#長い髪/Long hair
lesbiandelgal · 3 months
Translated information regarding Flamela's squad, Part one
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Decided to go through the pages on Flamela's squad from the complete adventurer's bible and translate them myself, since the ones I've seen floating around looked dubious at best. I've included transcriptions of (most of) the original text for anyone who would like to analyze it themselves. It's incredibly long, so I'm putting it under the cut.
Part two here.
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Name: Flamela of the house of Sorn Birthday/Age: September 23, 170 years old. Race/Gender: Elf, Female Family: Father, Mother, Younger brother Physique: Height approximately 140cm, BMI 22 Favorite food: Dumplings Dislikes: Roe Cause of first death: Poisoned by a basilisk
The vice-captain of the Canaries with obsidian skin and silver hair that is considered to be "proof of true royalty". While she is a distant blood relative to the queen, she has a one-sided hatred for the queen, as she lost (through death) her older twin sister, who was adopted by the queen*. She succeeded the retired Milsiril as vice-captain, but is obliquely kept away from dangerous sites due to her relation to the queen. She has a short temper**, and especially doesn't hide her resentment for the fact that Mithrun, who is unable to even take care of his daily needs, was assigned the position of Captain.
*this part was somewhat difficult to translate, just due to sentence structure being awkward for english. not entirely confident that i got the exact nuance down. feel free to send any corrections in my ask box if i got anything wrong! **this is just my best guess. let me know if it's inaccurate!
Erique and Misyl
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Members of Flamela's squad. Erique, an ex-convict who finished* her prison term, serves as Flamela's partner. Because the canaries were short on wardens, she was scouted and made a warden. Misyl is the prisoner Erique is responsible for. She hasn't done anything particularly bad, but she was enlisted because the canaries were understaffed. Even she herself doesn't have much awareness of what she did wrong.
TL I've seen floating around says "she has no sense of guilt" in the last sentence, but there's a も in that sentence that wouldn't make much sense with a statement like that, as well as 罪 referring to "crime", rather than guilt. *The term translated as "finished" can also mean "to graduate" (in the non-academic sense), and considering Erique was pardoned, I think the intended meaning may be closer to the latter, but you also wouldn't say someone "graduated" a prison term, so I worded accordingly.
Organization structure
EDITOR'S NOTE 島の冒険者が畏怖を抱く存在、カナリア隊。その一端が垣間見える資料を公開。
EDITOR'S NOTE Feared* by the adventurers of the Island, the Canaries. This document that reveals a glimpse into its inner-workings is now revealed to the public.**
*could also be interpreted as "awe inspiring", but just based on context i'm guessing it's fear. **really an approximation of the general idea of this sentence, it doesn't translate very well.
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*this originally was 草, and the only logical translation i came across was that it's an archaic term for "ninja", but In this case i feel like "spy" was a more apt translation. I could be totally off the mark though.
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gravure-graphis · 10 months
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Suzu Honjo 本庄鈴
年齢 /age:26
身長 /height:163cm
スリーサイズ /BWH:B89(F) W58 H88
趣味 /hobby:読書、音楽鑑賞 Reading,Listening to music
Beautiful slender body with beautiful long black hair and neat beauty looks! GRAPHIS has started releasing the latest nude gravure of popular model "Suzu Honjo"! Suzu, who loves saunas, has a beautiful body with clear fair skin and a dignified beauty that is becoming more and more refined! Please enjoy the exquisite nude gravure of the cool and slender beauty "Suzu Honjo"!
