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ittimes · 2 years ago
Rsupport Builds NTT Docomo's 'Online Customer Counseling System'
On March 2, Rsupport, a company specializing in non-face-to-face and remote solutions, announced that it has deployed a cloud-based "online customer service system" for NTT DoCoMo, Japan's largest mobile operator, making it the first telecommunications company in Japan to offer online customer service.
Rsuport has added new features to RemoteVS, such as Co-Browsing technology, two-way screen sharing, and agent avatar profiles, to maximize customer-agent interaction. The online contact service allows Japanese mobile phone users to easily and conveniently access a wide range of products and services at a time and place of their choice without having to visit a physical store.
With the deployment of NTT Docomo's online customer service system, Rsuport plans to actively expand its presence in domestic telecommunications companies and related markets.
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ittimes · 2 years ago
Korean Air Gets Approval from U.K. on Asiana Airlines Merger
On March 2 (KST), Korean Air announced that the U.K. Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) approved Korean Air's business combination with Asiana Airlines on March 1, and Korean Air now awaits the business competition approvals from the E.U., Japan and the U.S.
Korean Air has reported its business combination to 14 competition authorities, and 11 countries have either approved the combination or concluded the review on the grounds that the business combination was not subject to review or report.
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ittimes · 2 years ago
HUAWEI XMAGE Trend Report 2023 Unveiled at MWC
On March 2 (KST), Huawei announced that it unveiled the HUAWEI XMAGE Trend Report 2023 during MWC 2023 in Barcelona. The report identifies trends in the type of visual content that Huawei smartphone users generate, and aims to bring a new era of mobile imagery through innovation and culture exploration. Over 1.4 trillion photos are taken globally each year, with 89% being captured on mobile phones. Senior leaders from the field of culture and arts, top photographers, visual sociologists and student representatives shared their views on innovation and culture, key findings in the report, and the future of mobile imagery. Huawei is leading efforts to inspire users worldwide and explore the future direction for mobile imagery.
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ittimes · 2 years ago
SKT's G-EYE Plus and LITMUS Win 2 GLOMO Awards at MWC 2023
On March 1 (KST), SK Telecom announced that it has won two awards at the prestigious 'GSMA Global Mobile Awards (GLOMO) 2023' for its high-precision location-based navigation for the visually impaired 'G-EYE Plus' and AI-based location analytics platform 'LITMUS'. VLAM (Visual Localization And Mapping) is a spatial AI spatial mapping and image/sensor convergence precision positioning technology.
SKT has won the Best Mobile Use Case for Accessibility and Inclusion category for the fourth consecutive year, recognizing its efforts to create social value. SKT's AI-based location analysis platform 'Litmus' is a technology that analyzes base station location data by AI and provides location intelligent data such as movement status and means.
SKT won the smart city innovation technology verification project ordered by Sejong City in 2022 and the Seocho-gu digital twin project earlier this year. SKT plans to use the characteristics of communication data to expand the scope of services from existing vehicle-centered services to various mobility subjects such as personal mobility pedestrians and UAMs, and to solve various social problems with AI technology.
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ittimes · 2 years ago
Captain Tsubasa NFT sale starts on March 2, 2023
On February 28 (KST), double jump.tokyo announced that it has partnered with TSUBASA Co., Ltd. to launch an NFT project based on the popular Japanese manga "Captain Tsubasa".
The project, called Ball is our Friend Project, merges the digital and physical worlds, bringing fans together. The first edition of the NFT will feature limited physical soccer balls decorated with original illustrations by Yoichi Takahashi. Shinji Kagawa, one of the greatest Japanese professional soccer players, supports this project as an ambassador.
The NFT will be available for purchase in two stages: a limited presale from March 2, 2023, at 2 AM to 4 AM PST, during which Allow List holders can purchase a limited gold edition Tsubasa NFT for 0.08 ETH. And a public sale from March 2, 2023, at 4 AM to March 14, 2023, at 7 PM PST, during which anyone can purchase the NFT at 0.1 ETH . Buyers who purchase three NFTs at the same time will receive an extra NFT as a bonus.
