mokuson2015 · 5 months
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ctipa · 1 year
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引用元: https://flic.kr/p/ruTUXD
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chibiutsubo · 13 days
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#おでかけ #敦賀
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mogu359 · 6 months
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とうむそ写真部 tkrbw photo club
とうむそ写真部撮影会_天命の章5_3 2024 フォトまとめ5 【天命の章】賤ヶ岳の戦い・歪みゆく天下
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rioron-h · 1 month
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[撮影]Switch TVモード
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yeonchi · 5 months
Warriors Orochi: The Recollective Redux Part 3.3: Wei Story B
After the first defeat of Orochi, Cao Cao hands over the defence of the kingdom to his son, Cao Pi as he sets off on a journey to explore the world of Orochi. Join us as we meet old friends, new enemies and the old nemesis on our journey!
Initial characters: Cao Cao, Dian Wei, Zhang He, Jia Xu, Guo Jia, Xun Yu, Nuwa, Kunoichi
Chapter 9: Battle of Si Province 司州の戦い (uses DW5XL Imperial Rescue map)
Wei Army vs. Sun Wukong Army Allied characters: Cao Cao, Nuwa, Xun Yu, Sun Li Enemy characters: Sun Wukong, Dong Zhuo
Following Orochi’s death, some of his officers rose in rebellion, plunging the land into chaos once more. Cao Cao, Nuwa and some Wei officers set off, leaving the defence of the kingdom to Cao Pi. Kunoichi appears, reporting to Cao Cao that “an army led by a monkey” has been spotted ahead. Cao Cao decides to investigate.
Cao Cao’s ambush unit is replaced by Wei officers as the officers that appear in the original stage are part of Nobunaga’s army, who do not join until very late into the story.
In the aftermath, Cao Cao tells Nuwa that she should not take advantage of him. Kunoichi will report that Lu Bu has been sighted at Sishui Gate.
Chapter 10: Battle of Sishui Gate 汜水関の戦い
Wei Army and Xiahou Dun Army vs. Lu Bu Army Allied characters: Cao Cao, Kunoichi, Guo Jia Third-party characters: Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan, Xiahou Ba, Guo Huai Enemy characters: Lu Bu, Diaochan, Chen Gong, Lu Lingqi, Kotarō Fūma
Unlocked characters: Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan, Xiahou Ba, Guo Huai
Guo Jia replaces Xun Yu in this battle. Xiahou Ba and Guo Huai will accompany Xiahou Yuan alongside Han Hao as they move to execute the fire attack. Lu Lingqi will be among the units attacking Xiahou Dun in the centre.
In the aftermath, Xiahou Dun and the others join Cao Cao’s army. Nuwa compliments Cao Cao, who tells her not to waste time testing his abilities. Nuwa will then tell Cao Cao that Da Ji is working to resurrect Orochi and the monkey’s master (Kiyomori) is working towards the same goal. Cao Cao decides to request his son to gather as much aid as possible and sends Zhang He to recruit Yuan Shao to their cause. Cao Cao will also send messages for help as well.
Chapter 11: Battle of Shizugatake 賤ヶ岳の戦い
Wei Army and Taishi Ci Army vs. Yuan Shao Army Allied characters: Zhang He, Jia Xu, Cao Rui Third-party characters: Taishi Ci Enemy characters: Yuan Shao, Jiang Wei
Unlocked characters: Jiang Wei, Taishi Ci, Yuan Shao
After the first battle with Orochi, Jiang Wei left Shu to test his strength and joined Yuan Shao, who had been building up his forces at Shizugatake. Zhang He arrives, hoping to gain the cooperation of Yuan Shao.
If he is not in your team, Jia Xu appears in place of Xun You and will take his place in the plan to convince Yuan Tan to defect.
In the aftermath, Jiang Wei questions if Cao Cao is becoming the next Orochi by absorbing other factions into his army. Yuan Shao dismisses this and joins Wei. Taishi Ci also joins to answer Cao Pi’s request for reinforcements from Wu.
