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light-wisdom · 1 year ago
福音問答集10--我是一個基督徒,我現在相信因果律了,但是我不相信輪迴,怎麼辦? 有因果必有輪迴,我們可以從一個人的生和死兩個方面來討論。 一個人出生的時候,與生俱來的智商、情商、靈商和德商等四商的潛質,還有各種愛好和技能的潛質,以及性情和性格,都和父母不一樣,並不是遺傳的。 那麼,人類的這些差異是否是上帝設置的呢? 生產陶瓷的工人都知道,陶瓷分為一等品、二等品、三等品、和四等品,四等以外的叫等外品,等外品就是次品,比次品還差的叫廢品。其實人類也像陶瓷一樣,也是有這麼大差異的。難道上帝造人的時候也跟工人生產陶瓷一樣嗎? 上帝是仁慈、公平、公義的,並且是大能的,不可能這麼設置,也不可能出現技術上的失誤。 所以,人類出生的時候,與生俱來的出廠模式必有前世之因。 其次,一個人死了以後,如果造了惡業,要下地獄,由於他所造的惡業輕重程度不一樣,所受懲罰的時間肯定是不一樣的,不可能是永遠受懲罰的。永遠受懲罰是不符合因果規律的,有限的惡因不可能得無限的惡果,所以,受懲罰的時間到了,就可以轉世為人,繼續悔改和修練。 一個人死後,如果因信神所行的善業,升入了天國。他要繼續地悔改和修練,而不斷地清淨內心的罪性,如果沒有把內心的驕傲、嫉妒、不滿和抬高自我的念頭清除乾淨,就有可能會墮落,成為墮落的天使,而轉世為人,跟着撒旦禍害人間。 因為有限的善因善業,不可能得無限的善果,只有不斷地悔改和修練,徹底地清除了所有的罪性,才能與神合一,永不墮落。 其實,一個人死後,符合升天堂條件的人是很少的,符合下地獄條件的人也是少部分,大多數人是既不符合升天堂,也不符合下地獄的條件。這是一個常識。 但是,他們在陰間裡等待的時候,並不能減少他的罪惡,也不能增加他的善德。並沒有什麼改變,那麼,他只有一種可能性就是轉世做人,繼續悔改。 在《聖經》中從頭到尾都蘊涵了輪迴的觀念,沒有輪迴的觀念是不自洽的,只要把輪迴的觀念放進去了,就非常好理解了。
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meinv5560 · 5 years ago
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sotimetravelcoffee-blog1 · 5 years ago
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zbclub · 4 years ago
聖母顯現時身穿白色的長衣,藍色的鬥袍和白色的頭紗。她腳踏地球,其中的一隻腳踏著蛇的頭顱。地球上刻著1830。聖母的雙臂向下垂,雙手放射著無限的光茫照燿著地球。圍繞著聖母的是一個橢圓形的框架,架上以金色寫下美麗的禱文「籲!瑪利亞,無染原罪之始胎,我等奔爾台前,為我等祈!」-- 這就是聖女要按此景象製造的顯靈聖牌的��面。
聖母手中放射出無數的光茫,表明了她--作為所有恩寵的中保所帶給人類的影響。...「讓我說,且讓我們不要有一點的懷疑 -- 所有的恩典、所有的救恩、所有的一切,都是從她(聖母)那裏傾流過來。」(聖伯納:Sermo de Aquaeductu)
天主藉聖母將祂的愛子耶穌給予我們。難道祂不會用同一的渠道 -- 聖母瑪利亞,將耶穌為我們贏得的恩寵帶給我們?在這美麗的禱文裡, 我們可找到以下的真理:(1)聖母無染原罪 -- 聖母瑪利亞是天主受造物中,唯一純潔無罪的。(2)聖母瑪利亞在天主前為我們轉求的威能。在聖路易斯德蒙福的 True Devotion to Mary 一書中,他說過,聖母瑪利亞代禱的威能遠勝眾天使和聖人聚集起來的力量。
至於刻在地球上的1830這個年份,標記著從那一年起,就是聖母瑪利亞和蛇(正義與邪惡)的最後戰爭的開始。教宗保祿六世宣布:「我們這年代,可以堪稱為瑪利亞的年代。」(The Great Sign, #6, p.11, May 13, 1967)
那十二顆星是基督的宗徒,他們圍繞著聖母,代表教會。這景象讓人想起聖若望在默示錄(12:1) 記載的神視 -- 「那時,天上出現了一個大異兆:有一個女子,身披太陽,腳踏月亮,頭戴十二顆星的榮冠」。十字架象徵耶穌基督和祂給我們的救贖。十字架下的橫樑代表地球。「M」字代表聖母瑪利亞。她的「M」字跟十字聖架交織在一起,表示她與耶穌一起與世界緊密相連。在此,我們可見聖母身為教會之母,在我們的救恩道路上,擔當了非常重要的角色。因此,「M」一字,亦代表著「母親」-- 就是耶穌在十字架上,將祂的母親交給聖若望。聖若望從耶穌手中接過聖母來的那一刻開始,聖母便成為了我們世人的母親。(參照若19:25-27)
耶穌和聖母的心連繋在一起,正預示了聖母在花地瑪給人類的信息:「耶穌聖心希望聖母聖心也在祂旁受到尊崇。」 (Lucia Speaks, III Memoir, World Apostolate of Fatima,
Washington, NJ: 1976; p.137) 「天主希望在世上建立對聖母無玷聖心的敬禮。」(同上 p.126)
我們在這個顯靈聖牌的象徵可以見到,天主從創世紀直至默示錄的整個救恩的歷史。我們亦同時可以見到聖母 -- 這個註定要獲得凱旋勝利的女人,在這最後戰鬥中粉碎邪惡的重要角色。能夠在一塊細小的顯靈聖牌裡找到天主給我們那麼多的奧秘,真的不可思議!天主給我們有多少的恩寵,就視乎我們虛心接收的情度。我們應同樣效法聖母(路1:38 ),「瑪利亞把這一切默存在心中,反覆思慮」(路2:19 & 51)
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lucifer666ina · 7 years ago
主耶穌第二次再臨 信主耶穌必於世界末日,從天降臨,審判萬民;義人必得永生,惡人受永刑。
一、世界末日 1. 世界有末日 (1) 世界有被造之日 (2) 世界也有被毀之日- 末日 (彼後三6~14)。 (3) 末日就是主耶穌再臨之日 (約十二48;太廿五31~33)。
2. 末日的預兆 (1) 罪惡滔天 (啟十八4~5;提後三1~5)。 (2) 人智增長 (但十二4)。 (3) 世界分裂 (但二33~45;太廿四7~8)。 (4) 大難發生 (太廿四21~29;啟六3~8)。 (5) 真教會復興 (摩九11;該二9)。 (6) 敵基督者出現 (啟十三1~7;廿7~10)。 (7) 真教會預備整齊 (啟十九7~8;廿一2)。
二、主必再臨,審判萬民 1. 主必施行審判 (1) 審判權在主手中 (約五22)。 (2) 主要根據祂的道審判萬民 (約十二47~48)。 (3) 主要照各人所行的報應他 (啟廿二12)。
2. 義人得永生 (1) 承受天國 (太廿五31~34)。 (2) 得享永生 (太廿五46)。 (3) 獲得冠冕 (彼前五4)。
3. 惡人受永刑 (1) 離開主面 (帖後一7~9)。 (2) 進入永火 (太廿五41~46)。 (3) 遭受永刑 (啟廿一7~8)。 ∆你當預備迎見你的神 (摩四12)。
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zealousmentalitypost · 5 years ago
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luciferimingpeterchuang · 6 years ago
Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evildoers with the remote neural monitoring system. Go to hell, get burned for eternity. Do not attack me through your fast dying clout’s second hand smoke when I’m sleeping at night in my room or at any moment before Doomsday. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday.[12.13.2018.15:34.]美退出中导条约:将降低核武使用门槛[【華為孟晚舟被捕】獲保釋後首日食Pizza,有人上門送花支持][叙利亚战局反转,叙军大举空袭北约强国地盘,对卖国叛军实施进攻][土耳其说“数日内”将对叙利亚库尔德武装发起军事行动][12.05.2018.15:22.]敘利亞問題四方峰會 俄同意再次舉行[來源:新華社][貿易戰明年中告一段落][美中貿易戰停火90天 陸商:寒冬會繼續][美对俄最后通牒:60天内履行《中导》否则退约][《中导》关键60天: 俄不遵守美就走][美促俄60天解除違約導彈 否則正式退出中導條約]《深度國際》美俄“中導”紛爭 美俄如何走出對抗怪圈?20181110 | CCTV中文國際[打開核地獄之門][12.04.2018.18:25.]美中貿易戰:90天後重燃戰火[俄同意再次举行叙利亚问题四方峰会 2018-12-04 11:27:43 来源: 新华网][特朗普推文:将和中俄磋商 终止“失控的军备竞赛”][12.03.2018.14:50.]中美貿易戰休戰台前幕後:休戰期只有90天,美方提出90天期限,意味谈判要在明年3月1日前后��出结果,正好在中国全国「两会」(中国全国人民代表大会、中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会会议)登场前夕。报道指出,中国领导阶层在那段期间不容易对外国让步,无形中增加美中后续谈判风险。[2018年11月28日]崔天凱指出:“我不知道人們是否意識到,如果割斷(經濟聯繫),可能會有的後果、不良影響。”他說:“歷史的教訓就在這裡。上個世紀我們發生過兩次世界大戰,兩次大戰之間發生了大蕭條。我不認為有人應試圖重復歷史。這些事情不應重演,因此人們應負責任地採取行動。”[解决叙利亚问题重心将转向政治和谈 2018年12月03日09:50 来源:人民网][帖前5:2-3]因為你們自己明明曉得,主的日子來到好像夜間的賊一樣。 3 人正說平安穩妥的時候,…。[12.01.2018.伊德利卜无战事已历数月 或成叙利亚战争最后战场][11.30.2018.15:34.]第11轮叙利亚问题阿斯塔纳和谈结束 年底有望交换战俘 2018-11-30 07:56:52 来源: 中国新闻网(对于引人关注的宪法委员会问题,各方就在年底前公布宪法委员会成员名单达成原则上的一致。)(此外,叙政府与反政府武装达成一致,将在今年年底前互换约50名战俘。此外,与会各方一致同意于2019年2月在阿斯塔纳举行第12轮和谈。)(11.29.2018.)崔天凱指出:“我不知道人們是否意識到,如果割斷(經濟聯繫),可能會有的後果、不良影響。”他說:“歷史的教訓就在這裡。上個世紀我們發生過兩次世界大戰,兩次大戰之間發生了大蕭條。我不認為有人應試圖重復歷史。這些事情不應重演,因此人們應負責任地採取行動。” )([11.25.2018.]允许阿萨德继续执政,美国特使释放重大信号!不再改变叙利亚政权)[帖前5:2-3]因為你們自己明明曉得,主的日子來到好像夜間的賊一樣。 3 人正說平安穩妥的時候,災禍忽然臨到他們,如同產難臨到懷胎的婦人一樣,他們絕不能逃脫。《深度國際》美俄“中導”紛爭 美俄如何走出對抗怪圈?20181110 | CCTV中文國際[打開核地獄之門](05 November, 2018. Cosmic-ray interactions with the atmosphere produce a flux of neutrinos in all directions with energies extending above the TeV scale.) Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evildoers with the remote neural monitoring system. Stop hacking into my laptop before Doomsday. Stop blocking me from reading news on english.ahram.org.eg before Doomsday. And, do not block me from reading all the information and data and news and web pages on the Internet before Doomsday. And, do not block me from watching all the videos and news channels on the Internet before Doomsday. And, do not block me from listening to all the audios on the Internet before Doomsday. Stop waging your dying clout war against me before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Go to hell, get burned this Yom Kippur. Assyria gotta obliterate Israel very soon this year.
Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evildoers with the remote neural monitoring system. Do not hack into my own laptop before Doomsday. Do not hack into my own WordPress blogs or any other blog and microblog before Doomsday. Do not shut down my own WordPress blogs or any other blog and microblog before Doomsday. Do not block me from editing my own WordPress blogs or any other blog and microblog before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Go to hell, get burned for eternity very soon. You all are Satan’s kids, built to be killed and thrown into the lake of fire being burned for eternity. And, I extremely abhor your stupid https://www.duda.co. and https://www.godaddy.com/.
And, hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evil remote monitoring system conspirators. Do not block me from posting and writing my own posts on my own WordPress blog before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Assyria gotta obliterate Israel this December. Go to hell, get burned for eternity.[以西結書 39:23]列國人[The Gentiles]也必知道以色列家被擄掠,是因他們的罪孽。他們得罪我,我就掩面不顧,將他們交在敵人手中,他們便都倒在刀下。
含的兒子是古實、麥西、弗、迦南。7 古實的兒子是西巴、哈腓拉、撒弗他、拉瑪、撒弗提迦。拉瑪的兒子是示巴、底但。8 古實又生寧錄,他為世上英雄之首。9 他在耶和華面前是個英勇的獵戶,所以俗語說:「像寧錄在耶和華面前是個英勇的獵戶。」10 他國的起頭是巴別、以力、亞甲、甲尼,都在示拿地。11 他從那地出來往亞述去,建造尼尼微、利河伯、迦拉, 12 和尼尼微、迦拉中間的利鮮,這就是那大城。以色列家因罪被棄21 「我必顯我的榮耀在列國中,萬民就必看見我所行的審判與我在他們身上所加的手。22 這樣,從那日以後,以色列家必知道我是耶和華他們的神。23 列國人[The Gentiles]也必知道以色列家被擄掠,是因他們的罪孽。他們得罪我,我就掩面不顧,將他們交在敵人手中,他們便都倒在刀下。24 我是照他們的汙穢和罪過待他們,並且我掩面不顧他們。Nimrod’s Assyria is the Gentiles on the Day of the Lord for slaying the house of Israel.