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ittimes · 2 years ago
Huawei Launches the Green 1-2-3 Solution at MWC 2023
On February 28 (KST), the Huawei Green ICT Summit was held in Barcelona and Peng Song, President of ICT Strategy & Marketing of Huawei, delivered a keynote speech entitled 'Green & Development, Choosing Not to Choose'. Peng argued that simultaneous green ICT and ICT development is possible if the right balance is struck between energy efficiency, renewable energy utilization, and user experience. Huawei will launch solutions that embody this approach to pave the way for the green development of ICT infrastructure networks. Huawei has launched the Huawei Green 1-2-3 solution, which focuses on two scenarios: high energy efficiency and ultra-low energy consumption. The focus should be on network energy saving and KPI assurance, but extend to user experience assurance.
Intelligent scheduling algorithms can maximize power generation efficiency and load-based power availability while minimizing overall power cost. Experience-driven approaches are being upgraded to data-driven approaches, allowing energy-saving policies to be generated in minutes and optimization policies to be delivered in milliseconds. Huawei is willing to work with operators worldwide to strike a balance between going green and development, in order to accelerate green ICT development.
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ittimes · 2 years ago
Hanwha Solutions Acquires GRS to Supply Eco-friendly Materials
On February 28 (KST), Hanwha Solutions announced that it has obtained the Global Recycled Standard (GRS) from Control Union, an international recycling standard certification, for recycled polyethylene (rPE).
GRS is the most reliable certification among the many eco-friendly certifications required by global consumer goods companies.
Hanwha Solutions plans to increase the use of rPE-based industrial recycled packaging bags and strengthen collaboration with domestic consumer goods companies to diversify rPE applications and increase the supply of rPE to 10,000 tons per year by 2027.
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ittimes · 2 years ago
Intel Releases Quantum Software Development Kit Version 1.0
On February 28, Intel released version 1.0 of the Intel® Quantum Software Development Kit (SDK).
The SDK is a full quantum computer in simulation that can interface with Intel's quantum hardware, including the Horse Ridge II control chip and Intel's quantum spin qubit chip. It features an intuitive programming interface written in C++ using an industry-standard low-level virtual machine (LLVM) compiler toolchain. Intel has extended LLVM with quantum extensions and developed a quantum runtime environment, IQS, to enable efficient execution of hybrid classical-quantum workflows and high-performance simulation.
Intel is also providing grants to five universities to develop quantum course curricula and host an Intel Quantum Computing Challenge at Deggendorf Institute of Technology. Beta testers are saying it is a game-changer in the quantum development space, allowing developers to operate closer to the hardware for better resource utilization.
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ittimes · 2 years ago
UNIST and Korea University Research Teams Discover Photosensitive Ion Channels in Layered MXene Membranes
UNIST and Korean University Research Teams, led by Prof. Sang Kyu Kwak and Hyunhyub Ko discover "Photosensitive Ion Channels in Layered MXene Membranes Modified with Plasmonic Gold Nanostars and Cellulose Nanofibers". The study published by Nature Communications on 23 January 2023, and the abstract of study is: Ion channels transduce external stimuli into ion-transport-mediated signaling, which has received considerable attention in diverse fields such as sensors, energy harvesting devices, and desalination membrane. In this work, we present a photosensitive ion channel based on plasmonic gold nanostars AuNSs and CNFs embedded in layered MXene nanosheets. The MAC membrane provides subnanometer-sized ionic pathways for light-sensitive cationic flow. When the MAC nanochannel is exposed to NIR light, a photothermal gradient is formed, which induces directional photothermo-osmotic flow of nanoconfined electrolyte against the thermal gradient and produces a net ionic current. MAC membrane exhibits enhanced photothermal current compared with pristine MXene, which is attributed to the combined photothermal effects of plasmonic AuNSs and MXene and the widened interspacing of the MAC composite via the hydrophilic nanofibrils. The MAC composite membranes are envisioned to be applied in flexible ionic channels with ionogels and light-controlled ionic circuits.
