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camkill · 2 years ago
writing a villain character is all fun and games until you start craving ships but remember that your character is a serial murdering italian psychopath who is likely incapable of romance
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summer-gh0st · 1 year ago
Okay, I pulled out my work glasses for this so let's go.
First, the points about dialogue: I don't have much in my old revision letters to authors about specific dialogue tags (I probably usually just suggested deleting them during the line edit stage) but I DO have this interesting information about what I call "Character / Setting / Action":
Character/setting/action is when something happens between the lines of dialogue, such as a character being described, the setting being described, or the character making an action. These donʼt have to be done all at once. One at a time will do, and it doesnʼt have to be in every line of dialogue; only where it would be helpful to break up the dialogue a bit. Describing a character or a character's action in the same paragraph as when that character speaks will take over the purpose of a dialogue tag while making the scene more evocative and interesting. This can also help to describe the setting, as characters will interact with the environment, which will ground the reader in the scene. An example: “I donʼt want to go!” he yelled. vs. He stomped through the kitchen and knocked over the pitcher of water. “I donʼt want to go!” The second creates a far more vivid scene, describes an action, and tells the reader whoʼs speaking all at once. Further, the dialogue tag is unnecessary. Based on the sentence itself, the exclamation mark, and the description, itʼs pretty clear heʼs yelling. Editors and other authors give authors a lot of criticism based on their use of dialogue tags̶. They say dialogue tags need to be creative. I personally donʼt see any problem with said, yelled, asked, etc. Those are fine, as they convey the sentence's meaning and allow the readerʼs eye to glaze right over them and keep reading. Getting creative with dialogue tags causes problems̶. My favorite example being the disaster of a sentence “Snape ejaculated” in the Harry Potter books. How Rowling got away with that, I do not know. A much better way is to get creative with removing dialogue tags. [comment specific to author]... when you remove the dialogue tags, remember to replace them with character/setting/action.
Second, let's talk about adverbs!! As Stephen King put it, "The road to hell is paved with adverbs." Adverbs are closely linked to both dialogue and showing vs telling for many authors, but I'll try to keep it to adverbs alone here. Here is a note about adverbs I wrote to an author a long time ago that puts it well:
A note about adverbs: most of the time, they are unnecessary. ʻ“I love you,” she said sweetlyʼ is an example of an unnecessary adverb. If someone says, ʻI love you,ʼ theyʼre usually going to say it sweetly or in a similar way. If you want to change the meaning, thatʼs when you use the adverb. For example: ʻ“I love you,” she said angrilyʼ changes the readerʼs perceptions and is unexpected; however, too many adverbs, even unexpected ones, bog down description and dialogue. Try using action verbs instead of adverbs to convey meaning and give the reader a picture of whatʼs happening. From the above example: ʻShe crossed her arms and shot me a hard glare. “I love you,” she spat.ʼ
The main takeaway about adverbs is that there is almost no instance ever where a good verb could not take the place of an adverb. "He ran quickly" can always be replaced with something more powerful, like "He zoomed" "he dashed" or even "he catapulted"! Adverbs make writing weak, or rather, it's much easier to have weak writing with adverbs. Strong verbs are almost always preferable. The only exceptions are when the adverbs are surprising and I mean REALLY surprising. One of my favorite examples from a book I edited was: "The table was suspiciously still." That was so hilarious, and what a good way to break the no-adverbs rule!! Tables are normally still, right? So why ... suspicious? It's intriguing, it captures the reader's attention -- and THAT'S what a good adverb does.
Conclusion: dialogue tags are fine, but be creative about not using them (rather than being creative with the tags themselves) and don't use adverbs unless they could really knock the reader's socks off. HOWEVER -- I just want to say really quick that this is important for the editing phase. Don't ever let it stop you from just writing. If you're capturing a scene and throwing it into your word processor for the first time, then heck yes write "ran quickly!" That can be deleted and changed later. Don't worry about that. No need for the inner editor while you're writing. They can always be called up later. :) You can't edit something that doesn't exist yet.
Okay, that was all from me for now but honestly I guess now that I've revealed myself as a former novel editor then feel free to ask questions?? I'll happily answer them! And maybe I'll even put some of my own writing on here sometime.... not something I expected to say but well, what can I say. I love art of all kinds :) thanks for reading!
I know everyone says it’s best to just stick to “said” as a dialogue tag bc it disappears and that’s true and I mostly do but I want to take a moment for my all-time favorite dialogue tag, “lied.” Absolutely nothing hits like “‘I’m here to help,’ he lied.” NOTHING.
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chimericchaos · 2 years ago
We have one breakthrough and one problem
The breakthrough is that one can easily put all the words in a single string with =concatenate
The problem is the above function submitted, =CHAR(MODE(CODE(MID(E2,ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(E2))),1)))), seems to look for repeating words and not letters
I've also tried =INDEX(E2,MODE(MATCH(E2,E2,0))) from the same page as the other one, but it seems that has a similar problem
Reasonably I could get the answer I need from combining =CONCATENATE(A2:A20) and then copying the result into e4 and adding a space between each letter, turning kennisnjohuribilikezagutzaznanjekahibalocunniscenzaznanjeznalostvidenkennisscioteadmisedtietoaʻikekenniscoñecementokonesans into a much more reasonable k e n n I s n j o h u r I b I l I k e z a g u t z a z n a n j e k a h I b a l o c u n n I s c e n z a z n a n j e z n a l o s e t v I d e n k e n n I s s c I o t e a d m I s e d t I e t o a ʻ I k e k e n n I s c o ñ e c e m e n t o k o n e s a n s and then using the above functions to find the common word that way
It seems though that this is not the case, as it returns the same error. Perhaps it sees this entire string, including the spaces, as one word? =mode does not seem to be vary good at identifying characters
I've put them all into each individual cells now, one letter for each cell, and returned it, giving a range of c2:c99, and it now works and returns "N" as the most common. But now there's another problem: I'm biased. I want "K" to be the most common here, and am upset that it isn't
So now I need a function, or better yet, an addition to the previous function, to find out the top 3 most common letters, and the number of times they appear. If "K" isn't amoung the top 3 then I'll accept defeat, but I'm sure it is
Experts of excel and google sheets on tumblr:
How in the world do I write a function that counts the most common letter in a long-ish list of words, and also gives me how many times that letter occurs in the list? I tried
=INDEX([range], MODE(MATCH([range], [range], 0 )))
but it gave me the whole word instead of the individual letter, and currently I can only use it by typing out the words one letter in a cell, and that's horrible
please tell me I'm stupid and this failure isn't a by-product of our failing economy. My spreadsheet stands a barren battlefield with nought to show but my failures
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dominikagruzlewska · 4 years ago
Alessandro Pucinelli is an Italian photographer.  He is very strongly connected with the sea.
The presence of the sea in his daily life represents something extremely important to him onto which he project fear, dreams, hope and receiving in return inner strength and mental clarity. Which I absolutely understand, admire and I think this is extremely inspiring. The choice of placing the sea centre stage in his life positively affects his personal work.
I am enchanted by each of his pictures of the sea, he showed a lot - if not almost all possible views and colours. Various emotions are striking from his photos, at least that's how I perceive it. Blurry waves, rough, calm, blue, navy blue - every picture of the sea he took is interesting and unique in its own way.
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I Travelled the Seven Seas…
“I Travelled the Seven Seas...,
According to the Italian observatory, Goleta Verde , in 2014, on average, for every square kilometer of ocean there are 27 pieces of garbage, of which 90% are plastic. This has profoundly negative consequences on the environment and on marine life, without even beginning to take into account the impact of micro plastics entering the food chain.
Out of this problem was born the project ʻ I travelled the Seven Seas and I m Still Aliveʼ which deals with the fact that every generation has itʼs own particular road to travel and has associated objects that it carries with it on the way. Some of theses objects become collectors pieces, they are cared for, kept as tokens of the time whilst others are discarded, destroyed and in this case of garbage in the ocean simply and mindlessly abandoned.”
Below his images from this project which he captured by using the light painting technique.
What I like most about these photos is that the background is completely black, so the main subject is in focus and is actually the only thing the viewer can and should focus on. He also gave these items a character - he presents them as soldiers returning home from the war, tired and touched by the 'war', with sand and salt. That’s a very clever idea.
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marlbros · 5 years ago
⋆*       ❪         🐚         ❫       ⤻       crashes  through  a  brick  wall  like  the  kool - aid  man  AGAIN  it’s  paige  &  i’m  here  to  present  you  with  maren ,  who  is  worthy  of  ur  love  and  attention  unlike  the  corn  man  . 
