#⦅ sariani adlawan ⦆ ⸻ threads ▻ 𝓭𝓪𝓵𝓾𝔂0𝓷𝓰.
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daluy0ng · 2 days ago
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"you know that's just me thinking shit out of my ass..." sariani laughs as she couldn't help but imagine meena trying to organize a skatepark, now knowing her sentiments towards the thought of being at such place. it was something that she was starting to miss doing, though her board has seen better days. it was something that kept her balanced for a reason, being a little active gets her mind off...things.
"yeah...i may need to find something of my size—and i'd assume that since i can skate that it's not going to be that hard to me, right?" if that's going to be a way for her to be active, well, besides secretly going on runs at the forest here and there, something new developing into her routine. the werewolf perks up at the idea of them potentially finding a skatepark on their little adventure. the giddy smile on their face so evident.
"i'm gonna need to grab a couple of things, my skateboard, then i'm all settled, you know i'm so down for this, meena." perhaps this could be a way to kill time whilst they wait for the storm to settle. "and i am good whenever you want to do this."
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"That explains it. It was late when I passed that shithole. Not like I go out in the day a lot, you know. But whatever, if it's something you do, I guess it could work. Especially that idea of mixing the two things. Not that I'm making plans. Imagine me trying to organise a fuckin' skatepark,"
Meena practically giggled, fully aware of her own immaturity, comfortable enough in their newfound friendship that she found absolutely no shame in making fun of herself just a little. It's true that she was happy in her deep thoughts, imagining the wonderful sort of place that Portum could have if she had more conviction, but no part of her seemed eager to dwell on them at all. The best she seemed to do was to keep skating forwards, to keep the conversation flowing so effortlessly.
"Crap. Pretty sure they're bigger than mine. How would you feel about taking a day trip out of Portum? Get away from this shitshow, take a day off in one of those cool indoor skating rinks. We could find some skatepark too, show me whatever it is you're supposed to do in those places,"
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daluy0ng · 6 days ago
open starter for: everyone! (cap: 4/4) location: second chances
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the sound of the spatters of the rain faintly fills the room of the thrift store, along with the faint music playing in the background, one that sariani has been humming along to whilst sat on the ground, scouring through the things in the box she has just found in one of the aisles. it has been an interesting find, and she may have been there for a little bit too long, deciding on which things she should take home that they hear someone clearing their throat behind her. "ay, shit—sorry." she says, scratching the back of her head as she looks up. "i'm gonna put this one down so...i assume you, err...want to take a look at it, too?"
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daluy0ng · 10 days ago
sariani adlawan: tag drop!
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daluy0ng · 3 days ago
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"you know that feeling of like...something beyond understanding, almost as if it was mysterious, yet somehow it's right? like you're supposed to be here." sariani isn't disputing fate, even though she was curious why such place would show up in her path one day as she has finally decided to leave, to explore a new place she hasn't been to before. "you have such beautiful name, andromeda..." sariani held on the extended hand to shake, a shy smile forming as...for some reason, the way the woman stares at them, the way they just said their name, makes sariani a little bit nervous, though, not in a bad way. "i only had been in my home country my whole life, and throughout it, i met a friend who has been travelling the world, and that...inspired me." she pauses to take a sip of her coffee. "when i got here, somehow i find portum and it felt like...this place was calling for me, y'know? and now...i'm here." she now props on her elbows on the table, leaning close as curiosity is laced in her tone. "how about you though? what brought you to portum, andromeda?"
