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姜姜 166/C/47/27歲
一身職業裝看著氣質又誘人 身材比例完美 😍 修長勻稱的超殺長腿 ,讓人不愛都不行 氣質又不失性感,絕佳的純欲女神
❤️賴:xy366 賴:779827 ❤️TG:@gg9875 ❤️Gleezy聊天:https://gleezy.net/ii4ux ❤️官網:www.kin6767.com
#美艷熟女姣好身材若隱若現 毫無招架之力#甜美萌妹死庫水透出白皙身材#AI人形巨乳玩偶宅配到囉#奢華油壓按摩高潮不斷#偷竊人妻肉體代償#淫亂的巨乳音樂老師大開亂交#女網友露出美乳~看了好想摸唷#太太餓很久!棒棒越硬搖得越嗨#淫亂JK的愛愛成人實況
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頂尖駭客請不起, 國安局「隱形網軍」寄養中華電信。 https://www.storm.mg/article/326770

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from his book 《Invisible Man 隱形人》
“To hell with being ashamed of what you liked.”
— Ralph Ellison
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●生活—✨【OSIM 隱形按摩椅】✨
最近體驗了這款超厲害的OSIM隱形按摩椅,真的要大力推薦給大家!💆♀️ 特別針對小資族設計,使用 @osimtw…

