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psycholirium · 3 months ago
Weird sure, but how bad are you down for someone that you have to search everywhere to find someone who resembles your crush in any way but still ends up liking the original person and cant find anyone like him bec he's the only one for him? That's Kwon Jaekyoung for you lol
He tried looking for anyone who resembles Jiheon yet he realizes no one can really replace the original.
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publicfacing · 3 years ago
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Stills from <Space Sai Sori> by Yun Lee
"핸드메이드 필름랩, 스페이스 셀이 기획한 EYE & EAR CLINIC in Seoul 은 소규모의 예술영화 커뮤니티를 통해 개인적이고 사적인 사유와 체험들을 발견해가는 것은 어떤 의미를 가질 것인가에 대한 고민에서 비롯된다. 영화를 제작과 수용하는데 있어 관습화된 혹은 오염된 우리의 눈과 청각의 감각을 다시 깨우는 계기를 마련하는 것에 목적을 둔다. "
"커뮤니티 상영회의 사례는 실험영화의 역사에서 많이 찾아볼 수 있다. 브루스 베일리 (Bruce Baillie)는 자신의 집 창고에서 주민을 모아 실험영화를 틀기 시작했다. 주민들은 과자를 구워오기도 하고, 음식을 자발적으로 준비해 오기도 했다. 에이모스 포겔(Amos Vogel)은 시네마 16이라는 상영회를 조직하고 실험영화 이외에 과학필름, 홈 무비 등 영화의 개념을 확장시켰다. 1970년대 앤솔로지 필름아카이브(Anthology Film Archive)는 메카스, 시트니, 브라키지, 쿠벨카가 주도한 상영회를 개최하였다. 이 밖에도 수많은 시도가 있었지만, 이러한 상영회들을 관통하는 중요한 태도는 기존 질서에 대한 의심, 새로운 형식에 대한 갈망, 새로운 관객성의 재고 등에 있다. "
<핸드메이드 필름 메이킹 작업 I >
2021년 하반기부터 2022년 상반기에 핸드메이드 필름 랩 스페이스 셀(Hand-made film Lab space Cell)에서의 작업을 통한 결과물의 모음이다. 참가한 9명의 작가들은 각각 핸드메이드 필름 만들기에 대한 자신의 태도를 작품을 통해 드러내고 있다. 각 작업이 가지는 표면적인 차이들 속에 발견할 수 있는 유사성이 있다면, 아마도 필름에 기록된 대화의 흔적일 것이다. 필름메이커와 필름 사이에 주고받은 사적인 대화의 흔적은 필름 표면에 고스란히 기록되어 또 다른 대화를 기다리고 있는 듯하다.
날짜: 2022. 6. 3 (금)
시간: 드로잉 온 필름 워크숍 4:30pm
필름 스크���닝 6pm
장소: 종로구 평창문화로 6-1, 1층 스페이스셀
티켓: 마감되었습니다.
로샤 Rosha (4'40", 16mm, silent, 2022), 이수진
Playing Time Played (9'00", 16mm, sound, 2022), 김지은
사과 (1'00", 16mm, silent, 2021), 김연경
16/201 의 의미 (16'21", 16mm, silent, 2021), 정지헌
사이 공간 소리 (1'20", 16mm, silent, 2021), 이윤
모래와 인간 (8'24", 16mm, silent, 2021), 김지환
할아버지가방에들어가신다 (2'00", 16mm, silent, 2022), 전수현
멈춘 것, 춤 (1'00", 16mm, silent, 2022), 유건희
충돌 Collide (5'00", 16mm, 퍼포먼스형식 상영, 2021), 권희수
관객과의 대화
인디그라운드 @indieground.kr
영화진흥위원회 @koreanfilmcouncil_kofic
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solplparty · 4 years ago