Chapter 12: Battle of Ji Castle 冀城の戦い
Wei Army and Saika Renegades vs. Sima Yi Army Allied characters: Xiahou Yuan, Xiahou Ba, Guo Huai Third-party characters: Magoichi Saika, Toshiie Maeda Enemy characters: Sima Yi, Sun Wukong, Sima Shi, Zhang Chunhua, Zhong Hui, Deng Ai, Zhuge Dan, Yu Jin
Unlocked characters: Magoichi Saika, Toshiie Maeda
Sun Wukong was tasked by Kiyomori to capture talented officers to work for his army. Thus the land was split between those wishing to revive Orochi under Kiyomori and those wishing to prevent the resurrection under Cao Cao. Kunoichi spots Sun Wukong again and Cao Cao sends Xiahou Yuan to lead an assault.
The third army is called the Maeda Army 前田軍 in the original game, but they are called the Saika Renegades 雑賀衆 in this version as Toshiie is the odd one out of that army. The enemy army was called the Date Army 伊達軍 in the original game but they are called the Sima Yi Army 司馬懿軍 in this version because no Date officers are featured in this battle.
Xiahou Ba and Guo Huai replace Xiahou Wei and Xiahou Shang in this battle. Zhang Chunhua replaces Guo Huai on the enemy side. Yu Jin appears in the centre of the battlefield among the units attacking Ji Castle. Sima Shi replaces Sima Zhao and Zhuge Dan replaces Xin Pi in the ambush unit.
In the aftermath, Magoichi and Toshiie will join the Wei Army. Nuwa comments that Cao Cao and Kiyomori are the same in a sense.
Chapter 13: Battle of Komaki-Nagakute 小牧長久手の戦い
Wei Army and Cao Pi Army vs. Orochi Army Allied characters: Cao Cao, Dian Wei Third-party characters: Cao Pi, Zhenji, Cao Ren, Pang Tong, Xu Shu Enemy characters: Orochi, Kiyomori Taira, Sun Wukong, Diamondback, Dodomeki, Gyūki
Unlocked characters: Cao Pi, Zhenji, Cao Ren, Pang Tong, Xu Shu
Kiyomori has awakened Orochi and taken him to the battlefield, in the hope of fighting the warriors of Wei. This is reported to Cao Cao by Dian Wei. They hurry to save Cao Pi from certain death.
In the original games, Orochi cannot be fought unless you use a cheat code to walk through walls. In this version, you can fight Orochi after completing a secret mission; you need to have cleared this stage once, then Pang Tong’s fire attack needs to be executed within the first 8 minutes of the battle. If successful, then Orochi will challenge you to face him after Kiyomori comments that he must put an end to this battle himself. In either case, Kiyomori or Orochi can be defeated to win the battle. This will apply to Story Mode and not Free Mode.
Regardless of who is defeated, Kiyomori will teleport Orochi away. In the aftermath, Nuwa informs Cao Cao that in order to fully revive, Orochi requires a girl named Himiko. Despite his chagrin of Nuwa withholding information from him, Cao Cao declares that they must find Himiko.
Chapter 14: Battle of Yamatai 邪馬台の戦い
Wei Army and Azai Army vs. Da Ji Army Allied characters: Cao Rui, Toshiie Maeda, Jiang Wei Third-party characters: Nagamasa Azai, Oichi Enemy characters: Da Ji, Himiko, Keiji Maeda, Hisahide Matsunaga
Unlocked characters: Nagamasa Azai, Oichi
Jiang Wei and Toshiie Maeda set off to find Da Ji and Himiko. They spot them after a while in a place called Yamatai.
Hisahide Matsunaga will appear among the ambush units defending the cannon fortress.
After Da Ji’s defeat, Himiko will be spotted travelling towards Tong Gate. Cao Cao sends Xiahou Dun to Tong Gate.
Chapter 15: Battle of Tong Gate 潼関の戦い
Wei Army and Oda Army vs. Taira Army Allied characters: Xiahou Dun, Magoichi Saika Third-party characters: Nobunaga Oda, Nō, Katsuie Shibata Enemy characters: Kiyomori Taira, Diamondback, Sun Wukong, Dong Zhuo
Unlocked characters: Nobunaga Oda, Nō, Katsuie Shibata
A bit of a spoiler alert for a future part – Nobunaga Oda originally appeared in both the Wei and Samurai Warriors stories for Part B. Personally, I find that to be illogical and it robs Mitsunari Ishida of any significant relevance since he doesn’t even have any special character encounter lines in this stage. As such, Nobunaga will appear in the Wei story while Mitsunari will appear in the Samurai Warriors story alongside Hideyoshi Toyotomi.