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摺疊紗窗 隱形紗窗 紗窗拉門 隱形紗門

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在李登輝的一手操弄下,陳水扁率領民進黨將國民黨趕下台,台灣首次政黨輪替。 蔡英文雖然在陳水扁政府中擔任陸委會主任一職,但始終無任何黨籍。 民國93年(2004年)大選塵埃落定之後,陳水扁再一次找到蔡英文,提出讓她出任民進黨不分區立委。 台灣的所謂立法委員,相當於美國國會議員,是手握實權很有油水的職位。陳水扁接二連三主動關照蔡英文,一方面有李登輝的囑託,另一方面也是想安插絕對的自己人,像蔡英文這樣的政治菜鳥自然是不二人選,因為完全能被自己拿捏。 作為交換條件,蔡英文若想進入立法院,必須先加入民進黨,保證按民進黨黨章黨紀行事,蔡英文欣然應允。 此時的她一直是民眾心中的清純「小龍女」 。
蔡英文在擔任了兩年的立法委員後轉任到了行政機構擔任副主管,在陳水扁的一力護航下,蔡英文的仕途之路順風順水,沒有任何外部力量可以撼動。 民國95年(2006年),蔡英文被任命擔任行政院���院長。 民國97年(2008年),陳水扁狼狽下台,身陷囹圄,民進黨一敗再���,走入死路。 民進黨在總統大選中挫敗,在520交出政權前,民進黨選出下野後第一位黨主席,選舉結果由當時有「小龍女」稱號的蔡英文打敗辜寬敏,當選黨主席。 這也是民進黨創黨以來首位通過黨員選出的女性黨主席。
民進黨的「四大天王」謝長廷、游錫堃、蘇貞昌和呂秀蓮雖然受挫,但卻在民進黨內各據山頭、擁兵自重,並不把蔡英文放在眼裡。 實際上,蔡英文之所以能高票當選民進黨主席,並不是因為黨內派系都支持她,而是「四大天王」互鬥,沒有一個人能接這個位子。 民進黨大老需要有人在前線收拾爛攤子,讓他們坐擁超然的權力,黨內若發生了什麼事,再來另外討論。但顯然,蔡英文並不想當傀儡。
在削弱陳水扁時代「四大天王」的同時,蔡英文也在培植自己的團隊。民進黨桃園縣長參選人鄭文燦、發言人蔡其昌、政策會首席副執行長劉建忻、文宣部副主任廖志堅,是蔡英文最為倚重的「政治新星」,被媒體稱為民進黨的「四小天王」。 通過四小天王領兵作戰,其他勢力慢慢淡出民進黨的決策核心,蔡英文逐步確立了自己的領導地位。
蔡英文在任民進黨主席的4年間,政治光環逐漸顯耀,不少綠營政治人物向蔡聚攏,這也讓蔡英文的聲望在不知不覺間有了進一步的飛躍,讓她有了角逐政壇的本錢。以蔡英文為核心的英系已初具雛形。 此後,蔡英文親歷新北市長選舉而高票落敗,黨內人氣居高不下,逐步奠定綠營共主的地位。
蔡英文黨權在握之後,人們發現,她說的話許多人聽不懂,如「和而不同,和而求同」。 五市選舉時,蔡說「反ECFA是民進黨共同政見」,卻又表示民進黨一旦執政,不會推翻「前朝」政策; 她更表示ECFA有對台灣不利的條文,將來民進黨執政後會要求民意部門重審,但這些條文是什麼卻不明說。她同時留下「反十八趴又領十八趴」的紀錄,對此也從不做說明。
《遠見》雜誌民調曾顯示,蔡英文的兩岸政策是什麼?超過7成的人不知道。其實,蔡英文不為人所知的政策,何止兩岸關係而已。 其餘對島內政策、國外交往、經濟、農業,連民進黨高層迄無一人公開為她詳細闡述過。故而,這時期蔡英文的第二個綽號「空心菜」由此得名。其意為,蔡英文心中其實並無大政方針,她還遊走在雲裡霧裡。
蔡英文第三個綽號「武則天」,則出自民進黨內之口。 武則天雖是中國第一個女皇帝,但專斷、跋扈、猜忌,又喜怒無常。 蔡英文自民國99年(2010年)投身選舉以來,前民進黨中常會,中常委柯建銘、陳明文等人紛紛表示,蔡英文競選政策他們並不清楚,希望蔡主席說清楚,以便他們在地方輔選,不料,這些話竟觸怒了蔡英文,她勃然大怒,足足罵了半個小時。 另一個場景,是蔡英文作為台灣總統參選人,常有被媒體包圍提問的時候,她曾憤而推開麥克風,責備記者「你們怎麼老是問這種問題?」。蔡英文對媒體的不耐煩已非第一次,如她常說「這話我已經說過了」, 或者一語不發,推開記者,拂袖而去。
民國97年(2008年)10月底,時任大陸海協會副會長的張銘清,以廈門大學新聞傳播學院院長的身份前往台灣參加學術交流活動,同時為陳雲林赴台打前站。民國97年(2008年)10月21日上午,張銘清在台南市南安平古堡參觀時,突然衝出一大批綠營支持者,張銘清後腦被打,然後被推到在地,連眼鏡都飛了出去。當張銘清準備乘車離開時,甚至有台獨分子跳上座車車頂狂踩叫囂,試圖阻止他離開。 事後警方查出打人者為民進黨台南市議員王定宇,而蔡英文在對其進行問詢之後對外宣稱,「他並不是有意蓄謀的」。 兩周之後,海協會會長陳雲林正式抵達台灣,11月4日當天,正當兩會領導人在圓山飯店進行會晤之時,蔡英文組織了上萬綠營支持者包圍會場,名曰嗆馬圍陳。在蔡英文坐鎮指揮不斷鼓噪之下,示威人群逐漸失控,期間有人向員警投擲石塊和汽油彈,雙方發生激烈衝突,最終演變為近10年來最嚴重的流血事件,造成了超過450人受傷。
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my favorite kind of bts is when xz just bursts into song in between filming. wyb trying to sing along but leaves xz to it. how he looks at wyb while singing. and his voice. can we talk about his voice? so perfect 🫶🏼
#this song must have been a real hit back then cuz my school made us listen to it back then when i was in grade school#i was in grade school like more than 10 yrs ago so this song is really old too#but it’s still on my spotify playlist now cuz i like listening to it#hearing a xiao zhan cover of it is such a blessing 😭#for those who wanna know#the song is 隱形的翅膀#(Invisible Wings)#by Angela Zhang#and i just realized that this is probably the VERY FIRST chinese song ive ever heard in my life#ahhhh the nostalgia is real#yizhan#xiao zhan#wang yibo#the untamed#cql#Spotify
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Exploring Acuvue Contact Lenses
Clear and comfortable vision is essential for millions of people worldwide, and for many, contact lenses are the ideal solution. Among the many options available in the market, Acuvue contact lenses have garnered a strong reputation for their quality, comfort, and advanced technologies. In this article, we will delve into the world of Acuvue contact lenses, exploring their history, the various types available, and the benefits they offer to wearers seeking clear and hassle-free vision.
Acuvue, a brand under the Johnson & Johnson Vision Care umbrella, has been a pioneer in the contact lens industry for decades. The journey began in 1987 when Johnson & Johnson acquired Frontier Contact Lenses, a small independent contact lens company. Since then, Acuvue has been at the forefront of contact lens innovation, continually improving the comfort, convenience, and health aspects of their lenses.