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holespoles · 2 months
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Rei Kurahashi "Princess with long hair"
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katyspersonal · 2 months
Guys I need someone who can read Japanese to help
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I already mentioned this before, but since Rennala's hair is brown and not black, does that mean that the said gift was altering her appearance just a bit through Rune of Unborn? It can not only rebirth people, but also simply change the appearance (doesn't require Larval Tear either)
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^ I wondered if maybe lighting was weird on her model but she already was brown-haired in the concept, so I think this IS the implication for the character and we're not wrong here
So she didn't cut her own hair as parting gift so it was attached to the helmet Ciaran-style, but...... idk altered Rellana's appearance to fit Messmer's tastes better I guess or whatever? fhshdsdf This is the only explanation I am seeing? So I tried to find the Japanese description:
カーリア王家の長であったレナラは 家を捨て、メスメルを追った妹に 艶やかな、長い黒髪を贈ったという
(From here ( x ))
I need to contact someone who can read Japanese, but like, I decided to check via Google Translator just in case for the heck of it, and it instantly went with: "Renara, head of the Carian royal family, gave her lustrous, long, black hair to her sister, who abandoned her home and pursued Mesmer." Google can only be so reliable, however if you remember Ranni's ending localisation fiasco, there was a similar mistake where the order of words was interpreted the wrong way and that changed the meaning! I could imagine something similar being here.
Unlike with Bloodborne, in Elden Ring there is no one or nothing I can reliably consult, so if anyone shared an info about this let me know! If this is true that it IS Rennala's hair, then I guess we can assume either her hair became brighter in color over stress, or they backpedaled on the decision to give Rennala's brown hair because aesthetically Rellana looked better with black fdjsfdj
Please let me know if you know anything about this, Japanese script is the only thing that could confirm whether Rennala simply cut her own hair or not
UPDATE JULY 22TH: We resolved the confusion! Check within the reblogs. Rennala did give her own hair!
The simpler explanation to the brown hair than a retcon would be strong sunlight exposure; she spends a lot of time clinging to the Amber Egg now, and strong sunlight exposure can make black hair brown! Gold/Erdtree/etc do have connection with the sunlight. Maybe her hair under the crown is still black, even, and only hair that sticks out became brown!
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yoga-onion · 1 year
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[Image above: Vila by Andy Paciorek]
Legends and myths about trees
Legendary tree deities (19)
Samodiva – ‘Wild alone’, the Slavic tree nymph
The samodiva, samovila or vila, are woodland fairies or nymphs found in South and West Slavic folklore.
Thought they are predominantly associated with Balkan, specifically Bulgarian, folklore. Yet as there still Slavic, they can't be even semi friendly to people. It's the Slavic way. Samodivas are humanlike creatures, usually wearing a white cloak or dress and armed with a bow and arrow used to catch their human prey. The name ‘samodiva’ is formed by combining two separate words, ‘samo’ and ‘diva’. The former means ‘alone’, whilst the latter ‘wild’, or ‘divine’, hence the name literally means ‘wild alone’. The first part of the creature’s name signifies its avoidance of human beings, whereas the second indicates their wild or divine nature.
Samodivas are commonly depicted as ethereal maidens with long, loose hair, and in some cases, wings. They are typically dressed in free-flowing, feathered white gowns, which give them the power of flight. Samodivas are often described as having blonde or red hair, tall, slender women with pale, glowing skin and fiery eyes.
Sometimes, they are described as having a veil which could hold all their power. If they get deprived of their veil, they lose all their power. If they get deprived of their veil, they lose all their power.
The samodivi dwell in mountainous areas, and their favorite haunts include the Pirin, Vitosha, Rila, and Stara Planina Mountains. They enjoy riding on deer and use twisted snakes as reins. They are extremely protective of their mounts and would cast a spell on anyone who killed their deer, even if it was by accident. The spell would result in the person’s death. Most thair stories involving them are like that, though they enjoy dancing they often entice mortals to dance with them until said mortal die of exhaustion.
But, they are not always the bad, and sometimes they appear like normal working women and help with the harvest. They would especially help women with children and if a man did something good for a samodiva, she becomes his patron or a sworn sister. Sometimes, a samodiva can fall in love with a human and bear him children, who grow up to be great heroes. As they are forest creatures they know a lot about herbs and forest plant yet as they are not so keen on sharing their knowledge, you have to eavesdrop on their gatherings.
