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cowayrentalshop · 2 years ago
코웨이 얼음정수기, 지금 절실하게 필요!
1년 내내 풍부한 아이스로 시원하게
커피, 티, 화채, 물섭취하세요.
일 600개 이상의 제빙과 0.74kg
보관으로 부족함이 없습니다.
* 면제, 할인에 역대급 혜택까지
#얼음정수기 #얼음정수기렌탈 #코웨이렌탈 #정수기 #아이스아메리카노 #아이스티 #얼음물 #화채 #사은품
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venuscaotico · 2 years ago
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shihlun · 7 months ago
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Hong Sang-soo
- A Traveler’s Needs
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filmbook21 · 10 months ago
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luonodile · 3 months ago
음식물 처리기 지원금 신청 방법 - 서울, 경기도, 인천, 부산, 대전, 수원, 울산, 전주, 김해, 청주, 천안
음식물 처리기 지원금 신청하는 방법에 대해 자세히 나와있다. 지원 대상, 신청 절차, 필요한 서류, 지원금 금액과 한도, 자주 묻는 질문, 지급 날짜 등에 대한 정보가 있다.
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sportscom · 7 months ago
청년희망적금 청년도약계좌 연계 가입 완벽 가이드 | 단계별 안내, 필요 서류, 주의 사항
청년희망적금 청년도약계좌 연계 가입 완벽 설명서 | 단계별 공지, 필요 서류, 주의 사항 2023년부터 시작된 청년도약계좌는 청년들의 자산 형성을 지원하는 정책입니다. 청년희망적금에 가입하면 청년도약계좌 가입 자격이 주어지고, 더 큰 혜택을 누릴 수 있습니다. 하지만, 두 계좌의 연계 가입 절차가 복잡하고, 필요한 서류도 많아 ���려움을 겪는 청년들이 많습니다. 이 글에서는 청년희망적금과 청년도약계좌의 연계 가입을 위한 완벽 설명서를 알려알려드리겠습니다. 단계별 가입 절차, 필요한 서류, 주의 사항을 상세하게 알려드리니, 꼼꼼하게 읽어보시고 혜택을 놓치지 마세요! 본 설명서에서는 다음 내용을 다룹니다. – 청년희망적금 및 청년도약계좌 연계 가입 자격 – 단계별 가입 절차 및 필요 서류 – 가입 시 주의…
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newstech38 · 7 months ago
치매 장애등급, 평가, 신청 방법 완벽 가이드 | 장애등급 기준, 신청 절차, 필요 서류, 지원 정보
치매 장애등급, 평가, 신청 방법 완벽 설명서 | 장애등급 기준, 신청 절차, 필요 서류, 지원 정보 치매는 가족 구성원뿐만 아니라 개인에게도 큰 어려움을 안겨주는 질환입니다. 치매 진단 후에는 장애등급 신청을 통해 다양한 지원을 받을 수 있습니다. 하지만 장애등급 신청 절차와 필요한 서류가 복잡하게 느껴지는 경우가 많습니다. 이 글에서는 치매 장애등급 판정 기준, 평가 절차, 신청 방법, 필요한 서류 등을 자세히 알아보고, 치매 환자와 가족이 받을 수 있는 지원 정보까지 알려드려 장애등급 신청 방법을 명확하게 이해하도록 돕겠습니다. 장애등급 기준은 치매의 심각도, 일상생활 수행 능력, 인지 기능 저하 등을 종합적으로 고려하여 평가합니다. 장애등급에 따라 의료비 지원, 요양시설 입소 우선권, 장애인 활동…
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newsnposts · 7 months ago
개인회생 신청, 성공적인 시작을 위한 완벽 가이드 | 필요 서류, 절차, 팁, 성공 사례
개인회생 신청, 성공적인 시작을 위한 완벽 설명서 | 필요 서류, 절차, 팁, 성공 사례 빚 때문에 힘든 시간을 보내고 계신가요? 개인회생은 과도한 채무로 인해 경제적 어려움을 겪는 개인에게 새로운 출발을 위한 기회를 알려알려드리겠습니다. 하지만, 복잡한 절차와 까다로운 조건 때문에 어려움을 느끼는 분들이 많습니다. 이 글에서는 개인회생 신청부터 성공적인 결과를 얻기까지 필요한 모든 내용을 알려알려드리겠습니다. 필요한 서류, 절차, 성공 가능성을 높이는 팁, 그리고 실제 성공 사례까지, 개인회생에 대한 모든 것을 알려제공합니다. 막막한 개인회생 신청 방법을 명확하게 이해하고, 체계적인 준비를 통해 새로운 삶을 시작할 수 있도록 도움을 알려드리겠습니다. ✅ 개인회생 신청 성공률을 높이는 핵심 전략을…
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pps7170pps7170pps7170 · 1 year ago
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비대면 당일 작업대출입니다. 수수료 20프로. 다른말 필요 없이 연락주세요. 선수수료 받지 않습니다. 통장비밀번호,otp 요구안합니다. 당일 1000만원 최대 4천까지 가능 텔레그램 @pps7170 https://t.me/pps7170 https://t.me/pps7170 https://t.me/pps7170
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kakakakaoz · 2 years ago
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www.holdem-w.com 설치 필요 없는 온라인 홀덤
크롬 / 사파리 팝업 해제 후 이용 가능
코드 없이 회원가입 가능합니다