Magoichi Saika will appear as an extra officer in this stage. Nō will appear in place of Mitsunari Ishida when the Oda Army arrives.
In the aftermath, Cao Cao thanks Nobunaga for his reinforcements. They prepare to defeat Orochi, who has revived in Guandu.
Chapter 16: Battle of Guandu 官渡の戦い
Wei Army and Coalition Army vs. Orochi Army Allied characters: Cao Cao, Nobunaga Oda, Yuan Shao, Xu Shu, Taishi Ci Third-party characters: Liao Hua, Dong Jue, Guan Yi, Zhuge Ke, Quan Zong, Chen Wu Enemy characters: Orochi X, Keiji Maeda, Sima Yi, Sima Shi, Zhuge Dan, Zhang Chunhua, Gyūki, Himiko, Zhong Hui, Deng Ai, Yu Jin, Dong Zhuo
Unlocked characters: Sun Wukong
Some variations have been made for the Chapter 16 battles against Orochi X. In each faction’s version, they will fight four of Orochi’s main generals. In this version of the battle, those generals will be Sima Yi, Keiji Maeda, Himiko and Dong Zhuo.
Yuan Shao will appear in place of Hanbei Takenaka, Xu Shu will appear in place of Nobumori Sakuma and Taishi Ci will appear in place of Xun You. When the Coalition Army appears later on in this battle, generic officers will appear in place of the playable officers featured.
Sima Shi and Zhuge Dan appear in place of Masamune Date and Kojūrō Katakura at Guandu Castle, with Sima Yi’s officers replacing the Date officers. Zhang Chunhua appears in place of Sima Zhao while Zhong Hui, Deng Ai, Yu Jin and Dong Zhuo will appear with Orochi’s main forces.
So, Wei’s story finishes here! Next up will be Wu’s story!
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milehighdad · 1 year
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柴田勝家。 朝倉家滅亡後、一向一揆を平定。1575年築城。城や家の屋根が石製の瓦だったとされ、天守は7層構造で、安土城に匹敵する大きさの巨城だったとされる(ルイス・フロイスの史書、秀吉の手紙)。 賤ヶ岳の合戦で敗退、1583年、北ノ庄の戦いで、秀吉に敗北。お市の方とともに自害、焼失。 Kitanosho Castle. Katsuie Shibata.
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hono-7 · 1 year
加藤清正の虎退治は本当なの?実際の虎退治は嘘? #加藤清正 #どうする家康 #ほのぼの日本史
        加藤清正かとう きよまさ、熊本では清正公が「せいしょこ」と呼ばれ、せいしょこさんとも親しまれる人気っぷり。その加藤清正かとう きよまさ本人は武勇に優れ、そして政治に築城にと多彩な才能を発揮した人物です。   特に武働きでは賤ヶ岳の七本槍とも謳われ、加藤清正かとう きよまさの虎退治、という勇猛果敢さも知らない人はいないのではないでしょうか。しかしこの加藤清正かとう きよまさの虎退治、真実とは違うとはご存知ですか?   今回はこの加藤清正かとう きよまさの虎退治について、お話したいと思います。     加藤清正の虎退治   まずは加藤清正かとう…
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城、1年とかで出来るのかと考えると出来るのだろうな 着工はいつあったか知らないところだけれども
秀吉は賤ヶ岳の戦いで織田家の首席家老 柴田勝家に勝利 🐒
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ひでよしに ぞくするか
裁き方を予防と銘打つこと1番大事だっ'て言ってる人がいる、なんでがどうやってに取って代わられる、弁明に主張としての自己など淘汰されていく 外に流されていく