[M/V] 캄포 (CAMPO) - Lie Down https://youtu.be/Cc4Ep0nd7bY Artist : 캄포 (CAMPO) Album Title : Lie Down Release Date : 2020.11.18 Genre : Rock [Listen here] Apple Music - https://apple.co/3fYcswN Melon - https://bit.ly/2VweDOB Genie - https://bit.ly/2HYhe0K Bugs - https://bit.ly/3mxUuUn Vibe - https://bit.ly/2JBtlBe FLO - https://bit.ly/3lxl3ro ■ Mirrorball Music http://mirrorballmusic.co.kr/ https://www.facebook.com/mirrorballmusic https://twitter.com/mirrorballmusic 우리는 간간히 눈을 감고 지나간 날들을 그려보곤 합니다. 되돌리고 싶기도, 그 반대이기도 한 지난 날들을 희미하게 기억하며 어떤 망상에 사로잡혀봅니다. [CREDIT] 캄포 CAMPO 전창재 (v/g) 정지헌 (g) 김기헌 (b) 구동현 (dr) [Lie Down] 작사/작곡: 정지헌, 김기헌 편곡: 정지헌 Written by Jeong Jiheon, Kim Kiheon Arranged by Jeong Jiheon Mixed by 이상민 @fscbttl Mastered by 등대사운드 - Sometimes we close our eyes and try to draw the days gone by. I want to get it back, or I have a vague recollection of my past days, and I’m obsessed with a certain delusion. ■ More about 캄포 (CAMPO) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChwW8LqsPriZlgcwuE7grCw https://www.instagram.com/bandcampo_/ #CAMPO #캄포 미러볼 뮤직 - Mirrorball Music
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publicfacing · 3 years ago
‘확장영화’를 주제로 한 세번 째 스터디 
일시: 2월 5일 금요일 오후 6시
스페이스셀 호스트, 이윤 발제, 김지환, 이수진, 권희수, 전수현, 정지헌 참여
텍스트: State of Cinema 2021, manifesto by Nicole Brenez titled, Projections. Provisionals. Provisions (click to open)
State of Cinema, ‘시네마의 상태��라는 주제를 갖고  2018년부터 매년 게스트를 초대하여 글과 영화를 발표하고 상영하고있는 Sabzian 소개
“New multilingual platform could further deepen the cinematic imagination, and thinking, reflection, and criticism are intimately linked to the art of film and the practice of filmmaking themselves.”
2021년 초대된 Nicole Brenez 소개
Figurative dimensions of cinema, 시네마의 은유적인 차원에 학문적 관심을 갖고 있음, 본인만의 “cinematic archaeology” 를 실천중임
“For Brenez, cinema is a mode of thought …based on visual splendor and temporal speed properties, which produces humanity. Experimentation, invention, the power of the image, the figurativeness of the subject, and the conceivable relations between cinema and history are central.
Vachel Lindsay “thought of the cinema not as a simple reflection, the redoubling of something that already existed, but as the emergence of a visionary critical activity. The cinema is for him that art which renders images first of all capable of detecting the structure of the present.” (http://www.screeningthepast.com/issue-2-classics-re-runs/the-ultimate-journey-remarks-on-contemporary-theory/)
State of Cinema, 즉 시네마의 상태: 확장되는 영화의 경계들, filmmaking 뿐만아니라 동시대의 이미지 프랙티스 “image practice” 의 움직임을 추적하는 Brenez
“The spectrum of image practices is constantly expanding.”
스터디 내용
아카이빙의 폐쇄적인 특성
Brenez 의 주장에 따르면 작가들과 기관들은 "디지털 해적질"을 옹호하며 실험영화의 장은 엘리티즘과 거리가 멀며  Luc Vialle 이라는 작가의 라루프 커뮤니티 작업을 예를 들고있는데...