(CONFIRMED) Russia readies for WAR with U S Nuclear Attack on Yellowstone(中導條約)(發佈日期:2018年11月9日)加拿大媒体:“毒藥丸”条款是美国人的敲诈!2018-10-15 04:00 环球时报[10.10.2018.]阻其他國家與華簽貿易協定,美「毒藥丸」條款,孤立中國![08.12.2018.]美对华贸易战走入死胡同 外媒:特朗普破罐子破摔!叙军攻打叙南部极端组织最后据点:政府军在苏韦达行动取得进展![08.11.2018.]人民日报:美国挑起贸易战的要害是破坏规则![08.10.2018.]人民日報分析美國挑起貿易戰原因:為確保自己永遠不���超越;联合国:叙利亚冲突接近尾声,该国已无受围困地区![08.08.2018.]七年內戰將終止,三大勢力主導敘利亞和平路線![帖前5:2-3]因為你們自己明明曉得,主的日子來到好像夜間的賊一樣。 3 人正說平安穩妥的時候,災禍忽然臨到他們,如同產難臨到懷胎的婦人一樣,他們絕不能逃脫。Gog and his multitude, of the land of Magog, are NOT the Russians. Gog is the Assyrian chief prince of Nimrod. Assyria is located in the earth’s mantle and in the sea of the Earth, which is the blessed work of the Lord Jesus’ hands for obliterating Israel on the Day of the Lord,just in a moment after the Syrian peace treaty is suddenly signed and fully implemented for the political settlement.[China V.S. USA at oil war and trade war.[The Antichrist wages nuclear genocide against the Chinese people.]敵基督(USA)發動針對中國人的全面核子滅族戰爭! The UFOs are the Assyrians’ aircrafts of Nimrod. Edward Snowden:UFOs Come From Ultra-Terrestrial Civilization in Earth Mantle.[07.18.2018.]叙利亚内战接近收官:美国大势已去,俄罗斯大获全胜![07.17.2018.]瑞銀預測:「全面貿易戰」後果很嚴重!叛军逐渐撤军,叙利亚休战露曙光![07-16-2018] HKT 11:21國家統計局:中美貿易戰對下半年中國經濟影響仍有待觀[07.15.2018.]7年多战乱回归原点:美放弃盟友 叙政府军收复德拉[07.13.2018.]商務部:美國打貿易戰將把世界經濟拖入危境;陸商務部:中美貿易戰影響將於下半年逐步顯現[中美貿易戰全面開打][07.01.2018.]外媒:多国对美征收报复性关税,贸易战反令美企受困;叙利亚南部多地反对派武装同意与政府和解![06.21.2018.] Economists say expansion could slow by up to 1 percentage point in a tariffs battle – but if dispute spirals it will be ‘like putting a price tag on  a world war’[贸易战->關稅壁壘->貿易保護主義->通貨膨漲->經濟蕭條->(WW3)前奏曲->][耶穌降臨的預兆]耶穌在橄欖山上坐著,門徒暗暗地來,說:「請告訴我們,什麼時候有這些事?你降臨和世界的末了有什麼預兆呢?」4耶穌回答說:「你們要謹慎,免得有人迷惑你們。5因為將來有好些人冒我的名來,說:『我是基督』,並且要迷惑許多人。6你們也要聽見打仗和打仗的風聲,總不要驚慌,因為這些事是必須有的,只是��期還沒有到。7民要攻打民,國要攻打國,多處必有饑荒、地震,8這都是災難的起頭。[彼後3:10]但主的日子要像賊來到一樣。那日,天必大有響聲廢去,有形質的都要被烈火銷化,地和其上的物都要燒盡了。[MICAH 3:12]所以因你們的緣故,錫安必被耕種像一塊田,耶路撒冷必變為亂堆[heaps of ruins],這殿的山必像叢林的高處。[但以理書 9:26]必有一王的民來毀滅這城[the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city]和聖所。[JOEL 2:20] the northern  army.[以西結書 38:6]歌篾人和他的軍隊,北方極處[the far north]的陀迦瑪族和他的軍隊,這許多國的民都同著你。Gog is the blessed prince of the northern army of Assyria for obliterating Israel on the Day of the Lord. Some of the Tyrians [the people of the Unidentified Submerged Objects] of the northern army of Assyria are living in the East Siberian Sea, who are 3-meter tall in height. [Zechariah 9:4] Tyre’s power in the sea [of the Earth]. [Nahum 3:8-9] Whose rampart was the sea? Whose wall was the sea.
And, hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and conspirators with the remote neural monitoring system are all gotta be slain by those giant Assyrians living in the earth’s mantle and in the sea of the Earth as Ethiopia starts filling her Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam during the Nile flood season for generating hydroelectric power. Ethiopia’s filling her GERD during the Nile flood season is gotta suddenly plunge the Nile Delta into a parched state, which is gotta suddenly trigger riots and social unrest in Egypt,Egypt rapidly spiralling out of control into brutal social protest movements that no regime, no matter how powerful and aggressive it is, can stop.
And, on the Day of the Lord and through the most apocalyptic fervent heat of solar superstorm of magnetic reconnection, the Lord Jesus is gotta suddenly and utterly consume the whole human race that is currently dwelling on the face of the whole earth, suddenly triggering the most powerful geomagnetic reversal, disrupting the earth’s core and crust, super volcanic eruptions and mega-thrust earthquakes and mega tsunamis suddenly sweeping across the Earth, ripping split open the earth, annihilating the land of the whole earth, putting a sudden end to all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth, the mass extinction event of the Lord Jesus’ Judgment, just in a moment after the Syrian peace treaty is suddenly signed and fully implemented for the political settlement.
And, Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible are those giant Assyrians and Moabites currently and physically living in the earth’s mantle and in the north before the Day of the Lord.Gog and Magog are a distinct and hybrid species of the Assyrian Empire, which is currently and physically located in the earth’s mantle and in the sea of the Earth before the Day of the Lord.
And, fat cat chimpanzees are definitely and absolutely NOT Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible. And, Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible are definitely and absolutely NOT the white people. And, Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible are definitely and absolutely NOT the Jewish people, either. The Teutons already obliterated the Jewish people about 2000 years ago in the European forests.[啟示錄 2:9]…也知道那自稱是猶太人所說的毀謗話,其實他們不是猶太人,乃是撒旦一會的人。[啟示錄 3:9]那撒旦一會的,自稱是猶太人,其實不是猶太人,乃是說謊話的,…。
We use the present simple to describe things or persons that are always true, or situations that exist now and, as far as we know, will go on indefinitely. [eternal truths and timeless present]
Revelation 2:9 New King James Version (NKJV)9 “I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a[a]synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 3:9 New King James Version (NKJV)9 Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you.[用現在式是為了強調在轉述的時候,被轉述的事仍然是事實,並且永遠是事實和真理!]
Revelation 2:9 King James Version (KJV) I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 3:9 King James Version (KJV)
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, whichsay they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and conspirators with the remote neural monitoring system. Do not hack into my own Facebook account before Doomsday. Do not hack into my own Google mail or my own Yahoo mail before Doomsday. Do not hack into my laptop before Doomsday. Do not hack into my online accounts before Doomsday. Do not sabotage my Youtube account before Doomsday. Do not jam my laptop’s flash memory before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. And, I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Go to hell, get burned for eternity. Assyria gotta obliterate Israel very soon.
0 notes
jesusloveslucifer · 6 years ago
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(經由 [12.13.2018.15:34.]美退出中导条约:将降低核武使用门槛[【華為孟晚舟被捕】獲保釋後首日食Pizza,有人上門送花支持][叙利亚战局反转,叙军大举空袭北约强国地盘,对卖国叛军实施进攻][土耳其说“数日内”将对叙利亚库尔德武装发起军事行动]Gog and his multitude, of the land of Magog, are NOT the Russians. Gog is the Assyrian chief prince of Nimrod. Assyria is located in the earth's mantle and in the sea of the Earth, which is the blessed work of the Lord Jesus' hands for obliterating Israel on the Day of the Lord, just in a moment after the Syrian peace treaty is suddenly signed and fully implemented for the political settlement. The UFOs are the Assyrians' aircrafts of Nimrod.Edward Snowden:UFOs Come From Ultra-Terrestrial Civilisation in Earth Mantle.[但以理書 9:26]必有一王的民來毀滅這城和聖所。[JOEL 2:20] the northern army.[MICAH 3:12]所以因你們的緣故,錫安必被耕種像一塊田,耶路撒冷必變為亂堆,這殿的山必像叢林的高處。[以西結書 38:6]歌篾人和他的軍隊,北方極處的陀迦瑪族和他的軍隊,這許多國的民都同著你。)Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evildoers with the remote neural monitoring system. Go to hell, get burned for eternity. Do not attack me through your fast dying clout’s second hand smoke when I’m sleeping at night in my room or at any moment before Doomsday. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday.[12.13.2018.15:34.]美退出中导条约:将降低核武使用门槛[【華為孟晚舟被捕】獲保釋後首日食Pizza,有人上門送花支持][叙利亚战局反转,叙军大举空袭北约强国地盘,对卖国叛军实施进攻][土耳其说“数日内”将对叙利亚库尔德武装发起军事行动][12.05.2018.15:22.]敘利亞問題四方峰會 俄同意再次舉行[來源:新華社][貿易戰明年中告一段落][美中貿易戰停火90天 陸商:寒冬會繼續][美对俄最后通牒:60天内履行《中导》否则退约][《中导》关键60天: 俄不遵守美就走][美促俄60天解除違約導彈 否則正式退出中導條約]《深度國際》美俄“中導”紛爭 美俄如何走出對抗怪圈?20181110 | CCTV中文國際[打開核地獄之門][12.04.2018.18:25.]美中貿易戰:90天後重燃戰火[俄同意再次举行叙利亚问题四方峰会 2018-12-04 11:27:43 来源: 新华网][特朗普推文:将和中俄磋商 终止“失控的军备竞赛”][12.03.2018.14:50.]中美貿易戰休戰台前幕後:休戰期只有90天,美方提出90天期限,意味谈判要在明年3月1日前后谈出结果,正好在中国全国「两会」(中国全国人民代表大会、中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会会议)登场前夕。报道指出,中国领导阶层在那段期间不容易对外国让步,无形中增加美中后续谈判风险。[2018年11月28日]崔天凱指出:“我不知道人們是否意識到,如果割斷(經濟聯繫),可能會有的後果、不良影響。”他說:“歷史的教訓就在這裡。上個世紀我們發生過兩次世界大戰,兩次大戰之間發生了大蕭條。我不認為有人應試圖重復歷史。這些事情不應重演,因此人們應負責任地採取行動。”[解决叙利亚问题重心将转向政治和谈 2018年12月03日09:50 来源:人民网][帖前5:2-3]因為你們自己明明曉得,主的日子來到好像夜間的賊一樣。 3 人正說平安穩妥的時候,…。[12.01.2018.伊德利卜无战事已历数月 或成叙利亚战争最后战场][11.30.2018.15:34.]第11轮叙利亚问题阿斯塔纳和谈结束 年底有望交换战俘 2018-11-30 07:56:52 来源: 中国新闻网(对于引人关注的宪法委员会问题,各方就在年底前公布宪法委员会成员名单达成原则上的一致。)(此外,叙政府与反政府武装达成一致,将在今年年底前互换约50名战俘。此外,与会各方一致同意于2019年2月在阿斯塔纳举行第12轮和谈。)(11.29.2018.)崔天凱指出:“我不知道人們是否意識到,如果割斷(經濟聯繫),可能會有的後果、不良影響。”他說:“歷史的教訓就在這裡。上個世紀我們發生過兩次世界大戰,兩次大戰之間發生了大蕭條。我不認為有人應試圖重復歷史。這些事情不應重演,因此人們應負責任地採取行動。” )([11.25.2018.]允许阿萨德继续执政,美国特使释放重大信号!不再改变叙利亚政权)[帖前5:2-3]因為你們自己明明曉得,主的日子來到好像夜間的賊一樣。 3 人正說平安穩妥的時候,災禍忽然臨到他們,如同產難臨到懷胎的婦人一樣,他們絕不能逃脫。《深度國際》美俄“中導”紛爭 美俄如何走出對抗怪圈?20181110 | CCTV中文國際[打開核地獄之門](05 November, 2018. Cosmic-ray interactions with the atmosphere produce a flux of neutrinos in all directions with energies extending above the TeV scale.) Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evildoers with the remote neural monitoring system. Stop hacking into my laptop before Doomsday. Stop blocking me from reading news on english.ahram.org.eg before Doomsday. And, do not block me from reading all the information and data and news and web pages on the Internet before Doomsday. And, do not block me from watching all the videos and news channels on the Internet before Doomsday. And, do not block me from listening to all the audios on the Internet before Doomsday. Stop waging your dying clout war against me before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Go to hell, get burned this Yom Kippur. Assyria gotta obliterate Israel very soon this year.Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evildoers with the remote neural monitoring system. Do not hack into my own laptop before Doomsday. Do not hack into my own WordPress blogs or any other blog and microblog before Doomsday. Do not shut down my own WordPress blogs or any other blog and microblog before Doomsday. Do not block me from editing my own WordPress blogs or any other blog and microblog before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Go to hell, get burned for eternity very soon. You all are Satan’s kids, built to be killed and thrown into the lake of fire being burned for eternity. And, I extremely abhor your stupid https://www.duda.co. and https://www.godaddy.com/.And, hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evil remote monitoring system conspirators. Do not block me from posting and writing my own posts on my own WordPress blog before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Assyria gotta obliterate Israel this December. Go to hell, get burned for eternity.[以西結書 39:23]列國人[The Gentiles]也必知道以色列家被擄掠,是因他們的罪孽。他們得罪我,我就掩面不顧,將他們交在敵人手中,他們便都倒在刀下。含的兒子是古實、麥西、弗、迦南。7 古實的兒子是西巴、哈腓拉、撒弗他、拉瑪、撒弗提迦。拉瑪的兒子是示巴、底但。8 古實又生寧錄,他為世上英雄之首。9 他在耶和華面前是個英勇的獵戶,所以俗語說:「像寧錄在耶和華面前是個英勇的獵戶。」10 他國的起頭是巴別、以力、亞甲、甲尼,都在示拿地。11 他從那地出來往亞述去,建造尼尼微、利河伯、迦拉, 12 和尼尼微、迦拉中間的利鮮,這就是那大城。以色列家因罪被棄21 「我必顯我的榮耀在列國中,萬民就必看見我所行的審判與我在他們身上所加的手。22 這樣,從那日以後,以色列家必知道我是耶和華他們的神。23 列國人[The Gentiles]也必知道以色列家被擄掠,是因他們的罪孽。他們得罪我,我就掩面不顧,將他們交在敵人手中,他們便都倒在刀下。24 我是照他們的汙穢和罪過待他們,並且我掩面不顧他們。Nimrod’s Assyria is the Gentiles on the Day of the Lord for slaying the house of Israel.(CONFIRMED) Russia readies for WAR with U S Nuclear Attack on Yellowstone(中導條約)(發佈日期:2018年11月9日)加拿大媒体:“毒藥丸”条款是美国人的敲诈!2018-10-15 04:00 环球时报[10.10.2018.]阻其他國家與華簽貿易協定,美「毒藥丸」條款,孤立中國![08.12.2018.]美对华贸易战走入死胡同 外媒:特朗普破罐子破摔!叙军攻打叙南部极端组织最后据点:政府军在苏韦达行动取得进展![08.11.2018.]人民日报:美国挑起贸易战的要害是破坏规则![08.10.2018.]人民日報分析美國挑起貿易戰原因:為確保自己永遠不被超越;联合国:叙利亚冲突接近尾声,该国已无受围困地区![08.08.2018.]七年內戰將終止,三大勢力主導敘利亞和平路線![帖前5:2-3]因為你們自己明明曉得,主的日子來到好像夜間的賊一樣。 3 人正說平安穩妥的時候,災禍忽然臨到他們,如同產難臨到懷胎的婦人一樣,他們絕不能逃脫。