Types of Acuvue Contact Lenses
Acuvue Oasys contact lenses are known for their exceptional comfort and moisture retention. They're designed for wearers with active lifestyles or those who spend extended hours in front of digital screens. These lenses come in various options, including Acuvue Oasys 1-Day, Acuvue Oasys for Astigmatism, and Acuvue Oasys Multifocal, catering to a wide range of visual needs.
Acuvue Moist lenses are designed to keep your eyes feeling fresh and comfortable throughout the day. They are available in both daily disposable and two-week replacement options. Acuvue Moist for Astigmatism and Acuvue Moist Multifocal are also available for individuals with specific vision needs.
Acuvue Vita contact lenses are engineered for monthly use and offer reliable and consistent comfort throughout the entire month. They feature HydraMax™ Technology to maintain hydration, reducing dryness and discomfort.
Acuvue Define lenses are a unique addition to the Acuvue family, offering a subtle enhancement of your natural eye color while providing vision correction. These are daily disposable lenses, perfect for those who want a fresh pair each day.
Acuvue 2 contact lenses are designed for two-week replacement, providing comfort and crisp vision. These lenses are known for their UV-blocking capabilities, which help protect your eyes from the harmful effects of the sun.
One of the most significant advantages of Acuvue contact lenses is their exceptional comfort. They are designed with the wearers' comfort in mind, ensuring that the lenses remain comfortable throughout the day.
Acuvue lenses incorporate advanced technologies to maintain moisture, even in challenging environments. Whether you're in an air-conditioned office or exposed to dry, windy conditions, Acuvue lenses help keep your eyes hydrated.
Many Acuvue lenses offer UV protection, shielding your eyes from the harmful effects of the sun's ultraviolet rays. This additional feature promotes eye health and reduces the risk of long-term damage.
Acuvue is known for its commitment to research and development. They have introduced innovations like HydraMax™ Technology and Lacreon® Technology, which enhance lens performance and comfort.
Acuvue offers a wide range of contact lenses to suit various needs, including daily disposables, astigmatism correction, and multifocal options. This variety ensures that almost anyone can find the right Acuvue lens for their vision requirements Acuvue隱形眼鏡.
Acuvue lenses provide high-quality vision correction, ensuring that wearers experience clear and crisp vision, whether they are nearsighted, farsighted, or have astigmatism.
Daily disposable Acuvue lenses eliminate the need for cleaning and storing. They are ideal for those who lead busy lives and prefer the convenience of fresh lenses every day.
Caring for Your Acuvue Lenses
To get the most out of your Acuvue contact lenses and maintain your eye health, it's crucial to follow proper care and handling instructions:
Wash and thoroughly dry your hands before handling your contact lenses to prevent contamination. Use the recommended lens solution for cleaning and disinfecting.
Adhere to the prescribed replacement schedule for your specific type of Acuvue lenses, whether they are daily, two-week, or monthly disposables.
Unless your eye care professional recommends extended-wear lenses, remove your Acuvue lenses before sleeping to prevent potential eye irritation or infection.
While Acuvue lenses with UV-blocking technology provide some protection, it's advisable to complement this by wearing sunglasses with UV protection when exposed to bright sunlight.
Schedule regular eye examinations with your optometrist or ophthalmologist to ensure that your prescription is up-to-date and that your eyes remain healthy.
Acuvue contact lenses have consistently delivered on their promise of providing clear vision and comfort to millions of wearers worldwide. Whether you're looking for daily disposables, lenses for astigmatism, multifocal options, or simply reliable two-week or monthly replacement lenses, Acuvue offers a wide variety to meet your needs. With a legacy of innovation, a commitment to eye health, and a focus on wearer comfort, Acuvue has become a trusted choice for those seeking convenient and comfortable vision correction. If you value the health and comfort of your eyes, Acuvue contact lenses are certainly worth exploring.
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彰化隱藏版美食探索-扇形車庫旁的【90年銅板美味 - 過溝仔肉圓王】
#彰化隱藏版小吃美食 #扇形車庫旁的 【 #九十年銅板美味 - #過溝仔肉圓王 】 在這裡,老闆料理肉圓的手從未停歇,每一顆肉圓都是他對傳統美食的堅持和對顧客的用心。 即使店面隱藏在小巷弄裡,但每天仍吸引大量的在地人或慕名而來的食客前來朝聖,顯示其美味的魅力無法擋。 #彰化小吃 #彰化旅遊
每一個城市都有其隱藏在巷弄間的小吃美食,彰化也不例外。位於歷史悠久的彰化扇形車庫旁,有一家已經傳承至第四代的老店「過溝仔肉圓王」,它以其無可匹敵的美味和親民的價格,贏得在地人和遊客的一致好評。 Continue reading Untitled

