#﹙ 🌸 ┋ musing. ﹚
twistedappletree · 9 months
Arranged marriage zhuiling AU where instead of being arranged to marry each other, Jiang Cheng keeps trying to set Jin Ling up with random girls from other clans after Jin Ling mentions he’s interested in marrying ‘someone’ because he doesn’t know Jin Ling meant Lan Sizhui, so Jin Ling keeps doing the most ridiculously annoying and unappealing things to scare off every girl who comes to Koi Tower and Jiang Cheng is ripping his hair out because you little brat, you said you wanted to get married???
Eventually, both of them are so exhausted from the miscommunication that Jiang Cheng investigates and finally finds out what’s wrong, then tells Jin Ling he has one more potential spouse for him to meet. Jin Ling is a pouting lackluster mess over it until his entire world stops when the doors to Koi Tower open and Lan Sizhui walks through.
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ancientgreekyuri · 4 months
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This picrew is so cutes ^.^
.... I wanna redo the Diasterius one so I'll add them later 😭
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sunshiinnne · 3 months
You're alone, but in the company of millenia of thinking.
Everything seems to be at peace at night when you are in the company of your own thoughts.
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angelicyoongie · 4 months
OMG! I’m so excited you are doing ask my muse! My question for the lovesick guys is this…
Are you guys ever gonna give MC her freedom back and let her go back to work/school? Will her life ever be normal again once you’re not worried about her running off?
(These questions were sent in before the final LS chapter was posted, so they will be answered from the perspective of the boys in ch 15!)
"We are planning on letting Y/n resume her degree eventually," Namjoon says carefully. He shares a slighty shaky smile with Yoongi.
"She might have to finish it online if the new place we're moving to doesn't offer the same program, but we have no intention of keeping her from living out her dreams," Seokjin supplies.
"She doesn't really have to work though," Jimin shrugs, "Between the seven of us, we make more than enough to support her. I'd rather she spends her time doing things she enjoys at home, where it's safe, over working menial jobs where she's surrounded by dangerous strangers."
Jungkook and Taehyung nod in agreement. Hoseok considers the final question for a moment before he leans forward in his seat, a chilling smile on his face as he says, "I'm not sure I like the implication you're making. Y/n does have a normal life already – what could be more normal than finally being together with her soulmates?"
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yeahgen · 11 days
The untimely sound he hears from a nearby fountain has Yagen pause in the middle of his walk. Violet pupils narrow from behind a bronze owl mask, and then the tantou's walking to the water's edge in the darkness, where he sees...
A lump in the water, and fading bubbles rising to the surface?
Instincts and training kick in at the same time before he's throwing his cane aside to lug one unconscious human out of the pool and onto the grass, where Yagen thumps on his back.
'Oi, wake up!'
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'You okay?'
A faint but persistent scent of alcohol fills the air.
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hyaciiintho · 25 days
🌸。*゚+. Life update under the cut! But in summary I've been busy but haven't forgotten the blog and will hopefully be in a better spot to focus on tumblr this next coming month! Have a lovely day everyone~!
Been working on my carrd teeny tiny bit by bit, but boy howdy does moving and all that comes with it take it out of me (preparing to move, the act of moving, and settling in) !! Good news though, I'll finally get my own room on the 31st, so I'll finally have space to set up my PC this coming September and get back to working on blog stuff! c: I've just been drained and busy and pulled so many different directions in such a small amount of time, that I'm just kinda not focused whenever I do have time to sit down and type stuff. I usually just wanna turn my brain off and games or nap.
Still gotta keep job hunting, repaint the room (it's my old room actually! And my cousin left it a downright mess... the walls are so scuffed ;; ;;), move everything in, and set everything up... and then I'll finally be able to start recouping properly! Came back from a trip to Disney with my sisters (that was fun!) and then I get to see The Fluffy on stage this coming Saturday, so the excitement is far from over for me-- not that it's a bad thing! I'm just... really eager to have a moment of... peace after all this pffft~ still looking forward to it, of course! I'm SO excited !!
I've also been sick with the plague (hurray) so I must have caught it whilst on the plane or during my time at Disney :c so my brain has been so scrambled and fried (just ask anyone who's been playing Overwatch with me this passed week LOL) Tina and Snow know firsthand.
All in all, I'm just really eager to do more than just play xbox and stare blankly at a wall all day, and instead, finally feel like myself again where I can reply to Guilded & Discord rp's, type more carrd bios, and then to also have my PC where I can make pretty graphics and get things flowing again!
Hope y'all have a lovely day! Hope to finally-- finally-- be back on here full swing soon enough!
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femgirlfriend · 3 days
i need to watch the iwtv movie from 1994 but everytime i see clips of it it's so ridiculous....
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bunnythieved · 8 months
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long time no post, i’m not able to talk or reply to stuff on here much bc i’m so busy with school but i wanted to share my little turo ita bag with you all ^__^ hopefully i can start being more active on here soon, once my schoolwork has gone down a lil !