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ʻ   /   wow ,   i  am  so  excited  to  introduce   maren samatar  to  our  current  students  at  cape  coral .   she  is  extremely  excited  to  join   men’s soccer .   coming  in  as  an  twenty  year  old   sophomore ,  they  shouldn't  worry  about  fitting  in .   the   cis female  capricorn   has  always  reminded  me  of   alisha boe   ,  but  some  people  don't  see  it .   trying  to  keep  the  fact  that   her parents think she’s in the us on a religious exchange  from  getting  around  this  school  is  going  to  be  tough .  no  worries ,   though ,   cape  coral  will  create  a  new  life  for  them ,   i  assure  you .  ʼ 
→  name   maren  abdi  mohamed  samatar →  nicknames  mar  ,  literally  nothing  she  hates  nicknames →  age  /  d.o.b.   twenty  ,   31st  december  1999 →  gender  /  pronouns   cis  female  /  she  &  her →  dominant  hand   right
→ born   oslø  ,   norway → current residence  portland  ,   maine  ,   usa → spoken languages  norwegian  ,   english → major  classics  &  literature → clubs  men’s  soccer → drink / smoke / drugs  no  /  no  /  no
→ moral alignment   lawful  good → mbti  isfj - t → zodiac  capricorn → tarot card   the  empress → archetype  the  innocent
born  on  new  year’s  eve ,  maren  abdi  mohamed  samatar  was  the  apple  of  her  parents’  eyes  .   unfortunately  ,   the  baby  they’d  planned  to  save  their  marriage  wasn’t  enough  to  keep  them  together  ,   and  her  mother  and  father  got  a  divorce  when  maren  was  three  .               ⤻     her  mother  was  remarried  not  long  after  ,   to  a  man  who  was  a   member  of  a  backwards  ,   culty  new  religious  movement  based  in  maren’s  hometown  of  oslø  .   it  wasn’t  long  until  her  mother  was  swept  up  in  the  hoopla  of  the  community  and  her  love  for  her  new  spouse  —-  moving  herself  and  maren  into  his  apartment  and  throwing  herself  into  his  lifestyle  head  first  . 
maren  was  raised  in  the  thick  of  the  movement’s  community  ,   and  as  a  result  has  never  known  anything  else  .   she’s  a  product  of   a  hive  mind  with  skewed  beliefs  ,   so  sheltered  that  she’s  never  had  a  friend  who  wasn’t  also  involved  in  her  family’s  circles  .   she’s  never  spent  a  day  in  a  typical  school  ,   having  been  homeschooled  by  her  step  father  all  her  life  .  she’s  never  kissed  anybody  ,   never  been  to  a  club  ,   never  had  a  sip  of  alcohol  ,  never  smoked  a  cigarette  .          ⤻     though  she’s  accustomed  to  living  by  the  rules  of  her  community  ,  maren  has  always  had  her  own  beliefs  and  morals  in  the  back  of  her  mind  .   because  of  those  ,   she’s  always  struggled  with  her  relationship  to  her  faith  and  the  expectations  her  parents  and  community  have  put  on  her  since  she  was  young  .   despite  the  fact  that  she  hates  her  judgemental  streak  ,   she  still  lowkey  turns  up  her  nose  at  those  who  take  part  in  the  typical  partying  lifestyle  .  this  is  likely  due  to  the  fact  that  she’s  never  been  to  a  party  ,  but  that’ll  change  real  quick  .
the  one  extra  curricular  activity  she  was  allowed  to  participate  in  growing  up  was  soccer  .   she  was  obsessed  with  it  ,   it  was  the  one  thing  that  she  had  in  common  with  her  biological  father  (  who  she  saw  about  once  a  year  )  ,   and  she  was  GOOD  at  it  .  so  good  ,  in  fact  ,  that  she  was  on  her  way  to  being  cosidered  for  the  norwegian  national  women’s  team   when  she  injured  her  knee  severely  and  was  told  by  her  doctor  that  she’d  never  play  again  .  she  was  devastated  ,   and  this  marked  the  beginning  of  her  questioning  the  life  she’d  lived  up  until  that  moment  .          ⤻     after  her  injury  ,   her  mother  and  step  father  noticed  the  dip  in  her  mood  and  suggested  that  she  go  on  a  religious  exchange  for  a  change  in  scenery  ,  or  get  further  involved  in  their  community  .   it  was  during  her  research  on  those  programs  that  she  stumbled  upon  cape  coral  and  read  up  on  their  men’s  soccer  team  .  they  were  the  best  in  their  state  ,   and  they  were  far  ,  far  away  from  her  hometown  .   she  applied  ,  and  when  she  got  in  she  told  her  parents  that  it  was  one  of  the  religious  exchanges  they’d  suggested  . 
she’s  desperate  to  get  on  the  men’s  soccer  team  despite  the  drawbacks  from  her  injury  ,   and  she’s  semi  -  ready  to  branch  out  socially  ,  despite  her  fears  at  being  ostracized  for  being  reserved  and  inexperienced  .
quick fun facts
       ⤻     she  only  wears  turtlenecks  .  listen  ,   she  just  loves  the  soft  girl  aesthetic  and  that’ll  never  change  .   catch  her  in  a  turtleneck  in  the  club  ,   should  she  ever  get  the  balls  to  go  to  one  . 
      ⤻     caffeine  addict  .  coffee   was   one  of  the  things  her  mother  kept  from  her  growing  up  ,   and  the  second  she  got  to  portland  ,   she  had  her  first  starbuck  latte  .   she’s  been  guzzling  them  non -  stop  ever  since  .  
     ⤻     she  only  wears  clear  mascara  .  this  is  due  to  her  lack  of  knowledge  and  skill  in  the  makeup  department  .   she  wishes  she  had  a  scrap  of  hand  eye  coordination  or  makeup  skill  ,  but  alas  . 
    ⤻     she  still  has  a  pretty  thick  norwegian  accent  .  she  speaks  english  as  fluently  as  you  or  i  do  ,   just  with  a  cute  accent  . 
wanted connections
  ⤻     the  acclimator  .  she  desperately  needs  someone  to  show  her  the  ropes  .  they  could  be  someone  the  school  assigned  to  show  her  around  ,   but  they  got  more  than  they  bargained  for  with  maren  lmao  .
⤻     bad  influence  .  corrupt  her  .  ruin  her  life  .   i  demand  it  !
⤻     princess  diaries  makeover  .  i  think  this  speaks  for  itself  . 
⤻     the  crush  .   guys  🥺  .   somebody  she  literally  can’t  talk  to  without  blushing  .  somebody  that  makes  her  stumble  over  her  words  .  she’s  a  shy  ,   innocent  baby  and  if  she  has  a  crush  on  you  ur  special  .
⤻     literally  anything  else ,  please  hit  me  up  .  
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feelhuman · 5 years ago
ʻ   /   wow ,   i  am  so  excited  to  introduce   jessica delaunchy   to  our  current  students  at  cape  coral .   she  is  extremely  excited  to  join   track / field  &  latin .   coming  in  as  a  twenty one  year  old   junior  ,  they  shouldn’t  worry  about  fitting  in .   the   cisfemale  leo   has  always  reminded  me  of   zoë love smith   ,  but  some  people  don’t  see  it .   trying  to  keep  the  fact  that   she was under witness protection    from  getting  around  this  school  is  going  to  be  tough .  no  worries ,   though ,   cape  coral  will  create  a  new  life  for  them ,   i  assure  you .  ʼ 
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                     hiya  beans  !  i’m  nae  (   she  /  her  ,  twenty  ,  australia  gal  /  acst tmz !  )  and  i’m  real  pumped  to  get  crackin’  &  introduce  you  to  this  walking  tragedy !   ──   this  is  my  gal  jess  ,  who  is  rlly  smthin  else  ,  phew .  i  truly  am  in  love  with  her  tho   &  i  hope  ya’ll  like  her  too !  click  ....  the  ....  read  more  ....  now .
basic stats .  
*    find  her  full  stats  here !
current  legal  name  :  jessica  blaire  delaunchy.
nickname  /  alias  :  jess  ,  jj.  /  none.  
gender  /  pronouns  :  cisfemale  ,  she / her.
dob  /  age  :  august 13 1998.  /  twenty one.
place  of  birth  :  long  beach  ,  california.
currently  living  :  portland  ,  maine.
ethnicity  :  curaçao  ,  indonesian.
nationality  :  american.
languages  spoken  :  primarily  english  ,  learning  latin .
religion  :  her  father  was  christian  &  her  mother  was  muslim  ,  so  she  was  exposed  to  both  growing  up  (  her  dad  wanting  her  to  feel  closer  to  her  mother  in  a  way.  )   jess  doesn’t  really  know  which  bracket  she  falls  in  ,  if  at  all  ,  so  instead  she  respects  both .  does  this  make  sense ..... no.
sexual  /  romantic  orientation  :  pansexual  ,  panromantic.
occupation  :  self - employed  ,  ig ?  she  takes  odd  jobs  wherever  possible  ,  and  the  $$  is  always  under  the  table   :  house / pet / baby sittin’  ,  deliveries  ,  written  papers  /  tutoring  ,  even  ...  dare  i  say  it  ...  gambling.  
education  :  scholarship  student  at  cape  coral  international  school.
major  :  archaeology. 
biography . 
*    tw  :  parental  /  family  death  ,  murder  ,  gang  activity  ,  &  nae’s  obsession  with  rlly  bad  tragic  backstories .
the  unfortunate  beginning  to  this  story  is  this  :  a  girl  understands  death  before  she  understands  life  ;  a  sad truth  ,  a  lost  mother  on  the  birthing  bed  as  they  try  reviving the  infant  &  succeed  ,  a  broken  family  from  day  one  ━  she’s  born  novi  ovard  ,  with  a  head  of  thick  raven  hair  &  a  set  of  lungs  you  can  hear  three  floors  down  ,  but  healthy ,  alive  ;   her  mother  meets  a  much  more  grim  fate  that  very  hour  ,  and  it’s  almost  as  if  she  carries  that  misfortune  as  a  stain  for  the  remainder  of  her  childhood  ,  because  if  she  wasn’t  here  ,  maybe  her  mother  would  have  been . 
her  father  is  a  stern  man  ,  strict  &  abrasive  ;  he  loves  his  daughter  though  ,  that  is  crystal .  nora  grows  up  wanting  little  ,  and  some  could  say  that  is  her  father’s  way  of  over - compensating  for  the  lack  of  maternal  parent  in  the  household  and  the  way  he  works  long  hours  at  the  police  department .  he  remarries  when  nora  is  twelve  ,  to  a  woman  with  a  couple  of  daughters  &  a  son .  it’s  not  a  bad  thing  ,  no  evil  step - mother  or  new  step - siblings  horror  stories  ;  nora  likes  the  feel  of  a  feminine  presence  ,  likes  having  siblings  to  confide  in .  most  importantly  ,  she  sees  her  father  smile  for  the  first  time  in  years  ,  and  that’s  more  than  enough .  it’s  a  family  ,  not  entirely  by  blood  ,  but  it  feels  just  as  close  ;  like  pieces  that  finally  form  a  whole .    
