want it.”
Nico raises an eyebrow and pulls closer, leaning his head back to properly look at Will. “It’s to prepare us for Tartarus. We need it.”
A block of ice settles in Will’s chest, freezing him down to his core. All the giddiness that he felt just moments ago melts away. He frowns. “Oh. Okay. Are we leaving for Tartarus right now?”
“Not for Tartarus.” A small smile balances across Nico’s face. “We’re just going to a place.”
“What is this place?” Will asks, seriousness slipping into his voice. “Are we going to Paris?”
Nico shakes his head. “No, we’re not going for the prophecy yet. Just… I need to show you something before we leave for real.”
Will sighs. “Okay. Are we going right now?”
Nico nods. “I’m going to shadow-travel us. You have Kit-Kats in your bag?”
“I can’t believe you think I wouldn’t. It’s like you don’t even know me.”
Nico rolls his eyes and pulls Will along, leading the two of them to the shadow of a nearby tree. “Let’s hope I don’t bring us to Venezuela again.”
Will laughs softly, the sound of it evaporating in the August heat. “Well, I didn’t mind being covered in cheese.”
“Yeah, well, at least it matched with your aesthetic. Cheese Head.”
About five minutes later, Nico and Will find themselves in a much different setting than the camp. The air here is much warmer than Long Island - it pours over both the boys’ skin and immediately coats them in sweat.
Looking around, Will realizes there are buildings surrounding them. Some people mill about, mostly teenagers and young adults with books in their hand and backpacks slung over their shoulder. College age. An aura of maturity lingers in the warm air, and suddenly Will feels too young to be here. Too inexperienced.
Nico leads the two out of the shadows and into the bright sun, and Will wants nothing more than to crawl right back into the darkness. Anything is better than this heat.
As the two stumble around, looking out of place in such a grown-up world, Will asks, “Where are we?”
Nico leads them towards a large building, where some young adults stand around and talk to each other. Some of them turn to look at Will and Nico, but for the most part none of them seem to mind. Dark circles linger under each of their eyes.
“We’re in New Rome,” Nico responds just as they enter the building. A cool wave washes over Will and he sighs outwardly in relief. The heat outside was almost unbearable.
But then Nico’s words settle into his mind, and he stops in his tracks. “New Rome?” he squeaks. “Why?”
“We’re going to meet someone.” Nico’s voice tightens with reluctance, as if he doesn’t want to give too much away, but Will already understands who they’re going to meet.
The son of Hades takes hold of Will’s wrist again and leads them up a set of stairs, despite the blond’s attempts at slowing them down. It appears that despite Nico’s lack of nutrition, he’s still able to drag Will along if he’s really into it.
“We’re meeting Percy and Annabeth?” Will asks, astonished. He almost trips over the next step as Nico’s pace quickens at the mention of their names.
When he doesn’t answer, Will knows he’s right. “Why them? I mean, I know they’ve been to Tartarus, but, like… so have you. What else do they need to tell you?”
“Well…,” Nico says, pulling them along to a flat floor. A corridor stares back at them, with doors standing on each side of the hallway. Harsh gray light flickers over the ceiling. He finally turns to Will. “It’s more like what they need to tell you.”
Nico releases his hold on his boyfriend’s wrist and walks forward, his feet pattering lightly against the floor. Will’s heart beats quickly in his chest, anxiety thrumming through his system. What are we here for? he wonders.
A little bit down the hallway, Nico stops and stares at a door. Under the gray lighting, his skin looks ashen and pale. Taking a deep breath, Nico raises a fist to the door and knocks.
Time stills as the boys wait for an answer. Nico slips his hand into Will’s and squeezes, then releases again. His skin feels feverishly warm against Will’s, bursting with anxiety. The blond frowns but says nothing.
After a moment, a click echoes in the hallway and the door swings open, throwing air around the boys. A tall figure looks down at them, his body slouching against the door tiredly, and Will is suddenly overcome with how much more different Percy looks.
His green eyes sparkle as mischievously as ever, churning with a mix of exhaustion and irritation. A large purple sweatshirt dangles over his body, the letters “SPQR” flashing across his chest in gold. His hair stands on end, frazzled and messy as if he’s just woken from a nap. In the lighting, his tan skin looks just as gray as Nico’s. A bored expression lingers over his face.
When he realizes it’s Will and Nico, he stands up straight. “Nico!” he exclaims. “Wow, I thought I’d be expecting you later.”
“Maybe you just slept in too much. You look exhausted.”
A tired smile sweeps over Percy’s mouth. “School hasn’t even started and I’m already missing out on sleep. Can’t wait for my classes to begin for real.” His eyes flit across Will. He tips his head in acknowledgement and moves away from the door. “You guys should come in.”
The air inside the room is a little cooler, fresh compared to the outside. Nico goes in first and Will follows, closing the door behind him.
For the most part, the room looks fairly neat. The blinds are drawn at the far side of the dorm room, only letting a little bit of light filter through. One bed stands against the far wall while another protrudes from a corner in the right. To the left of Will, a plain desk gleams; another one stands to the corner in the back. A bathroom and closet reside to the left, and a miniature kitchen protrudes from their right. Articles of clothing are piled up over the bed, which Will guesses are Percy’s.
“Nice place you’ve got,” Nico says carefully. Tension strangles the air, pulling the three together in an uncomfortable embrace. Will knows that, for the most part, Nico and Percy have improved their relationship. But looking at them now, with both their eyes trained on each other in an awkward stare, there’s still the rope of discomfort around them. They’re not completely sure how to act with each other.
A small part of Will relishes that discomfort. He knows Nico and Percy never really had a chance, but even then, he likes that he knows Nico better than the son of Poseidon. Maybe Percy is a huge, well-known hero who Will could probably never compare to, but at least there’s one thing Will can be better at than him, and that thing is being a better friend.
Almost as if he can sense Will’s thoughts, Percy smiles at Will. “Wow,” he says with astonishment. “Man, I feel like I haven’t seen you in a while. You look… tired. Everything okay with you guys?”
Well, Will thinks with annoyance, what a wonderful way to start a conversation.
Nico nods. “Is Annabeth coming?”
Just then, a knock echoes behind them. Percy grins. “That should be her.”
Annabeth peeps into the room, her blond curls flying as she pushes her head in. At the sight of Will and Nico, a nervous smile flickers over her features. She pushes through the door and steps over nervously. Tense silence wraps around the four demigods as they wait for everyone to get their places, prepared to act in this play of politeness.
“So,” Percy says, throwing an arm around Annabeth, “what is it that you guys are here for?”
Will snaps his eyes to Nico. He says nothing, but the message is clear: You haven’t told him?
Nico stares at him for only a second before he turns back to Percy. In a calm voice, he says, “It’s a matter of Tartarus.”
At the mention of the deathly place, both Percy and Annabeth flinch. The tan of their skin seeps out, spilling over the pale floor, and their eyes cloud over with fear. They’re looking past the boys, past the walls, traveling down into the fears, into the trauma.
“Tartarus?” Percy whispers, his voice threaded with fear and astonishment. “Why? Are you having dreams or something, Nico?”
Nico crosses his arms over his chest and looks at the ground, the gears in his head turning as he considers what to say next. “Yes,” he answers simply.
“Are you… looking for advice?” Annabeth inquires, edging a little closer to Nico. “Is everything alright? We thought you were going to Dionysus.”
Nico steps back from their gazes, his heart thrumming in his chest. He knew he’d have to tell them about his trip one day or another, and he supposes that now is the best time. Especially with how intense his dreams have become…
“I don’t need advice,” he promises, fixing Percy and Annabeth with what he hopes is a comforting look. Taking a deep breath, he admits, “Actually, I have to go down there again.”
For a moment, nothing happens. Time itself stills, pausing around all four demigods, tightening around them like coil. Percy and Annabeth stare at Nico as if they’ve never seen him before.
“Again?” Percy gasps. “What do you possibly need to do down there?”
Nico’s fingers clasp together in an attempt to ground himself. “Well, I’ve been having dreams. Someone keeps… calling my name. I think it may be Bob, but I can’t be sure. Whoever it is needs my help. I need to go down there again.”
Annabeth blinks. “You? Why you specifically? How come me and Percy haven’t been getting those voices?”
Nico shrugs helplessly. “I don’t know. But I know that I need to go down there. Someone keeps calling it, and I would love to ignore it, but… they’re insistent. They want to get out. And I wouldn’t be a hero if I didn’t help them escape their torture.”
A feral look flashes in Percy’s eyes. His jaw clenches and he removes his arm from Annabeth. Stepping closer to Nico, he mutters, “You can’t. Do you know how dangerous that is, Nico? You went there alone and barely made it out alive. Me and Annabeth went there together and we barely made it out alive. How the fuck do you think you’re going to get in there and come back out alive for a second time?” He shakes his head and runs his fingers through his hair in frustration. “Dude, you cannot go down there again. No doubt you’ve suffered through enough trauma; you don’t think it’s going to mess up your mind even more? Annabeth and I had nightmares and flashbacks for months. We hadn’t been able to eat properly, or sleep, or just function.” He looks up and down at Nico. “And it seems like you haven’t either. You’re worse than I saw you before I left for New Rome. It’s not a good idea to go down there.”
As each of Percy’s words sink into Nico, irritation builds up in his skin. His nerves curl up and burst open again in rage. His jaw clenches. What right does Percy have to tell him how to act?
“I’m afraid it’s not your say in what I do or don’t,” Nico hisses. “Someone needs me, and I’m going to save them.” Unlike some people.
Annabeth steps forward, fear flashing in her eyes. “Then let us come with you! You can’t go down there on your own.” Then she blinks and snaps her head to Will. Her eyes widen. “No…,” she murmurs. “You’re going to take Will with you? Are you crazy?”
“He’s not taking me with him,” Will mutters defensively. “I’m choosing to go with him.”
“And that’s exactly why we’re here,” says Nico matter-of-factly. “I need your help to convince him not to come.”
At his words, Will’s chest constricts with annoyance and betrayal. He thought they established that Nico isn’t going alone. But apparently this entire trip was just to try to convince him not to accompany him.
Will twists to his boyfriend. “What? After all we talked about, you’re still trying to get me to not come?”
A guilty look flashes in Nico’s eyes. “I’m sorry, Will, but I can’t risk it. You’re too important to me. I’m sorry I tricked you, but it’s not worth it for you to risk your life like this. The camp needs you.”
“And what? The camp doesn’t need you?” Will hisses. “You’re just as important. Gods, I just… I wish you would stop acting like you aren’t important. Like… like it doesn’t matter what happens to you.” He leans closer, his face bursting with red. “Because you know what, Nico? It does matter what happens to you. There are people who care about you. I care about you. You’re not going alone.”
“Actually,” chimes Percy, “neither of you are going. At least not without us.”
Nico turns on Percy, his fists shivering at his sides. “Don’t you act like you’re some savior, Percy. You may be older, but that gives you no right to act like you’re something to control our actions, like you’re supposed to protect us like we’re some kind of children. All I’m asking of you guys is to explain to Will that he shouldn’t come.”
“Why don’t I get a say if I get to come or not?” asks Will. “I’m my own person.”
Percy groans. “Why would we only say that to Will when you shouldn’t go either? Neither of you should be going!”
“I didn’t ask for your opinion,” growls Nico. “I asked for help.” Looking from Annabeth to Percy, he asks, “Will you help or not?”
Annabeth says, “Our only way of helping is by going with you.”
Nico groans. “You guys aren’t going. I’m not risking your lives either. Just… Can you explain to Will why he shouldn’t come?”
Will frowns. “Why can’t I? Why are you always insisting on doing something by yourself? You aren’t alone anymore, and you’re going to push me away?”
“Can you just… not? I’m trying to save your life and it’s getting really hard when you’re insisting to come with me.”
A wave of anger crashes into Will’s stomach and climbs all the way to the cliffs of his chest. His vision turns red. “Oh, I’m sorry, Nico, am I annoying you by saying I just want you to take care of yourself? Because if I am, just say so.”
An angry scowl curving over Nico’s features. “Yeah, you kind of are. How many times am I going to say it? I’m trying to protect you from certain death.”
“Why? Because you don’t think I’m good enough to go with you? That maybe I’m not as strong as any of the Big Three?”
Nico throws his head back as a harsh laugh escapes his throat. “Here we are again. Will, that’s exactly why I don’t want you to go - you’re insecure. Tartarus is going to use that against you. I don’t think you’re weak, and I never even said that. Your insecurities are the problem. Not to mention that it doesn’t matter if it’s your own choice to come with me; I’m still going to feel guilty if you die.” He scrubs a frustrated hand over his face and when he removes it, Will sees the pain in his eyes, the jab of guilt that’s been pressing against his conscience for days. “I don’t want you to die.”
“And that’s what I don’t want from you either!” cries Will. “Maybe I’m insecure, but I won’t be able to fix it any time soon. And you’re not okay either. But, Nico” - Will tangles his fingers with his boyfriend’s, spilling his warmth and kindness and heartache all into Nico’s bare palms - “we’re not going to be okay. No one is ever perfectly okay at any time. So don’t you think it’s even more important that someone go with you? Going together means that we’ll be there for each other; we’ll watch out for each other. Without you, I’m going to be worried sick; without me, you’re not going to have someone at your back. We ride or die together, just like we did with Nero. I don’t want to let you go on your own. You don’t need to.”
Nico’s chin quivers as he looks at Will, fighting hard to push back his tornado of emotions from destroying the room. “Will,” he whispers, but doesn’t say more.
“I’m not leaving you.”
“Don’t say that. You’re making me feel worse.”
“I’m still not leaving you.”
“Neither of you are leaving,” Percy interrupts. Will turns to him, only to find that in place of calming sea-green eyes, he’s met with emerald daggers. A scowl bends over Percy’s face. “Nico, you know how dangerous that is. You can’t leave without me and Annabeth.”
The softness that came over Nico just seconds ago vanishes away as he turns to Percy. He lets go of Will’s hands and steps towards the son of Poseidon. “Stop acting like that!” he exclaims. “You think you’re some kind of hero, don’t you? Why can’t you understand this is important? I thought you were smarter than this, Percy. Aren’t you the kind to save friends from peril?”
“Yes,” Percy says, gritting his teeth. “That’s exactly it. If I let you go, I’m not saving you.”
“Well, you’re not saving Bob either.”
“He’s a Titan. He can handle himself.”
“He saved your lives!”
“And I’m grateful for that,” assures Percy. “Every day. But he’s still a Titan; he’s able to last down there longer than we can. Wait for me and Annabeth, and we’ll go with you. It’s like Will said - you aren’t alone anymore.”
Hot, acidic silence lingers over the air, tightening its hold over the four demigods. Nico and Percy stare each other down, and it’s almost like Annabeth and Will don’t even exist anymore; it’s only them, trying to win their own battles.
“No,” Nico says simply. “The more people, the more danger. Two people is enough.”
At his words, Will’s chest billows with relief. “Two? You mean I’m coming?”
Nico turns his head to Will and looks at him with reluctance. He says nothing of affirmation, but that’s all Will needs to know. He’s going, and this time Nico won’t stop him.
“No!” exclaims Percy. He steps closer to Nico, his body towering over the son of Hades like an indestructible wall. For a second, Will’s nervous that he’s going to hit Nico, but he stops just short of bumping chests. Anger burns bright in Nico’s eyes, but he doesn’t step back.
“No what?”
Nico’s looking up at Percy, staring him down despite the fact that he’s a few inches shorter. Tension sparks between them, bursting over everyone’s bare skin, and a sudden nervousness burns in Will’s core. The room is covered in gasoline, and with one spark of fire, Percy and Nico will blow up.
At first, Will thinks maybe it’s his own anxiety that makes the room feel like it’s shaking - but then Annabeth’s eyebrows jump in surprise and she takes Will’s wrist, edging the two of them to the door slowly. Realizing that it isn’t just him who can feel the quaking, Will wraps an arm around Annabeth’s shoulder in the hopes that it will keep them safe from whatever bomb detonates between the other two demigods.
“Guys,” Annabeth mutters. “Calm yourselves. You are both children of the Big Three - remember how much power both of you have.”
The room continues shaking; neither boy looks at Annabeth. Percy’s eyes swirl with spark with angry energy. Nico’s hands raise at his side while he pulls himself into a fighting stance. Percy’s hands linger at his thigh, fingering a pocket.
Behind Will, a gurgling sound thrums in the walls, and in the kitchen a tap turns on. Annabeth’s gray eyes flash with fear and Will pulls closer to her, anxiety stabbing him in the chest.
“Guys,” Annabeth insists, “stop it.”
Will has never seen Nico look so enraged. His entire face turns fiery red and his paled hands shake at his side. The ground continues shaking, grumbling more persistently under his feet, and he knows that if neither him or Annabeth stop this, there will be serious consequences.