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旅行想影靚相?靚色Color Con 不可少(附優惠碼)
旅行想影靚相?靚色Color Con 不可少(附優惠碼) 去旅行影襯風景相,人就好細粒 想遠睇都擁有明亮大眼,就要戴Color Con幫吓手。

前排去大板旅行,10日我都用同一個牌子。 用開日本牌子更有信心

日本 Belleme by Eye coffret 全系列共有5款啡色系ColorCon~

5款唔同色調的啡色,每天隨著衣著去襯色 色澤層次分明令雙眼更圓大更明亮,效果非常自然! 日本 Belleme by Eye coffret 水潤度高,配戴一整天依然很舒適,縱使日本咁乾燥都毫不影響。

Tear Brown 到步第一日就戴帶有柔和邊緣的自然棕色鏡片,營造出水潤,透明感的眸。

Peach Brown 今日去睇鳥居,就選擇柔和甜美的粉棕色鏡片,增添溫柔感覺。

Belle Brown 呢日就去睇寺,選擇安定的棕色,令雙眼自魚放大炯炯有神,極致的「經典棕色鏡片」。

Hazel Ring 著色外徑較小的細邊鏡片,完美融入瞳孔,凸顯明亮水潤雙眸。

Olive Brown 今日著���色衫,主要去室外景點,選擇用棕灰色調,鏡片中帶有一絲橄欖綠色,陽光下更加迷人。 夏沫讀者優惠 記得用埋以下呢個優惠碼,可以平多$10㗎! 由即日起至 2023年 6 月30 日,於 HKCONS (hkcons.com) 結賬前,輸入隱形眼鏡 優惠碼 Coupon Code【Catherine10】,即可享全單 $10 折扣,亦不設最低消費。 購物滿 $450 即可享香港及澳門免費送貨! 想睇更詳細內容可參考以下連結 Belleme by Eye coffret 產品介紹: https://hkcons.io/0oSq5R HKCONS 香港網上買隱形眼鏡 https://www.hkcons.com Facebook https://www.facebook.com/thehkcons Instagram https://www.instagram.com/thehkcons @thehkcons #HKCONS #香港網上隱形眼鏡 #thehkcons #HKCONS試用開箱 #Belleme #colorcon #大眼con #大眼仔 #旅行必備 #大板 #osaka #hkig #topcitybites #hkinfluencer #hkkol #hkbloggers #influencerhk #hkiger #travelblogger #discoverjapan Product(s) sponsored by HKCONS 謝謝大家來看LoveCath夏沫的文章啊~^^~ Catherine (LoveCath夏沫), 電郵 [email protected] / [email protected]
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LoveCath 夏沫
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深圳市公安局交通警察局 #深圳交警 #隱形戰車 #110 #trafficpolice #unmarkedpolicecar #China #SZ #ShenZhen #Police https://www.instagram.com/p/Cq5STf4hSRI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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I translated Lego Monkie Kid’s Cantonese Extended Opening
In the tags of my first post I said I wanted to translate the lyrics of the extended OP of the LMK Cantonese dub and I did it :D
Translation notes: (some translations are wonky bc either the og lyrics are ambiguous, I didn’t have enough space to translate the phrases fully, or my Cantonese is rusty)
“All reveal your true forms to me immediately!”— 現形 means to appear/reappear. I personally interpreted it as the spirits/demons showing their true forms when SWK is fighting them, but simply “reveal yourselves to me” works too
“I truly can’t help how popular I am these days.”— One of my wonky translations I think. The og lyric is more like “really, I’m trending right now, I can’t stop it even if I wanted to / even if I tried.”
“But now I have to hide away,”— The lyric for “hide away” 神隱 very specifically refers to gods/immortals/spirits going into hiding
“From now on, keep the Golden Staff with you at all times,”— In the original JttW text, SWK’s staff is called the 金箍棒 “gold-hooped staff/rod”, but in Cantonese the staff is more commonly called the 金剛棒, which doesn’t have the “hoop” character. It’s just a gold stick
“Only rely on having enough audacity,”— I think it’s supposed to be “have a lot of/enough courage” but it can also mean “audacity”, and since this song is about SWK and MK I think the word “audacity” fits them much better haha
“I will reach the peak for a competition of skill.”— This is an instance of Cantonese being so compressed and concise that I have no idea how to structure the sentence in English
“Endure for the sake of loyalty,”— 捱義氣 means doing a favor out of personal loyalty that you might not want to do (eg. you help your friend clean his car when you hate cleaning cars cuz he’s your bud!). I think “endure for the sake of loyalty” is a goofy way of translating this but I dunno what to write instead
“Assemble surprises.”— I have no idea what this is supposed to mean. This is a very literal translation
“The me today,”— Longer version: The me I am today