FAMILY  OF  FIVE  FOUND  MURDERED  IN  LONG  BEACH  SUBURBAN  HOME  :  nora  comes  home  from  a  night  out  with  friends  to  find  strange  men  in  her  house  &  bloody  stains  on  the  carpet .  they  don’t  see  her  ,  if  they  had  perhaps  she  wouldn’t  be  breathing  right  now  ,  but  she  see’s  them  and  that’s  just  as  bad  ━  the  lights  flash  bright  red  &  blue  as  the  cops  ask  for  a  recount  of  the  events  that  occurred  ,  but  she  can  only  describe  faces  and  remember  a  few  names  shouted  as  the  culprits  ran  from  the  crime  scene .  they  presume  it’s  connected  to  the  L.A  mafia  ,  looking  for  justice  from  a  cop  that  did  them  dirty  a  few  years  back  ,  but  there’s  not  enough  evidence  yet  &  they  say  her  safety  is  at  risk  now  .  so  ,  they  offer  her  protection  ,  say  it’s  for  the  best  if  she  leaves  her  california  life  behind  ,  leave  everything  behind  and  start  anew .  
portland  is  a  big  city  ,  not  entirely  ideal  but  it’ll  do  for  now .  she  leaves  california  as  novi  ovard  ,  and  is  reborn  as  jessica  delaunchy  in  maine   ━   no one  remembers  a  jessica  delaunchy   ,  or  at  least  ,  no one  truly  knows  who  she  is .  she  lives  with  her  aunt  ,  no   ;  her  parents  work  overseas  so  she  lives  alone .  she’s  from  somewhere  in  west  virginia  ,  except  she  doesn’t  sound  like  it  ,  so  maybe  it  was  oregon  ?  apparently  she  got  expelled  from  her  last  school  for  setting  fire  to  the  gym  ,  or  was  it  trashing  the  headmaster’s  coupé  ?  in  truth  ,  not  much  truth  is  known  about  jessica  delaunchy .  she’s  only  at  cape  coral  because  the  thought  of  getting  a  free  ride  to  an  expensive  school  sounded  appealing  ,  and  a  refreshing  change  from  a  life  of  constant  camouflage  ;  she  only  joins  track  ,  because  everyone  hates  track .  she  only  joins  the  latin  club  because  who  really  has  the  patience  for  it  ?  jessica  blends  in  ,  jessica  is  just  jessica  ━  an  enigma  ,  hell  in  heelys  ,  possible  undercover  secret  agent  (  ?  )  and  a  heck  of  a  lot  of  fun  to  have  by  your  side  on  friday  nights .  
other  tid  bits .
phew  ,  where  do  i  begin  .  .  .  in  general  she’s  a  pretty  fun  gal  !  knows  how  to  let  loose  &  have  a  good  time .  we’re  here  for  a  fun  time  ,  not  a  long  time  ,  homeboys .  
this  is  also  her  downfall  because  she  will  literally  do  ANYTHING  to  have  fun  ━ jump  from  a  moving  car ?  sounds  cool .  jump  into  a  tank  full  of  piranhas ?  best  idea  she’s  ever  had  ,  get  the  camera  ,  tony .
does  NOT  understand  boundaries !!  at  all  !!  she’s  not  sorry !!
bit  of  a  compulsive  liar  too  tho  ??  she’s  one  of  those  people  that  you  never  rlly  know  if  they’re  telling  you  the  truth  or  just  mucking  around  ,  which  she  is  like  99 %  of  the  time  ,  and  no  -  matter  how  much  you  pester  her  ,  she  will  just  come  up  with  more  extravagant  ways  to  deter  you  from  the  truth  because  she  has  some  sort  of  .  .  .  allergy  to  sincerity  ,  ig .  
for  ex  .  don’t  ask  abt  her  family  unless  you  want  a  5  hr  presentation  on  how  she’s  related  to  the  lost  romanov  family  &  was  disowned  because  they  were  too  intimidated  by  her  big  dick  energy .  
really  in  denial  ??  over  everything  that  happened  ??  she’s  been  ignoring  the  truth  for  years  &  tries  not  to  let  her  thoughts  wander  too  close  to  family .  which  is  # yike !  
as  much  as  the  portrays  this  too  cool  for  school  persona  ,  she  actually  enjoys  it !  she’s  v  smart  &  studious  ,  loves  history  ,  philosophy  ,  literature   ,  loves it .
a  complete  DORK .
rlly  bad  attention  span  tho  &  one  of  those  annoying  ppl  that  waits  until  a  person  finishes  talking  and  says  ‘  u  say  smthin ?  ’
lives  on  her  own  w/  her  cat  larry  ,  who  she  uses  as  a  judge  of  character  but  he  hates  everyone  so  its  ....  useless  ,  but  one  day  this  asshole  is  gonna  like  someone  and  she’s  gonna  be  STUNNED .
has  a  big  heart  ....  somewhere .  she  just  forgets  she’s  supposed  to  have  one  sometimes  dfkjlhhfdhg 
will  always  do  the  unconventional  way  of  doing  things  because  she  hates  following  the  norm  or  being  labelled  as  a  stereotype !! def  one  of  those  ‘  i  liked  it  before  it  was  COOL  ’  bitter  ppl  too. 
i  think  that’s  iT ?? I  THINK .
wanted connections .
*    find  her  wc  page  here !  if  nothing  floats  ur  goat  tho  ,  pls  hmu  &  we  can  figure something  out !  (  either  here  or  on  d*scord  :  i’m stu pedasso #7836  )
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axelroy · 5 years ago
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ʻ   /   let  me  introduce  you  to  a  prized  member  of  our  honors society ,   axel roy-dreyfus .  this   cismale  cancer  has  been  a  student  at  our  institution for seven years  and  is  currently  a  21  year  old  junior.   through  the  halls ,   he  has  always  reminded  me  of   aron piper  ,   but  there  is  always  more  than  meets  the  eye ,   like  the  fact  that  he regularly takes acid to inspire his artwork .  coral  cape  has  made  their  future  just  as  bright  as  their  smile ,   i  assure  you .ʼ (   muse 17 ,  riley ,  20 ,  cst ,  she/her   )
pheeeeew as if i couldn’t love aron piper more, s3 of elite rlly did me like that jesus fjdkslgjdsf anyway PLS like this or dm me or discord me idc, i would love to plot with all of u <3333
TWS: drugs, depression, death, car accidents, a really fcking long intro post aha !
if u wanna be extra in the mood when u read this …………… pls feel free to have this audio post playing in the bg while u peruse. i have been crying listening to this all week. thanks for coming 2 my ted talk here is axel now !
NAME — axel roy-dreyfus.
NICKNAMES — axel, ace, a. 
PRONOUNS — he/him.
AGE & DOB — 21 & august 10, 1998.
PLACE OF BIRTH — new york city, new york.
NATIONALITY — french-american.
MAJOR — visual studies & psychology.
EDUCATION — cape coral international school.
CLUBS — honors society.
axel was born the only child to two loving parents, an american father whose family has run a large media conglomerate for decades ( i got insp from hbo succession ok ), and a french mother whose family has a large hand in the development of nuclear energy in france ! so like ........ $$$$$$
there were probably a hundred timelines in which axel became a spoiled brat, but the universe was fortunate and brought two of the most kind-hearted souls that were ( relatively ) uncorrupted by the power and wealth that their families brought ( they were the youngest in their families, probs. youngest child syndrome *coughs* me ). he grew up in a loving household, one that was open and generous—their four empty bedrooms were always available for axel’s friends to stay over if they needed, 
axel learned from their optimism, from their generosity—why be manipulative, when his family had the means to procure anything with ease ? it was a dangerous bubble to grow up in, but his parents, being forward thinkers too, saw him as an equal growing up. they’d tell him all the family drama as they rolled their eyes. needless to say, they didn’t have to work too hard to get by in life, to live in luxury.
TW DEATH. on the eve of his parents’ anniversary when axel was sixteen, a sophomore in high school, his parents died in a tragic car accident in paris on the way back to the airport. he was left devastated, alone in a home with no one to return to. END TW.
while he wasn’t around at cape coral, he was sent to live with his uncle ( his father’s brother ) and aunt, where he finally got immersed into the cutthroat life of the roy family, no longer skirting the edges of the family business. he would constantly get compared to his cousins all the time, which he hated. his aunt and uncle also expected him to follow in his family’s footsteps and continue working at the family company—which he also despised, but didn’t voice openly. he’d known about the shady deals, thought the monopolization of media was an evil he’d want to avoid.
finding it hard to express his pain and loneliness after his parents’ death, axel started taking up art and painting more seriously than just a hobby. he painted and painted and painted, staying after school in the art studios just to let his emotions out somehow. and he became talented—garnering interest from his teachers, his peers, the portland community, and eventually worldwide with his social media following.