“We need to pull them apart,” whispers Will, staring at the demigods nervously. “Break them out of whatever trance they’re in. Otherwise you’re gonna have to pay for damage if Nico starts bringing skeletons in here.”
Annabeth offers a firm nod. The blonds edge close to the walls as they tiptoe towards the two, their balance tested by the quaking in the room. Will reaches out and touches Nico’s inner wrist, rubbing his skin softly in an attempt to bring Nico back, to make him stop drowning in his irritation. His hands feel cold and angry; only power buzzes underneath his skin, and it vibrates down Will’s own body. He almost pulls away in fear that Nico will turn on him instead.
Nico blinks and shifts to look at Will. The rage that took over him just seconds ago melts away and gives way to daze; his dark eyes cloud over with emotion. Will pulls him back from Percy just as Annabeth places a hand over her own boyfriend’s shoulder.
For a moment, all is silent. The quaking simmers down and soon the water in the kitchen slows to a trickle. Percy and Nico continue glaring at each other, but at least they aren’t going after one another.
Percy’s face only betrays anger, resentment, but there’s something else behind his eyes: guilt. Despite how enraged he looks, a frustrated tear blooms across his eye and slips down the side of his face. Almost immediately all his frustration spills out of him and forms a puddle on the floor, leaving him only deflated and exhausted.
“Nico,” he says, his voice strangled with emotions, “you’re like a brother to me. I- I know we haven’t had the best relationship in the past, and neither of us treated each other well. Me especially. But… We’ve had time to fix it. Our relationship isn’t perfect, and it probably needs more time.
“But, please,” Percy continues, desperation trickling into his voice, “don’t do this. I… I can’t imagine losing you. Not after all that happened. Not after everything that you had to go through.”
Nico watches him speak, letting the words from his mouth seep into his ears and harden around his brain. A wave of emotions crashes into his chest and he has to squeeze Will’s hand just to make sure he’s still standing.
Silence lingers in the air again, making itself comfy in the gaps between all the demigods. It doesn’t move for a long while.
Nico’s eyes brim with tears, which flash in the dim lighting of the dorm room. Will takes his other hand and balances it behind Nico’s back in an attempt to comfort him. Two tears roll down Nico’s cheeks as he says, “I’m sorry, Percy, but I have to. I’m glad we got to be friends again, but you know I have to do this. You know more than anyone how important it is to be there for your friends.” He lets go of Will’s hand and steps forward. “I’m going to save my friend Bob. And you know what, Percy? You’re helping me as your friend. If you let me go, you’re helping me make the world better for someone.”
Percy shakes his head. “For one person, Nico? A person who is literally strong enough to survive hell? You’re going to risk your life for that?”
“I- I can’t explain it,” Nico mutters. “I just know he needs my help. If he’s not getting in your dreams, then it must be me.” Nico sighs shakily and another tear falls. “I just… need to do this. So let me do it. I’m no longer that helpless eleven-year-old boy you knew, Percy; I’m old enough to take care of myself. I have been for a long time.”
Percy and Annabeth turn to each other, both their eyes glazed over with pity and guilt. Their eyebrows jump and narrow at each other as if having a silent conversation. Then Annabeth turns to Nico and says, “Then be safe, Nico. And it’s not too late to take us with you. Give us the word, and we’ll come.”
Nico shakes his head. “I’m not risking more lives. And you guys deserve to have this break and enjoy your education.”
“But you deserve a calm year, too,” Annabeth says. “We can give this up if you need us to.”
Nico shakes his head again. “I’ve had time to heal. I’m not completely mended yet, but I’ve grown. You guys had to go right back into your real life and become one with reality again. You deserve just a chance to relax with each other. I’m going.”
Nico turns to Will and leans against his side. A burst of joy erupts in Will’s chest and he melts into his boyfriend, basking in his warmth. “Besides,” Nico says, offering a small smile to Will, “I’m going to have Will with me. He can shoot a mean gun. I think we’ll be alright.”
A doubtful expression flashes against Percy’s face. “You’re sure?”
Nico’s hand squeezes Will’s fingers, and for the first time in a while, confidence rises in Will’s heart. He feels seen knowing that Nico’s finally accepted he’s coming; he’s ensured that Nico doesn’t see him as just a healer, but also as someone who he can count on to come down with him to the depths of the Underworld.
Nico trusts him. He trusts him with his life and safety. There is nothing more honorable than knowing that, after years of losing people (whether by death or by distance), there is someone in his life who truly believes in Will. His face heats at the realization that Nico’s ready to let him watch his back.
Will hopes he doesn’t fail Nico.
Percy smiles hesitantly. “Alright. But, again, if you need anything before you go… Please, for the love of god, tell us. I can’t imagine how terrifying it must be to go down there for a second time.” He frowns. “When are you leaving anyway?”
“Probably in a few days,” Nico says. “Just need to get some supplies, then we’re going to meet Rachel in Paris and get a prophecy.”
Pery nods. “Okay.” His green eyes swim between Nico and Will, concern pooling in them. “Just… watch out for each other, okay? If either of you die, I’m killing you.”
Nico cracks a smile, the first one in a while. “We’ll try not to die.” Then he nods his head to Annabeth. “Thank you both for the help.”
Annabeth snorts. “What help? All we did was argue.”
“Well, it helped. Just accept the grace.”
Nico and Will step back to the door. The blond turns back to look at Percy and Annabeth, who are both watching the boys with politely concerned eyes.
He smiles. “We’ll see you later. Hopefully.”
And with that, Nico and Will leave the door and walk away, edging closer and closer to whatever doom lies in their future.
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kookie-doughs · 4 years ago
Percy Jackson X Reader
-Y/N L/N met Percy Jackson and everything was now ruined.
CHAPTER 12: Hello Poodle
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We were pretty miserable that night.
We camped out in the woods, a hundred yards from the main road, in a marshy clearing that local kids had obviously been using for parties. The ground was littered with flattened soda cans and fast-food wrappers.
We'd taken some food and blankets from Aunty Em's, but we didn't dare light a fire to dry our damp clothes. The Furies and Medusa had provided enough excitement for one day. We didn't want to attract anything else.
We decided to sleep in shifts. I volunteered to take first watch.
Annabeth curled up on the blankets and was snoring as soon as her head hit the ground. Percy took the spot beside me and was laying on my lap. Grover fluttered with his flying shoes to the lowest bough of a tree, put his back to the trunk, and stared at the night sky.
"Go ahead and sleep," I told them. "I'll wake you guys if there's trouble."
He nodded, but still didn't close his eyes. "It makes me sad."
"What does? The fact that you signed up for this stupid quest?" Percy hissed.
"No. This makes me sad." He pointed at all the garbage on the ground. "And the sky. You can't even see the stars. They've polluted the sky. This is a terrible time to be a satyr."
"Oh, yeah. I guess you'd be an environmentalist."
He glared at him. "Only a human wouldn't be. Your species is clogging up the world so fast ... ah, never mind. It's useless to lecture a human. At the rate things are going, I'll never find Pan."
"Pam? Like the cooking spray?"
"Pan!" he cried indignantly. "P-A-N. The great god Pan! What do you think I want a searcher's license for?"
A strange breeze rustled through the clearing, temporarily overpowering the stink of trash and muck. It brought the smell of berries and wildflowers and clean rainwater, things that might've once been in these woods. Suddenly I was nostalgic for something I'd never known.
"Tell me about the search," I said.
Grover looked at me cautiously, as if he were afraid I was just making fun.
"The God of Wild Places disappeared two thousand years ago," he told me. "A sailor off the coast of Ephesos heard a mysterious voice crying out from the shore, 'Tell them that the great god Pan has died!' When humans heard the news, they believed it. They've been pillaging Pan's kingdom ever since. But for the satyrs, Pan was our lord and master. He protected us and the wild places of the earth. We refuse to believe that he died. In every generation, the bravest satyrs pledge their lives to finding Pan. They search the earth, exploring all the wildest places, hoping to find where he is hidden, and wake him from his sleep."
"And you want to be a searcher."
"It's my life's dream," he said. "My father was a searcher. And my Uncle Ferdinand ... the statue you saw back there—"
"Oh, right, sorry."
Grover shook his head. "Uncle Ferdinand knew the risks. So did my dad. But I'll succeed. I'll be the first searcher to return alive."
"Hang on—the first?"
Grover took his reed pipes out of his pocket. "No searcher has ever come back. Once they set out, they disappear. They're never seen alive again."
"Not once in two thousand years?"
"And your dad? You have no idea what happened to him?"
"But you still want to go," Percy said, amazed. "I mean, you really think you'll be the one to find Pan?"
"I have to believe that, Percy. Every searcher does. It's the only thing that keeps us from despair when we look at what humans have done to the world. I have to believe Pan can still be awakened."
I stared at the orange haze of the sky and tried to understand how Grover could pursue a dream that seemed so hopeless. Then again, was I any better?
"How are we going to get into the Underworld?" I asked him. "I mean, what chance do we have against a god?"
"I don't know," he admitted. "But back at Medusa's, when you were searching her office? Annabeth was telling me—"
"Oh, I forgot. Annabeth will have a plan all figured out."
"Don't be so hard on her, Percy. She's had a tough life, but she's a good person. After all, she forgave me...." His voice faltered.
"What do you mean?" I asked. "Forgave you for what?"
Suddenly, Grover seemed very interested in playing notes on his pipes.
"Wait a minute," I said. "Your first keeper job was five years ago. Annabeth has been at camp five years. She wasn't... I mean, your first assignment that went wrong—"
"I can't talk about it," Grover said, and his quivering lower lip suggested he'd start crying if I pressed him. "But as I was saying, back at Medusa's, Annabeth and I agreed there's something strange going on with this quest. Something isn't what it seems."
"Well, duh. I'm getting blamed for stealing a thunderbolt that Hades took."
"That's not what I mean," Grover said. "The Fur—The Kindly Ones were sort of holding back. Like Mrs. Dodds at Yancy Academy... why did she wait so long to try to kill you? Then on the bus, they just weren't as aggressive as they could've been."
"They seemed plenty aggressive to me."
I shook my head. "They were screeching at us: 'Where is it? Where?'"
"Asking about me," he said.
"Maybe if you haven't steered, we could've found out."
"Maybe ... but Annabeth and I, we both got the feeling they weren't asking about a person. They said 'Where is it?' They seemed to be asking about an object."
"That doesn't make sense."
"I know. But if we've misunderstood something about this quest, and we only have nine days to find the master bolt...." He looked at us like he was hoping for answers, but neither of us had have any.
"Maybe... Had--- the big guy isn't actually that bad."
"I haven't been straight with you," Percy told Grover. "I don't care about the master bolt. I agreed to go to the Underworld so I could bring back Y/N's parents and my mother."
Grover blew a soft note on his pipes. "I know that, Percy. But are you sure that's the only reason?"
"I'm not doing it to help my father. He doesn't care about me. I don't care about him."
Grover gazed down from his tree branch. "Look, Percy, I'm not as smart as Annabeth and Y/N. I'm not as brave as you and Y/N. But I'm pretty good at reading emotions. You're glad your dad is alive. You feel good that he's claimed you, and part of you wants to make him proud. That's why you mailed Medusa's head to Olympus. You wanted him to notice what you'd done."
"Yeah? Well maybe satyr emotions work differently than human emotions. Because you're wrong. I don't care what he thinks."
Grover pulled his feet up onto the branch. "Okay, Percy. Whatever."
"Besides, I haven't done anything worth bragging about. We barely got out of New York and we're stuck here with no money and no way west."
Grover looked at the night sky, like he was thinking about that problem. He turned to me, "How about I take first watch, huh? You two get some sleep."
I nodded and turned to Percy who wanted to protest, but he started to play Mozart, soft and sweet, and he turned away. After a few bars of Piano Concerto no. 12, I was asleep. He was sleeping.
"You're still awake?"
"Barely. I call the next shift okay?"
Grover nodded so I slept.
Believe in them.
Where is this coming from?
Water is our enemy, air is our demise, the darkness shall be our ally and the land should be haven. You should befriend Hades. We need someone on our side. We've already angered Poseidon and Zeus.
Why'd have to be him? He seem like the reason we're in this quest.
Trust your allies.
I was woken up. It was still dark and I could see Grover was droopy. Percy held my hand tight as he was trembling in his sleep.
When Grover saw me awake he just passed out on where he was sitting.
"Percy," I called him trying to keep quiet not to wake up the others. "Wake up." I slowly shook him.
His eyes shot open and looked at me in fear.
"Are you okay?"
"Nightmare..." He whimpered snuggling closer.
"Want to tell me about it?"
"Well... I was in a pit and someone was talking to me I think. I saw your parents' last moments... And my mom's then... I saw you drowning... desperately trying to save yourself. The voice told me to help them rise. I couldn't do anything..."
It is not us. I dare not hurt our hero.
"It's okay. Percy, don't worry. You should continue sleeping. Come on, I'm on watch."
He looked at me in hesitation and slept while I ran my hand on his hair.
"Well, good morning to you Peabody." I greeted Annabeth.
"Weren't you the first watch?"
"Grover went first watch. I went to sleep with Percy."
She turned to look at Percy who was asleep holding my hand. "Isn't it weird that he's so attached?" She grimaced.
"Well, to be fair. I feel like I have to stay with him no matter what. Like my subconscious telling me, don't leave him and stay. I'm not sure about his case though."
"Where's Grover?"
"I don't know he said he's going to look around. I'll look for him. Stay with Percy without killing him will you?"
"Eh, I'll try." She smiled.
"Good enough for me." As gentle as I could I remove his hand from mine and stood up to look for Grover.
It didn't take me long to find Grover who was sitting in the middle of no where in front of a pink poodle.
"Uh, whatcha got there?"
"He's our ride west." He looked at me. "His name is Gladiola."
"Uhm... hello." The dog looked at me then barked. "Well, let's bring him to Annabeth then."
Annabeth was as confused as I was when I found Grover. She greeted it hello reluctantly.
I shrugged at her as a response.
Grover sat cross-legged on a blanket with the dog on his lap.
I walked up to Annabeth and laughed, "I have no idea."
Percy stirred awake and sat up.
"Good morning." I smiled.
"The zombie lives." Annabeth tossed him a bag of nacho-flavored corn chips from Aunty Em's snack bar.
Percy eyed Grover confusedly and back at me and Annabeth.
The poodle yapped at Percy suspiciously. Grover said, "No, he's not."
Percy blinked. "Are you... talking to that thing?"
The poodle growled.
"This thing," Grover warned, "is our ticket west. Be nice to him."
"You can talk to animals?"
Grover ignored the question. "Percy, meet Gladiola. Gladiola, Percy."
He stared at Annabeth and I, as if we were kidding.
"I'm not saying hello to a pink poodle," He said. "Forget it."
"Percy," I said. "I said hello to the poodle. Annabeth said hello to the poodle. You say hello to the poodle."
The poodle growled.
He said hello to the poodle.
Grover explained that he'd come across Gladiola in the woods and they'd struck up a conversation. The poodle had run away from a rich local family, who'd posted a $200 reward for his return. Gladiola didn't really want to go back to his family, but he was willing to if it meant helping Grover.
"How does Gladiola know about the reward?" I asked.
"He read the signs," Grover said. "Duh."
"Of course," I said. "Silly me."
"So we turn in Gladiola," Annabeth explained in her best strategy voice, "we get money, and we buy tickets to Los Angeles. Simple."
"Not another bus," Percy said warily.
"No," Annabeth agreed.
She pointed downhill, toward train tracks I saw last night. "There's an Amtrak station half a mile that way. According to Gladiola, the westbound train leaves at noon."
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@gayer-than-the-gayest-gay @the-natureofme @booknerd-3000
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godlyborn · 3 years ago
life is a highway. / elias & zoe.
date: october 1-3, 2021 summary: elias and zoe pull a hermes kid operation and break into his family home in alberta. trigger warnings: homophobia mention, child abuse mention
Elias put their bags into the trunk of the car as Zoe was saying goodbye to Brett. Elias couldn't deny that he was anxious about going back to his parent's house. He hadn't spoken to either of his parent's for two years, let alone possibly seeing them if they didn't time this right. Elias let out a breath, sitting in the car, waiting for Zoe to get in. Elias pulled at his fingers, a nervous tick he had. When Zoe got it, he looked over to her. "Thanks for doing this with me."
Saying goodbye to Brett was just as hard, if not harder, as she thought it would be.  Pressing herself tightly into his side, she swore to update him on where they were and that yes, she was going to be safe before giving him one last kiss before finally stepping away from him and towards her car.  Throwing her backpack into the backseat, she didn't look back before climbing into the driver's seat, knowing she wouldn't be able to resist running back over to him if she did.  She looked over at Elias, giving him a warm smile, reaching over to cover his hands with one of hers.  "You don't have to thank me, there's no way I was letting you do this alone.  Are you ready?"