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soundstory-ss · 1 year
■公演日  2021年3月11日(木)~14日(日) ■劇場  シアターサンモール ■作・演出  伊藤マサミ ■Cast  歌野いろは:舞原鈴  源義経:千田京平  神谷聖:健人  ジャンヌ・ダルク:矢澤梨央  西部・メイ・義花:楠世蓮  ビリー・ザ・キッド:石渡真修  壬生野誠:早乙女じょうじ  斎藤一:伊藤マサミ  氷川桔梗:かおりかりん  明智光秀(イケメン戦国THE STAGEより):橋本全一  ロマ・クラリス:深桜ありさ  ネロ・クラウディウス・カサエル・アウグストゥス・ゲルマニクス:汐崎アイル  賤ヶ岳槍弥:本田昂也  加藤清正:伊藤孝太郎  徒花海斗:松岡侑李  シュバリエ・デオン:齋藤千尋  切馬夜人:SUMIO  アーロン・コスミンスキー:土居健蔵  帝・マリエッタ・鞠絵:窪田ゆうり  バートリ・エルジェーベト:山田せいら  三国王魏:田辺レオ  曹操:芹澤良  住良木和:浪川大輔(声の出演) ・Emperor Strikers  高田紋吉  林田寛之  望月祐治  橋本直也  打出菜摘  相ヶ瀬龍史  小野流星  花崎ほの香  雨宮光 ■Staff  脚本・演出:伊藤マサミ  演出助手:水沢まな美  舞台監督:森貴裕  音響:志水れいこ  音響操作:古川直幸、小薗詩歩、宮下奏  照明:島田雄峰  ムービングライト:紺野浩史  美術:宮坂貴司  音楽:今泉翔  映像:常光博武  殺陣振付:根本太樹、芹澤良  ダンス振付:山田せいら  衣裳デザイン・製作:小泉美都  衣裳統括:かおりかりん  小道具協力:儀間裕士  ヘアメイク:青山亜耶  ヘアメイク協力:今村千恵実  スチール撮影・デザイン:圓岡淳  フライヤー・ロゴデザイン:YOH  DVD撮影:SAIRO  制作協力:小野智美  制作補佐:山口由希/小島麻奈未/雨宮光  制作統括:舞原鈴  主催:株式会社フォーチュレスト 『イケメン戦国 THE STAGE』協力  主催:イケメン戦国THE STAGE製作委員会  原作:株式会社CYBIRD「イケメン戦国◆時をかける恋」  企画・制作・製作幹事:株式会社LEGEND STAGE  衣裳:株式会社藤衣裳  ヘアメイク:小熊清美 ■あらすじ[公式より] 「歌野いろは」はデザイン会社に勤める平凡すぎる女性。 承認欲求を持たず、とにかく目立たず平和に生きることをモットーとしている。  彼氏:アリ(2次元)  趣味:ゲーム・妄想 そんな彼女が唯一熱中できるものは「アプリゲーム」そしていろはは出会ってしまった。  なんでも願いが叶うゲーム  ―『EMPEROR WARS』― それは登録するが最後、始まるは死と隣り合わせのデスゲーム いろはに襲い掛かる異形の怪物。その時、いろはを助けたのは、蒼き衣を身にまとった青年。 名を…―源義経― 「行くぞ、紫の旅だ―――。」 進戯団 夢命クラシックスが贈る アプリ×偉人×バディ×トイ×デスゲーム 5本の柱で紡ぐ、新感覚のエンターテイメントサスペンス活劇!
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omiearthdiver · 2 years
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ツアー「賤ヶ岳と余呉湖」に参加。 #余呉湖 #賤ヶ岳 #伊香郡 #長浜市 #滋賀県 #近江アースダイバー #近江学 (賤ヶ岳) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcHpD_fLX6D/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mokuson2015 · 4 months
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oceankingworrior · 3 years
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琵琶湖の源流の一つである余呉湖。ここはかつて古戦場だったそうです。#戦国時代 #古戦場 #羽柴秀吉 #豊臣秀吉 #賤ヶ岳古戦場 #賤ヶ岳 #柴田勝家 #余呉湖 #滋賀県 (at 余呉湖) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTfd1gRvzMK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mogu359 · 5 months
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とうむそ写真部 tkrbw photo club
とうむそ写真部撮影会_天命の章5_3 2024 フォトまとめ7 【天命の章】賤ヶ岳の戦い・歪みゆく天下
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rioron-h · 9 months
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[撮影]Switch TVモード
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yeonchi · 5 months
Warriors Orochi: The Recollective Redux Part 2.2: Shu Side Stages
Some conditions in this have been made easier than in the original game, particularly with Musashi.