Gog and his multitude, of the land of Magog, are NOT the Russians. Gog is the Assyrian chief prince of Nimrod. Assyria is located in the earth’s mantle and in the sea of the Earth, which is the blessed work of the Lord Jesus’ hands for obliterating Israel on the Day of the Lord,just in a moment after the Syrian peace treaty is suddenly signed and fully implemented for the political settlement.[China V.S. USA at oil war and trade war.[The Antichrist wages nuclear genocide against the Chinese people.]敵基督(USA)發動針對中國人的全面核子滅族戰爭! The UFOs are the Assyrians’ aircrafts of Nimrod. Edward Snowden:UFOs Come From Ultra-Terrestrial Civilization in Earth Mantle.[07.18.2018.]叙利亚内战接近收官:美国大势已去,俄罗斯大获全胜![07.17.2018.]瑞銀預測:「全面貿易戰」後果很嚴重!叛军逐渐撤军,叙利亚休战露曙光![07-16-2018] HKT 11:21國家統計局:中美貿易戰對下半年中國經濟影響仍有待觀[07.15.2018.]7年多战乱回归原点:美放弃盟友 叙政府军收复德拉[07.13.2018.]商務部:美國打貿易戰將把世界經濟拖入危境;陸商務部:中美貿易戰影響將於下半年逐步顯現[中美貿易戰全面開打][07.01.2018.]外媒:多国对美征收报复性关税,贸易战反令美企受困;叙利亚南部多地反对派武装同意与政府和解![06.21.2018.] Economists say expansion could slow by up to 1 percentage point in a tariffs battle – but if dispute spirals it will be ‘like putting a price tag on  a world war’[贸易战->關稅壁壘->貿易保護主義->通貨膨漲->經濟蕭條->(WW3)前奏曲->][耶穌降臨的預兆]耶穌在橄欖山上坐著,門徒暗暗地來,說:「請告訴我們,什麼時候有這些事?你降臨和世界的末了有什麼預兆呢?」4耶穌回答說:「你們要謹慎,免得有人迷惑你們。5因為將來有好些人冒我的名來,說:『我是基督』,並且要迷惑許多人。6你們也要聽見打仗和打仗的風聲,總不要驚慌,因為這些事是必須有的,只是末期還沒有到。7民要攻打民,國要攻打國,多處必有饑荒、地震,8這都是災難的起頭。[彼後3:10]但主的日子要像賊來到一樣。那日,天必大有響聲廢去,有形質的都要被烈火銷化,地和其上的物都要燒盡了。[MICAH 3:12]所以因你們的緣故,錫安必被耕種像一塊田,耶路撒冷必變為亂堆[heaps of ruins],這殿的山必像叢林的高處。[但以理書 9:26]必有一王的民來毀滅這城[the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city]和聖所。[JOEL 2:20] the northern  army.[以西結書 38:6]歌篾人和他的軍隊,北方極處[the far north]的陀迦瑪族和他的軍隊,這許多國的民都同著你。Gog is the blessed prince of the northern army of Assyria for obliterating Israel on the Day of the Lord. Some of the Tyrians [the people of the Unidentified Submerged Objects] of the northern army of Assyria are living in the East Siberian Sea, who are 3-meter tall in height. [Zechariah 9:4] Tyre’s power in the sea [of the Earth]. [Nahum 3:8-9] Whose rampart was the sea? Whose wall was the sea.And, hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and conspirators with the remote neural monitoring system are all gotta be slain by those giant Assyrians living in the earth’s mantle and in the sea of the Earth as Ethiopia starts filling her Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam during the Nile flood season for generating hydroelectric power. Ethiopia’s filling her GERD during the Nile flood season is gotta suddenly plunge the Nile Delta into a parched state, which is gotta suddenly trigger riots and social unrest in Egypt,Egypt rapidly spiralling out of control into brutal social protest movements that no regime, no matter how powerful and aggressive it is, can stop.And, on the Day of the Lord and through the most apocalyptic fervent heat of solar superstorm of magnetic reconnection, the Lord Jesus is gotta suddenly and utterly consume the whole human race that is currently dwelling on the face of the whole earth, suddenly triggering the most powerful geomagnetic reversal, disrupting the earth’s core and crust, super volcanic eruptions and mega-thrust earthquakes and mega tsunamis suddenly sweeping across the Earth, ripping split open the earth, annihilating the land of the whole earth, putting a sudden end to all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth, the mass extinction event of the Lord Jesus’ Judgment, just in a moment after the Syrian peace treaty is suddenly signed and fully implemented for the political settlement.And, Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible are those giant Assyrians and Moabites currently and physically living in the earth’s mantle and in the north before the Day of the Lord.Gog and Magog are a distinct and hybrid species of the Assyrian Empire, which is currently and physically located in the earth’s mantle and in the sea of the Earth before the Day of the Lord.And, fat cat chimpanzees are definitely and absolutely NOT Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible. And, Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible are definitely and absolutely NOT the white people. And, Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible are definitely and absolutely NOT the Jewish people, either. The Teutons already obliterated the Jewish people about 2000 years ago in the European forests.[啟示錄 2:9]…也知道那自稱是猶太人所說的毀謗話,其實他們不是猶太人,乃是撒旦一會的人。[啟示錄 3:9]那撒旦一會的,自稱是猶太人,其實不是猶太人,乃是說謊話的,…。We use the present simple to describe things or persons that are always true, or situations that exist now and, as far as we know, will go on indefinitely. [eternal truths and timeless present]Revelation 2:9 New King James Version (NKJV)9 “I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a[a]synagogue of Satan.Revelation 3:9 New King James Version (NKJV)9 Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you.[用現在式是為了強調在轉述的時候,被轉述的事仍然是事實,並且永遠是事實和真理!]Revelation 2:9 King James Version (KJV) I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.Revelation 3:9 King James Version (KJV)Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, whichsay they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and conspirators with the remote neural monitoring system. Do not hack into my own Facebook account before Doomsday. Do not hack into my own Google mail or my own Yahoo mail before Doomsday. Do not hack into my laptop before Doomsday. Do not hack into my online accounts before Doomsday. Do not sabotage my Youtube account before Doomsday. Do not jam my laptop’s flash memory before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. And, I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Go to hell, get burned for eternity. Assyria gotta obliterate Israel very soon.
0 notes
chuangiming-blog · 6 years ago
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(經由 [12.13.2018.15:34.]美退出中导条约:将降低核武使用门槛[【華為孟晚舟被捕】獲保釋後首日食Pizza,有人上門送花支持][叙利亚战局反转,叙军大举空袭北约强国地盘,对卖国叛军实施进攻][土耳其说“数日内”将对叙利亚库尔德武装发起军事行动]Gog and his multitude, of the land of Magog, are NOT the Russians. Gog is the Assyrian chief prince of Nimrod. Assyria is located in the earth's mantle and in the sea of the Earth, which is the blessed work of the Lord Jesus' hands for obliterating Israel on the Day of the Lord, just in a moment after the Syrian peace treaty is suddenly signed and fully implemented for the political settlement. The UFOs are the Assyrians' aircrafts of Nimrod.Edward Snowden:UFOs Come From Ultra-Terrestrial Civilisation in Earth Mantle.[但以理書 9:26]必有一王的民來毀滅這城和聖所。[JOEL 2:20] the northern army.[MICAH 3:12]所以因你們的緣故,錫安必被耕種像一塊田,耶路撒冷必變為亂堆,這殿的山必像叢林的高處。[以西結書 38:6]歌篾人和他的軍隊,北方極處的陀迦瑪族和他的軍隊,這許多國的民都同著你。)Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evildoers with the remote neural monitoring system. Go to hell, get burned for eternity. Do not attack me through your fast dying clout’s second hand smoke when I’m sleeping at night in my room or at any moment before Doomsday. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday.[12.13.2018.15:34.]美退出中导条约:将降低核武使用门槛[【華為孟晚舟被捕】獲保釋後首日食Pizza,有人上門送花支持][叙利亚战局反转,叙军大举空袭北约强国地盘,对卖国叛军实施进攻][土耳其说“数日内”将对叙利亚库尔德武装发起军事行动][12.05.2018.15:22.]敘利亞問題四方峰會 俄同意再次舉行[來源:新華社][貿易戰明年中告一段落][美中貿易戰停火90天 陸商:寒冬會繼續][美对俄最后通牒:60天内履行《中导》否则退约][《中导》关键60天: 俄不遵守美就走][美促俄60天解除違約導彈 否則正式退出中導條約]《深度國際》美俄“中導”紛爭 美俄如何走出對抗怪圈?20181110 | CCTV中文國際[打開核地獄之門][12.04.2018.18:25.]美中貿易戰:90天後重燃戰火[俄同意再次举行叙利亚问题四方峰会 2018-12-04 11:27:43 来源: 新华网][特朗普推文:将和中俄磋商 终止“失控的军备竞赛”][12.03.2018.14:50.]中美貿易戰休戰台前幕後:休戰期只有90天,美方提出90天期限,意味谈判要在明年3月1日前后谈出结果,正好在中国全国「两会」(中国全国人民代表大会、中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会会议)登场前夕。报道指出,中国领导阶层在那段期间不容易对外国让步,无形中增加美中后续谈判风险。[2018年11月28日]崔天凱指出:“我不知道人們是否意識到,如果割斷(經濟聯繫),可能會有的後果、不良影響。”他說:“歷史的教訓就在這裡。上個世紀我們發生過兩次世界大戰,兩次大戰之間發生了大蕭條。我不認為有人應試圖重復歷史。這些事情不應重演,因此人們應負責任地採取行動。”[解决叙利亚问题重心将转向政治和谈 2018年12月03日09:50 来源:人民网][帖前5:2-3]因為你們自己明明曉得,主的日子來到好像夜間的賊一樣。 3 人正說平安穩妥的時候,…。[12.01.2018.伊德利卜无战事已历数月 或成叙利亚战争最后战场][11.30.2018.15:34.]第11轮叙利亚问题阿斯塔纳和谈结束 年底有望交换战俘 2018-11-30 07:56:52 来源: 中国新闻网(对于引人关注的宪法委员会问题,各方就在年底前公布宪法委员会成员名单达成原则上的一致。)(此外,叙政府与反政府武装达成一致,将在今年年底前互换约50名战俘。此外,与会各方一致同意于2019年2月在阿斯塔纳举行第12轮和谈。)(11.29.2018.)崔天凱指出:“我不知道人們是否意識到,如果割斷(經濟聯繫),可能會有的後果、不良影響。”他說:“歷史的教訓就在這裡。上個世紀我們發生過兩次世界大戰,兩次大戰之間發生了大蕭條。我不認為有人應試圖重復歷史。這些事情不應重演,因此人們應負責任地採取行動。” )([11.25.2018.]允许阿萨德继续执政,美国特使释放重大信号!不再改变叙利亚政权)[帖前5:2-3]因為你們自己明明曉得,主的日子來到好像夜間的賊一樣。 3 人正說平安穩妥的時候,災禍忽然臨到他們,如同產難臨到懷胎的婦人一樣,他們絕不能逃脫。《深度國際》美俄“中導”紛爭 美俄如何走出對抗怪圈?20181110 | CCTV中文國際[打開核地獄之門](05 November, 2018. Cosmic-ray interactions with the atmosphere produce a flux of neutrinos in all directions with energies extending above the TeV scale.) Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evildoers with the remote neural monitoring system. Stop hacking into my laptop before Doomsday. Stop blocking me from reading news on english.ahram.org.eg before Doomsday. And, do not block me from reading all the information and data and news and web pages on the Internet before Doomsday. And, do not block me from watching all the videos and news channels on the Internet before Doomsday. And, do not block me from listening to all the audios on the Internet before Doomsday. Stop waging your dying clout war against me before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Go to hell, get burned this Yom Kippur. Assyria gotta obliterate Israel very soon this year.Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evildoers with the remote neural monitoring system. Do not hack into my own laptop before Doomsday. Do not hack into my own WordPress blogs or any other blog and microblog before Doomsday. Do not shut down my own WordPress blogs or any other blog and microblog before Doomsday. Do not block me from editing my own WordPress blogs or any other blog and microblog before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Go to hell, get burned for eternity very soon. You all are Satan’s kids, built to be killed and thrown into the lake of fire being burned for eternity. And, I extremely abhor your stupid https://www.duda.co. and https://www.godaddy.com/.And, hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evil remote monitoring system conspirators. Do not block me from posting and writing my own posts on my own WordPress blog before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Assyria gotta obliterate Israel this December. Go to hell, get burned for eternity.[以西結書 39:23]列國人[The Gentiles]也必知道以色列家被擄掠,是因他們的罪孽。他們得罪我,我就掩面不顧,將他們交在敵人手中,他們便都倒在刀下。含的兒子是古實、麥西、弗、迦南。7 古實的兒子是西巴、哈腓拉、撒弗他、拉瑪、撒弗提迦。拉瑪的兒子是示巴、底但。8 古實又生寧錄,他為世上英雄之首。9 他在耶和華面前是個英勇的獵戶,所以俗語說:「像寧錄在耶和華面前是個英勇的獵戶。」10 他國的起頭是巴別、以力、亞甲、甲尼,都在示拿地。11 他從那地出來往亞述去,建造尼尼微、利河伯、迦拉, 12 和尼尼微、迦拉中間的利鮮,這就是那大城。以色列家因罪被棄21 「我必顯我的榮耀在列國中,萬民就必看見我所行的審判與我在他們身上所加的手。22 這樣,從那日以後,以色列家必知道我是耶和華他們的神。23 列國人[The Gentiles]也必知道以色列家被擄掠,是因他們的罪孽。他們得罪我,我就掩面不顧,將他們交在敵人手中,他們便都倒在刀下。24 我是照他們的汙穢和罪過待他們,並且我掩面不顧他們。Nimrod’s Assyria is the Gentiles on the Day of the Lord for slaying the house of Israel.(CONFIRMED) Russia readies for WAR with U S Nuclear Attack on Yellowstone(中導條約)(發佈日期:2018年11月9日)加拿大媒体:“毒藥丸”条款是美国人的敲诈!2018-10-15 04:00 环球时报[10.10.2018.]阻其他國家與華簽貿易協定,美「毒藥丸」條款,孤立中國![08.12.2018.]美对华贸易战走入死胡同 外媒:特朗普破罐子破摔!叙军攻打叙南部极端组织最后据点:政府军在苏韦达行动取得进展![08.11.2018.]人民日报:美国挑起贸易战的要害是破坏规则![08.10.2018.]人民日報分析美國挑起貿易戰原因:為確保自己永遠不被超越;联合国:叙利亚冲突接近尾声,该国已无受围困地区![08.08.2018.]七年內戰將終止,三大勢力主導敘利亞和平路線![帖前5:2-3]因為你們自己明明曉得,主的日子來到好像夜間的賊一樣。 3 人正說平安穩妥的時候,災禍忽然臨到他們,如同產難臨到懷胎的婦人一樣,他們絕不能逃脫。Gog and his multitude, of the land of Magog, are NOT the Russians. Gog is the Assyrian chief prince of Nimrod. Assyria is located in the earth’s mantle and in the sea of the Earth, which is the blessed work of the Lord Jesus’ hands for obliterating Israel on the Day of the Lord,just in a moment after the Syrian peace treaty is suddenly signed and fully implemented for the political settlement.[China V.S. USA at oil war and trade war.[The Antichrist wages nuclear genocide against the Chinese people.]敵基督(USA)發動針對中國人的全面核子滅族戰爭! The UFOs are the Assyrians’ aircrafts of Nimrod. Edward Snowden:UFOs Come From Ultra-Terrestrial Civilization in Earth Mantle.