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luvielie · 11 months ago
ok agora mandando o link certo 🙏🏻 pfvrrrrr divinha, se possível e se for do seu agrado, eu iria amar ouvir seus pensamentos pensantes sobre esses dois 🥺
releva o errado eu sou meio lesa às vezes SHDSJSOSBAOABSOSNB um beijo pra ti mwah mwah 🎀💋
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK sem problemas, bestie, eu dou várias dessa tbm
warnings: corruption kink (kinda?), dubcon, double penetration, nipple play, oral [f and m receiving], face sitting, dirty talk etc etc etc (não tenho controle sobre o que isso se tornou)
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ok, para esse cenário eu imaginei a reader sendo uma garotinha bem bobinha, um pouco ingênua, ali no comecinho dos seus vinte anos e recém-completados. eles três se conheceram em uma peça que estavam fazendo juntos, seu primeiro grande papel, e acabaram ficando bem amigos, do tipo próximos mesmo, porque os dois te acolheram como se você fosse uma gatinha perdida, cuidando de você, te ajudando em tudo que você precisasse e, por serem atores mais experientes, te dando vários conselhos e dicas muito úteis para usar no palco, bem como fora dele.
enfim. em uma noite qualquer, após o ensaio, todo o elenco e a equipe de produção se juntam numa conversa descontraída enquanto arrumam a bagunça e se preparam para ir embora. você não saberia dizer como, mas o assunto acabou chegando no tópico sexo, mais especificamente algo que nunca fizeram na cama (ou fora dela) e morrem de vontade de experimentar. você fica só ouvindo as libertinagens quietinha, meio que no cantinho do camarim compartilhado, escondidinha, torcendo para ninguém te perceber, porém, não consegue escapar por muito tempo: uma das atrizes leva a atenção para você, perguntando o seu fetiche, e ficam todos os pares de olhos assim 👀👀👀 esperando pela sua resposta.
você fica morrendo de vergonha, toda coradinha e nervosa, sem saber o que falar, suando frio, e demorando horrores pra conseguir soltar um "acho que threesome" num gaguejo fraquinho, quase inaudível, mas que atingiu os ouvidos certos. quase que imediatamente ao te ouvir, enzo e fernando se encaram, num misto de surpresa e cumplicidade, só para confirmar que as duas cabeças (ou, melhor, as quatro) estavam maquinando sobre a mesma coisa.
conversa vai, conversa vem, vocês três finalmente vão embora juntos, no carro de fernando (não sei se ele dirige, vamos imaginar que sim), porque moram todos no mesmo prédio. a viagem quase toda foi um completo silêncio, exceto pela música baixinha que tocava no rádio, até o argentino soltar uma risadinha de escárnio, balançando a cabeça para os dois lados. "threesome, hm? quem imaginaria...", fala, descrente, fazendo enzo rir junto, mais suave. e você, uma pobre coitada, já quer morrer de constrangimento, o rostinho queimando e o corpo se afundando no estofado de couro, praticamente se fundindo ao material negro, e chega a cogitar se seria muito dramático se atirar do carro em movimento, igual aquela cena de lady bird.
"me pergunto de onde ela tira essas ideias", o uruguaio suspira, num tom de pai decepcionado. "é isso que você faz, nena, trancada no seu quarto? fica assistindo desconhecidas sendo comidas por dois caras ao mesmo tempo, imaginando que é você no lugar delas?”, eles te olham pelo retrovisor, achando a coisinha mais fofa você toda encolhidinha e tímida, se negando a responder a pergunta.
já no elevador, você, na frente pois desce primeiro, sente o ar pesando dentro do cubículo metálico, te envolvendo em uma tensão tão palpável que poderia ser cortada a faca. sabia que os pares de olhos estavam cravados nas suas costas, queimando a pele coberta, e se pega praticamente rezando pro seu andar chegar logo e poder respirar livremente. porém, tão focada nos números brilhando no visor que indica o andar, mal notou os dois homens se aproximando, sorrateiros igual dois leões cercando uma presa, reduzindo seu espaço pessoal a nada ao te empurrar delicadamente de encontro a parede gélida.
“achei que a gente tinha te dito que você poderia nos pedir ajuda pra qualquer coisa que precisasse”, enzo diz, ressentido, a mão virando seu rostinho nervoso para que o olhasse nos olhos.