TW DRUGS. but the art didn’t spark out of nowhere—he certainly needed help, both to inspire his works, but also to relieve the pain of loneliness, to help him transition from his old life to a new. it was weed at first, but he slowly started dabbling in acid, cocaine, and molly, amongst other things. END TW.
now at cape coral, he’s continuing pursuing his career as an artist, with a humble following, slew of awards under his belt, a few international articles published about his unique genre ( see @ canvas section on my pinterest board here ), and has been invited to have his work exhibitioned in a galleries across the nation. 
axel certainly hasn’t lost the positive charm that he had grown up around, with parents like his. he’s pretty go-with-the-flow ( in a sense, far less uptight than his cousins, and probably many other cape coral students ), preferring to stay on the sidelines than get into the spotlight ( unless it’s the art scene ! ). 
he’s generous, and sometimes doesn’t realize when he’s being taken advantage of—another trait he’s probably received from his parents, who were far too giving for their own good.
he’s kind, but not a pushover—he’s becoming more confident in who he is, and won’t back down from pushing back in conversations, nor let his friends make terrible decision for themselves. sometimes he’s a bit stubborn in that capacity.
he’s a pretty good listener, and with his share of heartbreaks and pains, he’s been known to give pretty good advice while he’s sitting at his easel, painting away. whether or not he chooses to follow that same advice himself—a little less certain.
he certainly still focuses on his studies—being part of the honors society—as he continues to pursue a double major in visual studies and psychology. perhaps the interest in drugs came first from his interest in the mind itself. so, he’s definitely an academic, but he likes to have fun, too.
ambitious, yes—in the artistic development sense. otherwise, spontaneous, for sure. he’s chasing highs and new experiences that will inspire his artwork in the future. 
he’s fiercely loyal to those who he trusts, but wouldn’t necessarily go too far out of line to protect them. he’ll certainly go out of his way to pick someone up in one of the several cars he has ( he’d never had the heart to sell his parents’ cars ), to chat about problems, to work things out—but he probably doesn’t have the chops in him to break laws for people. but he’d never sell them out—he’d just stay silent.
sometimes he tends to zone out, sketching doodles on his notebooks and napkins, reveling in unique natural color combinations, being fascinated by shapes and lines. but he’ll also be the first to apologize for zoning out.
TW: DEATH, DRUGS — growing up, axel roy-dreyfus was your classic BOY NEXT DOOR. shining smile, perfect manners, star on the cross-country team who had a charming smile and a brain, too. he was raised that way on purpose: picture perfect, for the only child of a roy and a dreyfus, two completely powerful families in the media world. but their expectations were not met because of strict curfews, or perfectly tied ties, no—axel wanted to be perfect to make them proud, because he loved them. because they were strong but caring, who saw axel as an equal. he never called them ‘mom’ or ‘dad’, but ‘william’ and ‘diana’ instead—they were his best friends, they never hid anything from him—not the family drama, not company secrets. they were the perfect little family, one that his friends often envied, but sometimes good things fall apart.
their little picturesque bubble burst quickly when his parents passed away in a car accident when axel was sixteen, and he was thrust into the bustling life of the roy family. though he was privy to the family drama through the lens of his parents before, he never realized how deeply cutthroat and horrible business could be. he would be constantly compared to his older cousins, would be on the receiving end of inquiries about where he would be attending college (cape coral, of course—their entire family’s alma mater). he found himself playing the role of the CONTENDER, often, battling unrealistic expectations to keep his family happy, yes, but more importantly, himself sane. but with axel’s loneliness, with his sadness came an awakening. unable to properly express himself with words anymore, he turned to art. and people realized that he had a gift like no other.
art became a refuge for him—he’d spend hours upon hours in the studios at school, and when he outgrew them (or rather, found other means of inspiration through pills and other substances), he moved his creative space to his dorm, his apartment—wherever he had space to just be. people started catching onto his talent: teachers and professors first, then peers, classmates, friends who supported his endeavors. purchases made their way across the world and his name became more and more familiar. his art is raw, vulnerable, not for the aesthetic but for the emotion elicited from symbols, colors, shapes. it’s his own genre, one that people have been more and more intrigued by these days. it’s gotten to his head, a little, surely—that he’s made a name for himself outside of the roys and the dreyfuses. he now has a bit of confidence behind him, being able to list his earnings and the recognition he has received at local galas—and people are starting to accept him for his future, too. it fuels him, makes him a HOTSHOT, but of course, not everyone knows about the measures he takes to ensure his creative juices keep flowing.
outside of his own personal journey, axel is known to be a loyal friend. the relationship he had with his parents certainly prepared him to be the shoulder to cry on, to give sage advice to people in need. he jokes that his apartment is now half an art studio, half a therapist’s office, by the nature that many people swing by to chat while he paints (sober, or not). he relied on his friends when his parents passed away, not exactly receiving the emotional support from his family that he needed. in that way, he’ll never sell someone out, never tell someone’s secret without their permission. in the perspective of those he cares about, he could be labeled a FERRYMAN, one who helps guide those who are in need of advice or just someone to talk something through with.
erase — omar apollo:
i don’t mind, my head’s in the sky thinkin’ of you, oh, feelin’ for you, oh oh it’s cold right now, i miss you for life it’s not going away, i thought i’d be okay, yeah
TW: DEATH, CAR ACCIDENTS — this song might more relate to axel’s relationship with his parents more than an ex-lover, though it could pertain to the latter, too. his parents, who died in a car accident on their way back from a trip to paris four years ago, where axel’s mother is from, were his inspiration, his support, his best friends. axel had an incredible bond with his parents—especially, given he is an only child. his parents nurtured a gentle but passionate soul in a family that was full of cutthroat, cold businesspeople. their death sparked his interest in expressing himself through art, as he couldn’t find the words to fully describe his pain and emotion. he misses them dearly, still sometimes finding it hard to navigate life without them, and dedicates his life and art to them everyday.
easy love — lauv:
keep comin’ back, guess you could say i’m attached last time we called it a wrap, i came beggin’ and all that you’re like a habit, it’s bad i got a habit, it’s bad oh no, i’m not even mad
TW: DRUGS — this song describes his personality and love life—unfortunately, he can be a bit reckless when it comes to his own well-being. he certainly dabbles in more than a few drugs, acid and marijuana mostly, to enhance his creative abilities, as it was a piece that he had painted during an acid trip that garnered him the fame and respect he has now. he tries to rationalize it as a creative process, as something necessary to push his artistry to the next level. similarly, in his love life, i imagine that he gets himself into rather toxic relationships. although he, himself, is a selfless person, especially to those he is loyal to, he sometimes doesn’t exactly realize when things are unhealthy to him—bad habits, you could say. he’ll keep crawling back to people as long as they make him feel good, even just for a night.
vincent — don mclean:
now I understand what you tried to say to me and how you suffered for your sanity and how you tried to set them free they would not listen, they did not know how perhaps they’ll listen now
TW: DEATH — this song describes axel’s life as an artist, in the eyes of someone who appreciates his craft. his extended family, including his uncle and aunt whom he now stays with during holidays and family gatherings, don’t quite appreciate nor understand his interest in art. he has struggled, since the day his parents passed away, to get them to understand how much art means to him, and how it’s not just a phase. now at cape coral, where he is being nurtured to reach his fullest potential, he wants the chance to join a residency program after college in paris to reconnect with his mother’s family’s roots—he’s already garnering attention from a worldwide audience. he still faces a lot of backlash from his family, and it affects him more than he would like it to.
thrift shopping, talking on the rooftops until three am, poems scribbled on masking tape, dried flowers, french music on a record player in the background, paint-stained hands, hoodies on a sunny day, waves crashing on the sand, unfinished sketches on napkins, vintage film cameras, whiskey breath, exposed brick, clean unmade sheets, spontaneously bought train tickets, rose petals, writing letters to his parents, subway chatter, graffiti-ing positive messages on highway tunnels, cigarette smoke, art galleries circled on city maps, coffee under a paris awning.
he has an instagram page, showcasing his artwork, that has 82.7k followers at the moment. he doesn’t post his face or anything about him personally, just cryptic descriptions of vulnerable art.
he keeps his two last names out of respect and love for his parents—not, like many people believe, to be able to milk the advantages to being born to two families that control great media conglomerates in the world.
one of his most damning vices is cigarettes. he smokes them to feel calm, and often needs someone to swat them away from him.
his apartment is full to the brim of canvases and paintings—it’s honestly a zoo. layers of works line the walls of the hallways, whatever’s newest being the furthest out. there are some hidden gems laying around, if anyone were interested in checking.
he has ear piercings—much to his extended family’s dismay. he never used to wear it around when his aunt and uncle were present, but ever since his newfound confidence has bubbled up in his chest, he doesn’t care anymore.
he’s bisexual.
there’s an enormous chalkboard in his apartment too, and visitors are encouraged to draw and write messages on it—as long as they don’t erase his grocery list. he finds inspiration for his work on there a lot.
he’s a 3x state chess champion—it’s a skill he was taught as a kid, and likes how he had practice reading people from the game.