[07.18.2018.]叙利亚内战接近收官:美国大势已去,俄罗斯大获全胜![07.17.2018.]瑞銀預測:「全面貿易戰」後果很嚴重!叛军逐渐撤军,叙利亚休战露曙光![07-16-2018] HKT 11:21國家統計局:中美貿易戰對下半年中國經濟影響仍有待觀[07.15.2018.]7年多战乱回归原点:美放弃盟友 叙政府军收复德拉[07.13.2018.]商務部:美國打貿易戰將把世界經濟拖入危境;陸商務部:中美貿易戰影響將於下半年逐步顯現[中美貿易戰全面開打][07.01.2018.]外媒:多国对美征收报复性关税,贸易战反令美企受困;叙利亚南部多地反对派武装同意与政府和解![06.21.2018.] Economists say expansion could slow by up to 1 percentage point in a tariffs battle – but if dispute spirals it will be ‘like putting a price tag on  a world war’[贸易战->關稅壁壘->貿易保護主義->通貨膨漲->經濟蕭條->(WW3)前奏曲->][耶穌降臨的預兆]耶穌在橄欖山上坐著,門徒暗暗地來,說:「請告訴我們,什麼時候有這些事?你降臨和世界的末了有什麼預兆呢?」4耶穌回答說:「你們要謹慎,免得有人迷惑你們。5因為將來有好些人冒我的名來,說:『我是基督』,並且要迷惑許多人。6你們也要聽見打仗和打仗的風聲,總不要驚慌,因為這些事是必須有的,只是末期還沒有到。7民要攻打民,國要攻打國,多處必有饑荒、地震,8這都是災難的起頭。[彼後3:10]但主的日子要像賊來到一樣。那日,天必大有響聲廢去,有形質的都要被烈火銷化,地和其上的物都要燒盡了。[MICAH 3:12]所以因你們的緣故,錫安必被耕種像一塊田,耶路撒冷必變為亂堆[heaps of ruins],這殿的山必像叢林的高處。[但以理書 9:26]必有一王的民來毀滅這城[the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city]和聖所。[JOEL 2:20] the northern  army.[以西結書 38:6]歌篾人和他的軍隊,北方極處[the far north]的陀迦瑪族和他的軍隊,這許多國的民都同著你。Gog is the blessed prince of the northern army of Assyria for obliterating Israel on the Day of the Lord. Some of the Tyrians [the people of the Unidentified Submerged Objects] of the northern army of Assyria are living in the East Siberian Sea, who are 3-meter tall in height. [Zechariah 9:4] Tyre’s power in the sea [of the Earth]. [Nahum 3:8-9] Whose rampart was the sea? Whose wall was the sea.And, hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and conspirators with the remote neural monitoring system are all gotta be slain by those giant Assyrians living in the earth’s mantle and in the sea of the Earth as Ethiopia starts filling her Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam during the Nile flood season for generating hydroelectric power. Ethiopia’s filling her GERD during the Nile flood season is gotta suddenly plunge the Nile Delta into a parched state, which is gotta suddenly trigger riots and social unrest in Egypt,Egypt rapidly spiralling out of control into brutal social protest movements that no regime, no matter how powerful and aggressive it is, can stop.And, on the Day of the Lord and through the most apocalyptic fervent heat of solar superstorm of magnetic reconnection, the Lord Jesus is gotta suddenly and utterly consume the whole human race that is currently dwelling on the face of the whole earth, suddenly triggering the most powerful geomagnetic reversal, disrupting the earth’s core and crust, super volcanic eruptions and mega-thrust earthquakes and mega tsunamis suddenly sweeping across the Earth, ripping split open the earth, annihilating the land of the whole earth, putting a sudden end to all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth, the mass extinction event of the Lord Jesus’ Judgment, just in a moment after the Syrian peace treaty is suddenly signed and fully implemented for the political settlement.And, Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible are those giant Assyrians and Moabites currently and physically living in the earth’s mantle and in the north before the Day of the Lord.Gog and Magog are a distinct and hybrid species of the Assyrian Empire, which is currently and physically located in the earth’s mantle and in the sea of the Earth before the Day of the Lord.And, fat cat chimpanzees are definitely and absolutely NOT Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible. And, Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible are definitely and absolutely NOT the white people. And, Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible are definitely and absolutely NOT the Jewish people, either. The Teutons already obliterated the Jewish people about 2000 years ago in the European forests.[啟示錄 2:9]…也知道那自稱是猶太人所說的毀謗話,其實他們不是猶太人,乃是撒旦一會的人。[啟示錄 3:9]那撒旦一會的,自稱是猶太人,其實不是猶太人,乃是說謊話的,…。We use the present simple to describe things or persons that are always true, or situations that exist now and, as far as we know, will go on indefinitely. [eternal truths and timeless present]Revelation 2:9 New King James Version (NKJV)9 “I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a[a]synagogue of Satan.Revelation 3:9 New King James Version (NKJV)9 Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you.[用現在式是為了強調在轉述的時候,被轉述的事仍然是事實,並且永遠是事實和真理!]Revelation 2:9 King James Version (KJV) I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.Revelation 3:9 King James Version (KJV)Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, whichsay they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and conspirators with the remote neural monitoring system. Do not hack into my own Facebook account before Doomsday. Do not hack into my own Google mail or my own Yahoo mail before Doomsday. Do not hack into my laptop before Doomsday. Do not hack into my online accounts before Doomsday. Do not sabotage my Youtube account before Doomsday. Do not jam my laptop’s flash memory before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. And, I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Go to hell, get burned for eternity. Assyria gotta obliterate Israel very soon.
0 notes
tyresidoncanaanuso · 6 years ago
Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evildoers with the remote neural monitoring system. Go to hell, get burned for eternity. Do not attack me through your fast dying clout’s second hand smoke when I’m sleeping at night in my room or at any moment before Doomsday. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday.[12.12.2018.21:08.]军控专家谈美退出中导条约:将降低核武使用门槛[1000萬加元資產成功換保釋 孟晚舟明年2月須再出庭][数十万难民返回叙利亚 不包括来加拿大的几万人][12.05.2018.15:22.]敘利亞問題四方峰會 俄同意再次舉行[來源:新華社][貿易戰明年中告一段落][美中貿易戰停火90天 陸商:寒冬會繼續][美对俄最后通牒:60天内履行《中导》否则退约][《中导》关键60天: 俄不遵守美就走][美促俄60天解除違約導彈 否則正式退出中導條約]《深度國際》美俄“中導”紛爭 美俄如何走出對抗怪圈?20181110 | CCTV中文國際[打開核地獄之門][12.04.2018.18:25.]美中貿易戰:90天後重燃戰火[俄同意再次举行叙利亚问题四方峰会 2018-12-04 11:27:43 来源: 新华网][特朗普推文:将和中俄磋商 终止“失控的军备竞赛”][12.03.2018.14:50.]中美貿易戰休戰台前幕後:休戰期只有90天,美方提出90天期限,意味谈判要在明年3月1日前后谈出结果,正好在中国全国「两会」(中国全国人民代表大会、中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会会议)登场前夕。报道指出,中国领导阶层在那段期间不容易对外国让步,无形中增加美中后续谈判风险。[2018年11月28日]崔天凱指出:“我不知道人們是否意識到,如果割斷(經濟聯繫),可能會有的後果、不良影響。”他說:“歷史的教訓就在這裡。上個世紀我們發生過兩次世界大戰,兩次大戰之間發生了大蕭條。我不認為有人應試圖重復歷史。這些事情不應重演,因此人們應負責任地採取行動。”[解决叙利亚问题重心将转向政治和谈 2018年12月03日09:50 来源:人民网][帖前5:2-3]因為你們自己明明曉得,主的日子來到好像夜間的賊一樣。 3 人正說平安穩妥的時候,…。[12.01.2018.伊德利卜无战事已历数月 或成叙利亚战争最后战场][11.30.2018.15:34.]第11轮叙利亚问题阿斯塔纳和谈结束 年底有望交换战俘 2018-11-30 07:56:52 来源: 中国新闻网(对于引人关注的宪法委员会问题,各方就在年底前公布宪法委员会成员名单达成原则上的一致。)(此外,叙政府与反政府武装达成一致,将在今年年底前互换约50名战俘。此外,与会各方一致同意于2019年2月在阿斯塔纳举行第12轮和谈。)(11.29.2018.)崔天凱指出:“我不知道人們是否意識到,如果割斷(經濟聯繫),可能會有的後果、不良影響。”他說:“歷史的教訓就在這裡。上個世紀我們發生過兩次世界大戰,兩次大戰之間發生了大蕭條。我不認為有人應試圖重復歷史。這些事情不應重演,因此人們應負責任地採取行動。” )([11.25.2018.]允许阿萨德继续执政,美国特使释放重大信号!不再改变叙利亚政权)[帖前5:2-3]因為你們自己明明曉得,主的日子來到好像夜間的賊一樣。 3 人正說平安穩妥的時候,災禍忽然臨到他們,如同產難臨到懷胎的婦人一樣,他們絕不能逃脫。《深度國際》美俄“中導”紛爭 美俄如何走出對抗怪圈?20181110 | CCTV中文國際[打開核地獄之門](05 November, 2018. Cosmic-ray interactions with the atmosphere produce a flux of neutrinos in all directions with energies extending above the TeV scale.) Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evildoers with the remote neural monitoring system. Stop hacking into my laptop before Doomsday. Stop blocking me from reading news on english.ahram.org.eg before Doomsday. And, do not block me from reading all the information and data and news and web pages on the Internet before Doomsday. And, do not block me from watching all the videos and news channels on the Internet before Doomsday. And, do not block me from listening to all the audios on the Internet before Doomsday. Stop waging your dying clout war against me before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Go to hell, get burned this Yom Kippur. Assyria gotta obliterate Israel very soon this year.
Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evildoers with the remote neural monitoring system. Do not hack into my own laptop before Doomsday. Do not hack into my own WordPress blogs or any other blog and microblog before Doomsday. Do not shut down my own WordPress blogs or any other blog and microblog before Doomsday. Do not block me from editing my own WordPress blogs or any other blog and microblog before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Go to hell, get burned for eternity very soon. You all are Satan’s kids, built to be killed and thrown into the lake of fire being burned for eternity. And, I extremely abhor your stupid https://www.duda.co. and https://www.godaddy.com/.
And, hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evil remote monitoring system conspirators. Do not block me from posting and writing my own posts on my own WordPress blog before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Assyria gotta obliterate Israel this December. Go to hell, get burned for eternity.[以西結書 39:23]列國人[The Gentiles]也必知道以色列家被擄掠,是因他們的罪孽。他們得罪我,我就掩面不顧,將他們交在敵人手中,他們便都倒在刀下。
含的兒子是古實、麥西、弗、迦南。7 古實的兒子是西巴、哈腓拉、撒弗他、拉瑪、撒弗提迦。拉瑪的兒子是示巴、底但。8 古實又生寧錄,他為世上英雄之首。9 他在耶和華面前是個英勇的獵戶,所以俗語說:「像寧錄在耶和華面前是個英勇的獵戶。」10 他國的起頭是巴別、以力、亞甲、甲尼,都在示拿地。11 他從那地出來往亞述去,建造尼尼微、利河伯、迦拉, 12 和尼尼微、迦拉中間的利鮮,這就是那大城。以色列家因罪被棄21 「我必顯我的榮耀在列國中,萬民就必看見我所行的審判與我在他們身上所加的手。22 這樣,從那日以後,以色列家必知道我是耶和華他們的神。23 列國人[The Gentiles]也必知道以色列家被擄掠,是因他們的罪孽。他們得罪我,我就掩面不顧,將他們交在敵人手中,他們便都倒在刀下。24 我是照他們的汙穢和罪過待他們,並且我掩面不顧他們。Nimrod’s Assyria is the Gentiles on the Day of the Lord for slaying the house of Israel.
(CONFIRMED) Russia readies for WAR with U S Nuclear Attack on Yellowstone(中導條約)(發佈日期:2018年11月9日)加拿大媒体:“毒藥丸”条款是美国人的敲诈!2018-10-15 04:00 环球时报[10.10.2018.]阻其他國家與華簽貿易協定,美「毒藥丸」條款,孤立中國![08.12.2018.]美对华贸易战走入死胡同 外媒:特朗普破罐子破摔!叙军攻打叙南部极端组织最后据点:政府军在苏韦达行动取得进展![08.11.2018.]人民日报:美国挑起贸易战的要害是破坏规则![08.10.2018.]人民日報分析美國挑起貿易戰原因:為確保自己永遠不被超越;联合国:叙利亚冲突接近尾声,该国已无受围困地区![08.08.2018.]七年內戰將終止,三大勢力主導敘利亞和平路線![帖前5:2-3]因為你們自己明明曉得,主的日子來到好像夜間的賊一樣。 3 人正說平安穩妥的時候,災禍忽然臨到他們,如同產難臨到懷胎的婦人一樣,他們絕不能逃脫。Gog and his multitude, of the land of Magog, are NOT the Russians. Gog is the Assyrian chief prince of Nimrod. Assyria is located in the earth’s mantle and in the sea of the Earth, which is the blessed work of the Lord Jesus’ hands for obliterating Israel on the Day of the Lord,just in a moment after the Syrian peace treaty is suddenly signed and fully implemented for the political settlement.[China V.S. USA at oil war and trade war.[The Antichrist wages nuclear genocide against the Chinese people.]敵基督(USA)發動針對中國人的全面核子滅族戰爭! The UFOs are the Assyrians’ aircrafts of Nimrod. Edward Snowden:UFOs Come From Ultra-Terrestrial Civilization in Earth Mantle.[07.18.2018.]叙利亚内战接近收官:美国大势已去,俄罗斯大获全胜![07.17.2018.]瑞銀預測:「全面貿易戰」後果很嚴重!叛军逐渐撤军,叙利亚休战露曙光![07-16-2018] HKT 11:21國家統計局:中美貿易戰對下半年中國經濟影響仍有待觀[07.15.2018.]7年多战乱回归原点:美放弃盟友 叙政府军收复德拉[07.13.2018.]商務部:美國打貿易戰將把世界經濟拖入危境;陸商務部:中美貿易戰影響將於下半年逐步顯現[中美貿易戰全面開打][07.01.2018.]外媒:多国对美征收报复性关税,贸易战反令美企受困;叙利亚南部多地反对派武装同意与政府和解![06.21.2018.] Economists say expansion could slow by up to 1 percentage point in a tariffs battle – but if dispute spirals it will be ‘like putting a price tag on  a world war’[贸易战->關稅壁壘->貿易保護主義->通貨膨漲->經濟蕭條->(WW3)前奏曲->][耶穌降臨的預兆]耶穌在橄欖山上坐著,門徒暗暗地來,說:「請告訴我們,什麼時候有這些事?你降臨和世界的末了有什麼預兆呢?」4耶穌回答說:「你們要謹慎,免得有人迷惑你們。5因為將來有好些人冒我的名來,說:『我是基督』,並且要迷惑許多人。6你們也要聽見打仗和打仗的風聲,總不要驚慌,因為這些事是必須有的,只是末期還沒有到。7民要攻打民,國要攻打國,多處必有饑荒、地震,8這都是災難的起頭。[彼後3:10]但主的日子要像賊來到一樣。那日,天必大有響聲廢去,有形質的都要被烈火銷化,地和其上的物都要燒盡了。[MICAH 3:12]所以因你們的緣故,錫安必被耕種像一塊田,耶路撒冷必變為亂堆[heaps of ruins],這殿的山必像叢林的高處。[但以理書 9:26]必有一王的民來毀滅這城[the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city]和聖所。[JOEL 2:20] the northern  army.[以西結書 38:6]歌篾人和他的軍隊,北方極處[the far north]的陀迦瑪族和他的軍隊,這許多國的民都同著你。Gog is the blessed prince of the northern army of Assyria for obliterating Israel on the Day of the Lord. Some of the Tyrians [the people of the Unidentified Submerged Objects] of the northern army of Assyria are living in the East Siberian Sea, who are 3-meter tall in height. [Zechariah 9:4] Tyre’s power in the sea [of the Earth]. [Nahum 3:8-9] Whose rampart was the sea? Whose wall was the sea.
And, hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and conspirators with the remote neural monitoring system are all gotta be slain by those giant Assyrians living in the earth’s mantle and in the sea of the Earth as Ethiopia starts filling her Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam during the Nile flood season for generating hydroelectric power. Ethiopia’s filling her GERD during the Nile flood season is gotta suddenly plunge the Nile Delta into a parched state, which is gotta suddenly trigger riots and social unrest in Egypt,Egypt rapidly spiralling out of control into brutal social protest movements that no regime, no matter how powerful and aggressive it is, can stop.
And, on the Day of the Lord and through the most apocalyptic fervent heat of solar superstorm of magnetic reconnection, the Lord Jesus is gotta suddenly and utterly consume the whole human race that is currently dwelling on the face of the whole earth, suddenly triggering the most powerful geomagnetic reversal, disrupting the earth’s core and crust, super volcanic eruptions and mega-thrust earthquakes and mega tsunamis suddenly sweeping across the Earth, ripping split open the earth, annihilating the land of the whole earth, putting a sudden end to all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth, the mass extinction event of the Lord Jesus’ Judgment, just in a moment after the Syrian peace treaty is suddenly signed and fully implemented for the political settlement.
And, Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible are those giant Assyrians and Moabites currently and physically living in the earth’s mantle and in the north before the Day of the Lord.Gog and Magog are a distinct and hybrid species of the Assyrian Empire, which is currently and physically located in the earth’s mantle and in the sea of the Earth before the Day of the Lord.
And, fat cat chimpanzees are definitely and absolutely NOT Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible. And, Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible are definitely and absolutely NOT the white people. And, Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible are definitely and absolutely NOT the Jewish people, either. The Teutons already obliterated the Jewish people about 2000 years ago in the European forests.[啟示錄 2:9]…也知道那自稱是猶太人所說的毀謗話,其實他們不是猶太人,乃是撒旦一會的人。[啟示錄 3:9]那撒旦一會的,自稱是猶太人,其實不是猶太人,乃是說謊話的,…。
We use the present simple to describe things or persons that are always true, or situations that exist now and, as far as we know, will go on indefinitely. [eternal truths and timeless present]
Revelation 2:9 New King James Version (NKJV)9 “I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a[a]synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 3:9 New King James Version (NKJV)9 Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you.[用現在式是為了強調在轉述的時候,被轉述的事仍然是事實,並且永遠是事實和真理!]
Revelation 2:9 King James Version (KJV) I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 3:9 King James Version (KJV)
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and conspirators with the remote neural monitoring system. Do not hack into my own Facebook account before Doomsday. Do not hack into my own Google mail or my own Yahoo mail before Doomsday. Do not hack into my laptop before Doomsday. Do not hack into my online accounts before Doomsday. Do not sabotage my Youtube account before Doomsday. Do not jam my laptop’s flash memory before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. And, I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Go to hell, get burned for eternity. Assyria gotta obliterate Israel very soon.
0 notes
abaddon-apollyon-3017 · 6 years ago
Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evildoers with the remote neural monitoring system. Go to hell, get burned for eternity. Do not attack me through your fast dying clout’s second hand smoke when I’m sleeping at night in my room or at any moment before Doomsday. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday.[12.12.2018.21:08.]军控专家谈美退出中导条约:将降低核武使用门槛[1000萬加元資產成功換保釋 孟晚舟明年2月須再出庭][数十万难民返回叙利亚 不包括来加拿大的几万人][12.05.2018.15:22.]敘利亞問題四方峰會 俄同意再次舉行[來源:新華社][貿易戰明年中告一段落][美中貿易戰停火90天 陸商:寒冬會繼續][美对俄最后通牒:60天内履行《中导》否则退约][《中导》关键60天: 俄不遵守美就走][美促俄60天解除違約導彈 否則正式退出中導條約]《深度國際》美俄“中導”紛爭 美俄如何走出對抗怪圈?20181110 | CCTV中文國際[打開核地獄之門][12.04.2018.18:25.]美中貿易戰:90天後重燃戰火[俄同意再次举行叙利亚问题四方峰会 2018-12-04 11:27:43 来源: 新华网][特朗普推文:将和中俄磋商 终止“失控的军备竞赛”][12.03.2018.14:50.]中美貿易戰休戰台前幕後:休戰期只有90天,美方提出90天期限,意味谈判要在明年3月1日前后谈出结果,正好在中国全国「两会」(中国全国人民代表大会、中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会会议)登场前夕。报道指出,中国领导阶层在那段期间不容易对外国让步,无形中增加美中后续谈判风险。[2018年11月28日]崔天凱指出:“我不知道人們是否意識到,如果割斷(經濟聯繫),可能會有的後果、不良影響。”他說:“歷史的教訓就在這裡。上個世紀我們發生過兩次世界大戰,兩次大戰之間發生了大蕭條。我不認為有人應試圖重復歷史。這些事情不應重演,因此人們應負責任地採取行動。”[解决叙利亚问题重心将转向政治和谈 2018年12月03日09:50 来源:人民网][帖前5:2-3]因為你們自己明明曉得,主的日子來到好像夜間的賊一樣。 3 人正說平安穩妥的時候,…。[12.01.2018.伊德利卜无战事已历数月 或成叙利亚战争最后战场][11.30.2018.15:34.]第11轮叙利亚问题阿斯塔纳和谈结束 年底有望交换战俘 2018-11-30 07:56:52 来源: 中国新闻网(对于引人关注的宪法委员会问题,各方就在年底前公布宪法委员会成员名单达成原则上的一致。)(此外,叙政府与反政府武装达成一致,将在今年年底前互换约50名战俘。此外,与会各方一致同意于2019年2月在阿斯塔纳举行第12轮和谈。)(11.29.2018.)崔天凱指出:“我不知道人們是否意識到,如果割斷(經濟聯繫),可能會有的後果、不良影響。”他說:“歷史的教訓就在這裡。上個世紀我們發生過兩次世界大戰,兩次大戰之間發生了大蕭條。我不認為有人應試圖重復歷史。這些事情不應重演,因此人們應負責任地採取行動。” )([11.25.2018.]允许阿萨德继续执政,美国特使释放重大信号!不再改变叙利亚政权)[帖前5:2-3]因為你們自己明明曉得,主的日子來到好像夜間的賊一樣。 3 人正說平安穩妥的時候,災禍忽然臨到他們,如同產難臨到懷胎的婦人一樣,他們絕不能逃脫。《深度國際》美俄“中導”紛爭 美俄如何走出對抗怪圈?20181110 | CCTV中文國際[打開核地獄之門](05 November, 2018. Cosmic-ray interactions with the atmosphere produce a flux of neutrinos in all directions with energies extending above the TeV scale.) Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evildoers with the remote neural monitoring system. Stop hacking into my laptop before Doomsday. Stop blocking me from reading news on english.ahram.org.eg before Doomsday. And, do not block me from reading all the information and data and news and web pages on the Internet before Doomsday. And, do not block me from watching all the videos and news channels on the Internet before Doomsday. And, do not block me from listening to all the audios on the Internet before Doomsday. Stop waging your dying clout war against me before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Go to hell, get burned this Yom Kippur. Assyria gotta obliterate Israel very soon this year.
Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evildoers with the remote neural monitoring system. Do not hack into my own laptop before Doomsday. Do not hack into my own WordPress blogs or any other blog and microblog before Doomsday. Do not shut down my own WordPress blogs or any other blog and microblog before Doomsday. Do not block me from editing my own WordPress blogs or any other blog and microblog before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Go to hell, get burned for eternity very soon. You all are Satan’s kids, built to be killed and thrown into the lake of fire being burned for eternity. And, I extremely abhor your stupid https://www.duda.co. and https://www.godaddy.com/.
And, hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evil remote monitoring system conspirators. Do not block me from posting and writing my own posts on my own WordPress blog before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Assyria gotta obliterate Israel this December. Go to hell, get burned for eternity.[以西結書 39:23]列國人[The Gentiles]也必知道以色列家被擄掠,是因他們的罪孽。他們得罪我,我就掩面不顧,將他們交在敵人手中,他們便都倒在刀下。
含的兒子是古實、麥西、弗、迦南。7 古實的兒子是西巴、哈腓拉、撒弗他、拉瑪、撒弗提迦。拉瑪的兒子是示巴、底但。8 古實又生寧錄,他為世上英雄之首。9 他在耶和華面前是個英勇的獵戶,所以俗語說:「像寧錄在耶和華面前是個英勇的獵戶。」10 他國的起頭是巴別、以力、亞甲、甲尼,都在示拿地。11 他從那地出來往亞述去,建造尼尼微、利河伯、迦拉, 12 和尼尼微、迦拉中間的利鮮,這就是那大城。以色列家因罪被棄21 「我必顯我的榮耀在列國中,萬民就必看見我所行的審判與我在他們身上所加的手。22 這樣,從那日以後,以色列家必知道我是耶和華他們的神。23 列國人[The Gentiles]也必知道以色列家被擄掠,是因他們的罪孽。他們得罪我,我就掩面不顧,將他們交在敵人手中,他們便都倒在刀下。24 我是照他們的汙穢和罪過待他們,並且我掩面不顧他們。Nimrod’s Assyria is the Gentiles on the Day of the Lord for slaying the house of Israel.
(CONFIRMED) Russia readies for WAR with U S Nuclear Attack on Yellowstone(中導條約)(發佈日期:2018年11月9日)加拿大媒体:“毒藥丸”条款是美国人的敲诈!2018-10-15 04:00 环球时报[10.10.2018.]阻其他國家與華簽貿易協定,美「毒藥丸」條款,孤立中國![08.12.2018.]美对华贸易战走入死胡同 外媒:特朗普破罐子破摔!叙军攻打叙南部极端组织最后据点:政府军在苏韦达行动取得进展![08.11.2018.]人民日报:美国挑起贸易战的要害是破坏规则![08.10.2018.]人民日報分析美國挑起貿易戰原因:為確保自己永遠不被超越;联合国:叙利亚冲突接近尾声,该国已无受围困地区![08.08.2018.]七年內戰將終止,三大勢力主導敘利亞和平路線![帖前5:2-3]因為你們自己明明曉得,主的日子來到好像夜間的賊一樣。 3 人正說平安穩妥的時候,災禍忽然臨到他們,如同產難臨到懷胎的婦人一樣,他們絕不能逃脫。Gog and his multitude, of the land of Magog, are NOT the Russians. Gog is the Assyrian chief prince of Nimrod. Assyria is located in the earth’s mantle and in the sea of the Earth, which is the blessed work of the Lord Jesus’ hands for obliterating Israel on the Day of the Lord,just in a moment after the Syrian peace treaty is suddenly signed and fully implemented for the political settlement.[China V.S. USA at oil war and trade war.[The Antichrist wages nuclear genocide against the Chinese people.]敵基督(USA)發動針對中國人的全面核子滅族戰爭! The UFOs are the Assyrians’ aircrafts of Nimrod. Edward Snowden:UFOs Come From Ultra-Terrestrial Civilization in Earth Mantle.[07.18.2018.]叙利亚内战接近收官:美国大势已去,俄罗斯大获全胜![07.17.2018.]瑞銀預測:「全面貿易戰」後果很嚴重!叛军逐渐撤军,叙利亚休战露曙光![07-16-2018] HKT 11:21國家統計局:中美貿易戰對下半年中國經濟影響仍有待觀[07.15.2018.]7年多战乱回归原点:美放弃盟友 叙政府军收复德拉[07.13.2018.]商務部:美國打貿易戰將把世界經濟拖入危境;陸商務部:中美貿易戰影響將於下半年逐步顯現[中美貿易戰全面開打][07.01.2018.]外媒:多国对美征收报复性关税,贸易战反令美企受困;叙利亚南部多地反对派武装同意与政府和解![06.21.2018.] Economists say expansion could slow by up to 1 percentage point in a tariffs battle – but if dispute spirals it will be ‘like putting a price tag on  a world war’[贸易战->關稅壁壘->貿易保護主義->通貨膨漲->經濟蕭條->(WW3)前奏曲->][耶穌降臨的預兆]耶穌在橄欖山上坐著,門徒暗暗地來,說:「請告訴我們,什麼時候有這些事?你降臨和世界的末了有什麼預兆呢?」4耶穌回答說:「你們要謹慎,免得有人迷惑你們。5因為將來有好些人冒我的名來,說:『我是基督』,並且要迷惑許多人。6你們也要聽見打仗和打仗的風聲,總不要驚慌,因為這些事是必須有的,只是末期還沒有到。7民要攻打民,國要攻打國,多處必有饑荒、地震,8這都是災難的起頭。[彼後3:10]但主的日子要像賊來到一樣。那日,天必大有響聲廢去,有形質的都要被烈火銷化,地和其上的物都要燒盡了。[MICAH 3:12]所以因你們的緣故,錫安必被耕種像一塊田,耶路撒冷必變為亂堆[heaps of ruins],這殿的山必像叢林的高處。[但以理書 9:26]必有一王的民來毀滅這城[the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city]和聖所。[JOEL 2:20] the northern  army.[以西結書 38:6]歌篾人和他的軍隊,北方極處[the far north]的陀迦瑪族和他的軍隊,這許多國的民都同著你。Gog is the blessed prince of the northern army of Assyria for obliterating Israel on the Day of the Lord. Some of the Tyrians [the people of the Unidentified Submerged Objects] of the northern army of Assyria are living in the East Siberian Sea, who are 3-meter tall in height. [Zechariah 9:4] Tyre’s power in the sea [of the Earth]. [Nahum 3:8-9] Whose rampart was the sea? Whose wall was the sea.
And, hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and conspirators with the remote neural monitoring system are all gotta be slain by those giant Assyrians living in the earth’s mantle and in the sea of the Earth as Ethiopia starts filling her Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam during the Nile flood season for generating hydroelectric power. Ethiopia’s filling her GERD during the Nile flood season is gotta suddenly plunge the Nile Delta into a parched state, which is gotta suddenly trigger riots and social unrest in Egypt,Egypt rapidly spiralling out of control into brutal social protest movements that no regime, no matter how powerful and aggressive it is, can stop.
And, on the Day of the Lord and through the most apocalyptic fervent heat of solar superstorm of magnetic reconnection, the Lord Jesus is gotta suddenly and utterly consume the whole human race that is currently dwelling on the face of the whole earth, suddenly triggering the most powerful geomagnetic reversal, disrupting the earth’s core and crust, super volcanic eruptions and mega-thrust earthquakes and mega tsunamis suddenly sweeping across the Earth, ripping split open the earth, annihilating the land of the whole earth, putting a sudden end to all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth, the mass extinction event of the Lord Jesus’ Judgment, just in a moment after the Syrian peace treaty is suddenly signed and fully implemented for the political settlement.
And, Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible are those giant Assyrians and Moabites currently and physically living in the earth’s mantle and in the north before the Day of the Lord.Gog and Magog are a distinct and hybrid species of the Assyrian Empire, which is currently and physically located in the earth’s mantle and in the sea of the Earth before the Day of the Lord.
And, fat cat chimpanzees are definitely and absolutely NOT Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible. And, Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible are definitely and absolutely NOT the white people. And, Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible are definitely and absolutely NOT the Jewish people, either. The Teutons already obliterated the Jewish people about 2000 years ago in the European forests.[啟示錄 2:9]…也知道那自稱是猶太人所說的毀謗話,其實他們不是猶太人,乃是撒旦一會的人。[啟示錄 3:9]那撒旦一會的,自稱是猶太人,其實不是猶太人,乃是說謊話的,…。
We use the present simple to describe things or persons that are always true, or situations that exist now and, as far as we know, will go on indefinitely. [eternal truths and timeless present]
Revelation 2:9 New King James Version (NKJV)9 “I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a[a]synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 3:9 New King James Version (NKJV)9 Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you.[用現在式是為了強調在轉述的時候,被轉述的事仍然是事實,並且永遠是事實和真理!]
Revelation 2:9 King James Version (KJV) I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 3:9 King James Version (KJV)
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and conspirators with the remote neural monitoring system. Do not hack into my own Facebook account before Doomsday. Do not hack into my own Google mail or my own Yahoo mail before Doomsday. Do not hack into my laptop before Doomsday. Do not hack into my online accounts before Doomsday. Do not sabotage my Youtube account before Doomsday. Do not jam my laptop’s flash memory before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. And, I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Go to hell, get burned for eternity. Assyria gotta obliterate Israel very soon.
0 notes
light-wisdom · 2 months ago
第一,不管是哪個宗教,哪個派別,只要信主,信上帝; 第二,相信輪迴,去惡行善,懺罪悔改; 這樣的人都是我們的弟兄��妹,這樣的教派都是和我們志同道合的教派。我們要聯合起來,團結起來,傳播真理。 我們不僅要自己信,如果你覺得講得有道理,要傳播給更多的人。傳福音不僅是牧師的工作,是我們每一個信徒的責任。這也是升入天國時,主最看中的一個方面。
“如今常存的有信、有望、有愛;這三樣,其中最大的是愛。” Kristen牧師,來自東方的牧師,對東西方宗教、文化都有非常深刻的研究。 在其牧師生涯中,尤其註重考證,澄清歷史事實,探尋聖經深意,兼收博採,不分門戶派別。 延續耶穌精神,不與世俗妥協,引領基督徒回歸真理、造福社會。
查經學習小組Whatsapp: https://chat.whatsapp.com/HElK31FQalL6lMScjY9MM9 郵箱:[email protected] 網站:www.wiselight.org
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lucifer1013 · 6 years ago
Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evildoers with the remote neural monitoring system. Go to hell, get burned for eternity. Do not attack me through your fast dying clout’s second hand smoke when I’m sleeping at night in my room or at any moment before Doomsday. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday.[12.12.2018.21:08.]军控专家谈美退出中导条约:将降低核武使用门槛[1000萬加元資產成功換保釋 孟晚舟明年2月須再出庭][数十万难民返回叙利亚 不包括来加拿大的几万人][12.05.2018.15:22.]敘利亞問題四方峰會 俄同意再次舉行[來源:新華社][貿易戰明年中告一段落][美中貿易戰停火90天 陸商:寒冬會繼續][美对俄最后通牒:60天内履行《中导》否则退约][《中导》关键60天: 俄不遵守美就走][美促俄60天解除違約導彈 否則正式退出中導條約]《深度國際》美俄“中導”紛爭 美俄如何走出對抗怪圈?20181110 | CCTV中文國際[打開核地獄之門][12.04.2018.18:25.]美中貿易戰:90天後重燃戰火[俄同意再次举行叙利亚问题四方峰会 2018-12-04 11:27:43 来源: 新华网][特朗普推文:将和中俄磋商 终止“失控的军备竞赛”][12.03.2018.14:50.]中美貿易戰休戰台前幕後:休戰期只有90天,美方提出90天期限,意味谈判要在明年3月1日前后谈出结果,正好在中国全国「两会」(中国全国人民代表大会、中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会会议)登场前夕。报道指出,中国领导阶层在那段期间不容易对外国让步,无形中增加美中后续谈判风险。[2018年11月28日]崔天凱指出:“我不知道人們是否意識到,如果割斷(經濟聯繫),可能會有的後果、不良影響。”他說:“歷史的教訓就在這裡。上個世紀我們發生過兩次世界大戰,兩次大戰之間發生了大蕭條。我不認為有人應試圖重復歷史。這些事情不應重演,因此人們應負責任地採取行動。”[解决叙利亚问题重心将转向政治和谈 2018年12月03日09:50 来源:人民网][帖前5:2-3]因為你們自己明明曉得,主的日子來到好像夜間的賊一樣。 3 人正說平安穩妥的時候,…。[12.01.2018.伊德利卜无战事已历数月 或成叙利亚战争最后战场][11.30.2018.15:34.]第11轮叙利亚问题阿斯塔纳和谈结束 年底有望交换战俘 2018-11-30 07:56:52 来源: 中国新闻网(对于引人关注的宪法委员会问题,各方就在年底前公布宪法委员会成员名单达成原则上的一致。)(此外,叙政府与反政府武装达成一致,将在今年年底前互换约50名战俘。此外,与会各方一致同意于2019年2月在阿斯塔纳举行第12轮和谈。)(11.29.2018.)崔天凱指出:“我不知道人們是否意識到,如果割斷(經濟聯繫),可能會有的後果、不良影響。”他說:“歷史的教訓就在這裡。上個世紀我們發生過兩次世界大戰,兩次大戰之間發生了大蕭條。我不認為有人應試圖重復歷史。這些事情不應重演,因此人們應負責任地採取行動。” )([11.25.2018.]允许阿萨德继续执政,美国特使释放重大信号!不再改变叙利亚政权)[帖前5:2-3]因為你們自己明明曉得,主的日子來到好像夜間的賊一樣。 3 人正說平安穩妥的時候,災禍忽然臨到他們,如同產難臨到懷胎的婦人一樣,他們絕不能逃脫。《深度國際》美俄“中導”紛爭 美俄如何走出對抗怪圈?20181110 | CCTV中文國際[打開核地獄之門](05 November, 2018. Cosmic-ray interactions with the atmosphere produce a flux of neutrinos in all directions with energies extending above the TeV scale.) Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evildoers with the remote neural monitoring system. Stop hacking into my laptop before Doomsday. Stop blocking me from reading news on english.ahram.org.eg before Doomsday. And, do not block me from reading all the information and data and news and web pages on the Internet before Doomsday. And, do not block me from watching all the videos and news channels on the Internet before Doomsday. And, do not block me from listening to all the audios on the Internet before Doomsday. Stop waging your dying clout war against me before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Go to hell, get burned this Yom Kippur. Assyria gotta obliterate Israel very soon this year.
Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evildoers with the remote neural monitoring system. Do not hack into my own laptop before Doomsday. Do not hack into my own WordPress blogs or any other blog and microblog before Doomsday. Do not shut down my own WordPress blogs or any other blog and microblog before Doomsday. Do not block me from editing my own WordPress blogs or any other blog and microblog before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Go to hell, get burned for eternity very soon. You all are Satan’s kids, built to be killed and thrown into the lake of fire being burned for eternity. And, I extremely abhor your stupid https://www.duda.co. and https://www.godaddy.com/.
And, hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evil remote monitoring system conspirators. Do not block me from posting and writing my own posts on my own WordPress blog before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Assyria gotta obliterate Israel this December. Go to hell, get burned for eternity.[以西結書 39:23]列國人[The Gentiles]也必知道以色列家被擄掠,是因他們的罪孽。他們得罪我,我就掩面不顧,將他們交在敵人手中,他們便都倒在刀下。
含的兒子是古實、麥西、弗、迦南。7 古實的兒子是西巴、哈腓拉、撒弗他、拉瑪、撒弗提迦。拉瑪的兒子是示巴、底但。8 古實又生寧錄,他為世上英雄之首。9 他在耶和華面前是個英勇的獵戶,所以俗語說:「像寧錄在耶和華面前是個英勇的獵戶。」10 他國的起頭是巴別、以力、亞甲、甲尼,都在示拿地。11 他從那地出來往亞述去,建造尼尼微、利河伯、迦拉, 12 和尼尼微、迦拉中間的利鮮,這就是那大城。以色列家因罪被棄21 「我必顯我的榮耀在列國中,萬民就必看見我所行的審判與我在他們身上所加的手。22 這樣,從那日以後,以色列家必知道我是耶和華他們的神。23 列國人[The Gentiles]也必知道以色列家被擄掠,是因他們的罪孽。他們得罪我,我就掩面不顧,將他們交在敵人手中,他們便都倒在刀下。24 我是照他們的汙穢和罪過待他們,並且我掩面不顧他們。Nimrod’s Assyria is the Gentiles on the Day of the Lord for slaying the house of Israel.
(CONFIRMED) Russia readies for WAR with U S Nuclear Attack on Yellowstone(中導條約)(發佈日期:2018年11月9日)加拿大媒体:“毒藥丸”条款是美国人的敲诈!2018-10-15 04:00 环球时报[10.10.2018.]阻其他國家與華簽貿易協定,美「毒藥丸」條款,孤立中國![08.12.2018.]美对华贸易战走入死胡同 外媒:特朗普破罐子破摔!叙军攻打叙南部极端组织最后据点:政府军在苏韦达行动取得进展![08.11.2018.]人民日报:美国挑起贸易战的要害是破坏规则![08.10.2018.]人民日報分析美國挑起貿易戰原因:為確保自己永遠不被超越;联合国:叙利亚冲突接近尾声,该国已无受围困地区![08.08.2018.]七年內戰將終止,三大勢力主導敘利亞和平路線![帖前5:2-3]因為你們自己明明曉得,主的日子來到好像夜間的賊一樣。 3 人正說平安穩妥的時候,災禍忽然臨到他們,如同產難臨到懷胎的婦人一樣,他們絕不能逃脫。Gog and his multitude, of the land of Magog, are NOT the Russians. Gog is the Assyrian chief prince of Nimrod. Assyria is located in the earth’s mantle and in the sea of the Earth, which is the blessed work of the Lord Jesus’ hands for obliterating Israel on the Day of the Lord,just in a moment after the Syrian peace treaty is suddenly signed and fully implemented for the political settlement.[China V.S. USA at oil war and trade war.[The Antichrist wages nuclear genocide against the Chinese people.]敵基督(USA)發動針對中國人的全面核子滅族戰爭! The UFOs are the Assyrians’ aircrafts of Nimrod. Edward Snowden:UFOs Come From Ultra-Terrestrial Civilization in Earth Mantle.[07.18.2018.]叙利亚内战接近收官:美国大势已去,俄罗斯大获全胜![07.17.2018.]瑞銀預測:「全面貿易戰」後果很嚴重!叛军逐渐撤军,叙利亚休战露曙光![07-16-2018] HKT 11:21國家統計局:中美貿易戰對下半年中國經濟影響仍有待觀[07.15.2018.]7年多战乱回归原点:美放弃盟友 叙政府军收复德拉[07.13.2018.]商務部:美國打貿易戰將把世界經濟拖入危境;陸商務部:中美貿易戰影響將於下半年逐步顯現[中美貿易戰全面開打][07.01.2018.]外媒:多国对美征收报复性关税,贸易战反令美企受困;叙利亚南部多地反对派武装同意与政府和解![06.21.2018.] Economists say expansion could slow by up to 1 percentage point in a tariffs battle – but if dispute spirals it will be ‘like putting a price tag on  a world war’[贸易战->關稅壁壘->貿易保護主義->通貨膨漲->經濟蕭條->(WW3)前奏曲->][耶穌降臨的預兆]耶穌在橄欖山上坐著,門徒暗暗地來,說:「請告訴我們,什麼時候有這些事?你降臨和世界的末了有什麼預兆呢?」4耶穌回答說:「你們要謹慎,免得有人迷惑你們。5因為將來有好些人冒我的名來,說:『我是基督』,並且要迷惑許多人。6你們也要聽見打仗和打仗的風聲,總不要驚慌,因為這些事是必須有的,只是末期還沒有到。7民要攻打民,國要攻打國,多處必有饑荒、地震,8這都是災難的起頭。[彼後3:10]但主的日子要像賊來到一樣。那日,天必大有響聲廢去,有形質的都要被烈火銷化,地和其上的物都要燒盡了。[MICAH 3:12]所以因你們的緣故,錫安必被耕種像一塊田,耶路撒冷必變為亂堆[heaps of ruins],這殿的山必像叢林的高處。[但以理書 9:26]必有一王的民來毀滅這城[the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city]和聖所。[JOEL 2:20] the northern  army.[以西結書 38:6]歌篾人和他的軍隊,北方極處[the far north]的陀迦瑪族和他的軍隊,這許多國的民都同著你。Gog is the blessed prince of the northern army of Assyria for obliterating Israel on the Day of the Lord. Some of the Tyrians [the people of the Unidentified Submerged Objects] of the northern army of Assyria are living in the East Siberian Sea, who are 3-meter tall in height. [Zechariah 9:4] Tyre’s power in the sea [of the Earth]. [Nahum 3:8-9] Whose rampart was the sea? Whose wall was the sea.
And, hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and conspirators with the remote neural monitoring system are all gotta be slain by those giant Assyrians living in the earth’s mantle and in the sea of the Earth as Ethiopia starts filling her Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam during the Nile flood season for generating hydroelectric power. Ethiopia’s filling her GERD during the Nile flood season is gotta suddenly plunge the Nile Delta into a parched state, which is gotta suddenly trigger riots and social unrest in Egypt,Egypt rapidly spiralling out of control into brutal social protest movements that no regime, no matter how powerful and aggressive it is, can stop.