Elias shook his head, and then gave a soft shrug. "I'm as ready as I'll ever be," he replied, looking down at Zoe's hand on his. "I guess I'm just nervous about the possibility of my parents being there. I haven't seen them in years, and I don't really want to see them again."
Zoe nodded along as Elias spoke.  "That makes sense.  If they are, I can do most of the talking if you want? But, they're not what we're going for so don't worry.  It'll work out, I promise."  She gave his hand another squeeze before letting go.  After double checking the address on her GPS, she started up the car to hit the road.
It was a few minutes of them sitting there on the drive before Elias spoke again. "I should uh, talk to you about something before you potentially meet them, and why I ran away."
Zoe’s eyes flashed over to her brother for a second before going back to the road. “Okay, sure. Take your time, we have a little bit before we have to stop for gas.”
Elias tapped his fingers against his knuckles anxiously. He wasn't sure why he was so anxious about this. This was Zoe, he was comfortable with Zoe. It was more of the, bringing up the past, that he was anxious about. "Uh, so, my parents, they're not really the best people.  For lack of better words." Elias bit his lip. "When I was sixteen, my sister, Cassandra, she sat us all down, and she came out as gay." Elias gulped, he tried his best not to remember that night. "There was a lot of screaming, and things being said to hurt her, and then it ended in my parents kicking her out." He cleared his throat slightly. "And I kind of just sat there, as she looked at me to help her out, and I said nothing, did nothing. It was like I was paralyzed. I was scared to say anything, because I knew that it would turn on me. She always stuck up for me growing up, not afraid to scream at my Dad who was pushing me too hard, or scream at my Mom when she..." Elias didn't finish that sentence. He shifted in his seat slightly, looking down at his hands. "I haven't seen her since."
Zoe stayed silent as Elias made his way through his story.  Her eyes flashed to his face on occasion, but mostly stayed focused on the road, though she did reach out to squeeze his hand in comfort before returning it to the wheel.  The story made a flash of anger run through her, which was clear on her face.  "Gods, that's awful." It didn't sum up her feelings properly at all, but it was all that would come out.  "I'm so sorry both of you had to go through that, Eli.    Parents that can just turn on their kids...." She shook her head, still clearly mad at the parents in question.  "If they can't open their hearts, they don't deserve to be parents at all.  But clearly both of you are in better places being away from that environment."
Elias shrugged in response to Zoe. It still hurt him that he knew Cassandra was out there, especially probably thinking that Elias didn't accept her, didn't care about her. Cassandra was the most important person to Elias, he wasn't there for her when she needed him the most, and now he felt like he was struggling through the same thing she was. When Zoe had said what she said, Elias felt slightly more comfortable with her now, and he could feel his body slightly relax. "I just, I don't want to see them at all," Elias replied. "I just want my sister to know that I'm sorry, and that she's safe."
"She'll know when we find her, then you'll get to tell her yourself." Zoe said confidently, fueled by the uncertain shrug to try and to make Elias feel more confident in this little road trip himself.  She had no idea how long it was going to take, but she was determined to find her and keep her promise to her brother, something that she made sure Brett was aware of and okay with before she left.
Elias was silent for a few moments. During the silence he was going back and forth between thinking about telling Zoe. He knew she wouldn't leave him, hell she was coming to Alberta with him to find his sister. There was a part of him that was scared though, his parents kicked his ister out of it, and even though he knew that not everyone was like his parents, there was part of him that was scared. He finally cleared his throat. "Plus, part of me wants her advice, especially because she knows how I feel, and what it was like to grow up in our family and to find out you're gay. I, uh, Zoe, I think I'm gay." Elias felt his voice crack at the last word, it felt weird to say that aloud.
As the silence dragged on, Zoe's forced her eyes to stay on the road, though it was hard when she heard him struggling for words.  She had always been very much aware that she didn't know too much about Elias' life before camp and never found the desire or heart to try and force some info out of the youngest member of the Poseidon cabin.   Unlike her brother, Zoe had never had any issues keeping her past a secret, though she didn't exactly have any skeletons to hide.  Elias knew pretty much everything there was to know about Zoe Fisher, something that she was okay with, knowing that if he was ever ready to share, he would tell her what he was comfortable with saying out loud.
These thoughts circled her brain, reassuring her through the silence, then more so as Elias seemed to find the words he was searching for.  It took a beat or two longer for her to fully process what had ended his thoughts and when it finally clicked, it took everything for her to not to immediately slam on the brakes.   With a small lurch, she let out an audible gasp in surprise, then quickly pulled over to the shoulder of the road, hazards flashing as she whipped her head to stare at him, eyes shining with the beginnings of tears.  "Eli, what?" Her mouth instantly turned up into a smile, her hands reaching out for him to rub his shoulders soothingly.  She had no idea what she was trying to say at this point, and after staring at him for a solid minute, just spoke the truth.  "Oh honey, thank you for trusting me. When did you know?"
Elias shrugged in response. "I never really had a moment to actually think about it. Then when I did, all I could think about was Cassandra's face when my parents were kicking her out, and my parent's screaming. It was all too much. I tried to deny it for a long time, but I was just unhappy. I guess I never really had someone I could truly trust to tell, until now," Elias replied. "I know I haven't been entirely truthful when it came to my past before camp. My biggest regret has always been not doing anything when Cass left. I was just so scared, I've always been terrified of my parents. I don't know, I guess maybe a part of me is scared that I'll find her, and she'll be disappointed in me, or she'll hate that she left me with them."
Elias looked outside the window, watching the cars pass them outside, silent for a moment. He turned to look back at Zoe. "I think I knew when I ran away.  My parents were talking about something, I don't remember exactly what, I just remember that it was pretty homophobic, and it involved Cassandra. I think I started questioning it then, because it was like I was a different person. It didn't feel like it was about Cassandra anymore, but it felt like it was about me. I actually screamed back at them, and if you ever meet my sister, I was never the one to do that. My Dad threw a glass in anger, he was always prone to these bursts of anger, especially when my sister and I didn't do what he wanted. A shard hit me below my eye," Elias felt his heart pound at the thought of that day. He couldn't remember what set him off, but he could remember perfectly the anger in his Dad's face, and how much it stung when his best friend was pulling the shard of glass from his cheek. He was reminded of it everyday when he saw the small scar it left on his face. "I packed my bags, and that was the last time I saw my parents."
Zoe stayed silent as Elias elaborated on his past, and her heart ached at the images he was producing in her mind.  For as long as she knew Elias, he was nothing but a gentle and kind-hearted soul, so the fact that he had been subjected to this much anger and pain made her want to just hide him away from it all.  However, it was clear that he still held a lot of guilt over everything involving Cassandra, and that pain in his voice was the only thing stopping her from turning the car around and going right back to camp, away from his parents.   "I'm so sorry, Eli.  I know you got hurt because of it, but I am so proud of you for sticking up for yourself. Trust me, I would do anything to try and take that pain away from you, but it gave you the strength to get away from them...there's no way Cassandra would be disappointed in you for having that strength."
"I just really want her to know that I'm sorry, she doesn't need to forgive me or anything, I just want her to know that if I could go back to that day, I would change how I acted. I would've fought for her. She is one of the most important people in my life, and she basically made me who I am. She deserves someone who would fight for her.”
In response, Zoe simply nodded.  Gently tugging on his shoulders, she pulled Elias into a hug, pulling back only slightly to gently drop a kiss on his forehead before fully letting him go.  "Alright then." She ignored the tears that were still welling up in her eyes, determination to help her brother once again settling in as she flipped the blinker of the car on.  "Then let's go find her."
[[ time skip ]]
"It's right up here on the right," Elias said, pointing toward the white house down the road. "You can probably just park on the street behind the trees in the front." Elias scanned the driveway to his childhood home for cars, and found none. Just what he thought, they were both at work. "If they're still on the schedule from when I left, we should have a few hours."
Zoe's eyes darted around the white house, trying to see if any light was coming through any of the windows.  Parking the car, she sat there for a few more seconds. observing the neighbor's houses as well before nodding at his words and undid her seatbelt.  "Hopefully we'll be long gone by then."
Elias got out of the car, starting his way up the driveway. About half way up, he stared at the house, taking a shaky breath. He looked back at Zoe, and then back to the house. “There’s no going back now,” he said. He made it to the front door, searching for the key they used to hide underneath the one planter. “I was hoping that they had the key where it usually was, but we’re going to have to do Plan B. How’s your climbing?”
Trying to act casual, Zoe hung back and let her brother do the key searching, even though it turned out fruitless.  Crossing her arms, she looked up at the second story of the house, then shrugged.  "Well considering this wall isn't covered in lava like back home, I think I'll be able to make it." She took one last look around the neighborhood, content that she didn't see any curtains flapping shut as she did.  "Lead the way, I'm right behind you."
Elias led his sister over through the gate to the back of the house. "There's a tree back here, it leads up to my sister's old room," he replied. "I used to catch her sneak out all the time. The window is jacked up, so it doesn't lock."
Zoe nodded as Elias explained their plan of entry, letting him climb up into the tree first before swinging herself up onto the branch behind him. “And they didn’t change the locks? How nice of them.” Moving slowly to plan out her steps, the siblings wrapped their way around the stronger branches of the tree towards the window in question, and Zoe once let Elias take the lead, not wanting to put too much pressure on part of the branch - with her luck it would just snap immediately.
Elias shrugged. "I'm pretty sure they never knew about this window. They cared more about who she was and how they controlled her rather than what she was doing," Elias said, more quieter than before. Elias popped open the window, lifting himself through it. Elias looked around at the room. It was so different, Elias remembered when they changed it after they kicked Cassandra out, they erased her so quick from their lives. Elias remembered the only thing that was left of her, was the lingering smell of her favorite perfume, though he was never sure if it was because he imagined it or if it was because she had spilled an entire bottle of it on her way out in rage.
The place no longer smelled of her, and it was frightening and sad how it was like their parents never cared. "This way," Elias guided, slipping into the hallway. Elias walked toward the office at the end of the hall. As he passed his old bedroom, he looked in through the open door. His room was the same as Cassandra's, erased, replaced by his mother's exercise equipment. Elias stood there for a moment, he expected this, but there was no preparation for him actually seeing it, and it hurt more than he thought it would.
Elias continued on, standing on his tiptoes to get the key above the doorframe and slipping it into the lock. Elias let the door open, staring at his dad's office, that room not having changed a bit. It sent shudders down his spine, remembering getting scolded and screamed at in this room whenever he was in trouble. Elias took a breath, closing his eyes for a moment, trying to shake it all off. "He keeps most of the important papers in his desk. Hopefully, that is where everything is."
Zoe followed in silence, keeping her eyes on her brother to gauge how much of a toll this was on him. Watching him pause outside a random doorway, she peaked inside only to see a mock up exercise room.  However, little details - besides her brothers stiff shoulders, give her an idea to what it used to be. Leftover tape on the walls, probably from ripped off posters, the shade of blue that he still uses to decorate his room in the cabin.  The annoyance flared up again and she placed a guiding hand on Elias’ shoulder, as if she could make him forget he was erased by just turning her brother away.
She didn’t rush him when they reached the office, despite the fact they had no idea how much time they had until someone came home. When he closed his eyes and spoke, she realized he was working on getting ready to step through the doorway. Nodding at his statement, she stepped around him and into the room, hoping it would make it easier on him. Pulling on the drawer, she started sifting through piles. “Well, let’s see what he’s got.”
Elias took a shaky breath, trying to relieve any anxiety that he felt, though the breath didn’t help much, or really at all, and the anxiety grew in his chest more as he followed his sister in. Elias pulled on the opposite drawer. He sifted through the files, his eyes spotting a file with his name on it and some notes in Greek. He had trouble reading the note, his father’s writing had always been horrid, and note in Greek were more messy than they were in English.
He took it out, looking through the file, his birth certificate, and other important papers that he had, and... a note about Camp Halfblood. Did he just read that right? Had they known he was at Camp Halfblood this entire time? “Zo? Do you think you can read modern Greek?” he asked, not knowing if the whole hard-wired to read Ancient Greek carried over. “I just, I want to know if I’m reading this right.” If they knew where he was currently, there had to be something about Cassandra in here, hopefully.
Flipping through files labeled about business expenses and the likes, Zoe was quickly coming to the conclusion that this drawer was most likely full of boring information that meant nothing to them or their search.  It didn’t fully click in their brain that a majority of the notes and titles were scribbled in Greek until Elias spoke up again, holding another note out towards her. “Yeah, I think so. Let me see.”
It took her a few blinks for the words to slide into place, and another few to make sure she was reading the note properly. “Huh.” She answered vaguely, trying to figure out how long they’ve had this info on her brother. “Maybe Chiron sent it? Since you’re a minor and all?”  There was no sender on the note, though she wasn’t really that surprised.  Surely there must still be legal stuff that Chiron had to do to prevent a nation wide search for missing children.  Zoe inspected the note again, then passed it back to be placed back in the file. “Hopefully that means we’re close, then.”
Elias nodded, putting the note back into the folder. He was silent for another moment, before whispering, “I didn’t think they knew where I was,” he replied, suddenly juggling if they cared enough to look for him, or if it was to just try and control him. That and if they knew, why didn’t they try to get him to come home. He wondered about their true motives.
He found Cassandra’s folder, also containing her important papers, and... nothing. He goes to pull it out and it snags on something. He pushed his hand back to try and get it out fully, only to find a note taped to the back of it. He pulls it out, reading it. It was an address and a date. It was dated a year back, “I think I found something,” Elias said.
It sounded like Elias was mainly speaking to himself, but Zoe nodded along anyway, choosing to stay silent instead of voicing her opinion.   They knew where he was, yet made no attempts to make contact or pull him out of camp - at least to their knowledge, but she chose to believe that it meant it wouldn't be an issue anytime soon.  Returning to her drawer, the two siblings flipped in silence before anything usual was found.
Pearing over his shoulder, her eyes scanned the address scrawled onto a small piece of paper, her eyes lighting up at the prospect of actually finding information.  "That's definitely something, Eli."  Pulling her phone out of her pocket, she turned it on and snapped a photo of the address before turning the device back off again.  "Got it, let's get out of here." Returning any files she had pulled out of order back into place, Zoe was careful to not leave any traces that they had been snooping around the office, backtracking to Cassandra's old bedroom after the door was locked and the key returned to its place.
Elias for a moment thought about just taking all their important papers. They would need them, but that would mean possibly showing his parents that he was there. So with a shaky hand, he put the files back. He followed Zoe out, going down the tree, and his heart felt like it was pounding in his ears when his feet hit the ground. He felt as though he wasn’t in his body, that he was watching someone do all this. He took a breath, sneaking away with Zoe. He paused in his tracks when he heard a familiar woman’s voice say, “Elias?” Her Greek accent slipping out. He knew that only happened when she was surprised or concerned, two very different emotions he has witnessed from his mother.
Elias froze in his place, locking eyes with his mother from across the yard. The same eyes he saw when he looked in the mirror everyday. Anxiety coursed through his veins and he panicked as she started approached him and Zoe. His eyes spotted the water spout that usually had the hose connected to it. In fear, he let the water spray from it, using his hydrokinesis to create a barrier between him and his mother.
Elias turned toward Zoe again, grabbing her hand, slightly pulling her toward the direction of the car. “Run,” he said.
Zoe felt her body turn to ice when a voice call out towards them.  She turned slowly, her eyes landing on a woman that she instantly could recognize as Elias' mother.  "Oh fuck." She breathed out, feeling the panic bubbling in her chest.  The woman's eyes flashed to her for a second, confusion seeping into her features before she turned back to face her son.  The woman took a step, and then water was spraying everywhere - no doubt the work of Elias.
Zoe's eyes flashed to the source, then the pressure seemed to increase, drenching the two siblings as she felt a hand slip into hers.  Taking control of the situation, she gripped tightly onto her younger brother's hand, taking off in the direction she parked her car.  Not looking back, she let go of him at the passenger side, racing around the car to practically dive into the driver's seat to start the engine and speed off down the street.
The minute Elias got into the car, he could feel his breath pick up in panic. “Oh my Gods,” he said, putting his head in his trembling hands as the car began speeding down the road. He was speechless, and every part of him was tense. Elias swallowed, trying to clear the lump that felt stuck in his throat. He lifted his head, opening his mouth to say something, but never found the words. He returned his head to his hands, shaking his head once more.
Zoe drove for a while, her eyes continuously darting to her brother in the passenger seat.  When she drove long enough until she felt like she could breathe again, she pulled over on the side of the road, put on the hazards and immediately turned her full attention on Elias.  Her own mind had been screaming and had constantly felt like she was going to look in the rearview mirror and see his mother trailing them.  Unconsciously, she did just that, and let out a sigh silent sigh of relief when all she saw was empty road behind them.
"Eli, breathe. It's okay."  Her hands rested on his back, rubbing it in slow circles to help and ground him again.  "Breathe with me, it's okay." She waited until his breathing seemed to calm, then reached into the backseat to get him a water bottle from the cooler they had stuffed back there.  "Drink." She ordered.
