foodweate · 1 year
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seokmattchuus · 10 months
Youtube's tryna tell me something but I don't really wanna listen-
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msburgundy · 3 months
선생님의 성함을 기억할 수 없네 💕
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seogwail · 2 years
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"okay now wes drinks from the same one and takes a cute picture!"
"but i don't. want to drink yours. it's... whatever that shit is it isn't coffee."
"mine ams prettier. better socialist medias engradgemts."
"uhh yeah but. it's gross."
"you don't haves to really drinks it just fakes it sos i can takes a cute picture and posts it!!!"
"okay but don't tag me"
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shaguagua · 2 years
螳螂捕蟬 黃雀在後
A mantis preying on a cicada, while a sparrow preying on its back.
This is one of the idiom from 春秋時代(chūn qiū shí dài; Spring and Autumn chinese period in 770 to 403 BC). The story is about 吳王(wú wáng), 夫差(fū chāi) after 吳 had conquered 越(yuè).
夫差 was overweening, killed rotal retainers and generals. 越 had sent 西施(Xī Shī) for his concubine and 夫差 loved her so much didn't do anything but sumptuous feasts. When 越 was preparing for getting their nation back. 吳 retianers asked and begged the king to recover his political sences, he had not listened. 夫差 had son, named 友(Yǒu). One day 友 was passing by 夫差, wet and holding a bow. 夫差 asked him “what happend to you?” then 友 answered,
園中有樹, 其上有蟬. 蟬高居悲鳴飮露, 不知螳螂在其後也. 螳螂委身曲附, 欲取蟬而不顧知黃雀在其傍也. 黃雀延頸欲啄螳螂而不知彈丸在其下也. 此三者皆務欲得其前利而不顧其後之有患也
In the morning when I went to the garden, there was a cicada on the high branch of the tree. At the back of the cicada, there was also a mantis, which tried to prey on. Then a sparrow noticed that mantis as prey, but it seems the mantis hadn't noticed his menace. So I aimed for the sparrow but I hadn't noticed the pond in front. This shows, they are blinded by small gain in front, they have not seen the obvious threat.
Later, 越 invaded 吳, 吳 was defeated. Then 夫差 killed himself. It is also in 莊子 (zhuāng zǐ), he interpreted that the luck calls the wrath and the wrath calls the luck. It is used as people only sees small profit it front when there will be more trouble coming because of that.
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To be honest, I don't know which is what Wen kexing intends to whom. How Zhou zishu understood that Wen kexing was the sparrow, while the mantis and the cicada were the 江湖 (jianghu) people. Then who's going to draw the bow? This story keeps coming by Xie wang and Zhao jing as well.
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crescentmp3 · 2 years
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shoverse · 2 years
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sportscom · 3 months
피로해복제, 계속 먹어도 괜찮을까? | 장기 복용의 위험성 및 주의 사항
피로해복제, 계속 먹어도 괜찮을까? | 장기 복용의 위험성 및 주의 사항 피로는 현대인들에게 흔한 문제입니다. 잠시 쉬면 해결될 것 같지만, 쉽게 사라지지 않고 일상생활에 지장을 줄 정도로 심각해지면 피로해복제를 찾게 됩니다. 하지만 피로해복제는 단순히 증상을 완화시켜주는 것일 뿐, 근본적인 원인을 해결해주는 것은 아닙니다. 피로해복제는 카페인, 비타민, 타우린 등의 성분을 함유하고 있으며, 단날짜 복용 시에는 피로 해소에 도움이 될 수 있습니다. 하지만 장날짜 복용 시에는 내성이 생기거나 부작용이 나타날 수 있으므로 주의해야 합니다. 피로해복제를 장날짜 복용하면 카페인 중독, 불면증, 두통, 불안, 심장 두근거림 등의 부작용이 나타날 수 있습니다. 또한 비타민 과다 섭취는 건강 문제를 유발할 수…
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#팸섭 의 호흡은 앞으로 다가올 절정을 뒤로 미루는 효과? 와 더 큰 오르가즘을 응축하게 해주는 지연 효과가 은근히 강하기에..
난 계속 이야기한다. “느끼지 말고 호흡에 집중해”라고
클리토리스에는 7시간째 페어리를 고정시켜 놓은채…
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star-shorts365 · 1 year
'미우새' 이후 두문불출 박수홍 모친, 결국 법정 선다 #스타쇼츠 #shorts #short #스레드 #스팔 #쇼츠라인 #박수홍...
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msburgundy · 3 months
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shwacie · 1 year
shalalalalala 태가 나
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shaguagua · 2 years
You, master and disciple two people!
Dilly-dally dawdle all day!
It's from 論語(Lúnyǔ; the Analects) at 微子篇(wei zi pian; Chapter about weizi) this was a story of 子路(zi lu; disciple of Confucius). The book itself is telling story about 孔子(kong zi; Confucius) traveling with his disciples.
子路 had lagged behind, he tried to catch up Conficius. While he had hurried, he met a farmer, and asked him if he had seen a sage; Confucius. Then the famer replied,
四體不勤, 五穀不分, 孰爲夫子
Using all fours to work, unaware of differences among crops. How could it be the person, a sage?
子路 felt ashamed so he standed there as apology of his impoliteness. Then the farmer invite him to his house, showing hospitality. Then later he caught up 孔子 telling him what happened with the farmer. 孔子 said, he must had been a hermit. Later they found the farmer, they could not find.
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It's a contemptuous phrase for who not knowing general thing but wanting to be erudite. Simply it describes a dork. Wen kexing is mocking Zhou zishu and Zhang chengling at once. Then Zhou zishu saying it's a beatitude not to know of those. 🤭
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oohhannah94 · 1 year
We will stay by your side Forever 🥺🧡🌻
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alachii · 2 years
아 마음이 떨려 정말 장욱 때문에
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manatokk3453 · 2 years
2023년 1월 25일 업데이트
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