이수진: 아카이브는 폐쇠적인 장소들이 많음
기관의 부분이 아닌사람들이 교육에 접근권 (access) 떨어짐
차학경 작가의 아카이브: 가족들이 보여지지 않기를 원하는 작업도 있고 버클리 뮤지엄 기관에서 큐레이터가 상당히 (감정적인) 관여를 하고 있음 
정지헌: 종이 한장씩 아카이브 하는 미국 도서관들, 그 곳에서는 필름 한장씩 볼 수 있음
“디지털 해적질”
State of Cinema 발췌
“bulk digitisation of works protects and raises the visibility of otherwise rare or even inaccessible works. Never before have cinephiles had such easy access to the corpus of engaged and experimental films, in versions that may be degraded but at least allow for consultation. Will this increasing accessibility generate more accurate and better informed histories? I would like to believe so, I am sure of it. Let us note here that the famous semi-pirate and non-clandestine site UbuWeb, a work of art by Kenneth Goldsmith, fierce defender of the phrase “piracy is preservation”, is now officially part of academic heritage, not only in its original electronic form, but also in book and microfilm form since, as everyone knows from experience, a sheet of paper has a longer life than a digital file. What future does the digital world have? The book.5 We see why the former has remained carefully anchored in the latter’s terminology: “page”, “folder”, “file”, “portfolio”, and even “graphics card”…”
About UbuWeb Ubu Web 에 대해
Excerpted & adapted from Duchamp is My Lawyer: The Polemics, Pragmatics, and Poetics of UbuWeb
Founded in 1996, UbuWeb is a pirate shadow library consisting of hundreds of thousands of freely downloadable avant-garde artifacts. By the letter of the law, the site is questionable; we openly violate copyright norms and almost never ask for permission. Most everything on the site is pilfered, ripped, and swiped from other places, then reposted. We’ve never been sued—never even come close. UbuWeb functions on no money—we don’t take it, we don’t pay it, we don’t touch it; you’ll never find an advertisement, a logo, or a donation box. We’ve never applied for a grant or accepted a sponsorship; we remain happily unaffiliated, keeping us free and clean, allowing us to do what we want to do, the way we want to do it. Most important, UbuWeb has always been and will always be free and open to all: there are no memberships or passwords required. All labor is volunteered; our server space and bandwidth are donated by a likeminded group of intellectual custodians who believe in free access to knowledge. A gift economy of plentitude with a strong emphasis on global education, UbuWeb is visited daily by tens of thousands of people from every continent. We’re on numerous syllabuses, ranging from those for kindergarteners studying pattern poetry to those for postgraduates listening to hours of Jacques Lacan’s Séminaires. When the site goes down from time to time, as most sites do, we’re inundated by emails from panicked faculty wondering how they are going to teach their courses that week.
Kenneth Goldsmith 의 작업인 Ubuweb 은 아티스트들과 학자들에게 유용한 자원이되고 Brenez 가 주장하는 바를 입증하듯 이 웹사이트 조차도 책으로 만들어져 아카이빙됨
“Ultimately these video and audio samples will accompany the printed or microfilmed version of UbuWeb as a set to be donated to Colorado College, who have offered long-term care of the item as part of their special collections related to the ‘future of the book’.” (accessed on 21 November 2021).
사이트가 다운되는 날에는 각종 기관들의 교수나 학생들이 수업준비를 어떻게 하냐는 문의 이메일이 쇄도한다고함 
이수진: 골드스미스의 작업이 크게 문제화된 적 있음 9/11 테러에 대한 라디오 뉴스를 작업으로 읽음 그리고 그의 파이러시는 결코 대중적이지 않음 
Ubu web 은 아카데미아, 예술가들이 활용하고있음
Dial H-I-S-T-O-R-Y, a 68-minute-long film by director Johan Grimonprez, 추천
(traces the history of airplane hijacking as portrayed by mainstream television media. The film premiered in 1997 at the Musée National d'Art Moderne Paris)
매체에 대해
이수진: 이미지가 이미지가 아닌 것에 대한 의문점
지난 스터디에서 본 Carolee Schneemann의 퍼포먼스의 디지털 아카이빙
우리는 결국 퍼포먼스, kinetic theatre 를 직접 관람하지 못하고 그 것을 아카이빙한 영상을 보며 작업은 결국 개념적으로 남음
반면에 틱톡은 보지 않으면 의미없는
이윤: 틱톡은 아무리 그 3초의 컨텐츠를 재밌다고 호소하고 그 내용을 설명해도 “봐야지만 실제하는 것인가”
전수현: 전애인과의 통화내용을 들으며 우리가 다시 그 때로 돌아갈 수 있을 것 같다는 착각
이윤: 박제된 사랑표현일 수도... (통화내역이 어쩌면 Brenez 가 지지하는 동시대 실험영화 감독들의 “동굴에 남은 손바닥 자국”과 가까울 수도)
권희수: 이미지 포화상태에서 우리는 오늘날 죽음을 쉽게 소비하고 있다는 생각이 듬
셍명이던지 파일이던지…둘다
김지환: 필름이 복원되기 쉬운 매체라고 하는데 해일, 지진이 일어나면 정작 하드드라이브 뿐만이 아니라 필름도 없어지지 않나? 하는 의문이 듬
이수진: 하지만 필름은 통째로 없어지지 않음
이윤: Dianna Barrie된 필름 작업, 몇십년을 걸친 부패함을 발굴하고 복원하고 재편집됨: 결국 그 안에 서사와 얼굴들은 식별할 수 없고 ‘세월의 흔적’ 자체가 작업이 됨
전수현: 동굴의 손바닥을 목표로 필름을 만드는 것이 더 설득력있음
필름이 동굴의 손바닥에 대한 염원
권희수: “필름이 동굴의 손바닥에 대한 염원” 좋음
전수현: 1000년 뒤에 과연 앤디워홀 두샹이 남아 있을까??