“e, quando dissemos qualquer coisa, era qualquer coisa mesmo.”, fer pontua, firme.
quando viu, estava sendo amassada em um sanduíche apertado, fer na frente e enzo atrás, te fazendo sentir cada pedacinho dos corpos robustos, fortes, te tocando, pressionando, te jogando para lá e para cá igual uma bonequinha de pano. o argentino, mais novo, era mais ansioso, pouco delicado, marcava a clavícula com mordidas e chupões, enquanto o uruguaio, por ser mais velho e experiente, era mais calmo, tranquilo, beijava e lambia carinhosamente a nuca, fazendo sua cabecinha girar com as dinâmicas completamente opostas, sem saber no que se concentrar direito.
suspirou afetada com os pares de mão percorrendo todo seu corpinho arrepiado, duas se concentrando nos peitos cobertos pelo cropped, sem sutiã, alcançando os biquinhos tesos, e duas invadindo sua saia jeans, apertando energeticamente sua bunda, praticamente toda descoberta pela calcinha minúscula. você fechou os olhinhos, fraca, a mente enuviada com tantas sensações novas criando um caos em seus neurônios.
(vamos fingir que tem uma baita transição aqui, eles levando ela pro apartamento do enzo, tirando a roupa e blablabla pq já tá enorme e ainda tem mais coisa pra desenvolver)
enzo deitou recostado na cabeceira da cama e bateu nas pernas, te chamando para sentar ali. puxou a face vermelhinha com delicadeza, te beijando com amor e desejo, e você gemeu contra a boca dele ao perceber a cabecinha do pau de fernando batendo na sua entradinha apertada, penetrando-lhe firmemente, nem precisando de muito para que você alcançasse o primeiro orgasmo da noite, e despejando-se em você logo em seguida.
sem nem ter tempo de respirar direito ou se recuperar da onda de prazer, já se vê sendo girada em cima do corpo de enzo, ficando de quatro, os joelhos abertos para comportar o tronco amplo do uruguaio entre eles e as mãozinhas apoiadas nas coxas grossas dele.
tomou um susto ao sentir as palmas grandes do homem abaixo na sua barriga, te puxando mais para trás. buscou os olhos enegrecidos de luxúria do contigiani, que pacientemente bombeava o membro ainda teso com a destra. ele sorriu para você, “seja boazinha e fica paradinha, ok?”, pediu.
o que seria impossível, principalmente quando a língua quente de enzo percorreu toda a extensão da sua bucetinha recheada, lambendo cada dobrinha sensível, sugando gotinha por gotinha dos fluídos misturados e afundando o nariz grande em toda sua umidade. você fincou as unhas curtas nos músculos sobre as palmas, apertando com força para tentar sustentar o peso nos braços trêmulos e quase gritou ao sentir o rosto masculino se prensando ainda mais fundo no seu sexo, mordiscando levemente o pontinho de nervos inchado e pulsante, todavia, foi imediatamente calada pelo falo latejante do argentino, que aproveitou a deixa para se empurrar por inteiro para dentro da cavidade molhada, te causando um engasgo, os olhos ardendo com as lágrimas que embaçavam a vista.
o quarto virou uma desordem de sons: os gemidos altos de fernando, seus grunhidos abafados pelo pau que pulsava sobre sua língua e o barulho indecente que enzo produzia ao chupar com força seus lábios sensibilizados.
“você quer o cuzinho?”, a voz melodiosa de fernando soou abafada em seus tímpanos, mas ele não falava com você. arregalou os olhinhos, assustada, ouvindo a confirmação de enzo com um desespero queimando no peito, misturado a falta de ar. o argentino te encarou com deboche: “não vai ficar medrosinha agora, né?”, provocou, movendo o quadril para frente para que você o engolisse mais fundo, calando sua insegurança com uma jatada volumosa de gozo.
agora deitadinha com as costas apoiadas no peito de enzo, não conseguia mais pronunciar um som que não fossem os gemidinhos incoerentes que vez ou outra soprava entre os dentes, convertida em uma bagunça de suor, lágrimas e porra, que escorria em gotas grossas pelos cantinhos da sua boca escancarada. observou fernando vasculhar as gavetas da cômoda ao lado da cama até encontrar um tubinho branco e azul, que você reconheceu de cara. se arrepiou ao sentir o fio gosmento e gélido escorrer por todo seu sexo, o homem esfregando os dígitos longos para espalhar o líquido transparente pelas suas duas entradinhas. o argentino não esperou para se afundar, novamente, na bucetinha agora já acostumada a recebê-lo, mas enzo te deu um tempinho para respirar, acariciando sua cintura e beijando a pele delicada do seu ombro.