Elias followed his sister's breathing, trying to focus on her rather than the events that had just unfolded. Elias let in a struggled breath of air, but after a while, he could finally feel his breathing even out, though his heart was still pounding in his ears, and his hands shook as he took a drink from the water Zoe has handed him. Elias wasn't sure if he wanted to talk about what they found, or if his brain was working too fast to even process words. After a moment, he finally spoke again. "I just want to go home."
Zoe kept a careful eyes on him as he drank, and let herself relax a little bit when she saw a decent chunk of the bottle empty.  She didn't speak, unsure what she would even say after what had just happened.  Her heart pulled in her chest at his words, but nodded and turned back to the wheel to get them back onto the road.  "I know.  We'll be home soon, Eli."
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eusjason · 4 years ago
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𝐓𝐀𝐒𝐊 𝟒 : 𝘳𝘰𝘰𝘮 𝘵𝘰𝘶𝘳
          the bedrooms in the poseidon house are very much blank slates when one of the sea god’s children arrive : very bright and airy, very blank with pale hardwoods and walls, meant to be a canvas for whatever the demigod wants this little space of their own to be.
          clearly jason didn’t get that last bit.
›› 𝐁𝐄𝐃𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐌 𝐌𝐎𝐃𝐄𝐋 ( 𝘭𝘢𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘵 & 𝘣𝘢𝘴𝘪𝘤 𝘢𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘤 ) ›› 𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓 ( 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘧𝘪𝘤 𝘢𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘴 ) ( ᵗᵉᵐᵖˡᵉᵗᵉ ᵃˢˢⁱˢᵗᵉᵈ ᵇʸ ᵈᶜʸˡⁱˡʸ )
          when jason first arrived at campus, the last thing on his mind was decorating his bedroom, merely pulling in the essentials to make it a livable space : a pallet bed, a desk, a bookshelf, a nightstand. the walls remained untouched, and soon enough jason became accustomed to their blankness, almost enjoying it much as he enjoyed a good untarnished expanse of ice. he didn’t own much, still doesn’t own much, his clothes more than comfortably fitting in his closet and negating the need for a wardrobe, meaning clutterness never was going to be a problem. blues and greys predominate the room, with his sheets, blankets, and sheer gray curtains that still let in light when drawn — rarely does he not start the day with the sun. some of his furniture is wood, others black metal — not all of it really matches perfectly and jason is alright with that. boring, dull, blank, sterile : that’s the way his bedroom remained for all of his first year at eonia and probably the way it might have stayed if not for lyra ( @lyraeu​ ).
          lyra found jason’s bedroom to be horrifying to say the least, making it her mission to add personalized touches. it might as well have been her right considering how much TIME she ended up spending there. up until then, a photo of him with his mother was the only sign of a personalized touch — well, that and kraken who spent many hours of the day sleeping on jason’s bed. but soon they were accompanied by two strings of photographs above his bed, almost EXCLUSIVELY photos of jason and lyra ( more than fair, considering it was all her doing ), and a couple of lyra’s selfies carefully handpicked. yes, it’s made for some... interesting conversations if jason ever brings someone back to the poseidon house unfamiliar with their dynamic but he still hasn’t taken them down. over the months, though, jason has swapped out a couple of photos. her other order of business was to string up fairy lights over both of his windows. jason feels like he’s always turning them off, but again, they have remained up.
          he has added a few other framed pictures to the one with his mother : one with the eonia hockey team, another just him and sebastian ( @sebastianeu ), and one more with his mother and stepfather — all of them are now on his still-mostly empty bookcase that sometimes doubles as a table to set things on when he comes in. the picture frames share the bookcase with a purple orchid that was a gift from sebastian to brighten up his room, behind it still lies a sticky note that reads ‘ water every monday :)) ’ that sebastian left along with the flower. sticky notes from lyra and sebastian aren’t uncommon around his room. jason’s gym bag almost always sits ready to go next to the bookcase, the one or two pairs of shoes he wears most often on the mat. there remains plenty of wide open space in his room, which turns out is perfect for doing yoga in.
› 01. do they have a room to themselves, or do they have a sibling for a roommate?
as a child of the big three, jason has his own room, though with the frequency that lyra drops by to nap he might as well share it with her.
› 02. where do they land on the messy vs. organized spectrum?
jason is very organized. granted, he doesn’t have a ton of things in the first place, but he’s almost meticulous where everything goes and always neatly makes his bed every morning. lyra often leaves sticky notes if she misses him, but he always knows when she’s been around because the covers are rumpled.
› 03. what does their room say about their personality?
jason often isn’t forthcoming with his inner thoughts, and his room lacking many personal touches does sort of reflect that. the cleanness and lack of clutter is also something he often seeks in his own mind where the opposite is often true.
› 04. how does their college room compare to their room back home?
          jason’s room back in saguenay is a bit more cluttered, just from things from his childhood and such, but the walls are almost just as blank and it is still very neat. after the accident, jason stripped his room of any memory of the past, taking down posters and throwing out photos ( though his mom secretly took them out of the trash and has them in a box ). 
› 05. how much time do they spend in their room?
          it’s a modest amount of time jason spends in his room : often outside, at the rink, hanging out with someone, or studying somewhere else in the poseidon house. only when he needs to be alone or sleep does he retreat to his room.
› 06. how do they feel about others entering their space?
          in spite of the fact that jason’s room does very little to reflect his inner thoughts, he doesn’t like people entering his room. there are a few that get passes to this, namely his two best friends —lyra and sebastian. his sisters usually mind their own business... for the most part.
› 07. do they often keep the door open or closed?
          though jason doesn’t like people in his room, he doesn’t lock it when he’s not there and it is often left ajar. this is mostly to afford kraken the ability to wander around the house as she wishes. when jason is present in his room, his door is almost always closed.
› 08. have they kept anything from their childhood rooms as adults?
          jason has kept precious little from his past, and certainly didn’t bring it with him when he came to greece. the only thing that might count is the photo of him and his mom.
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childofhelios · 4 years ago
“flower blooms and falls scars cure and buds shoot”
ship: Hades!Doyoung x Persephone!Taeyong
characters: Doyoung, Taeyong, with appearances by Jeno and mention of Zeus!Johnny and Poseidon!Ten 
rating: general/teen for slight injury and mentions of blood, also slight possessiveness from Doyoung but he regrets it very soon after
genre: fluff with angst for like .5 seconds
word count: 2.8k
title was taken from seventeen’s fallin’ flower, which is really good to listen to while reading! also, tell me if there are any mistakes bc i did convert a piece of my other writing into this fic. but anywho enjoy and feel free to send a message/ask about what you think about it :DDDD
“Taeyong, please just come out.” I lean my forehead against the black, walnut door where I can hear him franticly running around her room.  “We can talk about this like civilized people.” I hear him begin to mutter under his breath and I catch him saying my name and a few unpleasant phrases that I wish weren't associated with my name, but alas. “Taeyong, don’t you think you’re being a little immature? You’re acting like a child!” 
I almost fall forward as the door opens suddenly. Taeyong’s eyes were ablaze with fury as he stares at me in front of his door.  
“Oh, my sincerest apologies, Doyoung. I just didn’t expect to get kidnapped by someone that I’ve never met, starved for six months, accidentally eat a pomegranate, and then be stuck in this terrible, dreary place with no other company other than the dead and you. And I would rather spend time with the dead!”  
“Believe me, the dead are worse company than I am.” 
“THAT’S NOT THE POINT!” I jolt at his loud voice echoing through the manor. I’ve had his presence for over six months, and I’m still not used to having people around me. To having an actual living, breathing person in my company. He sweeps a hand through bubblegum pink bangs and takes a deep sigh. “Doyoung, I beg of you. The humans need me. Without me, they’ll die. I need to go back on the surface to assist my mother.” 
I roll my eyes. “Humans are made to die. It’s how they're made to be. Plus, She’s is a goddess that has been around for centuries. She was able to assist humans without you there. Besides,” I take a hold of his hands, his beautiful tan contrasting against the blueish pallor of mine, “didn’t you say you loved me?” 
Yanking his hand out of mine, he says, “I said I loved you a little. And if I knew that it would go straight to your head and you would try to use against me, I wouldn’t have said it. If you had given me the chance, maybe it could have grown. Maybe I would have been able to become your bride.” 
“Taeyong, you can’t leave. I finally got used to having someone with me. You can still become my husband.” 
“Doyoung. You can’t just keep me here because you’re lonely.” 
I sigh and rise to my full height, towering over him slightly. “You’ve misunderstood me. You can’t leave. I forbid it.” 
He scoffs and pushes past me. “Haven’t you heard of free will? I’m leaving and you can’t stop me.” Before he rounds the corner, something whizzes by his face. He whips around, furious with a small cut on his cheek beginning to spill golden ichor. I stride up to him and yank the sharpened ruby out of the wall.  
“It seems that you've forgotten who I am. I am Doyoung, the god of the underworld and riches. I am one of the oldest gods to exist and I’ll be one of the last to disappear. Did you think you’ll be able to leave that easily? This is my domain and I decide what comes in and out of it. And you,” I crush the ruby and let the powder run through my fingers like sand, “aren’t going anywhere, my little lotus. Now, you can walk to your room on your own, or I can have Cerberus escort you back there. Your choice, my dear.” 
If looks could kill, I would already be six feet under as Taeyong stares up at me. Slowly, he steps away and walks in the direction of his door. I watch as he leads a trail of ichor and shuts his door with a forceful SLAM! 
 I begin walking towards my quarters. As soon as I close my door, my knees give out. “Gods, why did I do that? You know that he’s right. We can’t force him here; he’s going to be unhappy and what’s the point of having him here if he’s upset the entire time?” I stare down at my hands as they tremble slightly. “I injured him. On purpose, I made him bleed.” It’s a weird feeling to be shaken by blood when that’s what I deal with every day. I see the most gruesome of murders and war causalities but injuring a minor god has me shaking in my boots. I wobble over to my sink and submerge my face underwater. I came up gasping for air and catch my reflection in the mirror. At the rate I’m paling, I’ll look more like a ghost than the people outside the manor. My eyes resemble the darkest of obsidian and have deep eye bags underneath them, my face is sunken in as if I’m a beggar from the streets, and my hair is matted in every which way. The longer I stare at myself, the more I can see the monster Taeyong must see.  
“JENO!” My voice booms and seconds later, a pile of bones bursts through the door. No, quite literally, a disassembled skeleton falls through my door and onto the ground before me. The skull, sporting a flat cap, turns towards me and grins widely.  
“Master Doyoung! What can I do to help you today?” 
“Please tend to Mr. Taeyong from now own. First, make sure his wound is taken care of. Second, make sure he eats, sleeps, and does whatever else he needs and wants to do. Do you understand?” 
“Absolutely, Master. He’s in the right hands. Or, um, bones.” 
“No tricks, Jeno. I don’t think our guest would appreciate that. And neither would I.”  
Jeno’s voice takes on a mischievous tone. “Guest? Don’t you mean groom, Master? Unless you’re having second thoughts?” 
“I’m not sure what you mean. But I do know this.” I pick up the skull and stare fiercely where the eyes would have been. “If you do anything to upset her, I will crush your bones into powder and use it as incense for the next 30 years. Do you understand?” 
“Would my bones even last that long?” 
“Do you really test me right now?” 
“Fine. I understand. Now, can you please put me back together again?” I roll my eyes, but I set down the skull in the middle of the bones. My eyes glow a bright gold and with a wave of my hand, the skeleton assembles once more. He fidgets with his cap.  
“Now, that’s much better!” 
“What happened to you?”  
“Cerberus tried to use me as a chew toy. Again.” 
“I knew there was a reason he’s my favorite.”  
“I would take personal offense to that but, he’s my favorite too.”  
“Go to Taeyong. Make sure she’s alright.”  
“Your wish is my command, Master.” As he walks out the door, his bones clatter and then I’m left in silence. I fall back into my bed, wondering if I should just apologize to him directly. I did act unreasonably, and I shouldn’t have let my anger explode like that, but I don’t want him to leave. As I lay there, I slowly drift off.  
 The next month is difficult for multiple reasons. First, immediately after I send Jeno to take care of Taeyong, he throws a fit and makes flowers grow out of every hole in his skeletal body. Then, he refuses to eat with me or even look at me. I would walk down the hall and he’d sprint into a side room just to avoid me. And let’s not even get started with the escape attempts. You would think after about 10, he would give up. But no. He has tried to escape more than 50 times. Fifty. I swear to the gods, he’s making me grow gray hairs just from stress. Then we have Johnny, Ten, and practically the entirety of the Pantheon breathing down my neck trying to bring her back. And I’ve explained to them multiple times that it’s the law of the underworld and I can’t change it simply because one young goddess is down here. But now, Thunder Thighs and Kelp-for-Brains can’t grasp it for some reason.  
I sit behind my desk, grasping my head as I glare at the piles of scrolls in front of me. You would think death was pretty cut and dry, but no. I have to deal with making sure bodies end up with families, people don’t act on stupid grudges and become monsters to kill people, or something else entirely stupid. I pick up one scroll when the door cracks open.  
“Jeno, I thought I told you if you disturbed me, I would- “  
“Let Cerberus year me apart and keep me as his chew-toy, I know, I know. But it’s urgent.”  
I drop the scroll in my hand. “If it means I can get out of my work, I’m all ears.”  
“Mr. Taeyong…. He’s disappeared again, Master.”  
The pounding in my head worsens. “Oh.” 
“Shall I go after him? Or maybe send some people after him?” 
“No, just leave him. If he’s this persistent to leave, then we should just let him go.” 
“But, Master!” 
“Enough, Jeno. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to take a rest before I break the law of my land.” I stand and stagger my way to my bedroom, ignoring Jeno’s shouts and how my head worsens with each step I take. Ugh, this whole affair is such a mess. I shouldn’t have gotten myself involved with him in the first place. I close my eyes and the next time they open; the sky had faded from the morning’s light dusk to the afternoon’s midnight blue. I rise with my robes wrinkled and sleep in my eyes. I find my way to the kitchen and snag an apple before heading to the endless pile of scrolls I left. On my way there, I see Taeyong’s door slightly ajar.  
“Jeno, I thought I told you about going through other people’s things? You never-” Instead of seeing that insufferable skeleton with a guilty grin, I find Taeyong unpacking a bag. “You’re back.” 
“Not by choice, unfortunately.”  
“Oh? I thought you had left. Did Jeno stop you? I told him not to and not to send anybody either.” 
“No, my mother stopped me. Talked about how if I came back before my time here was finished, you would kill any human that even breathed wrongly. So, now I’m back here. I’m sure you’re ecstatic about it.” 
“No!” He looks at me suspiciously, setting down the robes he took out of his bag. “I knew you didn’t want to be here, so I thought not going after you once you had left would finally let you be happy. But it appears to be untrue.” He shakes his head and turns back to his clothes. “If there’s anything I can do that would make it easier for the next five months, please tell me.” 
“I don’t know. Not being here would be pretty great.” 
I wince. “Other than that?” 
“Answer this for me. You say you want me here, but you act like a shriveled prune every time I’m near. Why?”  
“I’m not entirely sure what you mean.” 
“I mean this! This is both the most you’ve ever spoken to me and the nicest you’ve been to me. It’s been a month and we’ve barely talked.” 
“So, what should I do?” 
He walks past me to the door and looks back at me from the doorframe. “Show me. Be sincere and I’ll see if I’ll want to stay.” He walks off and I’m just left stupefied in her room. I all but sprint to my office and start scrawling out two letters.  
I summon Jeno and give him a message. “Give this to Ten and Johnny. Tell them to respond to me immediately.” 
If immediately means 6 days later, I fear for their subjects. As I skim through both of their letters, I see the same pattern of making fun of me, attempting to help, and then making fun of me again. I should have expected it from Airhead, but I thought Ten would be at least somewhat helpful. I throw both of their scrolls in the fire because there was no use in keeping those around. I slam my head into my desk a couple of times, wallowing.  
Over several days, I tried every trick known to man and god. But it either ends with me making a fool of myself or just making Taeyong even angrier. I squat in the garden and hang my head in defeat. The artificial sun in the sky beats down on my skin and my hands are covered in coarse dirt.  
“Master, are you sure you don’t want us to help you? We have staff for this sort of thing.”  
I look back at Jeno. “For the fifth time, Jeno, I truly don’t mind doing this. At least, this is something to distract me from my work. I think my headache is getting better too.” 
“That must be true, sir, because you haven’t stopped smiling since you started planting. “ 
“Really? I hadn’t noticed.” I look towards the lavender sprigs sitting next to me. “I was just thinking of Taeyong’s reaction when he sees this. I hope this brings a little bit of happiness to his stay here.” I continue planting the lavender until there was a cluster in the section closest to the entrance. At this point, I’ve only put half of the flowers in the ground. But I feel pride swell in my chest as I look at the tiny cluster I planted.  
