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yue9littlebear · 5 years ago
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轻轻 落在我掌心
静静 在掌中结冰
相逢 是前世注定
痛并 把快乐尝尽
明明 话那么寒心
假装 那只是叮咛
泪尽 也不能相信
此生 如纸般薄命
我慢慢地听 雪落下的声音
你没办法靠近 决不是太薄情
只是贪恋窗外 好风景
我慢慢地品 雪落下的声音
睁开了眼睛 漫天的雪无情
陸虎《 雪落下的聲音 》
The Sound of Snow Falling
魏璎珞 Wei Ying Luo
Story of Yanxi Palace
My drawing and character design of Wei Ying Luo into manga version. In Japan this drama is known as《 瓔珞 (エイラク) 》I heard that my friends in Japan like this drama. So here's my drawing. Hope you all like it.
《 瓔珞 (エイラク) 》日本語 Japanese Version
polyanna_lpl @ my arte story 2020
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emynarnen · 6 years ago
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Period Drama Costume Appreciation - 延禧攻略 The Story of Yanxi Palace
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thwl76 · 5 years ago
#尔晴 #璎珞 #魏璎珞 #延禧攻略 #perioddrama #zao #ai #deepfake https://www.instagram.com/p/B2PKdqilSBw/?igshid=i6ogjgtf1p7v
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fuckyeahchinesefashion · 7 years ago
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吴谨言 Wu Jinyan 
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onerooomdisco · 7 years ago
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amyhpbrett · 7 years ago
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myhamartiaishubris · 4 years ago
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way5577 · 7 years ago
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算不完的心計 · 辨不了的真偽 · 唱不膩的老戲碼 · 得有多大的頭去承載這一切 · 能看透的叫宮鬥劇 · 看不透的就叫政治 · 人生 · #Chinese #palace #concubine #doodle #illustration #cartoon #comic #design #starrynight #storyofyanxipalace #延禧攻略 #魏璎珞
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emynarnen · 6 years ago
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Period Drama Costume Appreciation - 延禧攻略 The Story of Yanxi Palace
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silicone0001-blog · 6 years ago
男版“魏璎珞”,从流浪汉到亿万富翁 如今央视为他点赞!
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louisonurmark · 4 years ago
中国女演员- 吴谨言
吴谨言(英語:Wu Jinyan,1990年8月16日-),中国女演员,出生于四川省成都都江堰市,2018年在《延禧攻略》饰演魏璎珞而为人所知。
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euelfcom · 5 years ago
内容简介:读研攻略:壹 开学篇 语言打好语言基础,虽然每个研究生录取的时候都有一定的语言水品考量,不过经过长长的假期,大家可能都已经生疏了。所以,开学前一定要突击一下西语,不要输在起跑线上 书籍大多数人所读的研究生专业都是之前从未触及过的领域,所以, […]
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sifeng · 5 years ago
Guzhuang Dramas and Heroines
There’s a common trend in heroines in guzhuang dramas, so its not surprising the heroines that are most memorable are those that go against the odds. 
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Wei Yingluo (魏璎珞) played by Wu Jinyan (吴谨言) in The Story of the Yanxi Palace (延禧攻略) is a great example of a heroine that starts out strong and clever.
The Typical Trend
Usually, female leads start out innocent and naive (if not stupid). There’s a Chinese phrase for this - 傻白甜 (Sha Bai Tian). It basically means, stupid, innocent, cute. And that's exactly how a number of our protagonists start out, here’s a list of just a few of them:
Zhen Huan (甄嬛) - Legend of Zhen Huan (甄嬛传)
Jin Mi (锦觅) - Ashes of Love (香蜜沉沉烬如霜)
Qu Xiaofeng (曲小枫) - Goodbye My Princess (东宫)
Hua Qiangu (花千骨) - Journey of Flower (花千骨)
Wan Mei (晚媚) - Bloody Romance (媚者无疆)
Li Weiyang (李未央) - Princess Weiyoung (锦绣未央)
Others may start out smart, clever or witty, but rarely are they ever full on “badass”. For almost all of these examples (minus Xiaofeng) they all grow to become more cruel, evil, smart or “badass”. There is also a term for this in Chinese - 黑化. It basically means the opposite of 傻白甜. Of course this kind of character development, when done well, can really be amazing. It can show why this character becomes this certain way, and launch many moral arguments. 