“tudo bem?”, quis confirmar, a cabecinha do pau, até então negligenciado, se posicionando no buraquinho rugoso. você balançou a cabeça em uma afirmação ainda incerta, se arqueando toda com o membro grosso se enfiando dentro da entrada virgem, esticando-a lentamente, o rosto todo contorcendo-se em uma expressão incomodada. fer se abaixou o pouquinho e abocanhou seu seio direito, chupando a auréola sensível com gana, e arrastou a mão grande para o outro, massageando-o, prendendo o biquinho entre o polegar e o indicador e girando-o suavemente, numa tentativa de te distrair do desconforto.
quando você se acostumasse com a sensação, te comeriam daquele jeitinho, com força, ritmando as estocadas para você senti-los direitinho na mesma intensidade, até que se esvaziassem completamente dentro de você, te preenchendo inteira.
além disso, antes de te deixarem descansar, vão fazer questão de te comer mais uma vezinha daquele jeito, mais lentinho, invertendo as posições: dessa vez, o vogrincic virá por baixo, descansando seu rostinho suado no peito dele, e fernando virá por cima, fazendo questão de desferir alguns tapas na sua bundinha empinada e rindo, divertindo-se ao ver você se tremer todinha com o contato mais agressivo. eles se posicionariam novamente nas suas entradinhas doloridas, entrando devagarzinho pra não te machucar muito, e empurrando o gozo um do outro bem fundinho dentro de você, garantindo que as essências ficassem marcadas em seu interior por dias.
“é realmente impossível conhecer as pessoas totalmente, né?”, fer ri, cansado, no fio de voz que restou.
enzo concorda, “você olha esse rostinho de garotinha inocente e nem imagina que por baixo tem uma putinha suja que ama ficar toda entupidinha de porra.”
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fangel · 1 month ago
could we get a sneak peek of what you're cooking up ?? love yours fics !! 🖤
OMG yeah of course ! ( ;´꒳`;) i literally have an update queued for tomorrow but thank you for asking :D !! i haven’t been very active so i thought ppl would forget about me lol
preview snippet of my next story under the cut :3 a little over 4k words. lil slice of the cake or lick of the frosting ? idk but the intro before the main story
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 You’re not sure what life in your small town was like before you were born. You can imagine it’s not too different from what it is now though. The thing about old country towns is they never seem to change. Open fields and miles of farmland. A few gas stations, one grocery store, a few family owned vegetable stands or in-home produce product shops. Only one notable neighborhood where the majority of the townspeople lived if not hidden somewhere else in the countryside. And too many churches to keep track of if the abandoned ones were included in the count. 
You like to think your parents were happy before you too. Hopeful and optimistic when offered to take over your uncle’s farm. Excited for the next step in their relationship after their marriage. They were the ideal family dream coming to life: high school lovers, engaged after graduation, married, a career handed to them through family with a large property of land and beautiful farmhouse. All that was left was to grow that family. To have children to not only help tend the fields and animals but run around barefoot, all smiles, and wide eyed. 
You were positive that it was something they wanted. 
But life couldn’t have been that easy for them; it would’ve been too gratuitous of a blessing.
The day you were born, your father knew there was something greatly wrong with you. He claimed that on the day you ripped your mother open, screaming and crying, that God spoke to him for the first time. He called it divine intervention. Believing the birth of your soul was a red-herring of all that was set to come but God would show him the light, the truth: that you were nothing short of evil and needed saving. 
That year on the farm there was nothing but death. It only furthered your father’s harsh thinking of you. The crops and produce either died or rotted before it had the chance to grow or ripe. The animals were dropping dead from unknown illnesses. Every female livestock that gave birth passed in doing so. Barely any profits were made that year. Taxes were rising and so were the prices of nearly everything. It was a huge toll for your family, especially when raising their first child. Before you were even conscious of the situation everything was already deemed your fault. 
Through the harrowing struggle, your father’s optimism turned to resentment. He claimed that bringing you to the farm was not like bringing a daughter home, but a corrosive parasite. He believed that you were the reason for the life being sucked away from their perfect farm life. So, he turned to the only thing that he could trust to save the family from your curse: God. Begging and pleading through prayers every morning and night to the sky for a better season. 
He studied religion here and there before taking over his brother-in-law's farm but with the farm failing for the first time, he took a change of career paths. He was already well known among the locals, close with the church goers in the community. And somewhere along the way, he managed to start preaching himself. Nearly every christian in your town moved churches to follow where he went. Like sheep to a shepherd. 
If only they knew what you did, what he was truly like behind the closed doors of your home. How his devotion was turning to violence. Day by day, becoming uglier. 
While your father busied himself with his new found family, often away from home on the farm, the crops and animals began to thrive again. Slowly but surely, growing and regaining health. He would say it’s God’s doing, a small taste of His salvation. 
Your early years were mostly troubled by the relationship of your parents. Too young to fully understand their disputes, drawing at the kitchen table with their yelling sounding the house. It was always about you, that much you knew. Because you watch and you listen. Quick to learn that they tried for another child but never had any success. They wanted someone else to be their baby. Something that felt more like a blessing than you. Your father constantly spitting in your mother’s face that you were the rot to the fruit of her womb. And then he would always end up leaving by slamming the door and your mother would always join you at the table with tears and a bottle of wine. You always just watched, listening in silence. Perhaps just born resilient.