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               andromeda  pursed  her  lips  at  the  obvious  attempt  at  conversation  coming  from  her  unexpected  companion  ,  holding  back  the  tired  ,  snappy  growl  trapped  and  vibrating  in  the  back  of  her  throat  .  she  barely  had  the  chance  to  reply  to  the  first  question  ,  to  deny  the  request  as  she  wanted  when  a  second  one  was  tumbling  from  the  opposing  lips  .     “  of  course  ,  ask  away  ,  ”     andromeda  murmured  sarcastically  under  her  breath  .  yet  ,  the  question  indeed  drew  her  attention  ,  touching  a  topic  that  deeply  interested  her  .     “  no  ,  no  ,  don’t  apologize  ,  i—i  think  …  you’re  right  .  i  mean  …  i  feel  the  same  .  ”     she  admitted  ,  biting  the  inside  of  her  cheek  in  a  nervous  habit    ⸺    the  way  she  had  found  this  town  intrigued  her  to  no  end  ,  and  despite  the  safety  she  felt  init  ,  she  also  felt  curious  to  no  end  about  the  way  it  worked  ,  about  the  energy  it  emanated  .     “  nice  to  meet  you  ,  sariani  .  you  have  a  nice  name  .  i’m  andromeda  .  ”     she  introduced  herself  with  an  extended  hand  ,  waiting  to  be  shaken  .     “  so  ,  sariani  …  ”     the  name  rolled  from  her  tongue  like  a  velvety  ,  whispered  poem  .     “  how  did  you  find  this  town  ?  ”
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daluy0ng · 2 days ago
"how far out?" sariani asks, looking around the trees that are surrounding them. "i must've been...too deep in my own thoughts, just...i got a lot on my plate." technically the werewolf was telling the truth, but there was so much more than that, and they're not just gonna tell someone they just met the real reason they're out here, that they were scoping out, looking for a place to run to when things get out of control, when they get out of control.
sariani just can't risk such thing again, they've held back for years and they can't lose it now.
"very new, not even a month since i got here." sariani explains as they slowly walk up to the older woman, it does look like she was really by herself, and the waitress assumes that she was maybe just enjoying this day out, protected by the trees from the storm that has been occuring portum for the past couple of days now.
"i'm sariani, nice to meet you, roscoe—of course, i can sit, i can join, if that's alright with you." the werewolf cautiously joins roscoe, still giving her space as they sit down opposite her. "do you always do this? just be somewhere away from people and just...enjoy the quiet? the peace?"
if sariani is going to look for a place she can run to, this is definitely not the one, especially if this is roscoe's usual spot.
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roscoe  had  seen  her  the  moment  the  stranger  stepped  into  the  clearing,  but  she  pretended  otherwise.  she  wasn’t  exactly  subtle  herself,  she  was  sitting  there  in  the  half-light,  hands  shoved  into  the  pockets  of  a  jacket  she’d  stolen  taken  back  from  a  thrift  store,  posture  all  casual  despite  the  sharp  glint  in  her  blue  eyes.  she  wasn’t  used  to  people  sneaking  up  on  her,  but  she  didn't  think  the  other  person  was  trying  to  sneak.  maybe  sneaky  was  the  way  the  person  existed  because  to  Roscoe,  the  stranger  had  a  look  like  she  was  used  to  being  small. 
Roscoe,  at  6'4,  had  always  been  taller  than  her  peers  (  even  as  a  raccoon,  she  was  larger  than  her  shifted-kind  ),  had  never  been  able  to  be  small.  had  never  wanted  to  be.
when  the  stranger  spoke,  she  let  out  a  small  snort,  tipping  her  head, considering  the  words.  “well,  if  you’re  gonna  be  a  creep,  I  say  at  least  commit  to  it.”  she  flashed  a  grin,  sharp,  quick,  but  not  unkind.  her  words  caught  her  ear,  though,  the  way  they  trailed  off,  the  breath  that  came  a  little  too  forced.  Roscoe  didn’t  pry.  didn’t  need  to.
instead,  she  looked  out  toward  the  woods,  hands  still  deep  in  her  pockets.  “kinda  far  out  of  town  to  get  to  know  it.”  her  voice  was  quieter  now.  “the  town’s  got  a  lot  of  places  where  you  can  get  lost,  but  you're  a  bit  far  from  that,  friend.” 
Roscoe  studied  her  with  something  like  curiosity.   no,  it  was  curiosity.  “new,  huh?  well,  that  explains  it.”  she  jerked  her  head  toward  the  deeper  part  of  the  woods.  “this  spot’s  decent.  quiet.  not  too  many  people  come  through,  except  me,  and  i’m  nobody.”  she  smirked.  “well,  nobody  but  trouble.” 
then,  as  if  remembering  herself,  or  at  least  her  grandmother's  politeness,  she  added,  “name’s  Roscoe,  by  the  way.”  a  beat.  “so,  do  you  want  to  come  sit?  i  have  sandwiches  -  read  somewhere  the  best  way  to  become  friends  is  to  share  food.”