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伝説の樹木の神々 (19)
サモディーヴァ 〜 「野生で一人」、スラブの木の精
サモディーヴァは、長く緩やかな髪と、場合によっては翼を持つ、幽玄な乙女として描かれるのが一般的だ。サモディーヴァは、しばしば金髪か赤毛で、背が高く細身の女性で、青白く輝く肌と燃えるような目を持っていると表現さ れる。
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Azran Legacy Guidebook: Page 29
Previous Page: Page 28
Dean Delmona
Gresenheller’s dean. Apparently, his hair often changes colour. “I worry about Layton, but I worry more about my granddaughter. The puzzles she comes up with are tricky…” (Note: he doesn’t specify granddaughter, he just says grandchild)
You can see students studying all throughout the university.
Other than being known for his geological surveys, he also has skills in the trade business. He is the mayor of Misthallery and a strict father. (Note: yes, the bit about being Misthallery’s mayor is present tense) “The new instruments can be difficult. It’s a lot of work each time they break.”
The loud hum of the instrument is strangely captivating.
Research delay due to equipment fault
There are concerns regarding the delay of research after a newly installed analytical instrument was broken at Gressenheller University. “Even Professor Layton, who has a stockpile of unsubmitted work, is falling behind on his research, isn’t he?” said one person on the campus. It appears that Professor Layton was also caught completely unawares.
Research Lab B
A lab built for the purpose of archaeological research, lined with state-of-the-art analytical equipment. There is also a large collection of research material, so academics across the world long to visit here.
Hint Coins:
Dark brown cardboard box atop the shelf on the left
The machine running on the left hand side of the instrument
The rolls of paper on the lower right
Emmy’s Snapshots:
Fossils for research Yellow box
Retro Flying Saucer.
Found in the box under the skeleton. A toy that used to make a make a large “boom”.
デルモナ学長 グレッセンヘラ ーカレッジの学長を務める。頭のてつべんの髪の色がよく変わるらしい。 レイトン君も心配だが、やつばり孫のことが一番気にかかるね。その孫の出してくるナゾがまた難しくて・・
ク一フ ー クさん 地質調査で名をはせるほか、貿易業でも手腕を発揮。ミストハレリの町長も務める。父としては厳格な一面も。
WORLD TIMES 装置故障の影響で研究に遅れも グレッセンヘラ ー カレッジに導入された解析装置が壊れ、研究の遅れが懸念されている。ただ、学内からは「レイトン教授だっていろいろ提出物を溜め込んでいるし、研究は遅れてるんじゃない?」との声も。レイトン教授は思わぬとばっちりを受けることになってしまったようだ。
左側の棚の上にあるこげ茶のダンポ ー ル/装置の左側に置かれた機械を作動/右下に転がったロ ー 丿レベ ー / ヾ ー
Remi’s Snapshot: 研究用の化石 黄金の箱
Collection! 【センチメンタルUFO 】科学研究棟 1 号室の骨格標本の下にある箱の中から見つかる。かって一大ブ ー ムを巻き起こしたオモチャ
科学研究棟 1 号室 考古学研究に注力するため作られた研究棟には、最新の解析機器が並ぶ。多くの研究資料も収蔵され、世界中の学者があこがれる場所だ。
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makirinawa · 2 months
忘れてください (Please forget about it)- ヨルシカ (JPN->ENG)
Yorushika dropped a new single and you know I've already listened to it 500,000 times
僕に心を 君に花束を
A heart for me, a bouquet for you
Swaying hair, left fluttering in the wind
Please forget about the time
the loquat we watered a little once in a while
that sat soaking up a single ray of spring sunshine
in the garden of my memories
beyond the curtain of the small window
of the kitchen where we once stood side-by-side
in our small house inside a box
bore fruit
僕に 僕に 僕に
For me, for me, for me
僕に心を 君に花束を
僕に言葉を 君の鼻歌を
A heart for me, a bouquet for you
Swaying hair, left fluttering in the wind
Words for me, your humming
Leave them at the end of a long, long maze
Try to count one by one
The things in your own life
That you wanted to love
Is there nothing?
