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ambitious-zombie · 4 years ago
충동을 억눌렸다 - suppressed an impulse
어감 - nuance 어감이 좋다 - sounds good
손사래 - wave hands to deny something
예의상 말했지만 사실이였다 - he didn't say it to be polite, it was true
아차 싶었다 - Now I've done it / I'm in trouble
멋쩍게 - awkwardly, bashfully
~을 얕잡아보다 - to look down on something
수수께끼 - mystery, riddle
고향에 대해 궁금해요 - curious about his hometown
과묵할수록 강해보이기 마련이었다 - The more silent you were, the stronger you seemed
하나같이 - uniformly
일정간격을 유지하다 - to maintain a steady interval
후련하다 - to be relieved, refreshed
욕 - a curse word, foul language
온갖 소리 - all sorts of sounds
용감한 모험자 - brave adventurers
(멀리) 와 주셔서 감사합니다 - Thanks for coming (such a distance)
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dailykoreanselfstudy · 5 years ago
오늘의 어휘목록 📑
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영웅 [英雄] = héros
주르륵 *onomatopée* = son de quelque chose qui coule
자세하다 [仔細/子細-] = détaillé
밑에 = sous  {”밑” + la particule “에”}  
굽다 = cuire
벌집 = nid d’abeille, ruche, alvéole, guêpier, nid de guêpe
굳히다 = durcir, solidifier, figer
식감 = texture (d’un aliment)
동시 [同時] = en même temps, à la fois, simultanément
번거롭다 = contrariant, ennuyeux, embêtant
가득 = plein, rempli
올리다 = augmenter, élever, hausser
달다 = sucré
입맛 = goût (en matière de nourriture)
조절하다 [調節-] = régler, mettre (quelque chose) au point
사각 = carré (forme)
틀 = moule, forme
자유롭게 [自由-] = librement
원형 [圓形] = cercle, rond (forme)
시청하다  [視聽-] = regarder/écouter (une émission de tv)
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wonbindatascience · 6 years ago
Lexicon: SentiWordNet
What is SentiWordNet
SentiWordNet은 반지도학습 기법을 바탕으로 WordNet의 Synset에 감성스코어를 매긴 어휘사전입니다. 감성스코어는 긍정(P), 부정(N), 중립(O)으로 구성되는데요 한 synset에 대해 P + N + O = 1 이 됩니다.
WordNet은 1985년 프린스턴 대학에서 시작된 영어 의미 어휘목록 구축 프로젝트입니다. 쉽게 풀어 설명하자면 거의 어지간한 영어 단어들을 같은뜻별로 묶어서 synset이라는 것을 만들고 그 synset들 간의 관계를 정리해놓은 사전입니다.
(https://bab2min.tistory.com/573) (http://ontotext.fbk.eu/sentiwn.html)
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ambitious-zombie · 4 years ago
뼈저리게 느꼈다 - to feel in one's bones, feel keenly
연명하다 - to get by on something
부적하다 - to be inadequate
허연 거품이 둥둥... - faintly white bubbles slowly...
미미하게 증가하다 - to minimally increase
구석구석 - every nook and cranny
꼼꼼히 - elaborately, carefully
쭈그리고 앉다 - to squat, crouch, hunker down
이불 - bedding, sheets
말리다 - to dry, store, keep
벌거벗고 - naked, in the raw
새파란 ��공에 - in the deep blue sky
석양 - twilight, dusk
샘���다 - to surge, well up
뽀송뽀송하다 - to be dry and soft
격렬하다 - to be violent, furious, intense
탈진하다 - to be exhausted, worn out
휴대(용) - (being) portable
바닥나다 - to use up, run out of
군침이 돌다 - mouth watering
향긋한 - fragrant, aromatic
당분간 - for the time being, some time
애무하다 - to caress
포만함 - feeling full
허전함 - feeling hungry
뜻밖 - being unexpected
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ambitious-zombie · 4 years ago
목소리 좀 낮춰요 - Lower your voice
엄숙하게 덧붙였다 - added solemnly
경이롭다 - marvelous, wonderful, unbelievable
굵직한 목소리 - deep voice
마냥 - infinitely, so much
보편적(인) - universal, ubiquitous
공짜 - freebies
적의 손에 - in enemy's hands
발목 - ankle
예를 들다 - to cite an example
숙적 - old foe
제고하다 - to enhance
고개만 살짝 저었다 - she only shook her head a little
침을 꼴깍 삼켰다 - he gulped down his saliva
제가 알기론 - As far as I know, to my knowledge
소모면에서는 - on the consumption side
지형적인 장애물 - topographical hurdle
통달한 - be skilled at, well versed in
덤비다 - to dive into, hasten
평타 - average (slang?)