“What are those?” I whip around to see Taeyong standing on the steps. 
“Oh, um. I was just planting some flowers in the garden. I know you’ve missed nature so I thought I would try to bring some to you.” 
“Wouldn’t they just die?” 
“No. I’ve been trying to grow different types of flowers down here and lavender was the only one that survived.” He continues to stare at me with a mysterious look in his eye. After a couple of seconds, he speeds down the stairs and gets on his knees in front of the sprigs I just planted. “What are you doing?” 
He snaps at me. “Shut up.” If it had been anybody else, they wouldn’t have been saying another word for the rest of their lives and even after that. But I close my mouth and I study Taeyong and he studies the lavender. His hands glow a soft pink and the lavender turns vibrant, almost energized. “There. That should help it for a little while.” 
“What did you just do?” 
“Just gave it a little pick-me-up.” I nod in understanding and Taeyong moves where I had placed the other flowers. “Where were you going to put these?”  
I point at the other side of the garden and he strides over there with the flowers in hand. “Ah, Taeyong. There’s no need. I have this under control.” 
He scoffs. “I’m not doing this for you. I’m doing this for the flowers because you don’t know what you’re doing.” 
“Isn’t it just simply putting the plants into the ground and tending to their needs?” 
“Oh, gods. It’s so much more than that. You must be gentle and treat them with the utmost care. You move slowly and fluidly. Come here, I’ll show you.” I squat next to him and see him sprinkling dirt to cover the roots. “Doyoung?” 
“Yes, Taeyong?” 
“Did you know that there’s a language just for flowers?” 
“Really? Fascinating. Is it possible for me to learn? Can you understand it? Wait, has the lavender been speaking the entire time?” 
Taeyong giggles and the artificial sun shines brighter. “Not that kind of language. Each flower has its own meaning. Roses are passion, daisies are innocence, carnations are good fortune, etc.” 
“Wow, then what’s lavender?” 
He stares directly into my eyes, the mysterious look back on his face. “A lot of things but to name a few: purity, calmness, and... devotion.” 
The sun beats down harder, feeling like ants are crawling over my back. “Oh.” 
“Mhm. That’s why they’re one of my favorite flowers. They have a pure message, they’re absolutely beautiful, and they’re able to grow anywhere.”  
“Doyoung, do you understand what I’m saying?” 
“To be perfectly honest, I haven’t the faintest idea.” 
His eye twitches and throws a handful of dirt at my chest. “You’re a fool. I’m saying I return your affections. I acknowledge your feelings and feel the same way. Gods, I’m saying I love you and I’m willing to become your husband.” 
It didn’t fully register so my response was: “Oh, that’s nice.”  
“Let’s just continue planting these before it gets too dark, or at least darker. Then, we can discuss this later.”  
And so, we spent the afternoon tending to the flowers and as the day faded to night, we fell asleep with “I love you’s” littering the air like the sweetest and most intoxicating perfume.  
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shinobirain24 · 4 years ago
Water and Ice- Chapter 4: Poseidon Island, Where we First Met
Poseidon Island, the land of the seas. During the Great War of Remnant, it was once a peaceful land with resources of water dust crystals. The people on land where once called the "sea people," for those who once lived here. Warriors basically have water-based semblances. No ruler, no laws, only harmony have been stored until the war started. Since the land were affiliated with either of the kingdoms. Neither land are trusted for protection, instead, they trained to protect themselves. Rumors has it that the Sea People are skilled swimmers, and with it, that's when their semblances are awakened. Some can turn water into ice, others can turn it into vapor. or rather create a mist. Manipulate the water around them, or to create a storm. But to the cost of their land to become into ruins, each of the rulers of Vale, Vacuo, Mistral and Atlas tried to gain alliances to battle in the Great War. But they all refused, not wanting to endanger the island. Despite the offers given with weapons and dust. Still, a general of the island refuses to refrain himself from fighting for his people and took a stand against all four kingdoms, starting with Vale and Atlas. It was a biggest mistake that the rebellion went wrong, as the island was attacked by the Sea Feilong.
The moon stones are sacred gems created by the the four seasonal maidens, women warriors who can control their semblances and elements without the need of dusts. Some are impossible to find, but with it, it lacks the use of dust to double the semblances and muster their speed, based on the seasons the huntsmen were born from. When it glows brightly, it dissipates the Grimm around them. Like the silver-eyed warriors, they are also feared by the Grimm. It was trusted to the civilians in Poseidon Island to guard them with their lives in the Ocean Temple. It can upgrade any huntsmen only in the night. The moon stones are said to be the pieces of the shattered moon since the beginning of humanity. As a result they turned into meteorites and landed in Remnant.
A white-haired boy with sapphire blue eyes, wears a white jacket and black bodysuit and laced boots and grey knee pads. On his back is a trident he is armed with. Then a girl with long aqua blue hair with a silver heart-shaped hairpin and icy blue eyes, wearing a white dress with teal sequins on her top part and a silver leather jacket overall, and matching heel boots with a rapier on her right waist. Both are walking around the island with the boy reading the map while the girl is on a lookout for any Grimm. "Are you sure you wanted to go through with this? We're not huntsmen yet. We'll get into trouble if out uncle finds out
"Everything's going to be fine, Sis. We can just get back before dinner." The boy said to his younger sister.
"Remind me again why are we here for?" She asked.
"Because according to legend, there should be moon stones around the area. The Ocean Temple should not be far from here."
"From where I got from the rest. Our semblances are very strong because we descended from the Sea People. But the moon stones are just a myth, right?" She asked again.
"Nobody can prove it was just a myth unless we see for ourselves." He scoffed.
"I hate it when you're right." She sighed. "After all, it's not like the moons stones are staying in one place for long."
"Sis, come on, with the moon stones, we'll be able to fight harder to fight in another war to protect Remnant. We're still at war here."
"I'm not sure if there will be another war, Tristan. Besides, you're the first in our family to have two semblances, which no huntsmen or huntresses can have." Said the young girl.
"Hey, there might be for some time, and that's why they're letting us go outside to train."
"Not like this." She sighed again. Continuing the trail to find one of the moon stones. "Although, when I heard that this is where our parents first met before their academy days, it was very romantic. They didn't remember it at first." She closed her hands while resting them on her right cheek while remembering the romantic story. "If only I met someone who is genuine and very kind, also brave. Just imagine." She said lovingly.
"Well, be sure that guy isn't anything like my ex-girlfriend." Said Tristan. "She's a crazy nut-job."
37 years ago
In the same island, a young man at the age of 15 with blue hair with amber-colored goggles and a red jacket with a dress shirt under is having a class trip with fellow classmates in Sanctum Academy, a combat school in Argus before he went to Haven. Since the island was in ruins after the Great War, it is now a tourist trap for future huntsmen and huntresses. "Alright class, if you take a good look in front of you, you can see the Ocean Temple that was once known as the Guardian Palace for the balance of the seas. But sometime in the Great War, when one of the moon stones were stolen, it angered the temple and floods the place as a punishment." Explained the tour guide. Gesturing the students to follow him. The boy followed along without looking up with his goggles over his eyes. Looking down writing down notes for his history test about the Great War, until he bumped into someone and dropped his notebook.
"Ow! Watch where you're going you dolt!" The boy looked up to see a white-haired girl around his age tied to the upper right side with a silver tiara-like hairpin. A white dress with a coat overall. Opening her eyes revealed her ice-blue eyes. What's also seeable is a small scar on her left eye. The boy snapped out of it and lends the girl a hand to help her up, and picked up a bag she was carrying. "Oh man, I am very sorry." He apologized, but the girl turned her back in anger. But then walked over to him.
"It's not often that men could even apologize." She scoffed.
"Look, I'm just trying to be nice around here, okay?" She then placed her fingers onto his goggles to push them up.
"Honestly, you should be more careful. You could've hurt somebody or yourself." She advised in a cold manner, but also in a civil tone of her voice. She then proceed to push his goggles above his forehead. But then gasped softly when she gazed into his deep-blue eyes, captivating the girl. Eyes that shine like the stars in midnight. "Um, are you okay?" He asked, this woke the girl and blinked three times before backing off. "I'm so sorry! It's just that, I was just lifting your goggles cause I was afraid you might bumped into anybody else and your eyes look so...so...argh! She grasped her head with both hands in nervousness. Her face feels warm just facing him. Her heart raced nonstop. He then saw something over her eye, as he almost forgot what he saw.
"Hey, is that a scar over your eye?" He asked.
"Ahh! Don't look at it!" She yelled, covering her eye. Feeling humiliated by the scar she received during training.
"No, I didn't mean it. I meant to say that it's actually cute." He said it, smiling at her. She then looked at him again with a look of curiosity. "Huh?"
"I mean, it's nothing to be ashamed of. It's a symbol of a warrior's pride. From what I can tell, you're pushing yourself so hard in huntsmen training. When wearing scars, it's a medals for something to be proud of. It also represents bravery. Take it from me, I have a brother who has a scar after fighting a Nevermore." He assured her with a brave expression on his face. "By the way, I never seen you around before. Are you from a different class of Sanctum?"
"No. I'm from Atlas. This is my first time outside of the kingdom and my sister has permission to take me there for a vacation." The girl sat next to the boy on a rock, they forgot that they're in groups, but this moment seem to last forever as the day sets into night.
"Your sister graduated from Atlas Academy, huh?"
"Yes. She was at the top of her ranks in the school. Ironwood did say she is a promising prodigy after my grandfather taught her to unlock her semblance. She graduated and become a soldier for the military. I haven't seen her much. But to be honest, she is the reason I was inspired to become a huntress. But I wanted to enroll to Beacon. So I have to pass many trials to get here." She explained, hearing her story about her sister reminded him of how much he looked up to his older brother. "The thing is, I wanted to go to Beacon to get out of my father's shadow. It's safe to say that he can be very controlling for as long as I can remember. My sister was cut from her inheritance after she decided to join the military. But, that move have lit up the fire in her pride that day. My father couldn't care less about her when she has to fight for the good of Remnant." Hearing that story got the boy concerned if the girl is having some troubles at home.
"You know, the way I see my brother. He's tough, and way smarter. He graduated from Haven. He may not be the leader, but he's also the most reliable member of his team. Just thinking about him makes me want to enroll to Haven. He's always been keeping his cool in his days as a student. But, he's also my inspiration to become a huntsmen. That's why I wanted to be like him. However, during a mission, he was killed in an accident a year ago." This got the girl in shock when she hears the story. "And somewhat, it was my fault. I could've saved him that day because of my semblance." This got the girl to place her hand over his, feeling sorry for his loss. "I am sorry." She said softly. Then the boy looked at her and gazed into her eyes.
"Don't be. All I want to do now is to honor him by becoming a hunter. The first thing I wanted to do first is to conquer my fear. For you, keep your hopes up until you become a full-fledged huntress. Cause by the end of the day, month and year, you'll be a beautiful star who fought for a warrior's honor."
"Well, I hope you can. Keep your brother at heart, okay?" They then look up at the meteorites showering at the sky. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" She asked.
"Yeah. It is." He replied. They still held hands for hours, until a woman's voice is heard. "Weiss, time to go!" Called her elder sister.
"Coming, Winter! I have to go, I can't worry my sister one bit." She said, and he nodded. She then turned back and asked him. "Hey, will there be chance to meet again? I haven't caught your name yet."
"You'll have to find out yourself. But, if there's a chance, let's meet again sometime, Snow Angel." He winked. She quickly turn away and blushed at the nickname he gave her. While heading back to her sister who was waiting for her in the pier to head back to Atlas.
Snow Angel. I really like it. He's so dreamy. She thought.
7 years later
Neptune, Weiss, Drey, Rick and the 12 other huntsmen have decided to camp out for the night since it took them 17 hours for the ferry to stir to Poseidon Island. The current conditions of the island are still in ruins. It was closed for some of the reasons, but it's only available for any huntsmen and huntresses to investigate the disappearances of fellow hunters who vanished in thin air. But Weiss wonders if this is all a trap, from what she heard the day before the mission is that her sister ran from Atlas the week after she was promoted as General of the Atlas Military. They all sleep soundly by the bonfire.
Weiss is startled by the sounds of Neptune whimpering, and hyperventilating. "No...can't breath. Stop. No...stay back. Stay back." He was tossing and turning on the ground. Wondering if that's what's bothering him in his sleep. But then he cracked his eyes opened. "Ah! Jupiter!" He then took a deep breathe, and walked to the nearby pond behind the pillars of a colosseum. Weiss secretly follows, for unknown reasons, she couldn't forgive him for something. But she is also worried for his wellbeing, she hid behind a pillar and watches him reaching out to the pond. But once again his hand shakes when he got closer and closer. But he pulls back again. "Why can't I do this?!" Enraged, he threw a rock at a nearby pillar where Weiss was standing, but it missed her. It only created a dent in front. He then spotted her. "Weiss?" He said softly as he calmed down staring at the eyes of a huntress. She then ran back to the camp as she began to question herself in silence before he can apologize.
Neptune, what has gotten into you? I never saw you act this way before. Why did you take this mission? I'm sorry I haven't forgiven you, and for shutting you out. But I can't risk losing you. She thought with tears in her eyes.
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demigodlunar · 5 years ago
Hyello!! I'm excited, it's my first chapter! I hope you like it.
He doesn't trust
She trusts too much
He gets too much care
She isn't cared about
He isn't supposed to be scared
She is terrified
He hides the pain under humor
She is an open book
They all have their scars, some extreme, some petty, but they all have scars. When these eight teenagers cross paths and meet people who will change their lives, they start their way on the path to healing. When they kiss their soulmate, the tattoos turn into the person's name.
Let's start, shall we:
Chapter 1 - Jackson Meets “Long Lost” Family
    Percy chewed on the bottom of his lip while the movers hauled the boxes with their belongings to the apartment building. It was a quaint little apartment building with around 15 floors with its creaky floorboards and dirty window ledges and… it was just how Percy remembered it.
    Olympian Apartments, he smirked, Jason, Thalia, Nico, and Hazel will sure be surprised when they see me.
    Percy dug his hands through his travel backpack and felt around until his hand brushed against the final blue cookie in the bag.
    “Uh oh”, he mumbled out loud, “Last cookie. I better savor it.”
    So naturally, Percy being himself shoved it whole into his mouth and smiled as the gooey chocolate goodness hit his taste buds. As he chewed, he looked up at the tall, dingy building in front of him in Manhattan, New York.
    Finally, home sweet home.
    Mom got out of the car and walked up to the building’s door and stood next to me.
    A word about Percy’s mom before you meet her, she is the best person in the world. She can take on anything and is the strongest person he knows. Even after, especially after…
    Percy shuddered, remembering why they were moving back to New York in the first place. Memories flashed before his eyes at breakneck speed, and he latched onto his mothers arm and squeezed to keep the panic attack from arriving. Not here, not in front of all these people.
    Sally squeezed back and put her arm around Percy comfortingly. Immediately, all the visions went away. She was the only one who was ever able to tame the attacks.
    “It's okay, honey.” she whispered in his ear, “It's okay.”
    And he believed her.
    Percy Jackson never really believed in the idea of “soulmates”. 
    What really was a soulmate? A person who would love you? Someone who would stay with you and love you forever?
    It was all a bunch of lovey-dovey nonsense if you asked him. The internet only ever talked about “How great and beautiful having a soulmate feels” and “Love at first sight was real with soulmates”. Gag.
    They never talk about the heartache and pain that some people go through because of soulmates.
    Take his mother for example: She was given tattoos sets for two people. That’s one set too many. She met Percy’s dad on a beach, and they stayed together for one summer, which resulted in Percy. But then, after that summer, he just left Sally and an unborn baby child alone and disappeared out of their lives forever. That day, one of Sally’s tattoo sets turned into the name Poseidon Atlantis, which either meant her soulmate was dead, or they left her behind. It hurt her so much that when she found the second tattoo set’s match…
    Percy never dwelled too long on that topic, it was too painful.
    Another example was his cousin Thalia: Percy could still remember how excited Thalia was when she got her tattoos, showing them off to the rest of their cousins, flaunting the fact that she was a year older and therefore got her tattoos first.
    Two years later, the year before Percy moved to Greece, she arrived at his door with red-rimmed eyes and a devastated Jason at her side. Her tattoos had been replaced with the name Luke Castellan, who when they surfed through the web, discovered about a sandy-haired smiling boy who had died in a train wreck only hours before. The three of them spent the rest of that night watching action movies and eating mint chocolate chip ice cream.
    Of course, now Thalia is happy and single, but that’s not the point. She was hurt and pained by someone she never even knew, her soulmate, who if they were never her soulmate in the first place, she wouldn’t have had to go through that heartbreak for someone she didn’t know.
    Obviously, 10-year-old Percy was too young to understand that, and bounded up to his mother and happily talked her ear off about his soulmate. When he turned 11, and the “Thalia incident” happened, he started to doubt the soulmate system (although he should’ve still been too young). 