Chapter 2-X: Ambush at Nanzhong 南中突破戦 (uses DW5 Battle of Nanzhong map)
Coalition Army and Jiang Wei Army vs. Orochi Army Allied characters: Zhao Yun, Yoshihiro Shimazu, Toyohisa Shimazu, Ginchiyo Tachibana Third-party characters: Jiang Wei Enemy characters: Zhang He, Daqiao
Unlockable character: Jiang Wei
Clear Chapter 1 to unlock this stage.
Hearing that Zhao Yun has escaped Ueda Castle, Jiang Wei offers to join him. They meet at Nanzhong, where Jiang Wei tells Zhao Yun that the road ahead is blocked by the Orochi Army. Yoshihiro suggests luring them out and Jiang Wei decides to follow this plan. Jiang Wei retreats, leaving Zhao Yun and Yoshihiro to act as bait, luring the enemy units from the west and east.
Be careful not to attack the enemy, otherwise the ambush will fail and enemy pursuit units will arrive from Ueda Castle to reinforce the enemy. If the ambush succeeds, Jiang Wei will be unlocked. Defeat Zhang He and Daqiao to win the battle.
Chapter 3-X: Battle of Shizugatake 賤ヶ岳の戦い
Coalition Army and Hōjō Army vs. Orochi Army Allied characters: Yukimura Sanada, Nobuyuki Sanada, Wei Yan, Yueying Third-party characters: Ujimasa Hōjō, Ujinori Uesugi, Ujinao Hōjō, Norihide Matsuda, Ujiteru Hōjō Enemy characters: Pang De, Cao Ren, Jia Xu, Diamondback
Unlockable character: Pang De
Clear Chapter 3 to unlock this stage.
An uprising led by the Hōjō Army was being forcibly suppressed by the Orochi Army, led by Pang De. Seeing the struggle firsthand, Pang De was ashamed at his cowardice.
Nobuyuki Sanada replaces Teruzumi Akashi in this battle.
On the battlefield, the Hōjō Army will be in the east as enemy ambush troops attack them. Ujimasa and his troops are wavering on whether to stand their ground or surrender to Orochi.
To unlock Pang De, the player needs to rescue at least three Hōjō officers before defeating him.
Chapter 4-X: Escape from Chibi 赤壁逃亡戦
Coalition Army and Okuni Troop vs. Brigand Army Allied characters: Wei Yan, Xingcai Third-party characters: Okuni Enemy characters: Goemon Ishikawa, Kotarō Fūma, Musashi Miyamoto
Unlockable character: Goemon Ishikawa
Clear Chapter 3-X to unlock this stage.
Wei Yan’s treasure was stolen by the master thief Goemon Ishikawa. The treasure was a gift from Liu Bei and was valued by Wei Yan. Wei Yan enlists Xingcai’s help and they set off to the Huarong Pass near the cliffs of Chibi.
Shigekata Tōgō replaces Munenori Yagyū in this battle.
To unlock Goemon, destroy all ten treasure boxes before defeating him. Every time one is destroyed, Goemon will slow down. Goemon’s miscreants along with Kotarō Fūma will stop the player along the way. Okuni will also slow Goemon down as he reaches the ships in the south, forcing him to turn back and head to the ships in the southwest. Musashi will also help Goemon, but upon his defeat, Wei Yan tells him that Goemon stole his treasure, leading him to defect and help to stop Goemon.
Chapter 5-X: Battle of Jieting 街亭の戦い
Coalition Army and Gracia Troop vs. Orochi Army Allied characters: Magoichi Saika, Zhurong, Xingcai Third-party characters: Gracia Enemy characters: Masamune Date, Sun Shangxiang, Lianshi, Kojūrō Katakura, Hisahide Matsunaga, Munenori Yagyū
Unlockable character: Gracia
Clear Chapter 4 to unlock this stage.