Please forget about
The emerald green we saw
a five minute walk along the beach
from that small station by the sea
僕に 僕に 僕に
For me, for me, for me
For me
For me
For me
僕に心を 君に花束を
僕に言葉を 君の鼻歌を
A heart for me, a bouquet for you
Swaying hair, left fluttering in the wind
Words for me, your humming
Leave them at the end of a long, long maze
Inside our small house inside a box
You awoke and opened the curtains
swaying in the morning sun
on a quiet day off and sat down, still sleepy
I lay bare my heart upon the dining room table that morning
Please forget about it
This one read more like poetry than me to some of the other songs. I felt that entire verses should be taken together rather than line-by-line. As a result, I rearranged a lot of them to sound more natural in English. As always, take with a grain of salt, this is all just for fun :)
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lalunameli · 8 months
The Beginning: Luna Interludes - Post Credit Scene
The Luna Interludes from The Beginning Novelization are so great! You gain so much insight from getting to read in his POV. I got such a kick out of the author (高橋悠也 Takahashi Yuuya) writing out Luna's post credit scene in his last interlude 🤣
Lmao it's so over-the-top and dramatic, it's as if Luna's attempting to hide that he's literally exposed standing unmasked in his Lunatic suit on top of a building (insert RED MOON) through the use of poignant prose (Dramatic Pose With Funny Hand)
I am standing on the rooftop of a Gothic building in the dark.
The sky is dyed red as if I was worried about the end of this city, and the wind blows violently, as if it is afraid of carrying out my intentions, while my long hair tied behind me flutters (TN: in the wind). My face slowly, unintentionally, feels the vortex of my memories.
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duothelingo · 6 months
-- Junu ootin' stars break the mold It's a cool place and they say it gets colder You're bundled up now but wait till you get older But t he meteor men beg to differ Judging by the hole in the satellite picture The ice we skate is gettin' pretty thin The water's getting warm so you might as well swim My world's on fire How 'bout yours That's the way I like it and I'll never get bored Hey, now, you're an all-star {Shouting} Get your game on, go play Hey, now You're a rock star Get the show on, get paid And all that glitters is gold Only shootin' stars break the mold {Belches} Go! Go! {Record Scratching} Go. Go.Go. Hey, now, you're an all-star Get your game on, go play Hey, now You're a rock star Get the show on, get paid And all that glitters is gold Only shootin' stars break the mold -Think it's in there? -All right. Let's get it! -Whoa. Hold on. Do you know what that thing can do to you? -Yeah, ! I'm an orge! You know. "Grab your torch and pitchforks." Doesn't that bother you? -Nope. -Really? -Really, really. -Oh. -Man, I like you. What's you name? -Uh, Shrek. -Shrek? Well, you know what I like about you, Shrek? You got that kind of I-uttons. -All right then. Who's hiding them? -Okay, I'll tell you. Do you know the muffin man? -The muffin man? -The muffin man. -Yes, I know the muffin man, who lives on Drury Lane? -Well, she's married to the muffin man. -The muffin man? -The muffin man! -She's married to the muffin man. {Door opens} -My lord! We found it. -Then what are you waiting for? Bring it in. {Man grunting} {Gasping} -Oh! -Magic mirror - - -Don't tell him a \ adas And getting caught in the rain -Princess Fiona. If you're not into yoga -She's perfect. All I have to do is just find someone who can go - - -But I probably should mention the little thing that happens at night. -I'll do it. -Yes, but after sunset - - -Silence! I will make this Princess Fiona my queen, and DuLoc will finally have the perfect king! Captain, assemble your finest men. We're going to have a tournament. -But that's it. That's it right there. That's DuLoc. I told ya I'd find it. -So, that must be Lord Farquaad's castle. -Uh-huh. \
Hi my name is Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way and I have long ebony black hair (that's how I got my name) with purple streaks and red tips that reaches my mid-back and icy blue eyes like limpid tears and a lot of people tell me I look like Amy Lee (AN: if u don't know who she is get da hell out of here!). I'm not related to Gerard Way but I wish I was because he's a major fucking hottie. I'm a vampire but my teeth are straight and white. I have pale white skin. I'm also a witch, and I go to a magic school called Hogwarts in England where I'm in the seventh year (I'm seventeen). I'm a goth (in case you couldn't tell) and I wear mostly black. I love Hot Topic and I buy all my clothes from there. For example today I was wearing a black corset with matching lace around it and a black leather miniskirt, pink fishnets and black combat boots. I was wearing black lipstick, white foundation, black eyeliner and red eye shadow. I was walking outside Hogwarts. It was snowing and raining so there was no sun, which I was very happy about. A lot of preps stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them.