    When his mother met Gabe Ugliano however, when Percy was 12, was when the trust in soulmates broke completely.
    At 17, Percy walked up the apartment buildings stairs to his cousin’s apartments, just like all those years ago. Still too young, but with scars that cover him physically and emotionally.
    And absolutely no trust in soulmates.
Ahhhhhh! I hope you liked it! Chapter 2 is coming soon!
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jflashandclash · 5 years ago
Tales From Mount Othrys
The Versatility of a Guitar String II
 Phil told them to whistle while they worked.
Jack had never been so scared to whistle. Knowing his luck, Apollo would want to wreak vengeance on Jack for killing Apollo’s favorite son. If Jack so much as meeped, all the squirrels in the forest would probably be stricken with sickness and rain from the trees.
         While clutching Ryan’s sheet-wrapped ankles, stumbling through the near-darkness of the forest, seeing the ghostly gold glow of Luke’s blond hair as Luke gripped Ryan’s wrists ahead, Jack had to wonder if Flynn was having as much luck on her first mission.
Go to recruit someone?
Kill someone instead.
Phil seemed to think they were equivalent.
         “It was a good preemptive shot. This guy would have never turned to Kronos’ side, so you deprived the Greeks of a great healer.” Phil trotted beside them. “And you did it when everyone was shouting at the campfire, so no one could hear. Had Luke and I not been coming over to check up on you, we’d have never known. You’ve got some natural talent here, kid.” He gave Jack’s cheek an affectionate nudge before returning to Ryan’s bag of belongings.
         The satyr had already pocketed Ryan’s ID, spare cash, and spare drachma. When Luke demanded why they needed to spend the time to gather all of Ryan’s things, Phil said, “People are less likely to see what’s no longer there.”
         Pain ached through Jack’s hands, back, and bruised knee. He wanted to ask Luke if the older boy was alright, but Luke had been terrifyingly quiet during the whole walk. Once, Luke mentioned he could sometimes hear Kronos’ voice when he wasn’t sleeping. Jack feared Kronos and Luke were talking at that very moment, discussing how to get rid of a troublesome new recruit.
         What Luke said, instead, make Jack jump. “Dryad incoming. Phil, take the reigns.”
         By “reigns,” Luke meant “dead dude’s hands.”
         After an awkward second of musical chairs with a corpse, Luke separated and ran ahead, into the trees. Jack couldn’t see what Luke had been talking about, but heard Luke switch his charming voice on, “Oh! Hey, Juniper! Too late? Nah. Curfew couldn’t keep me away from your beautiful branches.”
         There was giggling, some hushed conversation, then a sudden rustling of foliage and more giggling. If Jack had to guess, Luke was playing a game of chase with the dryad, luring her away from their destination.
         Confusion crept over Jack’s mind about Luke and Juniper’s interaction and he wanted to ask Phil about it. He was scared this was his typical misunderstanding of the world: where he heard things that didn’t happen or made facts real that weren’t. But, Flynn, Luke, and Phil said everything he heard was real. After all, the monsters were real.
         And anything would be better than focusing on the upturned, inch-long curve along the sheets that must have been Ryan’s wrapped nose. One edge of the sheet had untucked and swayed ominously with each uncoordinated step. Jack was terrified a gust of wind would rip it open, revealing Ryan’s stare. Worse: it would be the same stare that his parents had when he found their bodies.
         “I thought Luke was dating Ms. Beauregard?” Jack said softly.
         Phil snorted. “If Luke were a god, he’d keep a scoreboard against Zeus.[1] That’s why I’m hoping we can get that Thalia girlie back soon. She’ll set him straight.”
         Jack tore his gaze from Ryan’s covered face and to the back of Phil’s head. At camp, the satyr didn’t wear any clothing, so this scene could have been taken out of a Greek play. “So, Thalia is like Luke’s Flynn,” Jack rationalized. “What was Thalia like?”
         Phil shrugged, making Ryan’s body tilt. “Don’t know. Luke won’t talk to me much about her.”
         That was weird. All Jack wanted to do was talk and sing and gawk over how awesome Flynn was. But, would Jack think that way if she’d been turned into a tree? She’d almost died once protecting him. What if she actually had?
         His shivers increased, making Jack almost lose his hold on Ryan’s ankles. He wanted to ask how much further this “Labyrinth” entrance was. His parents always taught him it was rude to ask such questions.
         The more he was learning, the less he ought to care what his parents had to say.
         “Hey, uh, don’t mind Luke, with him swatting you and all,” Phil said. At first, Jack didn’t know what Phil was talking about. Then he remembered the slight ache at the back of his skull, where Luke had smacked Jack for screaming. It wasn’t the first time someone had smacked Jack for being confus—not for being confused. Jack wasn’t confused. He had to keep reminding himself.
         “Luke’s under a lot of pressure. He’s still mad about losing the Master Bolt to Ares—he’s looking at it as his second failed quest. Then, this Poseidon punk comes in, fulfilling his little sister’s dream of going on a quest and taking his satyr along on that quest—” Jack vaguely remembered Luke mentioning that his friends, Annabeth and Grover, weren’t around. “—and proves to be as powerful a pain in the ass as everyone thought he would be. He resisted Kronos’ pull into Tartarus…”
         Phil sighed. He let go of one of Ryan’s wrists, letting it dangle limply along the ground, so Phil could make a flippant gesture. “Rumors are betting that Percy can survive having Ares come after him. If he does, that means Luke needs to either recruit or kill Percy, and, I mean, the kid’s under a lot of pressure. I don’t think that Luke’s killed someone in cold blood before. He’s not ready to start.”
         In cold blood. Is that what Jack had done to Ryan? Or was that a murder of passion? He couldn’t remember if there was a difference.
         Phil must have noticed Jack’s lack of answer. He waved his free hand dismissively again. It looked like the first motions of a musical number with Phil’s fingers reaching towards the sky and Ryan’s fingers trailing the tree trunks and ferns. “Listen to this old goat chatter. How’re you and Flynn doing? I heard you two lovebirds managed to score a room together.”
         The tease in Phil’s tone made Jack blush up at the sky. He let the gentle tug of Ryan’s ankles direct his shambles, hoping he wouldn’t misstep and trip onto the body. Goofiness made his insides flutter away from their current activity and back to that morning, allowing him the tiniest bit of disassociated respite. Although they had been aboard the Princess Andromeda for awhile, sharing a room with Flynn made him giddy, especially waking and looking across their cabin to see her curled up on her cot or doing morning stretches.
         “I don’t think boys and girls are supposed to share a room, but Flynn is really good at working around the rules,” Jack said. It took her all of ten seconds to convince Luke about the arrangement.
         “A charm speaker getting her way? No,” Phil teased, “Luke just has a soft spot for you.”
         “Really?” Jack asked. He assumed Luke thought he was a nuisance, especially when he screwed up like he had today.
         Phil laughed. Jack couldn’t help but feel like he’d missed out on a joke. “Oh, kid. You’re funny. I’ll bet its nice sharing a room with a daughter of Aphrodite. Makes it easier not having to sneak around your local pastor or teacher, huh?”
         Jack glanced down to see Phil quarter turn and wink at him.
         Then, the satyr walked into a branch.
         Phil cursed in ancient Greek. Jack only caught every few words. The other demigods said he’d catch on quicker to the language the more he heard it.
         Heat spread through Jack’s cheeks. He’d accidentally—or, he at least thought it was accidentally on Flynn’s part—walked into the room when she’d been changing. He always knocked and announced himself, but she must not have heard him. Now, he knew she either wore boy shorts or thongs, depending on the pair of pants, and a double layer of sport bras to keep her chest contained for fighting.
         He had seen her bras once before, the day she saved him from a monster at school. She almost died by goring. At the time, he’d been too focused on keeping her alive to be flustered over how her tan skin looked against the dark grey fabric.
         But, he wasn’t about to say any of that to Phil.
         “Uh—we don’t—we haven’t—” Jack sputtered. “She only is—um—with guys that she can command—” What had Phil called it? “—that she can charm speak.”
         Phil stopped walking beside a giant pile of rocks. They seemed to creep up out of the forest. The moonlight had easier access to them now, making Ryan’s bed sheet glow. “Not that you would know, but she never charm speaks you?”
         Jack’s arms shook. Until they stopped moving, he hadn’t noticed how heavy the corpse was. Maybe that was Ryan’s vengeance: getting heavier with each step, the subtlest of haunting. He tried to focus on the image of Flynn’s face instead of Ryan’s white sheet.
         “She knows she doesn’t have to.” Even if Jack sometimes wished she would. “I would do anything she wants. I would die for her. For thy sweet love remembered such wealth brings, that then I scorn to change my state with kings.”[2]
         The first time Jack had quoted that to her, she’d socked him good in the arm. Last time, she had snuggled against that arm. Jack swooned to think about the warmth of her against him.
         Although it would be much easier with how stationary they were, Phil didn’t look at him. “Would you kill for her? Like this? All over again?”
         Jack’s trembling became violent, jittering Ryan around like a game of Hungry Hungry Hippos. No matter how hard he focused, he couldn’t remember the feel of Ryan’s squirms, or the way his struggles had eased. Why was that memory so blurred? Wasn’t it supposed to scar itself into his mind forever? “Yes,” Jack said, “But I’m not very good at it.”
         Maybe he shouldn’t be good at it. Though, was it bad if he was? If there was one thing he had learned from his pastor, it was that everyone had a purpose. Maybe they did in the Greek world. What if his purpose here, the thing he was good at, was—
         “I think you’re a real natural. It’s a pity you can’t drag her uncle out of Tartarus. I’d love to see how you’d kill him,” Phil said.
         “What?” Jack asked. Had he heard Phil wrong? Flynn had never told Jack about anyone other than her grandmother, and a quick explanation that her father died when she was a toddler. Drug overdose. Why she kept Mr. Sunny, his weekly medicine box, instead of letting Jack carry it around.
         Instead of answering, Phil said, “Help an old goat toss a body, would ya?”
         Phil made a big show of groaning and swearing as he gestured to a crack between the rocks.
         The slit would have been invisible if Phil hadn’t pointed it out. The slit of darkness was so narrow, Jack doubted Ryan would fit inside.
         “So, we just shove him back there?” Jack asked.
         “Yep. A monster will creep through this part of the Labyrinth and get a free snack. Think of it like… you’re giving some lucky fellow a winning lottery ticket or feeding the homeless,” Phil said.
         They propped Ryan’s body against the rock façade, so Phil and Jack could awkwardly shove him through the opening. It would have been easier for someone living to crawl through, especially since Ryan’s body was stiffening and jerked occasionally. Jack told himself it was just his imagination. He was used to ignoring weird details like that, like the absolute sense of calm he kept getting from seeing a dead sibling.
         They shoved Ryan’s upper torso through with little problem. The legs were more difficult, requiring Phil to swear and jam and twist them.
         There was a sickening crack from one leg and something gave.
         Jack tried not to scream.
         None of it bothered Phil.[3] He kept pushing. Jack’s last sensation of Ryan was the leather of Ryan’s shoe. Then his dead half-sibling disappeared into the blackness of the crack. And that was it.
         Phil had been right. The Labyrinth—whatever it was—seemed to eat him immediately.
         With that finality, exhaustion overtook Jack. He collapsed onto the ground outside the entrance, expecting Ryan’s corpse to squirm back through, clawing out of his white sheet.
         There was something chilly in his hands that burned against his blisters.
         Jack held it up, finding the guitar string still wrapped around one palm. He must have trailed it all the way from the cabin, parallel to how Phil had let Ryan’s hand drag.
         Phil frowned down at him, leaning against the rock wall. “You should keep it, as a memento or whatever sentimental shit mortals do.”
         Jack swallowed. Slowly, he tied the cord around his wrist like a bracelet. It bit into his skin. He tried not to think of how that would feel around the neck.
         Phil sighed. “Listen, kid. Ryan really did need to die regardless. But, you can’t go around killing all your problems. That’s some old-school hero mentality and it isn’t 2,000 BC anymore. Next time you get upset, take a few breathes and come talk to Uncle Phil.” He pointed a thumb to himself.  “We’ll discuss if you can or can’t kill the person. And then…” He pointed that thumb towards the Labyrinth entrance. “Uncle Phil can help you with the body and throw a party afterwards.”
         Jack nodded. He remembered his mother fussing over his association with Flynn, saying she was a bad influence. She would have called the SWAT team on Phil.
         Someone burst out of the woods, making Jack jump and Phil let out a quick shriek.
         “Holy Hera, kid, learn to announce yourself! It’s not like we were just petting puppies over here!” Phil snapped, clutching at his chest.
         Luke was mid-pulling his shirt back over his head. He combed his fingers through his hair, which looked silvery in the moonlight. Twigs and leaves fell out of the blond and joined the bits on his shirt and pants. He looked much more relaxed than the panic he’d left with. “Everything taken care of?” he asked.
         Jack stumbled to his feet and tried to answer. But, “yes” couldn’t be the answer, could it? He’d just killed someone. That wasn’t just “taken care of,” was it?
         Phil stood up straight and patted Jack’s back. He slung an arm over Jack’s shoulder, dragging him forward so he could sling his other arm around Luke. The satyr was much shorter than the two boys. “I was just telling Jack that he needs to take the initiative if his girlie is dropping him all these hints. Wouldn’t you agree, Luke?”
         Luke’s blue eyes darted from the Labyrinth entrance back to Jack. Jack wished Phil were a bit taller, so he couldn’t see Luke’s critical stare. When Phil tried to corral them forward, Luke wouldn’t budge.
         Phil sighed. “And, I’m thinking we need a little celebration. Jack took out Camp Half-Blood’s up-and-coming healer that would have never converted. Beers are on me, kids.”
         That broke Jack’s attention. He felt the color drained out of his face. “I’m too young to drink.” And his medicine wasn’t suppose to mix with alcohol.
         Almost to himself, Phil muttered, “Kid who committed murder doesn’t want to break the law. He’s too young, he says.” He stared up at Jack, skeptically. “You know, your ancestors were drinking before they came out of their mother’s skirts.”
         “Didn’t you just say I shouldn’t be acting like them?” Jack asked, unsure what Phil wanted from him.
         Although Luke tried to hide it, he cracked a smile at Phil’s exacerbation.
         “Alright! Fine. Shirley Temples on me, you little brats,” Phil grumbled. “Luke, that little dryad of yours suspect anything?”
         Luke took a step forward with Phil. “Juniper has no idea you guys were here.”
         The way Luke talked about the dryad unsettled Jack. Yea, Flynn had been with other guys when Jack was crushing on her and writing her songs. He wouldn’t be surprised if she’d go off with other guys now that they were dating, but Flynn wouldn’t hide it from him. Jack had to wonder if Ms. Juniper and Ms. Beauregard knew about each other.
         Phil led them away from camp, further into the woods. “I know a great bar we can go to. We’ll get the centaurs to take us. We’ll be done in a flash, that way, Luke, you can be back and acting all menacing or whatever. Ha! It’s not like you’re going to be sleeping—”
         Luke made a face. Jack remembered Phil mentioning something about nightmares. Was Luke still having them?
         “—and I’ll take Jak-Jak back to camp, and he can take our advice on his girlie. What do you think, Luke? Should he take the initiative or no?”
         Luke took another glance behind them, where the rock pile had disappeared in the trees. He frowned. For a moment, Jack thought Luke might turn to him with the same disgusted disappointment Steve, his step-father, had when Steve had to pick up Jack from school. Those were the days when Jack had “an incident” as Steve called them, when Jack’s paranoia and confusion left him sobbing in a corner.
         Instead, the consternation in Luke’s expression faded. He brushed some dirt off his pants. “She’s really into you. I’d say to go for it.”
         Just like that, they were talking about girls instead of bodies. Being a half-blood was weird.
         “See, Jak-Jak—oh! Hold on!” Phil dramatically tilted his ear to listen. He lifted his hands off their shoulders in a flourish. “I have important satyr things I must attend to, else old Mr. Douche Bag might get suspicious. But, uh, you kids go have some fun on your own.”
         He fished the money he’d stolen from Ryan and shoved it into Luke’s hands. Jack hadn’t realized that Phil intended to celebrate Ryan’s murder with Ryan’s own money. Jack couldn’t decide if that was efficient, horrifying, or both. “The centaurs can still take you and I can swing by to pick up Jack in two hours. Now, kids, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
         A sentiment that, from Phil, must have meant nothing.[4]
         He waggled a finger at them.
         With that, he dashed off into the trees.
         They walked in silence for the first fifteen paces.
         Jack didn’t realize he’d been slowly tightening the guitar string around his wrist. The metal didn’t want to stay taught.
This felt like the times his parents had shoved Jack onto Shelby or Aston, his two little siblings. They would whine, not wanting to babysit their older brother. One time, when Shelby wanted to talk to one of her friends instead, she told Jack they were going to play hide and seek, then locked him in a closet. “To protect you from the monsters.”