And, on the Day of the Lord and through the most apocalyptic fervent heat of solar superstorm of magnetic reconnection, the Lord Jesus is gotta suddenly and utterly consume the whole human race that is currently dwelling on the face of the whole earth, suddenly triggering the most powerful geomagnetic reversal, disrupting the earth’s core and crust, super volcanic eruptions and mega-thrust earthquakes and mega tsunamis suddenly sweeping across the Earth, ripping split open the earth, annihilating the land of the whole earth, putting a sudden end to all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth, the mass extinction event of the Lord Jesus’ Judgment, just in a moment after the Syrian peace treaty is suddenly signed and fully implemented for the political settlement.
And, Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible are those giant Assyrians and Moabites currently and physically living in the earth’s mantle and in the north before the Day of the Lord.Gog and Magog are a distinct and hybrid species of the Assyrian Empire, which is currently and physically located in the earth’s mantle and in the sea of the Earth before the Day of the Lord.
And, fat cat chimpanzees are definitely and absolutely NOT Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible. And, Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible are definitely and absolutely NOT the white people. And, Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible are definitely and absolutely NOT the Jewish people, either. The Teutons already obliterated the Jewish people about 2000 years ago in the European forests.[啟示錄 2:9]…也知道那自稱是猶太人所說的毀謗話,其實他們不是猶太人,乃是撒旦一會的人。[啟示錄 3:9]那撒旦一會的,自稱是猶太人,其實不是猶太人,乃是說謊話的,…。
We use the present simple to describe things or persons that are always true, or situations that exist now and, as far as we know, will go on indefinitely. [eternal truths and timeless present]
Revelation 2:9 New King James Version (NKJV)9 “I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a[a]synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 3:9 New King James Version (NKJV)9 Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you.[用現在式是為了強調在轉述的時候,被轉述的事仍然是事實,並且永遠是事實和真理!]
Revelation 2:9 King James Version (KJV) I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 3:9 King James Version (KJV)
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and conspirators with the remote neural monitoring system. Do not hack into my own Facebook account before Doomsday. Do not hack into my own Google mail or my own Yahoo mail before Doomsday. Do not hack into my laptop before Doomsday. Do not hack into my online accounts before Doomsday. Do not sabotage my Youtube account before Doomsday. Do not jam my laptop’s flash memory before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. And, I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Go to hell, get burned for eternity. Assyria gotta obliterate Israel very soon.
0 notes
consumethewholehumanrace · 6 years ago
(經由 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFAcqaNzNSc)Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evildoers with the remote neural monitoring system. Go to hell, get burned for eternity. Do not attack me through your fast dying clout’s second hand smoke when I’m sleeping at night in my room or at any moment before Doomsday. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday.[12.10.2018.15:50.]惧怕以色列空袭,伊朗民兵阵地升起俄罗斯国旗,防护远超S300[【華為孟晚舟被捕】《環球時報》斥美加對中國公民作惡][白宮經濟顧問:不排除以釋放孟晚舟作為中美談判策略][西方讽俄违反中导条约因海军烂,俄军舰怒射2枚导弹回击邪说][乌克兰进入“战争状态” 俄乌海上争端会否升级][乌克兰���统波罗申科:将废止与俄罗斯友好条约][12.05.2018.15:22.]敘利亞問題四方峰會 俄同意再次舉行[來源:新華社][貿易戰明年中告一段落][美中貿易戰停火90天 陸商:寒冬會繼續][美对俄最后通牒:60天内履行《中导》否则退约][《中导》关键60天: 俄不遵守美就走][美促俄60天解除違約導彈 否則正式退出中導條約]《深度國際》美俄“中導”紛爭 美俄如何走出對抗怪圈?20181110 | CCTV中文國際[打開核地獄之門][12.04.2018.18:25.]美中貿易戰:90天後重燃戰火[俄同意再次举行叙利亚问题四方峰会 2018-12-04 11:27:43 来源: 新华网][特朗普推文:将和中俄磋商 终止“失控的军备竞赛”][12.03.2018.14:50.]中美貿易戰休戰台前幕後:休戰期只有90天,美方提出90天期限,意味谈判要在明年3月1日前后谈出结果,正好在中国全国「两会」(中国全国人民代表大会、中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会会议)登场前夕。报道指出,中国领导阶层在那段期间不容易对外国让步,无形中增加美中后续谈判风险。[2018年11月28日]崔天凱指出:“我不知道人們是否意識到,如果割斷(經濟聯繫),可能會有的後果、不良影響。”他說:“歷史的教訓就在這裡。上個世紀我們發生過兩次世界大戰,兩次大戰之間發生了大蕭條。我不認為有人應試圖重復歷史。這些事情不應重演,因此人們應負責任地採取行動。”[解决叙利亚问题重心将转向政治和谈 2018年12月03日09:50 来源:人民网][帖前5:2-3]因為你們自己明明曉得,主的日子來到好像夜間的賊一樣。 3 人正說平安穩妥的時候,…。[12.01.2018.伊德利卜无战事已历数月 或成叙利亚战争最后战场][11.30.2018.15:34.]第11轮叙利亚问题阿斯塔纳和谈结束 年底有望交换战俘 2018-11-30 07:56:52 来源: 中国新闻网(对于引人关注的宪法委员会问题,各方就在年底前公布宪法委员会成员名单达成原则上的一致。)(此外,叙政府与反政府武装达成一致,将在今年年底前互换约50名战俘。此外,与会各方一致同意于2019年2月在阿斯塔纳举行第12轮和谈。)(11.29.2018.)崔天凱指出:“我不知道人們是否意識到,如果割斷(經濟聯繫),可能會有的後果、不良影響。”他說:“歷史的教訓就在這裡。上個世紀我們發生過兩次世界大戰,兩次大戰之間發生了大蕭條。我不認為有人應試圖重復歷史。這些事情不應重演,因此人們應負責任地採取行動。” )([11.25.2018.]允许阿萨德继续执政,美国特使释放重大信号!不再改变叙利亚政权)[帖前5:2-3]因為你們自己明明曉得,主的日子來到好像夜間的賊一樣。 3 人正說平安穩妥的時候,災禍忽然臨到他們,如同產難臨到懷胎的婦人一樣,他們絕不能逃脫。《深度國際》美俄“中導”紛爭 美俄如何走出對抗怪圈?20181110 | CCTV中文國際[打開核地獄之門](05 November, 2018. Cosmic-ray interactions with the atmosphere produce a flux of neutrinos in all directions with energies extending above the TeV scale.) Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evildoers with the remote neural monitoring system. Stop hacking into my laptop before Doomsday. Stop blocking me from reading news on english.ahram.org.eg before Doomsday. And, do not block me from reading all the information and data and news and web pages on the Internet before Doomsday. And, do not block me from watching all the videos and news channels on the Internet before Doomsday. And, do not block me from listening to all the audios on the Internet before Doomsday. Stop waging your dying clout war against me before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Go to hell, get burned this Yom Kippur. Assyria gotta obliterate Israel very soon this year.Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evildoers with the remote neural monitoring system. Do not hack into my own laptop before Doomsday. Do not hack into my own WordPress blogs or any other blog and microblog before Doomsday. Do not shut down my own WordPress blogs or any other blog and microblog before Doomsday. Do not block me from editing my own WordPress blogs or any other blog and microblog before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Go to hell, get burned for eternity very soon. You all are Satan’s kids, built to be killed and thrown into the lake of fire being burned for eternity. And, I extremely abhor your stupid https://www.duda.co. and https://www.godaddy.com/.And, hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evil remote monitoring system conspirators. Do not block me from posting and writing my own posts on my own WordPress blog before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Assyria gotta obliterate Israel this December. Go to hell, get burned for eternity.[以西結書 39:23]列國人[The Gentiles]也必知道以色列家被擄掠,是因他們的罪孽。他們得罪我,我就掩面不顧,將他們交在敵人手中,他們便都倒在刀下。含的兒子是古實、麥西、弗、迦南。7 古實的兒子是西巴、哈腓拉、撒弗他、拉瑪、撒弗提迦。拉瑪的兒子是示巴、底但。8 古實又生寧錄,他為世上英雄之首。9 他在耶和華面前是個英勇的獵戶,所以俗語說:「像寧錄在耶和華面前是個英勇的獵戶。」10 他國的起頭是巴別、以力、亞甲、甲尼,都在示拿地。11 他從那地出來往亞述去,建造尼尼微、利河伯、迦拉, 12 和尼尼微、迦拉中間的利鮮,這就是那大城。以色列家因罪被棄21 「我必顯我的榮耀在列國中,萬民就必看見我所行的審判與我在他們身上所加的手。22 這樣,從那日以後,以色列家必知道我是耶和華他們的神。23 列國人[The Gentiles]也必知道以色列家被擄掠,是因他們的罪孽。他們得罪我,我就掩面不顧,將他們交在敵人手中,他們便都倒在刀下。24 我是照他們的汙穢和罪過待他們,並且我掩面不顧他們。Nimrod’s Assyria is the Gentiles on the Day of the Lord for slaying the house of Israel.(CONFIRMED) Russia readies for WAR with U S Nuclear Attack on Yellowstone(中導條約)(發佈日期:2018年11月9日)加拿大媒体:“毒藥丸”条款是美国人的敲诈!2018-10-15 04:00 环球时报[10.10.2018.]阻其他國家與華簽貿易協定,美「毒藥丸」條款,孤立中國![08.12.2018.]美对华贸易战走入死胡同 外媒:特朗普破罐子破摔!叙军攻打叙南部极端组织最后据点:政府军在苏韦达行动取得进展![08.11.2018.]人民日报:美国挑起贸易战的要害是破坏规则![08.10.2018.]人民日報分析美國挑起貿易戰原因:為確保自己永遠不被超越;联合国:叙利亚冲突接近尾声,该国已无受围困地区![08.08.2018.]七年內戰將終止,三大勢力主導敘利亞和平路線![帖前5:2-3]因為你們自己明明曉得,主的日子來到好像夜間的賊一樣。 3 人正說平安穩妥的時候,災禍忽然臨到他們,如同產難臨到懷胎的婦人一樣,他們絕不能逃脫。Gog and his multitude, of the land of Magog, are NOT the Russians. Gog is the Assyrian chief prince of Nimrod. Assyria is located in the earth’s mantle and in the sea of the Earth, which is the blessed work of the Lord Jesus’ hands for obliterating Israel on the Day of the Lord,just in a moment after the Syrian peace treaty is suddenly signed and fully implemented for the political settlement.[China V.S. USA at oil war and trade war.[The Antichrist wages nuclear genocide against the Chinese people.]敵基督(USA)發動針對中國人的全面核子滅族戰爭! The UFOs are the Assyrians’ aircrafts of Nimrod. Edward Snowden:UFOs Come From Ultra-Terrestrial Civilization in Earth Mantle.[07.18.2018.]叙利亚内战接近收官:美国大势已去,俄罗斯大获全胜![07.17.2018.]瑞銀預測:「全面貿易戰」後果很嚴重!叛军逐渐撤军,叙利亚休战露曙光![07-16-2018] HKT 11:21國家統計局:中美貿易戰對下半年中國經濟影響仍有待觀[07.15.2018.]7年多战乱回归原点:美放弃盟友 叙政府军收复德拉[07.13.2018.]商務部:美國打貿易戰將把世界經濟拖入危境;陸商務部:中美貿易戰影響將於下半年逐步顯現[中美貿易戰全面開打][07.01.2018.]外媒:多国对美征收报复性关税,贸易战反令美企受困;叙利亚南部多地反对派武装同意与政府和解![06.21.2018.] Economists say expansion could slow by up to 1 percentage point in a tariffs battle – but if dispute spirals it will be ‘like putting a price tag on  a world war’[贸易战->關稅壁壘->貿易保護主義->通貨膨漲->經濟蕭條->(WW3)前奏曲->][耶穌降臨的預兆]耶穌在橄欖山上坐著,門徒暗暗地來,說:「請告訴我們,什麼時候有這些事?你降臨和世界的末了有什麼預兆呢?」4耶穌回答說:「你們要謹慎,免得有人迷惑你們。5因為將來有好些人冒我的名來,說:『我是基督』,並且要迷惑許多人。6你們也要聽見打仗和打仗的風聲,總不要驚慌,因為這些事是必須有的,只是末期還沒有到。7民要攻打民,國要攻打國,多處必有饑荒、地震,8這都是災難的起頭。[彼後3:10]但主的日子要像賊來到一樣。那日,天必大有響聲廢去,有形質的都要被烈火銷化,地和其上的物都要燒盡了。[MICAH 3:12]所以因你們的緣故,錫安必被耕種像一塊田,耶路撒冷必變為亂堆[heaps of ruins],這殿的山必像叢林的高處。[但以理書 9:26]必有一王的民來毀滅這城[the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city]和聖所。[JOEL 2:20] the northern  army.[以西結書 38:6]歌篾人和他的軍隊,北方極處[the far north]的陀迦瑪族和他的軍隊,這許多國的民都同著你。Gog is the blessed prince of the northern army of Assyria for obliterating Israel on the Day of the Lord. Some of the Tyrians [the people of the Unidentified Submerged Objects] of the northern army of Assyria are living in the East Siberian Sea, who are 3-meter tall in height. [Zechariah 9:4] Tyre’s power in the sea [of the Earth]. [Nahum 3:8-9] Whose rampart was the sea? Whose wall was the sea.And, hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and conspirators with the remote neural monitoring system are all gotta be slain by those giant Assyrians living in the earth’s mantle and in the sea of the Earth as Ethiopia starts filling her Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam during the Nile flood season for generating hydroelectric power. Ethiopia’s filling her GERD during the Nile flood season is gotta suddenly plunge the Nile Delta into a parched state, which is gotta suddenly trigger riots and social unrest in Egypt,Egypt rapidly spiralling out of control into brutal social protest movements that no regime, no matter how powerful and aggressive it is, can stop.And, on the Day of the Lord and through the most apocalyptic fervent heat of solar superstorm of magnetic reconnection, the Lord Jesus is gotta suddenly and utterly consume the whole human race that is currently dwelling on the face of the whole earth, suddenly triggering the most powerful geomagnetic reversal, disrupting the earth’s core and crust, super volcanic eruptions and mega-thrust earthquakes and mega tsunamis suddenly sweeping across the Earth, ripping split open the earth, annihilating the land of the whole earth, putting a sudden end to all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth, the mass extinction event of the Lord Jesus’ Judgment, just in a moment after the Syrian peace treaty is suddenly signed and fully implemented for the political settlement.And, Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible are those giant Assyrians and Moabites currently and physically living in the earth’s mantle and in the north before the Day of the Lord.Gog and Magog are a distinct and hybrid species of the Assyrian Empire, which is currently and physically located in the earth’s mantle and in the sea of the Earth before the Day of the Lord.And, fat cat chimpanzees are definitely and absolutely NOT Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible. And, Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible are definitely and absolutely NOT the white people. And, Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible are definitely and absolutely NOT the Jewish people, either. The Teutons already obliterated the Jewish people about 2000 years ago in the European forests.[啟示錄 2:9]…也知道那自稱是猶太人所說的毀謗話,其實他們不是猶太人,乃是撒旦一會的人。[啟示錄 3:9]那撒旦一會的,自稱是猶太人,其實不是猶太人,乃是說謊話的,…。We use the present simple to describe things or persons that are always true, or situations that exist now and, as far as we know, will go on indefinitely. [eternal truths and timeless present]Revelation 2:9 New King James Version (NKJV)9 “I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a[a]synagogue of Satan.Revelation 3:9 New King James Version (NKJV)9 Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you.[用現在式是為了強調在轉述的時候,被轉述的事仍然是事實,並且永遠是事實和真理!]Revelation 2:9 King James Version (KJV) I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.Revelation 3:9 King James Version (KJV)Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and conspirators with the remote neural monitoring system. Do not hack into my own Facebook account before Doomsday. Do not hack into my own Google mail or my own Yahoo mail before Doomsday. Do not hack into my laptop before Doomsday. Do not hack into my online accounts before Doomsday. Do not sabotage my Youtube account before Doomsday. Do not jam my laptop’s flash memory before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. And, I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Go to hell, get burned for eternity. Assyria gotta obliterate Israel very soon.