살아남은 이미지에 대해
김지환: 이만희의 <휴일> 은 정치적 검열 때문에 살아남지 못했을 뻔함
반면에 Brenez의 텍스트에 등장하는 La Loupe 가 반가움 
페이스북의 아카이빙의 공간, 16000명의 참여한 라루프 시네필 커뮤니티는 희귀한 영화를 디지털 파일로 이동시키는 작업을 함 
라루프가 없어지면서 중요한 커뮤니티가 손실되었다는 생각에 안타까움: 해적질 커뮤니티가 없어지는 것이 이미지의 소실한 다는 것을 의미하는 것인가
폐쇄적인 온라인 해적질 커뮤니티
김지환: 공유가 작가주의를 없애지 않지않나? 오히려 더 보존하지 않나?
정지헌: 작가의 권리가 침해된다: 저작권문제
김지환: 카라가가와 같이 희귀영화만 취급하는 사이트도 있음 
이윤: 수집하고 아카이빙 하고싶은 욕망인 것인가
김지환: 희귀한 영화를 올려야 다운받을 수 있음, 이런 방식으로 유통됨
비밀조직 정보력을 갖고싶은 욕심. 할리우드 영화 올리면 강퇴.
Film-links >discord > 해적질 인바이트를 받아야함
정지헌: 오타쿠문화와 비슷하지 않은가
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동시대 technical (기술적인 수학적인) 이미지들, 과학기술 발전사업의 생산물- 이 사업을 conquest 지식 영역 정복, 제국주의, 식민지 지배국의 끝없는 점령들과 연결지음
이시대에 (무빙)이미지를 만드는 필름메이커들은 어떤 이미지들을 가치있게 여길 수 있는지에 대한 선택권이 있다는 것을 상기시켜주는 텍스트 (비록 인류학적으로 결코 장대한 결정이 아니일지어도)
These images are the result of so many reconstructions/transfers/conversions/interpretations/cosmeticisations that technico-scientific accuracy now only amounts to the so-called “RAW” sphere, that of raw data, distinct from the iconography that can be derived from it.
Since the Western Renaissance, images have been part of a scientific enterprise, the conquest of the visible and then of the invisible, which also diffracted into the imperialist and colonial conquest of physical territories, masterfully reflected – each in their own way and almost simultaneously – in René Vautier’s Déjà le sang de mai ensemençait novembre (1982) and Angela Ricci Lucchi and Yervant Gianikian’s From the Pole to the Equator (1986).
Technical images have invaded our everyday life. Without them, electronic societies can no longer function, as everyone in the First World has been able to experience in these pandemic times. Woven into every aspect of our everyday life, like emissaries of mathematics, images now seem to be nothing but the sweet reverse of our ignorance. Compensation, reassurance, allegiance to protocols... nolens volens, and rather nolens, they chain us to the myriad mass of ever more numerous, tight and knotted ties.
Every nanosecond produces more images (of surveillance or self-control, industrial or personal...) than the entire history leading up to Nicéphore Niépce’s research. What images or aggregates of contemporary shots will history retain, which ones will we need, which ones will we give our love?
As humans, we are now aware that humanity, and in particular its Western part, proves to be the most toxic, predatory and absolutely insane species on planet earth, to the point of destroying our own habitat.
– As cinephiles, we have by now come to understand that cinema, as a child of the industrial world, represents the lavish spending of natural resources, most of it useless and harmful to the imagination. As our existence as a species threatens the whole of the living, the films of the 21st century are figuring out how cinema can free itself of its anthropocentric and industrial determinations.
“Nature, the inexhaustible resource of encounters worthy of speechless communication”, Fergus Daly makes Abbas Kiarostami say about the Aran Islands, one of the navels of documentary cinema, during an excursion.7
기술적 apparatus, 즉 이미지를 얻기 위한 장치들을 제조하는 회사들의 이해관계와 얽혀있는 이미지 프로덕션
Many are stored, according to technical methods that ensure they will soon no longer be readable or even available for consultation, unlike the negative handprints in cave paintings, of which the oldest that have been found to date, in Borneo, date back 51,800 years.