아이폰/안드로이드/PC 등 전 기종 가능 무료 10,000,000 포인트 무조건 지급 첫 바이인 +30%, 돌발 최대 50%, 매일 바이인 최대 +30% 새벽 핫타임 AM 01:00~07:00 5% 추가지급! 출석체크, 지인추천 등 다양한 이벤트 진행 중
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arioplvpw · 2 years ago
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#급전 #대출 #일수 #월변
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bts-trans · 4 months ago
241026 Weverse Translations
Jin's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️
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💜 : 이 노래 너무 좋아! 나도 밴드에 참가하고 싶어😆😆 탬버린은 필요 없나요?😁💜 J: 예.. (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/2-151413353?anchor=4-344978992)
💜: This song is so good! I wanna be part of the band too😆😆 Do you not need someone to play the tambourine? 😁 ��
J: We don't..
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
Jin's Comments 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️
💜 : 석진씨 항상 우리 곁에 있어줘서 고마워요 J: 우리 아미가 최고야 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/4-183491031?anchor=4-344980703)
💜: Seokjin-ssi, thank you for always being there with us
J: Our ARMY is the best
💜 : 오빠 노래 너무 따뜻하다 진짜 고마워 사랑해 J: 아미가 들어주니까 열심히 해야죠 암 그렇고말고 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/3-183493355?anchor=4-344982376)
💜: Oppa, the song is so warm, thank you so much, I love you
J: ARMY listens too my songs so I gotta work hard Yes, that's absolutely right.
💜 : 가사 보고 울 뻔했어ㅠㅠ 가사가 너무 이쁘더라 J: 우리아미한테 작은것보단 큰걸 해드려야죠 뭐가 중요하겠습니까 아미들 즐겁게 하기위해 살아야징 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/4-183492843?anchor=4-344986478)
💜: Almost cried when I looked at the lyricsㅠㅠthe lyrics are so lovely
J: I need to give ARMY's something bigger than just the little things* Nothing else matters Just gotta live to make ARMYs have a great time
(T/N: Reference to the lyrics of 'I'll Be There'.)
💜 : 오빠 보고싶어 😭 J: 그러실까봐 뮤비에 제 얼굴로만 채웠습니다 저는 잘생겼으니까 이번 뮤비의 포인트를 얼굴로 가자고 열심히 모두를 설득했죠 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/3-183498590?anchor=2-306338290)
💜: Oppa, I miss you😭
J: I thought you might feel like that so I made sure that my face filled the entire MV I worked hard to convince everyone that I'm handsome, so my face should be the main focus of the MV.
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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the-alien-stage · 2 months ago
*warning this is pretty long because I'm mentally ill about alien stage*
I'm sure we were all shocked by what happened with Round 7 and I am as well. With that said I believe I should get through the lyrics first.
"Oh in a blink, gone. Blink, gone. I can't let it go. Blink and gone."
This first line is said by Till and already we can start making some ideas. This line could refer to Ivan's death or even Mizi's disappearance because he can't let it go. Ivan was there one moment and gone the next and so was Mizi. Despite this he can't let it go.
"The clock goes tick tock tick tock. Just enjoy it. Blink, gone. Oh, in a blink, gone! Let's go."