"Hey Ebony!" shouted a voice. I looked up. It was... Draco Malfoy!
"What's up Draco?" I asked.
"Nothing." he said shyly.
But then, I heard my friends call me and I had to go away.
次の日、私は寝室で目覚めました。雪が降ってまた雨が降ってきました。私は棺の扉を開け、持っていた瓶から血を飲みました。私の棺は黒い黒檀で、中には端に黒いレースが付いたホットピンクのベルベットがありました。私は棺から出て、パジャマとして使っていた巨大なMCR Tシャツを脱ぎました。代わりに、私は黒い革のドレスを着て、五芒星のネックレス、コンバットブーツ、そして黒い網タイツを着ました。ピアスを4つつけ、髪をボサボサお団子のような形にまとめました。
私の友人のウィロー (AN: レイヴンはあなたです!) が目を覚まし、私に笑いました。彼女は腰まで届く長い漆黒の黒髪をピンクの縞模様で翻し、森のような緑色の目を開いた。彼女はマリリン・マンソンのTシャツを着て、黒のミニパンツを着て、網タイツを履いて、とがったハイヒールのブーツを履いていた。私たちは化粧をします(黒の口紅、白のファンデーション、黒のアイライナー)。
「ええ? それで?」私は顔を赤らめながら言いました。
fun fact i got a strike on my twitch for reading this during a stream. i got to chapter 20 something and i like to think that a member of twitch staff had to suffer through it.
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antique-scuba · 3 months
white bikini 2
She is a good swimmer underwater, so she swims steadily and comfortably. Yuka's long black hair is lovely. She is a model named Yuka.
彼女は水中での泳ぎが上手なので安定して気持ちよくおよいでいます。 ユカさんの長い黒髪が素敵です。 彼女はモデルのYukaさんです。
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daily-hyosatsu · 1 year
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Were you able to read today's name without the romaji? 長島 is read Nagashima, pretty simple!
長 means long, or leader/superior/senior. It's read なが.い, おさ, or チョウ. It's also a radical in characters like 帳 curtain or account book and 張 to stretch/lengthen/spread (both of which share the チョウ on-yomi) and in 髪 hair (which does not).
島 means island, and it's read しま or トウ.
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gravure-graphis · 11 months
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Rio Asahi 朝日りお
年齢 /age:20
身長 /height:160cm
スリーサイズ /BWH:B89(F) W58 H88
趣味 /hobby:映画、漫画鑑賞 Watching movies and comics
A slender body with fair skin and beautiful F-cup breasts! 20-year-old active female college student "Rio Asahi" appears in GRAPHIS gravure for the first time! Although she is shy, she boldly shows off her beautiful perfect body! Please take a look at the nude photogravure of "Rio Asahi", who has long smooth black hair, an innocent look, a pretty smile, and a mature sex appeal!!
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enushi-gengetsu · 7 months
What would happen to them in the rain? For Team Monolith.
It was fun to draw people's reactions when they get wet,
people who change their hairstyles and people who don't change much,
and wrinkles in clothes that soak up water.
Elegessica tries to go out without using an umbrella if it's only a light rain, but she is stopped and given an umbrella.
Rankelm has long hair, so he finds it annoying that it sticks to his face when it gets wet in the rain.
Nebicynoy's hair is frizzy from the rain. He doesn't like getting wet in the rain, so he would like to use an umbrella.
Wlorliya is more worried about the hassle of drying her clothes than about getting wet in the rain.