there’s an apartment in his name in the 7th arrondissement of paris, where he escapes to from time to time, the musée d’orsay is his favorite place on earth.
axel absolutely adores train rides. the ride from new york city (where his aunt and uncle live, and where his parents used to live) up to cape coral is some undisturbed peace where he likes to just sit and think, enjoying the changing colors of the autumn leaves.
these are just like stubs and rando ideas i had ……… pls feel free to pick and choose and mix and match idk i’m also ok at brainstorming ig PLEASE MESSAGE ME I WANT ALL THE PLOTS AND ALL THE ANGST OK THANKS !! i also have a WANTED TAG here
a best friend ( preferably since childhood ! ): give me guzman n ander vibes, where the two have known each other since they were little, have been through thick and thin, is axel’s biggest supporter in his art. ( insp: x ) OKF DSJO BUT PLS GIVE ME THIS ……………… 3x07 guys, come on. we all know.
childhood friends / best friends / ride or dies: likely other cape coral students who have been around a long time, they’ve seen axel through his ups n downs, were there for him when his parents passed, and get up to shenanigans at galas and charity events. the elite kids basically. they’re the siblings he’s never had, he’d protect them with his life and offer advice and paint things for them !
someone who goes with him to art museums pls he’d be super excited and cute and tell them everything about high renaissance art and theories of design patterns
good influence, someone who will swat cigarettes out of his hands and keeps him working on his assignments when all he’d rather do is paint. they keep him in line, and although axel might whine a little at first, he really values their friendship and them always looking after him. i’m thinking rebe/ander vibes from this season.
on the other hand, a bad influence, who might introduce him to different drugs, trip on acid with him as he paints, maybe causes him to spend his enormous trust fund on random shit.
tour guide, axel is good-natured and caring, and that doesn’t stop with the current cape coral students. even if some of his peers and his family might scorn him for being more open to them, he wouldn’t hesitate to show some of the new students around and show them the ropes. besides, he knows what it feels like to want to make a name for yourself.
former roommates (probably a cape coral student), who may or may not have been close. 
current roommates (probably also a cape coral student), who may or may not mind the fact that he’s been filling their apartment with enormous canvases, probably super super close friend to his, probably someone whose family probably is close to his, too. 
neighbors, there’s a lot of possibility here !! maybe they hated the way axel seemed to blare his speakers when he’s painting and tripping, they could be friends who storm each others’ rooms when they’re having bad days. his couch is practically a therapists’ couch at this point.
a critic, who pushes him to be a better artist. to dig deeper, to think further, to challenge himself and his abilities — which might be his downfall, considering he’s already diving into drug use.
his uh ……… first male hookup ??? this probably would have happened maybe like a year ago after him n giuliana broke up !!! he came out as bisexual in high school but had a long-term gf for a while so it would have been his first time rlly experimenting ya feel
on that note other hookups that he might have slept with during this ??? trying time
* MORE !
i’ve got a pinterest board here fjdklsf if u got this far and wanted to check it out ! pls pls plot w me i want all the plots *grabby hands* feel free to msg me on discord or here on ims !!!
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camkill · 2 years ago
leon: be straight with me for once luis: bold of you to assume i'm ever straight
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lifecftheparty · 5 years ago
━ ☾ ✧・゚ “ he was full of light, in whom is no darkness at all”
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  ʻ   /   let  me  introduce  you  to  a  prized  member  of  our  environmental club     ,   FAZIL IMANI .  this   CISMALE CANCER   has  been  a  student  at  our  institution for   4 MONTHS  and  is  currently  a  21  year  old   JUNIOR.   through  the  halls ,   he/him  has/have   always  reminded  me  of  aria shahghasemi   ,   but  there  is  always  more  than  meets  the  eye ,   like  the  fact  that  he sells his dad’s pharmaceuticals to fund his own drug addiction .  coral  cape  has  made  their  future  just  as  bright  as  their  smile ,   i  assure  you .  ʼ      (   muse 15 ,  aubrie ,  19,  pst,  she/her   )
↪  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ 𝕗𝕒𝕫𝕚𝕝 𝕟𝕒𝕫𝕖𝕖𝕞 𝕚𝕞𝕒𝕟𝕚 
nicknames: fazi
pronouns: he/him
age & dob: july 14, 1998 ( 21 )
origin: carnegie hill, new york
nationality: american
ethnicity: iranian
fluent in: english, persian & a bit of arabic
occupation: drug dealer freelance artist
height: 5′11
sexual orientation: ???
major: biology & art
clubs: environmental club
↪  *:✧ background
trigger warning ! drugs, drug abuse, car accident, death
IMANI PHARMACEUTICALS  ━ a name you MIGHT recognize from the side of your zoloft bottle. from benzodiazepines to amphetamines, they specialized in at all -- A GREAT EMPIRE, built off of other’s sorrows and fazil was happily perched next to the throne. a family portrait, four heads adorning a thin-lipped line -- not a smile in sight. and just by glance, you could tell the family meant business. a serious group, all doctors, all their own achievements; a glistening image of PERFECTION, if not for the taint they liked to call FAZIL.
he didn’t mean to be a fuck-up, but alas, his body was completed with error and corrupted by bad decisions. THE FIRST BEING  ━     his art. an adorable skill, at first. though, like a flower, it started to blossom into more than a childish hobby, and that was when they tried to uproot it from the ground. oh, how his family DESPISED his art ; oh, how fazil despised his FAMILY -- it was a mutual passage of hate. really, painting was the only thing he had ever felt ambition for, otherwise a foreign feeling to the sullied son. he could care less about doctorate programs, but it was the path he was set on since birth -- a forced burden he could NEVER get rid of.
he lived to reject everything his family represented; the happy-go-lucky, irresponsible, reckless boy mirrored the solemn and dignified imani clan. taking to extremes to separate himself from those around him, he dived head first into the deep end. he began to get involved with drugs -- and lots of them. cocaine, xanax, morphine, you name it   ━ all were party favors in the new york night life, those in which he was more than eager to dabble in. the feelings of euphoria that would shine down on him where storm clouds once reigned, the wide smile that would stretch across his face, and the body, that almost felt weightless. the highs they produced were those of which he could not experience on his own, and like a foolish wanderer, he followed them down a rabbit hole -- their effects so tantalizing even fazil could not resist. OF COURSE   ━  he could stop if he wanted, but what happens when the bleary-eyed teen refuses himself paradise? shivers, aches, pain so sickening it would spew from his mouth. no matter how much he didn’t want to admit it, he couldn’t stay away. it held him in a choke-hold, ever-so slowly draining his life.
the result of making an already irresponsible boy forget the bounds of consequence? a totaled ferrari and a DEATH-- no, no, no, fazil wasn’t prepared for that. an unforeseen causality in the war with his family. god -- his family, how ENRAGED they were, his father noting that he had wished it was fazil that was the one lying lifeless on the ground. a plan had to be put into place, NOTHING could ruin this family’s image; not fazil, and definitely not a murder. a cover up was devised, could you be surprised? the imani’s were saturated with money, and with money, bought ignorance. and to save face, he was booted out to live with his brother in maine, and made to attend CAPE CORAL. nasty habits die hard though, and fazil’s fought back, refusing to lie dormant. no way could he be sober now, but how do you maintain your ever-growing addiction? WELL  ━   it’s crazy what a last name and a forged signature can get you. 
↪  *:✧ personality
on the outside fazil presents himself to be this happy-go-lucky, fun-loving guy. which, to an extent, he is. however especially since the accident he festers a LOT of shame, embarrassment, and remorse. he is so full of regret and it really does haunt him on how things went down. 
as said, he has a lot of shame. not only for the accident, but also his addiction and how bad it is. he would absolutely hate anyone finding out about either of those, and would probably get really aggro with whoever did. especially if said person tried to take his drugs away or something of that nature?? would not be a happy camper. 
speaking of, he cannot go without his drugs, and will literally do anything to obtain a high.
while he tries to reject his family, it does hurt him that he cannot appease them, insecure about the fact he really doesn’t live up to the family name.
on a happier note -- loves, loves, LOVES painting. really is one of the only positive things in his life, will gush on about it for days. if he shows you his art, he’d lowkey be so anxious for approval ( though he wouldn’t admit it ).
plant dad™ loves plants and the earth. if he sees you liter he WILL pummel you.
total flirt, has commitment issues and doesn’t realize it. kind of a fuck-boy but isn’t so brazen about...which is kind of worse? 
in general, he’s a pretty laid back guy, doesn’t care too much about status. but really what you see is what you get, he will not let anyone past the front he puts on! 