All of them declare themselves to be driven by the same perspective, which is both common sense and opposed to the interests of equipment manufacturers relentlessly favouring turnover and obsolescence.
Within this increasingly massive production, which at present seems as unlimited as it is irrepressible (this belief is probably one of the main characteristics/illusions of our time)
At one nexus of the rhizome: the turnover of technologies of reproduction, planned obsolescence, the domination of a few sad archetypes, the empire of panoplies (풍분히 방허된 안전한)
사설의 자원들, 레바논에서 공적인 기관에서 정치적 부패에 에너지 공급 중단…> 에 의존하고 있는 이미지메이킹 <>저항하는 필름메이커들 
A digital medium lasts about 5 years; an analogue film, in proper conservation conditions, about 400 years.
적당한 환경에서 보존된다면 400년간 지속되는 매체 필름
이만희 감독의 “휴일”, Dianna Barrie 의 인도네시아 필름 작업
Digital medium: unreliable 안정적이지 않은, 안전이 보장되지 않는 
The day your electricity is cut off, as in destroyed Lebanon, only books and photograms remain. 
How can cinema rise to the contemporary challenges and become a life force again? All over the world, filmmakers are exploring new solutions of a technological, iconographic or symbolic nature – but probably less so to save or prolong cinema than, more obscurely, to garner images of the living that will outlast the living and, with no one looking at them, will populate an uninhabited earth, like statues still standing in the desert sand.
The film arts still require specific spaces and tools, ever more numerous, miniaturised and intrusive, with which living beings rig out any object and increasingly rig out themselves.
Nothing escapes identification or control any more. 
디지털 해적질의 찬성하는 입장: 이미지 보존의 유일한 방법 (작가주의와 정반대) 
And how, since the key initiatives of Guy Debord, Jean-Luc Godard, Harun Farocki, Hartmut Bitomsky, Michael Klier... has cinema taken charge of its own technological environment and the issues that arise with this? The current works of Andrei Ujică, Lech Kowalski, Mauro Andrizzi, Bani Khoshnoudi, Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Jacques Perconte... seem particularly valuable here.
in the 21st century, there are many great analogue-film artists: obviously Peter Tscherkassky, whose Train Again, according to Paul Grivas, was the only film screened on 35mm at the 2021 Directors’ Fortnight at Cannes, but also Ange Leccia, Tacita Dean, and Silvi Simon, who celebrate not only celluloid but the whole of analogue instruments (camera, projector, etc.) which are transformed into gems in their installations. 
there is also Jérôme Schlomoff, who is capable of making superb 35mm pinhole cameras. 
In all of these cases, the practice and defence of analogue film are not be considered old-fashioned and nostalgic, but rather proleptic and responsible
Let us note here that the famous semi-pirate and non-clandestine site UbuWeb, a work of art by Kenneth Goldsmith, fierce defender of the phrase “piracy is preservation”, is now officially part of academic heritage, not only in its original electronic form, but also in book and microfilm form since, as everyone knows from experience, a sheet of paper has a longer life than a digital file.
Among these reflexive histories, many set out to unearth forgotten, censored, never-seen images and events, as do for example Yervant Gianikian and Angela Ricci Lucchi, John Gianvito, Hu Jie, William E. Jones, Susana de Sousa Dias, Mary Jirmanus Saba, Dónal Foreman... 
– manufacture their own cameras (Jérôme Schlomoff), emulsions and celluloid film (Robert Schaller, Alex MacKenzie, Esther Urlus, Lindsay McIntyre...);8
영화의 역할 (미래지향적인 proleptic cinema): 더 평등한 사회를 지향하며 ..
살아남는 이미지들은 사회에서 허용되는, 볼 수 있고, 인식할 수 있는 범위들 안에서 생산괴고 그렇지 않은 것들은 암흑속으로 던져지는 정치적인 요인들을 인식하게 하는 작업들 소개..
Cinema is one of the places that allows us to reflect on the relationship between technical images (produced by technology, mathematics, etc.) and mental images: how the former provide the means of representation for the latter, how the latter serve as potential for the former... 