Growing up was different for you compared to most of the kids in your town. You never had the opportunity to make many friends being homeschooled. The only time that was spent around others your age was kindergarten. Kindergarten was short lived because of your behavior; the teachers at school were concerned about you. How you were mean, rough, and sinister with your actions towards others. Picking on the kids you were simply interested in because of how different from you they were. Drawing pictures of gutted cattle or dead, half developed baby chicks still in their shell and giving them as gifts to the teachers. Sharing to classmates the cruelty of farm life and why it was pretty with a smile. 
Your father loved to find out about this, you could see it in his eyes. The way they were wicked and screamed I told you so to your mother. You didn’t understand why it was bad or caused trouble. You were only having fun for the first time. The way the kids ran away crying or the teachers wore faces of shocked horror, it made your insides light up in joy. A new feeling—a sense of excitement. You didn’t know it was sick. And of course, it was taken from you. You were removed from school and your mother became your teacher. Your classmates became stuffed animals and the real ones in the barns. It was hard for you to find that joy you briefly felt with others. 
Sometimes you had a glimpse of it again when your father would punish you. But even that you grew sick of. The mess, the stench of it all. Sticky and red, worse in the heat of summer. He drilled the sick moto for his actions into your head, “I know no punishment, only mercy.”
Father took you both to church more often after that. He had a false image to uphold afterall, one of a happy, God loving family. In his ego he had to prove that his preaching and prayers could fix you, save you. But that was only admitted at home, loud and scary to your mother. Your poor mother, weak and defensive of you, eventually waved her white flag. You wished she kept fighting for you and that she wouldn’t begin to see you the way your father did. 
Childhood and adolescence was a string of questions about yourself. Never quite finding out what made you so bad to be seen as devilish when all you thought of yourself was curious. Perhaps just unlucky to be correlated with negative happenings on and off the farm, always gone without a chance of understanding. Despite it all, you knew well enough the way your parents talked and looked at you was without unconditional love. 
On your 17th birthday, the family dynamic made the biggest shift to be experienced. 
At this age, you had such a strong sense of independence and with the lack of parental guidance and monitoring, you would leave town when you could. Ride your bike down the long road to the bus stop at the center of town and take the bus into the city over. Your mother was generous with allowance and you saved your money well, only spending it on books or trips to the movie theater. A form of escape that allowed you to learn more about the world and all the things your parents tried to keep hidden from you. A way to learn how to be human. 
So when your father was tearing your room apart in search of the same gift he re-gifts you every year, he found some things that made his stomach churn. Every year for your birthday he rewrapped the same, first ever, bible he’d given you. Funny enough that he gave you anything at all considering he never even referred to it as your day, only his day of revelation. And to his disgust, on his sacred day, he found books and journals of explicitly detailed copulation and debauchery. 
He almost fainted. Stumbling over his own feet, hands shaking as he couldn’t tear his eyes away from the words on the pages. That was the only time you smiled on that day. Just for a second. And then a glimpse of hell broke loose. 
In a rage, he destroyed everything. Your mother stood next to you in tears, telling him to stop and stop. Her hands covered her face but she saw everything through her fingers. You only watched in silence, hands balled in fists by your side. A silent hatred and anger coursed in you. He called you names that no man of God should, especially to his own daughter. 
“You’re a disgraceful deviant of Satan! I should’ve known. My own day of revelation is a curse!” You watched him rip pages apart, his voice booming through the house. “Years spent praying for you and this is how you turn out?! Succumbing to nothing but a dreaming whore?!”
A part of you liked his mean words. It was so rare for him to use such colorful language. 
You knew what would come next. He was going to have you ‘cleansed’ by a lamb. Something he always did when he discovered something new and sacrilegious of you. 
But it didn’t come. Because there was no dying, old lamb on the farm at the time. He did make a promise to not forget though. A promise to have you washed in sacrificial, blessed blood on a day you least expected. 
Your father left after that, leaving you and your mother behind. He moved to the city to continue his preaching at a larger church. He became known as the closest reverend to God for miles and miles. Lost in his ways, he only made visits when he needed to sort things out for the business of the farm.
You were content with his departure, yet couldn’t quite understand why your mother missed him. As far as you’ve seen, he was never kind towards either of you. 
 But now, it’s several years later. And although you’re free of your father’s heavy presence and homilies, he still makes his trips to the farm. You can feel the air change whenever he does, as if you’ve gained a sixth sense for his coming. Naturally intuitive to things having spent your childhood walking on eggshells in your own home. 
And today, the air feels particularly chill for summer. The breeze sweeps in through your open window. The forecast called for nothing but sunshine all week, yet there’s an angry, dark cloud hanging over your farm. A foreboding feeling shivers through you, and you know he’s going to fulfill his promise today. You sigh and slide out of bed. “Let’s get this over with.”