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daluy0ng · 8 days ago
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possibly jetlag was to blame, but sariani woke up past her alarm and immediately she rushed to the old haunt, as it was her shift tonight and apparently it was all hands on deck. they rushed through town toward the direction of the bar, catching their breath as they were about to enter, only to be stopped by kanda. "i didn't wake up on time, i'm sorry—" they frown to themself, fingers fidgeting as she stared at the bouncer "i'm not that late, am i?"
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who: kanda & open [2/3] where: outside the old haunt
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          the  angry  sky  had  stopped  crying  and  been replaced  by  an  angry  roar.  kanda  was  leaning  against  the  wall. they were  partially  hidden  by  shadows  and  curled  into  themself  as  the  wind  tried  to  trip  them  over.  the  cold  didn't  bother  them  ,  never  had  ,  but  her  hair  getting  in  her  eyes  was  annoying  her.  they  could  see  someone  approaching  from  the  distance  ,  hunched  over  to  brace  themselves  against  the  wind.  as  they  got  closer  kanda  pushed  themself  off  the  wall  ,  letting  them  know  she  was  there.  "private  event  ,"  they  said  flatly  ,  not  bothering  to  see  if  they  believed  her  lies.  "go  home."
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daluy0ng · 9 days ago
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sariani hasn't been in this long enough, in fact, the new waitress from the old haunt had only been in town for a week. the way it rained, how the droplets of water hit the ground with such force, she couldn't help but be reminded of home, how it could mean disaster is coming. somehow, her senses are heightened by it, regardless of the fact that—the strong feeling of her being here, a place that made her feel like she could belong. attention turned to the weather through the window, they were snapped out of their thoughts by the other. "just getting hit by the rain wouldn't feel so great." they respond, turning back to the other for moment, before looking back out. "the skies could be a little tricky wherever you are, don't you think?" she shakes her head at the thought. "i hope it doesn't—but just in case, do you have your important things in one place and easily grab them?" she had dealt with typhoons so much back at her old home that she had always been prepared for the worse.
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「   🔗   」     STATUS.   ﹕   open. 「   🔗   」     LOCATION.   ﹕   vitality  fitness 「   🔗   」     FEAT.   ﹕   hayden  &  your  muse.
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         the  natural  light  that  normally  floods  through  vitality’s  windows  quickly  diminishes  .  she’s  just  finished  up  with  her  last  client  of  the  day  when  the  sudden  onslaught  of  rain  hits  .  normally  ,  hayden  would  find  the  sound  of  rainfall  relaxing  but  this  was  not  that  .  it’s  loud  and  aggressive  as  the  water  pelts  against  the  windows  .  she  frowns  ,  walking  over  to  the  windows  .  “  jeeze  ,  ”  she  comments  to  [  your  muse  ]  .  “  i  could’ve  sworn  today’s  forecast  was  slightly  cloudy  with  a  low  chance  of  precipitation  .  seriously  ,  i  think  we’re  stuck  in  here  until  it  passes  .  there’s  no  way  anyone  can  get  anywhere  with  that  rain  .  i  just  hope  it  doesn’t  start  to  flood  the  place  .  ”
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daluy0ng · 5 days ago
it was nice to find a familiar face in a foreign place, it provided a relief to sariani, even though it already felt right for her to be there. it wasn't hard for her to find a place to settle in, as she was now rooming with the other. hansa knew sariani well, especially when comes to how much she frequents thrift stores back where she came from, those places are almost a second home to her. the werewolf already had a giddy smile the second they hear hansa's words. "what have you got me?" they rub both their hands together, waiting for hansa to show what she's gotten them. "i'm still adjusting, with the timezone and sleep...you know, i used to be on the other side of the world." she chuckles lightly. " but i'm loving everything so far, i'm kinda liking my job at the old haunt...i just, you know, gotta get my sleep schedule fixed and all...i was kind of late yesterday. not letting it happen again tonight, i'm heading there after." she couldn't help but ramble, due to the little spike of energy in her system after the coffee she had back at their place. "you know...the rain kind of reminds me of the one we get back where i came from...i'm kind of used to it, but...what's really different about it?"