Masamune Date set up his camp in Jieting, hoping to force the surrender of Zhao Yun. Zhao Yun sends out Magoichi to lead the battle, accompanied by Zhurong and Xingcai. When they got there, Magoichi sees Gracia and goes to her rescue; in return for finding her, Gracia decides to help Magoichi in this battle.
This is one of few stages where the unlockable character is different from the original. This was done to maintain Masamune’s status as a staunch officer of the Orochi Army (and to account for future appearances in other stories).
More enemy officers will appear around the battlefield, with the addition of playable officers Lianshi, Hisahide Matsunaga and Munenori Yagyū. Lianshi appears in place of Dong Xi, while Hisahide and Munenori are in the south and east respectively.
To unlock Gracia, finish the battle with the pincer attack successful. Otherwise, she will farewell Magoichi and continue wandering the land on her own.
Chapter 6-X: Battle of Tetorigawa 手取川の戦い
Coalition Army and Swordsman Troop vs. Orochi Army Allied characters: Meng Huo, Zhurong Third-party characters: Musashi Miyamoto Enemy characters: Mitsunari Ishida, Lu Bu, Zhang He, Ina, Lu Lingqi, Jia Xu, Kojirō Sasaki
Unlockable character: Musashi Miyamoto
Clear Chapter 6 to unlock this stage.
Meng Huo and Zhurong were sent to Tetorigawa to find Liu Bei, but they discovered a band of swordsmen fighting against Orochi’s forces. The swordsmen were led by the mighty warrior Musashi Miyamoto. Meng Huo and Zhurong rush to his aid.
Lu Lingqi appears in place of Yue Jin in this battle. Shigekata Tōgō replaces Munenori Yagyū in this battle. Jia Xu and Kojirō Sasaki will appear with the enemy reinforcements that Mitsunari sends out.
The unlock conditions for Musashi are easier than in the original game. Open the floodgate within 8 minutes of the start of the battle; his allies can be defeated but Musashi must stay alive.
Chapter 7-X: Battle of Xiliang 西涼の戦い
Coalition Army and Honda Army vs. Orochi Army Allied characters: Yukimura Sanada, Nobuyuki Sanada, Peasant (x3) Third-party characters: Tadakatsu Honda Enemy characters: Dong Zhuo, Lu Bu, Diamondback
Unlockable character: Tadakatsu Honda (1/4)
Clear Chapter 6-X to unlock this stage.
Across the land, people were fleeing from Orochi-controlled territories to escape his rule. Dong Zhuo declared that any caught fleeing would be executed. To demonstrate his point, Dong Zhuo launched an attack on Xiliang. Hearing news of this, Yukimura Sanada rushed to Xiliang to defend the innocent people from slaughter.
Nobuyuki appears alongside his brother in this battle.
This is one of four battles required to unlock Tadakatsu Honda. To impress him, allow all three peasants to escape. A good strategy is to follow them during their advance.
Chapter 8-X: Battle of Mikatagahara 三方ヶ原の戦い
Coalition Army and Zuo Ci Army vs. Orochi Army Allied characters: Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Guan Xing, Zhang Bao, Guan Suo, Xingcai, Bao Sanniang, Guan Yinping, Fa Zheng Third-party characters: Zuo Ci, Xiahou Dun Enemy characters: Orochi, Dong Zhuo, Lu Bu, Chen Gong, Diamondback
Unlockable character: Lu Bu (1/4)
In Chapter 7, escape Edo Castle with your allies within 3 minutes (originally 2) after the fire attack starts to unlock this stage.
After the battle of Edo Castle, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei turned upon Orochi to atone for their past sins. Following them were their children, accompanied by the strategist Fa Zheng. In response, Orochi sent Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu to put down this insurrection.
The only allied generic officer on the battlefield is Zhou Cang. With the exception of Fa Zheng, all other generic officers have been replaced with the Guan/Zhang babies and Bao Sanniang.
Orochi will appear in this battle if Chapter 8 has been cleared.
This is one of four battles required to unlock Lu Bu. To impress him, just defeat him without running away from him.
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