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highsummonermercar · 1 year ago
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Favourite female artists🐣Sunmi (9/20)
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kkkkkyyyyyy · 1 year ago
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tujajaclub · 1 year ago
풍성한 한가위 되세요
소원을 빌어보세요
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wooreedul · 6 months ago
#서울의달, SeoulMoon, 추석, 보름달, 공중퍼포먼스, 크레인, 얼굴, 보름달, 우주, 프로젝트날다, #00하는거리, #서...
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sunoofiles · 6 months ago
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240917 | Enhypen 트위터 | 1선우 컷
2024 추석 <엔씨 집안 7형제의 보름달 구출 대작전🌕> Behind Photo Sketch
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bamboobibi · 6 months ago
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2024 추석 <엔씨 집안 7형제의 보름달 구출 대작전🌕> Behind Photo Sketch X (Twitter​) : @.ENHYPEN​
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themoongirls12 · 8 months ago
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240716 | yeojin._.o_x instagram post 🐻
(🎵 SUNMI - 보름달 Full Moon (feat. Lena))
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antimony-medusa · 1 year ago
This post is to help us do a halloween event without everyone necessarily having to speak english! Here are some translations for the phrases Trick or Treat or Happy Halloween, if they exist within the cultural context in other languages, so you can wish someone a happy holiday back in the same language!
French (from @/omglescubes)
Trick or Treat = Des bonbons ou un sort! (litt: sweets or a spell) Happy Halloween = Joyeux Halloween or Bonne fête d'Halloween
Brazilian Portuguese (from @/leolingo and @littleseasalt)
“trick or treat” = "doces ou travessuras" or "gostosuras ou travessuras" “happy Halloween” = feliz dia das bruxas OR just feliz halloween
Hebrew (from @/qdramatrio and @/azure-wing)
Happy Halloween! Option 1 - ליל כל הקדושים שמח! Pronounced "lel kol ha'kdosheem same'ach" (The ch sounds kinda like the French r). This is the translated version Option 2 - האלווין שמח! Pronounced "Halloween same'ach". This is the transliterated version many people use Trick or Treat! This one is a bit tricky(pun not intended) because the tradition simply does not exist here, which means any translation would just that- a translation Option 1 (most used[relatively]) - תעלול או ממתק/ממתק או תעלול! Pronounced "ta'alool o mamtak/mamtak o ta'alul" Option 2 - תעלול או גמול pronounced "ta'alool o gmool" Option 3 - ממתק או ברדק pronounced "mamtak o bardak" (The last two are mainly attempts of translators to make the Hebrew words for "trick" and "treat" rhyme)
Korean, (from @/koreanbibliophilegirl)
No phrase available in Korean I'm afraid, at least nothing that's widespread enough to count. I mean, I suppose you could say: 즐거운 할로윈 보내세요! (Have a nice Halloween!) (We do NOT say this, but if you really want to wish someone happy Halloween, this should be your best bet I think.) Here are some Halloween-related words instead! 할로윈 - Halloween 마녀 (pronounced ma-nyuh)- witch 해골 (hae-gol) - skeleton 좀비 - zombie 뱀파이어 - vampire 미라 (mee-ra) - mummy 해적 (hae-jeok) - pirate 공주 (gong-joo) - princess 사탕 (sa-tang) - candy 호박 (ho-bak) - pumpkin 보름달/초승달 (bo-reum-dal/cho-seung-dal) - full moon/crescent moon 묘지 (myo-ji) - graveyard 무덤 (moo-deom) - grave 거미 (guh-mee) - spider 피 (just pronounce the alphabet P) - blood
Bahasa Malayu and Bahasa Indonesia, (from @/tu-es-gegg)
i mean halloween has no direct translation in my language its just 'selamat halloween' or smth like that same with trick or treat
Polish (from @/dendixia)
trick or treat has been most commonky translated to "cukierek albo psikus" (candy or trick literal translation) and we dont translate Halloween so its a bit awkward so its usually "Wesołego Halloween" (happy halloween)
German (from @/vacillantvoid)
Süßes oder Saures or also Süßes sonst gibt's Saures and uuuh #Frohes/Fröhliches Halloween <- german
Japanese (from @/wondernoise)
In Japanese you usually see トリックオアトリート! (trick or treat) ハッピーハロウィン! (happy Halloween!) both of which are just direct transliterations of English… A direct translation of “trick or treat” in Japanese would be お菓子をくれないといたずらするぞ (lit. "if you don't give me a treat, I'll play a trick on you") but that’s a little less natural.