0 notes
locustapollyon · 6 years ago
(經由 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Hw9BHzqIxM)Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evildoers with the remote neural monitoring system. Go to hell, get burned for eternity. Do not attack me through your fast dying clout’s second hand smoke when I’m sleeping at night in my room or at any moment before Doomsday. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday.[12.10.2018.15:50.]惧怕以色列空袭,伊朗民兵阵地升起俄罗斯国旗,防护远超S300[【華為孟晚舟被捕】《環球時報》斥美加對中國公民作惡][白宮經濟顧問:不排除以釋放孟晚舟作為中美談判策略][西方讽俄违反中导条约因海军烂,俄军舰怒射2枚导弹回击邪说][乌克兰进入“战争状态” 俄乌海上争端会否升级][乌克兰总统波罗申科:将废止与俄罗斯友好条约][12.05.2018.15:22.]敘利亞問題四方峰會 俄同意再次舉行[來源:新華社][貿易戰明年中告一段落][美中貿易戰停火90天 陸商:寒冬會繼續][美对俄最后通牒:60天内履行《中导》否则退约][《中导》关键60天: 俄不遵守美就走][美促俄60天解除違約導彈 否則正式退出中導條約]《深度國際》美俄“中導”紛爭 美俄如何走出對抗怪圈?20181110 | CCTV中文國際[打開核地獄之門][12.04.2018.18:25.]美中貿易戰:90天後重燃戰火[俄同意再次举行叙利亚问题四方峰会 2018-12-04 11:27:43 来源: 新华网][特朗普推文:将和中俄磋商 终止“失控的军备竞赛”][12.03.2018.14:50.]中美貿易戰休戰台前幕後:休戰期只有90天,美方提出90天期限,意味谈判要在明年3月1日前后谈出结果,正好在中国全国「两会」(中国全国人民代表大会、中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会会议)登场前夕。报道指出,中国领导阶层在那段期间不容易对外国让步,无形中增加美中后续谈判风险。[2018年11月28日]崔天凱指出:“我不知道人們是否意識到,如果割斷(經濟聯繫),可能會有的後果、不良影響。”他說:“歷史的教訓就在這裡。上個世紀我們發生過兩次世界大戰,兩次大戰之間發生了大蕭條。我不認為有人應試圖重復歷史。這些事情不應重演,因此人們應負責任地採取行動。”[解决叙利亚问题重心将转向政治和谈 2018年12月03日09:50 来源:人民网][帖前5:2-3]因為你們自己明明曉得,主的日子來到好像夜間的賊一樣。 3 人正說平安穩妥的時候,…。[12.01.2018.伊德利卜无战事已历数月 或成叙利亚战争最后战场][11.30.2018.15:34.]第11轮叙利亚问题阿斯塔纳和谈结束 年底有望交换战俘 2018-11-30 07:56:52 来源: 中国新闻网(对于引人关注的宪法委员会问题,各方就在年底前公布宪法委员会成员名单达成原则上的一致。)(此外,叙政府与反政府武装达成一致,将在今年年底前互换约50名战俘。此外,与会各方一致同意于2019年2月在阿斯塔纳举行第12轮和谈。)(11.29.2018.)崔天凱指出:“我不知道人們是否意識到,如果割斷(經濟聯繫),可能會有的後果、不良影響。”他說:“歷史的教訓就在這裡。上個世紀我們發生過兩次世界大戰,兩次大戰之間發生了大蕭條。我不認為有人應試圖重復歷史。這些事情不應重演,因此人們應負責任地採取行動。” )([11.25.2018.]允许阿萨德继续执政,美国特使释放重大信号!不再改变叙利亚政权)[帖前5:2-3]因為你們自己明明曉得,主的日子來到好像夜間的賊一樣。 3 人正說平安穩妥的時候,災禍忽然臨到他們,如同產難臨到懷胎的婦人一樣,他們絕不能逃脫。《深度國際》美俄“中導”紛爭 美俄如何走出對抗怪圈?20181110 | CCTV中文國際[打開核地獄之門](05 November, 2018. Cosmic-ray interactions with the atmosphere produce a flux of neutrinos in all directions with energies extending above the TeV scale.) Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evildoers with the remote neural monitoring system. Stop hacking into my laptop before Doomsday. Stop blocking me from reading news on english.ahram.org.eg before Doomsday. And, do not block me from reading all the information and data and news and web pages on the Internet before Doomsday. And, do not block me from watching all the videos and news channels on the Internet before Doomsday. And, do not block me from listening to all the audios on the Internet before Doomsday. Stop waging your dying clout war against me before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Go to hell, get burned this Yom Kippur. Assyria gotta obliterate Israel very soon this year.Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evildoers with the remote neural monitoring system. Do not hack into my own laptop before Doomsday. Do not hack into my own WordPress blogs or any other blog and microblog before Doomsday. Do not shut down my own WordPress blogs or any other blog and microblog before Doomsday. Do not block me from editing my own WordPress blogs or any other blog and microblog before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Go to hell, get burned for eternity very soon. You all are Satan’s kids, built to be killed and thrown into the lake of fire being burned for eternity. And, I extremely abhor your stupid https://www.duda.co. and https://www.godaddy.com/.And, hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evil remote monitoring system conspirators. Do not block me from posting and writing my own posts on my own WordPress blog before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Assyria gotta obliterate Israel this December. Go to hell, get burned for eternity.[以西結書 39:23]列國人[The Gentiles]也必知道以色列家被擄掠,是因他們的罪孽。他們得罪我,我就掩面不顧,將他們交在敵人手中,他們便都倒在刀下。含的兒子是古實、麥西、弗、迦南。7 古實的兒子是西巴、哈腓拉、撒弗他、拉瑪、撒弗提迦。拉瑪的兒子是示巴、底但。8 古實又生寧錄,他為世上英雄之首。9 他在耶和華面前是個英勇的獵戶,所以俗語說:「像寧錄在耶和華面前是個英勇的獵戶。」10 他國的起頭是巴別、以力、亞甲、甲尼,都在示拿地。11 他從那地出來往亞述去,建造尼尼微、利河伯、迦拉, 12 和尼尼微、迦拉中間的利鮮,這就是那大城。以色列家因罪被棄21 「我必顯我的榮耀在列國中,萬民就必看見我所行的審判與我在他們身上所加的手。22 這樣,從那日以後,以色列家必知道我是耶和華他們的神。23 列國人[The Gentiles]也必知道以色列家被擄掠,是因他們的罪孽。他們得罪我,我就掩面不顧,將他們交在敵人手中,他們便都倒在刀下。24 我是照他們的汙穢和罪過待他們,並且我掩面不顧他們。Nimrod’s Assyria is the Gentiles on the Day of the Lord for slaying the house of Israel.(CONFIRMED) Russia readies for WAR with U S Nuclear Attack on Yellowstone(中導條約)(發佈日期:2018年11月9日)加拿大媒体:“毒藥丸”条款是美国人的敲诈!2018-10-15 04:00 环球时报[10.10.2018.]阻其他國家與華簽貿易協定,美「毒藥丸」條款,孤立中國![08.12.2018.]美对华贸易战走入死胡同 外媒:特朗普破罐子破摔!叙军攻打叙南部极端组织最后据点:政府军在苏韦达行动取得进展![08.11.2018.]人民日报:美国挑起贸易战的要害是破坏规则![08.10.2018.]人民日報分析美國挑起貿易戰原因:為確保自己永遠不被超越;联合国:叙利亚冲突接近尾声,该国已无受围困地区![08.08.2018.]七年內戰將終止,三大勢力主導敘利亞和平路線![帖前5:2-3]因為你們自己明明曉得,主的日子來到好像夜間的賊一樣。 3 人正說平安穩妥的時候,災禍忽然臨到他們,如同產難臨到懷胎的婦人一樣,他們絕不能逃脫。Gog and his multitude, of the land of Magog, are NOT the Russians. Gog is the Assyrian chief prince of Nimrod. Assyria is located in the earth’s mantle and in the sea of the Earth, which is the blessed work of the Lord Jesus’ hands for obliterating Israel on the Day of the Lord,just in a moment after the Syrian peace treaty is suddenly signed and fully implemented for the political settlement.[China V.S. USA at oil war and trade war.[The Antichrist wages nuclear genocide against the Chinese people.]敵基督(USA)發動針對中國人的全面核子滅族戰爭! The UFOs are the Assyrians’ aircrafts of Nimrod. Edward Snowden:UFOs Come From Ultra-Terrestrial Civilization in Earth Mantle.[07.18.2018.]���利亚内战接近收官:美国大势已去,俄罗斯大获全胜![07.17.2018.]瑞銀預測:「全面貿易戰」後果很嚴重!叛军逐渐撤军,叙利亚休战露曙光![07-16-2018] HKT 11:21國家統計局:中美貿易戰對下半年中國經濟影響仍有待觀[07.15.2018.]7年多战乱回归原点:美放弃盟友 叙政府军收复德拉[07.13.2018.]商務部:美國打貿易戰將把世界經濟拖入危境;陸商務部:中美貿易戰影響將於下半年逐步顯現[中美貿易戰全面開打][07.01.2018.]外媒:多国对美征收报复性关税,贸易战反令美企受困;叙利亚南部多地反对派武装同意与政府和解![06.21.2018.] Economists say expansion could slow by up to 1 percentage point in a tariffs battle – but if dispute spirals it will be ‘like putting a price tag on  a world war’[贸易战->關稅壁壘->貿易保護主義->通貨膨漲->經濟蕭條->(WW3)前奏曲->][耶穌降臨的預兆]耶穌在橄欖山上坐著,門徒暗暗地來,說:「請告訴我們,什麼時候有這些事?你降臨和世界的末了有什麼預兆呢?」4耶穌回答說:「你們要謹慎,免得有人迷惑你們。5因為將來有好些人冒我的名來,說:『我是基督』,並且要迷惑許多人。6你們也要聽見打仗和打仗的風聲,總不要驚慌,因為這些事是必須有的,只是末期還沒有到。7民要攻打民,國要攻打國,多處必有饑荒、地震,8這都是災難的起頭。[彼後3:10]但主的日子要像賊來到一樣。那日,天必大有響聲廢去,有形質的都要被烈火銷化,地和其上的物都要燒盡了。[MICAH 3:12]所以因你們的緣故,錫安必被耕種像一塊田,耶路撒冷必變為亂堆[heaps of ruins],這殿的山必像叢林的高處。[但以理書 9:26]必有一王的民來毀滅這城[the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city]和聖所。[JOEL 2:20] the northern  army.[以西結書 38:6]歌篾人和他的軍隊,北方極處[the far north]的陀迦瑪族和他的軍隊,這許多國的民都同著你。Gog is the blessed prince of the northern army of Assyria for obliterating Israel on the Day of the Lord. Some of the Tyrians [the people of the Unidentified Submerged Objects] of the northern army of Assyria are living in the East Siberian Sea, who are 3-meter tall in height. [Zechariah 9:4] Tyre’s power in the sea [of the Earth]. [Nahum 3:8-9] Whose rampart was the sea? Whose wall was the sea.And, hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and conspirators with the remote neural monitoring system are all gotta be slain by those giant Assyrians living in the earth’s mantle and in the sea of the Earth as Ethiopia starts filling her Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam during the Nile flood season for generating hydroelectric power. Ethiopia’s filling her GERD during the Nile flood season is gotta suddenly plunge the Nile Delta into a parched state, which is gotta suddenly trigger riots and social unrest in Egypt,Egypt rapidly spiralling out of control into brutal social protest movements that no regime, no matter how powerful and aggressive it is, can stop.And, on the Day of the Lord and through the most apocalyptic fervent heat of solar superstorm of magnetic reconnection, the Lord Jesus is gotta suddenly and utterly consume the whole human race that is currently dwelling on the face of the whole earth, suddenly triggering the most powerful geomagnetic reversal, disrupting the earth’s core and crust, super volcanic eruptions and mega-thrust earthquakes and mega tsunamis suddenly sweeping across the Earth, ripping split open the earth, annihilating the land of the whole earth, putting a sudden end to all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth, the mass extinction event of the Lord Jesus’ Judgment, just in a moment after the Syrian peace treaty is suddenly signed and fully implemented for the political settlement.And, Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible are those giant Assyrians and Moabites currently and physically living in the earth’s mantle and in the north before the Day of the Lord.Gog and Magog are a distinct and hybrid species of the Assyrian Empire, which is currently and physically located in the earth’s mantle and in the sea of the Earth before the Day of the Lord.And, fat cat chimpanzees are definitely and absolutely NOT Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible. And, Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible are definitely and absolutely NOT the white people. And, Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible are definitely and absolutely NOT the Jewish people, either. The Teutons already obliterated the Jewish people about 2000 years ago in the European forests.[啟示錄 2:9]…也知道那自稱是猶太人所說的毀謗話,其實他們不是猶太人,乃是撒旦一會的人。[啟示錄 3:9]那撒旦一會的,自稱是猶太人,其實不是猶太人,乃是說謊話的,…。We use the present simple to describe things or persons that are always true, or situations that exist now and, as far as we know, will go on indefinitely. [eternal truths and timeless present]Revelation 2:9 New King James Version (NKJV)9 “I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a[a]synagogue of Satan.Revelation 3:9 New King James Version (NKJV)9 Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you.[用現在式是為了強調在轉述的時候,被轉述的事仍然是事實,並且永遠是事實和真理!]Revelation 2:9 King James Version (KJV) I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.Revelation 3:9 King James Version (KJV)Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and conspirators with the remote neural monitoring system. Do not hack into my own Facebook account before Doomsday. Do not hack into my own Google mail or my own Yahoo mail before Doomsday. Do not hack into my laptop before Doomsday. Do not hack into my online accounts before Doomsday. Do not sabotage my Youtube account before Doomsday. Do not jam my laptop’s flash memory before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. And, I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Go to hell, get burned for eternity. Assyria gotta obliterate Israel very soon.
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zealousmentalitypost · 5 years ago
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