         “Look… dude,” Luke said, breaking the silence. “I meant to check up on you and Flynn sooner. It’s been busy. And I can’t decide if I want this Percy kid to survive or not, and he keeps doing stuff we didn’t predict. It’s just been complicated, you know?”
         An hour ago, Jack wouldn’t have. Now, he thought about what Phil said, about Luke’s best friends favoring Percy, about Kronos punishing Luke for stuff he couldn’t control, and about how naturally talented Percy was rumored to be. Jack loosened the guitar string, examining the way it left deep, dark indents in his pale flesh.
         “It’s really hard when someone else has better luck than you. Especially here. ‘Luck’ must really be a product of some divine intervention, right?” Jack muttered. It means some god loves the luckiest the most. “I guess we gotta make our own luck, huh?”
         Luke glanced at him, his blue eyes widened in surprise. “Yea. Yea, we do. Um… look, it’s just… With your medication, your smile—you remind me of my—of someone I knew. Especially how you went from being a good kid to—to what happened back there.”
         Jack wasn’t sure what Luke meant by the first part, but he knew what he was supposed to say. Queasiness clenched him. “I—I’m sorry. I’ve never done something like that before. I don’t want to—”
         The older boy awkwardly patted his shoulder. “No, dude, it’s cool.”
I’m not going to abandon you like the gods would. I’m not going to let them do to you what they did to her.” Ferocity glinted in Luke’s gaze. Desperation crept into his voice. “Phil said you’re not actually crazy. This is reversible. That outburst—it was probably because you’re weaning off your medication, right?”
         As far as Jack knew, Flynn was giving him the same amount of medication that he’d been taking previously. There was no way to know if it was still working as well. He still heard voices, saw monsters, and felt an urgent wrongness that left him trembling with no known source. But, he was on a boat for monsters. His family was dead. He’d just found out that everything he knew—that he was crazy, that God loved him in a special way, that violence of any kind was abhorrent and should be punished—was wrong. Maybe that should have been in the demigod orientation program.
         Jack didn’t want to talk about it. “Is there a way to turn that Thalia girl back from being a tree?” he blurted. He hoped Luke wouldn’t push it. Whomever he’d been referencing must have been personal to Luke, but Jack wanted an easy conversation. Too much had happened in the last few hours and Jack still wasn’t comfortable with how calm he felt.
         Luke smiled mischievously, looking more like his siblings in the Hermes cabin. “I have a plan.”
         The air seemed to sizzle hotter, making Jack aware of how much he’d been sweating. They must have crossed the border for Camp Half-Blood. Everything felt like it hopped up by ten degrees. The foliage looked more parched, probably from the erratic weather they’d been having all summer.
         Jack jumped as an idea jolted him out of his gloom, far easier than he felt like it should have. “We—we should set up a celebration for it! Thalia seems really important to you—and I’ll bet the monsters and demigods would like something like that. It’s the one thing the Princess Andromeda is missing: a relaxing, fun thing that brings everyone together, something that isn’t competitive that would encourage the monsters and demigods to interact more, like a dance or a concert!”
         With how horrible everything had been, Jack hadn’t been getting many exciting ideas. He hadn’t meant to prattle on. He bit his lip, expecting Luke to tell him that was stupid or impractical.
         The tiniest part of him had some hope. How nice would it be if Jack got to make up for missing prom by dancing with Flynn at a celebration? Especially if Luke got to invite Thalia and she—what had Phil said?—set Luke straight.
         Instead, Luke let out a genuine laugh, looking more surprised. “A concert? Not a bad idea. Thalia would probably love that.” He examined Jack with new interest.
The two stopped walking at a yellow diamond traffic sign posted in the middle of the woods. A centaur was depicted in a black outline, holding one thumb up like a hitchhiker. Jack found himself wondering if there was a centaur transportation system around the whole world that he’d never noticed before.
“You know, if you come up with more ideas like that, I might set you up as the coordinator for morale boosting and demigod-monster relations,” Luke said, jamming his hands into his pockets and kicking at the dirt. “Some of the new recruits have been complaining that the appeal of a cruise ship fades fast when you’ve got monster slime in all the pools. Kinda hard to swim in.”
Jack grinned, bashful. Most people didn’t like his ideas. Even Flynn glared him when he brought up forming a band or making a reality TV show. “I—I would like that. The morale boosting, not the slime pools. I’m not great at fighting.”
         “Not with a sword,” Luke agreed, eyeing the guitar string unraveling from Jack’s wrist. Base strings, Jack realized. It’s too thick to be guitar string.
         Jack clenched his fists, feeling the sting of his cut palms. He didn’t want to think about what happened or ruin this uncanny tranquility inside of him. “Can you tell me all about Thalia?”
         Phil had said that Luke didn’t talk about Thalia much, so the chances were low. Jack still had to try.
         Luke shuffled his foot one more time. He exhaled. “Uh… yea, man. We can talk about her.”
         The centaurs arrived soon after Luke started describing her. The more Luke talked about Thalia, the less Jack remembered the feel of Ryan’s shoe when he tossed the corpse into the Labyrinth. By the time they got to the monster bar—Jack, a Shirley Temple; Luke, an Irish Car Bomb and three beers[5]—Jack was giddy thinking about this potential party. He could almost look at a crumpled napkin without thinking about the bump of Ryan’s nose under his wrapped bed sheet.
         With that night, Jack and Luke set an unintentional tradition, going to the monster bar every other week. That was the first time Luke took Jack out to celebrate and party after Jack killed a sibling. It wouldn’t be the last. Jack couldn’t care about that. All he cared about was how he’d found himself the perfect friend.
Hey everyone! Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed. (Mel asked how I made murder buddies adorable. They did it themselves.) My brother got married last weekend so sorry for the delay! Stay tuned this Fri/Sat (Wait? Tomorrow—shit! Must. Find Time. To. Edit.) for the intro of a certain set of brothers with a penchant for acrobatics and weasels in Axel’s Say No To Cruise Ships. (And a quick thanks to @chumo-cookie for inspiring me to post/write/be more than a blob today. May many Pax hugs find you and may your wallet stay by your side when they do! <3)      
 [1] Mel (betaeditor)’s one request, “Just don’t change into weird things… and actually, don’t keep a scoreboard.”
[2] Shakespeare. Sonnet 29.
[3] Mel betacomment, “I would be horrified to know what bothered Phil.” Jack, “High shelves on a liquor cabinet and a disorganized kitchen.”
[4] My brother said this to me a lot growing up. He also threw house parties when my parents were out of town (my dad liked to double back and infiltrate the parties to freak the partiers out), ended a lot of fights, snuck a lot of girls into the “fort” we built in the woods behind our house, and plenty of other admirable activities. Exquisite role model.
[5] Mel betacomment, “I READ BEARS AT FIRST AND GOT SO CONFUSED!” Jack, “Agrius comes in NEXT short story.”
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lilacmoon83 · 5 years ago
Dreaming Out Loud
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 117: The Tower
"Wait...so you were looking for this golden flower, which can trap someone in a place, and encountered a princess in a tower with long hair?" Emma asked, as they ate, while Killian explained how Alice came to be. It was pretty obvious to all of them that Hook had definitely changed, though it wasn't too surprising. Parenthood was the one thing that could create such drastic change in a person. It was one of the few things that could become more important than anything, even revenge.
"Aye...why is that amusing?" he asked.
"It's just...was her name Rapunzel?" Emma asked. He looked surprised.
"Yes...or at least that's what she told me. How did you know that name?" he asked.
"Rapunzel...it's a pretty well known fairy tale," she replied.
"Ah that...well, somehow I doubt they got this one right either, because the next morning, Rapunzel was no more. In her place was a witch named Gothel and my child in her arms," he explained.
"That's quite an acceleration in pregnancy, but I guess we all know that magic can do just about anything," Persephone mentioned.
"Gothel is dangerous...I'm not sure I like the idea that she might come here after you. We have enough trouble with Queen Ravenna and her vendetta against our daughter," Hades said sternly.
"Papa Hades...we can't turn him away, especially if his child is in danger," Snow chided. He sighed.
"And I don't intend to, snowdrop...but Gothel is powerful and she hates humanity," Hades said.
"Wait...are you saying she isn't human?" David asked.
"She appears human, but she is really a part of a dead race of tree nymphs that were the first children of Mother Earth herself, Gaia," Persephone replied.
"Gaia was once benevolent and they lived in peace, secretly concealed away from an early race of humans. But she became very dissatisfied with humans and their mistreatment of the Earth. She and her eldest daughter, Gothel, grew very angry and bitter," he explained, as he paused for a beat.
She wanted them to pay, so with her husband Uranus...the Titans were born. But while the Titans raged against humans and nearly drove them to extinction, the Earth suffered their wrath as well. So when Uranus refused to stop his onslaught upon the Earth, Gaia implored her son Cronus to slay his father, which he did. In the process, Cronus and Rhea gave birth to the Olympians. I was their oldest son," Hades stated.
"Then you much of the rest of the story," Persephone added. He nodded.
"Yes...Zeus killed Cronus with Rhea's help to preserve humanity, but in the process, this world was stripped of its magic, thanks to Gothel. She fought us and nearly even toppled Zeus for control of Olympus. But he banished her to another realm. Before she was swept away, she cursed this land and took the magic with her," Hades explained. Realization dawned in Snow's eyes.
"That's why this land became the Land Without Magic," she said, putting it together. He nodded.
"Yes...exactly. Once Gothel was gone...Gaia was distraught and faded into the wind to become apart of the earth she once loved. The Olympians sealed the Titans away in Tartarus. Zeus was awarded control of the skies, Poseidon the seas, and me the Underworld," he continued.
"And now that the realms are United...this Mother Gothel is back?" David asked.
"My suspicion is that she resides in that magical forest that we don't know much about, as confirmed by the Captain," Persephone answered.
"I guess I did not realize the threat she was or that she could be that powerful. I had no idea she was descended from Mother Earth herself," Killian said.
"It's okay...we will not turn you and your daughter away from a better life. If Gothel is here, then it would not have mattered if you came here or not. In fact, it's better that we know of her now than let her lurk in the shadows and catch us by surprise," Persephone assured.
"I just can't believe she had a child for the soul purpose of getting free and just abandoned her," Snow said, as she cuddled her baby daughter close.
"Unfortunately...Gothel has no humanity. But if she comes here...she will meet an opposition unlike what she has faced in the past," Hades said, as he looked at Persephone.
"He's right...and I won't just banish her like Zeus did. That was the answer to problems he couldn't defeat or destroy," she added, as they watched Alice playing with Alexander nearby, while Tallie, Gideon, and Iris sat with their respective mothers.
"We wouldn't have known Gothel was free if not for you, Killian...so we owe you that. We can now make sure she doesn't get away with whatever she may be plotting," Persephone said.
"Now that she is free...you think she may try something?" Snow asked her mother.
"It wouldn't surprise me. But we'll be ready for her now that we know," Persephone answered, as the hour grew late and they soon returned home to their respective castles for the evening.
Queen Ravenna huffed in annoyance, as they disembarked from the small ocean liner. She hadn't dared to take one of the royal ships, as all those vessels had to formally log and record their voyages and she wanted this trip strictly off the books.
"I can't believe I had to be subjected to that...how disgusting," she complained, referring to the conditions on board the modest ship.
"It was a perfectly modernized cruise ship, Your Majesty," Frollo reminded.
"The silverware wasn't even real silver!" she complained and he rolled his eyes. The woman was beyond spoiled and ridiculous. He hated that he was enslaved to her and constantly had to put up with this kind of nonsense.
It wasn't hard to hire a carriage to take them from there. It seemed that this land, since they had not made contact with other realms, was still not modernized. It was all perfectly mysterious and though the driver had no inkling about the object they were seeking, Frollo's research told him it was east of the Harbor.
"It will be a few hours until we come to the place you described," the coachman called to them. Ravenna growled, as she looked out the window in boredom.
"You better be right about this," she hissed, as the carriage continued on its journey.
David opened the door to the loft and showed Hook in, as he carried one meager bag and his daughter in his arms.
"Are you sure, mate?" he asked. He nodded.
"The loft was and is a special place for us. It was our first home together with Emma, besides the dreamscape," he replied. They had struggled with the decision on whether or not to sell it in the last three years and decided not to. They had kept it furnished and hired someone to keep it clean until they could let go of it. But now that Hook had come back with his own family to raise, they knew why they had hung onto it for so long and Snow felt this exactly what the reformed pirate and his little girl needed.
"That's what I mean...this place has a lot of memories for you and your lot," Hook mentioned.
"It does...and we have been reluctant to let it go. I think we've been waiting for the right person and tonight, he came along," David said. Hook looked truly touched by that.
"This will be a good start for you and Alice," he said, as he handed him the keys.
"We'll take care of it and enjoy it, I promise you that," Killian assured. David nodded.
"Oh and since I'm sure you need a job, come by the castle tomorrow. I'm sure I have something," he said. Hook nodded.
"And Alice?" he asked. David smiled.
"I'm sure my parents will happily watch one more," David said, as he left them.
"Well starfish...welcome home," he said, as he ventured upstairs, only to find that the loft was ready for a little girl to live in and he was touched again. It seemed that Snow had arranged it all in a very short amount of time, though she was Queen and had the power to do such now.
"Papa look!" Alice called, as she pointed to the chess set on the table.
"Well, I suppose we have time for a game before bedtime," he said, as he carried her into the room.
Three Years Ago
"Magic…" she growled, as they suddenly watched the entire palace disappear. Next, the clock tower disappeared, then Granny's, and everything on Main Street. The magic swept around them and when it was gone, there was nothing but woods around them, like there had never been a town there in the first place.
"What the hell just happened?" Channing asked. But even Circe had no answers. Storybrooke was gone, without a trace or explanation to offer. And with it, gone was her revenge, leaving her with nothing.
Strangely, just as quickly as the town had disappeared, it started to reappear again.
"What's happening now?" Channing asked, even more confused now, as they watched a bright cloud of magic sweep around them again. This time though, the clock tower reappeared, then Granny's, and everything on Main Street. The magic continued to rebuild the town with the Sheriff's station, the school, and the Toll bridge. Storybrooke was back.
"They're back," Circe observed, as Cronus' palace reappeared. It was as if they had never been gone, but she knew better. She had a feeling whatever had happened was going to have serious ramifications; to what extent, she did not know.
"Madam Circe...something is very different…" Channing called, as she saw what he was looking at. In her very long life, she had seen many things and not much surprised her anymore. But this did.
"By the Gods...what have they done?" she uttered, as there was a poof of magic and her father, Mushu, stood before her.
"Father…" she greeted evenly.
"You must leave here, my daughter," he implored.
"I'm not going anywhere...not until they pay and I destroy magic. If I can't have it...then neither can they," she hissed.
"You cannot win this. Zeus is dead and Persephone reigns supreme. Not even Cronus or the Chernabog will openly and directly challenge her," the dragon warned.
"It figures you would want me to run...it is what you do best," she snapped.
"Please, my dear daughter...they will imprison you if you do not leave and your mother has refused to help me hide you. I do not know how long I can keep them off your trail," Mushu warned.
"We will take our chances," Circe refuted.
It was the next day and business as usual resumed in the United Realms, which meant Emma and Neal resumed their daily duties at the Storybrooke Sheriff's station. But today, they were sequestered in the bug on a stakeout, because of a tip about suspicious activity at the cannery.
Emma sighed in boredom, as they were six hours in already and Neal returned with a tray of coffee and cocoa.
"Are you sure about that tip?" she asked, as she sipped at her cocoa.
"Yes...I'm sure. This is the hotspot, which makes sense. The cannery is close to the harbor," he replied. She sighed.
"I just...magical smuggling? Really?" she asked skeptically.
"Merida swears that there is a witch in her Kingdom that's fond out that selling her magical goods and items in the United Realms is even more profitable than when she was limited to Dunbroch," he replied.
"Yeah I get that...but why is she so hung up on finding this helm? And if we know this witch has it, then why don't we just go all swat team on her hovel in Dunbroch?" Emma asked. He looked at her skeptically.
"Because she's a witch and invading her turf just means we'd be dodging a bunch of magical traps I'm sure she has bugged all over the woods around her hut," he reminded. She couldn't argue with that.
"As for the helm...no idea what's so special about it other than it once belonged to her dad," he replied, as they saw movement out back of the building.
"Oh...here we go. There's the old hag now," Emma said, as they witnessed the old witch appear in a puff of smoke. But to their surprise, her customer was wearing the armor of a Knight and not just any armor.
"That's Camelot armor," Neal said.
"You think his King sent him?" Emma asked.
"My father does get quiet when Arthur is mentioned," Neal replied, which they both found peculiar.
"There it is...the helm!" Emma hissed, as they slowly got out of the car.
