#「 秋 」  𝐖𝐔 𝐐𝐈𝐔𝐉𝐈  » INTRO.
fireflown · 2 years
zhao lusi. cis female. she/her. presenting lady wu qiuji, twenty-seven-year-old non - bender loyal to house wu & sathanna. promising yet inconspicuous, they find themself apprehensive of fire lord chaeseong’s reign. will this be their salvation or their undoing ?
hi!! i’m back from my hiatus and i’ve got some updates on both muses 🤓 i’m down to keep all my threads, but if you’d like to drop anything because it’s been hanging too long or you wanna plot something newer, let me know!! but i’d also love to plot more for the 2 year time jump so please like this and i’ll come running to your dms 💕
i definitely need to update stuff but qiuji’s had her fingers in a whole lot of pies before the rebellion happened, balancing a lot of secrets and alliances to control her circumstances to the best of her ability. but with the rebellion comes a decision, and all those false allegiances she had are putting her in a particularly precarious position i think! all those strings she used to puppet others are now tying her down 😱
she’s in the unfortunate circumstance of her home being in the south and getting caught in the crossfire!! she’s spent her time trying to help those living on starfall get out of the worst of the skirmishes. mostly focused on her family, but she’s also obliged to those on starfall and the destiny theatre that work for/with her - a plot for someone to take her/them in the capital?
also she got married to chaiya!! 🎉 probably a rushed little thing that was more to cobble together a partnership between two relatively weaker houses that needed extra fortifying. chaehwi’s little stunt kind of sped the timeline up a little, but she hasn’t seen her ‘husband’ much since they took their vows so its nbd 🤷🏻‍♀️ (and also utterly unknown to her what he’s off doing lol)
but as a recent development... she’s decided to support chaehwi 🤠 tbh i think she’s kind of anti-establishment in the sense that she’ll always be apprehensive of whoever’s wearing the crown. didn’t like chaesan because she couldn’t deal with the unrest and then chaesan died and now chaeseong’s not doing great with quelling a whole rebellion either so she kinda went well fine! and decided to support the corpse nailing guy because i guess he’s got style?? an insanity that seems like strength from far away??
so yeah she’s supporting chaehwi but on the down low and via information and traded secrets. a far enough distance that none of that crazy juice can get to her (for now 😈)
whoever’s supporting chaehwi lets go rebels!!
someone whom she’d been falsely allied with and has come to collect their dues? i imagine it was a slow break down/revelation on their end that qiuji really isn’t loyal to anyone but her own family, and they could very well make use of that to get back at her or be plotting to deal with her in some other way
i have no other plot thoughts but i’ll be replying dms properly and getting to thread replies i owe but please please plot with me 🙏🏻
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fireflown · 2 years
hi all! i’m yin (21+, she/her), and i’ll be writing wu qiuji, daughter#4 of the wus. smack right in the middle of the sisters, she’s the one who wears the most hats in the family, never quite able to be pinned down to one defining trait. this is a new muse so i’m making things up on the fly and my pages aren’t set up yet, please bear with me while i figure her out! 🥺 below is a hopefully cohesive first look into her character and some possible connections. if you’d want to plot, like this post and i’ll be in your dms 💕
zhao lusi. cis female. she/her. presenting lady wu qiuji, twenty-five-year-old non - bender loyal to house wu. promising yet inconspicuous, they find themself apprehensive of fire lord chaesan’s reign. will this be their salvation or their undoing ?
qiuji was born 27.09 25BG (libra sun, scorpio moon), in fall and patterns herself against the season. a non bender, the early fall of the sun in autumn doesn’t bother her. it feels like an equaliser, and she doesn’t mind that she’s not a firebender. she’s been well-trained as a new noble and more importantly, retainer family to the hans, and would go toe to toe with a bender if she needed to
her name (吴秋祭) is a homonym meaning free of sacrifice / mourning, playing on her surname sounding like the character for no / lack. this does mean, however, that her parents totally fumbled the bag since her given name means sacrifice 😭
but she’s not as melancholy as her name suggests! routinely underestimated but she likes it that way, preferring the freedom of being unnoticed and unassuming. she’s surprisingly fiery and impulsive at her core, though her personality changes and flows with whichever job or role she’s taking on. a well of unrealised potential, she’s only ever had to push herself within the confines of being a daughter of the wus. maybe something’ll change that?
for now, usually one in a set of seven (now six), qiuji works as an entertainer, courtesan, lady in waiting, surveillance, and anything her mother calls on her for. she’s well-versed in agile showmanship as an entertainer and if needed, the chi-blocking martial arts that’ve been passed down to the non benders in the family. part of her job involves reading people closely and being resourceful enough to meet what they want before it’s been said, but she’s a lot less considerate when she doesn’t need to be
still, she rarely ever goes against her mother’s wishes. it doesn’t mean she doesn’t think for herself, though. she doesn’t count herself among the han’s retainers, though she does work for them if her mother or sisters ask. her sisters are her flock and she’s deadly loyal to them, though sometimes at her own expense. if it comes down to it, she’s willing to sacrifice herself for her sisters - perhaps an unfortunate consequence of her name
fire lord chaesan’s rule makes her wary if only because she’s able to feel the giant shake up in politics and unease while she carries out her usual entertaining duties. if she were stronger, in qiuji’s opinion, she wouldn’t be facing this instability, nor would the hans (and so her) have to be working behind the scenes to pull this many strings for her. for her family’s sake, qiuji’s hoping chaesan either shapes up or gets taken out by someone stronger, soon
some miscellaneous concepts i had while crafting qiuji were: unlucky daughter number 4 - probably the sister who’s most willing to be ruthless for the sake of her family, she and her name are the most inauspicious; thursday’s child (has far to go) - all of the untapped, unrealised potential she has; a murder of crows (another homonym, 吴/乌鸦) as her sisters - their preferred performance style reminiscent of flight, and equally as deadly
someone from the han family (or works with them) who has been working with her on gathering more power for chaesan
or someone who’s working against the fire lord, and is hoping to get her help
the azula & mai to her ty lee 🥺
one of her many orders from the hans/her mother might have been to slip a poison to someone she was entertaining - perhaps she poisoned a muse but they survived, or she gave it to their parents (and whether they survived is up for plotting!)
a regular audience member for the shows that the wus put on in the palace
a relationship of exchanges, information for companionship, companionship for favours, favours for comfort. it’s a sliding balance of power between them, but it keeps her on her toes
someone completely unknown to her and vice versa, and that makes them so much more intriguing. she’s comfortable with them in a way she isn’t with anyone else, but only because their identities are hidden
the old/new noble dynamic that’s tense and often hostile, but something keeps drawing her to them, unfortunately
someone she loved but gave up on because she weighed the scales and family/practicality came before her own heart, though she’s still got a soft spot that aches around them
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