한가롭게 지내다 - to veg out, live a relaxed life
은혜 - a favor, help (freely given)
미소 - a smile
의뢰 - a commission
나태하게 삶 - a lazy life
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ambitious-zombie · 4 years ago
골똘히 - intently, fully absorbed
어이없다 - absurd, ridiculous, preposterous
하락 - a drop, fall, decrease
환장하고 웃는 - laughing like crazy
의아한 - dubious, puzzled
개의치 않다 - to be indifferent to, not mind
기특하게도 - to somebody's credit
처세술 - the art of living
새까맣게 타다 - to get scorched black, charred
허기진 - starved, really hungry
조합 - combination
웃돈 - a premium (price)
가능성도 있다 - That's also a possibility
쌈 - leaf wraps
쌉싸름한 - bittersweet
희망찬 - hopeful, promising
합석하다 - to share a table with, join
난관 - difficult situation, deadlock
선사하다 - to do something to show love or respect (to present 🎁)
안착하다 - to arrive safely, to settle in
경직되다 - to get stiff, become rigid
융통성 - flexibility, adaptibility
안도하다 - to feel at ease, breathe again
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ambitious-zombie · 4 years ago
묘수 - clever move, excellent plan
개량 - an improvement
빽빽이 - densely, closely
짊어지다 - to tote, carry, shoulder, bear
중단되다 - to be halted
유통 기한이 지나면 - if it's past it's expiration date
통상적 - being normal, standard
기계 - a machine or machine-like
무용지물 - useless
진공청소기 - a vacuum
만져보다 - to feel or try touching something with your finger
거무데데한 - dark, murky, dusky
정제하다 - to refine
젖소 - dairy cow 소젖 - cow's milk
산양 - mountain goat 양젖 - sheep's milk
염소 - goat (domestic)
유산균 - lactobacillus, the bacteria that makes yogurt
작은 것부터 큰 것이 이루어진다 - From small beginnings came great things
자칫 혐오감 - a slight dislike or aversion
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ambitious-zombie · 4 years ago
선별하다 - to select, sort
직성이 풀리다 - to be satisfying, relieving
자부심 - pride (in one's own ability)
협소하다 - to be small, narrow, cramped
체계 - a system
임원진 - executive team
부서 - department, division
총괄하다 - to generalize, summarize
낙하산 - parachute
능글맞다 - wily, sneaky, sly
차곡차곡 쌓다 - to pile up one by one neatly
관여 - participation, engagement
초월하다 - to transcend (beyond a normal limit)
치밀하다 - to be meticulous, thorough
결재 - approval, authorization
다혈질 - being hot-tempered
죄인 - the guilty person, perpetrator
민감한 - sensitive, susceptible
허공을 응시하다 - to stare into space
긍정 - affirmative, acknowledgement
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ambitious-zombie · 4 years ago
이기심 - selfishness
거위 - goose
가축화 - domestication
영향력 - power of influence
권능 - authority and capability
맨손 - bare hands, empty handed
난생처음 - very first time (in one's life)
연상하다 - to associate
요긴하게 - being essential, very handy
골고루 - evenly, equally
수정 구슬 - crystal ball 🔮
기록하다 - to record, document
소유물 - a possession, property (objects)
순조롭다 - to be favorable, go smoothly
명언 - a famous saying, maxim
어느덧 날이 저물었다 - it got dark so soon
꼬치꼬치 - inquisitively, continual questions
통째로 - whole, all together, entirely
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ambitious-zombie · 4 years ago
정량보다 - to take a measure
찝찝하다 - to be uncomfortable
야기하다 - to cause, bring about, lead to
알갱이 - grain, kernel
덤터기(를) 쓰다 - to have the blame shifted to oneself
착취당하다 - to be exploited
... 있기 마련 - ... is bound to happen
훈계 - a caution, admonishment
성실하게 - sincerely, honestly
시범 - a demonstration, model
깁스하다 - to wear a (plaster) cast for an injury
골절 - fracture
톱날 - saw blade
튕겨 나갈 - bouncing off
웬만한 - tolerable, respectable
상세히 - in detail
새카맣게 잊고 있었다 - completely forgot
새카맣다 - pitch-dark, hopeless
어플 - an app (abbreviation)
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ambitious-zombie · 4 years ago
함박웃음을 짓다 - have a great big smile
상납하다 - to offer, bribe, pay an authority
좌측 - left side
우측 - right side
사방을 살폈다 - looked in all (4) directions
위협이 될만한 가까이 - close enough to pose a threat
아끼다 - to save on, be frugal with
포대 - sack
열대성 - tropical
사이사이에 - at intervals, between whiles
사치스러운 생활 - luxurious life
도저히 - not at all, by no means
지저분한 - messy, dirty, indecent