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queenbeeibee · 4 months
@hells-musing-along re:
Bee knelt down slowly so that she didn't tower quite so high over Lilith's head, reaching out a hand for the Queen to step on. "Shit... Okay. I can fix this. It should be temporary - maybe it was a side-effect of using so many of my insects... there was probably a lot of residual energy trapped inside the pieces. No problem. We just have to expend the energy." Somehow. "Safely." Someway. "And you should go back to being full sized." Hopefully. "Easy as cake."
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blue-jewel-muses · 3 months
Lambda Supreme
Name: Lambda Supreme.
Nickname(s): 'Lamb, Valentine (jokingly).
Age: Adult.
Height: 120ft.
Birthplace: Project Bay, Iacon, Cybertron.
Gender: Mech.
Pronouns: He/Him.
Sexuality: Gay.
Faction: Autobot.
Rank: Supreme Medic.
Alt mode: Cybertronian ship (picture to come).
Weapon(s): A blaster on his right arm and a laser on his left arm, both can be retracted to reveal his hands, he has integrated weapons in his shoulders, above his chest, his hips and his ankles.
Accent: American.
Personality: He is a pacifist, sweet and kind, a pure soul that wouldn't hurt a fly, he can be a bit shy and get a bit bashful from a compliment, he can also have a laugh with his family and be a bit cheeky, however when there is a confrontation it causes him distress because he hates conflict, the mere idea of causing someone harm is enough to make him uncomfortable, he is happy to heal rather than destroy, when his medical programming takes over and it makes him serious, firm but calm under pressure, but when it isn't he is back to his usual personality.
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Background: Lambda was built and onlined when the wars were over, this was so that if the Decepticons were to ever return to Cybertron then there would be a Supreme there to protect, however Weeljack and Perceptor couldn't have anticipated that he would be a pacifist, while that did complicate things, he was still given a chance to live his life, and it turned out that Lambda did love being able to heal bots rather than harm, so it was decided that he would be the first Medic amongst the Supremes, which he was more than happy to do, so he got medical training and now works in Iacon Hospital.
Healing bots.
Working at Iacon Hospital.
Spending time with friends and family.
Causing harm.
Bots being hurt.
Using his weapons.
Losing his family.
Killing someone.
Strong because of his thick armour.
Able to protect others without the use of his weapons.
His size gives him a disadvantage since he moves slower than an average-sized Cybertronian.
Because he doesn't use his weapons it makes him a bigger target should be ever be in a battle.
Extra info:
The only time he ever has his weapons out is when he has maintenance done, even if he isn't fond of it he understands it's necessary so he is comfortable and he isn't ever forced to shoot his weapons, even for a test run because of being a pacifist.
He has holoform tech to be smaller and can work in Iacon Hospital, he's taller than the rest of the bots.
The weapons at the ends of his arms retract to reveal his hands, which are coloured red and white.
Crush(es)/Bondmate(s): Male!Muse.
Family: Omega Supreme (Eldest brother), Sigma Supreme (Older brother)
TF Verse(s): Transformers Animated.
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starjynx · 3 months
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cxpperhead · 8 months
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Oh. Oh no. Could it already be..? Why yes, yes it was. Copperhead sighs, pressing two scaly fingertips to the bridge of his nose - not that doing so would help the bouquet of aromas currently flooding his senses. Valentine's Day was coming, but that wasn't the problem. Beyond the sickeningly sweet scent of flowers and chocolates, he could smell that spring was on the way and if it was like all the previous years, he was in for a rough couple of weeks.
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ancientgreekyuri · 4 months
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Thought it would be funny to try to make Aznerine in this picrew, but I realized doing their bronze age designs wouldn't be impossible... and so 😭
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sunshiinnne · 3 months
I don't want these noises anymore,
Let me drown in the depths of a sea, where the peace awaits me.
I wish to delight in the serenity and calmness of the sea, away from the world, away from the people.
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lover-cook · 4 months
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Also um. posting these cause it's still Technically Mermay but... Two different mermaid AUS which I call 'A Sea Monster, Some Pirates, And A Storm' and 'The Cook and the Mermaid' respectively Very different in vibe lol
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yeahgen · 19 days
Passing by an alley, Yagen overhears raised voices and backtracks for a better look. There's a small crowd gathered there: four men versus one they've got backed up in a corner, yelling something about returns and reimbursements.
It looks and sounds unfriendly, but it's not until one of the men raises a fist that he speaks up.
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'Are they threatening you?'
He's addressing the man in the very back, a guy with soft brown hair who's the target of the gang-up. But it's one of the others who replies first with a snort. "Stay out of this, kid."
It can't be helped. Despite the tantou at his side, Yagen just looks like some skinny 15-year old boy. Still, he stands his ground and addresses the last guy again.
'I mean it. Do you need help?'
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