The two series co-written by Jean-Luc Godard and Anne-Marie Miéville, Six fois deux/Sur et sous la communication (1976) and France/tour/détour/deux/enfants (1977), started one of the rare major projects for questioning such epistemological exchanges. Does, or will an equivalent exist in the 21st century?
They form as many chapters and openings for a critical history in which the massiveness and complexity of the practices of covering up, censorship, absenting, repression and even assassination (William E. Jones, Killed, 2009) demonstrate that just as every image, as a plastic subject, consists of a structuring dialectic between champ and hors-champ, latent and patent, visible and invisible, so too, as a historical object, it will always confront the codes of what is acceptable, watchable and intelligible, at times plunging it into a dark abyss. 
We borrow this term from the filmmaker and theorist Edouard de Laurot: by “proleptic cinema”, de Laurot meant cinema that, in the present, seeks and cultivates the seeds of a fairer future. Mostafa Derkaoui, among others, developed a similar conception in About Some Meaningless Events (1974).
확장되는 영화의 경계
The spectrum of image practices is constantly expanding.
기존에 생산된 이미지들이 쉽게 접근할 수 있는 형식으로 아카이브되어 돌아보며 재조명할 수 있는 프로젝트들
봐주는 사람이 없더라도 자동적으로 아카이브되는 이미지들 
Everything is installed, arranged, optimised, dubbed, secured, stored, without any need for one who looks. 
cheerful and perceptive observations of Slovenian curator Jurij Meden (Jurij Meden is a curator at the Austrian Film Museum in Vienna), who analyses or invents the most experimental screening gestures possible, for example by alternately projecting a 35mm reel of Over the Top (1987, Sylvester Stallone) and one of King Lear (1987, Jean-Luc Godard), through the end of both films – produced by Menahem Golan in the same year – for a session entitled King Lear Over the Top Dedux.2
시네필 커뮤니티 공동작업
Luc Vialle’s sui generis suggestions on the web page La Loupe. An electronic Decameron, La Loupe made for one of the most generous, lavish, disinterested and effective collective experiments in cinephilia during the first extensive pandemic lockdown. For 17 months (March 2020 – July 2021), La Loupe allowed thousands of people around the world (up to 16,000) to exchange files of unreleased films, texts, ideas, information and suggestions in a spirit of effervescent discovery. 
The term “curation” – implying at the same time care, programming, cleaning (of the imaginary) and healing – for once took on its full meaning.3
, the common term “extra” [“figurant”] remains deceptive within the documentary field, where the body does not signify anything other than itself; and we need to invent names for their different plastic states, figurative statuses, modalities of presence... 
3. Possible Future
No more tools to create films. Nanochips are implanted in the optic nerves of living beings, sending them unlimited doses of images and sounds. Art schools are integrated into medical academies and hospitals, where one is taught the dosage of images. Antonin Artaud’s texts on the subject of cinema are no longer regarded as ramblings but as manuals.
Many resistance fighters have refused the implantation, gone underground and continue to create images and sounds with ancient instruments, preserved or created from scratch.
4. Desired Future
We stop thinking of cinema in terms of tools and commerce. We return to content, to the issues at stake, we pay the same attention to films as we do to frescoes or to the tiniest flower woven into the tapestries of The Lady and the Unicorn. Any chain of moving images is considered a film, and any unchaining of meaning is considered a major event. The spectrum of forms continues to expand, and suddenly cinema proves to be as rich formally as poetry, music, the biosphere.
“씨네마” 에 대한 경험: 기술적인 장치로부터 벗어나 자연적인, 시적인, 사람과 같은 완전치 않은 본질로의 회귀
the La Clef Revival experiment, which consists in saving the last collective cinema in Paris, an idea of cinema and through this of human existence.