You spend the morning doing your usual routine. Brushing teeth, washing your face, then dressing in farm work attire. Your breakfast consists of tea and your mothers homemade strawberry scone. Next is tending to the animals. Your mother usually takes care of the crops and gardening. It’s a quiet and early morning, as most are. The both of you keep to yourselves, just doing what needs to be done day by day. 
The sound of a car is heard coming down to the long dirt road and you know who it is by the sound. It’s a fancier vehicle than the one he left this property with years ago. A meaner part of you likes to think his greedy hands got into that mega church’s donations but you’re too self aware of the successful farm your family owns. 
Your father parks in front of the house and your mother is quick to rush over to him, presumably with many questions: How have you been? Are you hungry? Thirsty? What brings you here so early in the month? 
You roll your eyes at her desperation to cling onto the relationship that clearly ended when you were a child. 
You place a hand on your hip, leaning your weight to the side that isn’t carrying the heavy bucket of chicken feed. Walking away from the coops and back towards the shed by the house, you make eye contact with your father despite only taking a glance. 
He watches you with narrow eyes from the lowered window of the car he’s still sitting in, very much not listening to a word your mother is saying. 
He calls your name before you can open the shed. Spinning on the heels of your boots, you turn around with raised brows of questioning. 
He mouths the words sacrificial tree as he exits the car. Your mother sees this. She wears pained disappointment as she scurries away. Presumably to the barn where the sheeps and lambs are kept. She might as well be a sheep too, you think. 
The bucket slips from your fingers and drops to the patchy dirt grass by your feet with a thud, spilling over in a mess that will be cleaned later. 
You don’t bother giving him a nod of understanding. You just turn around and begin your walk to the tree line where the man made path is. Knowing it would take some time for his preparations, you walk to the lake that’s hidden behind the farmland. 
It’s a brief walk through your familiar woods. Once at the short wooden dock, you sit down at the end, taking in the gloomy summer scenery. A light fog hugs over the water. You bring your knees to your chest, in your sitting position, and hug yourself the same way. 
This is your favorite place out of all the land your family owns. It’s serene, mostly. Always quiet. You’re the only one who comes here. And it’s nice to swim with when the weather warrants it. There’s a feeling here that’s hard to feel anywhere else you find yourself. Sometimes you imagine what it would be like with someone else, but you doubt it would be as nice. Trouble has a way of following you, it seems. You frown at the thought. 
It’s silent like this for a few minutes, just you trying to find a sense of calmness before the impending chastisement. Then you hear some rustling of leaves, heavy footsteps following. You don’t turn around yet, you only wait for the call of your name. Your time of tranquility is too brief. You sigh before giving yourself a squeezing hug. 
“It’s time,” the reverend calls out loudly, “quickly now, we have new farmhands arriving soon.” The sound of his feet walking away is when you stand. You wave a goodbye to the foggy lake before parting ways. Your feet move unconsciously, taking to where your body knows to go. 
Leaves crinkle underneath your boots and twigs snap. The trees’ branches sway in the gentle morning breezes that pass. 
In the mix of the small forest, man made crosses of sticks or plywood are spaciously scattered. Most small but one large. Old rotted wood that stands crooked and begging to fall over right next to the largest, strongest tree. Your eyes, that are trained to ground, move upwards the cross and then to the tree. Your father stands there with a large knife in hand. Your mother waits cautiously not too far away. Her demeanor is frightful as if this is the first time. Coward.
An old lamb hangs by its hind legs from a sturdy tree branch. Unmoving and defenseless. Big beady, dumb eyes look in all directions but you. You think it must feel the same guilt as yourself, sorry that its life purpose is to embarrass you, make you hate what you are. 
“God told me to make a sacrifice to prove my faith. He guides my hand in washing your soul clean of sin. So here I am with our blessed, dying lamb.” He’s said this every time. His voice is always miserably rehearsed and preacher-esque. 
You thought long ago that this was their, the lambs, only use on the farm. It’s a shame. All that devotion has made him so ugly and violent. 
You make small steps closer to the lamb. It’s whining in bleat baas and mehs. Does it know what’s happening? Is it scared? You like the lambs. Pure white, soft, and docile. They never fight back. They just take it. I doubt they need restraints. You could hold them above me just the same and they’d never resist. 
“Move faster, for the love of God. Yeah, stand right there underneath like you know how to.” He instructs you, annoyed. His patience running thin as the distant sounds of a truck makes way down the dirt road to the farm property. 
“Okay…” You don’t fight him, with arms crossed behind your back and a hand squeezing around your own wrist, you move closer. Maybe you’re a lamb too. 
Maybe all your father really was is the executioner. 