↪  *:✧ wanted connections
i want to say, first off, i am REALLY up for anything. pls feel free to throw any ideas my way i am sure we can work something out <3
best friend !! : someone that he just connects with more than everyone!! while he wouldn’t disclose much about his past, he’d probably let them in on more than he does with everyone else. and i mean lets be honest...there will be a point they find something out. imagine the angst....
someone he fools around with : i mean...im sorry he really is a fuckboy. he doesn’t mean to be though!! i think it’d be interesting to have someone he has a strong flirtationship with or something a little more ifyaknowwhatimsayin. i think it’d be cool for it eventually reach an unrequited love type of thing..whether that’s on his part or your muse. unless you just wanna keep it like they both kinda know what it is..and they’re both okay with leaving it like that. really up for whatever!
frenemies : yOU ALREADY KNOW!! the banter!!! the bickering!!! the annoying the hell out of each other!!! I WANT IT ALL
deep romantic connection : aka someone that really makes him tap into his feelings/emotions. really tests him as a person, and forces him to just really care?? this would be a slow burn thing but again....imagine the angst....
someone who knows/finds out about his secrets : this can tie into plots and doesn’t have to be just it’s own standalone ( if that makes sense ). but i think i’d really like someone just eventually figuring it out and kinda being like fazi ???  what are you doing ?? now this can come at an angle of concern OR maybe your character finds out somehow and hangs it over his head. I would also like to note that fazi came into the school randomly, showed up in the middle of the school year like nothing, and when asked about it he has a bullshit excuse. so mayhaps someone tries to really look into it and pesters him about it. and it makes him turn into the panic emoji 
customer : someone he sells drugs to, which btw! would only be over the counter meds his father makes !! the harder drugs he buys himself for his own collection 
anyhoot, that’s all i could think of rn but i’m sure i’ll add more in the future! and like i said, i am open to ANYTHING. please please hmu <3
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lordsalehi · 5 years ago
ʻ   / wow ,   i am so excited  to introduce berlin sari to  our current  students at cape  coral . she  is  extremely  excited to  join  track and field & honors society.   coming  in as a  twenty two year  old sophomore  ,  they  shouldn’t  worry about  fitting in .   the cis female  scorpio  has  always  reminded  me of medalion rahimi  , but  some people  don’t see it .   trying to keep the  fact that she’s the side piece of a cape coral parent   from  getting  around this  school is going  to be tough . no  worries , though ,   cape coral will create  a new life for them , i  assure you . ʼ  
my momma used to say ‘baby make me proud’, you’ve got such a pretty face, but such a dirty mouth
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NAME — berlin avery salehi.
PRONOUNS — she/her.
AGE & DOB — 22 & november 8, 1997.
PLACE OF BIRTH — lewiston, maine.
NATIONALITY — american.
MAJOR — music and audio engineering.
EDUCATION — prev. parker community college, now cape coral international.
CLUBS — honors society, track & field.
* background overview !
so for ten years, it was berllin, her older brother, her mom, and her dad. everything was honestly pretty normal, he worked as a bank teller and her mom was an elementary school teacher. 
when she was ten, her mom was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and began treatment, it was in the middle of her moms chemo treatments that her dad decided he was done and left the three of them on their own. 
her older brother was stuck taking care of them both, berlin helped where she could, but it wasn’t exactly in the means of income. 
her mom did go into remission, but later it came back when berlin was 15. as soon as she turned 16, it was her brothers turn to leave them, claiming he was tired of it.  
from then on, she taught both piano and guitar lessons to anyone who was willing to let her teach as a means to support herself and her mom. 
music was and always has been a massive part of her life and was one of the few things she used as an escape when everyday life was just Too Much, so getting to teach others was something she really liked to do. 
when she was 18, one of her student’s parents had taken an interest in her and invited her over for dinner where they offered her the opportunity to be with them. she said yes and began her secret relationship, mostly using the money they gave her to help pay rent and for groceries, or if it was things, then it allowed her to use the money from lessons for other things. 
she was taking classes at pcc mostly online so that she had more time to be at home, but when the parents she was dating mentioned that the school their child was attending, cape coral, was offering a scholarship they encouraged her to apply. 
* personality !
god she is... kind of a mess. 
like being bitter is probably one of her defining personality traits, and it’s not even towards rich people bc of their money or anything, she’s just like bitter that THIS is the life she ended up with.
she can definitely sit and just have a normal conversation without chewing someone’s head off but she never really seems particularly cheery.
she’s one of those people that likes to run to blow off steam, which isn’t the worst thing in the world, but she’ll leave and go running at like 2am bc she’s stressed. 
is a hardass and thinks she’s like top shit even though she has absolutely no reason to be? thinks because she doesn’t directly “engage” or involve herself in drama that she’s better than everyone
is NOT afraid to call you out on your bullshit bc she really doesn’t have time to deal with it at all 
really, keeps a lot of people at a distance and doesn’t really like getting close to people because they can just leave whenever they want to. and she’ll never admit it but she doesn’t want to get hurt.
she’s double majoring in music (basic she knows) but in audio production as well, eventually she wants to produce music, whether it’s someone else’s or her own.
prefers to keep her private life mostly private? like what and how much she shares honestly just depends on her mood.
* character tropes !
so i was thinking and really, she’s a bit of the Corruptor. which sounds bad, but it’s kinda like, she’s so far up her own ass she thinks she’s better than everyone and that people need to be brought down from their pedestals and clouds. so she tends to poke at people until they show their worst sides, or sides they don’t necessarily like very much. i also saw a little bit of the Femme Fatale in her too, just because she’s gorgeous (duh) and fully uses that to her advantage when she can, like the affair turned sugar daddy/baby situation she has with one of the cape coral parents.
* playlist !
kings — tribe society:
i’ve been through the darkest of caves and suffering one hundred  steps off the end of the road painted with passion, my favorite color hope i’m alive when the story gets old we could be free 
this goes with both her personality and her past tbh. she’s really headstrong and not afraid to take the lead on anything she’s passionate about, but also won’t let anyone else sway her opinion on anything, like at all. it’s like trying to push a round stone up a hill. when looking at her past, it’s not anywhere near rainbows and butterflies. her dad left her family when she was really young, and her mom has been sick with recurrent cancer for years. for a while, her older brother helped take care of her and their mom, but when she turned 16 he left, leaving her to fend for the both of them. as awful as it sounds, all she wants is to be free of everything that’s held her down, she feels bad for wanting out, but she’s so tired of it all now.
monsters — ruelle:
one misstep, you’re mine and you better stay clever if you wanna survive once you cross the line you’ll be wishing you would listen  when you meet your demise 
funnily enough, this isn’t really as serious as it should be. the vibe IS her, i’ll tell you, but this is really where the Scott Disick comes in. like she’s very take no shit but will definitely call you out on your shit. more of a if you make yourself look stupid, or give her the chance to roast/call you out, she will and isn’t really worried about what’s going to come from it. not her fault it could expose or embarrass you for any reason!
something to hold on to — the band camino:
do you ever think of me? after everything give me something to hold on to  i need just a little piece  i’ll take anything 
so this, two things as well. i know the song’s a breakup song but it’s kinda at her dad and brother for just up and leaving her and her mom, kinda like the one time she’ll show any vulnerability is when she really wishes they had stayed. but also, she’s really musical, it’s her one escape and this is probably the style of music she likes to listen to and play.
* aesthetics !
sneaking out at 2am, vintage t-shirts, scrunchies, the satisfaction of snoozing the alarm clock, worn combat boots, long sleepless nights, calloused fingers pulling at guitar strings, quiet sounds of piano, an exhausted body finally laying down to sleep, black coffee, backhanded compliments, stone cold stares, the lure of seduction.
* character inspo !
scott disick (kuwtk) , rebeca de bormujo avalos (elite) , jade west (victorious)
* wanted plots !
i’m still not any better at coming up w plots so this is the Same
general friends: honestly some from childhood, some from high school, others from college, give me New friend with the people coming on scholarship, anything
best friends: someone that’s been by her side for years, someone she’d literally trust with her whole life
ride or dies: honestly what it says, maybe like one or two of them that have been through the thick and thin of it but still have a really strong friendship in the end?
confidant: honestly, probably someone she’s close with, but doesn’t see on a regular basis? 
better influence: someone who can teach her to let go and ease up more, and to not be so angry all the time
exes ( good, bad, anything in between ): you know the drill, hit me with the good angst. (male, female, nb)
roommate: rent ain’t cheap! 
hook ups: you also know this drill, but this is pretty much all berlin does (male, female, nb)
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lulucias · 5 years ago
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ʻ   /   let  me  introduce  you  to  a  prized  member  of  our   CO-ED DANCE TEAM AND PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB   ,   LUCIA REYES .  this   CISFEMALE CANCER   has  been  a  student  at  our  institution for   EIGHT YEARS  and  is  currently  a  TWENTY TWO  year  old   JUNIOR .   through  the  halls ,   she  has   always  reminded  me  of   DANNA PAOLA ,   but  there  is  always  more  than  meets  the  eye ,   like  the  fact  that her FATHER HAD AN AFFAIR AND PAID HER BIOLOGICAL MOTHER OFF . coral  cape  has  made  their  future  just  as  bright  as  their  smile ,   i  assure  you .  ʼ 
 hi,  everyone!  i’m  ali  and  a  little  about  me  is  that  i’m  a  huge  fan  of  elite  so  i’m  super  excited  to  be  here!  i  have  a  lot  of  muse  in  my  system  for  my  new  bb  lucia  and  i  can’t  wait  to  start  interacting  with  everyone   ooc  and  ic.  feel  free  to  give  this  post  a  like  if  you  want  to  plot  and  i’ll  come  to  you!
---------------------------- ♡
(+)  passionate,  empathetic,  romantic,  headstrong. (-)  spoiled,  impulsive,  stubborn,  insecure.
 character  trope:  motherly  figure
 homecoming  queen?  -  kelsea  ballerini
 needy  -  ariana  grande
 heavy  -  kiana  ledé
*  lucia  feels  out  of  place  being  a  reyes.  don’t  get  her  wrong,  she  loves  the  riches  and  being  able  to  be  as  spoiled  as  she  wants,  but  she  hasn’t  ever  believed  she  exactly  fit.