The groundwater that feeds the artesian well of Jean Epstein’s reflections has a name: Arthur Rimbaud. Rereading Jean Epstein’s analyses of Arthur Rimbaud’s writing today, we notice that they abound in the qualities that Epstein would later transpose to the cinema he hoped and prayed for. Exactly one hundred years ago, Jean Epstein published the following lines in the magazine L’Esprit nouveau: “A poet so respectful of poetry that he wanted in its presence neither rules, nor laws, nor science, nor criticism, nor translation, nor order, but only poetry shivering naked in a mind; intelligent, too intelligent, he discovered, bent over himself, the poetry of intelligence, the poetry of intellectual associations, of sudden understanding, of illuminations, of pyrotechnics in which thirty ideas at once flare up, roar, fuse, rustle and smell; images that do not make us see, but make us discover, foresee, anticipate and understand; images whose slipknot flashes and falls, an unexpected lasso, on napes untouched by a collar, images given to us, quivering with endless freedom; images naked and, at the peak, of a new kind; an inventor who was the first to use ellipsis, who blurs eras and dates, folds and unfolds them like the panoramas sold near viewpoints in Switzerland, who launches concision, precision and suggestion, who pierces the future and the present with one move, who adjusts writing to thought, who sets traps to capture the momentary, the ephemeral, the sudden, the mobile, the living; who discovers a new rhythm, a thought, a new way of thinking; a visionary, he sees all relations, the miracle continues; a pagan, he does not conform to marble but to life; unexpected, acute and sharp, he sees correspondences, he attunes sound to colour, and colour to form, form to rhythm; he wants a poetic language accessible to all the senses.”6
The spring never dries. Even today, the central bed of the cinema-river remains that which, in the films, proves to be true to life, to the mysteries of its energy, as opposed to the rules of socialised existence. 
A.I. At War 기술을 어떻게 하면 작가들의 편으로 교육할 수 있는지에 대한 영화 소개
Sota brings us news from the very real hell that only humans are capable of creating on earth, showing us how a system’s agents become its victims.
Sota teaches us that we too, when faced with an image or phenomenon, would do well to begin our sentences with: “I believe that the probability of what I see is...”, a numerical version of the Cartesian evil demon, the one who encourages us to doubt everything.
Afterthoughts on Security of Digital Medium
Data Centers
What would happen if an Amazon Web Services data center got bombed? Would all the data be lost?
Foiled AWS Data Center Bombing Plot Poses New Questions for OperatorsTargeting of data centers is a new development. Experts believe the incident should spur review of physical security posture, investment in dark-web monitoring.
Chemical Components of Developer and Fixer 
Developer: sodium carbonate or sodium hydroxide are often added to the mix
Stopbath: A common chemical used in stop baths is acetic acid. While the developer could also be washed off with water, using acetic acid is both quicker and more thorough
Fixer: Common fixing chemicals are ammonium thiosulfate and sodium thiosulfate
Film artists at WORM Rotterdam exploring photochemical processes
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solplparty · 6 years ago
PLAYLIST | 권태로운 날들, 아무것도 하기 싫은 날에 듣는 인디음악 https://youtu.be/YVXT04yi2kE 아무것도 하기 싫은 날, 방구석에서 늘어지고 싶은 날들이 있죠. 그런 날에 이 음악들과 함께 권태로움을 즐겨보시는 건 어떨까요? [Track List] 01. Y?UH - feel full (00:00) 02. 문웅주 – 그레텔 (03:18) 03. sucozy, ohmadmoon - Martini Haze (06:49) 04. The Homesound - 차가운 밤 (10:37) 05. 순범 - Gray Winter (14:29) 06. 윤선하 - 후회 (Vocal By 소하) (17:52) 07. 알레프 (ALEPH) - On and On (21:56) 08. Babymoon (베이비문) - Winter is coming (25:35) 09. 지범 (ZEEBOMB) - I'M INTO YOU (30:29) 10. 해주 (Heju) – Snow (34:55) 11. Peterpan Complex (피터팬 컴플렉스) - Song for Christmas (38:49) 12. 정지헌 – 밤내이 (42:43) 13. OHIORABBIT – 소금강 (45:36) 14. 서자영 – 새벽램프 (49:14) 15. 홍크 (HONK) – 어쩌면 (52:56) 16. Fromm (프롬) - 어린밤에 우리 (with 함병선 of We Are The Night) (56:47) 17. Kama (카마) – fuxxxck (59:48) 18. BADROOM – Reflection (01:02:25) 19. Ruach - 빛이 되어줘 (with. lnn) (01:06:00) 20. 슬로디 - 오아 (Oh, Ah!) (01:09:48) ■ Mirrorball Music http://mirrorballmusic.co.kr/ https://www.facebook.com/mirrorballmusic https://twitter.com/mirrorballmusic https://blog.naver.com/mirrorball_m 미러볼 뮤직 - Mirrorball Music
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