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closed starter for : sariani adlawan / @daluy0ng where : second chances.
hansa was off from work but she didn't mind spending extra time there, with ani, and helping her get settled in. it was weird to think just over a year ago, this was her, getting adjusted to a new town. a place to call home. only, it didn't start to feel that way till recently. but hopefully having someone she knew there would make it easier for sariani. ❝ i actually tucked some stuff away i thought you'd like while i was working. ❞ she smirks, going to a back corner and pulling some stuff out for the other. it sucked they couldn't really enjoy portum in all its beauty, but hansa wasn't going to let the weather completely ruin their day. ❝ how are you liking it so far? minus the raging storm that everyone thinks is a bad omen. ❞ she downplays it, but the gorgon is a little worried also. ❝ i promise its nicer when it's not sopping wet and freezing cold. ❞
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daluy0ng · 7 days ago
a few minutes left, that's how much sariani has left before the start of her shift, the exhaustion of the long travel from her home country to portum has still been creeping up on them. they cannot be late again, for the second time this week, and sariani was surely making a run for it, likely not minding whatever traffic rules she could be breaking right now, it's...a small town after all, right?
the waitress rushed through the streets and eventually decided to cross over one, focused on staring at another direction, not noticing the bike that was incoming—only to notice the screeching halt of it, causing for her to react "tarantado ka ba?" (are you insane?) but that didn't take long for her to realize...she shouldn't have been rushing around reckless like that. "fuck—i just really need to be at work right now..."
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nolan was rushing. he decided to treat ronan to take out when he took his break, but rosie's was swamped at this time of day and his order took longer than expected. it also didn't help that while waiting, one of the patrons (a professor at the university) at the diner decided he was the best listener in the world and talked his ear off about the different plants that grew in portum's forest. while it was helpful for when nolan would go foraging, he just couldn't think straight when his order was taking nearly half an hour to make. right now he was ripping apart portum's streets on his motorcycle, ronan's take out in hand, ready to make a non-stop trip back to the sweetest tooth... until someone decided to run in front of him through the pedestrian lane-less street. before nolan could accidentally run her over, he managed to accidentally akira slide his bike to a halt. "are you out of your fucking mind?!" he yelled, taking off his helmet and ran to check on the person.
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closed starter for @daluy0ng !!
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daluy0ng · 5 days ago
"to be fair...the skatepark i've been to wasn't exactly in its best condition...and it wasn't really taken care of, it's a shame really." the moment sariani arrived to the city back in her home country all those years ago, it was one of the things she's went to, and learned something to do on the side besides on taking up jobs to support herself. it was her calm in the hustle and bustle, skateboarding, biking, the latter being her means of travelling to every place she goes to for work. "it can be a little unsafe at night time, i remember avoiding that place at those hours. maybe...you do have a point."
sariani kept her eyes on meena, who looks like she was deep in thought, maybe envisioning a roller disco in her head with the way she moves around, the other assumes.
"hold up..." they say as they stand up. "you even thought about an open roller disco? maybe a space for both...skate park and roller disco? i don't know but the thought just came to my head." she continues to ramble, not knowing if her idea makes sense. "these bad boys are size 8," she says, lifting one of her sneakers up. "so i assume i'm that size, unless i need to add an inch?"
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"A skate park? No thanks, you should see the state of those places back home. It's all just crude graffiti. I guess I never understood skateboarding, a bit too... after my time. I swear they're like... super nineties,"
She gave her new friend a devilish grin, clearly not serious despite her objection to the idea. It's not the skatepark itself, it's more about their association with graffiti and local kids with nothing better to do. A rather ironically judgemental perspective for an eternally twenty-four year old vampire on roller-skates to have on the next generation, but if there was one thing Meena absolutely was, it was certain. She made up her mind on the matter on one fateful skate around London's Southbank one night in 1996.
After thinking on it just a little, she sped forward slightly and spun around so she could skate backwards, still facing Sariani with a smirk that suggested she was very, very proud of herself.
"Maybe they'd have more respect in Portum. We open a skatepark with CCTV cameras and a fucking huge sign that tells everyone I'll drink their blood if they deface my property. And yep! Exactly like you said. I could teach you, by the way, if you wanted to learn. How big are your feet?"