자잘한 상처 - trivial wounds, small scratches
보름 - 15 days, half a month
고작 - at most, at best
황금에 눈이 멀다 - to be blinded by money
���류 - mankind, human race
단도직입으로 - directly, frankly, pointblank
지배 - (under someone's) rule, domination
곤충 - an insect
범상치 않은 사람이라 판단했다 - determined whether (or not) a person is remarkable
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ambitious-zombie · 4 years ago
몰아쉬다 - to gasp, pant
주위엔 온통 병사들의 시신이였다 - All of the nearby soldiers were corpses
맹수와 같은 안광 - like a predator's eyes/gaze
노려보다 - to glare, stare at sharply or piercingly
진가 - true value
만만한 상대 - a pushover
어리���다 - to be silly, foolish, idiotic
실성한 사람 - a madman
이깟 - such, so little, only so much
갚아주다 - to pay back, avenge
아연실색하다 - to be petrified
인질로 삼을 것이다 - I'll take him hostage
탄식하다 - to sigh, lament, deplore
겹겹이 - in layers, one over another
소나기 - a rain shower (weather)
처지 - circumstances
동정심 - sympathy
배려에 감동했다 - moved by his consideration
서광 - a gleam (sun breaking through), good omen
자존심 - pride, self respect
승부 벌어질 것이다 - there'll be wins and losses, pros and cons
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ambitious-zombie · 4 years ago
소질 - talent, aptitude, come naturally
눈부심 - dazzling, glare
야근 - working overtime, night duty
전등 - light, light bulb
복고풍 - retro style
소형 - being small, mini version
소형 냉장고 - minibar, mini fridge
청수 탱크 - water tank
상하수도 - water supply and drainage
냉수 - cold water 온수 - warm water
전선 - electric wire
공구 - tools
수월하다 - to be easily done, effortless
직선거리로 - as the crow flies, in a straight line
설치하다 - to install
시행착오 - trial and error
낫 - sickle, scythe
휘두르다 - to swing, brandish, wield
최소한 - the minimum, the very least
이래 봬도 - appearances aside, may not seem like it
~에 관한 - to be concerning, be about
주의하다 - to practice caution, keep something in mind
역효과 - adverse effect
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ambitious-zombie · 4 years ago
주주 총회 - stockholder's meeting
보유하다 - to possess, hold
실랑이하다 - to nag, quarrel with
내부로 - internally
차별하다 - to discriminate, distinguish
인증하다 - to authenticate, prove
심드렁하다 - to be uninterested, indisposed
가파른 - steep, sharp
마감일 - closing date, deadline
학창 시절 - school days
향후 수년간의 계획 - plans for the next several years
악플 - mean comment
주장 - assertion
물적 증거- real, material evidence
~적 - having that character, being such a state
물적 - being physical
승승장구하다 - to be on the fast track
정상적 - normal, normalcy
후폭풍 - rear blast, aftermath
배배 - twisting, twirling
조성되다 - to be built, fostered, promoted
호재 - good opportunity, favorable condition
운명인 - fated, destined
꾀하다 - to plot, scheme, make an attempt
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ambitious-zombie · 4 years ago
아득히 - afar
온몸이 전율했다 - whole body shivered
당직 - being on watch, on duty
침입하다 - to invade, trespass, break in
출신 - social status (current and/or former)
호형호제 - as close as brothers
사교 모임 - a social gathering (club, party, etc)
술향기가 코를 간지럽히니... - Once the smell of alcohol tickles my nose...
한잔하다 - to have a drink (lightly, casually)
여하튼 - anyway, anyhow, at any rate
부축하다 - to help another person move around
독이 - alone, by oneself, singlehandedly
경황 - state of things, situation
독살한 누명 - a false charge of poisoning
동문수학하다 - to study together (under the same teacher)
무장한 병사들 - armed soldiers
체포하다 - to arrest someone
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ambitious-zombie · 4 years ago
비위 맞추기가 - please the whims of, keep up with someone
잔뜩 - tons of, to the top
짜증 - irritation, annoyance
꽤 - quite, fairly (more than expected)
소박한 - simple
정취 - vibe
은퇴 - retirement
복잡하다 - to be crowded, congested
환불 - refund
실컷 - heartily, as much as one wants
주사 - drunken frenzy
엠티 - outing, trip (membership training)
적당히 - adequately, tactfully
진정한 - genuine
오늘 점심 쏠게 - today's lunch is on me
혼란 - confusion, mess
대체 - come to the point of doing something
접근하다 - to approach
절대로 - absolutely, never
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