Welsh, (from @/b1odeuwed)
in welsh it is: calan gaeaf hapus!! it means happy harvests/winters eve trick or treat is : cast neu geiniog (trick or coin)
Spanish (from @/anothera and anonymous)
in Spain we aay “truco o trato” for trick or treat and “feliz halloween” for happy halloween
Can I add to the translation Halloween list in my country we say "Me das una calaverita" (Spanish for Can you give me a Skull) of trick or treat :]
Yiddish (from @/atthebell)
Yiddish doesn't have a translation really of Halloween; you can transliterate it as: האַלאָווין (haloveen) And for trick or treat there are, predictably, far more words for trick than treat in Yiddish, but I'm partial to: כּישעף (kishef), המצאה (hamtsoe), שטוקע (shtuke) And treat: לאַקעטקע (la'ketke) or צוקערקע (tsukerke) So you could say "Happy Halloween" as "פריילעכע האַלאָווין" (freylekhe haloveen) [though below I'll talk about why you don't have to] and phrase "Trick or Treat" as really any combination of the above, though "שטוקע אָדער צוקערקע" (shtuke oder tsukerke) rhymes somewhat and "המצאה אָדער לאַקעטקע" (hamtsoe oder la'ketke" sounds nice to my ears. It would also be perfectly reasonable to use Hebrew for parts of this, particularly the "Happy Halloween" bit, as Yiddish incorporates a lot of Hebrew (for instance, "hamstoe" is Hebrew but has its own meaning in Yiddish). For "Happy Halloween," I would also probably say "האַלאָווין שמח"/"Halloween Sameakh," similar to the above with Hebrew, although you run into the religious issue that Halloween is not a Jewish holiday, so it does sound kind of funny. Yiddish doesn't have a translation really of Halloween; you can transliterate it as: האַלאָווין (haloveen) And for trick or treat there are, predictably, far more words for trick than treat in Yiddish, but I'm partial to: כּישעף (kishef), המצאה (hamtsoe), שטוקע (shtuke) And treat: לאַקעטקע (la'ketke) or צוקערקע (tsukerke) So you could say "Happy Halloween" as "פריילעכע האַלאָווין" (freylekhe haloveen) [though below I'll talk about why you don't have to] and phrase "Trick or Treat" as really any combination of the above, though "שטוקע אָדער צוקערקע" (shtuke oder tsukerke) rhymes somewhat and "המצאה אָדער לאַקעטקע" (hamtsoe oder la'ketke" sounds nice to my ears. It would also be perfectly reasonable to use Hebrew for parts of this, particularly the "Happy Halloween" bit, as Yiddish incorporates a lot of Hebrew (for instance, "hamstoe" is Hebrew but has its own meaning in Yiddish). For "Happy Halloween," I would also probably say "האַלאָווין שמח"/"Halloween Sameakh," similar to the above with Hebrew, although you run into the religious issue that Halloween is not a Jewish holiday, so it does sound kind of funny.
Vietnamese (from @blocky-tides)
these are rough translations as Vietnam doesn't really celebrates it Happy Halloween - Halloween vui vẻ Halloween - lễ hội ma quỷ (ghost festival) / lễ hội hóa trang (masquerade festival) Trick or Treat - Cho kẹo hay bị sợ (give candy or scared) Candy - Kẹo Jack o' Lantern - Ðèn bí ngô Haunted House - Nhà ma ám Witch - Phù Thủy Mummy - Xác ướp Zombie - Thây ma Black Cat - Con mèo đen Skeleton - Xương người (literally means bone people) Mask - Mặt nạ Cemetery - Nghĩa Trang
Irish, (from @cube-people-fandom)
Halloween is Oiche Shamhna. And to say happy halloween you would say Oiche Shamhna shona duit. Milseáin is sweets, púca (my favourite irish word) is ghost. Witch is cailleach. Oiche Shamhna is like: Ee-ha How-na Oiche Shamhna shona duit: Ee-ha How-na hunna dit Milseáin: mill-shawn Púca: poo-ca Cailleach: kail-yuck (sort of)
Latin, (from anonymous)
i don't know what practical use this would have, but i thought it might be fun to add Latin to the list -- so i've come up with "dolus aut oblectamentum" for "trick or treat" and "felicem vesperam sanctam" for "happy hallowed evening"!
Thai, (from @routeriver)
In Thai happy halloween would be either แฮปปี้ฮาโลวีน or สุขสันต์วันฮาโลวีน Trick or treat is จะหลอกหรือจะเลี้ยง ghost - ผี witch - แม่มด (which is kinda weird bc if you look at the word separately it’s literally mother ant) candy - ขนม haunted house - บ้านผีสิง skeleton- โครงกระดูก
Chinese (from anonymous)
In chinese you’d usually see 万圣节快乐!(in hanyu pinyin it’s pronounced as: wàn shèng jié kuài lè!)
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galaxymagick · 1 year ago
@ vixx_stargram
2023 추석 인사 영상 도착💌 (2023 Chuseok Message) 별빛, 행복하고 풍요로운 한가위 보내세요💙💛 ▶️ https://youtu.be/ui8E-gPmVYs ▶️ https://tv.naver.com/v/40788803 #빅스#VIXX#추석인사영상#ChuseokMessage #빅스X별빛해피추석🌕
Starlight, have a happy and prosperous Chuseok💙💛
#vixx #ChusokGreetingVideo #vixxXStarlightHappyChuseok🌕
*video translation undercut
VIXX ▶ 안녕하세요 REAL V, V.I.X.X 빅스입니다
 Hello, we're REAL V, V.I.X.X. VIXX
N ▶ 어느새 2023년 민족 대명절 추석이 다가왔습니다 이렇게 다 같이 추석 인사를 드리는 건 오랜만인데요 우리 별빛들 즐거운 명절 보내고 계신가요?