Who Goes Against this Trend?
Rarely do they unleash hell upon their enemies or straight up manipulate or beat up others right off the bat. Very few protagonists start out cruel, intelligent, and worldly. Honestly, I would say Wei Yingluo (魏璎珞) is really quite a spectacular character in that respect. Yes, her character is kind of unrealistic in that aspect as well, but it gives such a fresh feel to Yanxi Palace. She starts out clever and cruel, ready to manipulate anyone into feeding her information, and she’s the opposite of innocent. Not only is she vicious and intelligent, she also is stubborn and very strong. She is wiling to do anything to avenge her sister’s death, and when death is glaring her in the face she will punch it with all her force. 
Another notable female lead who is not innocent, cute and stupid is Huang Rong (黄蓉) from Legend of the Condor Heroes (射雕英雄传). While I would say she is definitely more innocent than Wei Yingluo, in terms of strength and intelligence, she is truly amazing. Huang Rong has got to be one of the smartest characters of all time. She’s not smart in a cruel way, but she is extremely intelligent terms of being able to understand various martial arts, fighting tactics, and how to please various people in order to get what she wants. She also knows a great amount of martial arts and can learn a new skill and master it extremely easily. She is rather innocent however, and tends to view people in a more positive light. 
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Huang Rong (黄蓉) played by Li Yitong (李一桐) in Legend of the Condor Heroes (射雕英雄传)
Lu Zhaoyao (路招摇), the female lead in Zhao Yao (招摇) would be an exception to this as well, but not as much as Yingluo and Huang Rong. She does start out rather innocent and idiotic, but she is also strong and proud. However, what differentiates her more visibly is the fact that she becomes cruel and vicious must earlier into the series (I forgot exactly when since I never finished the show but... I’m guessing in the first six episodes).
While I would say that Chu Qiao (楚乔) goes against the trend because she starts out cautious, independent and strong, she isn’t fully cruel or vicious either. She never really plots against others or manipulate them into their downfall as Wei Yingluo does. 
So Why are the Female Leads always the same?
I don’t know, but I really would like to know. Even going beyond just guzhuang, almost every single heroine out there starts out stupid, immature, innocent or full of idiotic dreams. I can list so many from school dramas its not even funny. I have no idea why directors/screenwriters feel as if this trope is soooooooooooo interesting and why they feel they must use this trope in every single series. 
Though, as I said before, when a female lead grows throughout the series and you can see all the different events/obstacles that led to her becoming cruel and evil, that is character development done well. Perhaps in big guzhuang dramas that's what the writer is preparing you for. Building up this character’s hatred piece by piece until they are fed up and fall to the “dark side”. 
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Zhen Huan (甄嬛) played by Sun Li (孙俪) in Legend of Zhen Huan (甄嬛传). CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT DONE RIGHT!