“Chock-full of abilities.”— OG lyrics 一身本領 go a little bit like “the whole body is full of skills/abilities”. I wanted to just write “full of talents” but “talent” isn’t quite accurate. I went with “chock-full” cuz it sounds funny
“Clash with fire in a duel,”— I like to think that this line refers to Red Son and I like Red Son :]
“Carrying an endless mission,”— I originally wrote “shouldering” instead of “carrying”, but because 懷 means “embrace/chest” or “harboring”, I thought “carrying” sounds less grueling and more accurate than “shouldering”
“Eyeballs looking around,”— “eyes staring wide and round” probably fits 眼仔睩睩 better, but hopefully “eyeballs” sounds wide and round enough?? And I wanted to turn it into an action so I described the eyes looking around like they’re on guard!
“Grappling arduously with the enemy,”— Lots of ways to translate 搏命: fighting for your life, wrestling for your life, blah blah blah. I hope “grappling” is evocative enough 😭
“Quick-witted actions, be clever,”— I’m not sure if it’s “quick-witted, actions sharp and clever” or “quick-witted actions, be sharp and clever” 💀 靈活 means “mentally flexible”, sharp醒 means “smart, clever, alert, quick-witted”, something like that
“It’s called the NSoFFM,”— The lyric lacks a pronoun in Cantonese so I’m not sure if it means “call me/you the NSoFFM”, “call for the NSoFFM”, “you’re called the NSoFFM”, or something else. I interpreted it as SWK listing a bunch of traits and saying “someone like this will be called the NSoFFM”
“Skyrocket to ascension / I rise at Flower Fruit Mountain.”— 飈升 means shooting up really quickly/suddenly. I’m not sure what “shooting up” means in this context so I kept it as vague as possible. I also translated 飈升 in two different ways “skyrocket to ascension” and simply “rise” even though both lyrics mean the same thing in Cantonese. “Skyrocket” is most accurate IMO, but it sounds weird by itself
“I always strive for self-improvement,”— The og is just “I forever self-strengthen”, which sounds weird to me so I expanded it
“When I wedge into the crack,”— No idea what this means?? I’m guessing it’s supposed to evoke the image of SWK jamming a weapon into a crack? Also I wanted to write “wedge into the fissure” but when I googled “fissure” it showed me results for anal fissures and I was so put off by it I just used “crack” instead, even though “crack” sounds much sillier than “fissure”
“Demons please relax, lest you lose control.”— Nothing to note, I just really like the original lyric. It’s so cocky and badass and SO Wukong (or MK!) /pos
“Use kindness as the mark of recognition,”— Not sure what this really means? I interpret it as “kindness is my goal/principle”, but 記認 means both “marking” and “recognize/remember” so uh
“Evildoing is difficult to regard as the elder brother,”— The og lyric sounds fine but trying to understand it is?? It’s not “evildoers”, it’s “the way/path of evildoing”, but then it says “it’s difficult to be an older brother (non-familial)” like who is it difficult for??? Also “brother” here means a fellow disciple/classmate under the same teacher/master/school, so like the relationship between SWK and the other pilgrims (except their master, of course)
“I can’t be beat to death, swim carefree at the edge of the sky.”— The most egregious lyric IMO. I have absolutely no clue what it’s supposed to mean so maybe I’m just not that good at Cantonese??? It could be “I can’t beat to death swimming carefree at the edge of the sky” or “I can’t be beaten to death, swim carefree at the edge of the sky”. The swimming part lacks a pronoun so idk who’s swimming? What is happening in this sentence?? Help??