Chuseok, the national holiday of 2023, is coming It's been a long time since we all said hello together Are you having a great holiday, Starlight?
HYUK ▶ 저는 우리 별빛들이 높게 뜬 보름달과 또 빛나��� 별빛들을 보면서 가족분들과 함께 훈훈한 시간을 보내셨으면 좋겠습니다 보름달 보면서 소원 비는 거꼭 잊지 마시고요 우리 켄 씨는 또 어떤 소원을 빌 예정인가요?
I hope you spend a warm time with your family while watching the full moon and shining stars Don't forget to make a wish while looking at the full moon Ken, what are you going to wish for?
KEN ▶ 네 저는 올해 남은 시간 동안 우리 애기들과 좀 더 다양한 시간을 가지게 해달라고 빌 겁니다 그리고 우리 별빛들 맛있는 명절 음식 너무 많이는 아니지만 그래도 잘 챙겨 먹길 바라요
Yes, I'm going to beg for more diverse time with our babies during the rest of this year Starlight, I hope you eat a lot of delicious holiday food
LEO ▶ 그리고 연휴에도 쉬지 못하시는 분들도 많은데 틈틈이 쉬면서 가을 잘 보내셨으면 좋겠습니다
And there are a lot of people who can't rest during the holidays, so I hope you can rest and have a good Autumn
N ▶ 네 그럼 다 같이 인사 드리겠습니다
Yes, then we'll all say goodbye together
VIXX ▶ 지금까지 REAL V V.I.X.X 빅스였습니다
Until now We're REAL V V.I.X.X. VIXX
*please excuse any mistakes
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kwijeon · 6 months ago
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변화를 느낀 2024년 추석. 나는 滿서른 넷의 연휴를 여러가지로 새로이 보낸 나머지… (중략) 보다 독립된 성인이 되었다 라고 말 맺음. 추석, 보름달, 끝.
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cho-yongchul · 2 years ago
하루종일 푹푹 찌는.날씨에 하루종일 시달리다 집에 가는데 달이 크더라구요 ..
햐.. 보름달... 빵 ..^ ^
마침 달무리가 져서 원형 ( 원형 탈모 말고 ㅡ ㅡ ;; ) 무지개도 보이더라구요 ㅎㅎㅎ
집에 들어가니 30도 찍고 있는데 이젠 몸이 익숙한지 견딜만 하더라구요 😂
오늘 아침에도 매장을 여는데 왠지.그랗게 덥지 않더라구요 ..
이러다가 한겨울엔 영하로 떨어질건데 그때는 또 거기에 익숙해 지겠죠 .. ㅎㅎㅎ
나름 대단한 나 라고 느껴요 ㅎㅎㅎ
우린.다들 대단한 사람들 입니다 ^ ^
그.대단한 족발아저씨가 오늘도 전화 때리면( 살살 때리셩 아파 ) 배달료 없이 배달 해드립니당 우헤헤헤헹
#광명전통시장 #광명시장 #전통시장 #추천맛집 #광명왕족발 #광명할머니왕족발 은 #광명소셜상점 #미리내가게 #광명8경 #광명동굴 #광명시 #LocalGuides 와 함께 합니다
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wooreedul · 6 months ago
#서울의달, 추석, 보름달, 공중퍼포먼스, 얼굴, 보름달, 우주, 프로젝트날다, #00하는거리, #서울거리예술축제, SeoulSt...
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doerot · 1 year ago
Full Moon
Homegirl by King Princess
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
I actually don't usually like king princess songs, but I really enjoyed this one, so I might have to go back and check out some of her less popular tracks bc I must have missed something
선미 - 보름달 (Feat. Lena)
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
Overall, I liked this, but I'm not sure how I feel about the rap section yet, probably one of those songs that I listen to a bunch of times and then suddenly I like it
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bamboobibi · 6 months ago
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2024 추석 <엔씨 집안 7형제의 보름달 구출 대작전🌕> Behind Photo Sketch X (Twitter​) : @.ENHYPEN
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themoongirls12 · 8 months ago
[Special Clip] 보름달 (선미) Covered by YeoJin
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galaxywolfdogassemble · 3 months ago
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my late 2025 new year drawing. I drew a galaxy snake on the full moon since this year is a year of the blue snake. I hope you have a good day this year. Happy new year!
늦었지만 새해 기념으로 그려본 그림입니다. 올해는 푸른 뱀의 해인 만큼 은하수 뱀이 보름달 위에 있는 모습으로 그려보았습니다. 올해에는 좋은 일들이 많이 생겼으면 좋겠습니다. 여러분들도 새해 복 많이 받으세요!
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