"Yeah...there's something else in her hand too," Neal replied, as he used his binoculars.
"Can you tell what?" she asked.
"No...it's a vial of some sort," he replied.
"Well, the helm is stolen so that's good enough. Let's move in," she said, as he pulled his sword and she moved in with her gun.
"Just give them to me, you old hag," Sir Percival hissed.
"Mind your tongue boy...or I'll relieve you of," the witch warned in her thick accent.
"Listen...you will get your payment when I get the items I require," he said.
"You mean that your King requires," she said, as she held them up.
"The magical helm of King Fergus and this…" she hissed, as she held up the vial of glittery red sand.
"Say those words, witch and I will cut out your tongue," he warned.
"No one is cutting out anyone's tongues. Hands up," Emma ordered.
"This is none of your concern, Sheriff," Percival hissed.
"This is Storybrooke, so it's exactly our business. Hands up," she ordered. But Percival lashed out with his blade and Neal stepped in to duel him.
"Hands up witch," Emma warned, but the old hag smirked and launched a blast of magic at her. Emma dodged and countered with her own.
"Ahh...the magic of the Savior. How exhilarating! But I have been practicing magic long before you were born...long before your parents were born even," she boasted, as she volleyed magical blasts at her. But Emma countered with one big one and broke through her defenses.
"Give the advantage to youth then," she quipped, as she placed a pair of magical dampening cuffs on her and picked up the helm, along with the small vial of red, glittering dust.
"What is this?" she asked, as Neal brought back a cuffed and disarmed Percival, who gave the witch a hard glare.
"I have no idea," the witch feigned ignorance.
"Yeah right...but it doesn't matter. I'm pretty sure my grandmother and step-grandfather will know what it is," she said.
"And if for some reason they don't, my dad probably will," Neal added, as they put their prisoners in the back of the bug, before getting in and taking back to the station.
After several hours, they finally came upon the garden that Frollo was looking for and it happened to be at the foot of an old tower.
"This is it...this is where the map the cauldron provided showed," he said, as they got out of the carriage.
"It better be...I'm tired of waiting!" Ravenna complained, as she stomped into the garden.
"You have about as much finesse as a raging bull," Frollo commented. She turned and glared at him, as she extracted a pouched from her dress pocket. It glowed red, reminding him once again that she held the only object that could control him. Not that he needed reminding.
"Watch your tongue and find this flower you keep telling me about," she ordered.
"May I ask how you plan to use it against your enemy?" he requested. She smirked.
"Shouldn't that be obvious? I plan to use it to trap Snow White in some incredibly horrible place. I don't know where yet...perhaps Bald Mountain. Wouldn't that be poetic? I could trap her in the place her parents created to trap you," Ravenna answered.
"An interesting plan, but you don't think the heroes will find someone less desirable to take Snow White's place and rescue her from your captivity?" he questioned.
"You're going to figure that part out for me," she snapped and he rolled his eyes.
"Of course I am…" he muttered, as he didn't notice the vine slither out and wrap around his leg. He cried out and quickly took his monstrous form and snapped the vine. Ravenna watched with trepidation, as the vines slowly gathered and formed a cocoon of sorts. It glowed briefly and became the shape of a woman that soon revealed herself.
"Easy there beastie…" the woman with blonde matted hair cooed.
"Who are you?" Ravenna demanded to know. The woman smirked.
"I am the answer to your revenge…" she said softly.
"Are you the keeper of this garden?" Ravenna questioned.
"I am…" she answered.
"Then you have the golden flower I need," the Queen said.
"I do...but the flower isn't what you want," she responded. Ravenna frowned.
"And why not?" she demanded to know.
"The flower will hold your enemies for a time, but inevitably she will escape. However, I can offer you a solution to your Snow White problem if you help me," she tempted.
"And just who are you?" Frollo questioned, as he took his human form again.
"Mmm...you have been bonded to the black God and you possess Prometheus' flame," the woman surmised.
"How do you know that?" Ravenna questioned.
"Because I was there when the Titans were born. In a way, we are related, Chernabog. We have the same mother," she revealed.
"Gaia was your mother?" Frollo asked. She nodded.
"I was her first born, during the times of peace on this planet, long before she had the need to breed the Titans. But we all fell to those deceitful, treacherous Olympians," she replied.
"I am Gothel…" she revealed.
"You would help me get revenge on Snow White?" Ravenna questioned. She nodded.
"If you free me from the confines of this place. I cannot go beyond this tower or this garden thanks to those golden flowers you seek," she responded.
"Then we need someone to take your place," Frollo surmised.
"Correct," Gothel confirmed.
"But why help us? What could you have against my wretched former step-daughter?" Ravenna questioned.
"You mean what do I have against Demeter's beloved granddaughter? Hades' adored step-daughter? Persephone's perfect little snowdrop?" Gothel questioned. Frollo smirked.
"Of course...Persephone sits on the Throne that should be rightfully yours as Gaia's first born," he said.
"What is your plan for her?" Ravenna asked eagerly. Gothel smirked and a vial of potion appeared in her hand.
"If Snow White ingests this poison...it will cripple her heart. It will ruin it beyond repair. Not even her mother can revive her from this," Gothel revealed. Ravenna's eyes gleamed with an evil glint and desire.
"You're sure?" she asked with bated breath.
"Quite," Gothel replied.
"And true love's kiss? It cannot save her either?" Ravenna questioned.
"Not even true love's kiss can overcome this poison. It's the last of my mother's own concoction. She planned to use it on Zeus...but she died before she could. Then I was saving it for a pirate...but I feel it is better used on that demi-Goddess spawn," Gothel responded.
"And any soul to take your place in that tower will do?" Ravenna questioned. Gothel smirked.
"Absolutely," she replied. Ravenna looked at Frollo and the Promethean flame glowed.
"Find me some little waif to trap in that tower," she ordered. He sighed and transformed back into his monster form, as he flew off to do her bidding.
"So, as soon as you are free...I can have that potion?" she questioned. Gothel smirked.
"I cannot reveal my presence too soon. Persephone and Hades will suspect me now that a certain pirate has absconded to Storybrooke. But the potion is yours if I can hide...or rather grow in your garden," Gothel answered.
"Done," Ravenna agreed, as their devious deal was made...
Three years ago
Circe ran toward the Harbor at Longbourne. Her father had been right and in the weeks that followed the reappearance of Storybrooke and subsequently, the United Realms, newly minted Supreme Sheriff and King David made it his personal mission to arrest her and all her followers. She had hoped for sanctuary in Cronus' Kingdom, but he had chosen to shun her in an attempt to make it seem like he was conforming to Persephone's rule. She knew better, but for whatever reason, she no longer fit into his plans and she was on her own. Not even her traitor of a mother, Hecate, would support her and she soon realized, begrudgingly, that she should have listened to her father.
"End of the line, Circe…" David called, as he and his Knights, including Lancelot, cornered her.
"You really think I'm letting some insignificant mortal like yourself take me down?" she challenged, as she fired several plasma blasts at his Knights. One was hit, while the others dodged. She cackled, as the Knight that had been hit was now struggling to stay alive and she fired her blasts at David. But she became truly shocked when he swatted her blasts away harmlessly, as the steel of his blade blocked and absorbed her blasts effortlessly.
"How...is that possible?" she questioned in disbelief. David smirked.
"Hephaestus reforged my blade. It has a few added advantages and strengths now. Hades was specific in the modifications and your weapons are useless against mine," David replied. She seethed. So that was how he and his Knights had easily captured and arrested all her followers. She growled and fired at him wildly, as he advanced on her, blocking every blast, until she was unwillingly disarmed. Lancelot cuffed her and Hades appeared, looking at her with a smug smirk.
"You really think this is over?" she questioned.
"All your lackeys, including Calypso and your blind sheep are behind bars and you're about to join them. I'd say over is an understatement," he retorted.
"If you think that we're all that there is to this...you're sadly mistaken. This isn't over...not by a long shot," Circe warned. But Hades didn't seem concerned.
"Whoever you still have out in the Land Without Magic can't get to us here and we have no plans to venture out there," he said. But Circe's face was marred with a smirk.
"I've waited centuries for my revenge...a few more years is nothing. You'll soon know how wrong you are," she hissed under her breath.
The United Realms prison was actually a very humane place. They had three meals a day, visitation twice a week, and even a bit of free time outside. But Circe and her followers didn't really get visitors these days, with the exception of an occasional call from her father. Upon her capture, Mushu had escaped the United Realms and faded into the obscurity of the Land Without Magic. And only Circe truly knew the reason why.
Her father, dissatisfied with the rule of the Gods, had taken up her leadership of what remained of the Home Office. Unfortunately, there was some opposition they were facing outside Storybrooke and he had not been able to regain access to the United Realms as a result. But Circe continued to wait patiently. She and her father both were very good at playing the long game and she wholeheartedly believed that someday, she would be free and wage war on Olympus, as well as all the Kingdoms. She would rule or she vowed to die trying.
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kellanswritingblog · 5 years ago
Masquerade, a Zolf/Hamid fake dating AU
Chapter 5: The Onslaught
The ball is attacked, and the Rangers step up to take care of the threat.
Chapter 5 is below, or you can find it on AO3
Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4
Their search revealed nothing of interest and all four were starting to wonder if there was a plot against the festivities at all.  Regardless, they were still getting paid, so they stayed aware, just in case.
And so, as the day pressed along, Grizzop and Sasha disappeared back into the less-travelled passages to keep an eye on things and avoid socializing, while Zolf and Hamid headed into the ballroom with the rest of the guests, all dressed up and in need of a stronger drink than was available.  Neither referenced what happened in their room and instead stood awkwardly off to the side, drinking wine in silence.  Zolf opened his mouth to speak several times, but what could he possibly say?  
Eventually, Zolf managed to quiet the thrumming of his heart and the spinning in his stomach and asked, “Hamid, would you like to dance?”
“Oh!  I didn’t mean to imply that you had to,” Hamid insisted. “I just wanted it to be an option for you.”
“And I’m taking that option.  If you want…”
Before Hamid could reply, a loud but muffled noise erupted from Zolf’s pocket.  He removed the mobile stone so that he could hear Grizzop and Sasha properly.
“Bad news, bad news!”  Grizzop exclaimed.  “They teleported in!  They’re magicky ones!”
“What direction?”  Zolf asked hurriedly as Hamid huddled around him to join the conversation.
Grizzop’s response was cut off with a scream and the sounds of an explosion through the stone and directly into Zolf’s ears.  A gigantic chunk of wall across the ballroom disappeared in a great BOOM and shockwaves threw many partygoers to the floor.  A couple dozen individuals sauntered through the hole.
“I can cast fireball, but if Sasha and Grizzop are among them…”  Hamid pondered as he picked himself up off the ground.
Zolf scanned his surroundings and noticed a shadowy figure, picked out only by the glint of a dagger, and a not-quite-so-shadowy figure, illuminated by burning arrows.
“Aim for the front!”  Zolf commanded.  “They’re at the back.”
Hamid said nothing but went still and pointed at the breach in the wall until a tiny beam of fire emerged from his finger.  It then expanded into a great bursting ball of flame as it hit the intruders, and screams erupted from the attackers that went flying and were set alight.
Zolf charged towards the mass of intruders, pulling his glaive from the bag of holding at his hip, grateful that Hamid had designed their suits so that their armor would fit underneath them.
“Wait, Zolf!”
He turned back to face Hamid and wondered as to the hesitation.  Hamid placed a hand on Zolf’s shoulder and a flow of magical energy spread across him, a shimmering yellow surrounding him for the briefest moment before fading into nothingness.
“It’ll make it harder for them to hurt you,” Hamid explained.
Zolf just nodded, then turned back to the mass of black-robed intruders, who were moving through the nobility and aristocracy with blades drawn and coated in the blood of those they’d already eliminated.
“Hey!  Come pick on someone that’s willing to fight back, you cowards!”  Zolf shouted across the space and raced toward them as fast as his legs would carry him, glaive outstretched.  He sped into the mass of bombers and sliced through them as they surrounded him, spinning in dizzying patterns to keep them from getting too close and using their own weapons against him.
As one broke through the line, several bolts of magical force blasted into them and sent them falling backwards, away from Zolf.  Across the space, Hamid was surrounded in colorful displays of magic, fire and energy mingling around him as his features grew more severe, his dragon heritage manifesting more and more with each cast.
With the help of Sasha’s daggers and Grizzop’s arrows, the main group of attackers was dispatched.
“I’m going after the leader!”  Zolf said to the others before running after the one at the front of the mass that had seemed to be the mastermind.  “Get the stragglers!  Try to keep them alive if you can!”
Even though he was already gone, he could practically hear Sasha and Grizzop reply “No promises” as their blades sunk into another body.
Zolf chased the leader to the corner of the ballroom and into the entrance of a hallway that branched off when he was hit from the side.
“Zolf, no!”
The roof fell into the spot where Zolf had just been and pinned Hamid underneath several miscellaneous chunks of rubble.  He’d dived at Zolf to save him from the leader’s magical cast, meant to trap him under the building’s broken remains, but got himself partially caught in the process.
“Hamid!”  Zolf tossed his glaive to the side and hefted the heavier chunks of stone off of Hamid’s body.
He coughed and shuddered, not resisting as Zolf pulled him away from the collapse.
Zolf pressed his hands against Hamid’s chest and channeled all of the positive energy he could feel to heal him as best he could, even finding himself demanding Poseidon to help out, to repay all his years of faith and do something worthwhile for once, because if anyone was worthy, it was Hamid.
“Hamid, Hamid, please!”
Hamid’s eyes fluttered open and he feebly stared up at Zolf.
“Oh, thank goodness,” Zolf sighed.  Then, with a disappointed and impressed smile, he added, “You just have to be the hero, don’t you?”
Hamid laughed, holding his stomach with the effort.  “I’ve tried to be better about that.  But I couldn’t let you…”
In the heat of the battle, with screams and cries around them, Zolf pressed his lips to Hamid’s forehead, a promise and thanks all in one.
“Stay put.  And try to stay out of trouble.”
Again, Hamid chuckled and nodded.  “Yeah, I don’t think I’m going anywhere right now.  Go get them.”
Zolf stood, retrieved his glaive, cast another glance at Hamid – stable, but still injured – and sprinted to the other access corridor.  Through their investigations, he’d memorized most of the passages in and out and through the palace and relied on that now as he figured that this hallway would soon intersect and combine with that which the leader had taken.
Even though they had a head start, Zolf was fueled by rage and soon enough caught up enough to see a black-robed figure at the far end of the passage.
“Stop right there!”  Zolf cried, but neither of them slowed for a second.
He wasn’t fast enough to catch up to a human, no matter his leg-situation.  In a last-ditch effort, Zolf threw his glaive with all his force at the back of the leader.
It lodged itself in their spine with a satisfying thud, and the mastermind fell to the ground with a scream.  Zolf ran up to their side, removing the glaive by placing a foot on their back and pulling upwards on the weapon.  With a simple cast of a spell, he knew they wouldn’t be dying on him, but they also weren’t going anywhere with a bloody hole that large in their back.
With a bit of rope from his pack, Zolf tied up the leader, and then sprinted back into the ballroom to take stock of the situation.
Grizzop was standing in the middle of the crowd of nobility, his high voice giving direction to all of the surviving partygoers, pointing them toward healers or away from it all if they had avoided the devastation.  It was clear he had the situation in hand, standing atop a pile of gagged and restrained attackers to make sure he couldn’t be ignored.
Sasha, on the other hand, was kneeling in the corner, next to Hamid.
“Is he alright?”  Zolf asked as his breath caught in his throat.
She nodded and Zolf visibly slumped with relief.  “I gave him some potions, and one of the healer types here helped him out.  He should be alright.”
“I’m fine,” Hamid insisted and stood of his own ability.
“Thank you,” Zolf said softly.  “You probably saved my life.”
“You’re welcome.”
Sasha watched the confession with wide eyes and an awkward expression on her face before darting off and disappearing into the crowd.
Zolf quickly pulled Hamid into an embrace, squeezing him tighter than his condition merited.
“Stop risking your life like that,” he muttered into Hamid’s shoulder.  “I’m grateful you saved me, but I’m not worth you sacrificing yourself.”
Hamid held him back and cried into his beard.  “Of course you are.”
With a shuddering breath, Zolf sighed, and held Hamid a little bit tighter.
“We should probably see what we can do for the survivors,” Hamid muttered as they pulled away from each other hesitantly.
“You’re right.  It looks like Grizzop has it all pretty well in hand, though.”
They both chuckled as Grizzop began berating a particularly portly nobleman who decided to try and usurp his authority.  Hamid leaned against Zolf’s side and Zolf held him tightly for support, then they headed toward their colleague.
“Hamid, listen, I… I’m just glad you’re okay.”
Zolf could feel Hamid’s eyes beaming up at him, and he whispered, “I’m glad you’re okay too.”
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