For Xiaofeng in Goodbye My Princess I can also see the reasoning behind having this kind of female lead. They create this rather spoiled, cheerful, and innocent young girl who smiles all the time and then they show how this one event and betrayal changes her forever. While she’s still smiley and energetic once she arrives at the palace, that's only because she jumped into the River of Forgetfulness. Once everything comes back to her, she becomes depressed and lonely. With many harem dramas they suggest that a character must become evil like the villains in order to succeed, and in Goodbye My Princess, there seems to be a subtle message that because Xiaofeng is so nice, kind and unwilling to hurt others, she cannot rise to any significant power. With Zhen Huan she eventually becomes the Empress Dowager, with power in the harem that's only second to the Emperor. With Wan Mei (晚媚) from Bloody Romance (媚者无疆), she becomes the leader of Gui Hua City, never having to take orders from anybody else. With Wei Yingluo, she becomes the loved Noble Consort who is the Emperor’s favorite and has nobody else to share his love with. But with Xiaofeng, she ends up dying, sacrificing her life for peace. She is unwilling to see so many lives lost over her ill-fated romance because she is such a kind and compassionate person. She has never plotted to kill or sabotage anyone. In the other hand, Zhen Huan plotted against Hua Fei, the Empress, An Lingrong etc. Wan Mei plotted against Cha Luo, and Wei Yingluo plotted against, Ling Long, Chun Fei, Xian Fei and Shun Pin. This trend seems to suggest (in this epic melodramas) that it is those who can become cruel and vicious, that succeed in the end. 
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Wan Mei (晚媚) played by Li Yitong (李一桐) in Bloody Romance (媚者无疆). 
Wan Mei is another interesting example. She’s kind, compassionate and unwilling to kill the innocent, but she is willing to kill anyone cruel or evil. In the course of the show, her plot to become the leader of the City of Assassins leads to the deaths of her shadow and lover, and despite becoming leader of the city, she ends up lonely and sad, despite never becoming vicious. Why is this? With Zhen Huan, she becomes cruel because there was nobody there to stop her, nobody who she could trust and nobody that could comfort her. Her best friend died, her lover died, and now she's alone. There’s no one left that she really “cares”. With Wan Mei, the person she loved, Chang An, died for her, and he specifically told her never to become evil or scheming. Wan Mei treats his words like a rule she must follow, for if she doesn’t it would feel like she is betraying him. With this kind of pressure to remain kind, its no wonder she never becomes cruel. Everybody who died for her, Xing Feng, Chang An, Liu Guang etc, they all died because they wanted her to change the rules of the City. They wanted her to treat the other assassins nicely, and let them leave if they wanted to live a normal life. They sacrificed themselves so she could create a better world. If she didn’t change a thing and rule as cruelly as the leader before her, she would be betraying everyone’s hopes and dreams. 
Well, that was a lot of rambling and hopefully it made sense! Anyways, I really love good character development!
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ceocase · 5 years ago
外国版魏璎珞 保镖晋升超级男模为大牌走秀
现在时尚圈无人不晓得老佛爷,人们都称他为凯撒大帝, 因为他在时尚界有独步天下的存在,同时也是时尚圈设计力量中最显赫的存在,但不知道大家有没有注意到他的贴身保镖Sebastian Jondeau。
Sebastian Jondeau作为时尚大帝老佛爷的贴身保镖, 长期一直都贴身保护着 ,说他们这些年一直形影不离,真的没有丝毫的夸张。
无论各式各样的场合老佛爷都带着Sebastian Jondeau出门,当然他也没丢时尚大帝的脸,每次出门都把头发梳得发亮,胡子也是整整齐齐,与老佛爷站在一起也丝毫不会抢风头。
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poppy33 · 6 years ago
Liked on YouTube: 佘诗曼牵手皇上聂远对唱经典粤语歌曲《铁血丹心》VS魏璎珞吴谨言傅恒许凯《笑红尘》!《延禧攻略》剧组再聚首!【2019东方跨年盛典】20181231【东方卫视官方高清HD】 https://youtu.be/pNQu7wREJuI
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My Favourite Scenery Art in Story of Yanxi Palace/延禧攻略 #延禧攻略 #storyofyanxipalace #魏璎珞 #吴谨言 #weiyingluo #wujinyan #fuheng #傅恒 #xukai #许凯 #秦岚 #qinlan #empressfucha #fucha #empressfucha #fucha #富察皇后 #charmainesheh #佘诗曼 #輝發那拉 #延禧攻略 #chinesetv #china #hongkong
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