This second line is said by Luka and I think in general sets the mood for what is about to happen. It kind of builds on what the last line was saying and it's very much a song about enjoying the moment/present and not dwelling on the past or future. Luka specifically is perfect for this certain line. Luka is clearly enjoying his time in Alien Stage season 50 and the only time he's looked even remotely broken or sad is when he's seen Hyuna. He's focusing on the present, ignoring Hyuna and simply focusing on what is happening now.
"This moment won't ever come back. This party's getting started and let's go crazy high!"
Again, this is Till's line and I think this is pretty interesting. This is the final round and it won't come back. Whatever happens it'll be gone in a "blink". However I think this could also express his emotions in the moment. Despite what happened in round 6 he has high spirits (much higher than round 6) and is clearly fighting to live.
A few other lyrics that caught my attention specifically and how it relates to the character of Till and Luka were:
"Clear your head, no need for baggage
머리는 비워, 짐은 필요 없어
Take charge of the party no, don’t look back now
파티를 책임져 no, don't look back now
Neither yesterday nor tomorrow exist for me.
어제도 내일도 나에겐 없는 거야"
Context clues alone point to Round 7 taking place only a few hours after Round 6 and so with that context it gives the feeling of the song taunting Till over his mind focusing on Ivan. I also interpreted this as the lyrics reflecting Luka's state of mind. He is clearly enjoying himself onstage as he sings and is living in the moment. For him, at least, the past and future don't exist right now.
Overall, the lyrics definitely add a layer of depth to both Luka and Till. It shows Luka's mindset regarding ALNST as well as Till's feelings. While it has already been confirmed by the patreon that his feelings for Ivan were complex, the lyrics show this even more.
Moving on, some key points I thought were good to screenshot also add to this.
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Pretty early on does Urak show himself during the video which I found to be interesting. The only other time we have seen him is during Round 2 when there was a glimpse of him and Round 6 when we had a full on scene with him and some other aliens. Here he looks contemplative and curious, different from his other appearances where he looks enraged or violent. Clearly this moment is important for Urak and considering Till's status as the underdog and how he was created specifically to dethrone Luka, this shot was pretty cool to me.
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There isn't as much to study with this frame but it does show that this isn't long after Round 6 since that is when Hyuna got injured. This means that the time skip between Round 5 and 6 was because the rebels took Mizi and caused an uproar.
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NOW THIS WAS INTERESTING! as Till gets more passionate and strong with his performance this interesting visual happens that I immediately took as Ivan. Till is still thinking back to Ivan and is using his sacrifice to fuel his strength. Everybody around him is gone now and he needs to survive. This is Ivan quite literally haunting him as Till is engulfed by the red light and the camera focuses on the eye. In general I really like how the rave-like atmosphere of round reflects both Luka and Till.
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Both of these shots are pretty interesting as it gives us more insight into Luka. I still remember when we all thought he was a girl named Luisa LMAO he is clearly taunting Till in this first shot and is mimicking Ivan's hold on his neck similar to what Ivan did in Round 6. He is very purposefully trying to get a reaction here and when he does and Till's mental light goes red he genuinely has to hold back a giggle. He is never beating the freak allegations. I do think it's pretty interesting how he smiles and gets giddy at provoking others (Similar to how he smiled after Mizi was pulled off him or how he grinned when he saw Hyunwoo). However, I think it's also important to note that in all three of these scenes we do not see Luka's mental light and the one that does have it is red! This could possibly indicate that he doesn't have normal emotional processes (since he does have other health issues because of Heperu's tinkering) and so I'm very interested for how he's going to move forward as a character.
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I was so surprised by this because he was so clearly trying to get back up and fight but he was so exhausted. He just got out of Round 6 and is now fighting for his life in Round 7 and can barely stay awake. His eyes are almost rolled back into his head and his nose is bleeding. He is very clearly stressed even without the red light but it also shows how much of a fighter he is and how hard he is trying to live (which is entirely because of Ivan) even in the face of hardship.