*  her  father  had  a  decently  long  affair  that  eventually  lead  to  an  unexpected  and  unwanted  pregnancy,  which  resulted  in  lucia  being  born.  the moment  the  pregnancy  was  aware,  lucia’s  father  and  step-mother  pretended  the  latter  was  pregnant  instead  to  hide  from  the  public  that  lucia’s  father  cheated.  if  scandal  broke  loose,  it  would  take  away  from  the  image  of  a  picture perfectly  family  that  the  reyes  worked  hard  to  keep.
*  lucia’s  biological  mother  was  consistently  paid  to  keep  her  mouth  shut  on  the  affair  and  pregnancy,  eventually  being  paid  off  to  disappear  out  of  the  reyes  lives  forever.  she signed  a  contract,  took  the  money,  and wasn’t  heard  from  since.
*  in  present  time,  lucia  is  still  feeling  hurt  and  bitter  that  her  biological  mother  took  the  money  and  didn’t  want  her.  it  wasn’t  like  she  was  wanted  in  the  reyes  household  either.  lucia  was  charismatic  and  classy,  she  knew  how  to  hold  herself  together  in  the  public  eye  and  because  of  that,  her  parents  appreciated  her  as  a  figure  more  than  a  daughter.
*  behind  closed  doors,  lucia  barely  talks  to  her  parents.  her  step-mother  tries  not  to  deal  with  her  as  much,  the  hurt  from  the  affair  and  embarrassment  of  it  being  a  secret  for  so  long  was  a  harsh  reminder  when  seeing  lucia.  her  father  was  the  same  way,  but  for  a  different  reason.  he  almost  ruined  the  image  he  created  for  a  perfect  family.  he  didn’t  plan  lucia  and  didn’t  really  want  her  either  --  lucia  wasn’t  naive  as  she  pretends  in  front  of  them,  she  knows  where  she  isn’t  wanted.
* lucia does her best to not let anyone see that she has flaws. she pretends she has the most glamorous life, can come off stuck up despite her good intentions most times. 
EXTRA  !  *
 lucia  is  100%  mexican.
 she  really  loves  karaoke  and  will  go  up  and  try  to  steal  the  show  whether  she’s  sober  or  not.
 lucia  is  fiercely  loyal  in  her  relationships  --  platonic  or  romantic.  she  will  be  there  for  those  close  with  her  at  any  time  of  any  day.  she  can  get   nervous  from  time  to  time  that they’ll  abandon  her,  which  can  make  her  clingy  and  overbearing.
 she  enjoys  reading  and  writing  a  lot  and  usually  sticks  with  the  romance  genre  over  others.  it’s  her  favorite  hobby  to  distract  herself  with.
 though  she  tends  to  come  off  prim  and  proper  in  front  of  the  public,  she  does  like  a  good  party  and  with  the  right  people,  she  can  come  out  of  her  shell.  she  doesn’t  get  sloppy  though.
 find  any  wanted  connections  here!
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snackmomx · 5 years ago
× ʻ — drabble : soon you'll get better pt vi.
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// i'm hurting myself by writing these, but i know that i need to do this character development.
* / stage two: anger It wasn't long after everything that happened before the emotions that she wasn't feeling surface. They were not good emotions either. The anger was hard on her. It felt like it was all consuming and she tried to hold it back at bay. Somehow, it crept through her veins, poisoning everything that is came into contact with. Poisoning her against herself, those closest to her. it was all consuming and if she was honest, kind of terrifying. It was something that she had never really felt in her life. She had felt rage and anger in her life, but never to this degree. Never to where it made her act completely out of character. Was it out of character or had she always been an angry type of person and just been pushing it out. There had been too many things that made her feel like she was losing control of her life. The constant snapping and yelling at people at work had been getting to be something that was considered the norm. Charleston really didn't want to be known as the angry person, but there was just so much that she was angry about. She was the most mad at herself. She had enabled at the very least everything that happened. She beat herself up every single day, there was always something that reminded her. Whenever the blonde thought that maybe she could finally start to move past it and maybe move on, to start to try the healing process, there was something that would rip the wounds open, all fresh again. The pain radiated through her body, begging to be felt. Everything thing in her being saying to allow herself to feel it. That was was normal, but her brain told her that it wasn't. That this much pain and anger was not normal. The internal battle seemed to overflow often, though she always made sure that there weren't others around for her bigger outbursts. Work seemed to be the harder between her family and friends. The day resulted in leaving early. The tears freshly prickling her eyes, as she knew that she didn't need to react, that she could just let it be apart of her forever. However, Charlie knew that she couldn't stand having this eating at her every single day of her life, but she just didn't know how to fix it or to make these type of feelings go away. As she pushed open the house door, slamming it shut, harder than was really needed. She was glad that no one was home. Matt was at work and the children were both with the babysitter.
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Breaking things tended to help her feel better, she knew that she needed to get a better coping mechanism, but right now it worked for her and she was okay with it. The tears streamed down her face, shaking her hands hoping to shake the feelings out. She didn't like to be like this, she felt like a broken record that just did the same thing over and over. The glass shattered across itself, before breaking over itself and falling onto the ground. The shards covering the ground as her fingers gripped across the golf club. The tears starting fresh, as they rolled down her already tear stained cheeks. She was determined tomorrow to start finding something healthy to cope with losing a child. Charleston wasn't sure how long she sat on the floor crying. Soon enough her eyes were a puffy red as she finally ran her hands through her hair not even having the courage to look at herself in the mirror. She knew for a fact that she was a wreck, but who could blame her. She still blamed herself for the miscarriage and it wasn't something that was easily changing. Charlie slowly pulled herself up from the ground as her legs were weak and barely were able to hold her upright as she made her way up the wall. Making her way into the kitchen she gets a broom and dust pan cleaning up the glass and the mirror. Making it as if nothing had ever happened. It was the normal for her and she knew that the anger stage wouldn't last forever.
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frcmzerc · 5 years ago
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kang kyungwon, demi-girl, she/they. —  looks like pavlova ʻloveyʻ candlehead is attending auroria university in auradon.  they’re the nineteen year old child of candlehead,  which means they’re from sugar rush. heard they’re outgoing & effervescent,  but can also be  absent-minded & crass ;  we all have our bad days.  people normally associate  them with trick candles that can never be blown out, the smell of new leather, brightly colored hair, and loud music playing from the other side of a closed door.
 h-hewwo friendos !! itʻsa me, mozzie and this is my disaster baby, lovey !! you can find their pinterest board right HERE. in the mean time, leave me a heart below and we can maybe plot a little something something :)
                                                               S T A T S
full name: pavlova candlehead
nickname(s): lovey, pavs
age: nineteen
date of birth: february 19, 2000
gender: demigirl
pronouns: she/they
hometown: sugar rush
parent(s): candlehead
orientation: letʻs go lesbians !!
occupation: student and racer
                                             L E T ʻ S  G E T  P H Y S I C A L !!
face claim: kang kyungwon
hair colour: blonde with bubblegum pink tips
eye colour: can include links to images
height: 5ʻ7”
tattoos: the words “lick it like a” next to a small picture of lollipop on her left hip that she got when she was ridiculously drunk.
piercings:  multiple lobe piercings on each ear, two helix piercings on her right ear. belly button is also pierced from a different drunken dare.
distinguishing characteristics: small scar across her right eyebrow where the hair doesnʻt grow back anymore due to her tripping while drunk, but telling her mom it was a racing accident.
                                                                   A B O U T
s-u-g-a-r, jump into your racing car !
sheʻs a reaaaaaal messy bitch
lovey was born and raised in sugar rush. ever since she was young, she was racing with the other sugar rush kids after the arcade hours. when she was old enough, she became a playable character in a next-gen mini-game that the arcade game developed. 
sheʻs not the fastest racer, and certainly not that competitive, but she doesnʻt usually come last. sheʻs a good happy medium; average at best.
though sheʻs not the fastest racer, she loves showing off and pulling stunts with her car. doing donuts, popping wheelies, doing jumps, having burnouts?? she lives for that kind of stuff thatʻs really what she loves about cars. she likes risk
what holds her interest more than any race or car, however, is the after-race parties.
sheʻs a party girl through and through. go to any kind of celebration for any reason, and lovey is probably there. 
theyʻre a social butterfly. absolutely the type to end up cuddling on the couch with a person they just met because “we started talking a little while ago but i feel like i know you”. sheʻs got that calls-you-babe-upon-first-meeting kind of vibe. 
will flirt with anything that moves. sheʻs probably never actively pursuing anything with anyone, thatʻs just the way she interacts with people. you canʻt tell if sheʻs actually into someone or not.
she loves to travel and had a big interest in leaving sugar rush. they liked to jump around and visit other arcade games when the arcade was closed. she has a ton of friends from different games, from chun-li to pac man. when given the opportunity to visit auradon, she jumped at the chance. 
she is incapable of getting cavities. regardless of how much sweets she eats or how often she has a lollipop in her mouth, it never seems to affect her.
that thing with the wifi that koo talked about ?? iʻmma adopt that too because that SLAPS. but also, iʻm gonna add on that they became human upon arriving in auradon, but if you look at the from the corner of your eye, they seem to blur around the edges, looking like pixels :)
                                              w a n t e d  c o n n e c t i o n s !
party friends !!
someone they once met at a party and had a drunken conversation where we shared some deep secrets about each other but never exchanged names. then all of a sudden, they run into each other later on and are both lowkey mortified.
oh man please give me a situation where lovey made out with a girl at a party once and she was like *heart eyes* about her and then they see her the next day and she just,,,,,,doesnʻt,,,,,remember,,,,,,and lovey is just *pikachu meme*
or just a crush in general !! where sheʻs like “god youʻre so gorgeous honestly you make my heart pound” and theyʻre like “haha thanks” cause thatʻs literally how lovey would talk to anyone so lovey is there pulling her hair out like !!! pls !! full homo !!
i would love someone whoʻs like ?? theyʻre exact opposite. lovey can be bouncing around, full crackhead mode, while the other person is just brooding.
give me a friend !! who encourages their recklessness !! like, will go on late night joyrides and do dumb stuff and makes lovey forget that hey hey she only has one life in this world now !!
pls you can just throw thing at me and we can talk it out !!