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ittimes · 2 years ago
Over 100,000 People Join Jammy, LG Gram online community
On February 28, LG Electronics announced that Jammy, an online playground for LG Gram and opened on February 13, has 108,000 subscribers.
Jammy is a space where users can decorate their own notebooks, get useful information and develop their skills, and share information and have fun together. In particular, it has been recognized as a customized space for the MZ generation who want to decorate themselves and express their tastes to the fullest. 56.6% of subscribers are in their teens and 30s, classified as the MZ generation.
Based on activities, Jammy offers a point like 150 points for commenting, and 300 points for creating a post. With the points, Jammy members can exchange to contents and goods; such as Song Min Ho and NewJeans merchandise.
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ittimes · 2 years ago
마사 파이낸스 (Masa Finance), 블록체인을 활용한 신용도 조회
- 블록체인, '신용조회, 대출시장'까지 진출
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블록체인에는 명암이 존재한다. 속도와 구현 비용이 블록체인 발전에 발목을 잡는다.
비라 부디 (Veera Budhi) 멤브레인 랩스 (Membrane Labs) 최고 기술 책임자는 블록체인의 장점을 데이터기록의 충실도와 보안이라고 단정지었다. 20일 (현지시간) 포브스에 따르면, 부디 최고 기술 책임자는 암호화폐 시스템에서 블록체인의 가장 큰 장점은 ▲불변성 ▲투명성 ▲추적성이라고 언급했다. 불변성, 투명성, 추적성으로 인해 데이터 기록의 충실도와 보안이 이뤄진다. 기록이 안전하게 기록되고 저장된다는 것이다.
데이터 기록의 충실도와 데이터 저장의 안전성은 금융 거래에 혁신을 불러올 수 있다. 특히 대출 방법이 바뀔 수가 있다. 현재의 대출 프로세스를 생각해보자. 은행에 방문하여 개인 신용등급을 조회한다. 소득 금액, 통장 잔고, 신용카드 연체 유무, 부동산 보유 현황 등 개인의 모든 정보를 샅샅히 파해쳐야한다. 비대면 대출도 마찬가지다. 신분증, 가족관계 증명까지도 제출해야하는 경우가 있다.
통장 잔고, 소득 금액 기준으로만 대출한다면, 코인 매니아들은 불리할 수 밖에 없다.
“회사원 A씨 (40세)는 싸게 나온 재건축 아파트를 사려한다. 5억이 필요하다. A씨 동산, 부동산 재산은 2,000만원이다. 3억은 코인에 투자했다. 월 급여는 300만원 상당의 코인으로 받는다. 코인 월렛은 금융기관에 공개하고 싶지 않다.”
금융기관의 대출정책 기준으로 했을 시, A씨가 대출받는 것은 거의 불가능하다. 블록체인 개발에 집중하고 블록체인으로 거래하고, 모든 자산이 코인 월렛에 저장되어 있다면 대출이 쉽지만은 않을 것이다.
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마사 파이낸스 (Masa Finance, 대표: Brendan Playford)가 해결사로 나섰다. 금융거래소에서 신원 증명할 때 코인 월렛으로도 신용 조회토록 한다. 블록체인의 데이터 기록 충실도, 데이터 불변성, 안정성이 있었기 뒷받침되기 때문이다.
마사 파이낸스의 알찬 기술력과 사업계획은 투자로 이어졌다. 지난 5월 창업을 한 뒤 처음으로 자금으로 모집하는 단계인 프리-시드(Pre-Seed)펀딩에서 $3.5M (약 50억 원)를 성공했다. 시장에서도 긍정적으로 보고있다는 신호다.