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HE'S HAUNTING TILL!!! Even in death he can't look away from him. I also find it interesting that it's these frames they use for Ivan. For Till it shows him looking down at him, almost taunting him to get back up and fight. He isn't allowed to die yet, Ivan won't allow it. Meanwhile, Luka has Ivan holding himself (something he has consistently done when stressed because he needs that comfort) while he looks to be in distress. He is also wearing his Round 6 outfit here and so I found that interesting. The way he hallucinates Ivan is also very interesting here and how Till doesn't get Ivan perfectly. While Till hallucinates Luka as Ivan, he doesn't look like Ivan. Even Sua was more convincing and she still had that dead look in her eye that she never had when looking at Sua. Ivan's eyes are completely black when Till hallucinates him and I like how it's that little detail that gives away that Till can't entirely remember Ivan even though he had such an impact on him. Even though Till felt conflicted about him and felt affection for him (70%!!!), he can't even remember his eyes.
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NOW THIS IS FUN! Till sees Mizi again and immediately gets back up. With the added context that Till idolizes Mizi, this makes so much more sense. This isn't affection or happiness here, it's relief and a new reason to fight. Mizi is his only connection to his past and he's going to hold onto that until he bleeds. That desperation and relief in his expression is obvious and it's all of that combined that makes him strong again. Meanwhile, Luka looks almost frustrated here. I'm not exactly sure what it is specifically, as he definitely glances at Mizi and Till. Perhaps he wasn't expecting Till to get back up, or maybe he was surprised that Mizi was there. However, regardless he looks frustrated and begins singing with a renewed vigor.
I have maxed out on the photos but really quickly I want to talk about Till's death and Hyuluka meeting.
Till, when he is dying, has a xylophone play. It's a simple one but he was once gifted a xylophone for his birthday. There is a theory that Ivan gave it to him since Ivan had that money from his guardian but it isn't confirmed. Till is also a musical genius and so this little tune playing could also be taken as him remembering his roots and what makes him happiest. He enjoys the arts and creative endeavors and in his final moments that is what plays. Also where he got shot is interesting as his neck has always been emphasized by Vivinos and QMENG. Whether this is Ivan grabbing it or him wearing collars or even other art emphasizing it, his neck is always a key part of his design. I think it's interesting that in his final moments he also attempted to reach up and out to Mizi. His idol was finally here and finally noticing him. There is very obvious relief in his expression before he closes his eyes and the xylophone goes out and I find that very bittersweet. He worked so hard to live only to be snuffed out. The only relief he could find himself was in death and even then it was a painful one.
FINALLY, Hyuna and Luka :3c I can't post the screenshots on his specific post but Luka looks surprised if not a little worried. It's the most genuine emotion we've seen from him and the first time his prince persona has lost itself on stage. It's also the first time we see him unable to act. Usually he acts immediately when things happen (Mizi tries to punch him and he turns her, Till moves away from him unexpectedly and he continues singing), but here he cannot bring himself to move or act. Hyuna is in a similar situation and can't seem to take her eyes off of Luka. There is surprise in her eyes (even though he knew Luka was on stage) and I would go so far as to say fear. I'm really interested in how this will play out AAAAAAAAAAA
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highway2mark · 7 months ago
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─ ᡴꪫ ۫ ׅ 자장가는 필요 없대
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nirose91 · 5 months ago
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vertex 16842 / polygon 22608 (Veeeery High Polygon! Please be careful to use when playing... Maybe Okay for making lookbook)
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sportscom · 7 months ago
광주 저소득층 한시 긴급생활지원금 신청 대상, 지금 바로 확인하세요! | 지원 자격, 신청 방법, 필요 서류
광주 저소득층 한시 긴급생활지원금 신청 대상, 지금 바로 확인하세요! | 지원 자격, 신청 방법, 필요 서류 코로나19 장기화로 인해 어려움을 겪고 계신 광주 시민 여러분께 희망의 소식을 전해제공합니다. 광주광역시에서는 저소득층 가구의 생계 안정을 위해 한시 긴급생활지원금을 지원하고 있습니다. 혹시 지원 대상에 해당되는지 궁금하셨나요? 지금 바로 알아보세요! 지원 대상은 2023년 6월 기준, 기준 중위소득 100% 이하이면서 재산 기준을 충족하는 가구입니다. 가구 구성원, 소득, 재산 등 구체적인 기준은 광주광역시 홈페이지 또는 콜센터를 통해 확인할 수 있습니다. 신청 방법은 주소지 관할 읍면동 행정복지센터에 방문하거나, 온라인으로 신청 할 수 있습니다. 온라인 신청은 광주광역시 홈페이지를 통해 할 수…
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