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daluy0ng · 3 days ago
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"the one with the beach is very pretty, i may keep it." sariani already had postcards from hansa that she had collected over time ever since she had started sending her those from the places she's travelled to, and she wants to put them all on her wall, along with the ones she's going to buy from second chances. she appreciates art, a lot, it was a form she likes to sometimes analyze, as it is a way for people to express themselves. it was her way to learn, and that she does as much as she could. sariani looks at the direction skylar was pointing, realizing that there's so much more she can search through. "woah—yeah...looks like there's still a lot more to look at." at the woman's offer, she couldn't help but give her a smile. "i won't say no to some help, i just know i may end up taking a box home if i don't choose..." she chuckles to herself. "thank you, erm...i didn't catch your name. i'm sariani, by the way."
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The corner of her lips lifted in a half amused smile. It was a cute cat. "Personally, I'm partial to the beach." Skylar said, tilting her head at the art print. She idly wondered if she could do something like that - put her own art on post cards. It seemed like an easy enough concept. But then of course, she would have to be willing to share her art in the first place. And that she was not. "There's like, hundreds of postcards here." She said, nodding to another box stacked beside the one they were already looking at. "Do you want some help? I like postcards." She said with a shrug. "I'm just here to kill some time anyway."
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daluy0ng · 3 days ago
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"that's usually what people say when they go to places like this." sariani glances up at the other woman for a moment with a smile before going back on exploring through the shirts that were in the box. "here's erm...a bunch of vintage shirts, i believe." she lifts up one to show the other. "this one says...oceanside seafood freshly caught, i don't know, i kinda like this one so..." she now slings it over her shoulder as she continues to search through the others. "there's...a bagel shirt and—oh, a queen one. you wanna look them too?" she puts the box down for the other to see. "they're either silly funny or band merch...there's no in between..."
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         fingertips  absentmindedly  brush  along  the  hangers  as  valeria  sifts  through  the  selection  of  clothing  .  thrift  shops  have  always  provided  a  certain  level  of  comfort  to  the  reaper  .  often  times  serving  as  stimulus  for  memories  that  seemed  long  forgotten  to  resurface  once  more  .  lips  are  twisted  up  in  thought  as  they  continue  to  browse  ,  stopping  short  and  awkwardly  clearing  their  throat  at  the  presence  of  the  werewolf  .  “  don’t  be  sorry  .  ”  they  smile  politely  .  “  i’m  just  browsing  .  not  really  looking  for  anything  in  particular  .  just  something  that  speaks  to  me  ,  i  suppose  .  ”  head  nods  towards  the  box  .  “  anything  good  in  there  ?  ”  
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daluy0ng · 3 days ago
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"just didn't want to be on anybody's way, but i think i've been in my own little world long enough..." still, sariani smiles apologetically, looking up at the woman as she still was rummaging through the box that had been in her arms for quite a bit now. "it's a bunch of enamel pins in this box, so far all i'm finding are ones that are from mcdonald's, i assume...the golden arches in different kinds..." she moves the box a little bit to show the blonde it's contents, and ones that are already in their hand. "i'm digging the fact that they're from different years. i may put them in line on the wall...a little frame with the pins in it...what do you think?"
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the  current  weather  was  not  one  amelia  liked  to  venture  out  into  that  much,  preferring  to  stay  shielded  at  home  if  she  had  the  chance.  however,  she  wanted  to  be  out  today,  the  feeling  of  being  home  being  one  she  couldn't  stomach,  for  reasons  she  couldn't  figure  out.  her  location  of  choice  of  the  day  was  second  chances.  she  had  been  here  a  few  times  before,  always  managing  find  something  that  struck  her  eye,  the  place  becoming  a  favorite  of  hers  since.  she  shook  her  head  at  the  woman.  " no,  no.  it's  fine,  don't  mind  me. "  she  said,  waving  her  off  with  her  hand  as  she  walked  past  her.  " i'm  just  browsing,  seeing  what  manages  to  catch  my  eye  this  time.  have  you  found  anything  good ? "
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daluy0ng · 9 days ago
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"i was gonna say skate park—i want to learn new things and stuff." sariani says as she leans back, propping on both their hands behind then whilst they take in the evening air along the shore as meena spoke. "though that, that idea isn't bad after all, i don't know shit about roller skating." she says in response. "i mean, besides the tourists, you think it's going to be something people in this town would like?" the waitress now turns to look at the other. "won't lie to you, i've never been to a roller disco before, i've only seen those places in the movies, and they...seem fun?" she says, squinting her eyes a little, trying to perhaps, already imagine the place in her head. "yeah...purplish lights, disco ball, eighties vibe, right?"