He raises the knife as he begins to speak, it slides over its cotton, white throat but does not cut, “Revelation 7:13-17 Then he told me, ‘These are those who come from the great tribulation, and they’ve washed their robes, scrubbed them clean in the blood of the Lamb. That’s why they’re standing before God’s Throne. They serve him day and night in his Temple. The One on the Throne will pitch his tent there for them: no more hunger, no more thirst, no more scorching heat. The Lamb on the Throne will shepherd them, will lead them to spring waters of Life. And God will wipe every last tear from their eyes.’” He slits its throat in a quick, harsh movement. The blood spills just as fast, squirting spurts of red before it comes pouring down onto you. “Face up,” you obey even though it brings you rage, “it ought to cleanse those unholy thoughts I know that are still in there.” 
Head raised to the sky with eyes and mouth squeezed shut, you let it consume you. Warm, thick and wet washes down from your head onto your clothes then down to your feet. The smell of animal, metallic iron covers you. It’s sticking to your hair, eyebrows and lashes. You can already feel your clothes clinging to your skin in the dirtiest ways. 
You stand there, drenching in the lamb’s blood. Your father speaks again, firm and slow, “Say it with me now, ‘I know no punishment, only mercy.’” All you feel is the animal’s rain of life flooding you.
You open your mouth to speak but are quick to spit and cough out the blood that manages to get into your mouth. Smack. 
“I don’t have time for this,” his voice sounds like an echo, your head is ringing from the harsh swing of his hand. The skin of your cheek stings. He hits like a bitch, you think. “Say it with me now, dammit!” You can feel him wipe his bloodied hand on the side of your shirt. 
You step back from under the red shower. “I know no punishment, only mercy.” Your words align with his in the perfect paced harmony you’re trained to do so. Enunciated, slow and strong, through gritted teeth.
There’s a beat of silence before the sound of your parents footsteps walking away. 
Standing there in red, yet to open your eyes, you breathe out a shaky sigh of defeat. It sounds more like a growl. With the mostly clean hands you kept safely behind you, you bring them up to wipe the blood from your face. You don’t dare to look at the dead animal in front of you. Being covered in it is enough alone to make you feel sick. 
You think of going back to the lake, jumping in and letting the blood wash off you there, but knowing you’d either walk back with further drenched clothes or naked didn’t seem like options you wanted to deal with either. So you just head back to the house. It’s a slower walk than need be, but you just felt like avoiding the eyes of the newcomers, hoping they’d be off in the fields or in a barn by the time you walk through. You feel numb. 
You’re wrong though, by the time you’re passing the barns and coops, the group of new farmhands are already lined up outside the horses’ stable. Your mother is talking to them, although not all are paying attention. Only a few pairs of wide eyes follow you. Catching the sight of you must really shock them but you can’t blame them. Something about this makes you excited. You stop in your tracks and look around to see if your father’s car is gone. It is. The realization feels like a wave of relief and it suddenly feels brighter outside already. 
You take a glance down to your disheveled appearance. Shirt, pants, and boots painted like the barns. You look back to the group, brushing the soiled hair back from your face. Some pieces stay stuck, in the early stages of drying against your skin.
It’s safe to have a little fun. 
You begin a slow walk over to the group. You take a headcount and there’s five of them. Two younger men, closer to your age. The other three look a bit older, not by much but definitely older. Your mother is yet to turn around from whatever rundown she’s giving them. Too dense to even recognize that now none of them were paying any attention to her. 
You creep up beside her and open with, “Hello,” your voice is louder than even you’ve heard it be in a long time. It’s nice to be heard, noticed. You usually avoided the farmhands, but this summer was going to be different. You decided this on the walk over. 
Being cooped up on the farm for so long made you different, it’s obvious to anybody. Not properly socialized in your developmental years caused you to be an anomaly to the ones who did come across you. Enigmatic from far away and up close. Now isn’t the greatest example though, the situation is too clear as to why. 
Your mother turns to you, gasping and jumping back slightly in the shock of your gross state and sudden introduction. “My goodness, girl, whatta ya doin’ here like this?” Her voice is hushed, clearly unsettled with the situation. 
They all just stare at you, open mouthed and bewildered. You take the time to get a good look at each of them up close. Your eyes follow their faces individually down the line. And then they stop. 
At the end of the line is a man more beautiful than the ones you’ve seen in the movies. You feel stuck in time, left with parted lips, staring at the man before you. And far too intently for your character. He stands tall, sharp, pale, and elegant. What is a boy like this doing here? He averts his eyes from you, clearly uncomfortable by what’s before him. He looks uneasy, shifting his weight foot to foot with his hands behind his back. His pretty eyes glance around from you to your mother to the other men and the ground. He simply doesn’t know what to do with himself. You find it dangerously darling of him. 
You don’t even realize the small smile that takes your lips. You step closer to him and he steps back, now looking at you with wide eyes of small fear. You extend your hand to him, it’s coated in drying blood. He gulps and the sight, his adam’s apple bobbing in such a biteable neck stirs something in you. This will be far more fun than you intended. 