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marlbros · 5 years ago
⋆*       ❪         ⛓️         ❫       ⤻       crashes  through  a  brick  wall  like  the  kool - aid  man  hi  i’m  paige  &  i’m  here  to  present  you  with  neels ,  who  is  a  piece  of  coal  put  under  a  lot  of  pressure  but  instead  of  a  diamond  he  just  turned  into  cubic  zirconium .  if  this  appeals  to  u ,  drop  a  like  &  i’ll  come  collect . 
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ʻ   /   let  me  introduce  you  to  a  prized  member  of  our   student government   ,   cornelius  ‘ neels ’ rockefeller .  this   cis male virgo   has  been  a  student  at  our  institution for   seven years  and  is  currently  a  21 year old   junior .   through  the  halls ,   he  has   always  reminded  me  of   timothée chalamet  ,   but  there  is  always  more  than  meets  the  eye ,   like  the  fact  that  both of his parents are having affairs and he’s the only one who knows .  coral  cape  has  made  their  future  just  as  bright  as  their  smile ,   i  assure  you .  ʼ
→  name   cornelius  andrew  rockefeller →  nicknames  neels →  age  /  d.o.b.   twenty  one ,   23rd  august  1998 →  gender  /  pronouns   cis  male  /  he  &  him →  dominant  hand   left
→ born   new  york  city ,   new  york ,  usa → current residence  portland ,   maine ,  usa → spoken languages  english → major  finance → clubs  student  government ,  golf  team → drink / smoke / drugs  yes  /  like  an  absolute  chimney  /  rarely
→ moral alignment  true  neutral → mbti istj - t → zodiac virgo → tarot card seven  of  cups → archetype  the  achiever
first  born  son  of  his  half  of  the  rockefeller  clan ,  it’s  never  been  a  secret  that  neels  was  favoured  by  his  father .  though  only  minutes  older  than  his  twin  sister  arden ,  the   amount   of   pressure  put   on   his  shoulders   by  their  paternal  figure  was   enough   to   turn   him   into   a   fine   dust  .  it   was   never   difficult   for  neels  to   get   what   he   wanted   from   his  dad  ,  as   the   golden   boy  /  prodigal   son  .  but   best   believe   that   every   joy   ride   he   ever   took   in   the   mercedes   &   every   cent   he   ever   spent   of   his  father’s   money   was   earned .              ⤻     the  eldest  rockefeller  man  was  very  straight - forward  about  his  expectations  for  neels  —-  attend  cape  coral ,  study  finance ,  and  follow  directly  in  his  illustrious  footsteps .  for  now ,  neels  is  still  walking  that  unforgiving  tightrope . 
basically  neels  is  not  #smart ,  but  the  amount  of  effort  he  always  put  into  school  was  borderline obscene .  he  started  building  his  educational  resume   the   first  day  of  his  freshman  year ,  morphing  himself  into  a  real  future  leaders  of  america  type  and  sidelining  any  and  all  unrelated  interests .  he’s  very  dedicated  to  his  own  success ,  because  he’s  always   wanted  to  do  well  without  his  family’s  connections .            ⤻     literally  the  only  subject  he’s  never  had  to  bust  his  ass  at  is  math .  the  man’s  a  math  guru ,  esp  when  it  comes  to  money  math .  money  makes  the  world  go  ‘round ,  and  neels  learned  that  from  a  young  age .  his  affinity  for  finance  is  essentially  what’s  keeping  his  relationship  with  his  father  afloat ,  and  you  can  catch  him  doing  everybody’s  taxes  come  filing  season .
my  man  cornelius  is  all  about  the  emotional  extremes .  he  feels  everything  very  deeply ,  no  matter  how  much  he  wishes  he  didn’t  .  he  has  a  terrible ,  terrible  hair - trigger  temper ,  one  that  can  be  set  off  by  the  drop  of  a  hat  .  it  doesn’t  show  its  face  very  often ,  but  it  doesn’t  help  that  he’s  lowkey  kind  of  a  spoiled  brat  lmao .  on  the  other  side  of  the  coin ,  he’s  a  very  caring  individual  that  wants  the  best  for  the  people  he  loves , and is the worst kind of free falling hopeless romantic . he's in love with at least 4 people at all times .            ⤻     he  has  a  tendency  to  push  away  the  people  that  are  good  for  him  and  attract  the  people  that  might  hurt  him .  his  usual  m.o.  is  finding  the  tiniest  thing  he  doesn’t  like  about  somebody  and  using  that  as  an  excuse  to  cut  them  off .  mans  can’t  keep  a  friend  or  a  lover  to  save  his  gd  life .  the  only  people  he’s  had  as  constants  in  his  life  are  his  twin  sister  and  the  rest  of  his  family .
he’s  currently  the  only  member  of  his  family  that  knows  that  both  his  mother  and  his  father  are  having  separate  affairs .  he’s  known  about  his  father’s  for  a  few  months  after  seeing  some  incriminating  text  messages  while  they  were  out  to  lunch ,  but  his  mother’s  is  a  new  discovery .  he  hasn’t  told  either  of  his  siblings ,  mostly  because  he  wants  to  protect  them  from  such  a  shitty  piece  of  information  lol .  he’s  a  steel  trap ,  though  tbh  his  parents  don’t  deserve  his  secrecy . 
quick fun facts
        ⤻     my   man   loves   a   good   suit  .  he’s  been  rocking  slacks  and  trousers  since  he  was  twelve ,  he  loves  a  good  designer  piece ,  and  if  you  see  him  wearing  jeans ,  something  is  terribly  wrong .  like  seriously  amiss . 
       ⤻     he  chain  smokes   like   fuck  .  only  marlboro  reds  ‘cause  he  likes  the  way  they  hurt  the  back  of  his  throat . 
      ⤻     he’s  obsessed  with  basketball  .  his  favourite  team  is  the  knicks ,  he  knows  everything  about  them  including  all  the  players’  stats  and  the  two  years  they’ve  won  the  nba  championship .  can  he  play  basketball ?  fuck  no .  but  he  still  loves  the  game  lol . 
     ⤻     he’s  a  music  hoe  .  neels  rockefeller  will  only  listen  to  one  band ,  and  that  band  is  fleetwood  mac .  i hate  him .  not  only  will  he  only  listen  to  them ,  but  he’ll  also  only  listen  to  them  on  vinyl .  he’s  disgusting . 
    ⤻     wine  mom  alert  .  this  boy  loves  a  good  red .  he  loves  a  dry  chardy  in  the  afternoon ,  and  a  spicy  merlot  in  the  evening .  hand  him  a  wine  spritzer  and  maybe  he’ll  stop  being  so  fuckin  moody . 
wanted connections
   ⤻     the  one  friend  he  managed  to  keep  .  he’s  shit  at  maintaining  relationships ,  but  for  one  reason  or  another ,  this  person  decided  to  stick  around .  he  appreciates  them  big  time ,  but  he’ll  never  admit  to  it ,  so  don’t  hold  ur  breath . 
  ⤻     exes  .  ex - lovers  or  ex - friends ,  he’s  rolling  in  them .  the  worst  at  being  a  good  friend  or  boyfriend .  the  worst .  very  stand - offish ,  never  shares  his  feelings .  i  truly  feel  bad  for  anyone  ever  involved  with  him . 
 ⤻     bad  influence  .  listen ,  i  don’t  even  wanna  say  that  they’re  a  bad  influence ,  they’re  just  somebody  who  can  manage  to  get  him  to  pull  the  stick  out  of  his  ass  for  a  second  and  have  fun .  must  be  willing  to  hear  about  the  knicks  and / or  fleetwood  mac  if  u  intend  to  give  him  alcohol . 
⤻     studdy buddies  .  he  needs  #help .  though  he’s  majoring  in  finance  and  math  is  his  strong  suit ,  he  struggles  with  virtually  everything  else .  someone  aid  him  lol . 
⤻     gossip queens  .   these  two  get  together  and  tell  secrets  over  white  wine  and  neels  gives  them  unsolicited   fashion  advice  in  a  dry  voice  lmao  .   he  loves  a  good  juicy  piece  of  gossip ,  much  to  his  dismay  —-  so  this  person  is  likely  semi - important  to  him  . 
⤻     the  crush  .   listen  he’s  not  made  of  stone .  in  fact ,  he’s  actually  very  mushy  on  the  inside  and  he  does  fall  for  people  even  if  it’s  only  momentarily  lol . 
⤻     literally  anything  else ,  please  hit  me  up  .  
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camkill · 2 years ago
my drafts are lying to me, it says i have 3 but i only have 2... there's a ghost in my drafts
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camkill · 2 years ago
who gave carlos the right to be so hot and for what
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