OPEN STARTER . Open to all & feel free to assume connections LOCATION . Along the shore, just after sundown
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Some people jogged around town. Some people preferred to work out at the gym. Meena Patel, however, had a different approach. The night was cool and clear, and she'd had the bright idea to dust off one of her favourite pairs of roller skates (of which, she had many)—a glittering, neon pair that was sure to make an impression during the darkening gloom of dusk. To any onlookers, the vampire seemed to be in a particularly good mood as she skated across the pavement.
"Y'know what Portum needs?" she mused out loud, slowing down once she caught up to someone who'd been walking ahead of her.
"Roller disco. I don't know if we need one, but it'd be something for the tourists, right? Or just a bit of a laugh. Something I think would be very needed right now,"
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daluy0ng · 5 days ago
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sariani had assumed that the woman preferred not to be disturbed, so after she had suggested where the new batch of frames were, they didn't initiate anything more than that, just humming along the music as she went through the old art prints, deciding on which ones she can put on the wall, perhaps adding a bit of her own flair at the place she shares with hansa, who was kind enough to offer for them to be roommates. she then looks up when the woman starts speaking to her. "there's these...postcard-sized art prints, i found one of a cute cat so far." she says, picking it up to show to the other. "m'just looking for more, can't just stick one to my side of the wall. maybe this one with the scenic beach, and this other one with a bunch of flowers, i don't know...what do you think?"
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"Oh. Uh, thanks. I'll give it a go." Sky's eyes flickered towards the other, giving them a second glance. Her irritation dissipated...for now. Skylar wasn't exactly what anyone would call a people person. It was certainly nice of the other to take notice and point her in the right direction. But Skylar had experienced kindness from strangers so infrequently in her life, that she was always just a little bit standoffish at first. "What's in the box?" She wondered now, nodded her head towards whatever it was they were digging through. "Anything good?"
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daluy0ng · 5 days ago
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sariani already had a shirt in had, a vintage white one with a red corvette on it. it was still in pristine condition, just showing its age a little, which made the waitress fall in love and snag it immediately. "it's a lucky find, i gotta feeling it's hard to find everywhere else." she gave the man a smile, lifting the shirt with a little victorious smile. "thank you—i'm definitely taking this one home." she hums at his next question, eyes landing back on the box in her arms. "just looking at these wooden charms and trinkets, they kinda caught my eye. but i also got a jacket, kinda wearin' it right now." she gestures at the letterman jacket she's currently wearing. "it's a little chilly with this storm...is this, erm, is this not really normal for this town?" she asks, not with disbelief, but with curiosity laced in her voice.
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ephraim  didn’t  have  all  that  much  money,   but  he  didn’t  mind  it.   if  anything,  it  made  life  more  of  a  challenge  —  finding  rags  that  he  could  wear  at  the  auto  shop,  couch  surfing  between  whichever  friends  were  happy  to  have  him  that  week.  life  was  new,  fresh,  exciting  and  still  so  unfamiliar,  and  the  need  for  some  more  garments  that  weren’t  grease  stained  had  taken  him  to  second  chances  that  morning.  it  kept  him  out  of  the  weather,  too  —  although  ephraim  didn’t  have  wings  anymore,  he  was  still  cautious  of  getting  too  damp.  he  squeezed  past  the  unfamiliar  girl,  chuckling  and  shaking  his  head,  “no.  no.  i  wanted  to  say,  i  think  it’ll  look  good  on  you.  you  should  buy  it.”  a  genuine  smile,  no  ulterior  motives  or  strange  intentions.  “it’s  cool  in  here,  isn’t  it?  find  anything  else  good?”
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