You say your name softly for introduction and step a little closer, “Nice to meet you," you feign cuteness as much as you can, looking up at him through your blood clumped lashes. It’s clear to everyone there is something off; there’s little to no real emotion behind your voice and face. 
Your mother eyes you suspiciously as you corner the handsome man, but she says nothing. Sometimes she fears you too. 
He looks from your eyes to your hand, having an internal battle with himself on what to do, “Ah, I am Sunghoon... Nice to meet you too.” His politeness must be stronger than his frighteness, because he takes his hand in yours and shakes it gently. His hand is large in yours, nearly covering it entirely. You squeeze it hard, your eyes never leaving his, trapping him in the scene. 
He wants to look away, to hide somewhere. The way his skin crawls tells him he’s a prey already in the mouth of a predator. And you know he’s nervous under your intense gaze because your hand feels like a lamb is still bleeding above you. His palms are sweating, and it’s nowhere near hot enough for that yet. Your smile grows to a smirk. 
Although you’re wearing the lamb, having Sunghoon’s hand in yours made you feel like a wolf. 
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werewolfdog · 7 days ago
🐮 <3
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softskiesahead · 4 months ago
valvyn <3 <3 <3
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luxesiren · 2 years ago
11 with gojoooo!!🥹 pls pls <3
prompt #11: “How do you always make me love you even more when I don’t want to.”
also hi my bby🥺!! i’ve missed you so much like omggg! i hope you’re doing well and i hope life’s treating you well <33 (also sorry i got to this late😅)
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love wasn’t something that came easily for satoru, he avoided it like it was the plague — of course he had his reasons. so he found sanctity in sleeping around and being careless because it was no strings attached and he didn’t feel tied down even though it’s what he truly wanted.
deep down he felt as though no one would love him so he hides it behind a big smile and jokes and telling people just how powerful he is but you saw right through him which made him wary and scared to get involved with you after the first time but he also wanted to cling on to something real.
both of you were clinging onto each other and he was watching how your eyes twitched in your sleep, how shallow your breath was — how peaceful you looked.
he loved you. he knew he loved from the first couple of times you guys started to sleep with each other but he tried so hard to shake it off but it stuck to him. “how can you make me love you? how do you always make me love you even more when i don’t want to?” he asked to no one.
you made him want to cry but he felt so secure in your arms with you, satoru wanted to feel loved, he wanted to be loved and he was.
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liwinly · 17 days ago
Omg show the pulls in ur æspa album!! Or describe them did you get eggrina
Sure !!!
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The one above is armageddon my power ver
And the one under is whiplash speed ver
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tteokdoroki · 10 months ago
aali 💕 cutie pie. what do your favs find the cutest parts of you? the way your eyes crinkle when you laugh, or maybe the way you fidget when you get nervous, etc? 👂 tell meeee
BUNNY 🥺🫶🏾‼️ hello my baby!!! oh gosh oh what a lovely question hehe im smewching you
yuuji finds it cute that im always pushing up my glasses !! sometimes he does it for me when he notices them slipping down my nose but mostly he likes to watch me adjust them or clean them he just finds it adorable how i use one finger to slide them back up idk he’s a loser
tobio finds it cute that my nose scrunches just before a really big sneeze !!! he always says i look like a little kitten :( (sometimes i sneeze so big i nearly knock myself over LOL) so he’d just find that so adorable and steady me in place <3 he now carries tissues on hand during hay fever season
katsuki finds it cute that i can’t hide my facial expressions hehe - he’s good at reading me anyways but if he spots me across the room and notices me cringing at something it always makes him laugh. he loves that my eyes light up when im excited or how i’ll pout instantly when i spot the greens he’s hidden in my food (bleck i hate green veggies), he finds it hilarious that i can’t hold back my resting bitch face or disgust when im around something i dislike <3
satoru finds it cute that i fidget when im flustered or nervous. if its the latter hes always leaning in real close to watch how i’ll back up and squirm underneath his gaze but when i’m anxious he’ll find something for me to toy with until i feel better (his pockets are filled with sticky/blue tack for me to pull apart when i’m nervous) he thinks it’s sweet
yoichi finds my laughter cute !! sometimes it’s super wheezy, the silent laughter where your whole body moves instead of making a sound and he just adores it..: he doesn’t think he’s very funny or at least doesn’t realise it but loves to make me laugh so he tries his best so he can watch me do my silly giggly jig or even tickles me to hear how loud my laughter can get !!
and finally, seishiro finds it cute that i scrunch myself up when i sleep - i always curl up on myself when i get tired and like tuck my arms under my shirt and i think he would adore that :( looking at how tiny i make myself!! its also easier for him to wrap his giant self around me when he gets sleepy !! just slots himself right behind me and absorbs all of my body heat hehe >:D
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htaesan · 2 months ago
hai lili baby!! i think i left a comment on one of your works but its totally fine if you missed it, but can i be added to your perm tl? :3 tysm! have a great night/day cutie!!