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04072salt · 8 months
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リクエストありがとうございました~! 無駄のない筋肉で長髪のよんでぇめ! 2枚目は通常の髪型ので…♡
Request:Muscular and lean long hair minato?
(https://bsky.app/profile/o4o72.bsky.social )
(https://twitter.com/04072salt )
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katyspersonal · 2 months
Hello! Do you by any chance know what the Japanese translation of Rellana's helmet is?
Hi! Yes, thankfully I do! I did find the Japanese text of her helmet itself, and when me and the girls were debating whether it WAS Rennala's hair cut to decorate it or not we did get help with this!
レラーナの兜について 双月の騎士、レラーナの兜 銀鉄で作られた精緻な防具 カーリア王家の長であったレナラは 家を捨て、メスメルを追った妹に 艶やかな、長い黒髪を贈ったという
(From this page ( x ))
My mutual @pyro-madder asked @powerup-the-revolution who speaks Japanese for that confusion about her hair, resolved in this post ( x ):
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"What I've got is "It is said that Rennala, leader of the royal family of Caria, gifted her long silky black hair to her sister, who had left her home/family behind to pursue Messmer"
Basically, yes, if this was what you were wondering (English description confused me as fuck too), Rennala gave her own hair as parting gift! Ciaran Darksouls and Rellana Eldenring having their helmets decorated with an attached braid of real hair be like:
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Also you can see she didn't "renounce" her home and lineage, just abandoned it! 'Renounce' is just such a different word, it implies breaking affiliation. I do think simply 'leaving behind' this makes more sense anyways since she and Rennala clearly parted on friendly terms and she still took trolls and a Carian Knight with her!
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yoga-onion · 1 year
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Legends and myths about trees
Forest spirits and natives (2)
Patupaiarehe – Night spirits of the Maori people of New Zealand. Dwell in the darkness deep in the forest.
Patupaiarehe are legendary humanoid cryptids native to New Zealand that hide in forests and are said to have the power to induce a trance and to lure people away. They are supernatural beings (he iwi atua) in Māori mythology that are described as pale to fair skinned with blonde hair or red hair, usually having the same stature as ordinary people, and never tattooed.
They can draw mist to themselves, but tend to be nocturnal or active on misty or foggy days as direct sunlight can be fatal to them. They prefer raw food and have an aversion to steam and fire.
The music of their kōauau and pūtōrino (small flutes), along with their singing of waiata, which songs are sung solo, in unison, or at the octave, occasionally reveals their presence on foggy days. A kōauau is a small flute, ductless and notchless, four to eight inches (ten to twenty centimetres) long, open at both ends and having from three to six fingerholes placed along the pipe.
They could lure people away from safety with the music of their flutes, and had magical powers and special knowledge. Some believe that red-haired Māori are their descendants. Patupaiarehe sometimes taught people magical chants and other skills. They were good at fishing, and one chief spied on them to learn how to make nets.
Patupaiarehe were seldom seen. They were thought to live in several places in the North Island, including in the Waikato, around Rotorua and in the Urewera mountains. They also lived in some places in the South Island.
kōauau sound demonstrations
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森の精霊たちと原住民 (2)
パトゥパイアレヘ 〜 森の奥の暗闇に棲んでいるニュージーランドのマオリ族に伝わる夜の精霊
パトゥパイアレヘは、ニュージーランドに生息する人型の生物で、森に潜み、トランス状態を引き起こし、人を誘い出す力があると言われている。彼らは、マオリ神話に登場する超自然的な存在 (ヘ・イウィ・アトゥア) で、青白い美肌、金髪または赤毛、通常普通の人と同じ背丈で、タトゥーをしていることは無いとされる。
コワウアウとプートゥリーノ (小笛) の音楽と、ソロ、ユニゾン、オクターブで歌われるワイアタの歌は、霧の日に時々彼らの存在を明らかにすることができる。コアウアウは、長さ4~8インチ(10~20センチ)、両端が開き、パイプに沿って3~6個の指穴がある、ダクトもノッチもない小さな笛である。
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