블록체인은 장점을 앞세워 대출시장까지 진출 중이다. 해결해야할 과제도 있다. 속도성이다. 암호화 방식으로 트랜잭션에 서명하는 서명확인 수행, 합의 매커니즘의 트랜잭션 처리 증가 보안이 필요하다. 마사는 개발자 커뮤니티 활성화를 통해 최적화 진행중이다. 그리고 첫번째 소울바운드 (Soulbound) 토큰 플랫폼을 위한 메인넷 론칭에 박차를 가하고 있다.
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ittimes · 2 years ago
마사 파이낸스 (Masa Finance), 블록체인을 활용한 신용도 조회
- 블록체인, '신용조회, 대출시장'까지 진출
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블록체인에는 명암이 존재한다. 속도와 구현 비용이 블록체인 발전에 발목을 잡는다.
비라 부디 (Veera Budhi) 멤브레인 랩스 (Membrane Labs) 최고 기술 책임자는 블록체인의 장점을 데이터기록의 충실도와 보안이라고 단정지었다. 20일 (현지시간) 포브스에 따르면, 부디 최고 기술 책임자는 암호화폐 시스템에서 블록체인의 가장 큰 장점은 ▲불변성 ▲투명성 ▲추적성이라고 언급했다. 불변성, 투명성, 추적성으로 인해 데이터 기록의 충실도와 보안이 이뤄진다. 기록이 안전하게 기록되고 저장된다는 것이다.
데이터 기록의 충실도와 데이터 저장의 안전성은 금융 거래에 혁신을 불러올 수 있다. 특히 대출 방법이 바뀔 수가 있다. 현재의 대출 프로세스를 생각해보자. 은행에 방문하여 개인 신용등급을 조회한다. 소득 금액, 통장 잔고, 신용카드 연체 유무, 부동산 보유 현황 등 개인의 모든 정보를 샅샅히 파해쳐야한다. 비대면 대출도 마찬가지다. 신분증, 가족관계 증명까지도 제출해야하는 경우가 있다.
통장 잔고, 소득 금액 기준으로만 대출한다면, 코인 매니아들은 불리할 수 밖에 없다.
“회사원 A씨 (40세)는 싸게 나온 재건축 아파트를 사려한다. 5억이 필요하다. A씨 동산, 부동산 재산은 2,000만원이다. 3억은 코인에 투자했다. 월 급여는 300만원 상당의 코인으로 받는다. 코인 월렛은 금융기관에 공개하고 싶지 않다.”
금융기관의 대출정책 기준으로 했을 시, A씨가 대출받는 것은 거의 불가능하다. 블록체인 개발에 집중하고 블록체인으로 거래하고, 모든 자산이 코인 월렛에 저장되어 있다면 대출이 쉽지만은 않을 것이다.
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마사 파이낸스 (Masa Finance, 대표: Brendan Playford)가 해결사로 나섰다. 금융거래소에서 신원 증명할 때 코인 월렛으로도 신용 조회토록 한다. 블록체인의 데이터 기록 충실도, 데이터 불변성, 안정성이 있었기 뒷받침되기 때문이다.
마사 파이낸스의 알찬 기술력과 사업계획은 투자로 이어졌다. 지난 5월 창업을 한 뒤 처음으로 자금으로 모집하는 단계인 프리-시드(Pre-Seed)펀딩에서 $3.5M (약 50억 원)를 성공했다. 시장에서도 긍정적으로 보고있다는 신호다.
블록체인은 장점을 앞세워 대출시장까지 진출 중이다. 해결해야할 과제도 있다. 속도성이다. 암호화 방식으로 트랜잭션에 서명하는 서명확인 수행, 합의 매커니즘의 트랜잭션 처리 증가 보안이 필요하다. 마사는 개발자 커뮤니티 활성화를 통해 최적화 진행중이다. 그리고 첫번째 소울바운드 (Soulbound) 토큰 플랫폼을 위한 메인넷 론칭에 박차를 가하고 있다.
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