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hai jiji!! i'm so sorry ㅠㅠ i must've missed the comment huhu. but of course, i'll add you to my permanent tag list! such an honour to have you on it baby, thank you for having interest in my works (˶ ˘ ³˘)ˆᵕ ˆ˶)
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ssamou · 1 year ago
you.. *inhales* don’t think dirty thoughts don’t think dirty thoughts don’t think dirty thoughts don’t think dirty thoughts—
i’m thinking dirty thoughts 🥹
♡ 메시지 𓂃 ⋆ itsjeonjk
don't think what? 🥺 maybe you should share those thoughts~
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ghostlyfleur · 4 months ago
When you get this, list 5 songs you like to listen to, publish. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool) <3
oh this is cute 🤍💌💭
1. over each other by linkin park
2. dose no. 2 by the maine
3. that’s for sure by gracie abrams
4. cassandra by taylor swift
5. polarize by twenty one pilots
🏷️ anyone who wants to do this! (even tho i’m a lil late)
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iheartgirlzn · 9 months ago
would you like to join a pjo rp group started by me and @canonfeminine? We don't have all details worked out but im tryna see who might be interested
hii!! i might be interested yah (i’m super bad at responding to texts so i might like never answer😭), do yk what app it’s gonna be on?? ♡
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fangel · 16 days ago
Hiii! I love harvest of purity so much 😭 thank you so much for writing. It’s so close to my heart. I haven’t stopped thinking sbt it since I’ve read.
I just wanted to ask if you can elaborate on the situation after sunghoon and y/n left town. Canonically, did she enrol in some college or course? Did they live tog? Or did she get a job while he was at uni? Please give me us a small insight into what their lives might’ve looked like😔😔😔🙏🙏
hiii !! i’m so happy you loved it :’) thank you so much for reading it !! it’s also very close to my heart and i love it even more knowing that it touched other people the same way ♡ it’s so crazy to me actually
OHMYGOSH YES i’d love to share !!
i imagine that mc moves in with sunghoon while he finishes college. i don’t see her feeling comfortable to enroll in more school or the same one as him considering it was a religious college and all. i think she’d like to pursue her own thing in creating art and/or working small odd jobs here and there (sunghoon takes care of her bc duh!)
when he’s done with school / has a career they’d get a home together. have pets. continue to love each other, marry even, and be real freaky nasty in the most unshameful and comfortable ways lol ♡
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yumekoii · 7 months ago
AHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!! I'M DOING GOOD :)) what about you red??
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softskiesahead · 2 months ago
12 days of lukeyaya day 8
we talked about this this morning, but pre leaving luke trying to find gifts for Yaya is so darling to me. people always talk abt how clueless some guys are when make up is involved and I find that a little annoying (mostly bc if their gf is specifically interested in makeup they should make an effort to know yk), but luke is like that in a sweet way. he knows the brands she likes and isn't about to get her something like. neon. unless that's a look she wants to try. but he has a really hard time with the tiny details between them. does she prefer matte makeup? what does that even mean? does she want plumping lip gloss or regular? what does plumping do? flower knows is too much he can't afford that....
his cute way of shimmying up and down the aisles to try to find something, awkward and a little out of place. his school uniform a bit too big on him because he's growing lanky and they got something for him to grow into.
and he's not the kind of guy to wait until the last second to buy gifts. I hate men who go shopping in that last week, god forbid on christmas eve. luke was always trying to do this shit on time, but that doesn't mean he was immune to seeing something leading up to christmas that he'd add to his gift.
and imagine his conflict when they go to a miniso together. all the sanrio makeup... this lip gloss has my melody on it, but it's different from the brand she normally uses... which would she prefer?
god help this man
best of luck to poor luke <3 he’s lost but oh boy is he trying his best and it’s so so sweet….. teenage lukeyaya before he leaves is SO precious to me. they’re so cutie…..
him putting so much thought into it is really cute…..he knows what she likes but the details are so complex! I know we talked earlier about the sales clerks trying to help him out (and potientally freaking him out further). In the school uniform too……..he tells yaya to head home without him because he has an “errand” and she’s none the wiser.
….god help luke if yaya wanders into a miniso. they’re going to be there a while ^^;;;
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poppies · 11 months ago
if you receive this, you make somebody happy! go on anon and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. if you get one back, even better! 💕
aw tysm :3
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tteokdoroki · 11 months ago
Quick! Please tell when what you would wear on either your first date, or date in general, with a f/o of choice!!!
omg gosh !!! mmm for a date with nagi or yuuji (i couldn’t pick ahhh) i think i would go for my favourite grey skater skirt, white thermal tights, my fluffy white zip up crop top and white bow hair clip :3 !!
for shoes, either mary janes or my chunky black trainers paired with some white leg warmers !!! <3
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