“Risk your life when taking action,”— 拼命 either means “as hard as you can” or “risking your life”. I’m only assuming it means the latter because I interpret this as SWK lecturing MK on how to be a hero
“And the battle lineup is again full of wit,”— I can sorta grasp what this means, but idk how to write it in English. 陣容 means the appearance/formation of your battalion and can extend to mean the array of abilities in a certain lineup. Not sure how to actually describe this though 😭 also I used “clever” for sharp醒 earlier but changed it to “wit” here so it’d be a noun and sound like an ability or something
#if anyone speaks cantonese better than i do please correct my translations 😭#i replayed the song so many times while translating it hearing it now makes me wanna barf /lh#TIL there’s also an extended chinese mandarin version of the opening but the audio I found is squished and idk where to find the og#also there’s an extended japanese version! but i dont speak japanese haha#i could also translate the taiwanese mandarin and chinese mandarin versions but i’m tired + the canto version is the best!!!!!#in my totally correct opinion#i put way too much effort into this. it was fun but nobody will care about this as much as i do 💀#also it took me a few months to realize there’s a possibility local copyright issues make the original video inaccessible to some people 😭#lego monkie kid#lmk#monkie kid#lmk wukong#lmk sun wukong#lmk mk#lmk monkey king#lmk swk#lmk opening#lego monkie kid opening#translation#cantonese#chinese#new star of flower fruit mountain#花果山新星#悟空小俠#idk what else
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印籠 (inrô) pill box/nested boxes, handy chart by fantastic Edo-lover Nadeshico Rin.
Inrô were first used during Sengoku period by men to carry their personal seals (印鑑 inkan) and thick red ink (朱肉 shuniku). It was then used to carry medecines (薬 kusuri), such as pills (丸薬 ganyaku), powders (散薬 sanyaku), or decoctions (煎じ薬 senjigusuri). Slowy people also added any small trinkets which could fit in.
First carried by samurai class, it then spread to chônin commoners in the Edo period. Many shapes existed, and inrô boxes could be made from many materials depending of their owners’ fortune, from paper to precious ivory. Often beautifully decorated, their designs could include raden (mother of pearl inlays), or makie (gold powder).
On the right, you can see the different part of an inrô:
根付 (netsuke) carved toggle (sometimes very intricated miniature sculptures), slipped into the obi belt
紐 (himo) cord, holding everything together
緒締 (ojime) string-fastener bead, could be made from precious coral or as decorated as netsuke
飾結び (kazari musubi) ornamental knot, at the bottom
紐通し孔 (himodôshiana) lacing hole, to thread the cord into the boxes
蓋鬘 (futakazura) top piece, lid of the box
段 (-dan) row of boxes, ex. 一段 (ichidan) first row
Main types of inrô shapes existed, with of without visible lacing holes (紐通し付き himodôshi tsuki = visible / 隱し紐通し kakushi himodôshi = hidden). Rin details following styles on the left:
杏仁形 (kyônin gata) apricot seed shaped
楕円形 (daen gata) ellipse shaped
胴張形 (dôbari gata) hull shaped
丸角長方形 (marusumi chôhôkei) rounded rectangle shaped
長方形 (chôhôkei) rectangle shaped
角切形 (sumikiri gata) cut-corners shaped
#japan#fashion#fashion history#edo period#references#ressources#nadeshico rin#inro#inrou#pill box#medecine box#kusuri#samurai#raden#mother of pearl inlay#makie#gold powder#netsuke#toggle#chart
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CQL Singing Show #16
Invisible Wings <隱形的翅膀> - Angela Zhang
Original song:
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